The Gospel Hall, Shieldhill

We are a group of Christians who seek to carry out the simplicity of New Testament church truth.


This week we read in Acts ch 17 v 16 to 34. These verses record a piece of history regarding the Apostle Paul’s visit to the city of Athens, a city he found “wholly given to idolatry”, one where there were many gods made of different materials, worshipped by many different people and cultures. This resembles our country in 2024.

In Athens, Paul disputed with the Jews in the synagogue and with other devout persons daily, including some philosophers. A group of these people were Epicureans, they believed that gods existed but had no interest in human affairs and denying any future life and were only concerned with health and happiness. Whereas, the Stoics, they did not believe in deities, supernatural powers and believed that men should live in harmony with nature. When Paul spoke regarding the Lord Jesus and His resurrection from the dead, the people called him a babbler, and one who had strange teachings.

Paul was taken by the people to the Areopagus (Mars Hill) and asked him to explain what he was teaching. Paul told them they were all too superstitious, they even had an altar named “ TO THE UNKNOWN GOD” whom they ignorantly worshipped, this is the God which Paul declared to them.

Paul told them that God created all things in heaven and earth, did not live in temples made by man, needed nothing of man at all, as he was the giver of life to all, this is the God that is not far from anyone, and in him we live move and have our very being. God created all mankind from one blood, and as we are his offspring, he is not made by man and of any materials.

The people were ignorantly worshipping God, and God was prepared to overlook this ignorance, and command ALL MEN EVERYWHERE TO REPENT. Why you may ask? The answer is in v 31, “ God has appointed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness, by that man whom he hath ordained (His Son the Lord Jesus) wherefore He (God) hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised Him (the Lord Jesus) from the dead”. We also read in 1 Corinthians 15 v 3 and 4 that “Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures”.

The response from those that heard what Paul preached was varied, some mocked Paul, some said they would come back and hear him again on this matter but praise God as Paul departed some followed him and believed on the Lord Jesus and were saved. What will your response be to the Gospel? To mock? To ignore? Or will you believe and be saved in time for eternity and be assured of a home in heaven?


Come along tonight to kids club at 6.30pm 🥳

⭐️ songs
⭐️ games
⭐️ craft
⭐️ Bible story
⭐️ prizes


Reminder: August kids club tomorrow at 6.30pm


Our Bible verse this week was John 12 v 36 (see image).

In life it is good to get warnings about things which we are not aware of. These warnings allow us to take the required action to avoid any issues that may occur. Our verse has 4 warnings or instructions given regarding the “LIGHT”. The light in this verse describes the Lord Jesus.

In John ch 8 Jesus tells us “ I am the light of the world”. He also says the same in John ch 9 when he gives the blind man his sight back. Then in John ch 12 v 46, the Lord Jesus says ”I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth in me should not abide in darkness”. Darkness in the Bible, is a description of mankind's sinful state. John ch 3 v 19 tells us “men love darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil”.

The first warning is THE RESIDENCE OF THE LIGHT- “ while ye have the light", this light is the eternal Son of God, the Saviour of the world, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the light of the world. He is here today ready willing and able to save those that will come to him in faith.

The second warning is THE RESPONSE TO THE LIGHT- “believe the light”, the Lord Jesus is asking the people in that day and us today to believe in him, by faith repenting of our sin, and trusting him as our Saviour.

The third warning is THE RESULT OF THE LIGHT - “ that ye maybe the children of light”, by trusting the Lord Jesus freedom from darkness (sin) is given. Colossians ch 3 v 13 tells us “He (God) has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom (of light) of his beloved Son”.

The fourth warning is THE REMOVAL OF THE LIGHT” - “Jesus departed and hid himself from them”, the light was removed from the people in that day. God also says in Genesis ch 6 v 3 “my spirit shall not always strive with man forever”. Also, Job ch 33 v 14 says “For God speaketh once yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not”. This warning is solemn, as God can remove man’s spirit (life) at any time if the warnings above are not heeded. We are told in Hebrews ch 10 v 31 that “it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God”.

