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The Final End of the Lisa - This Day in Tech History 01/08/2024

On the 1st of August 1986, Apple discontinued the Macintosh XL, marking the end of the Apple Lisa computer platform. This might seem like a blast from the past, but it holds valuable lessons for today's business owners.

Back in January 1985, while the Macintosh line was soaring, the Lisa struggled with sales. Apple’s innovative response? They transformed the Lisa 2/10 into the Macintosh XL, combining the best of both worlds. This hybrid machine ran the Macintosh operating system, allowing Apple to salvage and repurpose their advanced technology for greater success.

The Lisa's story is a powerful reminder for businesses about the importance of adaptability and leveraging existing assets. While it didn't hit the market as intended, its technology laid the groundwork for future innovations.

Apple’s strategic pivot with the Macintosh XL showcases how repurposing resources can lead to breakthroughs and continued growth.

Today, we celebrate the pioneering spirit of the Lisa and the lessons it offers in resilience and innovation. What’s an example of when you decided to embrace change and turn a challenge into an opportunity?

The Final End of the Lisa - This Day in Tech History August 1, 1986 Apple discontinues production of the Macintosh XL, effectively ending the life of the Apple Lisa computer platform. In January of 1985, the Macintosh line of computers was gaining momentum but the Lisa line of computers was not selling well. In order to salvage what they could from th...

Cybercriminals exploit CrowdStrike chaos to spread malware 31/07/2024

I presume you heard about the problematic update from cyber security company CrowdStrike, which caused major disruption globally? Millions of Windows PCs were caused to continuously reboot due to Blue Screen of Death errors.

While CrowdStrike and Microsoft have provided official guides to recover from this mess, cyber criminals are swooping in to exploit the situation.

Here’s what’s happening: Cyber criminals are distributing a malicious file named crowdstrike-hotfix .zip, which they claim will fix the problem. But instead, the file contains harmful malicious software (malware). This tactic is all too common. Cyber criminals love to strike when panic and urgency are high, tricking people into downloading malware disguised as helpful tools.

In addition to this fake fix, phishing campaigns are rampant. Criminals are sending fake emails posing as CrowdStrike support, making phone calls pretending to be CrowdStrike employees, and even posing as independent researchers offering recovery scripts.

To stay safe, always connect with CrowdStrike representatives through official channels and follow the technical guidance provided by CrowdStrike and Microsoft. Avoid downloading any unsolicited files or clicking on suspicious links.

The same goes for any other company you deal with if you have any concerns about the authenticity of their emails.

In the meantime, if you need help with keeping your systems safe and secure, get in touch.

Cybercriminals exploit CrowdStrike chaos to spread malware While CrowdStrike and Microsoft provided fixes, cybercriminals exploited the situation by spreading malware disguised as a hotfix and launching phishing campaigns targeting CrowdStrike customers.

Google brings passkeys to its Advanced Protection Program 30/07/2024

Google is adding passkey support to its Advanced Protection Program (APP) - that’s the highest level of security Google offers. Previously, APP required a physical security key, which wasn’t always convenient for everyone. But now people can choose between using a passkey or a physical key.

It’s a great step towards better security measures.

But, what are passkeys and why should you care?

Passkeys are a modern, secure way to log in without needing a traditional password. Instead of typing a password, you can use something you have, like your phone or a fingerprint, making it much harder for cyber criminals to get into your accounts. This is especially important for those at high risk of attack, as well as businesses with a lot of data to protect.

The great thing about passkeys is that they are not only more secure but also more convenient. No more worrying about forgetting passwords or having them stolen. Google has already rolled out passkeys for Android and Chrome, and they’re now available for all Google accounts. As of this year, more than 400 million accounts have used passkeys more than a billion times.

For your business, adopting passkeys can add an extra layer of security, protecting sensitive information and keeping your operations running smoothly. You can set them up easily on the accounts that currently have the option. It’s easy, secure, and a great way to ensure your business data stays safe.

Need a hand with that? My team can help - get in touch.

Google brings passkeys to its Advanced Protection Program Google users who enroll in the Advanced Protection Program can now opt to use a passkey for their logins.

URL and website scanner - 29/07/2024

Microsoft recently sent out emails warning some customers about a data breach, but there's a big problem: The emails looked like spam. It’s caused a bit of confusion and concern.

So, what happened?

