Loretta Douglas Training & Coaching

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Loretta Douglas Training & Coaching, Personal coach, Uppermill, Saddleworth, Oldham.

Photos from Loretta Douglas Training & Coaching's post 29/09/2024

RIPPLES | Proud doesn’t cut it. We are all proud of our children, aren’t we?

Today though, is a big shout out to my amazing Daughter Ava Joan.

When I decided five years ago “enough was enough” at the time I never really knew the impact that statement would have on myself let alone others.

When you throw a pebble in a still pond you create a ripple effect.

A ripple effect is what I’ve witnessed. Although there have been some waves encountered along the way too!

I was the pebble catapulted into the pond and one of the ripples Ava.

All my children have seen, heard and felt the benefit of me investing in me. I might not be perfect that’s not what I I’m striving for and you all know that started with NLP Practitioner Training.

Ava has been challenged these last 6 months there has been a lot of change for her to handle. And every step of the way she’s knocked down walls, smashed through fears, powered her way through change she didn’t want to experience and most of has just been her beautiful self. I’m always telling, all the children, you are enough and just be you.

Me and Ava were invited to Peake Fest. Thank you After listening to open Peake Fest yesterday as soon as Sara said “I’ve got 17 minutes to take questions” Ava threw her hand high in the air.

No prompt.

No question of shall I or not.

She just did it.

Ava Joan Douglas you are enough. Just like every other young girl and boy out there and adult for that matter.

Ava Joan Douglas always be you my darling girl ✨🤍

Now for anyone out there who feels the guilt of investing in themselves or tells themselves it’s selfish.

Look further than the time or money.

Who would be one of your ripples?

I would spend what I have spent in the last 5 years on me 10 times over knowing my most precious assets are benefiting.

Who would be one of your ripples?

Photos from Loretta Douglas Training & Coaching's post 27/09/2024

ART | If you are a business owner this will resonate.

Whether you are a product or service based business consider you and your business as a ‘work of art’.

Some will see and experience the value.

Some will only hear it from others.

You choose, will you experience it first hand or just keep listening to what others say and miss out? Your choice.

Let’s just leave it there for the weekend.


MIND CAPACITY | What do you have left in the tank? A little or a lot.

Your mind has limitless capacity.

The tank has been filling up for a long time.

You decluttered, went on holiday. You felt more relaxed and then started to fill it up again.

You had a meltdown. You told your friend all about it. A problem shared is a problem halved and then you started to fill it up again.

You got stopped in your tracks your body started to catch up. You went to see a Doctor and then you started to fill it up again.

Running the same cycles as you cycle through life blindfold. Now you don’t me to tell you that’s dangerous!

These big blue doors are the doors to the most wonderful mechanic.

5 years ago my mind capacity was FULL.

How many times has something sooooo small tipped you over the edge?

Picture this. You’ve just been told to declare yourself bankrupt, you can’t, you don’t have the money to file for it. Your car breaks down. And you get that bill…

What followed was quite literally a ‘car crash’ of events.

An emotional volcano erupted. I ran out, I couldn’t breathe or see, shaking like a leaf. It all went hazy.

“I’m done” I said.

I didn’t have the mind capacity to even think, let alone assess the options. I was totally and utterly powerless. It’s the worst feeling I’ve ever felt along with the mind battering of shame and embarrassment of my emotional volcano. How can I ever return?!!!

This is when I did what you do. I went to see my Doctor. Another lovely man. Only he didn’t have the answers I did.

Three weeks later I realised “enough is enough”.

Imagine how creating space and releasing emotional baggage can increase your mind capacity supercharging you.

Over the years I’ve reprogrammed limiting beliefs, mastered emotions, improved communication skills beyond what any education setting has ever taught me, developed unlimited flexibility and most of all adaptability to uncertainty. And so can you.

Ready to unlock your limitless mind capacity?

Act now and you’ll have already made a step in the right direction.


TRANSFORM | Transform your Coaching & Leadership with NLP.

Ready to elevate your Coaching, Consulting, or Leadership game?

The Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner, 4 in 1, Certification Training is designed to help YOU master the art of communication, influence and achieve deep transformation!

With the start date less than 2 weeks away, TODAY is the time to act on your growth.

What’s in it for you?
Immersing yourself in this 8 day, in-person experience will boost your coaching impact, building your NLP knowledge for you and learning NLP techniques to create lasting breakthroughs with either yourself or clients.

