Faiza Khan Nutrition & Wellness

Nutritional Therapist helping busy midlife women THRIVE in their menopause years and feel amazing every day. Let me help. https://bit.ly/fk_freehealthcall

Personalised nutrition and health coaching | 1:1 Programmes | Workplace Wellbeing Do you drag yourself through the day and long for a good night’s sleep? Are coffee and chocolate getting you through the afternoon slump? Is your snack habit nudging up the numbers on the bathroom scales? Have you been tearing your hair out trying to cope with hot sweats, mood swings, brain fog or anxiety? Has your



☀️And happy 1st day of (meteorological) summer! 🏝

Are you ready for it?

🤸‍♀️Did you leap out of bed ready to embrace the day?

🥱Or did you toss & turn through the night and wake up once again feeling groggy and irritable?

Perhaps you’ve got so used to feeling constantly tired, stressed, brain fogged and bloated that you’ve forgotten what “normal” feels like. And if you’re busy juggling work, family, friends and other commitments then it can feel too overwhelming to try and make any changes.

Or maybe you have been trying to eat more healthily and exercise more but you’re not getting the results you want. That can be frustrating and disheartening.

The thing is, we are all unique so whatever it is that you’re trying might not be right for YOU.

That’s where working with a nutritional therapist can help.

I work with midlife women who are struggling with all those symptoms and I help them take back control of their bodies, rebalance their hormones and get back to feeling like them again.

I focus on what's going on in THEIR body, to identify and correct potential imbalances. It's a personalised approach not a one-size-fits all plan.

Just imagine waking up each morning feeling happy, vibrant and full of energy to do all the things you love... How would that feel?

That can be a reality - you just need to take the first step and grab a FREE slot at my virtual clinic open day. It is your opportunity to discuss your health concerns and goals and discover the benefits of working with a nutritional therapist. Plus you'll get some tips to get started with straight away.

When: Monday 10th & Tuesday 11th June

What: FREE 30-minute mini-consultation (by phone or zoom)

How: Click on the link or comment ‘SUMMER’ below


Spaces are limited so…

“Do it now - sometimes later becomes never”

Photos from Faiza Khan Nutrition & Wellness's post 30/05/2024

🥳Summer really is just around the corner and the last thing you want is to have that holiday vibe ruined by your midlife hormones.

Feeling hot, exhausted, brain fogged, anxious and stressed is not ‘normal’. Yes, you might be perimenopausal but that doesn’t mean you have to accept all those symptoms. Even if you're on HRT, it’s not a miracle cure for all things midlife.

Just imagine waking up each morning feeling happy, vibrant and full of energy to do all the things you love... How would that feel? 🤩

I can help with that.

As a Registered Nutritional Therapist & Health Coach I work with midlife women who are struggling with the many symptoms of their fluctuating hormones. I help them take control of their bodies, rebalance their hormones and get back to their vibrant best!

I take the latest research in nutrition and health sciences and apply them to you and your symptoms. I’ll be looking at the body as a whole to assess and identify potential nutritional imbalances and understand how these may be contributing to how you’re feeling. Think of me as your personal health detective🕵️‍♀️

I may recommend additional tests to help clarify what’s going on. They can help get results faster and can be a real motivator for change.

I put together a personalised food, lifestyle and (if necessary) supplement plan to address any imbalances and help support your body to achieve optimum health.

I’ll support and coach you to help you implement the plan or break through any barriers that may be getting in the way.

It’s a very personal approach and we go at your pace. There is rarely a 'one-size-fits-all' solution or single way of eating that is right for everyone.

It's not all kale and celery juice - you might even get to have the odd glass of wine and piece of chocolate!

☀️So, if you’re ready to prioritise your health this summer then grab one of the slots at my virtual clinic open days on MONDAY 10TH AND TUESDAY 11TH JUNE

☀️Click on the link below or type “SUMMER” in the comments – be quick as spaces are limited



Don’t wait until you’re 50 to start thinking about the menopause - there’s plenty you can do right now to minimise the symptoms and have a smoother journey.

The average age for reaching menopause may be 51 but most women will start to experience the effects of their fluctuating hormones up to 10 years before that.

