Wisdom Psychotherapy

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The reason why we are so ungrounded and full of anxiety, anger, jealousy, depression, is because we become overly attached to worldly things that are so appealing to bodily desires and so eagerly sought after by the body senses.

But when the last hour will come when you will have to leave empty-handed, leaving behind everything you have gathered with such effort and proudly calling your own, identifying yourself with worldly achievements, in that last second when infront of your eyes you will be able to review your whole life you will realize the absurdity and danger of identifying the true divine Self with the body, you will be able to
distinguish between what is right and wrong. You will have to take another incarnation after another incarnation until you reach the Ultimate Truth.

How sad would it be to know that you never truly were happy about yourself because of disconnection from the divine within. Distracted with worrdly attachments.

Love is a word that is often misused.

Every positive response to an attraction, every feeling of lust or attachment, however ineffective and temporary, is called love.

Only the striving to achieve greatness that is inseparable from divine Truth is worthy of being called Love and only then you can truly experience Self-love which is giving and receiving without attachment. When you recognise the divine in you, that divine connection within is a True Self-love. Not the self love of recognition of worldly achievements or the temporary looks of the body.

Only those who realize the Atma flowing within themselves can recognize the source of Power – the Avatar – before the ego mind.

The spirit of Truth in the physical body sends a warning signal, timely advice and guidance because the inner guru is awake and present within you.

This is God, who has taken over every heart as Supreme Wisdom, the eternal Witness, whom you can easily touch and feel by diving into the depths of your heart and soul.


When one chooses to react to the trials of life in the negative connotation, it may bring unhappiness, victim consciousness, depression and a host of possible negative difficulties. Each person chooses how he will react to all life circumstances and for how long he would hold on to the victim state. 

To go on a spiritual path is not easy for our mind to face all the dirt that was created.

An example in nature is the lovely 🪷 The lotus grows from a bed of mud and muddy water. The purity and beauty of the 🪷 is evident to the eye that looks upon it. Likewise, the 🪷 and the pearl! That begins life in difficult circumstances grows and blooms into great beauty. An oyster produced this wonderful pearl by using the most ordinary material possible, a piece of dirt.

So it is that man may evolve from the gross material world and the limitation of the five senses of perception into the great beauty of Higher Light. 

If you do not open the oyster, the pearl is lost to the world. When the spiritual Master comes into your life he opens you he lifts you out of mud into the surface of the water for you to bloom 🪷
Do not give up on you keep going into the light and you will reach the Highest Truth! 🙏🏻🕉️


Publiced by Guruji on X today:
"This is the secret to detachment: Every person who chooses to enter your life is their own person. No person ever belongs to you, nor you to them. Whether or not they are destined to remain in your life is their choice as much as it is yours. And if they should choose to leave, then you may trust that you have learned all the lessons that you needed to learn from them and that your destiny lies elsewhere. And if they should choose to leave, then it is a gift, for some people belong in your past, not your future, and them leaving is making space for those who will choose to stay. And though you may wish that they were still in your life, your happiness is never dependent on another person or their actions, and just because a connection came to an end, that does not mean that you were wrong for loving that person or being with them. And though you may fear letting go of this connection because you feel that nothing will ever replace it, change is the only constant in life, and this was not your one chance at finding love or being in a relationship. And you may live your best life regardless of who enters or exits your life. And so you may let go of the tunnel vision that you feel towards them, for love is found everywhere in existence, and you do not need this one person to give it to you. And the idea that love may be lost is an illusion, for love is a part of you and those we love forever remain in our stories and with us in spirit, as on an energetic level, separation is an illusion, and so we are never truly grieving them, only our attachment to how we feel things should have been. But just because it did not last, that does not mean that it was not worthwhile, for there is no such thing as a failed relationship, only two people who have outgrown one another or whose paths are moving in separate directions. And so you may let them go with love, trusting that life will lead you to the places you are meant to be and the people you are meant to be with, but should you both choose to, you will always remain connected. Tahlia Hunter"


Wherever you focus your mind, that mind takes a
shape. It’s like liquid. It doesn’t have a form itself,
but it takes the form of a receptacle. You pour
water in a bottle, it takes the form of a bottle.

Such is this mind also. If you feed that mind with
negativity, it will become negative. If you are
sitting and telling yourself, “No, I can’t do it, I can’t handle it, I can’t, you are building a brick wall where you are closing yourself inside your mind jail.

