Devonport High School For Boys - Alumni & Archives

This page celebrates the history of Devonport High School For Boys


DHSB Alumni you have an invite! We have limited places for our annual Speech Day celebration event held at DHSB on the 11th September at 7.00pm and we would love you to come! It's an opportunity to mix with current and past students along with some members of staff. There is a bar (with our own DHSB beer 'Colonnade' πŸ˜€) and a buffet. If interested please submit this form as soon as possible:


Did you attend DHSB in the last 40 years? We need your help!

We are currently carrying out research into examples of social mobility. There is little research out there that explores a person's experience of attending a grammar school and we are looking for people to take part in a short online interview that will take no longer than one hour of your time with Dan Roberts, our Headteacher. The lessons learnt through this research will help inform future government policy and may help you reflect on your own personal journey so far.

If you are interested, please complete this short form with your contact details.

Any questions, please email [email protected]

Photos from Devonport High School For Boys - Alumni & Archives's post 18/06/2024

I was delighted to meet brothers Brian and Michael Powisland today. Michael started at DHSB in 1959 but sadly only spent 2 years with us as their dad was transferred from Devonport Dockyard to Rosyth Dockyard in Scotland. Brian started at Tamar School in 1955, when it was housed at Durnford Street, before it moved in to A Block and B Block here in 1956 when the WW2 bomb damage had been repaired. After taking his 'O' Levels he joined our 6th form to study Zoology, Chemistry and Physics 'A' Levels. Brian was only 3 months in to these when the family moved away. They both have very fond memories of the schools.

They mentioned the 1/3 pint bottles of milk too which were delivered in crates and left on the colonnade for the pupils - sometimes the milk was warm and they were careful to choose bottles which the birds hadn't already been at πŸ˜€. Michael also remembered digestive biscuits being sold breaktimes on the colonnade.

No school lunches for Brian and Michael - they caught the number 27 bus to St Budeaux and back again every day for their lunch!

Brian told me that the only time he was allowed on the balcony was when a student had misbehaved and he had to deliver the punishment book to the headmaster!

Michael remembers Dr Cresswell writing a Latin phrase on the blackboard every Friday which had to be memorised for the following Friday.

Brian got a job with BP as a technician which led to a university scholarship - of which there were only 6 nationally! He studied Industrial Microbiology at Strathclyde University followed by a Masters in Chemical Engineering at University College London.

Brian then worked as a biological engineer with BP before changing careers in the early 1970s to become a lecturer in Industrial Microbiology in Edinburgh, then a senior lecturer at the University of Scotland (formerly Bell College), progressing to Head of Biological Sciences and finally Assistant Principal! Brian retired in 2005 but was enticed back for another 3 years to work on a project.

Michael went to Edinburgh University where he obtained a BSC(Hons) in Electrical Engineering. His career started with Ferranti where he worked on radar systems. He then worked for Hewlett Packard until 2005 before working in the local library where he gave IT assistance. Michael retired in 2012. It was a pleasure to meet them both, and their lovely wives.


Two more great visits today! Firstly it was a pleasure to meet Paul Mills and his lovely partner Pat. Paul attended DHSB from 1965-72 before going on to study Natural Sciences at Cambridge University, specialising in metallurgy and materials science. He left Cambridge in 1980 after completing his PHD and a year of research. Paul joined British Airways in the IT department as a trainee programmer. During his 27 years with BA he worked on several BA systems such as ticketing, check-in and finally on the website. He retired early and now lives in Surrey.

Paul was delighted to finally be allowed on the balcony as during his time only Prefects and staff were allowed on it. His first form teacher was 'Blob-in' Gibson who taught chemistry. He then had Mr Trefor Farrow for 2nd, 3rd and 4th year, or years 7, 8, 9 and 10 for our younger audienceπŸ˜€

Paul remembers the 1/3 pint bottle of milk every day and having to run 100 yards on the concrete in front of the colonnade - longer runs took place at Victoria Park where there were distance markers around the edge.

