Merryfield Hypnotherapy

Hi, I am Alan Woollard, a fully qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist & Psychotherapist. I also do home visits.

My sessions are held at Mendip Chiropractic in the High Street, Shepton Mallet.


“I realize that just living my truth of what I am, there’s one less person to fight me in my own head.”



“Be a bush if you can’t be a tree. If you can’t be a highway, just be a trail. If you can’t be a sun, be a star. For it isn’t by size that you win or fail. Be the best of whatever you are.”



Gold Medals for Mental Health: Balancing the Podium and Wellbeing

The Olympic Games in Paris are a global spectacle, filled with extraordinary athletic feats and inspiring stories of dedication and perseverance. While we celebrate the triumphs of these incredible athletes, it's essential to remember that behind the scenes, they too face mental health challenges.

August is Altruistic August. A time to focus on the well-being of others, and what better way to do that than by looking after our own mental health? Just like athletes train their bodies, we too must train our minds for resilience.

The Pressure to Perform

The intense pressure to win, coupled with the scrutiny of the global spotlight, can take a significant toll on an athlete's mental health. This pressure is not exclusive to elite athletes; many of us experience similar pressures in our daily lives, whether it's at work, in relationships, or in personal goals.

Building Mental Resilience

Just as athletes build physical endurance through rigorous training, we can build mental resilience through self-care practices. Here are some tips to help you find your own mental gold:

• Prioritize self-care: Make time for activities you enjoy, whether it's reading, spending time in nature, or simply relaxing.
• Practice mindfulness: Being present in the moment can help reduce stress and anxiety.
• Build a support network: Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you.
• Set realistic goals: Celebrate small wins and learn from setbacks.
• Seek professional help: If you're struggling, don't hesitate to reach out to a mental health professional.

Remember, it's okay to not be okay. By prioritizing our mental health, we can achieve our personal best both on and off the field.

Let's use this Olympic spirit to inspire a culture of open conversation and support around mental health.

Alan Woollard
Your Mental Health Coach
Talk Therapy ~ Life Coaching ~ Hypnotherapy


Somerset Serenity: Nurturing Your Wellbeing

Living in the heart of Somerset, surrounded by stunning countryside and charming villages, it's easy to feel a sense of peace and tranquillity. Yet, even in this idyllic setting, life can sometimes feel overwhelming.

Whether you're battling the stresses of modern life, seeking to overcome past challenges, or simply looking to enhance your overall wellbeing, you're not alone. Many people in Somerset experience similar emotions.

Everyone deserves to live a fulfilling and happy life. My approach combines the warmth and understanding of talk therapy, the goal-oriented focus of life coaching, and the transformative power of hypnotherapy to help you find your own path to serenity.

Let's work together to create a life that truly reflects the beauty and peace of our Somerset surroundings.

Please get in touch via [email protected] or by mobile, 07718975185.

Thank you.

Alan Woollard

Your Mental Health Coach & Hypnotherapist
Talk Therapy – Life Coaching - Hypnotherapy



Did you know that July 24th marks two important days in the UK mental health calendar: National Schizophrenia Awareness Day and Samaritans Awareness Day?

Understanding Schizophrenia:
Schizophrenia is a complex mental health condition that can affect a person's thoughts, emotions, and perceptions. While it's a serious illness, with proper treatment and support, people with schizophrenia can live fulfilling lives. This awareness day is a chance to learn more about the realities of schizophrenia, challenge the stigma surrounding it, and offer support to those affected.

Samaritans: Always Here to Listen ( )
On the same day, we recognize the invaluable work of the Samaritans, a charity providing 24/7 emotional support to anyone in distress. Whether you're struggling with schizophrenia, another mental health issue, or simply feeling overwhelmed, the Samaritans offer a safe and confidential space to talk.

Taking Action for Mental Health:
Here are some ways you can make a difference this July and beyond:

Educate yourself: Learn more about schizophrenia and how to support those living with it. Resources are available from Rethink Mental Illness [Rethink Mental Illness]

Donate or volunteer: Support the vital work of organizations like the Samaritans or mental health charities in your area.

Reach out: If you're struggling with your own mental health, remember you don't have to go it alone. Samaritans are available 24/7 on 116 123 (UK).

Listen without judgement: If someone you know opens up about their mental health, listen with compassion and offer support.

Talk openly: Talking openly about mental health helps break down stigma and encourages people to seek help.

Taking Care of Yourself:
Looking after your own mental health is vital. Here are some tips:

Seek professional help: If you feel you're struggling, talking to a therapist, life coach, or other mental health professional can make a big difference.