Daily practice of meditation, affirmation, gratitude, Atma kriya yoga is very important. Don’t find excuses. Stop saying, “I can’t; Start saying“I can, and, “I will.

Start practicing, to every negative thoughts do the opposite, positive actions.



I asked God to take away my pain
God said, No. Its not for me to take away, but for you to give it up.

I asked God to make my handicapped child whole. God said, No.
His spirit is whole, His body is only temporary.

I asked God to grant me patience.
God said, No.
Patience is a by-product of tribulations; It isn t granted, it is learned.

I asked God to give me happiness
God said, No. I give you blessings. Happiness is up to you.

I asked God to spare me pain.
God said, No. Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to me.

I asked God to make my spirit grow.
God said, No.
You must grow on your own, But I will prune you to make you fruitful.

I asked God for all things that I might enjoy life. God said, No,
I will give you life, so that you may enjoy all things.

I ask God to help me LOVE others,
as muck as He loves. Ahhh finally you have the idea. God said ...--


The Tragic Paradox of Our Times

We have taller buildings but shorter tempers,
wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints.
We spend more, but have less. We buy more, but enjoy less.
We have bigger houses and smaller families,
more conveniences, but less time.
We have more degrees but less sense;
more knowledge, but less judgment;
more experts, yet more problems; more medicine, but less health.
We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values.
We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often.
We’ve learned how to make a living, but not a life.
We’ve added years to life, not life to years.
We’ve been all the way to the moon and back,
but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor.
We conquered outer space, but not inner space.
We’ve done larger things, but not better things.
We’ve cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul.
We’ve conquered the atom, but not our prejudice.
We build more computers to hold more information,
to produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less and less.
These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion,
big men and small characters, steep profits and shallow relationships.
These are the days of two incomes but more divorce,
fancier houses, but broken homes.
These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers,
throw-away morality, one-night stands, overweight bodies,
and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill.

The Mindset That's Making You Miserable 15/11/2023

The Mindset That's Making You Miserable

In this intriguing exploration of human emotions, Paramahamsa Vishwananda delves into the fascinating dynamics between misery and happiness.

Discover the thought-provoking insights on why people may shy away from your joy and how the power of encouraging happiness can lead to personal transformation and profoundly impact society.

Enjoy and share it with a friend! 🙌 😊

The Mindset That's Making You Miserable Meet Paramahamsa Vishwananda in person:https://hubs.la/Q01GZvm_0 Paramahamsa Sri Swami Vishwananda's mission is to open the hearts of mankind. He tirelessly ...


Childhood experiences can shape our self-perception and beliefs about our worth.

This is a list of "Lost Messages" to heal your inner child. 

You are good! Affirming one's inherent goodness and value as a person.

You are wanted! Feeling a sense of being desired and accepted by others.

You are loved for yourself! Receiving unconditional love and acceptance for yourself, not just for what you do.

You are seen for who you are! Being acknowledged and understood on a deep, authentic level.

Your needs are not a problem! Feeling that your needs and desires are valid and worthy of attention.

You are safe! Ensuring a sense of security and protection.

You will be taken care of! Trusting that there is support and care available in times of need.

You will not be betrayed! Building a foundation of trust in relationships.

Your presence matters! Recognizing the significance and impact of your existence.

Acknowledging and addressing these unmet needs or messages from childhood can be a powerful aspect of self-discovery and personal development. It may involve introspection, therapy, or various self-help strategies like EFT ( tapping) to reframe and challenge those limiting beliefs, allowing you to feel whole again.


Exciting News: Just completed my Sensory Motor Art Therapy Training! 🎨

This bottom-up somatic approach has been truly transformative, marking a profound journey in my life.

Eager to apply this powerful therapy modality and guide others to embody a new way of being in the world 💗🙏🏻💗🕊️


So why do we look for our inner happiness outside? Because it is lighter? Is it easier? Is it easier to see things and other people than our own selves?

We must go inward, even though it seems dark and even though it seems that we may never find anything. We must have faith and start searching.

Meditation, prayer, faith in God, in Divine, a spiritual practice, a Guru, introspection, silence – these are all things that light the way for us to look inward, to find that key. Our candle may be dim at first, it might be hard to see. But slowly that candle will get brighter and brighter, and we will eventually find the key which we lost.

