Tegan the Vegan

Home made vegan goodies, delivered locally in East London each week. Being vegan doesn't have to mean missing out on all the good stuff!


Cake run! How about next Thursday, the 25th Feb?

The offerings are....

- Orange and Pistachio Loaf
Keeping with the orange thing, here’s a new one. Rose is the typical flavour with pistachi, which might make an appearance, but let’s try Orange! £12 a loaf.

- Victoria Sponge
The classics are the best, and you keep asking me for this! £12 a loaf.

- Chocolate and Peanut Butter
If you’ve not tried it, and aren’t convinced, I’ll offer you a money back guarantee, no kidding. That’s how confident I am about this one. There’s something just beautiful about the snap of saltiness with the sweetness of the chocolate cake. £12 a loaf.

- Breakfast Pancakes
You know the ones! Walnutty, cinnamon-y, great with fruit and a little maple syrup. 4 in a packet, sold frozen. Two is enough for even me. £5 per pack.

- Panisse
By popular demand! Slice and fry it, and eat it Asan egg replacement in a soft white roll with some tomato and spinach. This one will have red pepper and parsley in.
£6 for a brownie sized tray, approx 6” square.

The usual drill! If you could be so kind as to order at least £15 I’d be grateful but it’s not a deal breaker. Delivering to E17, e11, e10, e4, between about 6 and 9pm. Message me to order. Excited to see you! 💕💕💕


EDIT: this one has been postponed until the week afterwards. I posted the details in the comments...please let me know if you’d like to cancel or amend your order and I’ll get that sorted for you. Sad times here. 😔

Cake run? On the 14th? Why not!

It’s vet bill time again, so here we go...!

- Ginger Loaf cake
There’s no denying it, people want it and keep asking me for it. So who am I to argue? I’m so confident in this, I’ll do you a money back guarantee. Sticky, sweet and zingy. £12 a loaf.

- Orange Drizzle and Cinnamon Loaf
Sounds weird, tastes great. A really wintery flavour! £12 a loaf.

- Coffee and Cardamom Loaf
I’m making this one just because I want one, really, but if you’ve not tried coffee with cardamom, you’re missing out. It’s beautiful and fragrant!

- East End Pasties
I have been promising to make these for someone for ages! So here they are. Not from Cornwall but very similar, seasoned veg with a sprinkle of no-beef mince. Sold frozen and perfect on a cold day, straight from the oven. £5 for two.

As usual, please comment below or DM me to order. I deliver between 6pm and 9pm (no contact delivery!) on 14th Jan, to E17, E10, E11 and E4.

Thanks and see your soon!

Photos from Tegan the Vegan's post 12/12/2020

I wasn’t planning on doing much of a Christmas menu this year, but I felt that I should do a little bit. No cheeseboards this year, though, but luckily there are some cracking cheeses about. However, though, there is...

- Baked vanilla cheesecake with fruit coulis

I wasn’t sure about this when I started making it, but I’ve made it for even non vegans and they’ve loved it. It’s made using expensive ingredients though, hence the price. It’s a 7” tin and will serve 6 quite greedy people or 8 sensible people. Of course, it’ll do one person over a few days if you’re anything like me! £40, delivered.

- Ginger Loaf Cake

Everyone loves this, so I’ll do it. Made with fresh and ground ginger, painstakingly home made applesauce and dark treacle. It’s sticky and if I’m allowed to say so myself, yummy. £12, delivered.

- Chocolate Orange Loaf

Chocolate orange cake with chocolate orange buttercream filling. Quite Christmassy, eh? £12, delivered.

- Parmesan

Made with cashews and all the good stuff. Good on a cheeseboard, too! £5 per block

- Soft cheese with chives

Made with tofu but much nicer than that sounds. Piquant tang, and again, great on a cheeseboard. £5 per block.