Microsoft didn’t follow their usual data breach process. Instead of using their secure customer portal, they emailed admins directly. Unfortunately, these emails often end up in spam folders. Even worse, admin accounts should be secure and not used for regular email communications.

Oh, and the emails contained a “secure link” that leads to a domain not immediately recognisable as Microsoft’s, which caused even more alarm. Many people submitted the link to, a service that checks if a website is safe, to verify its legitimacy.

You might be wondering how you can tell if an email like this is spam or legitimate.

First, look at the sender's email address and see if it matches what you’d expect from Microsoft. Check for grammar mistakes or unusual formatting, which are common in spam. Be cautious of any links – you can hover over them without clicking to see where they lead. If they don’t look right, don’t click.

If you’re still unsure, you can contact Microsoft support directly through their official website, or my team will be happy to help. It’s better to be safe and verify the email than to risk a potential scam.

Have you seen one of these emails? And did you think it looked suspicious?

URL and website scanner - - Website scanner for suspicious and malicious URLs

IBM's First Desktop Computer - This Day in Tech History 28/07/2024

Today we celebrate a major milestone in tech history – the anniversary of IBM's first desktop computer, the System/23 Datamaster, introduced on 28th July 1981.

It was designed for small businesses, doubling as a word processor and data processor. The best part? It could be set up by employees without needing a tech specialist. Imagine how revolutionary that was back then.

Though it’s now a historical footnote, the Datamaster played a crucial role in shaping the future of computing. The brilliant minds behind it were quickly reassigned to the top-secret IBM PC project. Their experience with the Datamaster, especially the Intel 8085 processor, directly influenced the development of the iconic IBM PC and its choice of the Intel 8088 processor.

Raise a glass to the IBM System/23 Datamaster and the incredible advancements it paved the way for.

IBM's First Desktop Computer - This Day in Tech History July 28, 1981 IBM introduces their System/23 Datamaster desktop computer, only two weeks before they introduce their IBM PC. Geared towards small business for use as a word processor and data processor, the computer was designed to be set up by end-users without the need of a computer specialist. Wh...

Why You Must Consider the Security Risks of BYOD 27/07/2024

Do you have a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy?

With more employees using their personal devices for work, you need to understand the risks and how to keep your business safe.

Lots of companies have reduced the number of in-office PCs, letting employees bring their own laptops or devices. While that could be good for budget, there are some things you need to consider - most importantly, the right security to protect business and customer data.

Criminals target employees through emails, calls, and voice messages in order to steal sensitive information. Whether personal devices are used in the office or remotely, they must have robust, ongoing security measures to keep your data safe.

Personal devices often lack the same protection as corporate ones. It’s important to make sure that all personal devices have security features installed and that they’re regularly updated.

Access control is another concern. Personal devices are more susceptible to unauthorised access by family (children!) or friends. Implement strict access controls and make sure devices are used exclusively for work when accessing company data.

Mixing personal and work data can lead to privacy issues and compliance breaches. Make your employees aware of these risks and provide guidelines on separating personal and work data.

While BYOD can seem cost-effective upfront, the potential security risks and costs associated with data breaches or attacks can outweigh these savings. Investing in secure, company-managed devices might save money in the long run.

Carefully weigh up the pros and cons before deciding. My team and I can help you do that. Get in touch.

Why You Must Consider the Security Risks of BYOD Microsoft's Alan Slothower discusses the risks posed by increasing BYOD policies in enterprises

The world's first Miss AI has been crowned 26/07/2024

I’ve got an unusual one today: The first-ever Miss AI has been crowned. Kenza Layli is an AI-powered influencer created by a Moroccan marketing agency. She just won the title at the World AI Creator Awards (WAICA), beating out more than 1,500 virtual models in this groundbreaking virtual beauty pageant.

Kenza Layli is a digital persona with more than 200,000 Instagram followers. She promotes women's empowerment and environmental conservation, and also showcases Morocco's culture and cutting-edge technology. Her content is available in seven languages and has captured the attention of a global audience.

The Miss AI competition judged participants on aesthetics, online influence, and technical proficiency. Kenza's victory not only earned her creators $5,000 (around £3,850) and PR services but also highlighted the transformative potential of AI in marketing and branding.

So why does this matter to you? The rise of AI influencers like Kenza Layli represents a significant shift in how businesses can engage with their audiences. AI models work 24/7, have tailored engagement and can adapt quickly to trends, making them powerful tools for marketing and customer interaction.