How does leading with confidence sound? You’ll master the art of persuasion & influence. When you lead with confidence, you’ll not only inspire action in yourself others too as you communicate with precision and accuracy.

Do you want to skyrocket your business? Learning how to master your self-belief that will drive your results moving forward and help you to stand out in a crowd.

All this will happen as you supercharge your personal growth. Transforming your mindset daily, elevating your emotional intelligence and unlocking a limitless potential.

The No1 training for coaches, consultants, and business leaders looking to level up FAST!

DM me if you are ready to transform and make the final quarter of 2024 count.

Let’s make it happen today.


RECIPE | Do you want my secret recipe?

I’m afraid I don’t have one. Well I do. Only that’s mine and it’s a secret.

If you want a secret recipe the only way for it to be a secret is you create it.

Wow. Ding D**g 🛎️ You’ve just had a realisation, haven’t you?

What’s been running havoc in your mind? The ideas that you’ve dismissed. The opportunities that you watch others grab with both hands. The smell of sweet success that everyone else seems to get.

You have all the answers.

All the ingredients.

All the secrets of the universe.

Do you know where they all are?

I do…only sssshhhh it’s a secret.

When you attend an NLP training you learn the secret.

It’s like a pick ‘n’ mix of lifes lessons, learnings, experience and knowledge in one huge bag.

Only you pick.

I’m a guide. A Tour Guide of your pick ‘n’ mix. You choose the secret ingredients. You may use a little or a lot.

I was talking to a graduate the other day who has created their secret recipe. This is what they said “I truly believe our paths crossed at the right time and the universe knew exactly who would be my guiding light. That’s you Loretta. Thank you for guiding me to a brighter future of endless possibilities”.

Another graduate said “Without NLP this would have thrown me. Flexibility, hypnosis and thinking differently has enabled me to make changes easily # # #”.

Two examples of creating your own secret recipe. I guide you create ✨🤍

It’s time to write your own recipe.

DM me because yours is waiting for you to pick up your pen and write yours 🖊️

P.S. Here I am wearing a secret recipe for youthful skin…now I bet you’re intrigued!


GPS | How effective is your GPS? Are you constantly hitting blocks? Jumping hurdles? Finding barriers?

Imagine having a degree of flexibility that creates your own route…a route that you choose which is full of choice.

Your GPS is running on an old version.

Your GPS requires an upgrade.

You can choose to upgrade now or leave until a later date.

How often do you leave things until the last minute? Then only commit or act because you’re approaching a deadline.

Your GPS is powered by fear.

Being powered by fear means you’re unlikely to be living the life you want or achieving what you want.

Instead you just attract more of the same.

It’s a cycle. You can’t get out of it.

Your GPS requires an update.

If you update your GPS now the opportunities afterwards are endless.

You know it takes no time to upgrade.

And so there it is.

Your answer.

Update with NLP.

Update your neurology.

Update your language.

Update your programming.

Then guess what, you’ll be in charge of your updates in the future. Empowering you.

DM me to book yourself in for an update. Updates available starting October 5th 2024.


MINDSET | It’s a thrown about word, isn’t it?

Change your mindset. Change your life!

You’d have done it if it was that easy, why would you not?

Do you actually know what it means or how to change? I bet you do.

Has it changed? Nahhh…later, next week or maybe never.

That’s because you’ve never experienced NLP training.

Graduates of Loretta Douglas Training & Coaching say…

“Why is this not taught in schools?!”

“I wish I’d have done the training sooner!”

“Why doesn’t everyone jump at the opportunity to train in NLP?”

I’m afraid I don’t have those answers for you other than right now you don’t have the mind capacity to even believe you CAN change your mindset.

What do you mean I don’t have the mind capacity?

Your cup is nearly full, full or even overflowing so the thought of….

Taking 8 days off work to create a new mindset seems unthinkable.

Spending money on just you, are you for real? Absolutely not!!!!

Rearranging 8 days of commitments to create a brand new life sounds exhausting.

Working on your mental, emotional, physical health over the ‘one event’ in your calendar is less important.

All of these excuses are just that excuses. Each one giving you more proof you are not worthy of a better life, improved health, healthier relationships, a brighter future, achieving goals you don’t even know are possible right now, uncapping your earning potential the list goes on.

So here is the deal.

There isn’t one.

