Mmm Yoga

Vinyasa Yoga classes in Newquay

Vinyasa Flow classes, linking your breath with your body, that are fun and energetic infusing:
Myth - ancient Hindu stories,
Mudra - simple hand gestures,
Mantra - sounds, words or phrases as an aid to meditation, and
some Yoga philosophy.


This year Shivaratri falls on the same day as International Women's Day (March 8th) My classes are inspired by both this week and especially by the iconographic image of Kali standing atop Shiva. Shiva represents the pure awareness that underlies all that is and Kali represents the unstoppable power of the creative Shakti, whose dance is the dance of life. She brings everything into manifestation and dissolves it and Shiva holds the dance, supports the dance with his vast consciousness.


We heard and saw this phrase a lot in Costa Rica:
Pura Vida (poo-rah vee-duh) the literal English translation is “pure life”, but it’s more than that It’s a lifestyle, a feeling, a perspective, encapsulating how Costa Ricans cherish life’s simplest pleasures and find joy in the little things.

Let’s find some joy in the simple pleasures of taking time for self-communion, feel into some mudras, enjoy moving our bodies and focusing on our breath..together in community
Jai ma 💖

I’m back to my full schedule this week and looking forward to sharing some sunshine with you all. Check my website for my full schedule and links to book.

Photos from Mmm Yoga's post 20/02/2024

Sadly each goddess has a shadow side and Lakshmi’s shows up in greed. We’ve loved seeing and hearing the Howler monkeys here but they are on the Endangered list now. Economic development and a rise in tourism has seen a surge of construction, encroaching into the habitats of many wildlife species. Cutting down the jungle for tourism with a disregard for the wildlife and the path of trees that they need to move about above ground safely. More roads cutting through the jungle and the power companies that put up cheap un-insulated power lines. In one year over 7,000 animals lost their lives to horrific electrocutions on power lines, according to data from the Guide for the Prevention and Mitigation of Electrocution of Wild Fauna by Power Lines in Costa Rica 2020 from the Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía de Costa Rica (MINAE). These numbers only cover the reported cases. Unreported and rural cases make the real number much higher.
I came here thinking Costa Rica was a lead country in ecology but am disappointed that they have laws to protect wildlife but they are not enforced. I know I am part of the problem. I flew here. I’m staying in a touristy and expat part of town and we’re driving around on these roads…but I am learning about the problems wildlife are facing and giving back by visiting and sharing on here to hopefully share the plight which may result in one power cable being made safe which may prevent one family of these beautiful primates from being electrocuted. As soon as Sibu have their petition up and running I will share it. In the meantime feel free to visit them or their website and make a donation. Vicky and her team are doing incredible work.
Om shreem maha Lakshmiyei namaha
Om Dum Durgayei Namaha
Jai Ma 🙏
Photo 1 me taking myself too seriously
Photo 2 wild Howler monkey resting within the grounds of Sibu
Photo 3 an insulated power line but it’s not closed properly therefore not effective


Happy Vasant Panchami, the festival dedicated to Goddess Saraswati! 🦢💛 I am continually drawn to Saraswati and If I were home, my classes would be inspired by her. Sally Kempton beautifully stated, we are drawn to goddesses whose archetype reflects our own personality or carries qualities we aspire to develop.

Saraswati, also known as “the flowing one,” embodies creative energy in its myriad forms, guiding the cosmic flow through language, speech, and sound, both on a universal scale and within our personal journeys. Her presence inspires us to tap into our inner creativity and express ourselves authentically.

As we celebrate this auspicious day, let’s embrace Saraswati’s wisdom and guidance, allowing her to nurture our creative endeavors and inspire us to reach new heights of expression.
Today 13th or 14th February you could wear yellow and chant Om Aim Saraswati Namaha Om 💛


Happy Anniversary 14 years ♥️
We haven’t been away in February since our wedding in Mexico, so I’m so excited to spend two weeks away with my loves in Costa Rica woohoo.
I am grateful for my life, so lucky. Love you darling 💝


Blue Monday?
Keep seeing and hearing about this. How is it for you? I always used to feel low on Mondays. But I love moondays now.
If you’re feeling lacking in vitality, disconnected, stuck with endless expectations and responsibilities. Then let me and .total.wellbeing gather you up and escape with us on our Women’s Spring retreat 22-24 March 2024. A whole weekend in the most magical location ✨cosy retreat house✨nourishing food✨woodland walks✨private bathing in the waterfall✨new moon✨spring equinox ✨womb activation ceremony ✨fire ✨sharing circles….In this serene and mystical setting, I’ll be sharing three yoga classes to honor the Tri-devi; Kali, Lakshmi, and Saraswati.

