
Progressive fitness education in personal training, group exercise, programme co-ordination and more. What kind of Personal Trainer would you be?

Take our FREE PT Personality quiz here We provide a wide variety of fitness courses from personal training qualifications and fitness instructor courses to group exercises course and additional CPD courses for fitness professionals. Out flagship training academy is based in London but we also train at venues all over the UK and support distance learning students all over the world.


🚴‍♂️ Did you know? Group indoor cycling can boost your calorie burn even after you’ve finished peddling! 🔥 Thanks to “excess post-exercise oxygen consumption” (EPOC), your body continues to burn calories for up to 24 hours post-workout. Plus, all those endorphins leave you feeling amazing long after the class is over. It’s a win for both body and mind! 💪✨ What type of Personal Trainer would you be? Take our FREE quiz at


💡 Did you know? Training with a personal trainer alongside a partner can create “partner synergy”! 🤝 This unique setup combines personalized coaching with the motivation of a shared workout, boosting both accountability and results. 💪

Research shows that clients training together are more likely to stay consistent and push harder when they know they have both a trainer and a partner relying on them. It’s the perfect mix of support and healthy competition! 🔥 What type of Personal Trainer would you be? Take our FREE quiz at


🌸 Menopause & Fitness: A Comprehensive Guide for Women 🌸

Menopause brings many changes—physically and mentally—but it doesn’t mean giving up on an active lifestyle! 💪 A new study on active women using the Strava app reveals key insights into managing menopausal symptoms through targeted exercise. Whether it’s strength training for bone health or aerobic activity to boost mood, fitness professionals have a vital role to play in supporting women during this transition.

Discover personalized exercise protocols and tips that can help women stay active and empowered during menopause! 🔥

👉 Read more about how fitness professionals can make a difference:


🔬 Did you know? Functional training isn’t just about building strength—it actually enhances your body’s “proprioception,” or its internal GPS! 🧭 By mimicking everyday movements, it improves the communication between your muscles and nervous system, boosting balance, coordination, and injury prevention. So, you’re not just getting stronger, you’re becoming more agile and responsive in real life! 💪✨ What type of Personal Trainer would you be? Take our FREE quiz at


🏋️‍♂️ Fuel Your Performance with the Right Nutrition! 🥗💪

Want to take your athletic performance to the next level? It’s not just about training—your nutrition plays a key role too! From boosting energy to speeding up recovery, the right fuel can make all the difference. 🔥

Check out this article for expert tips on how nutrition can enhance your athletic performance:


🚴‍♀️ Ever wonder what all those numbers on your stationary bike mean? One key stat to watch is "power output" measured in watts. 💡 It’s like measuring the energy output of a light bulb, but it’s all YOU! This tells you exactly how much power you’re generating, giving a more accurate read on your effort than just speed or distance.

Plus, some bikes can track your power-to-weight ratio, helping you fine-tune your training for specific goals like endurance or sprinting. Next time you ride, think of yourself as a powerhouse! ⚡️ What type of Personal Trainer would you be? Take our FREE quiz at


💡 Did you know? Battleropes, a staple in modern fitness routines, were only developed in 2006 by strongman John Brookfield! Unlike many traditional exercise tools, battleropes create "dynamic inertia," engaging multiple muscle groups for an intense blend of cardio and strength training.

What's even cooler? The waves you create provide real-time feedback. If one wave is smaller than the other, it means one side of your body is working less efficiently—instant insight into your own performance! And they’re not just for upper-body workouts; try incorporating jumps, lunges, and squats for a full-body burn. 🏋️‍♂️🔥

Next time you grab those ropes, know you’re using a tool that’s as diagnostic as it is dynamic! 💪 What type of Personal Trainer would you be? Take our FREE quiz at


Torch Calories with Rowing! 🚣‍♀️🔥

Did you know that rowing can burn approximately 400 to 600 calories per hour during moderate-paced workouts? It's an efficient, full-body exercise that makes weight management more attainable while strengthening multiple muscle groups.

Ready to make every stroke count toward your fitness goals?

What type of Personal Trainer would you be? Take our FREE quiz at


🚀 Unlock Strength & Muscle Growth Through Stretching! 💪

Did you know stretching isn't just for flexibility? New research shows it can boost your strength and hypertrophy too! 🙌 Whether you're a personal trainer or fitness enthusiast, learn how to strategically use static and dynamic stretching to maximize your training results. 📈

Read the full article to discover: ✅ Proven stretching techniques for strength gains ✅ Static vs dynamic stretching benefits ✅ Supervised vs self-administered stretching tips

Stretch your limits and get stronger today! 💥



Unlocking Flexibility: It's All in Your Nervous System! 🧠💪

Think flexibility is just about stretching muscles? Think again! Your nervous system plays a huge role in how far you can stretch.

🔥 Muscle Stretch Reflex: When you stretch, your muscles automatically contract to protect against overstretching. This reflex can limit your flexibility.

🔑 PNF Stretching: Techniques like Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation help "train" your nervous system to allow a greater range of motion by overriding this reflex.