Maintain healthy habits: Regular exercise, healthy eating, and getting enough sleep are all important for mental wellbeing.

Connect with others: Strong social connections are essential for good mental health.

Practice self-care: Make time for activities you enjoy, like spending time in nature, reading, or listening to music.

"The brain is an organ like any other organ, and it can malfunction. Mental illness is not a personal failing." - Charles Barkley

Let's work together to create a more supportive and understanding environment for everyone experiencing mental health challenges. Please get in touch if you like to have my help with your mental health. I offer Talk Therapy, Life Coaching and Hypnotherapy.



"I realized that I don't have to be perfect. All I have to do is show up and enjoy the messy, imperfect, and beautiful journey of my life."



Don't Get Sent Off: How to Survive Euro 2024 Without Losing Your Mind

With the football in full flow, I thought a mental health post was due to help everyone cope.

For the Fanatic Fan:
• Channel your passion positively: Support your team with enthusiasm but remember it's just a game. Avoid getting into heated online arguments or letting the outcome ruin your day.
• Pace yourself: Take breaks from the constant barrage of matches. Schedule social activities that aren't football-focused and get some fresh air to avoid screen fatigue.
• Mindful match-watching: Practice deep breathing exercises during tense moments. Celebrate with loved ones but avoid unhealthy coping mechanisms like excessive drinking or overeating.

For the Football-Averse:
• Negotiate a truce: Talk to your partner or housemates about compromise. Maybe dedicate certain times for watching matches and establish "no-football zones" in the house.
• Find your own joy: While the Euros dominate the airwaves, explore alternative programming. Dive into a gripping documentary series, indulge in a good book, or plan an activity outside the house.
• Embrace the atmosphere: Even if you're not a fan, the Euros can be a vibrant cultural event. Use it as an opportunity to connect with friends who are passionate about the sport, enjoy the celebratory atmosphere in pubs, or try some international cuisine inspired by the competing countries.

For the Divided Household:
• Communication is key: Talk openly about preferences and expectations. Maybe schedule "football-free" evenings for shared activities or create a viewing schedule that accommodates both interests.
• Explore alternatives: Consider watching matches at a pub with friends or use the time for personal hobbies.
• Embrace the unexpected: Who knows, maybe the Euros will spark a newfound interest in the beautiful game!

Remember: Euro 2024 is temporary, but your mental well-being is not. I can offer talk therapy, life coaching, and hypnotherapy to help you manage stress, improve communication, and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

Contact me today on 07718975185 to book a consultation, and let's create a winning strategy for a stress-free Euros!


It's (Almost) June! Taking Stock and Prioritising You (& Helping Others)

It's the last day of May, and what a whirlwind it has been! Whether you are racing towards deadlines, juggling summer plans, or just feeling the post-Bank Holiday slump, it's easy to forget to check in with yourself.

Here in the UK, June brings a renewed focus on well-being with Volunteers' Week (June 1st-7th) kicking things off! Did you know volunteering has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and even improve cognitive function? It's a win-win for both the community and your own mental health.

Speaking of community, a huge shout-out to all the amazing volunteers working on the old Strawberry Line and other disused railway lines around us! Their hard work clearing and landscaping will soon create a beautiful traffic-free path for walkers and cyclists to enjoy the stunning Somerset countryside. I, for one appreciate your efforts.

So, take a deep breath and ask yourself:
• How am I really doing?
• Am I feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or simply lacking motivation?

Remember, you don't have to navigate these challenges alone.

Here is where I can help:
I offer Mental Health Coaching, combining Talk Therapy, Life Coaching, and Hypnotherapy to create a personalised plan for your well-being.

Together, we can:
• Identify and address the root causes of stress, anxiety, or low mood.
• Develop coping mechanisms for everyday challenges.
• Set goals and build a positive outlook.
• Explore the power of hypnotherapy for lasting change.

This June, make a commitment to your mental health. It's an investment that pays dividends for your entire life.

Get in touch today for a chat or a consultation and let us create a brighter, healthier future for you.

P.S. Share this post with someone who might need a reminder to prioritise their well-being!


Did You Know Your Brain is Like a Buggy Fitness Tracker?

We all know the frustration of a fitness tracker that glitches and gives us inaccurate step counts. Well, guess what? Our brains can be a bit like that too!

Sometimes our thoughts and behaviours get stuck on repeat, giving us a skewed perception of ourselves and the world. That's where therapy comes in!

