Animal Rebellion Leeds & Bradford

The Leeds and Bradford chapter of the mass volunteer movement Animal Rebellion. We use non-violent c

Photos from Animal Rebellion North-East's post 17/12/2022

Next Northern high-end restaurant sit-in planned in Leeds for the New Year.

Sign up here:

Photos from Animal Rebellion Leeds & Bradford's post 08/10/2022

❗️Northern Rebels Occupy London❗️

✊ Rebels from Yorkshire and the North-East led today's march as we continued our call for a plant-based future. They were later arrested whilst peacefully occupying Westminster bridge.

🥛 Rebels from across Scotland and the North teamed up to liberate and pour milk into the street. We did this in protest of our inefficient, wasteful, unethical food system and in solidarity with the brave rebels who fight to stop the culling of badgers across England as a result of dairy farming.

🐾 Finally, rebels from the North-West led two actions against high-end shops specialising in hunting, shooting, and fishing gear. These 'bloodsports' are devastating for our ecology and have no place in a plant-based future where we return the countryside to wildlife. We poured red paint inside to represent the suffering of oppressed individuals, whilst we 'rewilded' the outside of their stores with green paint, countryside murals, flowers, and leaves to present our vision for a brighter future.

⚠️ Sign up to take action with us in Spring 2023 - pledge here:

♥️ Support our ongoing campaigns - donate to our crowdfunder here:

Photos from Animal Rebellion's post 04/09/2022

⚠️TOMORROW NIGHT is your last chance to attend a 🐄Join Us To Stop The Supply Of Dairy🐄 talk!


📅 September is almost here! With not long to go until actions begin, we have just one session left!
Make sure to come along to tomorrow night's Zoom talk at 7pm, where you can find out more about the campaign and the actions to of dairy, as well as a direct pathline to getting involved in the actions.

This campaign needs to make as much noise as possible to raise the alarm about the and and push forward our solution for a just and sustainable ! So the more people, the better! Join hundreds of others who have already pledged, and get excited to do something big!

Join group chat on Telegram 07/03/2022

We're back! Join our new Telegram group for updates:

Join group chat on Telegram


And so here it is, the day we’ve all been waiting for...only one more sleep until the Animal Rebellion begins…

So get your tent, your bag and your voice. This is not going to be a rebellion to miss!! We know the science , we know what we are facing, so now we must act. A just transition to a sustainable plant based food system is essential to alleviating the worst impacts of climate change. So join us, for 1 day or 2 weeks for a rare opportunity to make collective change! See you all tomorrow at 10 am in Trafalgar Square..

IMPORTANT! If you are experiencing Covid-19 symptoms, remain home, self isolate and take a test. For everyone coming, we encourage you to wear face coverings in crowded spaces if you feel comfortable, to keep washing your hands, maintain social distancing where possible and test regularly throughout the 2 weeks of rebellion. This is to keep everyone safe and to ensure no one has to miss out due to becoming ill.

The moment has come….it’s time to rebel for ALL life! See you all tomorrow!


TOMORROW: Monday 16th!!

Join us tomorrow evening at 6pm for a livestream about the upcoming Rebellion and Animal Rights March. If you have any questions specific to the upcoming two weeks of action this is the time to join and ask! We will be discussing logistics of the Rebellion-including planned actions and needed roles, as well as the National Animal Rights March on the 28th August. There will be different members of our teams speaking so all questions will be answered!

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow! Only 1 week to go till the Rebellion...let’s make this happen!!

Watch the livestream on our Facebook! Tomorrow at 6pm!



In two weeks time we will take to the streets for the National Animal Rights March. Every day we face the depth of humanities exploitation of other species and yet, we stand united for a better world.

This summer, let’s come unite for animal justice. We will march to remember all those whose lives have been taken as well as all those who continue to survive and resist. Because none of us are free until all of us are free.

When: 28th August, 12:30pm

Where: Meet at Smithfield

Join the march Facebook event here:



We are already experiencing accelerated effects of climate change, seeing unusual weather events, wildfires, heat waves and floods all around the world. One of the leading causes of climate change is animal agriculture and the most recent IPCC report has just confirmed this. The sobering report describes plant-based diets as a major opportunity for mitigating and adapting to climate change.
Efforts to curb greenhouse-gas emissions and the impacts of global warming will continue to fall significantly short without drastic changes in global land use, agriculture and human diets. We are seeing accelerating rates of deforestation. The IPCC report highlights the need to preserve and restore forests, which soak up carbon from the air, and peatlands, which release carbon if dug up.
The report stated that by adopting a plant-based diet by 2050, we could reduce global CO2 emissions by up to eight billion tonnes per year. It has never been clearer that we need a just and sustainable transition to a plant based food system. It is time to Protect the Planet and Defund Meat.