As AI technology advances, do you think we’ll see the lines between human and AI influencers blur even more? Kenza's win sets a new precedent and showcases the possibilities of AI in creating compelling, influential digital personas.

Would you ever leverage AI influencers for your business?

The world's first Miss AI has been crowned Moroccan virtual influencer Kenza Layli wins Miss AI beauty pageant

Microsoft wants to enhance Teams with a name mispronunciation detector, according to patent 25/07/2024

How many times have you mispronounced someone’s name in a Microsoft Teams meeting? It happens to the best of us and can be quite embarrassing. Microsoft has a new feature that could save us all from those awkward moments: Real-time name mispronunciation detection in Teams.

This innovative technology, described in a recent patent, automatically detects when you mispronounce a colleague's name and notifies you instantly. It works smoothly during online meetings by listening carefully and comparing the names spoken with a reference pronunciation.

Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it?

Here’s how it works: Before the meeting begins, it gathers the names of all participants and creates a custom language model. During the meeting, if a name is mispronounced, the system compares the audio to the correct pronunciation and gives you a pronunciation score. If your score is low, indicating a wrong pronunciation, you'll get a notification to help you correct it. Plus, you can practice saying the name until you get it right, making future interactions smoother and more respectful.

This feature adapts to the nuances of human speech and cultural name variations, showcasing advancements in speech recognition and machine learning. It’s a perfect example of how technology can bring us closer together by making sure everyone feels seen and respected.

I don’t have a date for the rollout of this one yet, but of course I’ll keep you posted. In the meantime, if you need a hand getting started with Teams, I can help - get in touch.

Microsoft wants to enhance Teams with a name mispronunciation detector, according to patent Microsoft Teams will have a name mispronunciation in the future, according to a patent recently discovered by us.

Finally, Windows 11’s 24H2 update is going to fix a bunch of annoying bugs that make using the OS feel like a chore 24/07/2024

I’ve got some news about Windows 11. Some people have noticed some stuttering and sluggishness in the interface, especially with Task View previews and Quick Settings. These are minor issues, but they can still disrupt your workflow. Microsoft has listened and is rolling out fixes later this year.

If you're still using Windows 10, it's a great time to consider upgrading to 11. Minor bugs aside, the new operating system is designed to be faster and more efficient. It looks better, too.

Windows 11 has new features that aren't available in 10. These include virtual desktops for better multitasking, improved snap layouts for organising your windows, and seamless integration with Microsoft Teams. Windows 11 has advanced security features to protect your business data from cyber threats.

Future-proofing your business tech is another important reason to upgrade. By moving to Windows 11, you're making sure your systems are up-to-date with the latest technology and prepared for future updates and improvements.

Switching your business to Windows 11 is straightforward but if you’d like to make the move with minimal disruption, let my team help. Get in touch.

Finally, Windows 11’s 24H2 update is going to fix a bunch of annoying bugs that make using the OS feel like a chore Fed up with stuttering and glitchy parts of the interface? You wouldn’t be alone

Survey finds most people would rather switch companies than deal with AI customer service 23/07/2024

Ever called a company and had to deal with an AI assistant? If you didn't love it, you’re not on your own. A recent survey found that 64% of customers would rather not deal with AI in customer service, and 53% would switch to a competitor that didn’t use AI.

Are you guilty of using AI assistants for your customers?

While AI can bring countless benefits like faster responses and cost savings, it's clear that customers are not fully on board yet. Many worry that AI will make it harder to reach a real person, which is a big deal for those needing personalised help. They also worry about AI giving wrong information and handling their data securely.

So, what's the takeaway?

AI can definitely help your business, but it’s all about balance. Make sure your AI systems are designed to assist, not frustrate. For instance, AI chatbots should clearly tell customers they can be connected to a human if needed. This builds trust and ensures a smooth experience.

AI bots can handle routine queries efficiently, freeing up your human agents for more complex issues. This is great for productivity. But remember, customers still value the personal touch.

Incorporate AI thoughtfully, and let your customers know they're always just a step away from speaking to a real person. This way, you can enjoy the best of both worlds – efficient service and happy customers.

If you’re not quite ready for AI customer service yet, there are lots of other ways you can adopt AI in your business to speed up processes and boost productivity, all without annoying your customers. Can we help you explore this? Get in touch.

