Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature

AMPAL 2020-2021
17th to 19th June 2021
Department of Classics at the University of Reading
Online at MS Teams

AMPAL 2018
'Memory and Commemoration'
21st-22nd June 2018
The University of Manchester


This is the last week to apply to host AMPAL 2022. Please make sure to submit your complete applications to [email protected] by Sunday, October 31st, 2021. We can't wait to see your ideas.

For more information about the process, please find our full call for organizers here:

Call for AMPAL 2022 Organisers 18/10/2021

The call for organizers for AMPAL 2022 has been extended to October 31st, 2021. We look forward to seeing your applications! If you have any inquiries, please contact us at [email protected].

For more information about the application process, please look at our website here:

Call for AMPAL 2022 Organisers The Organising Team of the Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature (AMPAL) 2020-2021 invites applications from postgraduate students interested in hosting AMP…

Call for AMPAL 2022 Organisers 11/10/2021

There is one week left to apply to host AMPAL 2022! Please send your applications to [email protected] by October 17th, 2021. We look forward to reading your proposals!

You can find more information on our website here:

Call for AMPAL 2022 Organisers The Organising Team of the Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature (AMPAL) AMPAL 2020-2021 invites applications from postgraduate students interested in …

Photos from Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature's post 27/09/2021

Are you a postgraduate interested in hosting the Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature in 2022? We are now accepting applications for organizers and host institutions until October 17th, 2021. We look forward to seeing your exciting ideas! If you have any questions, please contact the organizing committee at: [email protected].

Please see the full call for applications below.

You can find more information on our website here:


And with that, AMPAL 2020-2021 has come to a close. We the organizing team, Doukissa Kamini, Edward Ross, Becca Grose, Ellie Goddard, would like to thank you all for coming. We are so happy that you were all able to come to virtual Reading. Thank you everyone for contributing your papers, attending sessions, and sparking interesting debate.

We would like to once again thank The Classical Association, Department of Classics at the University of Reading, and Ure Museum of Greek Archaeology for funding our conference. We also thank Prof. Fiona McHardy from Humanities at University of Roehampton for providing our keynote speech.

Keep an eye out for the call for organizers for the 16th Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature. See you all next time!


The third and final day of AMPAL 2020-2021 will begin at 12 PM BST on Microsoft Teams today. Content warnings for today’s sessions will be posted on Twitter before each panel. We hope to see you in our last few concurrent panels!


Day 2 of AMPAL 2020-2021 will begin at 10 AM BST on Microsoft Teams today. Content warnings for today’s sessions will be posted on Twitter before each panel.

Our keynote speech “Fear and Revenge in Euripidean Tragedy” by Prof. Fiona McHardy (University of Roehampton) will begin at 5 PM BST. We hope to see you there!


Today is the day! We are very excited to welcome you to virtual Reading on Microsoft Teams today. Opening Remarks will begin at 11 AM BST. Content warnings for today’s sessions will be posted on Twitter before each panel.

There has been a change of programme for Day 1. Panel C will be combined into a standalone session that ends at 17:10 BST.

We would also like to express our thanks to The Classical Association, the Department of Classics at the University of Reading, and the Ure Museum of Greek Archaeology for providing funding for our conference. Thank you as well to Prof. Fiona McHardy from Humanities @ University of Roehampton for providing our keynote speech.

Photos from Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature's post 16/06/2021

On Day 3 of AMPAL 2020-2021, we will be holding 2 concurrent panels. Panel B is on the Politics of Fear. You can read the abstracts here:

Click on the photos or read below to learn more about our speakers.


In Session B1, Giulia Bernardini (University of Durham) will be presenting on “The role of fear in the narrative of the Persian Wars in Plato’s Laws”

Giulia Bernardini is a second-year PhD student in the Department of Classics and Ancient History at Durham University. Her research explores the relationships between Plato’s dialogues and Ancient Comedy. She is funded by the Wolfson Foundation.