We would urge you to consider these warnings in our verse today and heed the instruction in Isaiah 55 v 6: “ Seek ye the Lord (the light) while he may be found, call (believe) ye upon him while he is near”.


This week the question was asked: Whats the purpose of a Gospel meeting/message?The answer can be found in John ch 20 v 30 & 31 (see image).

The Gospel of John covers much of the Lord Jesus’ ministry in Judaea and portrays Jesus discoursing at length on theological matters.

John ch 1 tell us about the eternal existence of the Lord Jesus as the “eternal Word “ and the Word was God, so we know that the Lord Jesus was God (v1 & 2). He is then described as Life itself and the Light of men (mankind), and the darkness (sin) of this world could not diminish His Light and Life (v 4 &5). We are then told He came to his own (the world that he created) and it did not want him, but those that believe on Him, He gave them the right to become Sons of God (v11-14). John tells us the Eternal Word, became a man and lived among us, and they beheld his Glory, we read that up until then the only one that had seen the Lord Jesus was God the Father, and the Lord Jesus had come to declare God the Father to this world (v18).

John the Baptist is used as a forerunner to proclaim that the Lord Jesus would come into this world and save sinners. He was asked of the Pharisees if he was the Christ, and he answered that he was not worthy to tie the laces of the sandals of the true Christ. John declares, speaking of the Lord Jesus” Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world” (ch 1 v 29). Two of John Baptist disciples then leave him and follow the Lord Jesus.

The first words spoken by the Lord Jesus are recorded in John 1 v 38: “ what seek ye”. The 2 disciples then asked: “ where dwells thou?” The Lord Jesus’s response was “Come and see”. This is John's way of telling us that we need to seek the Lord Jesus for salvation, and he then goes on to tells about various people that came to the Lord Jesus in faith and believed in Him.

In John ch 3, the Lord Jesus met Nicodemus, a Pharisee by night, and tells him he must be born again(saved from sin) and tells Nicodemus how this can be so. The Lord Jesus travels through Samaria to meet a woman at a well, asks her for a drink which then leads to a discourse regarding the sin in her life, reveals to her the need for “ living water" which is eternal life, and teaches her how to worship God (ch 4). The woman declares to her fellows “Come see a man which told me all things that ever i did: is not this the Christ” and many believed on the Lord Jesus.

We could continue through John’s gospel and see many more lives the Lord touched. The Lord Jesus heals a man paralysed for 38 years at the pool of Bethesda (ch 5). A multitude are fed by the Lord Jesus with 5 loaves and 2 fish (ch 6). The sin of a woman taken in adultery is forgiven (ch 8 ) and he gives sight to a blind man by applying clay to his eyes (ch 9). In ch 10 the Lord Jesus declares Himself as the good shepherd that gives his life for the sheep (all sinners) and then raises Lazarus from the dead (ch 11). These are just a few examples of the Lord Jesus declaring that He is the Son of God, showing this by signs and miracles and meeting the need of many different folks, and displaying His power to do so as the eternal Son of God.

We would implore you to come to the Lord Jesus today, and have your sins forgiven and be made right with God in time for eternity.

We leave a verse for your consideration found in John 3 v 36: “He (anyone) that believeth on the Son(Lord Jesus) hath everlasting life: He that believeth not the Son shall not see life: but the wrath of God abideth on him".


All ready to welcome you back to the baby and toddler group tomorrow. See you at 9.30 am - new faces welcome 🥰


Reminder: Baby and toddler group resumes tomorrow at 9.30 am. Look forward to seeing you all there!


This week we were looking at 4 bible verses, each with a question:

1) Ezra 9 v 10: “ And Now O our God, WHAT SHALL WE SAY AFTER THIS ? for we have forsaken thy commandments”




Ezra the prophet is telling the people of Israel that they have disobeyed God's commandments, but God has been merciful to Israel and not utterly destroyed them, and the question is then asked by Ezra. This is a picture of mankind’s sin before a holy God. We deserve to be punished for our sin, but God is merciful toward us, and therefore we can ask the question: “ what shall we say after this?’ We need to respond in repentance and faith towards God for salvation from our sin, which is provided by the sacrificial death of our Lord Jesus at the Cross of Calvary.

