Better Birth Stories: Antenatal Hypnobirthing Classes

Better Birth Stories teaches Antenatal Hypnobirthing preparation through our global Digital Learning

Hypnobirthing is the chosen birth preparation method for so many. It is absolutely effective, you cannot fail at it and it provides so many benefits to both mum, the birth partner and baby. As hypnobirthing is rooted in the techniques of hypnotherapy, our courses are taught by a fully qualified and highly experienced hypnotherapist, who is also a qualified hypnobirthing practitioner. This means th

Photos from Better Birth Stories: Antenatal Hypnobirthing Classes's post 31/05/2024

I’m not very fond of Instagram right now.

AI is NOT the way to go. I’m getting bored of appealing.
Birth is a normal, physiological event.
People are not harmed by seeing birth.
The people that follow birth accounts are usually interested in birth and unafraid of women’s bodies.
Sigh give it a rest! Please!

6 Things You Need To Know Before Induction of Labour | Induction Information | Positive Birth Info 23/05/2024

Need some Induction info? In this video I give you my top 6 things that you need to know before you make your decision. I also include my best reads on the subject and a few handy website links.
I do hope that you find it helpful.
Melanie x

6 Things You Need To Know Before Induction of Labour | Induction Information | Positive Birth Info Welcome to this induction of labour information video ✨ 6 really helpful things that you need to know before you consider whether induction is right for you....

Photos from Better Birth Stories: Antenatal Hypnobirthing Classes's post 14/05/2024

Birth trauma is in the news this week, and I wanted to put some information together for anyone who wants to learn more, or share resources on this.

We use the term birth trauma to describe the emotional, psychological, or physical distress that occurs for some women before, during, and/or after childbirth.

It’s important to emphasise the ‘not just physical’ element of this.

“A traumatic childbirth experience refers to a woman’s experience of interactions and/or events directly related to childbirth that caused overwhelming distressing emotions and reactions; leading to short and/or long-term negative impacts on a woman’s health and wellbeing.” (Leinweber et al 2022)

Most often, the trauma is the result of the way that women are being treated in systems of maternity care.
But making tweaks to the current system is not the answer.
We have more than thirty years of reports and evidence showing that our current system of maternity care is based on flawed assumptions about the female body, physiology and birth.

Many current practices are based on fear, tradition and convenience, rather than evidence.

Women and babies have better� outcomes and experiences when they have individualised care from a known midwife.

And many of the physical problems that women and babies are experiencing are caused by an excess of unnecessary intervention, which often begins with induction of labour. Others stem from neglect, and from not listening to women.

There are potential solutions, but they aren‘t focused around profit, risk management
and the ‘business model’ approach to care.
That’s why recommendations to merely tweak an already broken system aren‘t the answer.

Especially when recommendations create more paperwork and take staff further away from being able to give good care.
What we need is for more people to read more deeply, and to understand that the problem is complex, and rooted in the approach we take towards women and birth in our modern world.
The solution begins with looking at the evidence that we have known about for decades.
There are hundreds of free blog posts and articles on, which help explain the issues.

Photos from Better Birth Stories: Antenatal Hypnobirthing Classes's post 13/05/2024

Many of us in the UK find ourselves quite conflicted today following the UK Birth Trauma Inquiry.

We need this discussion about birth trauma and damage being done to women and their families out in the open. But we also know that this is not a new discussion. It’s been going on for years and we’re absolutely sick of it.

Parents are still surprised when I suggest that for a healthy mum and baby, home will probably be the safest place to give birth. And I get it - that flies in the face of everything we’ve been told in film and television. Hospital is where you are saved…

…but what if the current maternity system is actually creating many of the problems that women are constantly having to be saved from?

For sure there will be births that will be safer in a hospital setting but with all of the unnecessary inductions and augmentations taking place, with the burnt out and reduced midwifery work force breaking under the strain how will these births be looked after? And how will any of the recommendations made today have any positive effect at all? How will they offer the gold service that is 'continuity of care' when they can't even reinstate the midwives training bursary nor invest any of the funds required? When the fish rots from the head down how can you fix things for the end user? How do we remind the entire service that birth is a normal physiological event and the more you try to make it work like a machine the more damage you will incur.

So my loves. Get educated.
Come on a course. Use our online course. Join our Facebook group.
Get onto the websites of Dr Sara Wickham, Rachel Reed’s Midwife Thinking, AIMS or Birthrights.
Don’t go into birth under informed and under prepared.
This is so important. It really, really matters.