Because it’s not right for me to twist your arm, to convince you to enrol.

It’s your choice.

I’ve never to this date convinced anyone to enrol because I only want students in my space who have chosen to be there.

When your thinking starts to expand the possibilities of choosing to take time off work, investing in you, rearranging current commitments, asking for help to make this happen, that is when you will decide to enrol.

Maybe you’ll take your time or maybe you’ll just make your decision now.

If you are going to jump at the next opportunity DM me or comment October and I’ll make a commitment to you to assist you in changing your mindset.

Photos from Loretta Douglas Training & Coaching's post 21/09/2024

WHO ME? | Yes you.

Who do I attract on my trainings?
Humans! If you want a stuffy, inflexible, robotic, rote learning trainer I’m not for you and that’s ok. I’m not for everyone.

Who is the training for?
Real people who are ready to embrace personal and professional development from a totally different perspective.

Do I have to be a Coach to attend?
Absolutely not, you’ll be fully equipped and most importantly qualified in all the modalities to a standard of excellence with internationally recognised credentials by the end of the training.

Can I attend if I am already a qualified Coach?
Yes!! Adding NLP, NLP Coaching, Time Line Therapy®️ and Hypnosis to your toolkit will not only provide you with a very different insight it’ll deepen your knowledge, understanding and insights into human behaviour like no other training.

Do I have to be a Coach after the training? No!!!

Is the training helpful for business? Yes. Yes. Yes! The whole training can 100% be related to business. If you are a business owner, starting out or established, looking for a new business, ready to grow and develop the whole training will help you in your business.

What if I am employed? How will attending help me?
First and foremost you’ll dive into an understanding of self like never before. You’ll become totally aware of yourself, dreams, aspirations and goals. You’ll learn how to communicate effectively and with intent. If you are looking for career progression this training will fuel your success.

I am in Leadership & Management, is this training for me?
I believe all Leaders & Managers should be NLP trained. You’ll learn more about leadership and management in the training than any other training you’ve attended. As a Leader & Manager you’ll develop ultimate behavioural flexibility. Not only your performance, team performance will rapidly increase as you become a model of excellence.

Building a picture? If you are a human the training is for you.


LEADING YOU | It’s your choice to lead yourself or be led by others.

Self-leadership is an art and taking responsibility is a learning curve.

Take me back 5 years and here as you see me now, today, would have been a regular occurrence, even though I probably thought I was, self-leading I wasn’t.

Back then I was in a regular cycle. My emotional, physical and mental health was questionable.

My nervous system; what even was that?!?!

Today, as I do now, I led myself as I navigated the what ifs, the commitments and expectations.

I cancelled a day of work (I’ve lost my voice via a nasty cold) 😳

Being self-employed that means no money.

Being self-employed means more responsibility for clients when you cancel their sessions.

Being self-employed means you worry more about your reputation if you cancel or reschedule.

NO. NO. NO. 🛑

Being self-employed means I lead by example.

I am a model of excellence.

Being self-employed means I choose how and when I earn.

I earn in my sleep!

Being self-employed means I choose how I feel in business.

At ease, congruent and most of all peaceful.

Do you want this?

I can only do this congruently, today, because of what I learned 5 years ago.

How do I know?

I know because I have a life I used to lead to compare it with and I made a decision 5 years ago, a commitment that from that day forward I would learn to self-lead.

I’ve just spent 4 days immersed in self-leadership to be a the BEST Trainer I can be. 4 days of Advanced Trainers Training. Being pushed outside my comfort zone and challenged.

NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), NLP Coaching, Time Line Therapy®️ and Hypnosis can help you to achieve your optimal level of self-leadership.

How can you can learn to self-lead not only in business in life?

Through exploring the opportunities NLP training offers you.

DM me to book a call and explore your opportunities.


LANGUAGE | Stop. Look. Listen. How often do you do that?

Your language is often out of your awareness.

Yet your language creates your reality.

If you just stopped that’d be a start.

If you choose to stop, look & listen you’ll be surprised.

During NLP training you’ll develop more awareness of your language than all of your English lessons put together!

You’ll develop your communication skills to a level you currently aren’t aware exists.

You’ll stop and become conscious about your use of language.

You’ll look and see how not only your words, how your tonality and physiology impacts others developing flexibility.

You’ll listen more intently than you ever have helping you to read between the lines.

The impact of this alone is enough to change your life.

The language you created the problem with will not solve it.