In Mark’s Gospel, the Lord Jesus is speaking , and he asks the question above, and in the next verse 37 asks “ what shall a man give in exchange for his soul”. Humans are tripartite, that means all share three things BODY, SOUL AND SPIRIT. When a person dies the BODY is put in a grave, the SPIRIT (life) returns to God who gave it, but the SOUL is eternal and has two destinations, which are Heaven or Hell. A major decision is required by all to answer the Lord Jesus’s question, and where the soul’s destiny will be; the believer in the Lord Jesus will go to heaven whereas the unbeliever will spend eternity in Hell, which is prepared for the devil and his angels.

In Matthew’s gospel, Pilot is listening to the accusations against the Lord Jesus by the chief priests and elders. We are told in another gospel that Pilot could find no fault with the Lord Jesus, which is so true as he was the sinless Son of God, Pilot then asked the question above, and the response from the crowd is to crucify the Lord Jesus. They were fulfilling scripture (John 1 v 11 “ he came unto his own , and his own received him not” ) where his own people rejected him and put him to death. However, v12 tells us “ but as many as received him to them gave he the power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.” What will you do with Jesus Christ?.

In Peter’s epistle he asks the above question, regarding those who do not obey the gospel of God. The result is eternal separation from God throughout eternity, and to be banished to the Lake of Fire, a place of ever lasting punishment (Revelation 20 v 15).

There is a hymn where the chorus says: “What will you do with Jesus? Neutral you cannot be; Someday your heart will be asking what will He do with me?”

We would plead with you to accept the Lord Jesus as Saviour today and you will never need to ask these four questions.


This week we read Luke 13 v 23-29 and Acts 16 v 30&31.

The 2024 Olympic games in Paris have brought many athletes of different disciplines from around the world to compete to win the gold medals. Each and every competitor has been striving since the last Olympics or over the past 4 years preparing for this event. They have been training, eating properly, not doing things with friends, giving up some of life pleasures and focusing on the goal of winning a gold medal.

In our first verses, the Lord Jesus is asked “are there few that be saved?” The Lord Jesus replied “STRIVE to enter in at the strait (narrow) gate, for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able”. These verses tell us that the Gospel message is very informative and needs a response, and a choice has to be made to accept it or reject it. There are no restrictions for any who hear the Gospel as in verse 29 the Lord Jesus tells the person, “ they shall come from the East and from the West, and from the North, and from the South and shall sit down in the kingdom of God”.

Our ATTITUDE to the Gospel is key, just like the athlete at the Olympics has to put all things aside to gain the gold medal, the sinner has to put all things aside (STRIVE) to obtain salvation. It is not of self, family, friends, education, money or anything of this world’s pleasures; it’s about getting right with God, repenting of sin and accepting His Son the Lord Jesus as Saviour.

The AVAILABILITY of the Gospel is also key. It is to the WHOSOEVER, it’s available to all who come to God in faith. The jailer in our second 2 verses realised his need and asked the question “Sirs what must i do to be saved”?, Paul & Silas responded “ Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved”.

There is also an AFTERWARDS regarding the Gospel. At the Olympics there are winners and losers; but with the Gospel there are SAVED or LOST. Those that strive to believe the Gospel will be saved and as the Lord Jesus said in verse 29, they shall sit down in the Kingdom of God( Heaven). Those that strive to reject the Gospel will be like those in the Lord’s response in verse 25 “I know ye not whence ye are” and they will not enter into the kingdom because they have not believed the Gospel and received salvation.

John 3 v 36 says “ He that believeth on the Son, hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him”. We would urge you to strive and enter the strait gate and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ today.


This week we read in Acts ch 8 v 26-40, the record of the Ethiopian eu**ch and how he was saved and baptised. Philip the evangelist had been preaching in Samaria, with many people hearing the gospel and being saved. A great work was done in that place.