DELIVERY or COLLECTION: you’ve got a choice of either the 22nd Dec or the 24th this time. Evening, again, from 5pm to 9pm, in E17, E10, E11 and E4. If you could make it over £15 as a minimum I’d be super grateful!

You’re also welcome to arrange collection with me if that’s easier too. Just drop me a line. You can give Pickle a pat on the head too, if she’s awake.

PLEASE NOTE: I’m working doing an actual full time job these days too and I’m under strict orders to not take on so much that I end up crying in the kitchen at 4am. It makes sense, but it’s just not in my nature. It’s hard to say no! So, these goodies are limited, and if you’d like some, ask quickly. I really don’t want to disappoint anybody who might be desperate for something!

Really looking forward to seeing you all! 💕


Somebody asked and so I thought I should probably offer everyone else...

Victoria Sponge? For Wednesday?
And perhaps a coffee and walnut?

How about some Parmesan, too?

Loaf cakes are £12 each and the Parmesan blocks are £5.

Because I’ve not done a cake run in so long: delivery on Wednesday 28th October between 6pm and 9pm. Deliveries in E17, e10, and e4. If you particularly need a early/late time slot, let me know and I’ll try my best.

Pm me to order!

Timeline photos 12/10/2020

I’m a lot quieter on here these days, but I’m still caking away. Here’s a little floral babe I did for a birthday party last week.

Got ideas for cakes? Let me know. I just got a whole batch of new sprinkles too so if you’re brave enough to let me loose with them, I’ll make you something pretty!


Tegan the Vegan is now on the Walthamstow Deliveries page. I’m still taking orders for birthday cakes, and when it’s sensible to do so, I’ll be doing a cake run. Hope you’re all staying safe and indoors! https://m.facebook.com/walthamstowdelivery.co.uk/

Walthamstow Delivery Local service

Timeline photos 15/02/2020

So, how about Monday 24th? At least you’ll be nicely caked up for the week then, right?

This time we’re doing:

- Pear and Cardamom loaf cake. Sounds weird, tastes amazing. Cardamom is magic, and while I don’t use it in the same incredible (and proper way) that Nilanjani from does, it’s still beautiful in cake. £12 a loaf.

- Peanut butter and chocolate cake. It’s got that “can’t put it down” thing about it, somehow? Try it to believe it! £12 a loaf.

- Not-chicken seitan: big, 300g bags that come frozen. Enough to feed four, in a stir fry or curry, but trust me: fry it up until crispy and eat in a sandwich with tomato, rocket and mayo on beautiful soft white bread. Perrrrrfect! £4.50 a bag

Usual rules apply: Delivery to within E17, E10, E11 and E4 between the hours of 6.30 to 9.30...if you want specific times so as not to wake your little ones etc, ask and I’ll try my best! If you can make it over £15 per delivery I’d be grateful, too. Also, if anyone is able to give me a couple of pesto sized empty jars you’ve got kicking about I can make you exciting things for next month...?

As usual, order by commenting or dropping me a PM. Please enjoy this vintage illustration of some pears. See you next Monday!


Dear all.

I apologise: I have been slack. I know this, and I am very sorry. I've had something of a break, but I'm slowly getting back on it.

To help ease myself into it, how about a little mini cake run, on...ooooh, say the 23nd, next Thursday?

I'm only going to do two different cakes, and one cheese, this time. Just to make life bearable, you know? So, let's have it:

-THAT GINGER CAKE. I know, I keep talking about it, so here it is. Sticky ginger cake. It takes aaaaaages to make, but it's worth it, I think. it's sticky, dense, freezes like a dream, and it's so good I made it as presents for my family for Christmas. £12 a loaf.

- Lemon Drizzle. It sounds boring, I promise it's not. The classics are the best, and quite frankly, I want to make this so I've got a spare to eat for myself. No shame. £12 a loaf.

- Parmesan. Cashew nut based, will freeze well if you can keep away from it that long. Grate it over pasta with some chopped parsely, freshly ground black pepper and decent olive oil, and thanks me later. £5 a wedge.