So if you’re noticing the odd symptom here and there … difficulty concentrating, the occasional hot flush, clothes getting tighter then there is plenty you can do right now that can help.

🥗Making some tweaks to your diet is a great starting point. Balancing your blood sugar will help keep your hormones steady. It will help with weight management, sugar cravings, concentration, hot flushes. Including foods that support your hormones, your brain, your joints.

🧘‍♀️Some lifestyle changes can also help. Moving more or changing the type of exercise you do, making time for self-care. That can help with stress, anxiety, energy and sleep.

Whether or not you’re already on the HRT path there is plenty that food and healthy habits can do to help you thrive on your perimenopause journey.

📱If you're struggling or would like to find out more then DM me or book a free call and let’s have a chat.



Did you leap out of bed this morning, full of energy and ready for your day?

Or have you got so used to being constantly tired and brain fogged that you actually think it's ‘normal’?

It's easy to rely on your morning coffee to start your day or a mid-morning biscuit for an instant pick-me-up but the effects quickly wear off and you're left feeling more tired than before.

Follow these simple steps and you'll notice a spring in your step almost instantly:

1) Eat a nutrient-rich whole food diet packed with vegetables, protein, complex carbs & healthy fats

2) Don't overdo the fruit when it comes to snack time. Yes fruit is a much healthier option than a chocolate biscuit but it still contains sugar. Choose lower sugar fruits like berries, kiwis, oranges, peaches and have them with a small serving of nuts or greek yoghurt

3) Drink plenty of water. Dehydration is one of the biggest causes of tiredness. Your body is about 60% water, so you need to keep topped up to make sure it’s working efficiently.

4) Keep moving. A full-blown workout might be the last thing you want when you’re low on energy but taking regular exercise is one of the easiest ways to beat fatigue. It gets oxygenated blood pumping through your body and raising your heart rate also helps release those feel-good endorphins.

5) Prioritise your sleep. Aim to get between 7-9 hours per night. If your sleep is disrupted try having a digital detox at least an hour before bed, have a warm bath with relaxing Epsom Salts and make sure the bedroom is completely dark and not too warm.

If you feel you’re doing everything right and yet you’re still exhausted then let's have a chat and see if I can help.

DM me or book a FREE 30 minute consultation and we can discuss what's going on.




🚨 April is 🚨

There are many stressful events and situations that are beyond our control - modern life IS stressful - but being in a permanent state of ‘fight or flight’ can have a detrimental effect on your physical and mental health - low energy, headaches, insomnia, digestive issues, weight gain, low immune function, heart disease, anxiety and depression.

Perimenopause can also be extremely stressful. It’s a natural transition for women in their 40s and 50s but it comes with its own unique set of challenges. Those fluctuating hormones are responsible for many new symptoms which can feel stressful in itself but they can also directly affect your mood and lead to increased anxiety.

🙏So, while you might not be able to change what's going on around you, you can certainly put strategies in place to help your body manage the impact of stress and anxiety. And that will help with other symptoms like hot flushes, mood swings, energy and sleep disturbances.

🧘‍♀️It’s all about self-care.

💯And it’s absolutely 100% non-negotiable at this time.

🧘‍♀️Self-care is about actively taking care of your own happiness, making positive lifestyle choices, having fun and also relaxing and recharging.

🧘‍♀️One of the quickest ways to empty the stress bucket and calm your busy mind is with some simple breathing exercises.

Get started right now with this version of box breathing:

Follow the circle in the video - breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, breathe out for 4 seconds and hold again for 4. Repeat 4 times.

Do this at different times during the day whenever you need to take a break or find some calm.


Who needs a cosy drink to warm them up after some invigorating Easter egg hunts?

Turmeric latte is the perfect comforting evening drink to help you unwind before bed plus it’s packed with health benefits.

Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric, and along with ginger and cinnamon they all have anti-oxidant and anti inflammatory properties, plus anti-bacterial and anti-viral benefits - perfect to help you recover from the weekend.