Melanie x

Photos from Better Birth Stories: Antenatal Hypnobirthing Classes's post 13/05/2024

There is an important theme across a few of my favourite accounts on Instagram today and it is this.

Sometimes you will be advised to do or take something that you might disagree with. Sometimes you will be advised to do or take something that you will not give a second thought to, until later, when the effects or results of that choice are revealed.

So, please do go and have a look at the posts above on , and . Not everything you’ll be offered will be evidence based and of course actions have consequences... sometimes good, sometimes bad.

The tricky thing in maternity care and medical care is trust.
I trust my GP & doctors to do the best for my family and myself and I trust their training, their knowledge and their opinions. I have been raised by a society that does this.
Now, for the most part they have never let me down and I am hugely grateful to them all.

Until I gave birth for the first time at which point protocols, brick walls and poor advice led to an utter sh*t show.

Because, even if you do know to challenge, question or refuse, that trust can make it very difficult to step up and say no. Even when you have knowledge and statistics on your side it can still feel awful & dangerous to say ‘No’, or ‘I want to wait’, or ‘I don’t think so’, because then the responsibility lies with us and that is not something that we have been brought up to do with medical care.

So, if you feel at any point that you are not being listened to. If you feel that you are losing confidence in your ability to advocate for yourself, please remember this:

You are enough. You are more than enough. You will always be enough. You are able to see the positives among all the negatives. You know that there is risk in life but that with knowledge you can navigate this in the best way for you. You are thoughtful and capable.

Breathe. Don’t be afraid to pause or sit in silence for a while. Let your shoulders drop down to their natural position. Your choices are yours to make, there is no wrong or right way, merely the path that is right for you in that moment.

You are not alone, you will still be cared for, whatever you choose 💕


Why did we ever accept the idea that we were meant to birth and then just go back to who we were before?

How did that get sold into our culture?
Back into our jeans. Back out with our friends. Back to work. Back to exercise.

There is not a piece of elastic ready to ping you back in time but just with a baby this time.

Birth changes us and that is okay.
We can allow ourselves to be changed by birth.

We’ve become mum. A whole new person. And we’ll remain that new person for the rest of our lives.
Perhaps that is why giving birth is such a powerful event?

💕 Original screen grab courtesy of via - absolutely nailing it 💕


Or perhaps we could use smoke signals? 🤔
Morse code? -… .. .-. - …

I understand that some people might get a bit upset, while eating their cornflakes, that a baby is roared out into their feed… but social media is so much more than just cat photos now.
It contains an encyclopaedic amount of birth information and knowledge and this will come with actual birth videos of actual women, actually giving birth… and this is a good thing.
So please, those in charge, stop bloody limiting, hiding and deleting birth photos and videos, because there are a lot of women who need and want them.

Photos from Better Birth Stories: Antenatal Hypnobirthing Classes's post 03/05/2024


Weird, I know… But hear me out on this one… because there are many similarities….

An ultra run is usually considered anything over marathon distance, which is 26.2 miles. So, this could be 30 miles… 38 miles… 50 miles… 100 miles.. Or more.

What you know when you enter is that it is going to take a long time to finish and until you get going you’re not entirely sure how long. Mini Mars Bars and flat Coke are really helpful.

So, to birth. Well, we have a guide idea of how long a birth will take and we state that this is anything between 8-16 hours in length. Which, as you can clearly see, means that we really don’t know how long any individual birth will take.

It doesn’t matter whether your birth is spontaneous or induced, we basically haven’t got a scooby over how long the process will take to unfold for you.

Eating during labour therefore is a very good idea. Mars Bars and flat Coke may well be a great option. Or ginger biscuits.

During an ultra run you may be sick. You may get the runs (is that just a British description? I mean a VERY upset stomach). During labour you may also be sick and get an upset stomach.

You need to plan and prepare for an ultra. You need to plan and prepare for a birth.

During an ultra you will absolutely doubt yourself at times. You will also ask yourself ‘why on earth did I think that this was a good idea?’ Ditto for birth.

It is going to hurt at times. You will probably doubt that you can finish it at times. How you feel at 20 miles will be different to how you feel at 50 miles. At 30 miles you might not be able to keep any food down… at 75 miles you might be gorging on pizza.

Same for birth. At times it is going to hurt and you will need to focus and push through. You might doubt that you can do this. At one point you may be sick and tired… a little later you might be calm and confident… a little later you may be feeling powerful and slightly euphoric.

