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Upsales is an Amazon-based marketing agency that organically spin ranks up on Amazon through A9 system oriented optimization.


Feeling anxious because your PPC campaigns aren’t converting as per your expectations? Well, plenty of factors matter in deciding whether your PPC campaigns will work significantly or not.
Let’s discuss the top 3 of them:

1. Write A Compelling & Benefit-Rich Copy
PPC strategies and tactics should focus entirely on top-class and flawless ad copies.
No matter how intact and sounds your ad is, if your ad copy doesn’t hook users, the entire campaign will suffer. The purpose of PPC campaign is to get maximum clicks, and people won’t click unless they see some benefits.

Include all the relevant keywords, and always think as a customer while writing an ad copy. That’s how you’ll offer value to your target audience.

2. Identify Negative Keywords
It’s good to streamline all the targeted keywords, but have you ever thought about identifying negative keywords?

Negative keywords are the terms you can specify that people may be searching for that could be interpreted as being similar to your offering, but are in fact, completely unrelated. By doing that, you’ll ensure that your ads won’t be visible to those are irrelevant to your products or services.
What will be the benefits? Well, you’ll be saving a significant budget that you can utilize somewhere else productively.

3. Go With Dynamic Search Ads
With dynamic ads, such headlines can be generated that will align with user’s search query. Although, producing dynamic ads is a manual work; however, the benefits in terms of PPC management will be immense.

Dynamic keywords insertion is undoubtedly the best option to go with, because with this particular strategy, your ad relevance will be increased, and hence will be the conversions.
Just imagine how beneficial will it be to let search engine substitute a generic keyword with a relevant one based on user’s search query? Amazing!

Would you like to share your experience of the strategies other than the aforementioned ones that have worked in your favor?
Let’s connect!


Amazon listings are much more than mainstream product features. You need to get creative with Amazon's SEO strategy because that’s how you’ll give your listings a chance to optimize naturally and organically.

How about we share some ways of making things happen for your Amazon listings?

Let’s get the ball rolling with 7 out-of-the-ordinary tactics:

Keywords Research Does The Trick
Getting to high-ranking keywords is the way forward to surpass your competitors and to be in a position where it’s relatively easy to get ranked on Amazon.

Add those keywords into the content, and target them in your PPC campaigns as well to get organic keyword traffic on product pages.

Maximize Product Titles & Description
Optimization of listing titles matters as much as anything else, and that’s why the addition of the main keyword in your canonical URL.

It’ll improve your ranking, and you won’t be missing out on a single opportunity of getting ranked on Amazon Algorithms.

Choose Optimal Product Category
Get to know about the competitor’s best seller rank positions because that’s how you’ll choose and optimize Amazon product listing categories.

One more thing, look for any possible gap in the niche and try to cover the gap to get to the top positions.

Highlight Key Product Features
One of the obvious ways of grabbing customers’ attention is to highlight product features in a way that offers value.

Going with bullet points is the way forward to let customers know how beneficial your products are.

Go With the Right Product Visuals
With right and eye-catching product visuals, CTR can be affected to give your business a much-needed boost. Amazon encourages sellers to use tailor-made product images and videos to win customers.

Make sure to choose lifestyle visuals with elaborated features because that matters a lot in terms of Amazon listing optimization.

Go For Brand Registration
Would you like your brand to know as reliable and credible on Amazon? Go for registration because Amazon recommends brand registration.

With registration, you can protect your listings from other sellers and expand your Adoption to take your sales to the next level.

Optimize Titles For Mobile
There’s a huge community that prefers to open Amazon stores on mobile, so there’s no way on earth you can ignore title optimization for mobiles.

Make sure to place your main keywords at the front of your titles to make them optimized for mobile users.

Execute the aforementioned tips, and let the magic happen for your listings.

Mind sharing the tips and tricks that have worked in your favor?


DigiMasters & Upsales – Official Partners
DigiMasters proudly announces Upsales as our official partner in graphic design. Creative graphics, conversion-centric product photography, or videography, you can rely on us to meet your needs 😊

Why Upsales?
Upsales is an Amazon-based marketing agency that organically spins ranks up on Amazon through organic optimization & phenomenal visuals.
 Strategically Sound Amazon-Based Marketing Agency
 A Highly-Dedicated Team Of Business Strategists & E-Commerce Sellers
 Top Rated E-Commerce Designers, Products Photographers & Videographers
 Organically Approved Strategies & Tactics

Unlike other agencies, both DigiMasters & Upsales don’t believe in giveaways; we think organic optimization is the way forward to get high-class and long-lasting results.