For 1 serving:

1 tbsp coconut oil

½ tsp ground turmeric

Pinch of freshly ground black pepper

¼ tsp ground ginger

¼ tsp cinnamon

300ml unsweetened almond or coconut milk

½ tsp vanilla extract

½ tsp maple syrup (optional)

1. Melt the coconut oil in a small pan then add the spices and stir for 30 seconds.

2. Once combined add the milk and whisk together until simmering (you could use a milk frother if you have one).

3. Add the vanilla and maple syrup if using then serve.

4. Top with an extra sprinkle of cinnamon.

There are so many versions of this recipe - it’s a case of adjusting the quantities according to your taste then sit back and enjoy the comforting hug of the warming spices.

Give me a 🥰 if you're going to give it a try x



Here's your To-Do list for the next few days:

☀️Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts!

🌳Go for a walk in nature

🍫Enjoy your Easter eggs (in moderation!)

💧Drink a glass of water as soon as you've read this

🤸‍♀️Have fun

⏰⏰⏰⏰ Remember to change your clocks to British Summertime (forward an hour) before you go to bed tonight.

😜And of course remember to comment at least a dozen times on how light it is tomorrow evening!


Happy Friday and happy

Did you know that getting outdoors in the morning - even if it isn't bright and sunny - can actually make a difference to how you sleep in the evening?

Exposure to the morning light helps to calibrate your body's circadian rhythm, which regulates many biological processes, including body temperature, energy levels, appetite,hormone production and sleep.

It suppresses melatonin production - the sleep hormone and increases cortisol. Yes, cortisol is the stress hormone that we're often trying to reduce if it's chronically high, but it is vital and should naturally be high in the morning to get us up and ready for the day.

That morning light also triggers the release of serotonin - the 'happy' hormone which is the precursor to melatonin.

So grab your morning cuppa and sit in the garden watching the birds and the trees for 20 minutes.

Drop me a DM if you’re struggling with your sleep quantity or quality and I’ll send you some tips


Have you ever noticed that you crave sugary foods and refined carbs after a late night or poor sleep?

Sleep deprivation causes a whole host of hormone imbalances.
Ghrelin (the hormone that makes you feel hungry) increases and leptin (the hormone that tells you when you're full) is suppressed. So you feel tired and hungry and you’ll probably reach for cake or biscuits to boost your energy levels.

To make matters worse, studies that show that higher intakes of these foods are linked to increased sleep disruption - it’s a vicious circle!

Sleep is essential to allow your body to rest, recover and repair. Many biological processes are carried out while we sleep and for adults this takes between 7 and 9 hours per night.

Your body is repairing muscle, building protein, producing and releasing hormones. The brain is clearing out waste and reorganising its neurons - vital for learning, memory, problem-solving, creativity and concentration.

Sleep also supports a healthy immune system and heart health, emotional wellbeing and resilience.

So if you’re trying to ditch sugar, lose weight or just move towards a healthier lifestyle then getting a good night’s sleep is important.


1. Get outdoors in the morning light. This helps to calibrate your body's circadian rhythm, which regulates many biological processes, including energy levels, appetite and sleep.

2. Finish your last meal at least 2-3 hours before bed. Include protein, veg and complex carbs for a steady release of energy through the night. A sudden dip in blood sugar during the night which will wake you up in the early hours.

3. Go to bed at the same time every night and start to ‘wind down’ at least an hour before. Allow enough time to get at least 8 hours sleep. Your body thrives on routine.

4. Create a ‘sleep-friendly’ environment. Your bedroom shouldn't be too hot or too cold. Ensure it's completely dark and keep phones and tablets out.

Still struggling to tame your sugar cravings? Send me a DM and we can have a chat.

Photos from Faiza Khan Nutrition & Wellness's post 03/03/2024

The concept of getting your ‘5-a-day’ has been around for a long time and if you’ve ever worked with me you’ll know that I recommend aiming for ‘7-a-day’ (at least).

Ensuring that half your plate is filled with non-starchy veg is a great way to guarantee you’re getting plenty of prebiotics and fibre in your diet - essential for a healthy gut.