So, how about we start to approach birth like we do ultra running.
Knowledge. Training. Self-belief. Kindness. Encouragement. Can do.
Cheering teams and ‘not long now’.

Women are simply remarkable. Strong, resilient and capable.
Perhaps if we treat birthing women like ultra runners, with belief in the fact that they can birth their babies, then women will not only be better prepared for the rigours of labour but will be able to look back on the birth with a huge sense of achievement and pride.

Oh and after an ultra you get a bloody great big medal… sometimes even a belt buckle! Deep joy! After a birth you get to meet the love of your life… which I can confirm, three times over, is pretty bloody excellent too.

So come on, my running buddies… What do you reckon?

Photos 1 & 2 by the wonderful over on Instagram and photo 3 of my shero, Jasmin Paris, upon being the first woman to finish the Barkley Marathons.


And as if by magic this arrives on my feed!
Brilliant and bang on theme with my last post 😁

It’s not a sprint but a marathon folks 😊💕💕

Repost from

Talk about recorded delivery 📮

📷: RG

Grow Your Birth Confidence! | Hypnosis For Birth | Birth Meditation | You Can Do This! 29/04/2024

It's Monday! And I have a new hypnosis for birth for you.
This is longer than a usual meditation and I suggest that you listen to it each night as you go to sleep for the best benefits.
However you choose to birth, however knowledgeable you are or well supported you will be.. adding a dose of self-confidence will always be super helpful.
Do let me know how you get on. Melanie xx
Head on over to the YouTube channel:

Grow Your Birth Confidence! | Hypnosis For Birth | Birth Meditation | You Can Do This! It's time to believe in yourself, your body and your choices with this Hypnobirthing hypnosis. Feel confident and positive about your labour and your birth.F...


I haven’t finished this yet but it is an excellent podcast looking at menopause and Alzheimer’s but very much the awful disparity between men’s and women’s healthcare as regards our understanding of how our hormones and receptors affect our health as we get older.
I definitely recommend a listen but be warned that you’ll probably feel a little cross at times!
Melanie x


I find apps like this so worrying. They spout their own information as if it is evidence based fact. As if it is the best and only way to move forwards through your pregnancy and birth. And organisations such as these are simply HUGE.

Are you using this app? How do you feel about their messaging? Do you feel that it is clear and evidence based? Do you feel that it is exploring all of your pregnancy and birth options?

Melanie x

Repost from (I highly recommend joining Sam’s groups)

“Can’t even believe what I’ve just read on my Bounty app! 🙈 How about I trust what my own body needs to do, thanks 🙄”

The dates, the dictatorial, non inclusive language, do what you are told, the lack of respect for intuition, so many things are wrong with this.

How many more can you find?

Come and join my Home Birth Support Group UK and my freebirth and BBA course in a group, for respectful peer to peer and doula led support.

Third Trimester Affirmations | Hypnobirthing Meditation | Relaxing, Positive & Confidence Boosting 24/04/2024

New affirmations hypnobirthing track up on the YouTube channel for all of you currently in your third trimester.
Hope you enjoy it.
Melanie x

Third Trimester Affirmations | Hypnobirthing Meditation | Relaxing, Positive & Confidence Boosting Spend some quality relaxation time during your third trimester by listening to this hypnobirthing meditation. Affirmations for your third trimester - relaxin...



I cannot help but be reminded, when I see pictures like these, of those swimmers who oil up before attempting to swim the channel.⠀⠀
I’m not sure that they still do that, but those pictures of my youth have stuck in my head. ⠀⠀

The full name for this oily covering is Vernix Caseosa and some babies will be born covered in it whereas on some babies you will just see it in their skin creases.⠀⠀

I do wish that people wouldn’t describe it as ‘cheese-like’, it isn’t, cheese-like suggests a bad smell, like cheesy feet! But your baby will smell perfect, absolutely perfect.⠀⠀

So let’s run through the many wonderful things about Vernix:⠀⠀
It is developed in the womb from around 20 weeks gestation.⠀⠀
Although it is creamy it is about 80% water.⠀⠀
Vernix contains a mix of lipids, amino acids, proteins, antibacterial, and antimicrobial compounds.⠀⠀
It protects your baby’s skin from spending so many weeks suspended in fluid.⠀⠀
It can reduce friction as your baby passes through the birth canal during delivery.⠀⠀
It helps to regulate your baby’s body temperature after birth.⠀⠀
It’s such a brilliant moisturiser that scientists are looking into creating a synthetic version for premature babies, burn victims, and those with extremely dry skin.⠀⠀

