Motion Labs

Over 50? Not happy with your fitness, shape or size? Then do something about it. Happier, healthier and fitter.

At Motion, we help people like you go from 'Damn it' to 'Hot damn'
We'll get you moving and achieving those goals.

Photos from Motion Labs's post 03/08/2024

Another great article in todays Weekend about looking after your knees in midlife and also the importance of training with weights - well worth a read.


Very well said many of which I’ve been preaching too - simple things for the greatest effects


A great article in today’s about having a rock solid core is, well, core to a healthy and functioning body. Recommends the Dead Bug as one of the best core exercises to incorporate into your routine; done right, they’re a great all over ab worker.


Life getting in the way of you getting in shape?

John Lennon said it best: “Life is what happens to you when you’re busy making other plans.”

We get it – you’re busy. With so much going on, finding time to exercise can be tough. Maybe you squeeze in some steps, drink water, and avoid junk food, but real fitness requires more than that.

You need to make time for yourself and invest in your health. Getting fitter doesn’t require hours of effort—just consistency and good habits.

Here’s the simple solution: Schedule 20-30 minutes, 3-4 times a week, for exercise. Out of 168 hours in a week, that’s just two. Mark it in your diary, write it on your calendar, or put a Post-it on your mirror. Commit to it.

Start with a simple plan at home or the local gym. Need ideas? DM me, and I’ll help you get started.

PS: How do you fit exercise into your day? Post in the comments feed - I'd love to know!


I'm on the hunt for people like me; people 50+ who want to get moving. Whether you want to be slimmer, fitter, more toned or more muscular, you want to do something about it. Well, help is at hand: an affordable plan tailored to your personal goals that you can easily follow, combining exercise and a healthy diet and, within six weeks or less, you (and others) will see results.

It's created for people like you, by someone like you. I'm a 52 yo trainer that doesn't just know a thing or two about training, but how to create a plan that means you don't have to sacrifice a lifestyle for. All you need to do is put in the effort and I'll support you week in, week out to get there and develop healthy habits that can last a lifetime.

Photos from Motion Labs's post 25/07/2024

Someone asked me the other day why I post pictures of myself if ‘I don’t like pictures of myself’.? It’s a fair point - I guess it can look initially like I’m being a bit vain.

Truth is, from what I used to be like to where I am now (and I’m still VERY much a work in progress as I look to evolve from a mesomorphic to endomorphic shape) i am happier (more) in what I’m like, it’s good to document your own progress so you can see what you need to work on. Am I ripped like some of the young bucks you see on here? No. But I’d like to think for someone at 52 it’s not too bad.

But also so I can (hopefully) get others to think that ‘if that chubby fella can do it and still enjoy a balanced lifestyle, a few pints here and there (and anyone that knows me, knows I LOVE a pint!) and he’s in his 50s then perhaps there’s hope after all’.

At least, that’s the thinking. And if it gets you doing something, then maybe that’s a good thing!


Personal confidence around going to the gym or being embarrassed about how you look or knowing what to do feature high in the reasons for lack of exercise. We get it.

When something is uncomfortable or not what we are used to, if we can avoid it, we tend to. If you are inactive, you could be very self-conscious and maybe even compare yourself to others – ‘I’m not like that ripped bloke over there’ or ‘look at her in those yoga pants, mine are more like big ‘ol yoghurt pants!’

A lot of us can relate and may have felt this way before. But, don’t forget, we have all started from somewhere and start small – even those big blokes lunking super-heavy weights about. Gyms can be an intimidating places, but – and here’s the thing to remember – whilst you might be self-conscious, NO ONE ELSE CARES; they are there to do their own workouts and, likely chances are, would help you out if you asked; the vast majority of gym goers know what it’s like and will happily lend a hand to someone else who’s managed to turn up and put in the work. And as for the pouters and posers – f**k ‘em; you’ve got nothing to prove.
But gyms are not the only place you can get a great workout – a small place in your own home can be just as effective and there’s some great body weight workouts that all you need is literally just you to really get you moving. You can go at your own pace and get used to the movement and exercises to hopefully help build confidence.