But the problem with this is that many people stick to their favourites - banana at breakfast, apple as a snack, broccoli at dinner. Of course they’re healthy foods but that’s not giving your gut the variety it needs for your microbiome to flourish. You could eat that every day for a week and it would still only count as 3 different plant points.

Your gut is home to 100 trillion microorganisms which all play a vital role not just in your digestion but in your overall health. They help to break down food, make vitamins, regulate your immune system and prevent the growth of harmful pathogens and they need a variety of different plants foods to thrive.

WHY 30?
This comes from a 2018 study of over 10,000 volunteers who provided detailed information about their eating habits as well as samples of their p**p! Once analysed it was shown that those who ate 30 or more different plants per week had more diverse gut microbes than people who ate less than 10.

Different plants comprise different types of fibre and different polyphenols with a range of healthful properties - antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-cancer.

And we know that good health starts in the gut - 70% of your immune system is located there.

Fruit, veg, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds = 1 point
Herbs and spices = ¼ point
Olive oil = ¼ point

As you prepare each meal or snack simply list each plant food included.
Only count it once if the same food comes up again at the next meal.
But if you have a red apple in the morning and a green apple in the afternoon you've got yourself 2 points!

Let me know in the comments how you get on


If you’ve had enough of brain fog, bloating, hot flushes and weight gain it’s time to tame your midlife hormones and thrive!

Hi, I’m Faiza.

I’m a Registered Nutritional Therapist & Health Coach and I help frazzled midlife women do exactly that.

Before qualifying in nutrition I spent 20 years in the corporate world, working ridiculous hours - nose glued to my computer screen; fuelled by syrupy lattes, sugary pastries and mayonnaise-filled sandwiches. A few glasses of wine after work ‘to unwind’ and something on toast for dinner when I got home. And I used to think only ‘needing’ 5 or so hours of sleep was a good thing!

So I ‘get it’. I get that when you're busy juggling work, home, friends and family it can feel impossible to create healthy habits that stick - you just need a routine that’s minimal effort and super speedy.

But the good news is that even making the simplest changes to what you eat and what you do every day can make a huge difference to your symptoms.

And at this stage of life you DO need to make those changes if you want to avoid the perimenopause rollercoaster.

That’s where I can help.

These days, as a qualified nutrition practitioner, my job is to help you get back to the best version of you again.

I work 1:1 and take the time to assess what’s going on with your health to understand where and why things may be out of balance.

I put together dietary and lifestyle recommendations to help you restore equilibrium and I coach and support you to help you stay on track and achieve your desired health goals.

It’s a very personalised approach tailored to you.

✨So if you’re ready to feel confident and in control of your menopause journey then DM me or book a FREE 30-minute call today✨



Your hormones play a crucial role in your health and how you function every day.

They are interconnected and need to work together in harmony - like a finely tuned orchestra - to keep your body in balance. When an instrument is out of tune, too loud or too quiet, then the whole orchestral performance is affected. The same applies to your hormones.

As you move through perimenopause your hormones fluctuate significantly which is why you might be experiencing symptoms like fatigue, poor sleep, low mood, anxiety, brain fog, weight gain or hair loss and dry skin.

⚖️Progesterone levels fall rapidly as you ovulate less as regularly and, although oestrogen is decreasing too, it’s falling at a slower rate. That means you can end up being “oestrogen dominant” (that’s too much oestrogen in proportion to progesterone).

⚖️The thyroid comes under increased pressure in your 40s as levels of progesterone decline. Low levels of thyroid hormones may cause low mood, low energy, weight gain, brain fog, aches and pains - many of the same symptoms of perimenopause.

⚖️Levels of the stress hormone cortisol gradually increase as you age - and can be especially high if you’re used to spinning too many plates - making sleep more difficult and leading to weight gain, especially around the belly.

⚖️Oestrogen and progesterone affect how your body responds to insulin – the fat storage hormone. As your hormone levels fluctuate so do your blood sugar levels and your body may become less sensitive to insulin. So more insulin is needed to do the same job, and more insulin produced means more fat stored.

Working out where are you out of balance is one of the things I do as a Nutritional Therapist - via a combination of detective work (in depth health assessment) and testing, if appropriate.