Kali Yoga Class:
🔥 🖤 In the presence of Kali, the fierce and powerful goddess, we'll channel her energy through dynamic yoga practice. This class will focus on harnessing strength and courage, encouraging you to confront challenges and fears. As you flow through the poses, you'll tap into Kali's transformative energy, shedding the old and embracing the new.
Lakshmi Yoga Class:
🌍🪷The goddess of abundance and prosperity, Lakshmi, will be our inspiration in this class. We'll engage in heart-opening postures and abundance-focused meditations, seeking to invite positivity and you'll nurture a sense of gratitude and seek spiritual abundance.
Saraswati Yoga Class:
⛲️🤍 Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge and creativity, will guide our practice in this class. We'll explore poses that enhance intuition and creativity, with meditations aimed at awakening your inner wisdom. This class will encourage self-expression and the exploration of your creative self.
These three unique yoga classes will not only deepen your connection with the divine goddesses but also nurture your spiritual growth and well-being.
I am so excited for this ♥️
Please message with any questions or click on the link in my bio 🙏


I just learned this mudra ‘Atma Kripa Mudra’ from and am so excited to share it in my classes.

Your own grace emerging from deep within ♥️🙏

Without judgement or being the victim what are you doing for:
Emotional Self-care?
-saying no, setting boundaries
-saying yes to your own feelings
-intentionally setting me-time
-having rituals
-sun or moon worship
Physical Self-care
-yoga asana
-being in the sun
-going to bed & getting up at optimal times
Social self-care
-not isolating
-talking things over
-joining support groups
Spiritual self-care
-being quiet & still
-attending spiritual teachings
-seva - selflessly serving others

Ways I can and would love to help:
❣️Come to any of my classes where you will find ritual, asana, pranayama, mudras, mantra, spiritual/philosophical teachings, community….website almost there 😅
❣️Join my Perimenopause Satsang
❣️Come on retreat 22-24 March 2024 in St.Nectans Glen,Cornwall (see link in bio) with me and .total.wellbeing
❣️Put your name down for information on my ‘JOURNEY OF SHAKTI AWAKENING-
A mystical exploration through 11 Goddesses of Yoga in INDIA
March 15th-28th 2025 with me and
❣️and coming soon Indian Head Massage
Jai ma 🙏


🎄Christmas Schedule 🎄

❄️Friday 15th December ~ Winter Solstice Perimenopause Satsang 7-9pm (pm me to book)

🎅🏼Tuesday 19th December~ Christmas Classes 9.30-11am Vinyasa & 11.30-12.30pm Mums Yoga

🤶Wednesday 20 December ~ Christmas Class ~ welcome to bring your kids

🎁Thursday 21 December 9.30-10.30am and Saturday 23 December 9.45-10.45am 12 Days of Christmas flow

💝 Thursday 21 December 7.15-8.30pm Yule Vinyasa

☃️Wednesday 27 December 9.30-10.30am Twixmas Flow

🥄Friday 29 December 10-12.30pm Goddess Annapurna Workshop

❤️ Submit to a daily practice. Your loyalty to that is a ring at the door. Keep knocking, and the joy inside will eventually open a window and look out to see who's there.



Feeling Joy and sorrow, separate yet connected a bit like gazing at the sea
We know we are a part of it but we are also separated at the same time. To be part of something and separate at the same time is the nature of our experience with water and the nature of our experience as incarnate beings…mingled joy and grief and longing. All of this rich meaning is present in a single Portuguese word “Saudades” it’s what you say when you miss someone far away or when you long for a far off land or a far off feeling. It’s I miss you but not just that but the co-presence of joy & sorrow of being simultaneously united and forever apart. It’s the bittersweet feeling of staring across the sea. It’s Shiva and Shakti.
Taking bookings for a special retreat with my beautiful friend .total.wellbeing March 22-24 2024 please message me or follow the link on Ellie’s page.


Join me for storytelling and Vinyasa in celebration of Diwali (Dīpāvali - a row of lamps) aka Festival of Lights.
🪔 🪔 🪔
May the light in you (pure consciousness) shine on you and reflect with your flavour of radiance onto all others to enhance peace and abundance for the whole world to enjoy.
OM asato ma sadgamaya,
tamaso ma jyotir gamaya,
mrtyor ma’mrtam gamaya
om shanti shanti shanti.

Lead me from untruth to truth,
Lead me from darkness to light,
Lead me from death to immortality. Aum peace, peace, peace!