Survey finds most people would rather switch companies than deal with AI customer service Gartner reports 53% of consumers would look at the competition if they are dealing with AI assistants on the phone

Facebook ads for Windows desktop themes push info-stealing malware 22/07/2024

There's yet another scam going around on Facebook. This one’s targeting people with fake Windows desktop themes. These ads look legit but they hide some nasty malware (malicious software) that can steal your passwords and other sensitive info.

Cyber criminals are using Facebook business pages and ads to promote these fake themes. They're not just stopping at themes either – they're also pushing downloads for pirated games, software like Photoshop, and even AI tools. When you click on these ads, they take you to what looks like a real download page. But instead of the software you wanted, you get a zip file full of malware.

The ads come from both new and hijacked pages, sometimes with thousands of ads for each campaign. Names like "blue-softs," "xtaskbar-themes," and "awesome-themes-desktop" are common. These pages are often run by people in Vietnam or the Philippines and they're really good at making their ads look trustworthy.

If you think you might have fallen for one of these scams, don't panic. Here’s what you should do:

Disconnect from the internet to prevent further data theft.

Run a full system scan with a reliable antivirus program to detect and remove the malware.

Change your passwords immediately, especially for sensitive accounts like email, banking, and, of course, Facebook.

Enable two-factor authentication on all accounts where it’s available. This adds an extra layer of security.

Alternatively, get in touch and we can help.

And to avoid falling victim in the future, always be cautious about downloading anything from ads or sources you're not familiar with. Stick to official websites and trusted sources.

Have you seen these ads doing the rounds?

Facebook ads for Windows desktop themes push info-stealing malware Cybercriminals use Facebook business pages and advertisements to promote fake Windows themes that infect unsuspecting users with the SYS01 password-stealing malware.

How to create PDFs on iPhones 21/07/2024

Did you know you can scan documents to create PDFs from your iPhone using the Notes app? Yep, and there’s no need for extra apps or software. I know a lot of people who have found this really useful.

First, open the Notes app and start a new note by tapping the icon in the lower right corner. Then, select the Attach icon (the paper clip) and tap on Scan Documents. Position your iPhone over the document you want to scan, ideally on a plain surface for better accuracy. Notes will automatically detect the document, highlight it with an orange overlay, and scan it, saving a thumbnail in the lower-left corner.

If you have multiple pages, just move on to the next one. After scanning all pages, tap Save in the lower right corner.

To edit, tap on the thumbnail to adjust margins, switch to greyscale, rotate, or delete scans. If you’re happy with the scan, tap Done in the top left corner, then Save.

You can also convert existing documents in other apps like Files, Safari, or Photos, to PDFs. Open the file, tap the Share icon, and choose either Markup or Print. With Markup, you can even draw on the PDF before saving. If you choose Print, long-press the thumbnail to generate a PDF, then tap the Share icon to save it.

This simple method helps you keep your documents organised and easily accessible. It’s not a business solution but it is handy if you only do this now and again.

Try it out today and let me know how helpful it is.

How to create PDFs on iPhones Create a new PDF using Apple Files or Notes.

Modernized Excel Grid 20/07/2024

Ready for a big upgrade to Microsoft Excel on the web? It’s getting a major makeover, designed to make your workflows smoother and more efficient.

So, what's new? Excel is getting a sleek, "Simple. Easy. Delightful" visual overhaul. This means slightly larger and less rigid sheets, columns, and rows, aligning with the more modern look of the rest of Microsoft 365.

The menu bars are now raised and simplified, offering fewer options for a clearer view. Plus, the colours in data fields are more vibrant, while the overall theme has shifted from the iconic green to a more neutral light grey.

But that's not all. There are some cool new features to look forward to as well. The new quick resize option allows you to easily adjust rows and columns by hovering over the border to bring up resizing handles, improving data visibility and presentation.

Adding rows and columns is now simpler with small circles that appear when you hover over a header, making it quick to add or remove fields. The drag and drop feature lets you move entire rows and columns with ease. The streamlined unhide feature allows you to display hidden rows and columns with a single click.

Additionally, you can freeze panes to keep important information in view no matter how far you scroll, and the new quick highlighting option lets you signify important fields with just a few clicks.

These updates are designed to make Excel more intuitive and user-friendly. The new features are rolling out to everyone who uses Microsoft Excel for web now. Have you tried it out yet?

Modernized Excel Grid New enhancements to the Excel for the web grid experience.