Change your language.

Change your life.

How do you do that I hear you say?

You. Stop. Look. Listen.

STOP scrolling.

LOOK me up.

LISTEN to what I have to say.

DM me to book your Discovery Call.


LOVE | Love is the greatest emotion of all. In fact some say it’s the only emotion.

I set many intentions for students when they join an NLP Training.

One of which, and one I believe to be important is they leave after the 8 days of training loving themselves more than they did on day 1.

The power of self-love is immeasurable.

You may question that intention. Does that make NLP training sound a little airy fairy or woo woo? Not at all.

They say LOVE is the greatest emotion of all.

With love comes happiness, content, bliss, peace.

The opposite comes hate, fear, guilt, sadness.

You are considering NLP training and looking at all the benefits. Have you considered at the root of all this you can learn to love yourself more too.

Wherever you are in life now…on the cusp, riding a wave or digging deep a dose of self-love goes a long way.

If I hadn’t learn to love myself more five years ago my life would be exactly the same right now or even worse.

Time to rescue yourself.

You have all the resources.

You have the key.

You have the power.


THE GAP | Are you aware of the gap between now and now?

Far too often I hear…

In a minute.




Next month.

Next year.

All because your current thinking doesn’t have the capacity to act.

Your MIND CAPACITY is what will kick you into action.

Limited or no space means limited or no action.

Expansive and vast space means empowerment and results.

How about NOW?

Now is your opportunity.

Change is only hard because you tell yourself the same narrative over and over and you’ve not expanded your mind capacity enough to make it easy.

The energy and effort you are putting into to staying ‘stuck’ is beyond exhausting. And yet still you choose.

In a minute.




Next month.

Next year.

I’m on a mission to create a movement and I’d like you to join me and all my other graduates that choose NOW.

You can now enrol onto the next Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner, 4 in 1, Internationally recognised, ABNLP accredited training now.

Acting now means you’ll be there.

DM me or comment ‘movement’ now.

I’m here now waiting.


LIGHTER | That moment when you feel lighter…

You feel heavy.

Heavy with all your baggage.

Heavy with the past.

Heavy with the now and future.

You are aware you are heavy and you just don’t know why or can’t put a finger on it.

It’s like a tug on your sleeve and pops into your mind and weighs heavy and gets heavier without even realising.

Then you do realise.

The s**t hits the fan.

You start to feel overwhelmed.

You’re emotional and withdrawn.

You don’t know where to turn.

You feel stuck.

You’re not setting let alone achieving goals.

Everywhere you look you see IT! You can feel IT and hear IT.

IT being the weight of life’s problems on your shoulders.

You take annual leave, you go on holiday and you start to relax and feel it’s not all that bad. You carry on and then….

Come on a journey with me and fast forward 8 days.

If you decide today, you’d like some support in your life. In 8 days, I can help you to not only feel, you’ll look and sound different. I know this because I’ve been there.

Funnily enough. I went from slumping in a chair to being sat bolt right up. My posture, as soon as I lifted my weight, changed my whole physiology. It was honestly the weirdest observation and unexpected physiological shift I’d ever felt!! I was stuck for words and that is not like me.

If you just enquire to settle your curiosity you’re half way there.

I won’t beat you with a stick to enrol.

It’s time to lift your weight of life off your shoulders and unlock you.

Join my next training in October and experience it for yourself.

DM me or comment ‘lighter’ and in 8 days you will look, sound and feel lighter ✨🤍


MONEY | Let’s not talk about it. Well actually let’s.

We often question the initial investment without considering the cost of not investing.

This is down to your relationship with money.

Nope. I can’t afford that.

Wow. That’s expensive?

Absolutely not.

Have you ever made a decision based on current circumstances and not thought about the consequences?

Or before you have even made a decision you are ‘What if’ing’ and already forecasting the worst.

You believe you can have one and not the other. I mean come on having both that’s just being greedy, isn’t it?

Your current beliefs are stopping you right now.

You focus on what you don’t have more than what you want.

You say it the way you don’t want it.

It feels like Groundhog Day. Everyday.

I’ve been there. Until…

I made a decision. The cost of not investing in me was actually going to cost me, even more than it already had my physical, emotional and mind health.

It was a no brainer.

How can you make it a no brainer?

Personally, you may be feeling stuck.

Career, you’re not achieving.

Business, your beliefs are stopping you.

