Ann’s Yoga Lounge

Yoga for all abilities - Hatha, chilled Yin & relaxing Restorative Welcome to my page.

I am Ann Riddell, Yoga Teacher and Wellbeing Leader

I like to help ordinary people gain flexibility and openness in body and mind through daily Yoga and Meditation

Maybe you are feeling stuck or frazzled or starting to show signs of inflexibility. Maybe you feel as if you have no time for yourself. I can help you bring some peace and calm into your life

If you would like to chat, do get in touc


Finding balance

Here are a group of us testing our balance in half moon pose 🌙

We are not afraid to topple, to fall, and happy to be in our own sweet versions, remembering this is a practice not a performance

Often expecially wobbly for me if I look around to see how everyone is doing!

This is a great one to practice against a wall. Use the wall to support you and really lean into it with your body, shoulder and raised leg. Have your hand on a yoga brick. Feel truly supported and able to turn your gaze skywards and open through the ribs in a full expression of the pose

Improved balance and stability
Pain relief in your hips and back
Stress relief - a sense of focus & play
Improved digestion

Have a beautifully balanced day


Finding time and creating space are free and simple notions but we often cram our days full to overflowing

How about leaving a little more undone or better still taking on less so we can invite pauses in?

Creativity & new insight come in spaces we allow

I hope these spaces, or little breathers, allow you time to rest and just be for a while

May you be filled with calm and joy - who knows, maybe something beautiful will arise… 🌳

Let me know if this helps 🙏🏻

Wishing you a magical day ✨


Two of my lovely students embodying focus, trust, strength & friendship ⁣

Just some of the important qualities that yoga can facilitate ⁣

More than just a few stretches - a whole body & soul experience ⁣

A space to listen, explore, maybe change our thought patterns long after we’ve left our mat⁣

If classical Hatha Yoga is for you, I have these small & friendly classes Monday evenings, Tuesday & Friday mornings (online option too on Tuesdays)

How is your balance today? Why not find calm and steadiness in a tree pose today and let me know how you get on

🔗 to find out more, book a class


I have recordings of meditations on 𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘛𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘳 & it would be great if you could follow me on there. I am listed as Ann Riddell, Sleaford⁣

Insight Timer - #1 Free Meditation App for Sleep, Relaxation & More

This one is a loving kindness or metta meditation and designed for sending love to yourself and others

Here's the link

Finding time to just be and to meditate is especially important to me as I go through the grief, admin & decluttering process of my Dad's death

I hope this benefits you too 💕

Have a peaceful day⁣
Ann ⁣

🛎️ Follow me so you never miss my tips for no fuss yoga & mindfulness

🙏 Book in to one of my online or in person small yoga classes

✏️Let me know if shoulder & back un-hunching are something you/your workplace could benefit from

🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏾Request to connect with me. I’d love to know more about you


Me throwing a casual dancer pose next to a dancer-like statue

Here I'm obviously not warmed up so am just demonstrating elements of the pose without inviting in much of a lean or back extension but this graceful stretch can

improve balance, focus & posture
boost energy
build confidence
give you a sense of empowerment

Who doesn't want that?

In the studio I like to use a belt for an additional tricep stretch.

Make a foot sized loop in the belt and pop this around your right foot. Take the rest of the strap in your right hand, arm by your side. Then flip the strap over your right shoulder, elbow to the sky.
Then take your left arm up, bend at the elbow & walk both your hands down the belt, elbows pointing up, slowly lifting the foot.

Strengthens the feet, ankles, legs, core, back and arms.
Opens the front of the body, the chest, abdomen, hip flexors and the shoulders.

Is dancer one of your favourites?


What a wonderful holiday in Northumberland ❤️ Thanks to Lucy and Graham Riddell for making it special xx


For me this is a lot of what Yoga & my style of teaching it is about ⁣

The balance of Yin & Yang ☯️⁣
Doing & non-doing⁣

Both sides bringing a multitude of health benefits ⁣
🌟Energetically ⁣

Movement as we flow into our poses and then stillness as we pause, relax, ease and breathe….⁣

Movement as we stimulate, activate and encourage our bodies, building endurance, commitment and strength… stillness as we gain awareness, acceptance, humility⁣

…. Letting go, reflecting. simply being…


𝗕𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻 𝗮 𝗰𝗼𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗲 𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸? ⁣

Join me in trying this simple but effective pose as a coffee or lunch break ⁣

Sit at your desk/table with your feet flat on the floor, lean forward and place your folded arms on the desk ⁣

