
Looking after your health and wellbeing, one consultation at a time! Nutritional Therapy clinic in Fulham and Richmond. mBANT, CNHC reg, Dip IHM

Nutritional Therapy is the application of nutrition science in the promotion of health, peak performance and individual care. Using food and dietary adjustments to bring about positive changes to your health and wellbeing and more importantly your future. Using a functional medicine model to assess your health and nutritional needs to achieve optimal health. This is a positive approach to health a

Photos from NutriTherapi's post 06/03/2024

Where have I been? Life has a habit of creating chaos, for me that meant leaving social media alone for while. I’m back and wanted to share my fabulous version of pecan and banana bread. This easy to make versatile loaf is full of hormone balancing nuts and seeds. If you would the recipe reply ‘pecan banana’ and I’ll send you the recipe. I added in chopped fresh figs for some extra calcium and wow it adds moisture and little surprises they burst amongst the nuts and seeds. Enjoy for breakfast toasted with butter and chia jam or some bacon 🥓 if that’s your vibe. An all round winner for breakfast, snacks. Because of the high protein and healthy fats and the amazing amount of fibre, blood sugar levels are balanced and most of us won’t get that sugar spike leaving us searching for more food.


Colour of autumn 🍂 🎃


Since the pandemic my inspiration and meal creation has been stunted. I have missed feeling inspired and sharing my meals with you. Well all of a sudden I’m back. So here is a delicious salmon with miso glaze and broth with green vegetables and baked sweet potato. I made enough for two people and saved the other portion for my lunch. Boom. Miso glaze: tiny bit of warm water, teaspoon of raw dark miso paste, slash of tamari and a drop of toasted sesame seed oil. I mixed it all together and spooned over the salmon and good it for 15 mins in the oven. I sed the vegetable water to make some miso broth. I also added sesame seeds and chilli flakes ontop of the salmon before cooking. Hope they had inspired you. It actually tasted like black cod

5 Ways To Improve Your Breathing with James Nestor 26/04/2023

Sharing this, I read his book and its made a huge difference to my experience of stress and anxiety and even inflammation in my body. Please watch this, I get all my clients to do this now.

5 Ways To Improve Your Breathing with James Nestor James Nestor believes we're all breathing wrong. Here he breaks down 5 ways to transform your breathing, from increasing your lung capacity to stopping breat...


Diabetes awareness month. I will be sharing some tips and the latest research and clinical experience I have gained over the last 12 years, how diet is pretty much the key to improving your diabetes. Looking at the functions within the body that may need supporting to help your symptoms. The most important dietary advice I give my patients with diabetes or blood sugar issues is regular eating times, always include a protein source at each meal! Simple 😊. A more individualised approach may be helpful, but try this first!


Been waiting to introduce you to my new family member, all round joy bringer and therapy puppy to boot. The journey began a couple of months ago. We are all totally in love with her and enjoying her growing up. Challenging at the same@time grounding and full of life. I hereby introduce you to


When life gets busy, having a store of essentials means you can pull lunch or dinner together more easily. I could have added more items of course but these are great staples. Noodles miso soup and a few stir fried veggies with salmon or tempeh. Lentils tomatoes cooked together with olive oil celeriac or cauliflower steak. You get the drift. What are your cupboard staples?


A client from the natural menopause programme with .


We hear all about diabetes, high blood sugar, neuropathy health risks. Insulin resistance often comes before diabetes is diagnosed. Not in all cases. It is easily reversed with dietary and lifestyle intervention. I have seen more possible cases of this in clinic recently probably as a result of lockdown. Get some professional support link in bio for free discovery call.


In my experience lunch can be a big issue for a lot of my clients, either it’s skipped or thrown together. I know life is busy. Here are some ideas: cook too much at dinner and box it for lunch before anyone helps themselves to it. Find a local cafe that can make you your favourite soup or salad with some pitta bread, remember the protein nuts, seeds, tempeh, chickpeas, lentils, beans, eggs, cheese, chicken etc. It’s the protein and fibre that keeps you full. Leave these out and you may find you are searching for something else to eat and that may end up being a bar of chocolate or three 😊. Get the balance, get the energy and thrive.


A very common digestive complaint, often with IBS symptoms. Nutritional intervention and support with lifestyle adaptions and getting to understand the true cause of these symptoms is under appreciated and I’m my clinical experience the key to improvement. Using various interventions along with support with breathing exercises symptoms are relieved and often gone completely if compliance is good. Are you ready for some serious changes to get your health back?


Lunches are always quick, I need a formula that allows me to create a healthy balanced meal to support my energy and focus throughout the day. This is pretty quick and delicious. Maybe slightly too much washing up but it is worth it. Tucking in and still having time for a cuppa before my next client. Boom! Proteins, fats, slow releasing carbs, fibre and nutrient dense broccoli and broccoli sprouts to fight those free radicals!