Health, you’ve tried it all. It’s not worked.

Money, let’s not talk about that subject. How dare she?

Investing in you and choosing to join me in October for the next Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner Training like all my students say is ‘a money can’t buy experience and until you experience it you cannot describe it’.

DM me to secure your place and find out more.


FUTURE | Your future is all in your next thought.

You don’t know where to turn.

You keep missing the opportunities.

You don’t know how you feel.

You know what to do.

You are just NOT DOING IT.

Sound familiar?

This may be in life in general, business, career, finances, relationships, health & wellbeing.

If I told you now that in a little as 8 days you can grab hold of a totally different perspective that will change your whole outlook. Would you believe me?

You, just like me five years ago, aren’t even aware because life if passing you by.

Minute by minute.

Hour by hour.

Day by day.

Month by month.

Year by year.

Ask yourself this question. What is the difference between what you are doing now compared to this time last year?

Make that one decision that puts a stop to this now.

There is still time to join my next training in October.

You just need to decide.

I’m waiting with open arms so you can.

DM me or comment below for more details. Maybe your next thought will be the best yet.


If you want change
BE the change
or tomorrow will the the same.


CAUSE | Ever faced your life head on? Had a mirror held up in front of you? Washed your worries away?

On day 1 of the Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner Certification this is what I do. I guide you to start making steps towards cause.

I can honestly say hands down it’s THE most powerful and eye opening conversation I’ve ever had.

And that is why this time 5 years ago, after literally 24 hours I knew something was changing. Back then I didn’t know what.

I could feel it.

I could hear it.

And I could see it.

STOP now with all the reasons, excuses and blame.

Becoming aware and learning to take full, personal responsibility is the most admirable action you can take.

Imagine learning within hours of your training actually you CAN control your life.

Imagine the discovery of ultimate flexibility is what will allow you to take the reins.

Imagine unearthing the huge amount of personal power that you have, have always had, yet been handing it out on a plate until now.

Imagine evoking your own energy system like poking a fire and uncovering more energy than you’ve ever had.

Let alone the fact that this buys you…


Makes you take ACTION.


Uncovers MOTIVATION you never knew you had.

And get this, if you are a Frilly Lilly who sits on the fence when it comes to making decisions you will become so CONGRUENT and ALIGNED you’ll be making DECISIONS for the first time ever like the starter pistol of the race of life.

So make your next decision right now.

I’m enrolling for my October training.

Decide now and COMMIT to the rest of your life.

DM me or comment below to take ACTION.



This time five years ago I was eagerly awaiting the start of my NLP Practitioner training.

Look into my eyes now. Who won?

In May 2019, my world came crashing down, amongst many factors one of which was the looming pendency of bankruptcy.

When people tell me they have no money to invest in themselves and enrol onto one of my trainings I get it because neither did I, or that’s what I believed.

I do challenge this belief though because you find the money for anything, and time for that matter, that is important.

In my case I chose NLP training.

I didn’t have the money.

And I promise you being in over £60k+ worth of debt paying thousands of pounds for a training you may have thought would have been my last priority.

Instead it became my priority.

I paid for my deposit to enrol by asking a family member to loan me the money. Funnily enough I didn’t ask them to lend me the fee to file for bankruptcy.

I then paid for the remaining balance on a payment plan.

Do you know I offer flexible payment plans to suit you and your budget?

On the 6th September 2019, five years ago, I had absolutely no idea what this decision was going to lead to.

People ask all the time what will I get when I complete your training. The answer. “Anything you want!”.

I know that sounds like a cop out. It’s the honest truth.

I didn’t know what I wanted when I wrote my very first goal NLP style. So much so, just weeks later the whole goal changed.



So yes, I appreciated it’s an investment to enrol.

I respect the commitments you make to juggle life whilst you study and train.

And I agree right now this may not seem possible and I’m here to tell you it is!!

DM me or comment OCTOBER to learn more.


WHAT IF | How often do you ask yourself what if?

I had to laugh at myself the other morning as I appeared in the mirror, looking like this 😂

The raw, authentic Loretta.

Freshly returned from 5 nights camping with all my family, 2 showers in 5 days, 1 included a hair wash, 4 great runs, 4 beautiful beach days, 1 extremely wet and windy tent day. Authentically being me.

When I was a little girl my Mum would struggle to get me dressed. I loved being in the ‘backings’ as we called them then of my Grandma and Grandads in my green duffel coat, red wellies and nothing else, I may add! Authentically being me.