Or work with someone to show you the ropes, what to do and, more importantly, HOW TO DO IT RIGHT; form and function will always trump weight and personal bests, every day. And, bit by bit, session by session, you’ll build up your confidence, ability and chip away towards that goal.


Busy day in london today, so only time for a 20 min Peleton Tabata workout with great to get things moving though!. All you need is 20 mins just to kickstart your day (and your metabolism). Happy Monday everyone!


I’m on the lookout for Pilates and yoga instructors (and potentially others) who might be looking for a studio to run classes from. My studio in Tontine can easily accommodate 8 people and I’d like to see used more for programmes for the fitness community. DM me if interested

Photos from Motion Labs's post 20/07/2024

Very pleased to see this article in Saturday regarding exercise at 60; writes a great piece about being never too old to change and do something and some excellent exercises anyone can do. Well worth a read


You know when you’ve worked a client hard and well - not only do they tell you they enjoyed it but they’ve left a sweat silhouette on the floor! Great effort from my client - very proud they stayed the course


Exercise doesn’t need to be expensive - lockdown went a long way to prove this point. You don’t need to join the most expensive gyms or buy the state of the art equipment to have a good workout; not only are there lots of free resources and plenty of social content, but there’s much that you can do at home using your own bodyweight as well as household items.

But key is also knowing WHAT to do and how to get the best out of your time to achieve the results you want. And that’s where getting some professional advice and guidance can really help; it’s worth paying for good advice – and that doesn’t have to cost a lot – that you can use. Similar to understanding your physical needs, a good trainer will tailor their support to fit with your budgetary limits too; this may mean they can’t be as hands on, but aspects such as online training with regular check-ins can be effective and keep you on the right track and accountable, getting you to your goal.

Or talk to us - we’d love to help.


After holidays and golf trips (all a welcome break and we all need one from time to time) it’s back in the grind, moving some metal about.

Photos from Motion Labs's post 08/07/2024

A very good couple of articles in about fitness and exercise in later life - echoes very much what I tell my clients and the importance of movement and diet to a healthier, happier life. Particularly like the last para about being able to run for the bus!


“I’m too old to exercise”? Total claptrap. You are never too old to exercise. Yes, depending on your age, mobility and health, you may have to get some advice from a doctor or expert to ensure you don’t do any harm to yourself, but you can always do something to keep active.

And being active is SO important as you get older – the equation is simple: the less you do, the less you want to do which ultimately leads to the less you can actually do. But ‘being active’ doesn’t mean that you need to start pumping great big weights or running Ironmen challenges; these could vary from low impact exercises to mobility or even bodyweight strength training.
We’re living longer nowadays, so let’s make sure the quality of life is the best it can be.

Age ain’t nothing but a number and, to quote another cliché, it’s not about the days in our life, but the life in our days. There are so many great benefits to keep exercising such as it can help with muscle loss, decreases the risk of falls and improves mental health; all aspects we need to maintain as much as possible to retain a quality of life as we age.

Do more, move more, be more. And if you’re not sure how or how much? Then talk to us.

Photos from Motion Labs's post 10/06/2024

Good to see on Saturday echoing what we often advocate for strength training, particularly for women mid-life.


These beautiful pieces have gone up in the studio, truly bringing to life ‘the art of fitness’! Three amazing paintings by the fantastic Kai Motta. Come and see them when you come for a workout session…new classes coming soon too!


“I have an injury”

Let’s be clear – if you’ve an injury, this excuse can be a little more complicated and you will have to proceed with caution. Clearly, it would be foolish to ignore an injury, but in most cases, there are many things that you can still do to keep moving.

In some 30+ years of training, if there’s an injury or medical issue to be had, then it’s likely I’ve had it – three shoulder ops, a cruciate ligament replacement, golfer’s and tennis elbow tendonitis (at the same time – that’s fun, I can tell you) an umbilical hernia, torn muscles, strained tendons (both Achilles at once, that was fun too) and some epic muscle cramps and spasms are just some of a list of woe. But each time, I’ve been able to either rehab or adapt my training to accommodate or workaround…probably because I get itchy if I’m not doing something.