Rest your forehead on your arms, tuck in your chin a bit & close your eyes⁣

Breathe …. Allow the desk to support you, your arms, your head. your cares and worries… ⁣

Let the next few minutes of relaxation nourish you 😴⁣

Try it for three minutes & let me know how you get on⁣

I remember doing this during my school days when I returned from lunch & was waiting for the teacher to arrive⁣

Was that just me or did you used to do that too? ⁣


Is it time to unplug? 🔌⁣

Like computers & phones we work better too when we switch ourselves off for a while⁣

I enjoy going for a walk, being silent, reading, having a cup of tea, a soak in the bath ...
Plus there are my bliss out Sunday Afternoon Restorative Yoga classes and chilled and meditative Tuesday night Yin sessions 😊⁣

Are you a slave to your phone or laptop or constantly on the go?
What are you doing to switch off a bit today? ⁣


Fancy joining me for yoga in person/online?⁣


I invite you to take a moment to sit, close your eyes & see a happy image of yourself - the first one that comes up⁣

This is mine ⁣

Me in a yellow dress in a car park… out of all the moments I could have picked, this one came to mind 🍋 ⁣

However, not just any old car park - this was at the fabulous Rudding Park Hotel near Harrogate where I've been for a few family celebrations

What is the first happy image of you that comes up? What are you wearing/doing? ⁣

Have a happy day⁣


I hope you are building some leisure time into your day

If we look after ourselves & make time to rest we can attract more⁣

☺️ Calm ⁣
🌸 Ease⁣
😊 Contentment⁣

Both physically & emotionally ⁣

We view things / our loved ones with⁣
👀 Fresh eyes ⁣
🖼️ A new perspective ⁣
🩷 Understanding ⁣

What is your fave way to relax? ⁣
For me it involves in no particular order a cup of tea, a good book, a walk with Lucy plus some yummy Yin & Restorative Yoga 🧘‍♂️


Coming into triangle pose. My top tip is to take every stage (tilting, raising the upper arm etc) slowly and gradually invite in extension and opening

By deepening your breath you can sink a little deeper if you choose

Triangle pose activates your core muscles, encouraging balance & stability

As well as opening hips & shoulders, it helps to stretch & lengthen the spine, resulting in increased flexibility

Why not join one of my small friendly classes and enjoy exploring yoga with me ✨

Have a beautiful day

I offer in person but also online yoga for groups or individuals so you can fit in a practice around you
DM me for details


So grateful for this lovely testimonial

If you'd like to start or return to yoga I am happy to provide sequences to suit you and your body, whether in a small group, 1:1 or as part of a yoga in the workplace programme

You can see what I'm about by grabbing a free routine here or check out my class schedule for in person and online sessions


Love this shot of my delight at discovering kiwis 🥝 when visiting my daughter! ⁣

At the beginning of each yoga class I like to introduce a ‘thought for the day’ or we might think of one thing, one person and one event we are grateful for⁣

I invite you to consider 10 things you are grateful for⁣

10 things demands a piece of paper and 10 things is quite a list that we can look back on it and hopefully think ‘yes I am ok’, ‘life is not so bad’⁣

These 10 things can be small and ordinary & often don’t cost anything/much ⁣

Here’s what’s on my current list

🥝 All the wonders of nature, like the kiwis, and being able to get outside & enjoy them ⁣
☕️ The healing power of a cup of tea⁣
🛁 Ditto a warm bath⁣
🛏️ A cosy bed⁣
📖 A good book
🐶 The unconditional love of animals, especially little Lucy ⁣
♥️ The love & support of my family⁣
🥰 Chatting with friends over a coffee & sharing joys & worries ⁣
🧘🏽 Students booking a class or telling me they are benefiting from my yoga
🩺 Being mostly fit & healthy

I invite you to take a few minutes & come up with your 10 reasons to be grateful⁣

Let me know if you give it a go


Try to find time this month to slow down, pick some flowers and make looking after yourself a priority⁣

I’m taking 2 weeks off teaching to recharge my batteries - a generous week away & then a few extra days to dream & enjoy (well it might include a bit of decorating but I won’t be on so much of a time frame) ⁣

What have you got planned for August that will support you physically & mentally? ⁣

Are you going to slow down this month?


Me pictured here starting our seated yoga section with a little energy & breathwork

Hands in Gyan Mudra, the Seal of Knowledge

This is also known as the mudra of wisdom, because it joins the divine (thumb) with the self (index finger)

This is believed to

bring in knowledge & higher consciousness
expand possibilities
release us from limitations

It is calming and helps us find ease & focus

It may also
sharpen the brain
work positively on the nervous & endocrine systems

Why not give it a go?