Here in the UK, we're right in the middle of Mental Health Awareness Week (May 13th-19th) . It's a great time to focus on moving our minds as well as our bodies!

So, how can therapy help you "reboot" your mental fitness tracker?

Talk Therapy: Provides a safe space to unpack those negative thought patterns and develop healthier coping mechanisms. ️

Life Coaching: Helps you set goals, overcome obstacles, and build the life you truly desire.

Hypnotherapy: Can help reprogram your subconscious mind for positive change, like reducing anxiety or improving sleep.

Just like that satisfying moment of resetting your tracker and seeing an accurate count, therapy can help you get back on track with your mental well-being!

Ready to hit that "restart" button? Get in touch to discuss your unique needs and how I can help. Just send me a message and let's get started!

Aphantasia: ten years since I coined the term for lacking a mind’s eye – the journey so far 04/04/2024

Aphantasia: ten years since I coined the term for lacking a mind’s eye – the journey so far Around 4% of the population are unable to see things in their mind’s eye. Except when they are dreaming.


Talk It Out: How Communication Can Be Your Secret Weapon Against Stress

Stress. It's a small word that carries a heavy weight. In the hustle and bustle of daily life, feeling overwhelmed and on edge is all too common. But what if I told you there's a simple (yet powerful) tool readily available to help you combat stress?


Why We Bottle Up and How It Hurts

Sometimes, stress builds because we keep it bottled up inside. We might be afraid to burden others, unsure how to express ourselves, or simply not know where to begin. This internal struggle can manifest as physical tension, anxiety, and even anger. Imagine a pressure cooker – the longer you keep the heat on without releasing the steam, the more likely it is to explode.

The Power of Talking It Out

Communication, whether verbal or written, allows us to release that built-up pressure. Here's how:

Clarification: Talking through a stressful situation can help us gain clarity on the issue. By verbalising our thoughts and feelings, we can often see things from a different perspective.

Validation: Sharing our struggles with a trusted friend, family member, or therapist can provide much-needed validation. Knowing someone understands and empathises can be incredibly calming.

Problem-Solving: Effective communication allows us to brainstorm solutions with others. Two (or more!) heads are often better than one, and the support of others can make tackling challenges feel less daunting.

Finding Your Voice: Techniques to Help You Communicate Effectively

While the benefits are clear, communication can feel difficult, especially when stressed. Here are some tips:

"I" Statements: Use "I" statements to express your feelings without blaming others. For example, "I feel overwhelmed when..." instead of "You're making me stressed."

Active Listening: When someone is talking to you, truly listen. Pay attention to both their words and body language.
Find the Right Outlet: Not everyone feels comfortable talking face-to-face. Consider writing in a journal, expressing yourself creatively, or even talking to a therapist.

How I Can Help: Mental Health Therapies for Stress Management

As a mental health professional offering Hypnotherapy, Talk Therapy, and Life Coaching, I can help you develop the communication skills you need to manage stress effectively. Whether you need a safe space to vent, guidance on expressing yourself assertively, or tools to navigate difficult conversations, I can be your partner on your journey to a calmer, more stress-free you.

April is Stress Awareness Month, so it is a great time to prioritise your mental well-being. Don't let stress win.
Reach out today and let's talk about how I can help.

Kind Regards,

Alan Woollard
Your Mental Health Coach

Talk Therapy ~ Life Coaching ~ Hypnotherapy

Mental health 01/03/2024

Weathering the Storm: Tips for Mental Wellbeing in the UK's Gloomy Days

Let's face it, folks, the UK's recent weather has been... well, let's just say it's not exactly sunshine and rainbows. The constant rain and chilly temperatures can definitely dampen our spirits, impacting our mood and overall mental wellbeing.

But fear not! Just like the clouds eventually part, there are ways to navigate these grey days and maintain a sense of peace and positivity. Here are some tips to help you weather the storm:

Embrace the indoors:

Cozy up with a good book or movie: Curl up with a captivating story or a film that brings you joy. Escape to a different world and let your worries fade away for a while.

Light some candles and create a calming atmosphere: Dim the lights, light some scented candles, and put on some calming music. Create a haven of relaxation within your own home.

Connect with loved ones virtually: Even though the weather might not be ideal for venturing out, you can still connect with friends and family through video calls.

Mind your body:

Maintain a healthy routine: Stick to regular sleep and eating schedules, even if you feel less motivated. Your body thrives on consistency, and this can positively impact your mood.