In Session B2, Sinja Küppers (Duke University) will be presenting on “Fear of Studying ‘Abroad’ in Antiquity: Immigration Policies & Political Agendas”

Sinja Küppers is a doctoral student at Duke University studying the social history of Higher Education in the Roman Empire. She will discuss how the fear of studying 'abroad' travelled from Greece to Rome and manifested in ancient immigration policies and political agendas.


In Session B2, Cinzia DuBois (University of Birmingham) will be presenting on “Classical Misappropriation and the Myth of White Genocide”

Cinzia DuBois is a Classics researcher specialising in Classical Reception, with a focus on contemporary politics & feminist mythological retellings. She will be starting her PhD in Classics at the University of Birmingham this autumn.

Photos from Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature's post 14/06/2021

Day 3 of AMPAL 2020-2021, we will be holding 2 concurrent panels. Panel A is on Religious and Theoretical Approaches to Fear in Ancient Culture. You can read the abstracts here:

Click on the photos or read below to learn more.


In Session A1, Serena Evelina Peruch (Universities of Padua, Ca’ Foscari, and Verona) will be presenting on “Phobos, a Divinity between Persians and Gauls”

Serena Peruch is a PhD Student of Greek History at the Universities of Padova, Ca’ Foscari, and Verona. Her current research project focuses on the political propaganda of the Hellenistic Period and, in particular, on the figure of Antigonos II Goantas.


In Session A1, Edward Ross (University of Reading). He will be presenting on “Bringing Merit to the Yonakas through Fear: The Perception and Use of Hell as Skilful Means in the Pāli Nikāyas”

Edward Ross is a PhD candidate at the University of Reading researching the inter-cultural religious interactions that took place in the Hellenistic Far East. He also holds degrees from McGill University and the University of Hong Kong.


In Session A1, Mirko Tasso (University of Pavia) will be presenting on “Augustine’s View on the Essence of timor Dei within the Patristic Reflection on the Problem”

Mirko Tasso earned his BA and MA degrees at the University of Pavia. He is now waiting to start his PhD and continue his studies on Roman Late antiquity, Late-antique religions and their literary expressions.


In Session A2, Alexandra Meghji (University of Oxford) will be presenting on “The Illusion of Ithaca: Lacanian Intersections of Fear and Desire in the Odyssey”

Alexandra Meghji holds a BA in Classics and is reading for an MSt in Women's Studies at Balliol College. In her research, she engages with current dialogues in classical reception about the facility of feminist theory to catalyze subversive re-readings and reinterpretations of epic poetry.


In Session A2, Xavier Buxton (University of Oxford) will be presenting on “Snell and De Romilly: Earlier Historiography of Classical Fear”

Xavier is writing a DPhil on Aeschylus and Athens, looking for ‘the place where fear is good.’


In Session A2, Thomas Munro (Yale University) will be presenting on “Psychological Realism and Intertext in Ovid’s Epistolographic Treatments of Fear”

Thomas Munro is a graduate student at Yale University, interested in interdisciplinary approaches to Latin literature, and classical reception, especially the use and manipulation of classical imagery in contemporary politics.

Photos from Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature's post 12/06/2021

On Day 2 of AMPAL 2020-2021, we will be holding 1 standalone panel and 1 concurrent panel. Panel B is on Expressing Fear. You can read the abstracts here:

We would now like to introduce more of our speakers. Click on the photos or read below to learn more.


In Session B1, Sarah Prince (University of Queensland) will be presenting on “The Scipionic Legend: Metus and Mythic Identity in the Second Punic War”

Sarah Prince has recently completed her MPhil in Classics and Ancient History at the University of Queensland. Her research explores the impact of the Hellenistic world on Roman elite identity, display and political presentation during the 3rd and 2nd Centuries BCE.