No mat needed - just close your eyes/soften your gaze wherever you are sitting, plant your feet, lengthen your spine, shoulders down.
Now bring forefingers and thumbs to touch, resting the backs of your hands on your legs/lap

Breathe..... and then breathe some more, perhaps affirming to yourself

"I am open to possibilities'

Stay just a minute or take 5. How is that?


Thread the Needle Pose

This calming pose is great for all abilities

* opens the shoulders & stretches the spine
* helps relieve chronic shoulder or back pain

The support of the floor allows you to relax into the pose & focus on your breathing

Start on all fours with hips directly above the knees, shoulders over wrists, fingers spread
Tops of the feet rest on the earth

On an inhale, lift the right arm up to the sky and shine the heart up
Follow the arm with your gaze

On an exhale, slide the right arm through to the left bringing the right cheek and ear to the ground, gaze to the left

You have options for the left arm - either leave it where it is, stretch it forward or as in the photo, wind it round your back

There is also the option to play with your balance by extending the left leg back behind you or out to the side (danger of toppling over!)

To release, retrace your steps to tabletop position. I like to sweep the right arm once again up to the sky, following it with your gaze & wrap it round your back for a couple of breaths

Repeat on the other side when you are ready

Interested in online yoga from the comfort of your home or workplace? DM me for details
Fancy experiencing a small friendly class? See my schedule of group sessions


Make sure you prioritise some time today to do something you love ❤️

Often if we put things off till later we never get round to them and another day goes by

What do you love and can you commit to find time for it? Today? Every day?

I guarantee if we do this we’ll be happier and so will the people around us who have to put up with our moods!😍

Wishing you a beautiful day
Namaste 🙏🏻


Photo of me with Graham in the background filming a live online yoga class whilst on holiday

Fortunately the wifi was good and strong

This picture makes me smile as we hula hoop out our hips

I know many of you are going on holiday and rather than miss your regular class you could perhaps tune in from your chalet and join us

Alternatively I can send you a recording for you to catch up with any time

Have a great day


I’ve found some summery graphics for this month’s affirmation design & particularly love the fun little crab 🦀⁣

I hope you are aiming high in the happiness stakes this month ⁣

How can you display your unique talents and be more authentically You? ⁣

Let me know if any of these resonate with you ⁣

Have a great start to the month


𝗔𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗺𝗲⁣

I just thought I’d post a bit about me & my story…⁣

After studying French & German at Uni, my working life started abroad and for 8 years I worked in Germany & Austria as a translator, interpreter and PA to a Sales Manager⁣

Arriving back in the UK I carried on with my language skills, working for translation agencies and teaching German at night school⁣

Once the kids came along this was no longer viable and I found a part time job in a school office (school hours & holidays - yay!)⁣

I’ve not lost my language proficiency, I just don’t use it much but am brushing up my French with Duo Lingo (love it!)⁣ and watch lots of German YouTube videos

Yoga came into my life before all of this at age 17 when I went to a weekly class for a year, attired in an emerald green leotard and matching leggings (think Green Goddess) ⁣

After that Yoga lay pretty much dormant (largely due to lack of available classes) although I was always doing something - aerobics, dance, Zumba, stretch & tone, cheerleading….⁣

Once Yoga sessions started popping up again I was back to my original favourite and caught the bug big style. Ultimately this led me to take Yoga Teacher Training in various disciplines⁣

I love the variety of both more active and more laid-back styles, Yoga tradition, Sanskritt (my language flair coming in handy here) and that it can be for everyone.⁣

People may say “Yoga is not for me, I can’t even touch my toes”. I say ‘’come to Yoga and you might just learn to’’⁣

However, Yoga isn’t just about stretching and improving flexibility. People may take it up to aid mobility but find that better sleep, less stress and a sense of calm that pervades long after the session are far greater rewards⁣

I hope to be able to offer these benefits and more to you⁣

For me it started in my teens as a non-competitive sporting activity…⁣

Then became a way of dealing with a stressful job… ⁣

Then as cross-training for running…⁣

Now it’s a way of life with part of my home converted into a Yoga studio⁣
⁣ ⁣
Let me know what drew you to yoga


When I feel overwhelmed with all that there is to do I ask myself

*Is this task really necessary?
*How can I make my life easier?
*Would I be better able to concentrate & make good decisions if I allow myself a break and then come back to it?