Exercise indoors: You don't need a gym membership to stay active. There are plenty of free online workout videos for all fitness levels. Even just some light stretches or dancing around your living room can get your blood pumping and boost your mood.

Eat nourishing foods: What you eat can directly affect how you feel. Opt for healthy meals and snacks rich in vitamins and minerals to fuel your body and mind.

Looking ahead with hope:

March brings a ray of sunshine (hopefully, metaphorically and literally!) with several important awareness days dedicated to mental health:

1st March: Self-Harm Awareness Day

10th March: World Kidney Day (mental health and kidney health are interconnected, so this is a good time to be mindful of your overall well-being)

18th March: World Sleep Day (getting enough sleep is crucial for mental health)

20th-26th March: Mental Health Awareness Week

These awareness days are a great opportunity to learn more about mental health, share resources with others, and break down stigmas surrounding mental wellbeing.

Remember, you are not alone in feeling the effects of the gloomy weather. By prioritizing your mental health and finding ways to nurture yourself during these cold and wet days, you can emerge stronger and more resilient, ready to embrace the brighter days ahead.

Additional resources:

NHS Mental Health Services:

Let's keep each other company and stay strong, together.

Kind regards,

Alan Woollard
Your Mental Health Coach

Talk Therapy ~ Life Coaching ~ Hypnotherapy

Mental health Find information and support for your mental health.


How You Think Determines How You Feel

Good morning all!

Today, I'm diving into a topic that's not only near and dear to my heart but also something I've been passionate about for over a decade now: the incredible power of the mind over the body.

I like to read books to help my continual professional development, and my recent dive to me into Jo Marchant's thought-provoking audiobook, "The Power of Mind over Body." It was like a blast from the past.

Picture this: It's been ten years since I embarked on my journey into the world of mental health coaching and hypnotherapy. Back then, during my training, we delved deep into the mysterious realms of the mind, discussing everything from cognitive techniques to the fascinating placebo effect.

In "The Power of Mind over Body," Marchant explores the intricate relationship between our thoughts and our physical well-being. She dives into the placebo effect, shedding light on how our beliefs and expectations can influence our health outcomes.

Ah, the placebo effect – a phenomenon that never fails to blow my mind. In our training sessions, we explored how simply believing in a treatment, even if it's just a sugar pill, can lead to remarkable improvements in one's health. It's like magic, but real. And it got me thinking: if our minds have the power to trick us into feeling better, what else are they capable of?

Fast forward to today, and I'm still in awe of the mind's incredible abilities. As a mental health coach and hypnotherapist, I've witnessed first hand how our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions can shape our reality – and ultimately, our well-being.

In my hypnotherapy sessions, I often find myself saying, "How you think determines how you feel." And it couldn't be truer. Our thoughts have a profound impact on our emotions, our behaviours, and yes, even our physical health.

Take a moment to think about it. Have you ever noticed how your mood can affect your body? Maybe you've felt butterflies in your stomach before a big presentation or experienced tension headaches during periods of stress. These are just small examples of the mind-body connection in action.

But here's the thing: we're not powerless bystanders in this relationship. We can harness the power of our minds to promote healing, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being.

That's where hypnotherapy comes in. By tapping into the subconscious mind, hypnotherapy can help reframe negative thought patterns, release deep-seated emotions, and promote profound relaxation. It's like giving your mind a much-needed tune-up – and the results can be truly transformative.

So, whether you're struggling with anxiety, chronic pain, or simply looking to improve your mental health, remember this: you have the power to change your thoughts, and in turn, change your life.
As we journey through life, let's never underestimate the power of our minds. After all, how we think truly does determine how we feel.

Until next time, take care of yourselves – mind, body, and soul.

Kind regards,

Alan Woollard
Your Mental Health Coach

Talk Therapy ~ Life Coaching ~ Hypnotherapy


Valentine's Day: Navigating Love's Labyrinth When the Path Feels Lost

Ah, Valentine's Day. Hearts, chocolates, romantic dinners, and…a tangled web of emotions for those whose path to love feels a little less straightforward. Whether you're missing a loved one dearly, yearning for a partner, or wrestling with a relationship on the rocks, this day can feel like a spotlight on what's missing. But fear not, fellow travellers of love's labyrinth, for even in the shadows, there's beauty and hope to be found.

For the Hearts Holding Absence:
To those with an empty chair at the table, a silent phone screen, or a void where laughter used to dance, know that your love's echo still resonates. Celebrate it! Share stories, laugh at inside jokes, light a candle in their memory. Let the day be a tribute to the love that was, not a reminder of what's missing. And remember, grief is love with nowhere to go – channel it into acts of kindness for yourself and others, keeping their memory alive in the ripples of your compassion.