Time has run out. This is a code red for humanity.

Meat & dairy = climate crisis.

We need global solidarity and a just transition for all people who work in industries affected by the upheaval of climate and environmental chaos. It’s time to work together for justice that knows no boundaries. A just world is one where all beings can live in peace. It is a system that does not oppress some for the convenience of others and where all people and organisations operate with the pledge to do no harm to each other, our planet and to all those we share it with.

We must act now and pressure our government and corporations for a just and sustainable transition to a plant based food system.

Join us on the streets from the 23rd august to Rebel for All life.

Rebellion Facebook event HERE:

Pledge to Join the Rebellion HERE:

Volunteer and help in the lead up and during the rebellion - fill an expression of interest HERE:

Donate to help fund the rebellion HERE:


With only 2 weeks to go to the rebellion, we are all systems go! Our teams are busy planning and working to make this rebellion bigger and louder than ever before. The last week alone has once again shown the severity of climate change, with catastrophic events occurring all across the world and a ‘code red’ from the UN’s IPCC report. We must act now and stand together in unity for a stable future. We must act now for a just transition to a plant based food system. This Rebellion may just be our most important one yet…

To make sure everyone has everything they need for the Rebellion, understands the plan and feels safe throughout, we have created a handbook with all necessary information. There are multiple sections and information to refer to both before and during the rebellion. We have ensured all important areas are covered. If you have any more questions, do not hesitate to contact us! Please see the links below for access to the handbook.

Amongst news of crisis and instability, it is important to come together and find strength with one another. This Rebellion will offer this space for everyone. This is OUR moment. It’s time to rebel for all life.

Link to handbook here:

The Rebellion resource pack:

Volunteer and help in the lead up and during the rebellion - fill an expression of interest HERE:

Pledge to Join the Rebellion - HERE:

Rebellion Facebook event here

Donate to help fund the rebellion here


After a day of chatting to the public and unsettling McDonald’s, we’re heading home from Feast in the Streets in Leeds. Thanks XR for hosting and for all the groups who took part. If you missed us, you can probably guess what we spent the day nattering on about 😉

That’s right, the Rebellion is just over 2 weeks away! Stay tuned for exciting news this week about actions, accommodation and how to get involved. We’ve got some surprises coming your way 🤭😘

With the Rebellion comes the National Animal Rights March on the 28th August. This is a chance for all those who believe in animal justice to unite and demand an end to all forms of animal exploitation. Put it in your diaries now, you don’t want to miss it.

We will be meeting at Smithfield Meat Market at 12:30pm on the 28th for the March which will take a route through central London. A full route map will be shared this week!

🐂🐑🐬Join the National Animal Rights March Facebook Event here:


Animal rebellion is an anti-speciesist movement. Speciesism or specism is different treatment or moral Justification purely based on the individuals species.

Speciesism is the same as discrimination. Discriminating a sentient being and treating one species as more important than others despite having similar interests/values.

We all value life and our freedom no matter what we are. We all want to live and to not be used. Animals are here with us not for us.


If you’re planning on coming and haven’t taken the pledge yet then please do even though there’s only a few days left.

GET REBELLION UPDATES! Get important updates and information about actions, events, talks and trainings by subscribing to our newsletter:

And don’t forget to join our telegram broadcast for the Rebellion:

Photos from Animal Rebellion Leeds & Bradford's post 08/09/2020

Monday's protest was from Parliament Square and aimed directly at the government with a 30-metre long banner emblazoned "UNF UCK THE WORLD - PLANT BASED FOOD SYSTEM".

Photos from Animal Rebellion Leeds & Bradford's post 07/09/2020


Activists have locked onto coffins outside the entrance of Tulip pig slaughterhouse in Manchester, whilst others have occupied the gas chambers on the roof. A banner outside the entrance reads ‘ANIMAL FARMING = PANDEMICS & CLIMATE CRISIS’.