USUAL RULES APPLY: delivery to E17, E10, E11, and E4 if you ask nicely. I'll be delivering from 6pm - 9pm, and it could be anywhere in that window: If you need a specific time, or want me to call you in case I wake your baby when I knock, all good, happy to do my best to accommodate. Drop me a line.

Commet here or DM me on the Tegan the Vegan page, so I can keep track. I'll have my little payment box ready too, so I can take payment on the doorstep. I found it, at long last!

Looking forward to seeing some of you! x




This time on WEDNESDAY the 10th July. So midweek cake and goodies to get you through to the weekend!

This time we'll have...

- Cherry and Lime Loaf Cakes. Such a good flavour combination, and perfect with a cuppa. Proper, real, in season cherries used: None of this dried stuff! £12 a loaf, delivered.

- Chocolate Chilli cake: Just because I fancy it myself. If you've never had it, do give it a try: It's only a little aftertaste, and somehow it works just beautifully with chocolate. Not "hot" at all, just really interesting! £12 a loaf.

- Coffee and Walnut Loaf Cake: Again, because I fancy it. Why not, eh? The classics are always the best! £12 a loaf, delivered.

- Soft Cheese with Cracked Black Pepper: Perfect with some chutney on crackers, and a great sandwich filling too. I have been known to eat this with a spoon straight out of the fridge. No shame. £5 a wheel.

- Breakfast Pancakes: A little cinammon-y, quite walnut-y, perfect for when you want something nice but just can't be bothered. These come frozen and are dead easy to heat up. I've even been known to put them in the toaster, and they work a treat. Sweet enough as they are or add a drop of maple syrup for some serious beautiful eating. £6 for 8, two is a sensible serving size (I eat three).

- Not-Chicken Setain: The usual stuff, ideal for curries, stir fries, stews, or as I always recommend, fry the stuff up until it's crispy, put it in a sandwich with some mayo, rocket, tomato, and then thank me later. £5 for 300g, which is enough for four sensible servings, or two VERY greedy people with leftovers.

As usual, deliveries betweein about 6 and 9pm, (I do my best, this might overrun depending how busy it is!) and within the E17, E10, E11 and E4 areas. Drop me a message on here, and I'll put you down.



It's vet bill time for the Markhouse Road Micro-sanctuary, so it's also cake run time. You LUCKY people! Your purchases will go towards Pickle's eye surgery bill, so stock up! This week, on Thursday evening, I'll be making...

- That Ginger Cake. It's a faff to do but worth it, so fill your boots! Sticky ginger cake, that's so good I can't have any in the house or I eat the lot. £12 a loaf.

- Orange Sceneted Vanillla and Chocolate Chip Loaf: Like a sort of jaffa cake type affair, but in cake form. Perfect for choc orange fans. £12 a loaf.

- Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting: A new one, but a classic, requested by the dreamboat that is Anna, so thank her! I can't eat it without that cream cheese icing, so there will be some in the middle. You lucky, lucky things, you. £12 a loaf, and it'll have nuts in it, so please keep this in mind.

- East End Pasties: I can't bring myself to call the "Cornish", because they're made here, but similar deal. Handmade shortcrust, with onion, swede and carrot, and some soymince for authenticity. £7 for two decent sized ones, perfect for lunch on their own, or with salad and sides for a dinner. Sold frozen to bake at home.

- Not-Chicken Seitain: The usual stuff, at £5 for 300g, which is enough for two greedy people with leftovers, or honestly, four sensible portions in a curry or stir fry. I also recommend frying it and eating it in a sandwich with mayo, basil and tomato.

Usual rules apply: Please order at least £15 worth, if you can, and I'll deliver to E17, E10, E11, and E4. Delivering on Thursday evening between about 6pm and 9.30pm, and if you pm me to order that would be fab. Any questions, drop me a line!

