Comann Ceilteach Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann
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Comann Ceilteach Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann The society's first incarnation was founded in 1837, meaning that 2017 is our 180th anniversary!
'S e An Comann Ceilteach aon de na comainn as sine aig Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann agus 's ann airson a h-uile duine aig a bheil ùidh ann an cànan is cultar nan Gàidheal is na Gàidhealtachd a tha e. Tha Comann Ceilteach Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann airson a' Ghàidhlig agus an cultar Gàidhealach a bhrosnachadh agus a dhìon ann am prìomh-bhaile na h-Alba. Is e dòigh mhath chuideachdail a th' ann airson tlachd a
Thig còmhla rinn Diardaoin airson geamannan bùird a chluich! Thoir leat geam sam bith a tha thu airson a chluich.
Join us on Thursday for playing some board games, bring any games along that you would like to play.
Tha cearcall crochet sònraichte gu bhith againn a-màireach, bidh leasan beag ann dhaibhsan nach eil air crochet no fighe roimhe!
We'll have a small class for anyone who hasn't crocheted or knitted at our Cearcall crochet tomorrow! Yarn and hooks/needles provided! ;))
Thig còmhla rinn airson cuairt agus còmhradh timcheall Blackford Hill. An uairsin is dòcha airson deochan às deidh sin.
Join us for a walk and talk around Blackford hill and then maybe for a drink as well afterwards.
Tha an tachartas as fheàrr leibh air ais am-bliadhna! Bidh sinn anns an Chaplaincy gach Dimàirt eadar 2-4f a' dèanamh beagan crochet no fighe (no craft sam bith eile!), thig a chèilidh oirnn!
Everyone's fave event is back! We'll be in the chaplaincy between 2 and 4 each Tuesday for Cearcall Crochet! Come and say hi with your knitting or crochet or any craft you fancy. (And if you don't crochet yet what better way to start!) Chì sinn ann thu!
Chan eil na tachartasan againn a tòiseachadh gus an ath-sheachdain ach bidh sinn a coinneachadh son cofaidh is cabadaich neo-fhoirmeil Diardaoin so thig còmhla rinn gu Café aig the Islander!
We hope your year has got off to a fab start! Our events for the semester aren’t starting till next week but come with us for a coffee and a wee bit of Gaelic at the Islander this Thursday!
Fàilte gu Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann! 😁 Agus fàilte air ais ma tha thu a' tilleadh dhan Oilthigh am bliadhna-sa!
Is sinne Gàidhlig aig ODÈ. Air an duilleag seo, gheibh thu fiosrachadh mu thachartasan, chothroman agus naidheachdan Gàidhlig aig an Oilthigh agus sa bhaile mhòr.
Cleachd an ceangal gu h-ìosal airson a' chuairt-litir agus làrach-lìn againn far am faigh thu goireasan Gàidhlig agus fiosrachadh mun obair againn.
Ag iarraidh barrachd air sin? Nach lean thu Teagasg aig ODÈ and Comann Ceilteach Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann?
Welcome to the University of Edinburgh! 😁🙌 And welcome back if you are returning to the University this year!
We are Gaelic at UoE. Here, you will find information about Gaelic events, opportunities and news at the University and in the city.
Use the link below for our newsletter and website where you will find Gaelic resources and information about our work.
Want more? Why not follow Teagasg aig ODÈ and Comann Ceilteach Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann?
Tachartas mu dheireadh ann an seachdain inntigridh 2024 a-màireach! Tha sinn dol dhan Phleasance son cofaidh is cabadaich, thigibh còmhla rinn!
Come to pleasance with us for coffee and a blether for the last event of welcome week! Open to any level of Gaelic!
Are you interested in singing in Scottish Gaelic?
Then come and join us!
Any level of Gaelic is welcome!
Còisir Dhùn Èideann / Edinburgh Gaelic Choir We have now started our Winter term. You are welcome to join us at any point in the term. Còisir Dhùn Èideann (Edinburgh Gaelic Choir) meets for rehearsals;
Tha sinn an dòchas gu bheil an t-sìde dol a bhith math dhuinn a-màireach 🤞 agus gum faic sinn ann thu air a Mheadows aig 2f son picnic. Tha sinn a' cuir fàilte air a h-uile duine :)
We hope that the weather will be kind to us tomorrow and that we’ll see you at our welcome picnic on the meadows! We’ll be there at 2 and everyone is more than welcome:)
Tha sinn air bhioran airson a' chiad tachartas den Seachdain Inntigridh a-màireach, thig cuide rinn a Drouthys airson oidhche spòrsail! Bi ann no bi fann!
Bu toil leinn fàilte (agus fàilte air ais!) a chuir oirbh leis na tachartasan inntigridh againn! Chì sinn ann sibh!
Oidhche Shòisealta Diluain, picnic Dihaoine agus Cofaidh is Cabadaich Disathairne! Bidh sinn aig an Activities Fair fad Diardaoin cuideachd.
Cùm sùil a-mach son barrachd fiosrachaidh an seo!!
We can’t wait to welcome everyone back at welcome week next week! Look forward to seeing you at our pub social on Tuesday, a picnic in the Meadows on Friday and a conversation circle on Saturday. We’ll also have a stall at the Activities Fair on Thursday, come and say hi!
Keep your eyes peeled for more info on here!