🧠 Neural Adaptation: Consistent flexibility training leads your central nervous system to adjust, letting you stretch deeper over time.

🧘 Mind-Muscle Connection: Focusing on your breath and muscle relaxation can help reduce tension, unlocking even more flexibility.

Next time you stretch, remember—it's not just your muscles you're training! 😉

Have you tried PNF stretching? Share your experiences below! 👇

What type of Personal Trainer would you be? Take our FREE quiz at


Unlock Your Full Potential with Chest Flexibility! 💪

Did you know that enhancing your chest flexibility can take your fitness game to new heights? Whether you're pushing through a bench press or powering up your push-ups, a flexible chest isn't just about flexibility—it's about unlocking strength, improving posture, and boosting overall performance.

🔥 Boost Performance: Increased chest flexibility allows for a greater range of motion, leading to better muscle activation and growth during your workouts.

🧘 Improve Posture: Counteract hours of desk time by opening up your chest muscles, reducing shoulder rounding, and standing taller.

💨 Breathe Better: Loosened chest muscles can enhance your breathing capacity, fueling your body with more oxygen during those intense sessions.

🛡️ Prevent Injuries: Flexibility reduces muscle strain and the risk of injuries, keeping you on track with your fitness goals.

Incorporate chest stretches and mobility exercises into your routine and feel the difference! Your body will thank you. 🙌

What's your go-to chest stretch? Share below! 👇

What type of Personal Trainer would you be? Take our FREE quiz at


🚨 New 2024 Update on Childhood Obesity 🚨

Childhood obesity rates are on the rise, and it's time we take action! In our latest article, we dive into the alarming statistics, causes, and — most importantly — how fitness professionals can make a difference. 💪

👧 1 in 3 kids aged 10-11 are overweight or obese in the UK 🏋️‍♂️ Strategies for fitness pros to help combat this crisis 🧒 Tips on engaging children in fun, active lifestyles 🤝 How to partner with communities to drive change

Learn more about how we can tackle this growing health issue and create a healthier future for the next generation. 🌱

Read the full article now! 👉


🚴‍♂️ Ride Your Way to Better Blood Sugar Control! Did you know that regular cycling on an exercise bike can improve insulin sensitivity? 🩸

Consistent aerobic exercise like cycling helps your muscles use insulin more effectively, which can lower blood glucose levels—crucial for those with or at risk of type 2 diabetes. Even a single session on the bike can boost insulin sensitivity for up to 48 hours! So, not only does cycling strengthen your heart, but it also supports your metabolic health.

Hop on and ride your way to better health! 💪 What type of Personal Trainer would you be? Take our FREE quiz at


🚨 New Article Alert! 🚨

Unlock the secrets to enhancing athletic performance with our latest deep dive into Low Energy Availability (LEA). Discover how LEA can be strategically used to fine-tune body composition, boost endurance, and optimize performance for athletes—without compromising their health.

Whether you're a coach, athlete, or nutrition enthusiast, this comprehensive guide offers actionable insights and expert recommendations on safely integrating LEA into training regimens.

💪 Don't miss out on this essential read—it's time to take your nutrition strategy to the next level!

📖 Read the full article now:


💥 Unleash Explosive Power with Clap Push-Ups! Clap push-ups aren't just for show—they’re a killer way to build explosive strength and fast-twitch muscle fibers. 🏋️‍♂️

This move boosts your plyometric power, essential for quick bursts of energy in activities like sprinting or jumping. By launching yourself off the ground and clapping before landing back in a push-up, you train your muscles to generate force faster. Plus, they burn more calories than regular push-ups, making them perfect for high-intensity workouts.

Ready to take your training up a notch? 💪 What type of Personal Trainer would you be? Take our FREE quiz at


🚴‍♂️ Boost Your Heart Health on an Exercise Bike! Did you know that cycling is one of the best ways to improve your cardiovascular fitness without stressing your joints? 💓

Using an exercise bike for interval training—alternating between high-intensity bursts and lower-intensity recovery—can significantly boost your VO2 max, a key indicator of heart health and endurance. It’s a powerful, low-impact way to get your heart pumping and build stamina, whether you're a newbie or a seasoned athlete.

Get pedaling and give your heart the workout it deserves! 🫀 What type of Personal Trainer would you be? Take our FREE quiz at


💥 Upgrade Your Tricep Workout with Standing Dumbbell Kickbacks! 💪

Want to challenge your triceps and core at the same time? Try standing dumbbell kickbacks! Unlike traditional tricep moves, the standing position forces your core to engage for balance, turning this exercise into a two-in-one powerhouse.

Plus, the standing position gives you a greater range of motion, leading to better tricep activation and muscle development. With easy adjustments in posture and grip, you can target different parts of the triceps for even more effective results.

Add standing kickbacks to your routine for stronger triceps and a rock-solid core! 🏋️‍♂️🔥

What type of Personal Trainer would you be? Take our FREE quiz at


🚀 Unlock Your Athletic Potential with Post-Activation Potentiation (PAP)! 🏋️‍♂️

Coaches and trainers, are you looking to give your athletes the edge they need to excel? Discover how PAP can take your training to the next level by enhancing explosive strength, power, and performance. Whether it's sprinting, jumping, or lifting, PAP can help you optimize those critical moments in competition.