Then we can put strategies in place to get you back on track.

Rebalancing your hormones naturally is not something that happens overnight but it can be greatly improved with the help of nutritional and lifestyle changes.

Drop me a DM or book a FREE call and let’s get you back in balance!



Are you struggling to lose weight despite sticking to your ‘New Year, New You’ diet?

You’ve been counting out your grains of rice, making all the 'low fat' swaps and you’ve even been replacing entire meals with juices or smoothies - but you’re not seeing the results you want?

So you cut your calories further and up your exercise in the hope of seeing the numbers on the scales move - but nothing is working?

In fact you just feel so tired and fed up that you ‘recalculate’ the calories / points / rewards so you can have some chocolate or a glass of wine later!

Honestly, life’s too short for all of that!

Plus it stops working once you're in your 40s.

There’s so much more to losing weight and being healthy than a simple calculation of calories in and calories out. Too much of a calorie restriction and your body will adapt to conserve energy and your metabolism slows down. Plus 500 calories of broccoli is NOT the same as 500 calories of chocolate cake - no matter what your food logging app tells you! Your body will treat the foods completely differently.

Your hormones play a crucial role in your health and how you function day in day out - affecting everything from your metabolism and weight to your energy, sleep and mood. As you transition towards the menopause your hormones fluctuate significantly and that means that what your body needs has also changed.

So winning at weight loss during perimenopause is about keeping your hormones in balance - especially your thyroid hormones (your body’s internal motor), cortisol (your stress hormone), insulin (AKA the fat storage hormone!) and oestrogen. Any imbalances will work against you when you want to lose weight - and calorie restriction will not help.

Once your hormones are working together in harmony again you’ll also notice an improvement in some of your other symptoms like hot flushes, sleep disturbances, mood and brain fog and weight management will be easier.

So if you’re ready to step off the diet treadmill or you’d like some help with any of your peri/menopause symptoms then drop me a DM or book a FREE call and let’s get you started.



Apparently today is - supposedly the most depressing day of the year - due to a combination of post-festive blues, Christmas credit card bills and endless cold, dark nights.

But don’t be fooled by all the hype - (created by the travel industry to get us all to book our summer holidays).

Why not make it a instead - make yourself a cuppa and pick up the phone for a 20 minute chin wag with friends or family - guaranteed to lift your spirits.

Did you know that tea (black, green or white) is packed with antioxidants that may support heart and gut health, reduce cholesterol and blood pressure, balance blood sugar and protect against cancer.

Or how about these herbal teas to boost your mood and improve your energy:-

Turmeric: as well as being anti-inflammatory it can help boost mood and general wellbeing

Chamomile: known to help relaxation especially before bedtime but also supports digestion and blood sugar balance

Valerian root: can reduce anxiety and improve sleep quality

Ginger: enhances circulation and improves energy and mood. Also has anti-inflammatory and digestive properties.

And if the sun is shining where you are then grab your cuppa and head into the garden for a few minutes of sunlight on your eyes - it’ll help boost your mood and your sleep.

Photos from Faiza Khan Nutrition & Wellness's post 08/01/2024

Forget "New Year, New You" and all that malarky!

Let's face it, January is already gloomy enough without punishing yourself with unrealistic resolutions (that, BTW, most people will have abandoned by the end of this month!)

Of course “Dry January” has a ton of health benefits - but if you’re going to be miserable and go on a bender on 1st Feb then maybe reconsider.

Ditch the pressure of grand resolutions and embrace some simple micro intentions to improve your every day health.

No crash diets, no guilt trips, just sustainable, tiny tweaks to build on daily for big results.


🍳BREAKFAST UPGRADE: Swap your cereal or croissant for a protein packed porridge or any form of eggs - you'll feel full until lunchtime so no need for the mid morning biccie.

💃MOVEMENT BREAKS: Get up from your desk every hour or so & move for at least 5 minutes. Walk up and down the stairs, round the block or just dance around the room to your favourite tune!