The angel of the Lord spoke to Philip and instructed him to go from Jerusalem to Gaza, a desert place. When Philip arrived he found a man of Ethiopia, a eu**ch, who was in charge of all the treasury of the Queen Candace, he had been at Jerusalem to worship. The eu**ch had a desire to seek God and took a pilgrimage to Jerusalem but his country of origin, his physical condition and his beliefs meant he was not naturally accepted into the Jewish culture and beliefs and systems of worship. He was travelling home disappointed but was reading the portion of scripture in Isaiah.

God had a purpose for this man even though he had been rejected by the Jewish system. We read in Isaiah 56 v 3-8 that God had made provision for the stranger, the eu**ch and others (Gentiles) to be gathered to himself. Verse 8 says “ the Lord God, which gathereth the outcasts of Israel saith,Yet will I gather OTHERS to him, beside those that are gathered unto him”.

The eu**ch was in his chariot reading Isaiah 53 v7-12. Philip by the prompting of the Holy Spirit joined him in the chariot and asked if he understood what he was reading. The eu**ch said he did not and asked for help to understand whom the prophet was speaking about. Philip then spoke to him about the Lord Jesus. The Bible does not record the actual words of Philip, but the response that came from the eu**ch would suggest that Philip had told him the Lord Jesus was the eternal son of God, who had died on the cross at Calvary for the sin of the world, and rose again from the dead.

The eu**ch then stopped the chariot when they came to an oasis of water and asked “what doth hinder me to be baptised”. Philip’s response was “ If thou believes with all thine heart, thou mayest”. The eu**ch’s response was “ I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God”. They both went down into the water and Philip baptised the eu**ch by full emersion in the water. The Spirit of the Lord then took Philip away and the eu**ch went on his way home rejoicing in his Lord and Saviour.

Have you met the Saviour yet? Do you know what it is to be saved from your sin? The eu**ch did not find an answer in customs, ordinances or a specific religion. He found salvation in a person and that person is the Lord Jesus Christ and him only. Come to the Lord Jesus today and be saved in time for all eternity.

Photos from The Gospel Hall, Shieldhill's post 26/07/2024

Summer Timeout was back tonight 🎉 was great to see all who came.

Our story was about a man called Samson.
Gods job for Samson was to deliver his people the Israelites from their enemies the Philistines.

The spirit of the Lord came upon him and gave him great strength to do so. But, God told Samson not to cut his hair or his strength would be lost.

Samson was tricked, his hair was cut and his strength left him and the spirit of the Lord departed from him. Samson was captured.

The Philistines celebrated. But God hadn’t finished.
Samson was brought before the Philistines so they could make fun of him.
But, his hair had grown again, and he prayed to God and asked him for strength. He pulled down the place where they were killing thousands of Philistines.

Romans 8:31
If God be for us who can be against us

We planted seeds to grow Samson’s hair. Who’s will grow the longest……


Remember tonight at 6.30pm 🎉


Reminder: July Kids Club on Friday at 6.30pm! Come along and join in the fun 🥳


Our verses this week are John 1 v 1-5 and 10-17

As an introduction to our verses this week, we could ask the question: What is the Gospel?
The Bible tells us it’s the good news regarding salvation. It also says “It’s the Power of God unto salvation”. In Romans 1v16 Paul tells us that the Gospel is the only message in the world that can powerfully bring a person not just to conversion, but to everlasting safety and joy in the presence of a holy and righteous God.

What is Salvation you may ask? Salvation is the great work of God in which he forgives sin and gives eternal life to believing sinners as a free gift of His grace. Hebrews 2 v 3 says “How shall we escape if we neglect so great Salvation?”Revelation 21 v 27 gives us the answer “and there shall in no wise enter it (Heaven) anything that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life “ (the ones who have received Salvation from God).

There are 3 questions we would put to you about our verses:

1. Who is the Lord Jesus Christ?

John tells us in verse 1 “ In the beginning was the Word (the Lord Jesus), and the Word was with God ,and the Word was God”. Then verse 14 says “the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us.” What John is saying here is the Lord Jesus is God’s eternal son who co-existed with God from eternity and was co-equal with God from eternity. The Lord Jesus was the eternal Son of God that became a man (v 14) and lived on this earth as the Saviour born at Bethlehem of the virgin Mary. The Lord Jesus in Hebrews 1v3 is described as “ the Brightness of His (God’s) glory and the express image of His person and upholding all things by the word of his power”. He is the one who can save people from their sins.