We can eat in a specific way to help to balance our energy levels and mood. Women specifically have a much higher need to eating well to support good hormone production at all stages of their life. We need fats, complex carbohydrates and good sources of proteins, iron, selenium, zinc and B vitamins, omega 3. We also need self love and care. Learning to take time for ourselves and nurture our inner child is so important. We neglect this and we feel unloved, resentful and often low in energy. Finding time to do something just for you each day, like having a luxurious bath, listening to your fave music or pod cast, having a phone call with a friend who always supports you and doesn’t try and fix you. You deserve this. If none of these work for you, have a think about the small things in life that have in the past brought you joy or calm and start doing that. Sometimes we need support from a professional to help us to see the wood for the trees to clear the fog or to lift the curtain. Nutrition and coaching can support you in so many ways and my VIP package is popular for this reason. My info in bio and link to free discovery call. We all deserve to have the life we dream of. It’s closer than you think!


Dopamine can creat feelings of alertness and energy. Not enough good quality sleep disrupts dopamine and leaves us with a dramatically low dopamine in the morning. Low dopamine makes if easier to fall asleep at night, which can be a good thing but less dopamine will reduce our concentration and even leave us badly coordinated and prone to being clumsy! Sound familiar?? Do you need to get over the need to stay up late? You are not going to improve any part of your life by staying up late. Think about why you want to stay up late, is it because you weren’t allowed to as a child? Hold that thought. I will leave you to have a think about why. If you need help with improving your sleep get in touch, link in bio. Yes food habits also impact dopamine levels.


Because breakfast is one of my favourite meals now, I love sharing my creations with you. Smoothies feature a lot as I can include some veg and easier when busy. But over lockdown my absolute favourite has been this lovely buckwheat flake porridge 🥣. It feels like such a treat. Remember chocolate ready brek? Well this is upscale from that and much more nutrient dense! What’s your favourite breakfast since lockdown started?


Breakfast inspiration for Tuesday. I heard a chat on and someone had suggested that smoothies were not helpful and can increase weight gain. I listened and then agreed completely. The person was including a whole cup of berries, pineapple, 1 banana and 200ml of skim milk. My smoothies always have chia or flaxseed, some form of veg, my go to is courgettes as it blends well and has very little flavour and has lots of fibre for a super healthy gut and some berries. Fruit only smoothies are not as helpful for blood sugar and can end up spiking blood sugar levels and increasing insulin. Not a great option. So always include some fibre and veg and have less fruit. Your can always add in vanilla essence for a bit of sweetness or a couple of inches of frozen banana.


Soup! A huge favourite with my family. Because it’s easy, warm, nourishing and I love hiding nutrient dense veggies. If you are trying to reduce animal products you may need help with keeping your protein up? Beans and pulses are great in soups. White beans like butter beans or cannelini are lovely with a green based with some chillis and basil and black pepper. I create soups with what I have available. The basis of a good soup is onion, celery, garlic and a bay leaf, good stock and a whole bunch of chopped veggies and some protein like lentils. I even add tahini sometimes for some extra protein and calcium. Do you like soup?


Hi everyone, you may think I am going to pick you up in your food habits and choices and give you a “do not eat” list of foods. This couldn’t be further from what happens in a consultation with me. I first gather the facts, your Medical and family history, your symptoms and goals and assess organ function with medical questionnaires. Analyse test results to help direct your programme. I look at your environment, your routine and preferences and what may be a barrier for change. We discuss your dietary deficits and plan some micro goals to start with. It’s a collaboration, an education and a journey. Someone ready to commit is going to get the best outcomes. We become a team, like an investigator I keep looking for the underlying cause, the aetiology. No sticky plasters.


Breakfast used to by my least favourite meal. Now I have so many option I love the feeling of nurture a good breakfast gives me! Breakfast also kicks your metabolism into shape and stops the stress hormones rising. So anyone with anxiety would do well to find a breakfast option that works for them. I am going to post breakfasts and see if you can be inspired? If you want a personalised plan? Link in bio for free discovery call.


Are you always tired? There are many causes. One area that should be explored and ruled out or in is thyroid function. Some causes of exhaustion and tiredness are low iron and iron stores, low vitamin D, low B12, gluten sensitivity and food intolerance and gut issues.


Since becoming a Registered Nutritional Therapist, referrals are my favourite way to meet new clients. Thanks Miss C for referring your friend to me, it means a lot. Doing what I love and having positive impact. Grateful!