How you can get (AI versions of) Judy Garland or Burt Reynolds to read to you 19/07/2024

Imagine hearing The Wizard of Oz narrated by Judy Garland herself. Thanks to a newly launched Reader App by ElevenLabs, you can now have AI versions of legendary voices read to you.

ElevenLabs has teamed up with the estates of iconic celebrities like Judy Garland, Burt Reynolds, and James Dean to create scarily realistic AI voice clones. These voices are available on their Reader App, allowing you to listen to any digital text, including articles, PDFs, and e-books, narrated by these Hollywood legends.

Judy Garland's daughter, Liza Minnelli, is thrilled about this, saying, "It's exciting to see our mother's voice available to the countless millions of people who love her."

This new technology not only preserves these incredible voices but also introduces them to new audiences.

Imagine how engaging and entertaining business reports, training materials, or even your favourite industry news could be with these narrations. It’s a great way to keep your team motivated and make the most mundane tasks a bit more enjoyable.

I think this is a really fun idea. Whose voice would you choose to narrate your next business report?

How you can get (AI versions of) Judy Garland or Burt Reynolds to read to you ElevenLabs has licensed the right to offer voice clones of multiple deceased celebrities for its new Reader App

Intel Founded - This Day in Tech History 18/07/2024

Today marks a huge milestone in tech history. On this day back in 1968, Intel was founded in Santa Clara, California by Robert Noyce, Andy Grove, and Gordon Moore. It’s fair to say their vision and innovation have shaped the tech world as we know it.

Did you know, Intel's journey began with the creation of the 4004, the first microprocessor, released in 1971 for use in calculators?

But the real game-changer came when IBM chose Intel’s 8088 processor for their IBM PC. This was a decision that catapulted Intel to the front of microprocessor manufacturing.

Intel's innovations have powered countless businesses, helping us to be more efficient, productive, and connected. From the early days of simple calculators to today’s advanced computing solutions, Intel has been at the heart of technological progress.

Let’s raise a toast to Intel’s incredible journey and the groundbreaking advancements they’ve brought to the world of business and beyond.

Happy birthday Intel!

Intel Founded - This Day in Tech History July 18, 1968 Robert Noyce, Andy Grove, and Gordon Moore incorporate Intel in Santa Clara, California to build microprocessors. Their first processor, the 4004, was released in 1971 for use in calculators. IBM’s choice of Intel’s 8088 processor for use in the IBM PC led to Intel’s emergence as...

Microsoft Notepad finally makes its spellchecking and autocorrecting capabilities available to all users 17/07/2024

What’s your take on this one? Not everyone’s a fan… Microsoft is adding some new features to Notepad on Windows 11: Spellcheck and autocorrect.

If you use Notepad regularly, you might notice some words underlined in red, just like in Microsoft Word. This means Notepad is highlighting spelling errors. There’s also a menu that pops up with options to correct the misspelled words or add new words to the dictionary. This can be really useful for catching typos and making sure your notes are error-free.

Microsoft started testing these features back in March. And after a few months, they’re now quietly being added to everyone's Notepad on Windows 11. While some people feel that these new features might make Notepad a bit bloated, others welcome them (especially since WordPad is no longer around).

Notepad has always been known as a simple, lightweight text editor. Some, especially those who use it for coding, may not need these new abilities. But for others having spellcheck and autocorrect can be helpful, making it easier to write and edit text without mistakes.

This isn't the first time Microsoft’s changed Notepad. Since Windows 11 launched, they've added features like a dark mode, making it more user-friendly. While there are concerns about adding too many features and slowing it down, these updates aim to make Notepad more versatile.

Is it a welcome update for you, or do you think Notepad is perfect the way it is?

Microsoft Notepad finally makes its spellchecking and autocorrecting capabilities available to all users Microsoft Notepad is now capable of spellchecking and autocorrect, so next time you want to proofread a text, you can do so easy and free.

Nearly 10 billion passwords stolen by hackers — how to protect yourself 16/07/2024

Nearly 10 BILLION passwords have been leaked in one of the largest data breaches ever. A file called RockYou2024.txt, was posted online and contains an enormous 9,948,575,739 unique passwords.

This new leak combines passwords from old and recent hacks, adding 1.5 billion more passwords than the last big leak, RockYou2021. It means that cyber criminals now have almost 10 billion passwords to try and break into accounts using methods like brute force attacks and credential stuffing.

