The Nutrition Guru

Nutritionist - Clinic Lead - Corporate Wellness - Author-Motivational Health Speaker More recently The Diagnostic Clinic, W1.

Tina qualified with a first class BSc Hons in Health Science with a specialism in Nutrition. She has worked as a Registered Nutrition Consultant for the prestigious Health Doctors Clinic, an Integrated Medical Clinic, Harley Street, W1 for 10 years. These high profile medical practises emphasise Nutrition and Lifestyle management as a priority with all their clients. Tina joined the team at Charte


8pm tonight


A big Hi 👋 to my new followers. I thought I’d tell you a little bit about myself.

I’ve been a passionate foodie and cook from the earliest age. I learnt how food can nourish and support health, way back when I was a child helping my Italian grandmother pick fresh fruits and vegetables from her large allotment at the end of her garden.

I learnt that food is information for our bodies and each bite can transform how we feel each day and equally poor choices can lead us to disharmony and Dis-Ease! If I had a kidney infection I would have home made barley drinks and soups to support my kidneys, if I was coming down with a lurgy we’d chop up lots of fresh garlic for its antibacterial and anti viral properties and mix with fresh ripe tomatoes, basil and the greenest extra virgin olive to make bruschetta. Bone broth and soups were always a staple every week, packed with prebiotic onions, leeks, garlic and rich in gelatine, L-glutamine to support the mucus membranes and gut and aid rapid recovery. Still to this day I fry up organic chicken livers with balsamic vinegars and serve with a watercress salad if I need energy. Liver is one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet and I can truly feel it recharging my batteries the following day.

I studied Nutritional Medicine for 4 years achieving a 1st BSc and was fortunate to get my first job at an integrated medical clinic in Harley Street.

It’s now been twenty years since graduating and I am fortunate now to share my knowledge and passion around the globe, hosting wellness retreats (France, Switzerland, St. Lucia, Morocco and working with companies - large and small including Google, The Premier League, Abbott healthcare, Investec, JP Morgan, Trustpilot both in the UK and overseas offering a range of corporate wellbeing talks and workshops.

I head up my own clinic now and I’m super proud of our expert team of clinicians here including the brilliant - disordered eating specialist and sports nutritionist and who specialises in women’s health, long covid and CFS.


What better way to show your staff your care than to hold a Women’s Wellness event for International Women’s Day in March this year. We are delighted to be hosting talks, lunch and learn workshops, as well as a few evening events to celebrate Women in the Workplace this springtime. We still have some availability to host an event for your company so do get in touch if you’d like to discuss how we can support your team.

We are delighted to offer Teacher Wellness Events including Inset Day talks and webinars on a wide range of health topics so be sure to get in touch to learn more.


Sweet potato and chickpea buddha bowl.


* 2 Tbsp olive or avocado oil
* 1/2 medium red onion (sliced in wedges)
* 2 small sweet potatoes (halved)
* 1 bundle broccolini (large stems removed // chopped)
* 2 big handfuls kale (larger stems removed)
* 1/4 tsp each salt + pepper

* 1 can chickpeas (drained, rinsed + patted dry)
* 1 tsp cumin
* 3/4 tsp chili powder
* 3/4 tsp garlic powder
* 1/4 tsp each salt + pepper
* 1/2 tsp tsp oregano (optional)
* 1/4 tsp turmeric (optional)

* 4 Tbsp tahini
* 1 Tbsp maple syrup
* 1/2 medium lemon (juiced)
* 2-4 Tbsp hot water (to thin)


* Preheat oven to 180 fan, arrange sweet potatoes, skin down with the onions on a baking sheet. Drizzle both with a bit of oil.
* Bake for 10 minutes, then remove from oven flip sweet potatoes and add broccolini. Drizzle broccolini with a bit of oil and season with a pinch each salt and pepper.
* Bake for another 8-10 minutes, then remove from oven and add kale. Drizzle kale with a touch more oil and season with a pinch each salt and pepper. Bake for another 4-5 minutes then set aside.
* While vegetables are roasting, heat a large frying pan over medium heat and add chickpeas to a mixing bowl and toss with seasonings.
* Once hot, add 1 Tbsp oil and chickpeas and sauté, stirring frequently. If they’re browning too quickly, turn down heat. If there isn’t much browning going on, increase heat. I found 10 minutes total at slightly over medium heat was perfect.
* Once the chickpeas are browned and fragrant, remove from heat and set aside.
* Prepare sauce by adding tahini, maple syrup and lemon juice to a mixing bowl and whisking to combine. Add hot water until a pourable sauce is formed. Set aside.