Recent scientific studies have estimated that 75% of new and emerging infectious diseases come from animals. There have been numerous reports of Covid-19 outbreaks in meat plants across the UK. Hundreds of workers have tested positive at several abattoirs and processing plants. These industrial factories are hotspots for the outbreak and their continued use is putting workers’ health at risk. Animal Rebellion’s action comes just days after reports stating that half of the staff at Banham Poultry slaughterhouse in Norfolk - 75 in total - have tested positive for Covid-19.

Animal agriculture currently accounts for 80% of Amazon deforestation, as well as 14.5% of greenhouse gas emissions. A 2018 study into the environmental impacts of food production - the most comprehensive of its kind - found that a plant-based food system could reduce farmland usage by 76% and greenhouse gas emissions by 49% from current global levels.

We Cannot Let The Suppression of Science Become The Death of Democracy 06/09/2020

When you see a scientist arrested after telling the truth about the cause of climate destruction and global pandemics, there is a feeling of dread over what our political landscape has become...

We Cannot Let The Suppression of Science Become The Death of Democracy When you see a scientist arrested after the telling the truth about the cause of climate destruction and global pandemics, there is a…


Billions of farmed animals suffer at the hands of our species each year. We need system change and we need it now. Animal Rebellion believes in a just & fair world where all beings live free from exploitation.

But we need your help getting there. Organising a Rebellion isn't easy and it costs money. But we have a matched funding opportunity that means any money you donate will be doubled.

Double your impact now:

Will you be at the today?


See you there!

The September Rebellion: We Want To Live. 31/08/2020


Our October Rebellion was a success last year, coming together and bringing awareness to the environmental impacts of animal agriculture and fishing and putting pressure on our government to act now. This was only the beginning!

Join us on 1st September as we march from Smithfield Meat Market to the UK Parliament. From where Animal Rebellion started to where this destruction will end.

We will take to the streets to show our Government that we will not let their ignorance and greed destroy animals, people and our planet. We cannot let the UK Government ignore the animal emergency!

Read more about the rebellion from our editorial team's article:


The September Rebellion: We Want To Live. Time is Running Out. We Want to live! We’re scared and tired but guess what?


3 days to go till the rebellion!

For everything you need to know, make sure to check out our Rebellion Handbook:

Who's excited? Comment below!

Don't forget to join the telegram broadcast for important info:


Animal rebellion use what is known as NVDA, non-violent direct action in order to mobilise 3.5% of the population to bring about systematic change. Non-violent direct action has had a place throughout history and is still used to this very day.

Non-violent protests are twice as likely to be succesful than violent protests and getting 3.5% of the population on board has never failed to bring about change.

We believe that nonviolence which is the practice of not harming oneself and others no matter what, which comes from the belief that hurting people animals and the environment is un-necessary to achieve a goal.


Coming to the rebellion and haven’t done your NVDA training? The last 2 are in person and they are happening in London on Saturday 29th and Monday 31st of August.

Want to meet and chat with other rebels before the rebellion? Join our Animal Rebellion lounge Facebook group here:

Photos from Animal Rebellion Leeds & Bradford's post 28/08/2020

Straight from London we will travel to a HS2 site...

We will be leaving 10th September and staying until the 13th. This will be a time to take a stand for our countryside and the wildlife being killed, and it will also be time to regenerate, to connect with nature, with each other and slow down after the rebellion.

Everyday, HS2 is tearing down irreplaceable ancient woodlands for an unnecessary train line. HS2 is, and will continue to damage the very ecosystems that provide so much to human and non-humans animals in the UK.

Over 3 years, dedicated individuals have been on the front lines, living on HS2 camps to protect these woodlands.

“A 108 Ancient Woodlands are the procted homes, feeding and breeding grounds for millions of creatures, HS2 have waged a war on this land so we are nature defending itself. “ - Indra HS2 Rebellion - Tree Defender

These forests that are being destroyed play an essential role in keeping the UK’s ecological processes functioning. We cannot survive without them. As HS2 continues to tear down these woodland areas, England’s wildlife and nature reserves are disappearing at an alarming rate. This project is also contributing over one million tonnes to CO2 emissions further contributing to climate and ecological breakdown.

“Among the sites that could be directly damaged or indirectly affected are a national nature reserve, 10 county wildlife trust reserves, about 50 ancient woods, 30 river corridors, 24 Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs, the highest level of protection) and hundreds of other wildlife habitats. Among the rare or scarce species at risk are the small blue butterfly, long-eared owl, stag beetle, great crested newt, purple hairstreak butterfly and Bechstein’s bat.”