Onto a new beginning 🤞


PPC management can be hard to understand even for professional marketers and experts. There are a couple of common mistakes, but avoiding them can surely take your sales and conversions to the next level:

Let’s get to know about the 6 of them:

Not Using Negative Keywords
People generally ignore the significance of Google’s Negative Keywords as they can exclude plenty of time wasters to improve overall conversions and return on investment (ROI).

Not Using Ad Schedules
Ads will certainly perform better in a region at a particular time. Make sure you get to know about the time when your audience is active and plan PPC accordingly.

Not Using Location Targeting
You cannot expect ads to give maximum return on investment if your target audience is the USA and you’re running ads somewhere else. Location targeting is the key to success.

Having A Slow Website
No matter how amazing and flawless you’ve planned PPC, the results won’t be up to the mark if the website takes ages to load. A fast-loading website means more chances of conversions through PPC.

Persistent Use Of Auto-Bidding
Auto-bidding will bring results at first, but you cannot rely on this strategy for a significant time. Manual bedding is what will reduce pay-per-click and increase clicks.

Always Aiming For The No.1 Spot
It’s good to focus on being the best in the business, but focusing solely on coming first isn’t the right move. For some competitive keywords, the number one spot can cost upwards of $10, which for some businesses, is way too much. Better focus on your ROI to get long-term results.

Have you made such mistakes in the past? And how did you manage to overcome these?
Let us know!


Launching a new product on Amazon can be a roller coaster of a ride. You may seem to have everything under control, and in the very next moment, it may feel everything is falling apart.
Would you like to know the tips and tricks to launch a product on Amazon successfully?

Here we are with the top 5 steps to let the magic happen:

1. Get Things Going With Right Product
Choosing the right product will lead to a successful Amazon product launch. Look for the market gap, and choose a product that gets desired results before you even know about it.
Go for a comprehensive opportunity and objective assessment of a product because your idea of an excellent product may not align with what people need.

2. Right Keywords Can Get The Job Done
Amazon isn’t solely an online marketplace but a gigantic search engine. Even the selection of the right product won’t provide desired results unless the right keywords are added.
Inputting the ASIN of optimized and top-selling products into your category will help generate long and medium-tail keywords for listing optimization.

Pro Tip: Use paid tools like Ahref Site Explorer, Helium, MerchantWords to find reliable & winning keywords.

3. Invest In Quality Products Visuals
The online decision-making process decisively depends on product visuals. Going with high-quality product photography and videography is the right way of getting huge sales.
Come up with solo shots, feature graphics, lifestyle shots, product specific-shots, and benefits graphics to win clients.

4. Get Creative With Promotions & Discounts
One of the most ingenious ways of getting your products off the ground is to use promotions and discounts. At first, you may need to convince customers to shop from your store, which will only be possible if you offer price relaxation.
Promotion can be free shipping nationwide for 2-3 days; how’s that sound? It’ll surely ring the bell for the customers.

5. Use Social Media To Your Advantages
Marketing your products all over social media is the best tactic to build brand awareness and generate sales. Reaching your target audience along with promotions and discounts will be a massive boost for your product.

How about you tie up with social media influencers? Their followers are more likely to rush towards your products, and hence, the sales will be increased.

Are you looking forward to launching a product successfully? Incorporate these aforementioned strategies, and the desired results will be obtained.
Have you got some other tips that have worked for you in the past?
Share them with us; we’d love to know!


Amazon Enhanced Brand Content (EBC) represents your brand on Amazon that can encourage customers to consider your platform reputable and reliable.

Adding A+ content to the product listings is an ingenious way of increasing your sales and polishing your brand’s reputation.

Are you unsure of how EBC works for a brand/business?
Let’s get to know about the reasons to get things going:

Endorses Brand’s Value
Let’s think from a customer’s perspective; what in your opinion will a customer look when feeling confused between similar products from different brands? Obviously, the information ad the values.
Amazon EBC isn’t all about adding necessary pieces of information in product listings; rather, it’s about fostering the feeling of trust and confidence.

An improved EBC is what will get you to more potential customers because of a better brand representation.

Amplifies The Sales
Next to product visuals and photography, it’s Amazon EBC that can easily win over the customers in consummating the purchase.

With Amazon EBC service, you can direct the traffic to the web pages and increase conversion rates.
Moreover, the likelihood of sales increases significantly when we talk about appealing and engaging content, and that’s what “Enhanced Brand Content” is known for.

Prevents Returns & Negative Reviews
Amazon EBC is a smart way of including every minor detail of a product which decreases the probability of garnering negative reviews or inducing a return.

The primary purpose of Enhanced Brand Content is to make customers fully aware of what they are buying and what to expect out of the purchase.

Make sure you don’t add false or misleading feature descriptions because it’ll not only result in a negative review but ruin your brand reputation.