🚶‍♀️WALK & TALK: Multitask and turn your phone calls, or your coffee catch ups with friends, into power walks

💧 UP YOUR WATER INTAKE: Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning while you’re waiting for the kettle boil. Have another one whenever you fancy a sweet snack - then decide whether you’re actually hungry or just looking for distraction.

😴SLEEP SMARTER: Aim for 8 hours of sleep a night - your brain and body will feel better for it. Turn off the TV an hour before bed and start your wind down routine.

And guess what? These tiny tweaks add up to become healthy habits.

Be patient and be kind to yourself and celebrate the small daily wins. 🥳✨

Which one will you start with? Let me know in the comments.

Need more help getting started with your 2024 healthy habits or struggling with your midlife hormones?

Book a FREE call and let's look at some steps to help you have your best year yet! ✨

Click here to grab your free call or click on the link in bio


🎄💝 Sending festive love and warmest wishes.
Have a wonderful day xx 🎄💝


SAVE THIS RECIPE 👇🏼for the days when you just can’t face another turkey sandwich or mince pie!

This quinoa salad is a great lighter option - packed with protein and healthy fats. Easy to prep ahead and grab when you can’t be bothered to cook!


● 200g quinoa (dry weight)

● 2 tbsp fresh coriander, chopped

● 2 tbsp fresh parsley, chopped

● 4 spring onions, chopped

● 2 cloves garlic, crushed

● 16 cherry tomatoes, quartered

● 2 small avocados, chopped

● 2 tbsp pumpkin seeds

● Olive oil


1. Add the quinoa to a pan with around 300 - 350ml water and bring to the boil. Lower the heat, cover and simmer for around 10 minutes, until the water has been absorbed. Turn off the heat and let the quinoa sit for 5 minutes, then fluff up with a fork.

2. Once cooled add in the remaining ingredients. Season with salt and pepper and serve with a drizzle of olive oil.


👆🏼SAVE this post for later

'Tis the season for spending time with friends and family, enjoying delicious food and drink and sharing fun and laughter. So with exactly 1 week to go before the BIG day, it’s safe to say that the festive (over)indulgence IS going to happen - in fact it’s probably started already.

But as tempting as it might be to eat nothing but cheese, mince pies and party food for the next fortnight, your body will thank you if you manage to incorporate a little balance.

It isn’t actually that tricky and you won't feel as though you’re missing out. Just follow these simple tips:

1. BATCH COOK A FEW SIMPLE MEALS - for the days when you’re not eating out.

Make a batch of vegetable soup. Add some beans or lentils for plenty of protein. Bake some salmon fillets, ready to add to a plateful of salad or steamed veg.
Cook a batch of quinoa and roast a tray of veg and you're good to go.

If your meals are ready you’re less likely to give in to the temptation of the chocolate tin or cheese board.


If you’ve been trying to lose weight then just set yourself a maintenance goal instead. This is much more realistic and it will give you the freedom to enjoy yourself without feeling deprived or guilty.


and save the roast potatoes to the end of your meal. You could even serve a salad as a starter rather than a rich terrine or creamy soup.


Have a low-GL snack before you go out – something that includes protein and slow-release carbs (an oatcake with cottage cheese or nut butter for example). And drink a large glass of water before you go out.


If you want a sausage roll or mince pie or a couple of Celebrations then have them but be sure to eat them mindfully and enjoy them - and stop after one or two. Don’t leave them out all the time. That’s when the auto-pilot eating happens.

For more tips and recipes to help you navigate the festive season grab a copy of my free Christmas Survival Guide.



Exactly 2 weeks until the big day!

One minute you’re thinking it’s too early to put up your Christmas decs, and the next, you’re in full-on panic mode, wondering how you’re going to get everything done!

The best thing to do right now is take a breath.

Literally, STOP whatever it is you’re doing and breathe.

Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds and breathe out for 8 seconds. Repeat that 3 more times.

Now remind yourself that this is meant to be the most wonderful time of the year and what will be will be. It’s OK if you haven’t got everything done. There’s no point spending time with your loved ones if you’re too stressed and exhausted to enjoy it.

What else can you do to maintain a sense of calm over the festive season?

Check out this blog for more tips (link in bio)


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