Lemon cake pic for the sake of having a picture, quite honestly. That's just how I roll.


MENU CHANGE, apologies! Doing burgers tomorrow instead of roastie wraps because I've had Oven Issues this week. Don't worry, the burgers are GOOD and the roastie wraps are back on next week!


I've had a bit of a nightmare this week with my oven, so I'm having to improvise a bit!

Instead of the promised Yorkshire Pudding Roastie Wraps tomorrow, I'm having to do burgers instead...so not all bad, really, eh? Many apologies, and next week there will be roastie wraps again, with an Easter theme. Watch this space, and as always, if you've got suggestions or requests for sides, drop me a line, and I'll do my best to make it happen.

Some good news, though: I managed to get my hands on a bag of new crop Cyprus potatoes! While this might sound boring, they make the very, very best chips, so come see me and tell me what you think. Looking forward to feeding you tomorrow!



I've had a bit of a nightmare this week with my oven, so I'm having to improvise a bit!

Instead of the promised Yorkshire Pudding Roastie Wraps tomorrow, I'm having to do burgers instead...so not all bad, really, eh? Many apologies, and next week there will be roastie wraps again, with an Easter theme. Watch this space, and as always, if you've got suggestions or requests for sides, drop me a line, and I'll do my best to make it happen.

Some good news, though: I managed to get my hands on a bag of new crop Cyprus potatoes! While this might sound boring, they make the very, very best chips, so come see me and tell me what you think. Looking forward to feeding you tomorrow!


CAKE RUN ALERT! Yep, as well as twice a week hot food I'm still doing this when I can. So, Thursday 11th April, between 6 and 9pm, I'll be doing...

- Lime and Cherry Drizzle Loaf: Spring is (sort of) here, so let's have something fresh! Vanilla loaf cake with fresh cherry pieces, lime zest and a lime drizzle. £12 per loaf.

- Orange Scented Vanilla and Chocolate Loaf: Vanilla cake with orange flavour, with hand chopped chocolate chips in it. If you like jaffa cakes, this is the one for you. £12 per loaf.

- Not-Chicken and Mushroom Hand Pies: Perfect as a lunch on their own, or with a salad and some other carby stuff as a light dinner, these are good. Gregg's have got nothing on me...ha! £7 for two.

- Soft Cheese with Cracked Black Pepper: Beautiful on crackers, nothing quite like it in the shops! £5 per cheese.

Usual terms and conditions apply! If you could be so kind as to order at least £15 worth of stuff, I'd be grateful, and I'll deliver to E17, E10, E11, and E4. Delivery times vary, but I'll do my best to get to you when you ask. Drop me a message or comment here to get on the list....as ever, limited spaces available! Looking forward to seeing you!


So, from Tuesday the 2nd April, I'll be at Ye Olde Rose and Crown Theatre Pub, and this time I'll be doing burgers, mac n' cheese arancini and some properly cooked, beautiful twice cooked chips. I'll be there and ready to feed you from 5.30, and open until 10.30 or thereabouts. Come see me!

I'll be there on Tuesdays and Sundays from now on, with a different menu on Sundays. Come see me, let me feed you!


Aaaand hot on the heels of that, I'll be doing a cake run on the 20th March, which is a Wednesday again, in the usual areas. As ever, space is limited, so get in quickly! This week I'll be making...

- Coffee and Walnut cake. I can't get enough of this, I really can't. Sometimes, the classics are the best, and I feel that with the weather like this, a slice of coffee and walnut will go down a treat. £12 a loaf.

- Chocolate Chilli loaf: Again, because the weather's been not the best, this is a winner. If you've not tried it, do: It's not spicy in the slightest, but there's a pleasing little tingle as as aftertaste. £12 a loaf.