Your baby may well be born covered in fluids and maybe blood but this does not mean that they are dirty. So perhaps wipe them down if need be but save the bath for a little while yet and let this miracle cream work its wonders.⠀⠀

Simply gorgeous 📸



Can you imagine walking into a clothing shop and only being offered exactly the same as every other person walking in?⠀
The same style of jeans. The same size of top. The same size of shoes or boots.⠀
How about skin care? Or make up?⠀
What if you could only paint your house from a few prescriptive colours and if you wished to deviate from those colours, inside your own house, you had to prepare evidence to deliver to someone else?⠀

If you decide to drive at 70mph on the motorway that is your choice. It is also your choice to drive at 50mph, irrespective of the safety and performance issues of both. And there are safety and performance issues that are different for both.⠀

So, can we not consider a world where a ‘one size for all’ approach isn’t the best option for maternity care?⠀

You are all different heights. You have different shoe sizes. You have had differing numbers of children and birth experiences. Your mothers gave birth to you all at different weeks. Spontaneous labour will start at different times.⠀
You have differing physical and emotional needs.⠀

If you do not wish to step onto a standardized conveyer belt of care then you need to consider your own wants and wishes. You need to understand that there is variability and individuality in birth.⠀

Where do YOU want to give birth? And why?⠀
Who do YOU wish to have support you? And why?⠀
What do YOU need to learn in advance of labour? And why?⠀
What are YOUR individual physical needs? And why?⠀

Your birth experience matters.⠀
Build the case for you.⠀

Fantastic capture courtesy of , who needs a cuppa when there is a cold beer on offer?

How To Engage Baby For A Smoother Labour | Prepare Well For Birth With These 7 Daily Activities 08/04/2024

It's Monday!! New video for you all 😁
Are there things that you can be doing when pregnant to help your body and baby prepare for labor? Yes! Of course there are.
Prepare well for your birth with these 7 Daily Activities. Help yourself to a smoother labour by encouraging your baby to engage into the pelvis in an optimal position for birth 💗
Do let me know how you get on in the comments below the video and if you want to see anything particular on the channel (& copied into here) do just let me know.
Melanie xx

How To Engage Baby For A Smoother Labour | Prepare Well For Birth With These 7 Daily Activities Prepare well for your birth with these 7 Daily Activities. Help yourself to a smoother labor by encouraging your baby to engage into the pelvis in an optimal...

Labour At Home | How To Avoid Going To Hospital Too Early | My Top Tips 03/04/2024

Curious about how to know when it is time to transfer to the maternity unit when in labour?? Hopefully this new video up on our YouTube channel will help 💗:

Labour At Home | How To Avoid Going To Hospital Too Early | My Top Tips Welcome to this handy little video on when to transfer to hospital and how to avoid going to hospital too early when you've been labouring well at home. Thes...

Hypnobirthing Affirmations Meditation For A Peaceful & Positive Birth 25/03/2024

Hi lovelies, I've just popped a new hypnobirthing affirmations recording up onto the YouTube channel.
You can find it here:
I do hope that you enjoy it. Give it a thumbs up and pop any comments below the video on what you might like to hear next. Or down below on this post if easier.
Melanie xx

Hypnobirthing Affirmations Meditation For A Peaceful & Positive Birth Welcome to this hypnobirthing affirmations meditation for a peaceful and positive birth.Allow yourself to just close your eyes and relax with the words in th...

Hypnobirthing Meditation For Sleep / Let Go Of Your Worries & Stress / Guided Meditation For Sleep 21/03/2024

OOops! I missed World Sleep Day! I didn't even know that we had a World Sleep Day! Anyway... if you're struggling with your sleep go and listen to this. It'll help 😊😴😴 xx

Hypnobirthing Meditation For Sleep / Let Go Of Your Worries & Stress / Guided Meditation For Sleep Get this recording ad-free as part of our second Hypnobirthing Recordings Pack: Meditation For ...

Empowering Fertility Affirmations | Affirmations Meditation To Get Pregnant | Feel Calm & Confident 19/03/2024

New meditation up on the YT channel for all of you currently trying for your babies. Whatever stage of your fertility journey you are at I trust that you will find this calming and encouraging. Melanie xx

Empowering Fertility Affirmations | Affirmations Meditation To Get Pregnant | Feel Calm & Confident Welcome to this Fertility Affirmations Meditation to listen to while you are waiting to conceive your baby or during your two week wait.Remaining calm, confi...

