A group set up for Men/Fathers who are suffering in their storm or it’s aftermath....����



1.2km RUN (12.5km/hr) 🏃🏼‍♂️

15 x 17.5kg Clean & Press 💪🏼

15 Cal Assault Bike 🚴🏼

250m Ski Erg Full whack 🥵

Just me, the treadmill, the weights and the bike. In my zone, in my space my music 🎶 keeping me where I need to me.

Sh*te times come but they test you and build strength in times of adversity. Those who’ve doubted me, not believed in me guess what I FU***NG WIN ✌🏻My heart beats hard and with a fire 🔥 inside me that burns 24/7 i’m capable of anything…….

“That view from the top of the mountain 🏔️ is so worth the climb”…………



Been difficult to keep our lips sealed on this one…

In collaboration with Next and Hype, we have a T-Shirt, Bottle and Bag going on sale online from September 10th onwards with all proceeds coming to AMC!

Thank you to everyone who has made this partnership possible with staff, volunteers and supporters all responsible.



Sunday morning 6km

N.E.G.A.T.I V.E. 🏃🏼‍♂️. S.P.L.I.T.S

Swapped my days around as for once I listened to body and gave it a rest on Saturday ☺️

Lungs and legs felt the better! Hopefully the month long lurgy is starting to finally shift 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

Running always makes me feel happy 😃That’s why I do it! Do more of whatever makes you happy. There’s enough crap out there trying to drag us down 👊🏻

💙Have a good Sunday people 💙



Back to reality

Saturday .a.d.s_1978 means one thing…..🏃🏼‍♂️


It’s my favourite weather ☔️ in which to exercise. Invigorating and much more.

“When life gets you down, do more of the things which make you happy” 💙


Many will think that if you workout 🏋🏼‍♂️ or run 🏃🏼‍♂️ and you post it to share with everyone that your a big headed bastard!

Maybe sometimes they may want to think a little💭 That Gym you use or that route you run may be your medicine. You place of worship 💪🏼 to escape what trauma has hit you at some point or just put simply it’s your coping mechanism.

It’s a dedication, a discipline and a way of life for me and so many. If it helps you or inspires you to do more then that’s amazing.

If it’s annoying or making you feel crap about yourself then either unfollow 👋 or do something only YOU can and that’s crack on 🙌🏻

💙 Happy Thursday Insta people 💙



Soggy ☔️one that this morning! Proper weirdo me though as running 🏃🏼‍♂️ in the rain 🌧️ is my fave! Find it good for the soul 😊

Never underestimate the power of friendship. That bond, those chats, those moments both beautiful and also those tough ones. Longevity builds trust and strengthens all of your ties together.

Have a great weekend people and don’t let this s**tty weather dampen your spirits (no pun intended 🤣)

Thanks for your continued support 🙏 peace ✌🏻 out .a.d.s_1978 💙


Monday 12k in the legs 👊🏻 loved that. Kickstart the week 😊

Well Officially a year older now. In that bracket of 45-50. I’ve learned so much in the last 5 years since turning 40. I’ve learned what I’m capable of what really makes me happy and also the things which make me fed up, stressed and upset.

So many of the negative things I’ve got no control over whatsoever. So from now on I’m giving them less time, less of my energy. All it does is give me less energy and enthusiasm for the really important things in my life. My beautiful family 💙💙💖friends and all the good stuff!

If you’ve had a bad day try and not let it get you down. We’re lead to believe life should be pretty and perfect but life’s hard, bad days are inevitable it’s how we choose to react to them that matters. That’s were your choices kick in.

So no matter how old or young 🙄you are don’t let s**t define you. Find what makes YOU HAPPY 😃 and do it as often as you can 💙

Have the best week you can and be kind to yourself 🫶🏻

❤️ 🇬🇧


Running 🏃🏼‍♂️ with Superman .robertson1 this morning. Bit breezy 💨 but the legs felt good 👍🏻

After finishing Sir Kev’s book this week and listening to on this morning life’s for fu***ng living 💯

Don’t moan about your worries step out of your comfort zone and help yourself do something about it. Earn your rest & be your best.