(Beurla gu h-ìosal / English Below)
Chòrd an turas dhan Eilean Sgitheanach rinn uile! Abair turas sgoinneil. Chaidh sinn dhan taigh-staile Thorabhaig, a’ kayakadh còmhla ri Janni is a sgioba agus air cuairt dhan cnoc Armadail. Bha Melvin a teagasg ar buidheann le luchd-ionnsachaidh agus abair obair a rinn e, dh’ ionnsaich na oileanaich uile tòrr Gàidhlig! Dh’ ionnsaich am buidheann eile tòrr bho Caoimhín, a bha a toirt suil air na goireasan Ghàidhlig a rinn e- uabhasach inntinneach! Cuideachd feumaidh sinn taing a thoirt do Chaoimhín airson ar cuideachadh tron t-seachdain.
Mìle mìle taing dhan sgioba air fad aig Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, gu sònraichte gu Jennie airson taic anabarrach a thoirt dhuinn. Barrachd air sin mìle taing gu Eilidh, Cairistiona agus Christine Primrose airson fàilte chridheil a chur dhuinn.
Mìle taing dhan Flora MacDonald Hostel far an do dh’fhuirich sinn! Taing a h-uile duine airson tighinn!
Taing mhòr gu Bòrd na Gàidhlig ( airson taic-airgid airson an turas a chuir air dòigh.
(Ma tha thu a’ leughadh seo agus brònach gun do chaill thu a-mach, bidh sinn a’ dol a dh’àite eile an ath-bhliadhna!)
Às dèidh ar AGM tha Comataidh ùr 2024/25 againn. Mìle mìle taing dhan h-uile duine a bha air a bhith ag obair cho cruaidh am bliadhna!
Welcome to our new 2024/25 committee! And thank you so much to everyone who's worked so hard on committee this year! More information on our new committee and any EGMs will be following soon.
AGM a-nochd! Seo na dreuchdan a tha sinn a' sireadh. Bidh sinn ann an 1.18 40 Ceàrnag Sheòrais aig 7f. Bidh ann no bidh fann! Tha ceangal teams air a chunntas seo mura h-eil cothrom agad tighinn aghaidh ri aghaidh!
Our AGM is tonight! Here are the roles we'll be filling. We'll be in 1.18 40 George Square and there's a link for the teams meeting on this insta account if you can't be there in person. Looking forward to seeing you there!
🤩Seall air a’ chruinneachadh iongantach seo de luchd-ciùil a bhios uile mar phàirt den fhèis Cheann-bliadhna againn air an Dihaoine mu dheireadh sa Chèitean!
// Anniversary line up!
🎵Cuimhnich! 03/05/24 cuideachd.
//Josie Duncan singing circle also on 3rd May
Tha sinn air bhioran ag innse dhuibh gu bheil coinneamh choitcheann bhliadhnail gus a bhith againn air an 30mh latha dhen Ghiblean. Tha barrrachd fiosrachaidh mu dheidhinn dreuchdan a' tighinn. A' coimhead air adhairt ri ur faicinn ann!
Tachartas ùr - Turas dhan Eilean Sgitheanach ⛰️🌊
Tha an Comann Ceilteach aig Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann a' dol dhan Eilean Sgitheanach, tha sinn a' cur fàilte air a h-uile duine.
Lorgar barrachd fiosrachaidh an seo🔗👇
· Bi ann no bi fann ·
Comann Ceilteach Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann Gàidhlig aig Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann
Tha na sign-ups fosgailte, ach chan eil mòran àiteachan air fhàgail agus feumaidh sinn na deposits a dh'aithghearr
Our sign up sheet for the trip is open, but there aren’t many spaces left, so make sure to get your deposits in soon!
Tha sinn a’ coimhead air adhart ri ur faicinn ann!
📢 CO-CHOMHAIRLE BEÒ! 📢 Tha sinn a' sireadh do bheachdan... 👀
Tha Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann a' leasachadh Plana Gàidhlig airson 2025-2030. Tha sinn ag iarraidh cluinntinn BHUAT air na gealltanasan a th' anns an Dreachd Plana Gàidhlig 2025-2030.
Cuir freagairt dhan cho-chomhairle air loidhne aig
Co-chomhairle fosgailte gu 23:59 air Dimàirt 30 Giblean.
Bidh sinn a' cur a' cho-chomhairle air bho gu h-oifigeil a-nochd aig Òraid Bhliadhnail Taigh Mhoireibh, 5f, Godfrey Thomson Hall.
Moray House School of Education and Sport School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures, University of Edinburgh Capital Gaelic Teagasg aig ODÈ Comann Ceilteach Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann
A-màireach!!! (Dealbh bho Isla ar Oifigear Gàidhlig) chì sinn sibh a-màireach aig 6f. Bidh snacks is deagh craic ann🌞
An Comann Ceilteach – Turas dhan Eilean Sgitheanach 2024 Trip to Skye We are happy to announce that the society has organised a trip to Skye this year We will be going during the Easter break 15/04/2024-19/04/2024 You can find our itinerary below to see what we have planned for the trip. The trip will cost £105 per person, a bargain price for a week tran...
Tiocaidean an seo:
Tickets here:
Tiocaidean an seo:
Tickets here:
Please apply for our adaptable, highly paid, jobs!
1. 👀 Coordination Assistant. £960 for equiv. of 6 days/mnth.
2. 👀: Grphc Dsgn/ Socials Assistance. £400+ for max 3 days/mnth.
We can adapt the jobs, incl.; job-share, remote work, Gaelic support.
We have funds to help with 🚐 + 🏠
🏴le taic bho Creative Scotland
Full details in Gaelic and English:
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.
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