Heightens Customer Engagement
Images and infographics are of supreme importance when it comes to Amazon. With appending images, every minor detail can be elaborated, which will eventually result in better customer engagement.

Amazon A+ Content will be the strongest “First Impression” you can make to let your visitors know the product is of high quality and the brand is credible.

Gone are the days when it was easy to make an impact with your online presence on Amazon because now you need to be spot-on in terms of Amazon A+ content to let the sales boosted.
Do you know some other reasons to rely on Amazon A+ content?
Share with us; we’d love to hear from your side.


Creating, even launching a campaign, is pretty easy and straightforward. The most hectic task undoubtedly is campaign optimization to get to top positions.

A slight mistake can result in a substantial rise in ACoS without a significant return on investment.

The implementation of advanced PPC strategies will bring the results you’re after, and your business will then be on the right track:

Leverage Negative Targeting Feature

Stop wasting money and resources on keywords that don't convert, and you'll have more money to put into high-performing keywords.

Better start finding keywords that get plenty of clicks, with almost no to negligible conversions. Once you mark a keyword “Negative,” the ads won’t be displayed against the search terms.

Keywords Research With Automatic Campaigns

A manually well-optimized campaign will, without a doubt, be far more profitable than an automatic one. However, in the automatic campaign, algorithms of Amazon will find and bid on relevant keywords to improve the overall listing.

Based on your sales history, Amazon will consistently keep on finding new keywords, and once you find all the relevant and necessary keywords, shift your focus from automatic to manual campaign optimization.

Bid On Long-Tail Keywords

Are you struggling to find your feet in a competitive niche? In such a situation, avoid biding on highly competitive and searched keywords because the cost-per-click will be higher for these keywords.

It’ll be ingenious to bid on long-tail keywords because of their low cost-per-click. Although your campaign won’t get tons of impressions, the ACos will surely start looking heather than before.

Once these long-tail keywords start working and clicking, you can move to competitive keywords gradually.

Start Bidding On Your Brand Name

Bidding on your brand name will not only help you secure your business and consumer base, but it will also help you outperform your competitors.

Consider how fantastic it would be if your brand name began to show in search engines? Your online presence will be authenticated in the most sophisticated manner.

We know it’s hard to stay put when PPC doesn’t convert, but with the aforementioned tips and tricks, things will certainly start working in the right direction.

Know some other advanced strategies to turn things around? Mind sharing with us?


How To Go Global On Amazon?

Amazon global expansion won’t be easy because you need to tick all the boxes to find feet internationally.
Satisfying customers worldwide can be challenging because of different choices and preferences.

But we’ve got you covered here.

Don’t you know the stand-out ways to go global on Amazon?
Well, the following tips will help:

Decide Where & What To Sell
First of all, it’s necessary to understand the smart international selling opportunities and techniques to go global on Amazon.
Enter the marketplace with taxes and regulations to let other sellers know you’re here to stay.

Get Registered & List Products
Without brand registration, you cannot survive in the local market; forget about going global.

Managing your listings using Amazon tools is the smart and right way to start selling internationally all over the world. Translate the listings to generate sales from every part of the world.

Ship & Fulfill
Get creative with Amazon fulfillment to ship your products worldwide. However, don’t forget to understand what’s involved in shipping and fulfilling internationally.

Learning FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) can help take your brand to the next level.

Manage Your Business
Offer value to your customers by providing customer support and managing returns yourself or through Amazon.
Amazon tools and recommendations will help grow and scale your international business.

What are the challenges you have faced in establishing your Amazon business internationally? Share with us to inspire plenty.


Master Sellers & Average Sellers are two sorts of Amazon Sellers.

Obviously, everyone wants to become a pro at selling to be considered a Master Seller, but it’s not as easy as it seems.

However, we have gathered some differences between Average & Master Amazon sellers to help you understand the ways to let the magic happen for your business:

A Master Amazon Seller continually invests 100% of his profit back into the business to make it a success story.

That’s where an Average Amazon Seller lacks because he misunderstands the importance of not taking a single dime out of profit.

Seasonal Products
Seasonal products will click during the season, no doubt about it, but what will you sell other than the season?

A Master Amazon Seller always goes with products that aren’t seasonal, ensuring that sales are consistent throughout the year.
An average Amazon seller attempts to make the most of the current season while ignoring the rest of the year.

Use Of Marketing Tools
Without prerequisite marketing tools, it’s almost impossible to find feet on Amazon these days.

Master Amazon Sellers know the importance of marketing tools to take sales upward, where Average Amazon Sellers try to get things going without the availability of marketing tools.

Amazon A+ Content
Amazon A+ Content allows sellers to add plenty of descriptions, images, graphics, videos, charts, etc., to highlight product features.

Average and Master Amazon Sellers differ in terms of A+ Content, and it's clear who will get inventive with Amazon A+ Content - the Master Amazon Seller.