Join Animal Rebellion at HS2 as we reject the destruction of our natural world and unite for all life. We will not continue to stand by while the government allows the annihilation of all the woodlands we have left. They need to put the future of the people, animals and the environment over profit.

More info will be broadcasted in our telegram - link in bio

📷 - from &



In exactly 1 week today, we will be having a ! We will march from Smithfield Meat Market to the UK Parliament. From where Animal Rebellion started to where this destruction will end, we’ll once again take to the streets to show our government that we will not stand by and let their ignorance and greed destroy the animal’s we love to feed a food system that is devastating the planet we cherish. We cannot let the UK government ignore the animal emergency!

This March will only be the beginning of the 'We Want To Live' Rebellion! With 10 full days of bold impactful actions happening around London, calling on the UK government to transition to a just and sustainable plant based food system.


Volunteer during the rebellion to help make it happen!

or help make the rebellion successful by donating:

Photos from Animal Rebellion Leeds & Bradford's post 23/08/2020


2 weeks ago today in London when it was INTERNATIONAL INDIGENOUS PEOPLE'S DAY 2020 we came together in solidarity with activists around the world, following members of APIB - Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil and joined by activist from groups such as Extinction and HS2 rebellion to sound the ALARM with a visually impactive action to highlight the ongoing tragic loss of Indigenous life and biodiversity in Brazil which has been increased by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Indigenous communities are frontline earth protectors fighting the climate and animal emergency and are so important to the survival of the Amazon Rainforest and all the biodiversity in Brazil.

Not only was it Indigenous people's day it was also 6 months since the death of fellow activist Iggy Fox and the action also marked the death of an ancient Alder tree which was cut down for HS2 and was used in the action to represent the ecocide that's happening not only in the amazon rainforest but right here in the UK.

It's devastating to know more than 21,000 Indigenous lives have been affected by Coronovirus in Brazil with more than 600 deaths!

"Its not just a number. Each indigenous body holds an ancestral enchantment. For each indigenous person that dies, part of our collective history dies too." Célia Xakriabá

If you can help out at all please donate here to APIB:

Photos by Talia Woodin ( on Instagram), Vincenzo Lullo and others.



We live in a toxic system, but no one individual is to blame. We are all part of this system and need to challenge it as it is oppressive to people and animals, and is devastating our planet.

The UK government must transition to a just and sustainable plant based food system as part of the broader system change that is needed in society.

We need to come together and demand a better world full of love and compassion for all living beings.


Take the pledge today, whether you come for a day or there for all 10!

Want to keep up-to-date with what’s happening on our telegram broadcast:

Want to meet and chat with other rebels before the rebellion? Join our Animal Rebellion Longue Facebook group here:


We are in a global crisis.

Racial Injustice.
Social injustice.
Migrant injustice.
Amazon fires.
Australia fires.

Countless humans and animals are dying.
The economy is collapsing.
This is fu**ed.

We cannot carry on like this. The system is killing us. Animal farming and fishing continues to drive ecological breakdown and will bring more pandemics and continue to kill trillions of animals.

The climate emergency will bring more devastation, droughts, wildfires, extreme weather and food shortages, impacting racially marginalised communities and those in the Global South on the front line.

The Government is failing to do what’s needed to keep us safe. They ignored the warnings about coronavirus and now they’re ignoring warnings of a 4˚C world from their official Committee on Climate Change, a warning that could result in billions of deaths.

Enough is enough. We have an opportunity NOW as we emerge from the pandemic to make necessary change, but business-as-usual is fighting to regain its hold. We can’t let that happen! Join the rebellion!

We need to unite as a movement of movements and refuse to go back to business as usual. We will be joining Extinction Rebellion as part of this movement, demanding a just and sustainable plant-based food system as part of broader system change.

Beginning on 1st September, the UK parliament starts re-sitting after the summer: but we’re not going to let them back in until they agree to start anew with justice, care and life at the heart of it. From the 1st we will peacefully blockade the UK Parliament in London until they promise that the first thing they’ll do is to pass our three demands into law. The Rebellion will not just be focused on London though. XR Welsh Rebels will join us in rebellion by causing disruption in Cardiff, with XR rebels in the North and Scotland formulating plans as we speak. More on this coming soon.