Hormones are messengers, carrying information to your cells and organs. Our lifestyle and diet can dramatically impact how these messengers carry their information, not enough or to much of their information can majorly disrupt our entire physiology. Depression, infertility, weight gain, hair loss, constipation, dry skin, PMS, menopausal hot flushes, memory loss and fatigue plus all 49 symptoms of menopause. Find the root cause. Testing is so helpful especially for women with these symptoms and understanding what is creating the imbalance is where the magic happens. Test don’t guess. Link in bio for free discovery call


Getting through the alphabet of nutrition. I is for iceberg lettuce, I not really top of the nutrient dense food list, however it is a great source of hydration and trace minerals and some vitamins. I is also for Indole-3-carbonyl, a plant chemical which may help fight cancer. Found in broccoli, cabbage, greens and cauliflower so you may want to get eating your greens!


Food and mood and hormones. Keeping blood sugar levels stable is one of the most important elements in all of my patients diets whether they are on a fertility journey, weight loss or digestive goals. First stabilise blood sugar! Then work out what symptoms are left. These foods are going to be included as they support blood sugar due to their mineral content, fat and fibre content. We need zinc to support blood sugar as well as support dopamine and serotonin pathways. Copper and iron are also really important in dopamine and serotonin-melatonin pathway. Stay happy and healthy everyone. You can ask me anything, Link in bio


H is for hazelnuts. A great source of protein and healthy plant fats. Good source of minerals like manganese, copper and vitamin them toasted on salads or ice cream! Honey is a wonderful natural product, it’s not suitable for babies under 12months. If you can find a raw honey it will still contain antibacterial and any fungal properties. Honey is a source of polyphenols an antioxidant protecting us from free radicals. Honey may also help with H Pylori infections. A little goes a long way!


Avocados are green! G for greens. This is a lovely lunch inspiration for you all. Miso soup with seaweed is both high in protein and minerals and takes minutes to make. Avocado on toast with toasted sunflower seeds and some sea salt. The bread is gluten free and super high in protein as it’s packed with seeds. Perfect quick and easy healthy protein packed lunch.


G is for greens. Funny how all greens were vegetables in our house, I can’t say I enjoyed them when I was a little girl, I do now! Broccoli 🥦 cabbage, spring greens, cavelo Nero, cauliflower and kale to name but a few. These all provide folate or vitamin B9. Required for repair, support against DNA damage and detoxification and maturation of red blood cells. Most people of heard of folic acid, a synthetic chemical used in poor quality dietary supplements, do check you are taking the best form when deciding to supplement your diet. Look for methyl folate, always speak to a health professional before starting any supplements as there maybe contraindications which should be considered. Eating dietary sources is highly recommended for reducing heart disease, cancers and issues with pregnancy and birth defects.


Fennel is definitely a vegetable you want to include for hormone health and digestion. You can chew on fennel seeds post meal to assist in digestion. Folate is found in all green vegetables, avocados too. Folate is supportive of a very important pathway in the body we need for detoxification. Eat your greens! 🥬


E is for elderberry. These berries are high in antioxidants and are used to support our immune systems against viruses and bacteria. E is also for vitamin E, found in nuts and seeds and wheat germ oil, another antioxidant and fat soluble vitamin for healthy skin and eyes. Sunflower seeds, almonds and hazelnuts provide good levels. These are easily adding to snacks and breakfast. Vitamin E should not be taken in large doses if you are thinking of using a dietary supplement, as it is fat soluble it means the body stores it and too much of any vitamin is not helpful. Vitamin E protects cells from damage and I would recommend including these yummy seeds and nuts to your daily diet. A nice spinach tomato salad with sunflower seeds and hazelnuts will give you a full dose of your daily recommendation. Yummy too!

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Videos (show all)

Tomatoes are in season, salads need tomatoes right?  These beauties are a great source of vitamin C and a strong antioxi...
Breakfast can be a wonderful start to the day.  For me good choices in the morning kick starts my day and things flow mu...
My dinners have been very low on veggies recently as I haven’t been shopping as regularly as I would do under normal cir...
Another baking day.  This is gluten free.  I really hope it is a good as the last one?  There are some tricks and tips t...
Lockdown recipes are easy if you like soup.  This has celery, onions, garlic, chilli, leek, carrot, broccoli, cabbage, s...
Brunch ideas.  Sweet corn and chickpea frittas.  Served with spinach smoothie, want the recipe? I had all the ingredient...
Don’t you just a crispy apple?  Apples are a great fruit to buy at the moment as they do keep for a long time if stored ...
Vitamin D... I highly recommend testing our levels.  If you want to do this I can send you a finger prick test to carry ...
Everyday I have a smoothie for breakfast, today it is so green!  Inside is filtered water, chia seeds, rocket, cucumber,...
@redjanuaryuk #redjanuary #redjanuary2020 #feelgood #moods #keepgoing💪 #jamindustries
Dieting in January? 👎.  Could you use exercise, walking more and set yourself a goal to be more active generally instead...



South Molton Street
Kingston Upon Thames

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 6:30pm
Tuesday 8am - 6:30pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm

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