What are brute force attacks? Cyber criminals use software to automatically try every possible password combination until they get it right. For example, a simple password like "1234" can be cracked in seconds.

Credential stuffing is another technique where cyber criminals use usernames and passwords from leaked data and try them on other websites, hoping to get into poorly secured accounts.

To protect your business it's crucial to use strong, unique passwords for each of your online accounts. This makes it harder for anyone to break in. Consider using a password manager; these tools can create and store strong passwords for you, keeping them safe and secure. Additionally, use multi factor authentication where you prove its you with a code from another device.

If you’re concerned about your details being leaked, or you want to make your business more secure, my team can help - get in touch.

Nearly 10 billion passwords stolen by hackers — how to protect yourself Everything you need to know about the RockYou2024 leak

Microsoft wants you on New Outlook for Windows by July, August or receiving emails may stop 15/07/2024

Heads up! Microsoft is making some important changes to Outlook, and you might need to prepare. By the end of August, they want everyone to move from the legacy Outlook to the New Outlook for Windows. Here's what you need to know…

Last September, Microsoft launched the New Outlook for Windows, which brought a mix of reactions about privacy, user choice, and the overall experience. Despite this, Microsoft is moving forward with their plans.

Earlier this year, they announced a timeline for retiring the old versions. Starting around now, legacy Outlook applications on iOS, Android, Mac, and Windows Mail and Calendar apps will begin to be phased out. By mid-August, if you’re using an outdated browser to access Outlook on the web, you'll encounter error messages urging you to update your browser.

Here’s your timeline:

Mid July 2024: Legacy Outlook apps will start losing functionality.

Mid-August 2024: Outdated web browsers will no longer support Outlook.

If you stick with the old versions, your team won’t be able to send or receive emails once these changes roll out. Plus, you'll miss out on new features and security updates designed to protect your business.

To avoid any disruption, start switching to the New Outlook for Windows now and make sure all your devices and browsers are up to date. This way, you'll stay connected and secure without any hiccups.

Want my team to take away all of this hassle for your business? Get in touch.

Microsoft wants you on New Outlook for Windows by July, August or receiving emails may stop Whether you like it or not, Microsoft will apparently retire legacy Outlook clients very soon starting this July. A lot of such purported details have been revealed by a M365 message center post.

Microsoft Excel now lets users translate and detect the language of their texts 14/07/2024

Microsoft Excel now lets you translate text automatically and detect the language of the text you type in. This update, available on Windows and Mac, is great for businesses working with multilingual data.

Here’s how it works:

Not sure what language “Hola mundo!” is? Just type =DETECTLANGUAGE(A1) (assuming it's in cell A1), and Excel will tell you it’s Spanish by returning “es.” Easy.

Want to translate “Hello, World!” into Spanish? Type =TRANSLATE(A1, “en,” “es”), and Excel will magically show “Hola mundo!” right in your spreadsheet. No need for external apps.

These features are currently in testing. Microsoft 365 Insiders on the Beta Channel can use them. All being well there’ll be a general rollout soon enough.

I bet you £5 there are loads of other hidden productivity features in Microsoft’s applications that would save your business time or money. Want to take that bet? Get in touch.

Microsoft Excel now lets users translate and detect the language of their texts You'll be able to use Microsoft Excel to translate text you put into spreadsheets, as well as detecting the language of the text.

Code Red Worms its Way into the Internet - This Day in Tech History 13/07/2024

On this day back in 2001, the infamous Code Red worm was unleashed on the internet. Do you remember it? It was a wild time in the world of cyber security.

Code Red targeted a type of web server used by Microsoft, spreading rapidly and efficiently across the internet.

The worm's outbreak highlighted the critical need for robust cyber security measures. For business owners, it was a wake-up call to ensure that systems were secure and updated regularly.

Fast forward to today, and the lessons from Code Red still resonate: Always keep your software updated, disable unnecessary services, and invest in good cyber security practices.

The Code Red incident is a reminder of how far we've come in the fight against malware and the importance of staying vigilant. If it’s time to audit your business’s security measures, we can help. Get in touch.

Code Red Worms its Way into the Internet - This Day in Tech History July 13, 2001 The Code Red worm is released onto the Internet. Targeting Microsoft’s IIS web server, Code Red had a significant effect on the Internet due to the speed and efficiency of its spread. Much of this was due to the fact that IIS was often enabled by default on many installations of Wind...

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