In Session B1, Fabio Avesani (University of Edinburgh) will be presenting on “Manipulation of the Language of Fear in Cicero’s Pro Roscio Amerino”

Fabio Avesani completed his BA in History at the University of Bologna in 2016 with a thesis on Cicero's hopes for triumph after the proconsulship in Cilicia. After spending a year at the University of Edinburgh as an Erasmus student, he wrote his MA thesis (Bologna, 2019) on the political context of Cicero's Pro Roscio Amerino. He is currently working as a fully funded PhD student at the University of Edinburgh under the supervision of Dr. Dominic Berry and Dr. Benedikt Eckhardt. His current research focuses on patronage in the life and writings of Cicero.


In Session B2, Emily Patterson (King’s College London) will be presenting on “Fear of Being Forgotten: Ovid’s Interrogation of Monumentality and the Medium of Poetry in the Tristia and Epistulae Ex Ponto”

Emily Patterson studied Classics at Oxford, before beginning her PhD in 2018, funded by the London Arts & Humanities Partnership. Her research explores the ways in which the medium of poetry was conceptualised and represented in Latin literature and wider Roman culture.


In Session B2, Emma Howard (University of Liverpool) will be presenting on “Fear of Failure: The Importance of Fertility in the Ancient World”

Emma Howard is a first year Ph.D student at the University of Liverpool, researching mental health in the classical period in Ancient Greece. Her research is focused on investigating ancient women’s medical experiences, in particular throughout the pregnancy journey from conception to the post-natal period.

Registration 11/06/2021

The keynote speech for AMPAL 2020-2021 will take place at the end of Day 2. Professor Fiona McHardy (Roehampton University) will be speaking on “Fear of Revenge in Euripidean Tragedy.”

Today is the last day to register for AMPAL 2020-2021, so if you want to attend our keynote, please do follow this link and register: All are welcome!

Department of Classics at the University of Reading Humanities at University of Roehampton Ure Museum of Greek Archaeology Graduate School at University of Reading

Registration You can register to attend AMPAL 2020-2021 here: Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature (AMPAL) 2020-2021. AMPAL 2020-2021 abides by, aligns with, and follows the Code of Conduct for…

Photos from Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature's post 10/06/2021

Following our panels on Day 2 of AMPAL 2020-2021, we will be taking us on a virtual tour of the Ure Museum of Greek Archaeology at the University of Reading. Our virtual tour of the Ure Museum of Greek Archaeology will be led by Prof. Amy Smith. The museum tour will be followed by a student-curated exhibition called “Fear Beyond Words.” This presentation will be led by Joanna Watson and James Gordon. You can find the online exhibition here:

Please click on the photos to learn more.


Amy C. Smith is Professor of Classical Archaeology and Curator of the Ure Museum in the Department of Classics at University of Reading, where she is also Joint Head of Department. She researches/writes on: ancient art, e.g. Athenian ceramics; (digital) museology & the history of collections, e.g. Winckelmann.


Joanna Watson is an undergraduate student of Ancient History at Reading University. Next year, she is going to start a masters in Classics and Ancient History, and her goal is to complete a PhD in the future. She hopes to use these qualifications to teach university students and pass on her knowledge.

Photos from Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature's post 10/06/2021

On Day 2 of AMPAL 2020-2021, we will be holding 1 standalone panel and 1 concurrent panel. Panel A is on Causing Fear: Monsters and Magic. You can read the abstracts here:

Click on the photos to learn more about our speakers.


For the standalone session, Michaela Kellová (Charles University) will be presenting on “Fear of the Magic and Plato: Artefacts of Magical Practice vs. Plato’s Laws”

Michaela Kellová is a PhD student at Institute of Classical Archaeology, Charles University in Prague. She focuses on so-called curse tablets from an archaeological point of view. For her PhD thesis she chose Late Antiquity curse tablets.