Inducing Labour Meditation | Guided Meditation and Hypnosis For Pregnancy | Hypnobirth 11/03/2024

Sometimes we might need to meet our babies sooner rather than later. So here is a new meditation for all of you who may be considering induction of labour.
It is relaxing and hugely confidence boosting and as we know that fear and anxiety can put the brakes on spontaneous labour from occurring this might be just what you need.
Do let me know how you get on.
Melanie xx

Inducing Labour Meditation | Guided Meditation and Hypnosis For Pregnancy | Hypnobirth Welcome to this Inducing Labour Meditation, this is a guided meditation for pregnancy and birth 💗👶Sometimes we might need to see a baby sooner rather than ...


To my daughters, my sisters, my mother, my aunties, my grandmothers and all of those women who went before me and will come after me,
I love you.
I send my heart and my soul out to women around the globe suffering at the hands of men and corrupt and broken governments and institutions.
I give my utmost respect to women around the globe beating down prejudice, rising up in business, sport and government.
I hold onto and reflect upon the red thread that binds us all through time and space.
Stay firm, stay true.
Mothers matter.
Women truly hold up half the sky.


You wouldn’t even use a squeezy bottle on its side would you?

So why oh why is this still standard birth procedure in so many hospitals globally?
Well, who exactly does this position benefit? You or your provider?

Clearly your provider.

Now, of course if you’re tired lie down, if it feels right for you then lie down. But don’t do it because you ‘think’ that it is the done thing.
It’s not mother-led. It’s not gravity based. It’s not physiologically sound. And it isn’t common-sense.

I am still hearing of birthing women being physically pushed into the lithotomy/supine positions by their ‘care’-givers - for no evidence base or sound reasoning! This is simply awful.
So chat to your birth team. Is this their normal? If so, why? And if their answer doesn’t work for you then perhaps choose to birth elsewhere.



It’s interesting that a birthing woman left to her own instincts and devices will draw her legs together as her baby starts to crown. She may put her hand down to her v***a and hold the perineal area.

This makes complete sense, with her legs closer together the mother can slow down the birth of the babies head and the perineal tissues are not already over stretched but have more give to them. She has also been able to exert a sense of control to a powerful, all encompassing process.

Although all fours and squatting have helped to increase the space in the pelvis for her baby to move down and rotate it does increase pressure on the perineum. So a change of birth position at this point shows how instinct can physically protect the birthing mum as the baby’s head is born..

This is clearly in stark contrast to birthing women being laid flat on their backs, with their legs pulled apart - perineums already stretched - being told to ‘push harder’. Is it any wonder then that we see such high rates of perineal damage occurring?

Clearly, nobody can promise an intact perineum post birth but we can at least pay attention to instinctive birthing movements and allow and encourage women to move as they wish during the second stage of labour, the baby’s emergence into the world.

Have you birthed your baby? Did you get to move instinctively? Let me know below.

Photo courtesy of over on Instagram



I often speak to mums-to-be who are attempting to navigate their own birth path around the obstacles of hospital protocols and what I keep seeing is this; women constantly feeling that they have to explain themselves again and again.

Why do they want this? Why are they refusing that? Why do they think what they think, or wish for what they wish for?

And this is problematic.

What is happening to us that makes us believe that we must PROVE that we are right? That we must somehow be MORE knowledgeable, MORE researched and MORE anatomically aware than our care providers.

When did we feel that we lost the option to just say, ‘No thanks’?

By forcing women into the position of having to defend the choices that they make we are enabling a culture of ‘I know more than you do, I am more knowledgeable and trained than you are’. Thus, your wants or needs can be discarded.

Are your birth team knowledgeable? Yes, of course they are. We do not need to doubt that. Are their hands sometimes tied by the protocols of their hospital trust? Yes, of course they are. A hospital is a structure that needs to be organised and working as a team.

However, does this ever negate your wants and needs? No. You can choose to do whatever you wish to do without having to create a powerpoint presentation, without arriving with the latest research or without beating them over the head with your Dr Sara Wickham book.

Your choices are yours - made for whatever reason. Nobody has the right to force you to do anything that you do not wish to do. You can just say no. You don’t have to prove to anyone why you are choosing what you feel to be the best path for you. You don’t.

Now clearly I say this based in the UK. I know that things get complicated when insurance led healthcare comes into play and that some providers in the US have the option to refuse to keep someone on their books (which is of course absolutely loathsome behaviour).