2. What is the Difference between God and Man’s way of Salvation?

Verse 17 tells us that "For the Law came by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ”. Hebrews 7 v 19 tells us that“ for the law made nothing perfect, BUT the bringing of a better hope did”. Man’s way was to have laws, rules, regulations and sacrifices that need to be kept and repeated over and over again. God’s way was to send His only Son to be the Saviour of the world by his death on the cross of Calvary. Man’s way is self righteousness; God’s way is for mankind to be made righteous by his grace and the salvation of your soul.

3. How can we receive this Salvation?

Verses 10- 12 gives us the answer. “He (the Lord Jesus) was in the world ,and the world was made by him , and the world knew him not, He came unto his own, and his own received him not BUT as many as received Him, to them gave he power to become the sons (children) of God, even to them that believe on his name.” This great salvation is is received by simply repenting of your sin, believing by faith ON the Lord Jesus, that he is the eternal Son of God, and that he came from heaven into this world, died on the cross for the sin of the world, was buried and rose again the third day according to the scriptures, and is now seated at God’s right hand. He is willing and able to save to the utmost ALL who will come to him by faith.

We would urge you to come to the Lord Jesus today and be saved for all eternity.


Our Bible verses this week are Luke 2 v 1- 11. This section of Luke’s Gospel tells us that Joseph and Mary went from Nazareth to Bethlehem to be taxed, Joseph was of the house and linage of King David. Also, we are told Mary was Joseph’s espoused wife and was heavily pregnant and her baby was due soon. Once the child was born he was wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger. Local shepherds were told that in the City of David a Saviour was born, who is Christ the Lord.

The question may be asked - Why do we need a Saviour? The answer to that question is that all mankind are sinners in God’s sight. Romans 3 v 23 says “All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God”. We are all born in sin because of the disobedience of the first man, Adam who broke God’s commandment and sin entered the world.

We need a Saviour to save us from our sin. If we continue in our sin we will be punished by God and banished from his presence for all eternity,
The Bible tells us in Revelation 21 v 27 that nothing that defileth, or any abomination, or lies will enter heaven, only those who who are saved. Revelation 20 v 14 tells us that all those that die in their sin are cast into the Lake of Fire and are eternally separated from God.

The Good News from the Bible is that God has provided a way of escape from this eternal punishment. He has provided a Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ, Gods beloved Son. He was born in Bethlehem, he grew up in Nazareth, and at the age of 30 began his public ministry. He did many signs and wonders (miracles) all recorded in the 4 Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, to prove that he came from God and was God’s son and that his purpose was to go to Calvary’s cross to died for your sin. If you repent of your sin and place your faith in him and believe in him as Saviour and Lord, your sins will be forgiven, and be saved for all eternity.

The Bible tells us in Acts 16 v 30 a man asked the question “What must i do to be saved”? The answer from the apostle Paul was “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house”, and he was saved.

Ephesians 2v 8&9 tells us “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:not of works lest any man should boast”. No one can save themselves, no one can work for salvation, it is a free gift from God, all you have to do is by faith accept it. How can this be done you may ask, in Romans 10 v 9 the Bible says “ lThat if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved”.

A Saviour was born. He died for your sin and rose again. He is able and willing to forgive your sin today. Why not by faith repent, believe the Gospel and trust Him as your Saviour today.


Our verse this week was Isaiah ch 45 v 22.

There are 4 statements in this verse and we will look at each one individually.

1. LOOK UNTO ME - The word look in Hebrew means “ Turned”. It was an instruction given to Israel by the prophet to return to their God; this was not just a short glance or a stare, or a sideways look, but to focus fully on their God, just as their forefathers had done in the wilderness at the serpent on the pole when the fiery serpents were put among them as punishment, and they had to LOOK on the brazen serpent to live.

The Lord Jesus spoke of this to Nicodemus in John 3 v 14 “as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up”, speaking of his death on the cross.