For the standalone session, Ryan Denson (University of Exeter) will be presenting on “Crafting a Monster in Augustan Epic: Scylla and the Language of Fear and Expectation”

Ryan Denson is a PhD candidate at the University of Exeter. His research interests concern the supernatural, folklore, and the ancient imagination, while his PhD thesis focuses on sea monsters and a variety of other marine entities.

Photos from Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature's post 08/06/2021

There are only 3 days left to register for AMPAL 2020-2021! We have a wonderful series of presentations lined up for you to see. Follow this link to get registered before it closes: All are welcome!

Click on the photos to look at the programme. You can also check out the abstracts here:

We would also like to express our thanks to The Classical Association, the Department of Classics at the University of Reading, and the Ure Museum of Greek Archaeology. Thank you as well to Prof. Fiona McHardy from the University of Roehampton for providing our keynote speech. Humanities at University of Roehampton

Photos from Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature's post 08/06/2021

On Day 1 of AMPAL 2020-2021, we will be holding 3 pairs of concurrent panels. Panel C is on the theme of the Reception and Re-enactment of Fear. You can check out the abstracts on our website here:

Click on the photos or read below to learn more about our speakers.


In Session C1, Aimee Hinds (University of Roehampton) will be presenting on “Bad Romance: Sexual Assault in Myth and Reception”

Aimee Hinds is a PhD student at the University of Roehampton, researching intersectional possibilities in receptions of Greek mythology in popular culture. Her approach to intersectionality encompasses q***r theory, Marxist theory, post-coloniality and disability studies to explicitly open the boundaries of feminist theory. She has written about bad feminism in classical reception, issues with fashion’s engagement with the ancient Mediterranean, and polychromy in Neoclassical and modern art.


In Session C1, Rioghnach Sachs (King’s College London) will be presenting on “Fear in the ‘Sapphic Mode’: A Utopian Alternative to ‘the Love that Dare not Speak its Name’”

Rioghnach Sachs got her BA in classics at Corpus Christi, Cambridge in 2014 and her MA in classics at KCL in 2015. She is now in the fourth year of her PhD in classics and comparative literature at KCL, funded by LAHP. Her research investigates ‘Sapphic reading’ across time and its consequences for the history of sexuality.


In Session C2, Antonia Pitsilou (University of Patras) will be presenting on “The Reception of Fear of Divine Justice in the Performance of Aeschylus’ Persae, Directed by Nikaiti Kontouri (National Theatre of Northern Greece, 2014)”

Antonia Pitsilou is a PhD Candidate in Ancient Greek Theatre and its Reception at the University of Patras. She completed her BA in Classics at the University of Ioannina and her MA in Ancient Greek Theatre at the University of Patras. Her research interests focus on Contemporary Stage Productions of Ancient Greek Drama.


In Session B2 of Day 1, Ashley Chhibber (University of Nottingham) will be presenting on “The Terror of Jocasta in Statius”

Ashley Chhibber is a third-year PhD student at the University of Nottingham. His thesis explores the breakdown of communication and relationships in the context of civil war, as depicted in three Latin epics (Aeneid, Bellum Ciuile, Thebaid).


On Day 1 of AMPAL 2020-2021, we will be holding 3 pairs of concurrent panels. Panel B is on the theme of Women in Ancient Epic and Drama. You can check out the abstracts on our website here:

We would now like to introduce more of our speakers. Read below to learn more.


In Session B1, Emma Hemmings (University College London) will be presenting on “Fear and Femininity in the Bacchae”

Emma Hemmings holds MA degrees in Classical Reception and Library Studies. She has been most recently employed in a medical library. Her academic interest is in classical reception as it relates to feminism and political theory.


In Session B2, Ashley Chhibber (University of Nottingham) will be presenting on “The Terror of Jocasta in Statius”

Ashley Chhibber is a third-year PhD student at the University of Nottingham. His thesis explores the breakdown of communication and relationships in the context of civil war, as depicted in three Latin epics (Aeneid, Bellum Ciuile, Thebaid).