However, the longer we search for our happiness outside, focusing on material manifestations, the longer we remain lost in the labyrinth of eternal pain and inner emptiness.


If you look, you will see that all worries are mere illusion. You can understand this by observing what happens at the time of death?

When you are alive, you may have one hundred worries, but suppose you are dying. At that moment, how many worries do you think will dominate you the way they did earlier in life?

Surely only one worry will be foremost — that you are going to die. None of the earlier worries will exert any great influence. All the outer world situations remain the same, but still the worries disappear! Only loving thoughts remain for the people around you who are dear to you.

How is this possible? It is possible only because your worries were never a part of you in the first place. They were merely a part of your ignorance, part of your limited mind, wounded inner child. The body consciousness.
Most of the worries are nothing solid. They are based on the past experiences projected into the future. If they were solid, they would definitely exert some amount of influence over you at the time of your death as well.

The nature of worry is such that it always goes behind something that is not present. If you have wealth, it might go after relationships, if you have relationships, it might go after education, if you have education it might go after good looks.

If everything is present, it will suspect what is present!


I highly recommend this course to my fellow psychologist: The Guided Drawing modality for healing trauma. It's truly fascinating how this approach helps restore nervous system from traumatic experiences. I've personally found it to be a powerful tool for processing and healing, and I believe it can make a profound difference in your client's journey toward emotional well-being.


The past is a place we can't change, but our present and future are in our hands.

What they did to me was THEIR choice, but holding onto them was MY choice.

Today, I choose not to allow them to live in my mind anymore. I release my PAST, I release my Guilt, and I FORGIVE myself. I release my EXPECTATIONS.

With my inner strength, I'm using the power to let go and finally break free from the darkness of hurt and hatred. It's time to step into a brighter, more peaceful tomorrow. 🌟


🪩Self-healing journey guidance 🪩

Connect to your childhood, when you were uncorrupted by the world's regulations. You felt an inherent bigness, an unapologetic freedom to be yourself, with the endless possibilities that life had to offer. And bring that energy into the present moment 😊

I know as we grew, the world imposed its insecurities, rules, and limitations upon us. The vastness of our being were met with skepticism, and sometimes it was even crushed instead of embraced.

This initial confusion can feel like a cage, trapping in a state of voicelessness, immobility, and a never-ending game of the mind within the confines of space and time. But believe me there is a path to reclaiming and nurturing our radiant innocence in this dual, judgmental world.

♾️Connect with Your Inner Child♾️The first step is to reconnect with the innocent, boundless child within you. Spend time reflecting on your early years and the dreams and aspirations that once filled your heart with the feeling of unlimited possibility.

♾️Mindfulness and Self-Reflection♾️ Practice mindfulness and self-reflection to become aware of the self-doubt and limitations that have crept into your life. Recognize these patterns and acknowledge them without judgment.

♾️Seek Wisdom Keepers♾️Look for mentors, spiritual guides, or wisdom keepers who have walked a similar path. They can offer guidance and insights on how to navigate this dual world while preserving your inner light.

♾️Set Boundaries♾️ Learn to establish healthy boundaries with individuals who seek to dim your light. Recognize that their actions are a reflection of their own insecurities.

♾️Embrace Vulnerability♾️ Embrace vulnerability as a strength rather than a weakness. Share your authentic self with those who appreciate and respect your radiance. Vulnerability can help you form genuine connections.

♾️Practice Self-Compassion♾️ Be gentle with yourself. Understand that it's okay to make mistakes and experience moments of self-doubt. Self-compassion will help you navigate through the challenges of this world.

👇more in the comments 👇


A Journey Out of Powerlessness to Completion

In life, there are moments when we find ourselves trapped in powerlessness. It's a state where we feel shackled by circumstances, and every decision we make appears to deepen our sense of despair.

But within this challenging space lies a profound choice: the decision to break free from the suffocation of powerlessness. In such moments, this choice should be our sole focus, for any other decision can lead to further prolonged suffering.

The journey out of powerlessness is not an easy one, but it is a profoundly empowering one. It begins with a single decision: to reclaim our true essence, to acknowledge that we alone are the architects of our destinies. When we take this responsibility, we slowly free ourselves from powerlessness, self-denial, self-hatred, and self-doubt. 