2. AND BE YE SAVED - Saved from what you may ask? Saved from the wrath of a holy and righteous God! We need to be saved from our sinful nature as we have all been born in sin and cannot save ourselves, but God has provided a way of salvation for all , by sending his only Son ,the Lord Jesus to be the Saviour of the world, and the Lord Jesus procured that salvation by dying for the sin of the world on the cross at Calvary for all our sins. This is why we need to be saved and made fit for Heaven.

The alternative is if we are not saved and we die in our sin we will be like the man in Luke 16 who died in his sin and lift up his eyes in Hell, a place prepared for the Devil and his angels.

3. ALL THE ENDS OF THE EARTH - This need for salvation apples to everyone, there is none excluded, there are no exceptions, but salvation only comes to those who believe. John 3 v 16 says “ For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH in him, should not perish but have everlasting life.”

John 3 v 36 says “ He (anyone) that believeth on the Son ( the Lord Jesus) hath everlasting life (salvation) and he that believeth not shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” We need to place our faith and trust in the Lord Jesus and believe and be saved.

4. FOR I AM GOD AND THERE IS NONE ELSE - There is only one true God, the Creator and Lord of Heaven and Earth, the Great I AM. There is no-one on this planet earth that is out of the scope of the knowledge of the sovereignty and the authority of God. Man was made in the image of God and man was made to be accountable to God and to worship Him and Him only.

Adam sinned, in the garden of Eden and disobeyed God’s Law. Romans ch 3 v 23 says “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” but God has provided salvation for all from sin, through the Lord Jesus death on the Cross.

That is why we need to look unto God and be saved. This is for all the ends of the earth (everyone). The verse ends by saying “for I Am God and there is none else” telling us there is no salvation in any other!

We urge you to consider this verse and your own standing before a holy and righteous God, believe on his Son and be saved today.


This week our reading was Galatians ch 6 verses 14 and 15 which speaks of the Cross.

The Cross is the most wonderful story in the universe. A.W. Tozer wrote a book called ‘The Modern Smooth Cross’, this is a cross that makes no demands on your life. Whereas, the old rugged cross that the Bible speaks of demands a change. The Apostle Paul could have boasted in many things but he had one boast, it was in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ (v14). 1 Cor ch 1 v 18 says “The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness”, to those that don’t believe the Cross has no meaning or purpose.

In Galatians ch 5 v 11 we read of the offence of the cross. We cannot get to Heaven by good works, or by being self righteous, being dependent on self.

The Bible tells us of the blood of the Cross. The death of Christ was an accomplishment not an accident. The Lord Jesus Christ had a not guilty verdict but still died on the Cross for our sins. The Bible tells us without the shedding of blood there could be no forgiveness for our sins. What does the Cross mean to you? You must recognise that your sin put God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross and come to Him for forgiveness. He is the only way to Heaven! “Behold now is the accepted time, behold now is the day of salvation”. (2 Cor 6 v 2).

Hebrews ch 12 v 3 tells us that Christ endured the Cross. God was pleased to give His Son for us, it was the greatest sacrifice! He was not left on the Cross, He rose again the third day. He is alive! There is no sepulchre or gravestone for Christ as He is alive. The words on the Garden tomb in Jerusalem say “He is not here; he is risen”.

Lastly there was the cost of the Cross. He was wounded for our transgressions. One of our preachers used to say that the last sight a sinner will ever see is the wounded hands of Christ. Calvary cost too much to God to let a sinner forget! Your soul was so valuable that Christ hung on the Cross for you, that you may be in Heaven. This is one of life’s greatest decisions, don’t delay! Mark 8 v 36 says: “What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”

Photos from The Gospel Hall, Shieldhill's post 28/06/2024

Our Summer catch-up for kids club was tonight. We sang all our action songs, played the fishing game then heard how Moses crossed the Red Sea. We even made biscuits with Moses crossing the Red Sea! 🌊 🐟🐟🐟 Remember God always makes a way we just need to be patient and trust Him!

Remember we are back the last Friday of July for another fun session! Look forward to seeing you all again then 🥳


Kids club tonight 6.30pm to 7.30pm.
All welcome 🥳


Kids club tomorrow at 6.30pm.
Hope to see you there for some songs, a story, craft and prizes!