Photos from Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature's post 04/06/2021

On Day 1 of AMPAL 2020-2021, we will be holding 3 pairs of concurrent panels. Panel A is on the theme of Fear in Ancient Lyric, Elegy, and Drama. You can check out the abstracts on our website here:

We would now like to take a moment to introduce some of our speakers. Click on the photos or read below to learn more.


In Session A1, Lucrezia Sperindio (University of Warwick) will be presenting on “Tragic Mediation of Fear in Hor. Carm. 1.2”

Lucrezia Sperindio is a second year PhD student in Classics at the University of Warwick. After having focused on Horatian poetics during her MPhil, her current research project explores Horace’s thematic and formal dialogue with Greek and Roman tragedy across his Epodes and Odes.


In Session A2, Emily Reason (University of Nottingham) will be presenting on “Medea’s Motivation: Fear or Thumos?”

Emily obtained her BA History (Hons) and BSc with the Open University, and an MA in Classical Studies at University of Wales Trinity St David. She did this as a distance learner while working full-time in the NHS. In 2019, she decided to take a career break from the NHS and pursue full-time study instead, enrolling as a PhD candidate at the University of Nottingham. Her subject is thumos/θυμός in early Greek epic and philosophy covering Homer, Plato, Aristotle, and Apollonius Rhodius.


In Session A2, Alison Middleton (University of Oxford) will be presenting on “Fear of γέλως (laughter) in Euripides’ Medea”

Alison Middleton is working towards a DPhil in Classics at Oxford University. She is researching laughter, comedy and humour in the works of the 5th century Athenian tragedian Euripides, and also has a keen interest in classical reception and 21st century theatre.


Many thanks to all fellow postgrads for their amazing abstracts so far! You can still submit abstracts until 25th April 2021! We look forward to hearing from you! Please find our Call for Papers at:


Here is another way to find our Call for Papers! Many thanks to Department of Classics at the University of Reading fos sharing this! You are very welcome to have a look at the various posts and research news of Classics at Reading in our departmental blog!


Fear in Ancient Culture

The Department of Classics at the University of Reading is delighted to host the 15th Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature (AMPAL) on Thursday 17th – Saturday 19th June 2021. The theme for this year is Fear in Ancient Culture.

Given the current travel restrictions and social distancing rules due to COVID-19, this year’s meeting will be held online on Microsoft Teams. In these strange times, the Organising Team of AMPAL 2021 is determined to preserve the engaging and interactive character of the event. To that purpose, we aim to transform this online environment into a welcoming setup in which postgraduate students in Ancient Literature from across the world can gather again (albeit virtually) and celebrate another year of research on Classics.

The event will include a Virtual Tour of the Ure Museum of Greek Archaeology and it is with great pleasure that we announce this year’s AMPAL Keynote Speech will be delivered by Professor Fiona McHardy (University of Roehampton) on Fear of Revenge in Euripidean Tragedy (18th June 2021, 5pm).

The Department of Classics at Reading invites postgraduates of every level to submit an abstract of 250-300 words for a 20-minute paper followed by a 10-minute discussion by the 25th of April 2021.


For full details on the keynote talk, the upcoming conference programme and how to REGISTER and SUBMIT your paper, please click the link below.

Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature

Photos from Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature's post 17/03/2021

After several lockdowns and a cancellation, Postgraduates at the Department of Classics at the University of Reading are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for AMPAL 2020-2021! The event will be held online from 17th to 19th June 2021. The theme for this year is Fear in Ancient Culture. Postgraduates of every level are invited to submit an abstract of 250-300 words by the 25th April 2021.
All welcome! Feel free to contact us and spread the word!
We are also delighted to confirm that the Keynote Speech will be delivered by Prof. Fiona McHardy, who will explore the fear of revenge in Euripidean tragedy!
You can find the Call for Papers and more info at:

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Our Story

AMPAL 2020
June 2020
Department of Classics, University of Reading


Online At MS Teams

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