To serve: slice sweet potatoes into bite size pieces. Divide vegetables between 3 serving bowls and top with chickpeas + tahini sauce.

Fancy trying this? Would you like some of my other easy throw together meals? Please do like and share with anyone who might enjoy this recipe 😘

Photos from The Nutrition Guru's post 30/01/2024

One of the ways I set myself up for a busy clinic day or hosting a wellness event is with a high protein breakfast. Here are some reasons why a high-protein breakfast is important:

* Increased Thermic Effect of Food (TEF): Protein has a higher thermic effect compared to fats and carbohydrates. This means that the body expends more energy (calories) to digest and process protein. A high-protein breakfast can boost the TEF, contributing to increased calorie expenditure.
* Appetite Regulation: Protein-rich foods are more satiating than carbohydrates or fats, leading to a feeling of fullness and satisfaction. A high-protein breakfast can help regulate appetite and reduce overall calorie intake throughout the day, which may be beneficial for weight management.
* Muscle Protein Synthesis: Consuming protein in the morning helps initiate muscle protein synthesis, which is essential for maintaining and building muscle mass. This is particularly important for individuals who engage in physical activity and for preventing age-related muscle loss.
* Blood Sugar Control: Protein, when combined with carbohydrates, can help stabilise blood sugar levels. This can be advantageous for individuals who are concerned about blood sugar fluctuations, especially those with insulin resistance or diabetes.

I’d love to hear what you’re high quality breakfast looks like.

Photos from The Nutrition Guru's post 23/01/2024

A huge thank you to all of you that have bought my book and shared it 🙏. It’s now used in schools not only in the UK but also by international to support their well-being programmes.

Working with thousands of teenagers every year I see so many struggling. In my experience, they want to feel better, if not fantastic, more often, but sadly rarely do. I find many not just a few suffer insomnia, low moods/anxiety, fluctuating blood sugar levels leading to poor concentration, low self esteem, issues with weight, body image and their relationship with food – many are intensely fearful of key food groups such as carbohydrates and fats.  They intensely dislike feeling ignorant, helpless or suspended in a semi-informed state, and they are all too aware of the phenomenal pressures of mental health, academic focus and body image.

My approach with teenagers is to speak to their relationship with body and mind, teaching them an approach that’s focused on how they can nourish a healthy physical and mental landscape – the objective is to have them understand specifically what their bodies need in order to thrive and perform at their best, and in contrast, to illuminate the effects of deficiencies and poor choices. So the format of my book engages with concise and no-nonsense advice – zero sugar coating, just facts and solutions – to illustrate to these young minds that in no time at all they can dramatically improve their confidence in food and lifestyle choices. Older teens and university students can also follow the quick and easy recipes and snack lists to ensure they stay well, especially when away from home for the first time, which also helps them avoid nutrient-deficient and costly fast food.

Gary Neville - “this is an essential handbook for every family”

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I have followed Dr Michael Crawfords work for over 25 years, in fact I did my dissertation on the importance of omega 3 on brain development 22 years ago.

The Shrinking Brain explains how our 21st century diet and lifestyle is negatively impacting our human brains, behaviour, increasing aggression and lowering our cognition and IQ. Approximately 60% of our brains are fat, specifically two fundamental omega 3 fats DHA and EPA - only available through our diets, they are known as ‘essential fats’ as we cannot synthesise them. On average each day we use around 5mg, if we do not regularly replenish them with omega 3 rich foods sources we can see brain changes including low moods/depression, issues with poor focus, word recall, memory, aggression, poor sleep and more.

Recent research found 87.2% of UK teens have insufficient intakes of these vital nutrients. Adults not far off that too. If mothers have low levels of these essential nutrients or indeed other deficiencies then their new borns will be lacking vital nutrients for their brain development in the womb. This is why I advocate for all teens and young people to learn about nutrition . I believe nutrition education is absolutely fundamental, don’t you?Every school or university I visit I find young people, parents and teachers so hungry to learn how to best fuel their bodies and brains to be able to fulfil their potential, from a trusted source as there is so much misinformation out there.

In my opinion this is an essential read so please do share with parents, teachers and friends. I’d love to hear your thoughts if you’ve read it.

For anyone wanting to know where to start on eating better, my book really can help - Eat Well and Feel Great by Tina Lond-Caulk, it’s used in schools nationwide and in international schools to support their PSHE curriculum.