Learn more about the science behind PAP, how to implement it, and why it's a game-changer for athletes of all levels.

🔥 Read the full article now and elevate your training strategy:


💡 Unlock the Secret to a Safer Shoulder Press! 🏋️‍♂️

Here’s a cool tip: When doing the dumbbell shoulder press, try rotating your hands into a neutral grip (palms facing each other). This small adjustment can reduce shoulder strain while still hitting those deltoids hard!

What’s more, the neutral grip activates stabilizer muscles like the rotator cuff and upper traps, making it a great option for anyone looking to protect their shoulders and improve joint health. Remember to focus on a controlled, steady motion for maximum gains and safety.

Give it a try in your next workout and feel the difference! 💪

What type of Personal Trainer would you be? Take our FREE quiz at


💥 Unlock Full-Body Power with Slam Balls! 💪

The slam ball against the wall exercise is more than just a stress reliever—it’s a full-body powerhouse! Each slam engages your core like crazy, forcing your abs, obliques, and lower back to stabilize and control the force. The result? A dynamic core workout that also boosts your strength and cardio.

But that’s not all! Catching the ball after it rebounds sharpens your hand-eye coordination and reaction time, making it a perfect functional exercise for athletes and fitness lovers alike.

Ready to slam your way to better fitness? Give it a try! 🏋️‍♂️💥

What type of Personal Trainer would you be? Take our FREE quiz at


🍬 Is Sugar the Real Culprit Behind Obesity? 🍬

Obesity is a growing health crisis, and sugar is often in the spotlight as a major contributor. But what's the real connection? Our latest article dives deep into the science, linking sugar consumption to obesity and chronic diseases like diabetes and hypertension.

Discover practical tips for fitness professionals on how to help clients manage their sugar intake effectively. Ready to empower your clients to live healthier lives? 💪

👉 Read more:

What type of Personal Trainer would you be? Take our FREE quiz at


💡 Did You Know? The Leg Press Packs Serious Benefits! 💪

Here’s a little-known fact: The leg press can actually produce higher quadriceps activation than squats, especially when you load up the weight and use a low foot placement. By isolating the quads, it allows for a more focused and intense contraction.

But that’s not all! The leg press is also great for your bones. The heavy load stimulates bone formation, which can help improve bone density—crucial for preventing osteoporosis, especially as we age.

So next time you hit the gym, don’t skip the leg press. It’s more than just a muscle-builder; it’s a bone booster too! 🦵💥

What type of Personal Trainer would you be? Take our FREE quiz at


🚀 Unlock Your Academic Potential in Fitness Training! 💪

Are you pursuing a career as a personal trainer or fitness instructor? 🏋️‍♂️ It's not just about the workouts—success also depends on mastering self-regulation, metacognition, and effective study habits. 📚

Dive into our latest article to discover practical tips on how to:
✅ Boost your autonomous learning
✅ Set and achieve study goals
✅ Enhance your critical thinking skills
✅ Develop a study routine that sticks

Whether you're just starting out or looking to level up your knowledge, this guide is essential for anyone aiming to excel in the fitness industry. 🌟

👉 Read now:


🚀 Unlock Explosive Power with Jump Training! 🚀

Did you know that jump training, or plyometrics, is one of the best ways to boost your explosive power? It’s all about enhancing the stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) of your muscles—think of it as loading a spring and releasing it for maximum force!

Exercises like the depth jump, where you drop from a height and immediately leap upward, train your muscles to react quickly and powerfully. This not only improves your vertical jump but also enhances speed, agility, and overall athletic performance. Whether you're a beginner or an elite athlete, jump training can be scaled to fit your level and is a great way to build strength, coordination, and endurance.

Ready to take your game to the next level? Start incorporating jump training into your routine! 💥

What type of Personal Trainer would you be? Take our FREE quiz at


🏋️‍♂️ Coaching Tip: Mastering the Dumbbell Bench Press 🏋️‍♀️

Ever wonder why the dumbbell bench press feels so different from the barbell version? It's all about stability and muscle engagement! Unlike the barbell, where the weight is evenly distributed, the dumbbell bench press forces each arm to work independently, firing up not just your chest but also those stabilizer muscles like the rotator cuff and anterior deltoids.

Here’s a pro tip: Focus on controlling the dumbbells throughout the entire movement. This not only helps prevent imbalances but also ensures both sides of your body develop equally. Plus, with dumbbells, you get a deeper stretch at the bottom, which can lead to greater muscle growth. 💪

And don't forget about wrist positioning! Keep them neutral to avoid strain and maximize your lift. Want to mix it up? Try switching up your grip to target different muscle groups.

Ready to take your bench press game to the next level? Give these tips a try! 🔥

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Unit 2A Moonraker Point, Pocock Street, Southwark

Opening Hours

Monday 6:30am - 9pm
Tuesday 6:30am - 9pm
Wednesday 6:30am - 9pm
Thursday 6:30am - 9pm
Friday 6:30am - 9pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
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