He said that headmaster Dr Cresswell 'had a firm grip of what was going on' - he made a point of teaching Latin to the first years to get to know them. He also liked to watch the classes going on from outside the room, through the windows - I doubt much got past him πŸ˜€

Photos from Devonport High School For Boys - Alumni & Archives's post 18/06/2024

It was a pleasure to welcome a U3A group on their visit to DHSB to learn about our historic buildings and the gate where all 'sick and hurt' were brought by water on the Nightingale and Cavell boats. We couldn't have asked for better weather!


Excited to see DHSB alumnus Samuel Holmes starring in panto at the Theatre Royal Plymouth this year - oh yes I am πŸ˜€. Samuel attended DHSB from 1997.

Photos from Devonport High School For Boys - Alumni & Archives's post 14/06/2024

Did any of you see the D-Day 80 at the Royal Albert Hall concert on ITV1? The Musical Director conducting the Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra was our very own Mike Dixon who attended DHSB from 1968 - 1975. What a fantastic job he did! You can still catch it on ITVX.

John Acres - Rick Edwards sits in (25/04/2024) - BBC Sounds 23/05/2024

Alumnus David King, Olympic athlete specialising in the high hurdles, has been chatting to Radio Devon and gives the school a shout out! David started at DHSB in 2005. His interview starts at 97 minutes in - be quick though as it is only available until Saturday.

John Acres - Rick Edwards sits in (25/04/2024) - BBC Sounds Rick Edwards sits in. Fun, great chat and all you need to start your day in Devon.


Wishing our DHSB Ten Tors teams lots of luck for the event this weekend. Alan Deacon contacted me and shared his memories of taking part in the event in 1962, 1963 and 1964.

He recalls, 'way back in the mists of time DHS had its own Scout Troup - the 18th Devonport and I was a member.

We entered two teams in the '62 event [albeit I was a month or two under age, Baden Powell has forgiven me I'm sure] and finished very early on the Sunday such that our parents were not yet there to greet us.

For '63 two teams again, fiercely competitive. Hot weather. The night out was somewhere near Bagga Tor Copse I think, but I do very much remember storming up the East side of Hare Tor then running as fast as we could with heavy rucksacs down to the finish at Willsworthy Camp to be FIRST TEAM in!

[ and again our parents were too late, it was 8.15 ish I think.]

We entered again in '64 but were not so quick due to some technical problems. [photo somewhere]

As they move on through their lives they may find similar pleasures as I did, mountain walking in the Lakes, Peaks and Scotland, scores of marathons then tens of Ultra Marathons up to 100 miles and finally The Bob Graham Round.'

Thanks Alan for sharing your memories with us.

Fitness for All 09/05/2024

Fitness for All Gym upgrade to support the community fitness and healthy lifestyles.

Fitness for All 17/04/2024

DHSB have launched a crowdfunding campaign to improve our school gym facilities which is in urgent need of improvements and an upgrade. As well as our students benefitting from this, the facilities will be available for use by clubs and the local community outside of school hours. We have match funding in place - whatever we raise will be DOUBLED! You can purchase some great rewards starting at just Β£5.00! Please support us if you can, we would be very grateful.

Fitness for All Gym upgrade to support the community fitness and healthy lifestyles.

Photos from Devonport High School For Boys - Alumni & Archives's post 28/03/2024

What a lovely way to end the term! I had the pleasure of meeting Mr Anthony Kingdom yesterday. He's 93 years young and attended DHSB for one term at its original premises in Albert Rd, followed by the Emergency High School based in Regent St with Sutton High School and finally, in 1945, two years where we are now in the former military hospital. He was delighted to see the 1946 whole school photograph which I had brought with me and even more delighted when he found himself in it πŸ˜€
Anthony shared many memories with me so more to come!
Wishing you all a lovely Easter 🐣


School Song! Sing along! Words and narrative in separate post πŸ˜€. A big thank you to Trefor Farrow.