Life’s not all about you it’s about how you can make people feel, how you can help people, inspire people and make them feel special. There’s something pretty amazing about that 😊

Let’s be a better friend & make the world 🌎 a better place to be for the short time we have here 💙


Monday miles all 6 of em! Crappy conditions to run 🏃🏼 in, sunny and incredibly muggy but it gets done ☑️ none the less 🥵

Stay true to yourself, be consistent and you’ll always have that inner strength to dig deep when needed 💪🏼


Saturday morning miles .a.d.s_1978 🏃🏼‍♂️

Great to catch up with .robertson1 whilst putting the graft in. Cooler than last weekend which was a welcome bonus 😊

We all run for many different reasons but the common theme is that we all feel better afterwards regardless of the goal 🥅

Hats 🧢 off to for breaking the sub 20 minute 5k. Only a few months of running but his dedication and effort has to be commended 👏🏻 well done Son 👍🏻

Have a great weekend people



0415 Early morning Miles 🏃🏼‍♂️in the bag 😊

Peace and quiet and breakfast in the garden. Great way to start the day ☀️

A bit of a s**tty week 😏 in all honesty but we don’t stay down for long…..💪🏼

Small changes over a long period of time create great habits and an even better mindset 🧠

💙Happy Thursday People 💙


Fathers Day 2023 and a few minutes to sit with a cuppa and reflect on another 12 months of being a dad.

A job without the salary. A job with no rule book. A job which tests you but gives you some incredible moments 😊


In a way you don’t get to see the rewards until they become that much older. When you see the hard work you put in, the love, the time you put in. Those ups and inevitable downs make for a rollercoaster of a life at times.

I’ve been tested over the years I’ve always done what I’ve thought is best, sometimes you get it right and other times you don’t. That’s life in a nutshell. Just do your best. That is all you can do and all I’ve ever asked of the boys 💙💙

Whoever gave you their love time and effort whether it be a Father, Uncle, Grandparent stepfather or anyone else. Tell them your grateful for it all. Also give yourself a moment to pat yourself on the back for all your hard work.



Medal🏅Monday! A big massive fat well done to ….👏🏻 on his first competitive 10km…..

After years of seeing me running and waffling on about splits and threshold runs he’s started his own chapter now.

Dedication and work always gets results 💪🏼whatever your goal, go chase it down 🔥

“Believe to Achieve”


DAY 2023

Some runs 🏃🏼‍♂️just light that fire 🔥 inside you. Blasted it 💪🏼 heart ❤️ rate flying high and this fella is one fine human being 😊

Sometimes don’t pat myself on the back enough so bo****ks to it


Photos from DADS's post 07/06/2023


I’ll be forever grateful to running 🏃🏼‍♂️and what it’s given me. How it’s helped me in so many ways.

Its enabled me to give so much to others in many ways. To help inspire others to run and raise money and awareness for the

A global community who throw on some trainers and put one foot in front of the other and move. Really proud to be part of that special community 😊


Morning all, today's update is coming to you from the younger brother Gary.
Lovely 5k with my brother this morning. As you can see the sun was shining, plenty of chat and a nice steady pace as we were both feeling a little leggy after yesterday's gym/run sessions.
Having someone to talk to is great isn't it. Not something I've always been accustomed to though. I was a bottler..... Keep things to myself, don't want to worry my brother, mother, wife or friend with my s**t, they have enough on their plate without me telling all and ruining the mystique of being everyone else's shoulder to cry on. But guess what, Bob Hoskins was right, it is good to talk. A problem shared is a problem halved, and your family and friends won't treat you differently for opening up to them instead of the other way around. You will instantly feel better talking about it, whether it's a deep rooted long term issue, or something really small.
This morning we did just that, we talked, before during and after the run. And we both feel. All the better for it.
Give it a go. You'll be surprised how much better you feel saying things out loud to someone else.

Anyways, shower time then work. But don't forget.... Its FA Cup final day and a Manchester Derby to boot. As a red I hope we win and stop the blues from equallintour treble. Dan will just have to sit and watch Manchester show Liverpool how football should be played. 🤣
Have a good weekend everyone ❤️


First post Marathon run 🏃🏼‍♂️ ✅ A Great feeling to get the legs moving again this morning 😊

In all honesty my body has recovered well, apart from being tired on an evening 🙄 I blame old age 🤣

Good to have everyone together this morning and enjoy some chat and banter. Loved wearing my finishers t shirt as well, I’ve earned it after all.

The battle doesn’t stop there though and I’ll be going again next year. As so many others are. The common theme is that of “We wont stop until we find a cure” 💙🧡…….

Proud to be part of a loving caring tough group of people who have that same mindset and determination to get things done 💪🏼

Have a great weekend everyone and finally that ☀️ sun has got its hat on 😃


Medal🏅Monday and a very special one 😊

We came together one sunny ☀️ Sunday in May and ran those hills down. They were brutal bud didn’t break our spirits 🫶🏻a day to showcase friendship and courage.