What do you want to be known as? An Amazon guru? Or a typical Amazon seller? The decision is entirely yours.

Are there any other differences you’re aware of? Would you mind sharing with us?



Seller Encounters
Starting an online business is what everyone desires these days, but it’s not a child’s play to get things going to become a professional seller on Amazon.
Are you new to Amazon? Well, you better know about the most probable problems almost every newbie generally faces on Amazon:

Delayed Profitability
Generating money to maintain inventory is a point of concern for new Amazon sellers.
As per Amazon policies, third-party merchants will be paid after two weeks, so you cannot rely on the revenue of your listings to find feet on Amazon.

Pro Tip: Establish a reserve capital to keep your Amazon business running.

Competition Overload
Due to fierce competition, new Amazon sellers find it challenging to pe*****te the world’s largest marketplace.
It’s better to have Amazon seller tools to make sure you start doing business the right way to maximize profitability.

Amazon Price Wars
Inexperienced Amazon sellers try to outsmart competitors with a relatively lower place. But, doing this will do more harm than any good as profit margins will be eaten up this way.

Using AI algorithmic Amazon repricer can be an intelligent way of competing based on prices.

Receiving Amazon Feedback
Amazon sellers aren’t allowed to intentionally/directly ask for reviews in exchange for giveaways.

Providing a flawless shopping experience is how you can get reviews from Amazon shoppers.

Strict Amazon Policies
Amazon has strict guidelines and restrictions on what to sell and what not to sell on the platform.

Make sure to first understand Amazon’s guidelines, and then start selling the avoid such problems.

Have you recently begun selling on Amazon? What problems have you encountered thus far? Let's get in touch!


Don’t you know how to get things going on Amazon to accomplish your future goals?

Not have enough knowledge of establishing an Amazon business like a pro?

Never mind, we have got you covered with 4 predominant pillars of building your Amazon business the right way.

1. Product Hunting

Finding a potential product that has what it takes to go viral globally is an important and fundamental step to building a business on Amazon.
Without taking product hunting seriously, you cannot expect your Amazon business to thrive rapidly. Your business will be crashed before it gets going if you sell products randomly without reliable product hunting.

2. Product Sourcing

As a retailer, your success will be depending on sourcing products of proven quality. It’s imperative to calculate profit margins after excluding inventory fees, shipping costs, and other expenses.
Being a retailer, ensure you access demand and conduct a competitive analysis to get products that can win customers on Amazon.

3. Product Listing

No matter how amazing products you have, it’s not possible to stand out on Amazon without investing in the product listing. Product titles, images, bullet points, and descriptions all play a crucial role in deciding the fate of your Amazon business.
With Amazon product listing optimization, you can enable the products to be found on Amazon along with encouraging customers to shop, considering you a reliable seller.

4. PPC (Pay-Per-Click)

Don’t consider PPC a sprint; it’s more of a marathon (a never-ending race) where a one-size-fits-all approach won’t work.
Strategically sound PPC strategies will result in increasing sales and organic visibility on Amazon.

What in your opinion are the strategies to be incorporated to kick-start the Amazon journey? Share with us!


Without vision, a goal cannot be achieved – impossible. Upsales is an Amazon-oriented agency with a visionary team that is eagerly striving to turn things around for other Amazon businesses with their skills, expertise, and dedication.

Having a purpose and clear mind frame towards our business has made us reach our short-term and long-term goals in style.

Achieving glory on Amazon isn’t a straightforward task, and that’s where the Upsales’ vision will come in handy to anchor your brand’s success.


In the last several years, the Amazon business has gotten increasingly saturated, and many are attempting to enter this field only to make money rather than provide value to customers.

Upsales was founded on the principle of focusing on quality rather than quantity. We're here to help sellers get to know the nitty-gritty of selling on Amazon the right way, and we strongly oppose using deceptive techniques to get recognition.

We believe in organic optimization; whether it’s incentivized reviews or quality manipulation, we don’t go that way.


Who We Are?
Upsales is a team of skilled Amazon sellers who aim to assist other sellers to grow progressively on Amazon.

“Teamwork does the dream work” is a philosophy that has aided us to grow and expand on Amazon. We believe an engaging and professional environment plays a significant role in shaping an agency up, and that’s what we have provided to our team members to make them feel valued.

We are always up to assist Amazon sellers, whether it’s Product Hunting, Product Sourcing, Product Launching & Ranking, Image Editing, Video Editing, Listing Optimization, PPC Management, A+ Content/EBC, Store Front, Troubleshooting, Case Handling, Reinstate, Category Restriction, or whatnot.

What are the problems you have faced so far in your Amazon business, and how did you manage to tackle them all?

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