🪔 Wed 9.30-10.45am
🪔 Thurs 9.30-10.30am and Sat 8.30-9.30am
🪔 Thurs 7.15-8.30pm
🪔 Tues 9.30-11am

Photos from Mmm Yoga's post 18/10/2023

Happy World Menopause Day❣️
It’s been 18 months since I started my Perimenopause Satsang and we’ve come together every month to celebrate, empower and support each other in this transition/Awakening process in our spiritual journey as women.
And what an adventure this initiation has been so far.
We’ve practiced yoga and other forms of
movement, sharing circles, Yoga Nidra, Reflexology, Health creation, Energy work
Menarche Rite of Passage, Ayurveda, Herstory, Mantra, Sound Bath, Cacao ceremony, Ecstatic dance, Yin, Meditations,
Goddess work, Mind Body Sing,
Red School and Nature and her Cycles….
So grateful to have such a inspiring community of incredible women by my side especially .total.wellbeing who has joined me as co-creator ❤️
Please get in-touch with me or Ellie if you’d like to join us ⭕️


Celebrating Navaratri: A Divine Journey

Navaratri is a sacred festival that spans nine nights, celebrating the Divine Feminine in all her glory. Each night, a different manifestation of the Goddess is revered, and the festivities are as diverse as the deities themselves.

🌺 From vibrant dance performances to fasting and prayers, Navaratri traditions vary across regions, but they all share a common thread of devotion and celebration. This diversity showcases the rich tapestry of Indian culture and spirituality.

This year, I'll be paying my respects by reading the Devi Mahatmyam, a sacred text that narrates the glory of the Divine Mother. Alongside, I'll be practicing Japa Meditation with the powerful mantra "ॐ दुं दुर्गायै नमः" (Om Dum Durgayei Namaha), invoking the blessings and protection of Goddess Durga.

Let's embark on this spiritual journey together, honoring the Divine Feminine and seeking her grace and strength during Navaratri. 🙏🌟
⭕️ .bare
🏄‍♀️ .magazine


Back to school tomorrow…always tinged with sadness but so grateful for a wonderful 6 weeks with my girls ☀️☀️

Back to full schedule…it never changes much but here’s a reminder:

The very heart of yoga practice is
'abyhasa’- steady effort in the direction you want to go.
~ Sally Kempton

9.30-11am - Vinyasa L1/2
11.30-12.30pm - Mums Yoga

7.45-8.45pm - Yin

9.30-10.45am - Slow Flow

9.30-10.30am - Energise

7.15-8.30pm - Mixed Vinyasa

9-10am Mmm Yoga

On Saturday i’ll be 9-10am 💙

Much love xx


Just popping on to say I’m on holiday next week so won’t be teaching any classes.
Thanks so much
Jock for covering for covering .yoga for covering and covering


It’s been a while since I shared one of my….
“Act as if the future of the universe depends on what you do, whilst laughing at yourself for thinking your actions make any difference”~ Buddhist quote
So just wanted to hop on and say I’m still trying to do my bit. I don’t let myself have a takeaway coffee unless I have my cup and this goes for my girls too when they want a milkshake from their favourite place they must have their own cups 💚
Let’s all try and do a bit more 🙏

Photos from Mmm Yoga's post 21/06/2023

Happy Summer Solstice ☀️remembering sunrises and sunsets in India with my two best friends and the beautiful circle of new friends I made on our Yoginis Journey.
And happy International Yoga Day 2023. the theme for this year is
'Yoga for Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam' or 'Yoga for the Welfare of All as One World-One Family,' 🙏
I am so lucky to have so many rays of light in my life ☀️
If my India trip has inspired you in any way then I’m just planting the seeds for a similar journey in March 2025….message me to express interest and start saving now!

The Sun by Mary Oliver
Have you ever seen
in your life
more wonderful

than the way the sun,
every evening,
relaxed and easy,
floats toward the horizon

and into the clouds or the hills,
or the rumpled sea,
and is gone--
and how it slides again

out of the blackness,
every morning,
on the other side of the world,
like a red flower

streaming upward on its heavenly oils,
say, on a morning in early summer,
at its perfect imperial distance--
and have you ever felt for anything
such wild love--
do you think there is anywhere, in any language,
a word billowing enough
for the pleasure