The SAS believe in the approach of ‘Improvise, Adapt, Overcome’. Something doesn’t go your way? Find a way to deal with it, work around it, find another way to achieve your goal. So, don’t look to simply give up, look to adapt your workout to exercises that you can do and avoiding exercises that you can’t.

Depending on the type of injury, by still exercising you may help with mobility and help strengthen the muscles around to help support. But, and please don’t ignore this (from bitter experience) you should always speak to a medical professional if you have concerns or your injury is not getting better.


Build your back for a better body: when in the gym I see so many people working on the ‘show’ muscles of the upper body (chest, abs, arms) mainly because they’re the ones they can see easily. But, with some 40-odd muscles on the back from your neck down to your coccyx, there’s a lot of body there to work on, especially when you consider how vital your back is to daily movement and supporting the efforts of all that other hard work you do.

As a younger man I never really enjoyed working my back much, but now it’s a large part of my workout and I put a lot of effort into working the various areas, trying to chisel out more shape and definition whilst improving the overall strength and stability.

Who’s got your back?


Exercise being too difficult or painful is one I hear a lot. But, and let’s be clear on this, the old adage of ‘no pain, no gain’ isn’t always really true as exercise shouldn’t be painful at all. There is a very big difference between physical pain and the ‘pain’ of body fatigue…or those ‘DOMs’ (Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness) you get a day or two after working comes from muscles repairing and building themselves from where you’ve worked them (and are also often associated with not having warmed up or cooled down after exercise) . Sure, they ache, you feel stiff and move a bit awkwardly, but they shouldn’t be painful.

Ultimately, you don’t have to push yourself until you are drenched with sweat or so that every muscle in your body aches after each workout. Exercise can be difficult to start off with, it takes time and lots of practice to get the technique spot on, so it’s better to get the form right so you don’t hurt yourself before you start pushing for personal bests!

Always try to work as hard as you can, and don’t, whatever you do, compare yourself to others - everyone is different and what works for one person won’t for another. Take breaks when you need to, and go at your own pace. It won’t always be so difficult and it’s more often than not about pushing through the mental barrier that exercise is too hard that will really help you to achieve your goal.


Sunday heavy chest and tricep workout making sure I’m strapped up to support the tendons - not as elastic as they used to be! Lugging some decent enough weights for me and working up a Sunday sweat!


I can’t expect my clients to put in the hard yards if I don’t. Made especially hard after a short annual break with close friends, burning off some of those excesses, but all worthwhile to tackle the day ahead!


Ladder 10-1 squats then the same for deadlift means I’m literally dripping onto the floor. Great way to work up a sweat - a total of 110 reps on just those two exercises…and that’s only half the workout! Gonna walk like John Wayne this weekend I reckon!


I hear this one a lot – and lord knows that I often feel the same! When you’re tired there is nothing more you want to do than relax – the idea of leaping about, lugging weights about or going for run is often met with distaste with that voice in your head telling you it’s just all too much. We’ve all been there.

But, exercising actually reduces fatigue and can boost energy levels. By regularly partaking in exercise, you will feel a lot more energised - honestly. The times I’ve gone into a workout thinking ‘I can’t do this today’ and vowed to just do the next set and then go home and ending up having a great workout – the argument is more often than not in your head than fatigue in your body: you are more resilient than you might think.

But it’s also good to mix it up. If you really can’t face a proper workout, either reduce it down so you can do it quicker. Or maybe try something completely different that makes you concentrate on new movements so you’re not just going through the motions. But if you’re really lacking in energy, a simple walk can work wonders and give you time to disconnect and think.
Another way to look at things is to consider when you’re most energised and plan around this. For example, are you at your most alert in the morning? If so, can you wake up 30 minutes earlier and get that workout in before your day really gets going? If not, maybe after work or in the evening? It can be a great distraction from everyday stresses and make you feel good if you have had a tiring and busy day; one of my clients goes straight from her job as a busy, always-on teacher to the gym and uses her workouts as a bit of ‘me time’ therapy and wind down before going home to the kids.

Find something that works for you and get moving – you’ll reap the benefits, believe me.

Photos from Motion Labs's post 08/05/2024

Finally, the studio is done (well, bar some bespoke artworks on the walls to come shortly) and it’s well equipped for one on one or group training. Plenty of space to put people through their paces and work up a sweat. Time to get moving!