When you find yourself in the dark abyss of powerlessness, let your only decision be to emerge from it. In that choice, you ignite the flame of your inner power, transcending the limitations that once bound you and paving the way for a life of purpose, fulfillment, and authentic leadership.


Within the realm of self-identity, there exist four distinct dimensions, each contributing to the intricate tapestry of 'you':

1. Inner Image: This is who you believe about you.

2. Outer Image: This is the persona you present to the outer world—the image you project to others.

3. Others' Image: This dimension pertains to how those around you perceive and interpret your presence. It reflects their expectations, judgments, and impressions of you, which may not always align with your inner or outer image.

4. Life Image: Your perceptions of the world, place, and unique perspective on life's intricacies and mysteries.

Together, these four dimensions intertwine to shape an ever-evolving 'you.

When you're not open to listening to your own inner voice and making personal growth, the Divine orchestrates you into situations where others have expectations of you. This happens because there's a part of you, often suppressed, that wants to express itself and grow. It takes shelter in someone else's expectations of you, triggering your own expansion.

In the grand tapestry of existence, we are all One, interconnected, part of the same SOURCE. When you hold back your potential, the universe conspires to mirror your authenticity through the expectations others hold of you.

It's important to recognize that your full potential extends beyond what you believe to be your peak, what you outwardly project, and even what others perceive as your peak. It encompasses your entire experience of your soul's existence.

As long as you perceive your growth as a response solely to external expectations, you may carry a burden of restlessness and unease.

Here lies a profound truth: YOU reside in the inner consciousness of those who harbor expectations about you. You, in your infinite complexity, inspire their hopes and dreams, ultimately reflecting back the facets of your own being that seek expression and fulfillment.
Like Arjuna manifested Lord Krishna to liberate his soul in the Bhagavad Gita."



Eating Disorders as an Addiction to Perfection 24/09/2023

Sharing a very interesting read about the insight on eating disorders. Happy read💗

“The individual may strive after perfection . . .. but must suffer from the opposite of his intentions for the sake of his completeness.”

Jung (1951)

This article is based on Marion Woodman’s Addiction to Perfection and is a continuation of my previous article on the author: Psyche, Metaphor, Soma, with a specific focus on how disembodiment and the loss of the feminine principle engender the development and maintenance of eating disorders.

Woodman, whose focus is specifically on women whose food complex is bound up with the mother, describes a disorder stemming from a fundamental denial of the self in pursuit of perfection. This self-denial causes an insatiable spiritual hunger that the compulsive endeavours to feed through self-constructed rituals. Because these rituals are rooted in the negative mother, however, they only work to deepen her starvation and abstention from life. To be liberated from her disorder, she must come to terms with her humanity and establish her own feminine identity.


Eating Disorders as an Addiction to Perfection A disorder stemming from a fundamental denial of the self in pursuit of perfection.


🙈 Blindness represents that aspect of the mind which can perceive reality only through the five senses of perception: sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. These senses allow us to interact with and understand the world around us by receiving information through various sensory organs.
Our limited body consciousness is solely reliant on the physical senses.

Focusing solely on the atom can blind us to the intricate energies that power it; fixating on ego-driven traits can veil our path and the quest to true divine nature.

🌀 The innermost journey of self-purification calls us to transcend the confines of ego consciousness. Those delusive qualities – born from a sense of separateness – can cloud our vision of our shared greater cosmic consciousness.

❤️‍🩹 Hatred, passion, lust, anger, greed, and jealousy – they're layers we must peel away. They are manifested from a consciousness of division from the divine. But know this: the ego isn't our true self. It's merely a veil obscuring the radiant light of our inner being♾️

When we release these obstructive layers, we unveil the brilliance of our authentic nature—a nature rooted in unity, love, and boundless potential🕉️🕊️💓


The external things we acquire in life may bring temporary pleasure or satisfaction, but they do not bring lasting happiness because they do not address the core of who we are as Divine beings.

1. **The Unchanging Self**: No matter what material possessions we acquire or where we go, our essential self remains unchanged. We may have new clothes, a new car, or be in an exotic location, but these external factors do not fundamentally alter our inner state or sense of self.