This week we were looking at 3 verses: 1 Kings 18 v 20-22, John 3 v 16 &17 and John 1 v 12

We all have to make choices and decisions in life: what school we go to, what kind of job we would like to do, who we may marry, what kind of car to drive, what house to buy, what clothes to wear,etc. Sometimes we make choices or decisions that we regret or have made errors of judgement about. We don’t always get it right!
There is one choice or decision that we need to make regarding our eternal soul. We must think very carefully about our souls eternal destiny.

There was a man in the early part of our Bible, called Joshua, he spoke to the people of Israel who worshipped a false god called Baal,
Joshua asked them to “Choose ye this day whom ye will serve”. He said “but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord”. Joshua made a choice for the Lord that day, what will your choice be?

In our first text, we have the Prophet Elijah on his own against the 450 prophets of Baal. Elijah asks the people“ how long halt ye between two opinions?” The people had to make a choice as their wicked king was leading them to worship the false god, and Elijah wanted them to worship the true God of Heaven. A contest of fire was arranged, 2 altars were built and a sacrifice was to be put on the altar, and whatever god responded to the calls of the respective prophets with fire to burn the sacrifice was to be recognised as the true god. Baal’s prophets cried all day and nothing happened. Elijah then poured water over his sacrifice and called upon the God of Heaven who sent down fire and consumed the whole sacrifice. The people then made the choice to serve the living and true God of Heaven.

The second text is a DEMONSTRATION OF GREAT LOVE. God in his infinite love toward the world sent his only Son to be our Saviour. Anyone who believes on him and his sin sacrifice on the cross at Calvary can receive eternal life and not perish. This is a choice or decision that everyone must make for salvation. To neglect this is to make a choice or decision which leads to that one having to perish eternally.

The third text is a result of the correct choice or decision - TO BECOME A CHILD OF GOD. Anyone who hears the Gospel of Jesus Christ and believes in his heart that God raised Christ from the dead will be saved in time for all eternity (Romans 10 v 9) .

We would urge you to consider your soul’s eternal destiny today and make the correct choice or decision by accepting the Lord Jesus as your Saviour.

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Videos (show all)

Blowing away the cobwebs
We had a newbie trying out the actions tonight until he bailed 🤣🎶
Fast track rendition of “My God is so big” at Kids Club tonight. Reminder: we are off next Friday as the schools are on ...



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Wednesday 9:30am - 11am
7pm - 8pm
Friday 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Sunday 10:30am - 11:30am
3:30pm - 5pm

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Falkirk, FK1

Forum for supporting dialogue between people of different faiths in Stirling, Falkirk and Clackmanna

Falkirk Central Mosque - Anwar E Madina Falkirk Central Mosque - Anwar E Madina
10 Burnhead Lane
Falkirk, FK11UG


Laudato Si Circle Falkirk Laudato Si Circle Falkirk
St Francis Xavier's Church, Hope Street
Falkirk, FK15AT

We come together to explore ways we can care for Creation and each other, particularly the disadvant

The Braes Spiritualist Church The Braes Spiritualist Church
Brightons Community Hall, Main Street, Brightons
Falkirk, FK20JT

The Braes Spiritualist Church has been founded by Elaine Hoggan, Robert Shaw. They began the process by registering the charity and together with friends and fellow Corinthians, t...

New Falkirk Spiritualist Church New Falkirk Spiritualist Church
Westfield Street
Falkirk, FK29BW

A place for spiritual enlightenment and knowledge

Grahamston United Church Grahamston United Church
Bute Street
Falkirk, FK27

Young Camelon Parish Young Camelon Parish
Brown Street

Miller Hall Miller Hall
Gowan Avenue

Welcome to Miller Hall in Gowan Avenue, Falkirk, Scotland.

RCCG Falkirk Life House Church RCCG Falkirk Life House Church
Falkirk, FK1 4DY

Our message is that Jesus is the answer to the great needs of our time.

Bainsford Parish Church Bainsford Parish Church
Hendry Street
Falkirk, FK27ND