In the second of our ‘reasons why people don’t exercise’ this one’s often at the top of people’s lists, and for good reason: Being busy can be stressful, we all have a lot on our plate and it can be hard to fit in exercise.

But, for an effective workout, you don’t need to exercise for hours – if anything, that can be worse. In fact, a 20-30 min session can be just as effective – it’s what you DO in that time. And it also boils down to how you frame it: instead of trying to find time to work out, try to think ‘how can I make time?’ If you sat and thought about your week and what you do – and importantly where you can often ‘waste’ time – getting lost doom scrolling in social media, I’m looking at you here – then you might surprise yourself as to how much useful time you can find.

And remember, any activity is better than none. Even the busiest of people find time to do activities that are important, so it’s about making exercise a priority in your life – this is where setting yourself goals really helps. Try booking some time in your day and week to break from work, meetings and daily life. How much television do you watch or how long are you on social media for? (and do you find it that fulfilling, anyway?)
Why not set yourself a goal to not watch tv or go on social media until you have done your workout? Or workout whilst you watch tv by using a resistance band or small dumbbells? Or, if you’re stuck with the kids, whilst they’re watching stuff like In the Night garden, CBeebies or whatever, you can keep an eye on them whilst doing some exercise on the lounge floor – the kids may even join in!

If you have very young children at least you can contain them – so why not put them in a pushchair and go for a brisk walk – it used to be a great way to get my youngest off to sleep whilst getting some steps in at the same time, so a win-win!

Try and make time to move – you’ll feel better for it, I promise.


Thankfully, we’re all different, and we all like different things. The same applied to exercise – for some, their life will revolve around. For others it can be a career (cough). But, not everyone enjoys exercising in the same way – for many, just the idea of sweating it out sounds like torture, or for others, going for a run sounds like the most tedious activity ever.

Aside from the fitness and health benefits it brings, finding that something that works for you and you enjoy also is important to your mental health – if you enjoy the activity, it can be as good for your head as your heart, having all sorts of positive benefits.

And exercise can take all sorts of forms not just a gym or a workout; it’s really a case of getting you moving more - from a pleasant walk to notch up that step count to a bike ride, golf or tennis; doing regular activity with others can not only be fun, but you get a side benefit of getting fitter.

Move more, do more. Summer’s coming so there’s more options to get out and about too. Want some inspiration, ideas or a plan to get you going? Then talk to us.


I can’t contain it any longer, I’m coming back to the Creative Quarter! As of next week, I’ll have a shiny new private studio in Tontine Street. It’ll be a place where I can work with clients for one on one and have some small group sessions and specialised workouts (circuits, HIIT, etc) without having to be at a big gym fighting for equipment, having people gawping at you, at people’s houses or outside (unless the weather is really nice, then it’s rude not to!)

So, if you’re looking to get moving more, get into shape for the summer, want some encouragement to get fit, whatever that goal is, then I can help. I can work with you to get things going, get the right form and build your confidence and smash those goals.

But, if you’re not in Folkestone, then all is not lost - through the power of the interweb I can work with you and get things going.

If you’d like a chat and get things moving then get in touch and I’ll be happy to see how I can help.


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Videos (show all)

What. A. Day. Another PB - 140kg deadlift. Now to many out there this’ll be a walk in the park such as @eddiehallwsm but...
Big day today - smashed 120kg squat - 20kg better than previous! Used my elbow supports on knees as had ACL reconstructi...
That’s broken 100kg…next stop 110kg which is my PB since I can remember (or 20-odd years ago!). Still feel there’s more ...
I would NEVER advise any of my clients to go for 1RM without a spotter but today I decided to see if I could equal my PB...
In Stoke for my son’s graduation so popped into @puregymstokeeast for leg day - can’t see the weights on the bar but 100...
Age shouldn’t get in the way of your goals - 52 last week and today just PB’d my deadlift with still some left in the ta...
Back under the bar squatting bodyweight. I like to use a plank under my heels just to help with back stability and putti...
These beautiful pieces have gone up in the studio, truly bringing to life ‘the art of fitness’! Three amazing paintings ...


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