that fills you,
as the sun
reaches out,
as it warms you

as you stand there,
or have you too
turned from this world--

or have you too
gone crazy
for power,
for things

Photos from Mmm Yoga's post 09/06/2023

Our last darśan was at The Chausath Yogini Temple, Bhedaghat. Located on a serene hillock..this 64 Yogini Temple stands as a testimony to the rich cultural heritage of India. Built during the medieval era, this mesmerizing circular temple is dedicated to the revered Yoginis, powerful goddesses associated with the esoteric practices of yoga and ta**ra.
As we entered the temple premises, we were immediately transported to a realm of divine energy and mysticism. The temple's circular design, adorned with intricately carved stone sculptures, creates an otherworldly ambiance. Each of the 81 chambers houses a captivating Yogini statue, exquisitely carved and representing a unique facet of the divine feminine energy.
The Yoginis, with their enigmatic smiles and commanding presence, evoke a sense of awe and reverence. These goddesses are believed to possess immense power and wisdom, guiding spiritual seekers on their path to self-realisation and inner transformation for the greater good of the world.


Photos from Mmm Yoga's post 21/05/2023

The last stop of our trip was to a sweet holiday resort in Jabalapur on the Narmada River Canyon. It was stunning.
Today I pulled a card from my yogini’s oracle and it was Sri Narmada-Pada who represents the power of the river Narmada…so she’s the inspiration for my classes this week:
🪻 tues 9.30-11am Vinyasa & 11.30-12.30pm Mums Yoga
🩵 tues 7.45-8.45pm Yin & thurs 9.30-10.30am Energise
🐍 wed 9.30-10.45am Slow Flow
🌙 thurs 7.15-8.30pm mixed Vinyasa
☀️ sat 9-10am Mmm Vinyasa

Love my job

Photos from Mmm Yoga's post 03/05/2023

Khajaraho continued…
One of the stories tells of a beautiful woman called Hemvati who was bathing in a pool in Benaras. The Moon God (Chandra) was captivated by her beauty. They conceived a child and named him Chandravarman. Hemvati, feared that her child might face harassment as he was born out of wedlock. She was so distressed that she cursed Chandra who later prophesied that the child will grow up to become a great king.
Just like the prophecy, the child indeed grew to become a great king, who founded the Chandela dynasty.
One day, after Hemvati passed away, her son saw her in his dreams, where she asked him to construct temples that would depict human passions.
He built the Khajuraho temples which have beautiful carvings and sculptures depicting everyday life during those times. While some sculptures display women applying makeup, there are others that showcase potters, musicians, farmers, and other common folks as well as deities, mythologies, animals, battle scenes and many recall historical events of the Chandella period.
10 per cent of the carvings at the temple complex depict sexual themes and as you can imagine they get a great deal of attention and theorising of which it is difficult to know with certainty which of these theories is correct.
The idea I like is that the iconographic symbolism expresses core values in a multitude of ways. Even the K**a scenes, when seen in combination of sculptures that precede and follow, depict the spiritual themes such as moksha. In the words of Stella Kramrisch,
This state which is "like a man and woman in close embrace" is a symbol of moksa, final release or reunion of two principles, the essence (Purusha) and nature (Prakriti).
— Stella Kramrisch, 1976


Photos from Mmm Yoga's post 27/04/2023

We visited the Khajuraho temple complex, which is a UNESCO world heritage site. There were 85 temples originally built in the 9th & 10th century under the rule of an Indian dynasty, the Chandelas.
Various Muslim dynasties took control from the 13th century through the 18th century. In this period, some temples were desecrated, followed by a long period when they were left in neglect.
Over the centuries, vegetation and forests overgrew the temples.
In the 1830s, local Hindus guided a British surveyor, T.S. Burt, and rediscovered
them and 23 that remain are rare surviving examples that display the originality and high quality of Nagara-style temple architecture.
Of the surviving temples, six are dedicated to Shiva, eight to Vishnu and his affinities, one to Ganesha, one to Sun god, three to Jain Tirthankars and the remaining ruins show insufficient evidence to assign the temple to specific deities with confidence.
Built in sandstone, each temple is elevated by a highly ornate terraced platform, or jagati, on which stands the body, or jangha, whose sanctum is topped by a tower, or shikhara, of a type unique to Nagara, where the verticality of the principal spire atop the sanctum is accentuated by a series of miniature spires flanking it, each symbolizing Mount Kailasa, the abode of the Gods.
I am posing here next to a statue of a lion that is a symbol of the Chandela dynasty on the lofty platform of The Jagadambe temple which dedicated to Parvati 💗


Photos from Mmm Yoga's post 14/04/2023

After a beautiful womb meditation with and Yogini movement with we drove out of the city and were joined by some of the women from Uschi’s community. Despite the language barrier it was wonderful to spend the day with them ⭕️
We went to the Ashtabhuji Mata Temple in the Vindhya Hills. Having been in cities so far the countryside was a welcome sight.
Ashtabhuja Temple is an ancient cave temple which you have to crouch to get into. It was bright orange inside, painted with orange sindor. Devi had silver eyes and I got to honour her with ãratī (a slow circling of a lamp).
Ashtabhuja simply means the one with eight arms. She is the representation of Maha Saraswati as she is defined in Devi Mahatmayam, the text we read and studied for this trip.
After some chai and a little market shopping we had a delicious picnic before our return to Varanasi.