Photos from Devonport High School For Boys - Alumni & Archives's post 05/03/2024

Who remembers the DHSB School Song? Today I had the honour of meeting DHSB legend, Trefor Farrow! Trefor taught music at DHSB for an amazing 40 years! My thanks to Trefor who kindly brought me in a transcription of the School Song and played it for me. Video in separate post. Words attached here in case you want to sing along - although from what I have heard it was embedded in memories πŸ˜€. Another photo shows Trefor with our current Head of Music Steve Newton who took over in 2005 when Trefor retired as Head of Music - that's a whopping 59 years of teaching music at DHSB between them 🎢 πŸ˜€

Photos from Devonport High School For Boys - Alumni & Archives's post 16/01/2024

Today is our Founder's Day - DHSB is 128 years old today! Alonzo J Rider opened the doors of his newly bought school on the 16th January 1896. He had wanted his own school for a very long time so I can imagine his excitement! No doubt there was some trepidation too. He was clearly an exceptional person. The write up on his funeral in the Western Morning News And Mercury on the 14th February 1921 is testament to this. Representatives from all the public bodies he was associated with came to pay their respects. The crowded congregation included magistrates as Alonzo was a JP, and many members of the scholastic profession. The Mayor was there, the Deputy Mayor (Isaac Foot), the Town Clerk, the deputy chairman of magistrates, a representative from the Civic Guild of Help, the Chairman of the Education Committee, our own DHSB Head Mr Treseder, as well as the Heads from various other schools, a representative from the National Union of Teachers, church wardens, the borough librarian, Plymouth and District Pharmacists, Superintendent Davies and Plymouth Police. It must have been standing room only! There was a large amount of floral tributes too, in particular, one from the staff of DHSB and one from 'the boys.'
The Vicar said 'he carried out to the full the old Biblical precept, 'Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might.'
The article goes on to say that Mr Rider's greatest service in life was his devotion to education, particularly in laying the foundations of DHSB. He clocked up a very impressive 60 years of educational work in Plymouth and Devonport. Chancellor Ponsonby said 'the permanence of his work was in the lives and characters of his many pupils.'
The funeral took place at St Michael's Church on Albert Road where Alonzo had been a church warden for 21 years. He was interred at Weston Mill Cemetary, on the path immediately to the left of the cremetorium.
Now unfortunately obviously I will never meet Alonzo. However, my DHSB radar noticed the name 'Rider' on a doorbell when I was collecting something. It is an unusual spelling of the surname as it is often spelt 'Ryder.' The person there was sorting the house out for his grandad but didn't think there was any DHSB connection as it had never been mentioned. Of course, curiosity got the better of me - two hours later I'd discovered the link, much to my new friend's surprise, Alonzo was indeed an ancestor! What a lovely coincidence that was! So I've met a relative of Alonzo if not the man himself πŸ˜€. Happy Founder's Day DHSB!


Hope you all have a lovely day πŸŽ„


DHSB would like to send birthday wishes to alumnus Charlie Trevethan who is 98 years young this week! Here he is holding our 1940 whole school photo when I visited him in the summer. Do we have any 99 or 100 year old alumni out there? Would love to hear from you πŸ˜€

Plymouth man lands epic Harry Potter role 20/11/2023

DHSB Alumni Harry Lowe is currently appearing as Scorpius Malfoy in the London West End production of β€˜Harry Potter and the Cursed Child’ and has been nominated for the 'Best Professional Debut' award in the WhatsonStage Annual Awards. Fantastic news Harry and a big well done from all of us at DHSB πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Plymouth man lands epic Harry Potter role Harry Lowe, who is playing Scorpius Malfoy, has now been put forward for the β€˜Best Professional Debut’ award in the WhatsonStage Annual Awards

Photos from Devonport High School For Boys - Alumni & Archives's post 12/11/2023

Every year our Roll of Honour is read out in assembly. After WWII, DHSB Headteacher, Mr Buckley, put an advert in the personal column of the local newspapers, the Western Morning News and the Evening Herald. This advert was asking for details to be sent to him of any DHS pupils who had β€˜made the ultimate sacrifice.’ In our archives we have a book full of letters which were received from grieving parents, siblings and partners. This day, Remembrance Sunday, is an apt time to share some of them with you. They will never be forgottten.