Photos from The Nutrition Guru's post 13/01/2024

I’m planning on providing you with quality posts this year.

How’s this? Do let me know if this is the sort of thing you will find useful please 🙏 😘

If so do give me a 🙌 and share or tag a friend of two.

’sHealth , ,

Photos from The Nutrition Guru's post 02/01/2024

Whose made New Year’s resolutions? I want to hear from you?

Rather than resolutions, I thought I’d share with you, my general healthy, living goals. I encourage everyone to be kind to themselves and to develop, loving nurturing relationship with their body.

In this busy fast paced world, it’s not always easy to achieve these goals, but I try to prioritise these whenever I can.

Love to hear what your non-negotiables are and what you feel really makes a difference to your mental and physical well-being each day.

Don’t forget to save, share for tag a friend who may find this helpful please .

Wishing you and his blessings for 2024 😘

, #2024. hey

Photos from The Nutrition Guru's post 06/12/2023

What a lovely surprise to be included as one of the UK’s Top 15 Nutritionists and Dieticians to follow for healthy food advice.

For my new followers, I thought I would introduce myself to you and tell you a little bit about me. I’m a passionate foodie, cook and graduated with a 1st BSc degree in Nutritional Medicine 20 years ago. I was fortunate to get my first job at a leading integrated medical clinic, Harley Street, London. I was mentored for eight years by Dr Wendy Denning, the most wonderful, insightful functional medicine doctor working alongside the amazing and . Dr Wendy took me under her wing and taught me so much.

I also worked at Charter Daycare for leading clinic in Harley Street part time for six years, working with clients with eating disorder’s, drug and alcohol addiction. It was during that period I was asked to visit schools giving motivational talks about how nutrition impacts cognition, learning behaviour, mental health, energy, sleep and confidence. Feedback from the talks inspired me to continue and create my Eat Well and Feel Great programme, as I truly believe Nutrition and daily lifestyle habits are the foundation of our well-being and fundamental to a happy healthy life. I have written two books on Nutrition and Health, my most recent book is used in many schools to support their Life Skills and PSHE curriculum.

I now have my own clinical practice with a wonderful team of expert nutritionists, dietitians and counsellors who work with me.

I enjoy working with companies large and small, offering my workplace wellbeing programme. I also love working with brands helping support their nutrition education, run health and well-being retreats and write articles for the UK press and magazines such as , , .

I am passionate about educating all age groups on how to optimise their health and wellbeing.

What would you like to see more of on my page?


This is a must have Xmas present 🎁

Photos from Mark Hyman, MD's post 18/11/2023

Check out this article where I am debunking all the myths and nonsense on oats in this weeks ‘Women’s Health’ magazine.

Can we please stop demonising oats?

So let’s set the record straight out really are fantastic for our health. Oats are rich in soluble fibre, particularly beta-glucans which can help lower bad cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. They are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, including magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, and iron.

Oats are little heart heroes when it comes to managing bad (LDL) cholesterol levels. When we eat oats, the soluble fibre in them forms, a gel like substance, which acts like a sponge, trapping LDL cholesterol in it, and preventing it from being absorbed into the bloodstream. The gel traps cholesterol which can then be excreted from the body in our bowel movements, rather than being reabsorbed back into a bloodstream, potentially contributing to plaque buildup in our arteries. It can be effective to help decrease LDL cholesterol, which can in lower the risk of heart disease and improve heart health.

The fibre in oats can really help us feel full and satisfied, helping us control our appetite and manage our weight. They have a low glycaemic index which means they don’t cause rapid spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels, making them excellent choice for maintaining steady energy levels.

Oats can help nourish the beneficial bacteria in our gut as the beta-glucans act as a prebiotic. A happy gut can lead to better digestion, nutrient option stronger and stronger immunity and regular healthy bowel movements.

-glucans health , -density

Photos from The Nutrition Guru's post 07/11/2023

Want to learn all about how best to support your immunity heading into the winter months?

Check out your healthy magazine now. I’ve written about the power of zinc. An important mineral that I find people are commonly deficient in or have low levels of when we test in clinic.

"Zinc is vital for a strong immune system," says Tina Lond-Caulk, nutritionist and brand ambassador for Zest Active ( "This is because it supports immune cell development, including key players like T-lymphocytes and natural killer cells. Zinc also serves as a cofactor for various immune-related enzymes, facilitating DNA repair, cell division, and cytokine production. This influences the body’s inflammatory response, a critical component of effective immunity. In addition, zinc contributes to antioxidant defences by promoting the production of metallothionein, which helps protect cells from oxidative damage. It plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes, which act as physical barriers against infections. When zinc levels are insufficient, the immune system can be compromised, making the body more susceptible to illnesses. Ensuring an adequate intake of zinc through diet or supplements, when necessary, is crucial for supporting a robust immune system and overall health."