But it is so important for you to fully understand that it is your care provider's responsibility to prove to you why they think that you should take a particular course of action. It is not your responsibility to prove to them why you choose not to.

It is NOT your job to defend your birth decisions.



When we say it like this it makes workplace discrimination seem a bit weird doesn’t it?

So, why are women having to hide in their workplace toilets to administer their IVF medications? Why are women still being sidelined or demoted following having children?
Why do colleagues still sigh, internally or externally, when a woman in the office announces that she is pregnant?

Yes it takes some arranging. Yes it might upset the workflow. Yes, it might sometimes be a bit difficult.

But 50% of the population need to give birth to 100% of the population because basically the other half can’t.

So cut women some slack. Getting pregnant may be wanted, or it may be difficult or impossible, it may be longed for or it may be shocking. Giving birth can be beautiful and life-affirming or it may be traumatic and damaging. Having kids and balancing work can be financially draining, emotionally exhausting and bloody difficult at times and yet so rewarding too.

But if we intend to continue the human race, pay the rent and continue to boost the economy there isn’t really any other way to do this.

(...and yes I know that not all women will choose to have kids and we’re about 51% of the population I believe)


You heard it here first.
Everything on our shop is on 50% - Yay!

This includes our award winning Online Hypnobirthing Course, our two fantastic Hypnobirthing Meditations Packs, our Hypnobirthing For Caesarean Birth course and our soothing Online Anxiety Course.

This is only until Monday so get in fast and do let your pregnant friends know.

Melanie xx



The transfer from life in the womb to life outside is extraordinary.

Before birth, most of your baby’s blood circulation passed through the placenta, but bypassed the lungs. After delivery, when the placental flow stops. Instead of going from the baby’s heart to the placenta, the blood from the heart needs to redirect through their newly expanded lungs.

During their birth their entire head has had to change shape. Called Fetal Head Molding where the skull bones overlap to allow their head to travel down the birth canal. Think rugby ball as opposed to football. I wonder how this must feel to them, especially in the hours to follow when the bones move back into place again.

While happily residing inside mum there have been dim lights, smooth surfaces and constant sound. Voices, digestion, heartbeat… the soundtrack to your baby’s early life never switches off. There is also movement and the ability to move.

We speak of this transfer as the fourth trimester, the next three months of your baby’s development just outside rather than inside the womb. The next trimester of adjustments, changes and needs.

But what interests me most of all is that moment, those first few minutes when their little lives just turn upside down. Bright lights. Being touched. Having to breathe. The sensation of their own weight and limitless space.
It is this that makes us realise the importance of post birth skin to skin with mum.
The first and not last time that their mother will say, “I am here little one, and everything is going to be okay”.

Photo courtesy of on Instagram.

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Better Birth Stories - London Hypnobirthing & Positive Birth Preparation.

Learn the skills you need to have a calmer more controlled birth.

Hypnobirthing is the chosen birth preparation method for so many couples. It is absolutely effective, you cannot fail at it and it provides so many benefits to mum, the birth partner and baby.

As hypnobirthing is rooted in the techniques of hypnotherapy, our courses are taught by a fully qualified and experienced hypnotherapist, who is also a qualified hypnobirthing practitioner. This means that throughout all of your hypnosis recordings, breathing, visualisations and partner work you are in safe hands. Better Birth Stories classes really are the common-sense approach to birth preparation.

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All things Birth & Postnatal.. � My aim is to offer & provide continuous non-judgemental, physical, emotional & informational support before, during & after birth, also during the ...

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Konsultacje laktacyjne z dojazdem. Wiedza i doświadczenie w karmieniu piersią i alternatywnym. BLW.

The Birth Project The Birth Project
London, N103HU

The Birth Project offers a unique hypnobirthing experience to couples in North London that want to thrive and feel supported through pregnancy and birth.

Hey Baby 4D Sutton Hey Baby 4D Sutton
117 Stafford Road
London, SM69BN

Hey Baby 4D Sutton is a private ultrasound clinic part of the Hey Baby 4D network. We offer a full range of ultrasound scans to suit every stage of your pregnancy.

Bondslane母親與新生嬰兒英國資訊網站 Bondslane母親與新生嬰兒英國資訊網站

Bondslane 母親與新生嬰兒英國資訊網站 為你提供英國產前產後育兒資訊

Embracing_mothers Embracing_mothers
London, E145AB

I am a certified birth and postnatal doula, my passion is to tailor my care uniquely for each mother to be, and family, I will support you from conception, through out pregnancy, p...