As a dancer I was in my element, the Cha Cha Cha and my favourite dance the Samba. Laughing and smiling. Authentically being me.

And then life hit and the in between years felt like they lost me.

Had this feeling?

Feel like this now?

What changed? This changed 👇🏻

What if you just said “Yes” to being authentically YOU.

There will always be people who judge.

You won’t be everyone’s cup of tea.

You won’t have the same dreams, goals and aspirations.

Some people will join others leave.

People will be envious because you’re doing what they want to do and don’t.

None of this matters because what if you just concentrated on being ‘authentically you’.

Let me guide you to recovering your authentic self.

One that shines like a beacon of light ✨

One that embraces life 🌏

One that creates opportunities 🚀

One that is aligned ⚖️

One authentic YOU 😊

I can be that guide.

Join me in October 2024 for the next Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner Certification Training.

Comment ‘authentic you’ below and I’ll be in touch.


BIRTH | After celebrating my 43rd Birthday on Monday I’ve stepped into my 44th year.

Up until my 38th birthday I’d never really dared to look inside.

I don’t know why…

Was it because I feared looking deeper?

Was it because I wasn’t guided there?

Was it because I didn’t realise I had all the answers?

Was it because I was frightened I’d have to take responsibility?

Who knows?

All I know now is thank the lord I did!!!

I will tell you hands down…

NLP training changed my life.

My life in as little as 24 hours shifted…

First, I became aware of myself. The good, the not so good and some ugly. (It’s not all a bed of roses). By the way most training course don’t cover this

Second, my thoughts expanded. You are always more than you believe you are.

Third, my limiting beliefs exploded and were replaced with new empowering beliefs

Fourth, let’s talk about conflict. Boy this was a BIG one. The energy to keep conflict alive was stealing my life force, literally!

Fifth, unresolved negative emotions were causing dis-ease in my physical being from chronic migraines to fibromyalgia. To have these conditions leave my body there is no price for that.

Sixth, trauma. Eeek. Little did I know how I’d stored trauma. Along with everything else stored trauma was keeping me in a sympathetic response…from anxious attachment to fight or flight to freeze. Like a ping pong ball. I was exhausted and then boom all my energy came bloody back.

Seventh, learning to relax I mean realllly relax through hypnosis. If you want change, hypnosis is a catalyst for change.

So reading this you may be able to understand why my 43rd birthday is the lightest to date.

How many more birthdays are you going to have before you realise it’s time to dump the weight.

If you’re wondering now how to get started wonder no more.

I have 7 spaces remaining for October 2024.

You can delay as long as you like I can guarantee you’ll have wished you’d have done it sooner!

DM me today. Your ‘Discovery Call’ is awaiting.

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GET UP | Any movement is better than no movement. How long are you going to stay in the same thinking, habits, behaviour...
JAW DROPPING | I’ll cut to the chase. This is a ‘jaw dropping’ experience. Just sign up!‌I can post as much as I can so ...
TOOLS | Do you have the right tools for the right job?‌It’s not NLP you want. It’s the tools founded on NLP you desire.‌...
MONDAY 4th MARCH | 7-8pm ~ There is no better person to invest in and I promise you’ll thank me later.Interested? DM me ...
Happy 3rd Business Birthday to me ✨🤍
KICK BUTT | Are you ready to kick butt?⠀Come on it’s already January 25th 2024.⠀Ask yourself these questions.⠀Has your s...
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SURVIVAL MODE TO FREEDOM | You choose where you want to stay… #neurolinguisticprogramming #nlptrainer #nlptraining #nlpt...
MASTERY | When you choose a trainer and training provider you can be assured here at  Loretta Douglas Training & Coachin...
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A 'place-based approach’ project to increase activity levels & create sustained behaviour change.

fitne_ssnicole fitne_ssnicole

• Inspiring women to become the best version of themselves✨• Level 4 Advanced PT qual🏅 / Oldham📍

Restore Christian Life Coaching Restore Christian Life Coaching

RESTORE Our Mission Restore your PastRenew your lifeRefresh your FutureAre you struggling with Anxiety Stress Depression, lost direction finding life hard and generally struggling ...

H Susan Gardner PT H Susan Gardner PT

My Mission: “To encourage, engage, and equip others to believe in the possibilities.” My Role: