Yoga Frome

Friendly and welcoming Iyengar Yoga classes in Frome. In-person classes are back! We will also be keeping some of our online sessions going.

Please see below for the new timetable:

9.30-11.00 at Christchurch Parish Hall, Park Street, Frome, BA11 1EU
General, with Suzy, term-time only (starts 12th September for 10 weeks.) Booking via Frome Community Education:

Tuesday (Term-time only)
19.00-20.30 at Rise, Whittox Lane, BA11 3BY
Improvers, with Fiona

Wednesday (Apart fro


Top tips for practising at home on your own! All of the poses mentioned are regularly covered in our classes, in case you're worried about getting them right. 😊

Do you want to get into the habit of practising yoga regularly at home? Try these tips from Level 3 teacher Brenda Booth

"Will power develops by regular discipline" ~ BKS Iyengar

⏱Start with just 10 minutes a day; that way you can get into the habit in a realistic way (it’s best if you’ve already been to a class with a qualified Iyengar yoga teacher, so that you know the correct way to do the poses)

🗓 Make an appointment with yourself for either morning or evening practice, and stick to it – just as you would an important meeting.

✅ There’s no need to be too rigid, and you can allow yourself a day off! BKS Iyengar used to take one day off a week to spend with family.

⏩ Try these five base standing poses to start off with. They are the groundwork for all the other asanas, and everything grows from them:
Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)
Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II)
Virabhadrasana I (Warrior I)
Parsvottanasana (Intense Side Stretch Pose)

⏩ These can be followed by a seated pose, for example Virasana (Hero Pose), which is a very important pose for supporting a good blood supply to the legs.

⏩ Then finally, go up into Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand), and finish off with Savasana (Co**se Pose).

Once you’ve been practising every day for a week or a month, you’ll have got into the discipline and you can start to develop and explore the poses further. And if you want to include poses you’ve learnt in class, try to work with what your body remembers, rather than what your brain remembers."Will power develops by regular discipline" ~ BKS Iyengar


Perfect weekend away in Kent. Never underestimate the power of friendship and nature to heal and replenish.

Photos from Yoga Frome's post 24/01/2022

Allotment update, January edition: still harvesting leeks, Jerusalem artichokes, kale and most satisfyingly, a small amount of rocket. I didn't plant many seeds directly into the ground last year, mainly because I didn't trust my ability to differentiate between the seedlings I wanted and the ones I didn't want (aka weeds). I did, however, manage to get a small amount of rocket going. It went to seed at some point in late spring, but I left it to do its thing. Several months later and here I am with a handful of fresh rocket in the middle of winter! I know it's only a small thing, but it feels like a minor miracle. Maybe this is what people mean when they talk about everyday transcendence? Maybe I should start noting these small miraculous moments more carefully?


"Yoga is a timeless pragmatic science evolved over thousands of years dealing with the physical, moral, mental and spiritual well-being of man as a whole." BKS Iyengar in 'Light on Yoga'

We have a few spaces in all our Frome classes, so get in touch if you would like to try one out:

Mondays, 9.30 to 11.00 General class at Christchurch Hall with Suzy

Tuesdays, 19.00 to 20.30 Improvers Class at Rise with Fiona

Wednesdays, 19.00 to 20.15 General class at Rise with Suzy


That bit where we lie down at the end of the class and why it's so important:

“Beginners strain a lot while learning asana. As they are raw in their body actions, they strain their minds and intelligence creating tension in body, mind and intelligence. They also have to coordinate actions simultaneously with each and every part of the body, which exhausts them. At that stage Savasana acts as a boon or elixir.

Savasana may be done when one's brain refuses to attend, or the body does not take it and the intellect feels dull. It requires a great effort to learn the art of keeping the brain receptive. Hence each asana teaches savasana in various parts to get the right feel of relaxation, both in body and mind. Then when Savasana is done, one experiences relaxation totally.

Very often in Savasana the body may relax, but the brain bubbles with thoughts jumping one after the other. At that time, it is better to devote to an asana where the brain remains more restful and peaceful than in Savasana. Soon these asana invigorate, which one can make use of for good, fruitful work with an attentive stable mind. When the body is rested and the mind relaxed, I do not put the pupils in Savasana.

We have the conscious front brain and the unconscious back brain. While doing asana, we use the front brain and in pranayama we use the back brain. In pranayama, Jalandhara Bandha is taught so that the front brain remains quiet, and the back brain observes and guides. This brings quietness in the practitioner. In pranayama, the active frontal brain is made to remain passive. Savasana is taught after pranayama for the sadhaka to return gradually from a pensive state towards an active state.

Practice of Savasana acts as a bridge between asana and pranayama. If one practices pranayama after asana he needs to do Savasana in between. After pranayama one needs Savasana to come back from a passive state to an active state. As one cannot jump to active life immediately after pranayama, Savasana is a must. Savasana is just a pause between passive and active life.

Since the right side is considered an auspicious side it is better to roll to the right side after Savasana. The right side is equated with pingala or the active surya nadi. That is what one gets by turning to the right. Since the weight of the body should not fall on the heart muscle directly, it is better to roll to the right so that the heart is not strained. A pregnant woman can certainly get up from the left. In case of backache he or she can roll the trunk to that side where the pain is less, and then face the floor to get up.”

- B.K.S. Iyengar: Astadala Yogamala (Volume 7)


Happy Monday! If you would like to start your week in a calm but energising way, there is still chance to sign up for Suzy's Monday morning classes. 9.30 to 11.00 at Christchurch Parish Hall, Park Road, Frome. The course starts next week (17th January) and lasts 10 weeks, with a break for half-term during the last week of February. Suitable for beginners as well as yogis with experience. £90 in total. Booking through Frome Community Education:
See you there!


This is why we talk about alignment so much:

Why is it important to learn correct alignment in yoga?

BKS Iyengar explained:
'My way of practice is not different to others, except in alignment of the motor nerves with the sensory nerves. This needs intellectual reflection and skilful action without distorting even the minutest part of the anatomical structure of the body, so that the bones, the joints, the muscle fibres, the energy, the mind and the intelligence are made to function simultaneously with balance and harmony, so that the life force as well as the core touches all the concerned layers of the body.

Alignment leads to precision and precision is a divine state where one experiences the cosmic force mingling with the individual force. In short, precision is the meeting place of the individual soul with the Universal Soul'

(from an interview with BKS Iyengar for Yoga Rahasya magazine)


Happy New Year! We hope you had a beautiful festive season and are looking forward to welcoming you to one of our Iyengar classes soon. Here is the timetable for this term:

9.30-11.00 at Christchurch Parish Hall
General, with Suzy, term-time only (starts 17th January for 10 weeks.) Booking via Frome Community Education:

Tuesday 19.00-20.30 at Rise
Improvers, with Fiona

Wednesday 19.00-20.15 at Rise
General, with Suzy
also via Zoom (recordings also available should you miss a class!)

Thursday 19.00-20.45 Improvers, with Fiona, via Zoom (recordings also available should you miss a class!)

Message us for more information or contact [email protected]


Went for a morning run and then lay down to admire the view.


Wednesday evening yoga is back from today! 19.00 to 20.15 . Also accessible via Zoom. Suitable for complete beginners, as well as those with more experience (so handstands completely optional!)

Photos from Yoga Frome's post 24/08/2021

So much fun with an incredible group of women! Who knew that yoga would be such good preparation for a ridiculous muddy obstacle course? Turns out that balance, flexibility and core and upper body strength come in real handy whilst doing the Tough Mudder. All sponsorship money goes to Frome Birth Talk to support pregnant and new mothers.

P.S. Wednesday evening classes are back on from this week!


Lovely view from the yoga mat this morning. Thank you to for hosting a class in aid of and to all of those you who made it in the pouring rain!


Join Suzy for a relaxing Sunday morning yoga session! 11.00 to 12.15, Sunday the 1st August at Marston Park. All donations go towards , the amazing local charity that provides free counselling and support for pregnant and new parents. Also, let us know if you'd like pizza from the wood-fired pizza afterwards...🤰🤱🧘🍕


Come and relax with Suzy this summer! Classes over the holidays:

Wednesdays 19.00 to 20.15 at Rise:

28th July
4th August
25th August
1st September


Sunday 1st August 11.00 to 12.15 outdoors at Marston Park:

Fundraiser class for Frome Birth Talk, followed by pizza from the wood-fired oven!

For more information please contact [email protected]


Allotment haul. The usual yoga posts will resume soon, promise!

Long Covid: Four yoga poses that can help - Iyengar Yoga UK 04/07/2021

Useful poses for anyone suffering from the symptoms of long COVID...

Long Covid: Four yoga poses that can help - Iyengar Yoga UK Suggested by our Therapy Committee

Photos from Yoga Frome's post 13/06/2021

Allotment update: been working on the "I have an allotment and know exactly what I'm doing, honest," look; strawberries are getting there; potatoes seem happy; kale has made a remarkable recovery; chard is healthy; the rhubarb has perked up; the Jerusalem artichokes have made an appearance and I finally got the beans in. Forgot to photograph the beetroot, but they're getting nice and fat. Now just need to dig a couple more beds and plant out squash, courgettes, leeks and sweetcorn. Oh, and then some weeding and watering, them some more wedding and more watering....


Just in case you ever wonder what we get up to when we're not practising or teaching yoga... Here's Suzy, talking about her new job at Frome Birth Talk.

Covid-19 Recovery: A Suggested Yoga Programme - Iyengar Yoga UK 07/06/2021

Suggested sequence for those recovering from COVID-19.

Covid-19 Recovery: A Suggested Yoga Programme - Iyengar Yoga UK The IY(UK) Therapy Committee has created a video and compiled a booklet with a suggested yoga programme to support recovery from Covid-19.


Fiona's Improvers' class is back in person from this evening! 7pm at Rise. This session is perfect for those who have been practising for two or more years and would like to deepen their understanding of asanas and pranayama. Fiona is a Senior teacher with decades of experience; you are guaranteed to learn something new at every class!


It may be rather small and slug-nibbled, but we're claiming this as our first ever home-grown salad!


Revisiting this little gem of a book after first reading it ten years ago. It's an accessible introduction to yoga philosophy and contains lots of wise advice about incorporating yoga into everyday life. Ordered it from yesterday and picked it up this morning. Can't beat our local bookshop for efficient and friendly service.


Yoga is not the only way to bring a bit of mindfulness into your day. Those of you who know me (Suzy) will know that I've spent the last five months clearing and cultivating an abandoned allotment plot. Goodness knows how many hours I've spent struggling with mammoth nettle roots in the cold and pouring rain. Yesterday, however, I planted and thinned out some beetroots and harvested my first ever radish! It was tempting to pull it out and gobble it up on the spot. Instead I made myself wait, took it home, sliced it thinly (there was only one after all!) and mixed it with the baby beetroot leaves, lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper. Then I ate it very, very slowly, fully enjoying every mouthful. Apparently eating mindfully in this way helps you feel more satisfied and therefore eat less. I don't know if that's true, but I do know that I've never enjoyed eating a radish as much as I did yesterday!


One week to go until Suzy is back teaching in person at Rise! 19.00 to 20.15. Also live-streaming if you'd rather relax at home. Message us to sign up!


We can't wait to restart face-to-face teaching! Classes at Rise and Christchurch Parish Hall from the 17th May:

Monday 9.30 to 11.00, General with Suzy at Christchurch Hall (starts 7th June)
Tuesday 19.00 to 20.30, Improvers with Fiona at Rise (starts 1st June)
Wednesday 19.00 to 20.15, General with Suzy at Rise (also online)

Fiona will also be teaching online classes Thursday at 11.30 (General) and 19.00 (Improvers).

Please contact [email protected] for more information.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!


Just in case anyone's wondering where we've been for the last six months.... Sometimes to get through a pandemic you have to take a break from social media and focus on more important things (like actually practising yoga ((and allotments)). We've been teaching via Zoom throughout and will continue to offer online sessions, but are very excited about the return of face-to-face classes from the 17th May. Watch this space for details - we can't wait to see you soon....!

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Our Story

All our classes are currently online, via Zoom. Contact Suzy ([email protected]), Mimmo ([email protected]) or Fiona ([email protected]) for more information. Timetable below:


1000-1130 General with Fiona (£7.50 term rate; £10 drop in)
1900-2015 General/beginners with Suzy (£7.50 for two classes a week, when you sign up for a month; £10 drop-in)


Videos (show all)

Just in case you ever wonder what we get up to when we're not practising or teaching yoga... Here's Suzy, talking about ...



Rise, Whittox Lane

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