Do Electrolytes Break a Fast?

Electrolytes are minerals that we need to get from our diet in order to maintain fluid balance, send signals from our brain and allow our muscles to contract. Major electrolytes include sodium, potassium, chloride and magnesium. Not getting enough of these electrolytes (especially sodium) can lead to muscle cramps, headaches and even a life threatening condition called hyponatremia.

While using Intermittent Fasting, insulin (the storing hormone) levels tend to dip down. This allows the body to shift back into fat burning (aka lipolysis), which is great for a weight loss goal. However, this lowered insulin level can also signal to the kidneys to release water and sodium via urine at higher levels. Due to this release, replacing lost water and electrolytes is crucial to prevent electrolyte imbalance symptoms.

Because minerals have no energy value, they do not break a fast. However, electrolyte supplements often do break a fast. This is because electrolyte supplements or sports drinks typically get packaged with a significant amount of sugar. Sugar causes insulin (the storing hormone) to spike and therefore break your fast.

How Do You Replenish Electrolytes When Fasting?

In order to replenish lost electrolytes while not breaking your fast, it's crucial to either opt for an electrolyte replacement that contains (at minimum) adequate amounts of sodium without any added sugar OR to use a high quality sea salt in your water and on your food. This will provide both the sodium and chloride that is typically lost. I’ve recently been using a fasting specific supplement that contains sodium, potassium and magnesium with no added sugars - LMNT. If you experience high blood pressure do check with your GP first.

Check out for the LMNT electrolytes and use TINA10 at checkout;


An update from the
ESMO - European Society for Medical Oncology congress this week. Fasting during chemotherapy was shown to enhance health-related quality of life in patients with early breast cancer, with no untoward effects, including undesirable weight loss. It also significantly reduced fatigue, a common problem during EC-T regimes in breast cancer treatment.

The regime used wasn't a complete water fast. For 2 days before chemotherapy plus 24 hours after each cycle ended (around 60-72 hours in total) patients consumed around 200 kcal/d through vegetable juices and vegetable broths. This adds to the building body of evidence around fasting and related regimes during chemotherapy.


Photos from Dr Gemma Newman's post 10/10/2023

Researchers find link between plastic additive and autism, ADHD

Previous studies found associations between children with autism and exposure to BPA. This study has found that the reason for the link is decreased efficiency in a key step involved in BPA detoxification.

The study showed that for a significant proportion of children with autism, the ability to add the glucose molecule to BPA is about 10% less than that of control children. For a significant proportion of children with ADHD, it's about 17% less.



Promise me one thing ☝️, this week you’ll give yourself just 5 mins a day to do something for yourself. We live such fast paced busy lives and something as simple as 5 mins of total silence, breathwork, icey blast in the shower, walk barefoot on the grass or enjoy a gentle face massage can make such a impact on our immunity, mental wellbeing by simply calming our nervous system.

I treat so many people in my clinic who have such high cortisol - our stress hormone. These simple ideas can truly help improve every aspect of our health and sleep. You deserve it 🤗

Wishing you a peaceful week 😘


Today I started taking a Vitamin D3 and K2 supplement and will do until around the end of April. Want to know why?

We make the majority of our Vitamin D from sunlight, you can check it’s the right time of day to get the amount of sun you need, you can measure your shadow! If your shadow is shorter than your height, your body can produce vitamin D from sunlight exposure. However, if your shadow is longer than your height, this means the sun is too low in the sky for you to be able to produce vitamin D. You can see my shadow is longer than I am.

A few symptoms of vitamin D deficiency include;

* Getting illnesses or infections more often.
* Feeling tired or fatigued.
* Hair loss.
* Muscle pain.
* Lower back pain.
* Feelings of depression or low mood.
* Wounds that heal slowly following surgery, infection or injury.