In order to build pressure towards the blockade, there will be a Countdown to Rebellion starting 28th August with local groups around the country invited to cause high impact disruption in their own regions, to gather and galvanize rebels in readiness for action and to put the government on warning that the Rebellion is coming.

It’s time to transform the system.

Join the Rebellion Broadcast to get live updates on the Rebellion



Here is a sneak peak of some of the actions planned for the ‘We Want To Live Rebellion’ happening this 1st of September to the 10th!

Keep in mind that these actions are subject to change due to various factors and that we must remain flexible while rebelling!

TBA events are ones that we cannot share details about publicly, but encourage people to plan to attend! They will be somewhere in London and you will receive more info on the ground during the rebellion and in the telegram chat.

Not only do we have impactful exciting actions happening this rebellion, but we will also have talks and trainings, guest speakers, and social events happening during the 10 days! More on this closer to the Rebellion!

Want to plan your own action with a group of friends? Why not start our own affinity group and take action this September rebellion? Anyone can take action in the name of Animal Rebellion as long as they follow our Principles and Values. If you have any questions about affinity groups, please email [email protected]

Take the pledge to join the rebellion:

Get important Rebellion updates by joining our Animal Rebellion telegram broadcast:

March for Animal Justice:

Media - Don’t Bury the Truth:

Sept 3 TBA:

Sept 7 TBA:

See you on the streets!


From September 1st to the 10th, Animal Rebellion will be taking to the streets in nonviolent direct action to demand that the UK government transition to a just and sustainable plant based food system to mitigate the worst effects of ecological breakdown.

We stand to lose all we love if we do not act. Life on this planet is in a state of emergency and I am prepared to engage in nonviolent civil disobedience against the UK government, as I refuse to sit by while greed, corruption, power and ego destroys my home and those I share it with.

Pledge and join thousands of other rebels from around the country, all united, standing proud. Whatever you can try can do, The planet and animals need every single one of us! Whatever you can pledge, you are equally respected. We are all crew.


Help by volunteering at the Rebellion:

Find out more on the Facebook event:


Are you ready to rebel? Are you joining the massive Animal Rebellion march from Smithfields to Parliament this 1st of September? Will be be taking part in 10 days of actions?

Less than 1 month till the September 2020 Rebellion - We Want to Live!

We drastically need a food system change to address the climate and animal emergency.

The UK government needs to transition to a just and sustainable plant based food system to help combat the worst effects of ecological breakdown.

We need to come together and take action for animals, people and the planet!

Animal Rebellion is a decentralised movement. Anyone can take action in the name of Animal Rebellion if they following the principles and values. Why not create and join an affinity group and plan an action for September?!

Check out our Facebook event and invite 5 friends to join:

Get key updates about the rebellion by joining our telegram channel:

Tag a friend or family member who will be joining you this September in the comments below! 👇

See you on the streets! 💛


Time is Running Out. We Want to live! We’re scared and tired but guess what government?


Last year we went to Smithfield and demonstrated what a better world could look like. We built a fruit and veggie market inside a market of death and destruction and showed the world what a 21st Century food system really looks like.

Last year we planted the seed of a just, sustainable food system. Since then we’ve watered that seed through powerful actions at ARLA, Trafalgar Square and many more locations. We’ve fed that seed through organisational growth, alone and alongside other organisations demanding justice and social change. This year, we’re ready to go further.

This Rebellion, we need to go and disrupt, where decisions are made. The world now can’t ignore the link between the animal emergency and the climate emergency. They’ve seen how we can’t end one without first ending the other. The science is clear and yet those in power still refuse to act. That’s why this time we’re going straight to the top and bringing the animal and climate emergency to the halls of power.

Join us this September 1st as we march from Smithfield Meat Market to the UK Parliament. From where Animal Rebellion started to where this destruction will end, we’ll once again take to the streets to show our government that we will not stand by and let their inaction and greed destroy the animal’s we love to feed a food system that is devastating the planet we cherish. We cannot let the UK government ignore the animal emergency!

This march will only be the start. We are building up to something massive, with 10 full days of actions from the 1st of September to the 10th. Let’s show the UK government that we’re not dead yet!


Be a volunteer for the rebellion:

Check out our Rebellion Facebook event:

Stay up to date by joining our newsletter on our website:

photo from October Rebellion's March to Smithfields Meat Market 📷 Sammi Drew

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