Photos from Mmm Yoga's post 12/04/2023


Early in the morning we crossed the ghat,
where fires were still smoldering,
and gazed, with our Western minds, into the Ganges.
A woman was standing in the river up to her waist;
she was lifting handfuls of water and spilling it
over her body, slowly and many times,
as if until there came some moment
of inner satisfaction between her own life and the river’s.
Then she dipped a vessel she had brought with her
and carried it filled with water back across the ghat,
no doubt to refresh some shrine near where she lives,
for this is the holy city of Shiva, maker
of the world, and this is his river.
I can’t say much more, except that it all happened
in silence and peaceful simplicity, and something that felt
like that bliss of a certainty and a life lived
in accordance with that certainty.
I must remember this, I thought, as we fly back
to America.
Pray God I remember this.


Mary Oliver
A Thousand Mornings
(Penguin, 2012)

Photos from Mmm Yoga's post 08/04/2023

I hadn’t heard of Sankata Devi, but as there are thousands of names of the goddess that’s not surprising. Each of her names help us to access a specific field of consciousness, and each field is an aspect of Her entire Being.
Sankata Devi means Goddess of Dangers, for she is the one who vanquishes dangers for her devotees.
The idols of Hanuman and Bhairav flank the silver-plated idol of the goddess on both sides. A huge Shivlingam, Lord Ganesha, the shrine of nine planets and a holy Banyan tree are also worshiped inside the premises of Sankata Devi Temple.
I tried to find out more information about Sankata Devi but didn’t find out much more than she is believed to have ten hands and the power to protect faraway husbands and to ensure their safe return! And to paraphrase ‘husband protection’ and ‘long life of husband’ is the focus of the Nanshaktram (8 names - text) rather than allowing the feminine to expand into the full breadth and power she deserves to be acknowledged for…
I did love this temple, the banyan tree was beautiful, there were families there, we had time to wander and to sit and chant the Sri Argala Stotram together. Jai Ma ❤️

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My Classes

Vinyasa is never just a flow with me as i’ll take you on a magical adventure of myth, mudra and mantra, inviting you to move your body in ways you never knew you could. Each class will draw you deep into the yogic stories of gods and goddesses, love and beauty, strength and transcendence, all told through creative movement, music and pranayama.

My classes will challenge and support you on your journey toward both physical and spiritual alignment - and I love to help you uncover your hidden strengths on the way. Yoga philosophy and Vedic mythology have helped me to make sense of who I am on my own path, and I continue to study with passion so I can teach you with devotion.

Videos (show all)

My morning ritual is Prayer - it doesn’t look like this at home but this is how it has become here. Prayer is a way of r...
Sally Kempton When I was introduced to some of the goddesses on my teacher training. I was hungry to find out more and I...
Looking forward to teaching Roll+Ride: Yoga Wheel Masterclass on Wednesday 5th July at @thezendenwatergatebay with @yogi...
Here’s a snippet of last weeks Slow Flow…we are building on this with variations of Vasisthãsana (side plank) a story ab...
Slow FlowWe’ve just completed 3 rounds of my beginners course @_anantayogastudio studio and are transitioning into a Slo...
We walked from our pretty Hotel Kothi to Anandamayi Ghat and took a boat ride on Ma Ganga to a really beautiful temple…w...
How are you all? I’ve had a wonderful festive period and am happily flying into January 😅Schedule is for this week has s...
It was Ganesha Chaiturthi on 31 August a 10 day celebration that honours the birth of Genesha one of the most beloved de...
These echiums are bringing me so much joy (@biggmaccca loves them even more because they cover up the trampoline!)Happy ...
Such a brilliant evening @waterandstonewildspa With my family…I am no Wim Hoff #forgottobreathe
Having a play around with my sequence for week 1 of my Heart Awakening workshops starting next Friday @oceanflowyogacorn...
It’s a wrap 💝 last class for 2021 and it was a special Silly Christmas, Winter Solstice & Yule Ritual with my nearest & ...



2 Headleigh Road

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