- Breakfast Pancakes: Because i've been thinking about these a lot! A nice protein hit thanks to the walnuts in them, and beautifully warming, these can be popped in the toaster to warm them up. Beautiful served with fruit and that Oatly creme fraiche, or if you're like me, with a drizzle of maple syrup on top of them, too. £8 for 6. (two is probably one serving, I'd say!)

- Cheddar: Y'know, the stuff that's good on crackers with a bit of chutney. Melts a dream on pizza and in toasties, too. (Jale Charlie Nostalji, I know you like this!) £5 per block

- Not-Chicken Seitan: As usual, perfect in curries, stir fries, hot pots, you name it, it'll go in it. I know I keep banging on about it too, but fried up in a sandwich with some mayo it's great, too! £5 per 300g bag.

Usual rules apply! If you would be kind enough to order at least £15 worth of stuff, I'd be so grateful, and I deliver in E17, E10, E11 and E4 between the hours of 6pm and 9pm. Drop me a message below or PM me to order. See you Wednesday!

Photos from Tegan the Vegan's post 17/03/2019

Some exciting news for you, London!

From early April, you can come find me outside Ye Old Rose and Crown in Walthamstow, on Tuesday and Sunday evenings.

I'll be doing a rotating menu of burgers, tofish, and whatever else takes my fancy on a Tuesday, and the Yorkshire pudding roast dinner wraps on a Sunday. There will probably be pudding, too, because what's a good dinner without a good pudding, eh?

Very excited to see how this goes, and looking forward to seeing some of you there. First date is Tuesday 2nd April. Come along, have some food and check out this amazing old (and huge!) theatre pub if you haven't already!


CAKE RUN! This time on Wednesday, 6th March, from 5.30pm to 9ish!

This week I'm going to make...

- Chocolate and Peanut Butter Loaf. I don't know why these two flavours go together so well, but my goodness, they really, really do. £12 per loaf.

- St Clements Drizzle Cake: You know the one...oranges AND lemons! Perfect, spring time flavour, ideal with a cup of tea and a nice sit down. £12 per cake.

- "East End pasties: Like the Cornish ones, but made around these parts. Seasoned only with salt and pepper, these have got carrot, onion and swede inside, as well as a smattering of soy mince, served with a handmade shortcrust pastry. They're nicer than they sound, and it'll make you appreciate some beautiful, simple seasoning! Bake at home and ideal as a lunch or with some salad for a light dinner. £6 for two.

- Parmesan: Made with cashews and magic. I can't stop eating it once I start, so i rarely make it. £5 a block.

- Not-Chicken Seitan: I've got this on the regular now, because it's so popular. Use in stir fries, curries, stews, or fry it up and eat it in a sandwich with some mayo and salad. Delicious stuff! £5 per 300g bag.

Usual rules apply: I deliver to E17, E10, E11 and E4, and if you could do a minimum of £15 delivery I'd be super grateful. Drop me a message with anything you're after and I'll put you on the list. See you Wednesday!



Yes, that's right: For once, I'll bring it to you! So, we have:

- Chocolate chip banana bread: Sweet enough with less processed sugar, which is probably cancelled out by me putting chocolate in it. But worth it! £12 per loaf, and they're freezable!

- Lemon Drizzle Loaf: Because spring is almost here it seems, and what's more springtime than a good ol' lemon drizzle? £12 per loaf...and these freeze well too!

- Lentil Sausage Rolls: served in packs for 4, frozen and ready to be baked, these are filled with a mildly spiced lentil mix. £5.50 for four.

- Mozzarella: I've not done this for aaaages, because it's actually quite fiddly...but it tastes like a very young, mild cheese, and it's lovely sliced on pizza. £5 per ball, and there's usually a bit extra in there too!

- Not-Chicken Seitan: The usual, and always in stock these days. Chuck it in your stir fries, curries, etc, or just fry it up until crispy and eat in a sandwich with mayo and sriracha. Trust me, it's a game changer!