For the Lonely Wanderers:
For those on the solo trail, yearning for a hand to hold and a heart to share, don't let societal expectations dim your inner glow. This Valentine's Day, be your own best date! Pamper yourself with a luxurious bath, lose yourself in a captivating book, or embark on a solo adventure you've always dreamt of. Remember, true love begins with loving yourself fully and fiercely. And who knows, perhaps that self-love glow will attract the perfect companion when the time is right.

For the Couples Facing Storms:
To those battling the winds of misunderstanding, resentment, or distance, remember that even the sturdiest oak weathers storms. This Valentine's Day, focus on rebuilding bridges, not walls. Listen with open hearts, speak with gentle tongues, and rediscover the shared moments that first kindled your flame. Remember, love isn't always fireworks and rainbows; sometimes, it's about choosing each other through the drizzle, knowing that the sun will shine again.

But Wait, There's More!

Valentine's Day isn't just about romantic partnerships. It's about celebrating love in all its diverse forms. So reach out to your friends, your family, even your furry companions. Show them your love with a thoughtful gesture, a shared meal, or simply a heartfelt conversation. And remember, sometimes the most unexpected encounters blossom into the most beautiful kinds of love.

So, whether you're navigating loss, longing, or a rocky road, let this Valentine's Day be a reminder that love, in all its messy, beautiful complexity, is always there. It whispers in the quiet moments, shines in acts of kindness, and guides us, even when the path seems lost. So open your heart, embrace the labyrinth, and remember, sometimes the most rewarding journeys are the ones that lead us back to ourselves and the love that resides within.

Happy Valentine's Day, fellow travellers. May your path be filled with love, light, and the unwavering reminder that you are never truly alone.

Warm regards,

Alan Woollard

Your Mental Health Coach


What I learned in January 2024

Record Number of NHS Mental Health Referrals Accepted: Despite ongoing challenges, the NHS in January reported accepting a record number of mental health referrals (over 800,000), highlighting increased awareness and willingness to seek help.

"Green Exercise" Prescriptions to Improve Mental Health: Several GP practices in the UK are starting to prescribe "green exercise," like gardening or nature walks, for patients struggling with low mood or anxiety. Research suggests spending time in nature can significantly improve mental well-being.

The UK designated several new Marine Protected Areas, safeguarding valuable underwater habitats and biodiversity.

In a significant move to support vulnerable individuals, the UK government launched a £2 million program offering "lifeline" payments to survivors of domestic abuse in England and Wales. This initiative, starting from January 31st, provides one-off payments of up to £500 to help escape their abusers, followed by an additional £2,500 to aid in securing independent housing and rebuilding their lives. This program stems from a successful pilot led by the charity Women's Aid and aims to empower survivors and break the cycle of abuse.

The UK government announced a £93 million investment to support over 1,100 grassroots sports projects across the nation. This funding aims to improve facilities, promote participation, and foster a love for sports among people of all ages and backgrounds. This initiative is expected to benefit numerous local communities and encourage healthier lifestyles.

A positive step for women's health, 500,000 women in England gained access to more affordable hormone replacement therapy (HRT) starting from January 24th. This move reduces the prescription cost from £140.88 per year to around £20 per year, making this essential treatment more accessible for many women experiencing menopausal symptoms.

Quote - "Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounding yourself with as****es." - William Gibson

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As Mental Health Awareness week draws to a close, I urge you to not let this be the only week you think about your mental health, or indeed someone else's mental health.

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the power to turn a life around.”

Leo Buscaglia

Mental Health Awareness Week 2022 06/05/2022

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Please be advised that I will be increasing my Hypnotherapy rates at the end of January 2022.

My existing customers and anyone booking a consultation before the end of January 2022 will continue on the old rates.

Coming soon: Merryfield Life Coaching!


Make it yours!

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Our Story

Hi, I’m Alan Woollard, a fully qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist & Psychotherapist. My sessions are held at Mendip Chiropractic, High Street, Shepton Mallet, Somerset.

Videos (show all)

We were shown this video on the course last month. As well as learning lots we have fun too.



Mendip Chiropractic
Shepton Mallet

Opening Hours

Monday 7pm - 9pm
Tuesday 7pm - 9pm
Wednesday 7pm - 9pm
Thursday 7pm - 9pm
Friday 7pm - 9pm

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