2. **Inward Reflection and Transformation**: To find true and lasting happiness, we need to turn our attention inward and explore our inner world. This may initially seem challenging or dark, as it requires confronting our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. However, this inward journey is essential for personal growth and self-awareness.

3. **Faith and Spiritual Practices**: In the quest for inner happiness, having faith in something greater than ourselves can be empowering. Engaging in spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, or seeking guidance from a Guru can help us connect with our deeper selves and the divine, leading us to a sense of peace and fulfillment.

4. **Introspection and Silence**: By practicing introspection and spending time in silence, we create space for self-reflection and self-discovery. It allows us to understand our motivations, desires, and fears, enabling personal growth and positive change.

5. **The Key Within**: The passage suggests that the key to true happiness lies within us. By looking inward and connecting with our inner essence, we can unlock a sense of contentment and joy that is independent of external circumstances.

In essence, the pursuit of external possessions and experiences can be a part of life, but true and lasting happiness comes from delving into our inner selves, understanding our true nature, and cultivating a sense of peace and contentment from within. This inward journey is often a transformative and enlightening process that leads to a more profound and sustainable sense of happiness.


1.Yes, a soul can certainly decide that this is enough and that it does not want to be reborn. However, simply wanting liberation is not enough. One must work for it. This is the point of a daily spiritual practice of prayer, meditation, and yoga. Through these ways, the soul sheds layer after layer of illusion, ignorance, attachment, and desire. Once the layers have all been shed, once the soul realizes it's true, divine nature, then rebirth is not necessary. Through these disciplines, one can break the cycle of birth and death♾️

Rather than just giving us liberation as per request, Divine gives us the light of wisdom, and the light of truth by which we can find our way back to the Source of Creation 🕉️

2. Rebirth serves a profound purpose, and one of its crucial aspects is fulfilling unfulfilled desires. However, it is important to understand that true liberation is achieved when we transcend all desires. Until our minds become desireless, we will continue engaging in actions driven by these desires. These actions, both good and bad, create karma that binds us to the cycle of birth and death♾️

Indeed, the primary purpose of rebirth is to attain oneness with God🕉️ In some lives, we may stray and choose paths driven by passion, decadence, and hedonism instead of piety, discrimination, and honor. Yet, God's intention is for all of us to return to Him. This is why we are given more chances through rebirth. We keep coming back until we learn the lessons of this human existence and transcend the limitations and temptations of the flesh.

Let us realize that any actions not aligned with the path of God-realization become obstacles on our own journey. Every dishonest, impure act becomes another stumbling block we place in our path. It becomes a hurdle we must eventually overcome, be it in this life or the next.

Each step taken on the path of God-realization brings us closer to the ultimate liberation.



🕉️Infinite Within 🕉️

The Creator, the Source, the Origin is full, complete, and infinite. This which has come out of That, which has been created from That, removed from That, is also whole, complete, and infinite in itself. 

This mantra is the spiritual equivalent of the mathematical properties of infinity. Infinity minus ten is infinity. Infinity divided by ten is infinity. Infinity divided by 7.7 billion is infinity. 

In a world that sometimes imposes limitations and fosters feelings of inadequacy, we remember that our true essence knows no bounds. We are not mere fractions of infinity; we are whole and complete reflections of the divine.

Indeed, the recognition of the divine within oneself can lead to a deep sense of self-value and reverence.

In Hindu philosophy, the concept of Atman, the individual soul, is considered to be intrinsically connected to the universal divine, known as Brahman. The Chandogya Upanishad (6.8.7) states, "Tat Tvam Asi," meaning "You are That." This implies that the true essence of oneself is divine and interconnected with the supreme reality. When one realizes this divine nature within, a natural sense of self-value arises as the recognition of the divine presence leads to an understanding of one's inherent worth.

In Christianity, the belief in the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is central. The Apostle Paul, in 1 Corinthians 3:16, states, "Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you?" This verse emphasizes the idea that believers are not only valued by God but are also vessels through which the divine presence resides. Recognizing this indwelling divine presence leads to a deep sense of reverence and self-value, as one's very being becomes a sacred dwelling place for God.

The recognition of the divine presence within brings forth a shift in perspective, fostering self-acceptance, self-love, and a humble surrender to the divine. It allows for the mind to bow in reverence, acknowledging the sacredness within and embracing the inherent worthiness of one's being.

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