Delivering on Thursay between 5pm and 9pm, in E17, E4, E10 and E11. Message me your order, (minimum of £15, please!) and I might need your address too, but they're all stored accoring the the new regulations now, which means if I DID have it, I prob don't now. Typical!

Looking forward to seeing you all!

Inside the UK Protests Against Bloodied Abattoir Animal Deaths 18/02/2019

A good mate of mine wrote an excellent piece for VICE. I tagged along too, and I can vouch for how utterly sad these saves were. The good news is that you can help stop this happening: Go vegan, and have conversations with non vegan friends about how these animals are treated. This won't go on forever. We're so sorry, babies.

Inside the UK Protests Against Bloodied Abattoir Animal Deaths In 2011, secret cameras in an Essex abattoir caught slaughtermen abusing pigs. I tagged along with the 'Save Movement' protesters who now spend time with livestock in their final moments.



Due to, y'know, circumstances, I now no longer have space in my freezer. This means: EMERGENCY CAKE SALE!

I have: 4 chocolate chip banana bread loaves, 2 sticky ginger loaf cakes and a lemon and rosemary for sale.

Tenner each for quick sale, collection before 12 tomorrow appreciated!

Any takers? PM me, first come, first served!


Hope you've all had a lovely Valentines! Made this little cutie for the super couple Aimee and Amanda, who always trust me with their amazing ideas. What a joy it was to make...hope it was as much fun to eat! Happy love day, everyone.

Photos from Waltham Forest Vegans Market's post 07/02/2019

I'll be selling Yorkshire Pudding Roast Dinner wraps, this Sunday at the Waltham Forest Vegans Market. The perfect way to get a bit of air on a Sunday, and to support some local traders. I'll have that Lizzie of Heart of Cake fame helping too, so you can come fangirl at her as well. It'll be great. See you there!



I have only three spaces left for custom mini cakes. Big enough for two if you care to share, but small enough for one person to eat on the sofa with a spoon and feel only slightly sick. Don't let being alone stop you from speding on the one you love...yourself. ;)

Flavours, colours and decoration to be discussed and decided by you, but here's a little idea. Heart shaped or round available, with sugar cooking in a heart shape on top, or a fondant plaque with your own special message on. No requests too weird.

£25 each, extra for decoration/plaques, but always reasonable, people! Give me a shout, collect from E17.


New things for the weekend! With all the talk of Greggs I got over excited, so...

Vegan Steak Bake: I want one because I never got to try one, and they’ve not got their act together yet in the wake of sausageroll-gate. Sold frozen and ready to bake, these are beefy seitan, ale gravy, peas and carrots. Super warming! £8 for two.

- Sticky Ginger Cake: This weather is getting us all down, so stay happy by eating this cake. Warming, tasty, and one I rarely make because it’s a long recipe! £12 per loaf.

- Jaffa Cakes: I want some, so I’m going to make them. Bigger than you remember, just as orangey with chocolate. Sold in “packs” of four...one per serving, unless you’re me, then it’s two. £8 per four.

- Onion and garlic soft cheese: miss Boursin? Me too...but now you don’t need to! £5 a wheel.

-Not Beef seitan: Like the usual, but beefy. Nice in stir fries! £5 per 300g

- Not Chicken seitan: Not just for stir fries, try it in a stew or curry too. £5 per 300g.

Collection from me from Saturday onwards, usual rules apply: please leave a comment under here or message me to order!


It's coming up to Love Day, everyone. Want something unique, special, and away from the hoardes of crowds? Book me to cook your tailored menu, in your very own home!

I've so far got this date free, and I'm ready to start talking menus and arrangements! If you'd like a carefully tailored menu cooked in your own home, where you'll be waited on hand and foot, get in touch. It could also include cake as a present, too.

To discuss your ideas, drop me a line. There's just one of me, so get in quickly!

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Some exciting news for those of you trying Veganuary, or who want to further your cooking skills. I, for one, and very e...
Temple of Seitan!




Waltham Forest

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