Photos from Devonport High School For Boys - Alumni & Archives's post 06/08/2023

Now I don’t know if Pilgrim Pete is DHSB alumni, but I don’t know he isn’t either so I think it’s ok to add this here πŸ˜„. DHSB was home to Janner Aid 23 today and what a great day it was too! Hopefully lots of money was raised for the charity. The green team won! Managed to snap Argyle legends Kevin Hodges and Tommy Tynan and had a lovely chat with hero Mark Omrod MBE who also took played for part of the match.


Wow!! How fantastic are our DHSB alumni doing?! Catch them if you can! A big well done to them πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Super excited to be heading back to Europe in May for our first ever EU headline tour! Can’t wait to get out on the road again for these shows πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί

Tickets on sale Friday 9AM GMT πŸ’š

Photos from Devonport High School For Boys - Alumni & Archives's post 16/01/2023

It's Founders Day! On this day in 1886, at 9.00am, Devonport High School for Boys opened its doors! Alonzo J Rider purchased the former Devonport, Stoke & Stonehouse High School for Girls, at the top of Albert Rd, for Β£3500.00 at auction on the 23rd December. Sadly the school was demolished and replaced with 'Chapter One' apartments approximately 20 years ago. Happy 127th birthday DHSB and thank you Alonzo J Rider!

Photos from Devonport High School For Boys - Alumni & Archives's post 16/12/2022

If you are a member of our Alumni Association keep an eye out for your copy of our annual School Magazine landing soon! If you are not a member. but feeling a little envious of our members, see our website for details of how to join πŸ˜€

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy 2023 πŸŽ„

DHSB Alumni Newsletter 13/12/2022

'Tis the season of goodwill - so here is my offering of my new Alumni Newsletter! It's a bumper Christmas edition so make yourself comfortable πŸ˜€

DHSB Alumni Newsletter DHSB Alumni Newsletter 10th December 2022


And 'Hark The Herald Angels Sing' πŸ˜€


Some 'Oh Come You Faithful' for you πŸ˜€

Photos from Devonport High School For Boys - Alumni & Archives's post 12/12/2022

We had a lovely Year 7 school Carol Service at St Andrew's Church this evening. Well those booklets obviously were taken away because I have only found one copy in my archives πŸ˜€. Who remembers their school Carol service? πŸŽ„


It's not every day you see a JCB here at DHSB! We are in the midst of a five month project to replace 45 beams along the colonnade to preserve it for our future generations of DHSB students - or DHSians as they used to refer to themselves and first years were known as 'scruffs' πŸ˜€

Photos from Devonport High School For Boys - Alumni & Archives's post 30/09/2022

Lovely to see one of our former students in this month's edition of 'Devon Life!' Mike Dixon attended DHSB from 1968 - 1975 and is an award winning Musical Director, Musical Supervisor, Conductor, Arranger and Composer. His very successful career spans over 40 years and he has worked with, amongst others, Dame Shirley Bassey, Sir Elton John, Sir Tom Jones, Brian May, Phil Collins, Lady Gaga, Dame Kiri Kanawa, Katherine Jenkins, Elaine Paige, Cameron Mackintosh, Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber and even Brucie πŸ˜€. Mike has been Musical Director for more than 20 West End productions and has worked all over the world. Naturally I had to buy Mike's autobiography 'Turn Around and Take a Bow' immediately once I knew DHSB was featured and I am thoroughly enjoying it! Our own Trefor Farrow had a big part to play in Mike's career. Other teachers and pupils are mentioned too, as well as Plymouth in general. Well done Mike! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Photos from Devonport High School For Boys - Alumni & Archives's post 22/09/2022

Today I was delighted to welcome two of our Alumni, Roger Burrows and Tom Orchard - they hadn't seen each other for about 55 years! The years melted away and they spent a lovely afternoon touring the school and catching up. Roger, who now lives in Canada, is seen here outside his form room and pointing himself out in a photo displayed in school! He brought me his school reports too! Lovely to see you both today and safe journey back Roger πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

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Videos (show all)

Trefor Farrow - School Song
And 'Hark The Herald Angels Sing' πŸ˜€
Some 'Oh Come You Faithful' for you πŸ˜€



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