It restored my faith in humanity and made me realise that despite what we’re lead to believe the world had so many good, kind, loving, supportive people.

These days are special days! Tough days, days to cherish. Tears of joy and elation and sadness all rolled into one.

Those left thinking “Could I do that….” 🤔

If you can put one foot in front of the other, your lungs work ok and you’ve a reason to run then everyone should run a Marathon in their lifetime 🧡💙

“Run with a mate for a mate”


Leeds Marathon 2023 eve
Flatlay 🧡💙

“Running with a mate for mate”


Well just over a week out from the Leeds Marathon and I’m a complete mixed bag!

3 1/2 solid blocks of training 👊🏻good training and hundreds of miles 🏃🏼‍♂️I’ve built up my mental strength as well as my physical endurance.

A crap last month with a calf ni**le 😩enabling me just a simple 5k last week! Running is my go to for my own mental health as well as enabling me to raise vital funds for the ……🧡💙

I’ve struggled massively in my head without running, deep dark thoughts of self doubt and negativity. I know it’s easy to say pull your head from your backside and crack on but it’s so bloody hard when you suffer with your own mental health and every thing seems so hard.

I’ve dug deep, hit the gym for some strength training, stretch workouts and some heart rate work with intense cardio blasts 🥵I’ve had immense support from my family as they have to live with old “misery guts” 🤣…..

What I will say is that come next Sunday I’ll give all my heart and soul in Leeds and I’ll have some special people with me running 🏃🏼‍♂️ and the support of my family.

We will run together for Rob 💙 and I’ll also have a special thought for a good friend as I’ll be running in memory of Jody her son 💙who lost his young life to this cruel disease. God I’m getting choked just thinking of you all…….

Enjoy your weekend everyone and if you can dig deep we could hit the magical £1000 mark I know we can do it. Thanks from the bottom of my heart to all who’ve donated and supported me so far I love you all ❤️


Nothing quite beats running 🏃🏼‍♂️ with ya mates 💙

4 weeks to go until the Leeds Marathon 🤞🏻😬

Solid 10k in the bag this morning 👊🏻


Staying consistent is 🔑

Had “THE BOSS” to keep me company on the swanky treadmill this morning 😎🎸👌🏻


Another Saturday means Another marathon training run 🏃🏼 felt rough the last few days so first few were tricky but the lungs and legs were soon ticking over nicely.

Just over 6 weeks until the marathon and the mind is racing now with so many thoughts and emotions. The training has been hard and consumed so much time and energy but I know it will be so worth it come what May 💙🧡

Thanks again for everyone’s support, kindness and donations it really keeps me going…😊

“In a world 🌍 full of adversity we dare to dream”


Tuesdays 4 steady miles for you Grandad Jack 💙 another massive reason I’m doing what I’m doing. Keep whispering in my ear I will hear you.

This cruel disease doesn’t care who it takes and what it leaves behind 💔but we’re gunning for you you evil bastard and won’t stop until your broken 🧡💙


Photos from DADS's post 26/03/2023

Long run 🏃🏼‍♂️ Sunday ✅ 11 miles in the legs and a scenic route to enjoy.
The buddy certainly starts to feel the miles at the end of 10 weeks but whilst I can I will 💪🏼💙🧡…..

Thanks again for your unbelievable support everyone, messages of encouragement, donations and loads of love 😘it helps so so much.



Saturday miles in the sunshine ☀️ .a.d.s_1978 really enjoyed the run this morning 😊 Everything was on point from the off which makes a massive difference to my training.

This is week 10 and I’m really enjoy the challenge of remaining disciplined, dedicated, motivated and my fire 🔥 inside is burning more than ever.

I’m delighted to let you all know that I’ve gone past the £700 mark with my fundraising efforts and perhaps 4 figures is still achievable 💪🏼 every single person who’s donated to me you will not be forgotten. I see all of you when I’m running, your faces push me through the tough moments I endure.

6 weeks to go and I’m excited, nervous and a million other things as well, massively emotional when writing 😢

It really means that much to me

Huge thanks to my beautiful wife and boys for their continued love and support they show me 💙

Have a wonderful weekend 💙🧡

Love strong ❤️

Be proud 😊

Keep smiling 😃

“We will keep banging that drum”


Happy Mothers Day 💐 to all the ladies who’ve helped shaped me as good bloody human being. Take a moment today to sit and realise what you’ve done for us all 💜

Thanks for your love ❤️

Thanks for all you’ve done ❤️

Thanks for all you continue to do ❤️

Thanks for being there for all of us ❤️

“Mums come in many many forms and do things in their own special way, we should always remember that”


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