Alongside sunlight, you can get vitamin D from certain foods. There are also a growing number of foods with added vitamin D, known as 'vitamin D-fortified' foods. Check the labels on these for information about how much vitamin D they provide.
Foods providing around 12-13 micrograms of vitamin D per average portion
* Canned pink salmon in brine* - 1 small can (100g drained weight) 13.6 micrograms
* Grilled salmon* - 1 portion (170g) 13.3 micrograms
* Grilled kipper fillet* - 1 portion (130g) 13.1 micrograms
* Grilled rainbow trout fillet* - 1 portion (155g) 12.7 micrograms
* Smoked mackerel* - 1 portion (150g) 12.3 micrograms
Foods providing around 3-4 micrograms of vitamin D per average portion
* Some malted hot drinks (check the label) - 1 mug (25g) 4.6 micrograms
* Cooked crab* - 1 small can (75g) 3.5 micrograms
* Tinned sardines in tomato sauce* - 1 small can (100g) 3.3 micrograms
* Scrambled eggs or plain omelette - 2 eggs (120g) 3.3 micrograms

I suggested either a multi nutrient formula such as or specific D3 and K2 drops by or .

Get your vitamin D levels tested at your GP or with a test such as at home test.

D , -Being ’sHealth

Photos from The Nutrition Guru's post 20/09/2023

I mentioned on my live chat with on Monday evening fresh meal delivery services.

As you can imagine, I advocate that all of us cook from scratch as much as possible, using the freshest ingredients and aiming for a white variety of meals in order to achieve the widest variety of nutrients. However, there are many reasons why these services can be helpful for short periods of time, say a couple of weeks or longer if necessary for example; if you are unwell, if you want to start a Weight Loss programme and everything portion controlled, if you do not have the cookery skills and so on. So here are the companies I recommend.

In my opinion offer really good value for money and options such as high protein, low carb where they use cauliflower rice instead of regular rice. For example. With all of these meals, I recommend a big serving of green leafy vegetables, such as steamed broccoli or a rocket salad for example. You can also just use these for a few meals a week for some inspiration.

Have you tried any of these and if so which ones did you enjoy? I’m interested to know if you found it. Helpful and why?

Please do like share and tag a friend if they will find this useful.

I’ve organised a discount code for you at use TINA75435 for 30% off your first delivery and 15% off the next 3 weeks.

-CookedMealService , , , -care

Photos from The Nutrition Guru's post 19/09/2023

All about healthy snacking …

What’s your favourite snack?

You’ll find recipes, meal plans, snacks, and so much more in my book ‘Eat Well and Feel Great’ out now on Amazon - link in bio.

If you find this post helpful like, tag a friend and share please 😘

Photos from The Nutrition Guru's post 06/09/2023

Clever Carbs 🧠


Carbohydrates are the enemy. They’re not. They are our body’s and our brain’s main source of fuel. They not only help us feel energised, but they can also keep us feeling full for longer and stop sugary food cravings. Complex carbohydrates can be a key player in maintaining a healthy weight and keeping our mood stable. They are a good source of a substance called tryptophan and when tryptophan enters your brain, more of the happy hormone serotonin is produced and your mood tends to improve.
Carbohydrates are also great food for your gut and a happy gut makes more happy hormones too.
Carbohydrates can be found in lots of different foods and those foods high in complex carbohydrates are important in a healthy diet. However, not all carbs are created equal and some of those foods are healthy, including fruit, vegetables, beans and whole grains, and some are less healthy, such as white bread, white rice and pasta.

The main purpose of carbohydrates – or carbs – in the diet is to provide energy. Most carbs get broken down or transformed into glucose, which can be used as energy.

Dietary carbohydrates provide glucose that bodycells can use for energy. In fact, the brain and nerve cells onlyuse glucose for energy. Excess glucose, beyond what the body needs for immediate energy, is converted into and stored as glycogen, but the body can only store enough glycogen to provide about a half-day’s supply of energy, so the body must have a frequent supply of complex carbohydrates.

Complex carbohydrates are a good source of fibre, essential for our digestion, energy, keeping our metabolism healthy, immunity strong and essential for our happy feel good hormones production.

So which carbs should we be eating?

Whole grains are packed with nutrients, including protein, fibre, B vitamins, antioxidants and minerals your body needs.

Please do like, share and tag anyone who is a carb phob or your teen or student and learn more in my book.

Photos from The Nutrition Guru's post 30/08/2023

I think there’s so much confusion around portion sizes and how much of specific foods we should eat so I thought I’d share with you. An exert from my book Eat well and feel Great out now on Amazon (link in bio).

This chapter explains what an ideal day looks like and to ensure you are properly nourishing your body, fueling your energy, optimising cognition, mood, memory, skin health, and just about every aspect of how you feel each day.

Food really is information for our body - if you aren’t feeling 💯 then it’s worth looking at your nutrient intake.

Please like share and tag a friend or two, who may find this helpful 😘

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