Asking for for help is a tricky one for me and something I am working on - I’ve always resisted it as it seemed like admitting defeat or a sign of weakness but I am trying to flip that around to be a strength, a sign of courage and a way to connect with others who are only too happy to help 😊

My saviours are yoga, meditation and running as ways of taking time out, clearing my thoughts and finding a positive place

Also for me, putting my feet up means just that - popping my legs up the wall for 10 minutes

How do you cope when things get tough?

Sending much love for a calm and peaceful week, Ann x


Me and husband Graham on our trusty steeds coming back from marshalling our local 10 mile running race on Saturday

For those of you local, did you enjoy Heckington Show, take part in the road race?

It was a hot one, wasn't it? But a fabulous turnout all round. There seemed to be bumper crowds in the show ground all having a good time

Till next year.....


Here’s my timetable showing regular weekly classes & our monthly specials

✨Restorative Yoga & cake on Sun 18th August

You can book in here for small, friendly group sessions in person & on line

Note that I am taking time off at the start of the month so our first August date is Fri 16th.

I also offer private classes & yoga for the workplace so do get in touch if that is something you are interested in⁣

See my bio for more 🔗⁣

Enjoy this new month - have you got some nice plans? ⁣


Today I invite you to think of a happy image of yourself

💗 1. what is one small thing that is good about your day?⁣

if things are tough = something simple & small⁣

For me it’s sipping a fabulous G&T! ⁣ But it could equally be a cup of strong black coffee, an Italian ice cream, the sun on my face, a hug, lick from my dog or a kind word..

💗 2. what feels good in your body? ⁣

This is a funny one. Automatically our attention goes to what doesn’t feel good, what is sore or aching, parts of us we don’t like … but let’s notice instead 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘭 & give thanks⁣

I am grateful that I'm not doing too badly for an old bird

Have a beautiful day


Wise words from the Dalai Lama

Do you agree?
✨Does a setback challenge you and spur you on?
✨Does a rejection set you on a different and better course?
✨Does not being able to afford a certain thing encourage you to be patient and save up or maybe count your blessings and be thankful for all that you DO have?

☀️For me I wanted to study English at Uni but was turned down and offered a place to do French & German instead - yay a year abroad (turned into 7) and a love of languages 🇫🇷 🇩🇪

If one door closes another opens

Wishing you a great day


I always do lots of Yoga for a Happy Back in my classes.
I have a slipped disc L3/4 and scoliosis at the top of the spine so anything that helps me I can pass on to you 😊⁣

𝗖𝗮𝘁-𝗰𝗼𝘄 🐈‍⬛ 🐄 ⁣

This accessible backbend stretches and mobilises the spine⁣

🐮 From all fours…
Take it slowly. Gently extend & open into cow, drawing the shoulder blades together and lifting heart, chin and tail⁣

🐈 Then fluidly flex & arch into an angry cat back with chin & pelvis tucked, the shoulder blades drawing apart⁣

Repeat a few times

As well as making for a happy back, this flow also stretches much of your torso, shoulders and neck

It encourages a mindful breathing pattern - inhale to cow, exhale to cat

You can alternately tuck (cow) & untuck (cat) your toes to work your feet too

Happy back & feet = happy days

I offer small group sessions and private 1:1 classes, yoga in the workplace etc
DM me for details of online yoga you can practise from anywhere


How about this?
Everybody and every experience is your teacher

How you react teaches you something

So if someone does something to annoy you 😡 think of them as your teacher

If something doesn’t go to plan 😑 listen to what that is teaching you

(You can swear first if you want to!) 🤣

Have a great day & keep learning 😊


My other love, aside from coffee, chocolate & Gin&Tonic (oh and my lovely husband, family & animals) is ⁣

❤️ Italian Ice cream 🍦🍓🍋🥭🍑🌰⁣

Sadly no good ice cream parlours nearby but so looking forward to tracking down a gelato soon & we’ve had a few glimpses here in the UK of nice weather to enjoy them⁣

Or I could just get the ice cream maker out of hibernation - strawberries, cream & sugar are all you need for a gorgeous one⁣

Are you an ice cream lover? ⁣
What’s your favourite flavour? ⁣


𝘈𝘯𝘯 𝘙𝘪𝘥𝘥𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘪𝘴 𝘢 𝘓𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘯𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘦-𝘣𝘢𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘥-𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘠𝘰𝘨𝘢 𝘛𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘏𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘢, 𝘠𝘪𝘯 & 𝘙𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘠𝘰𝘨𝘢 𝘪𝘯 𝘴𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘴 & 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘪𝘳 𝘠𝘰𝘨𝘢 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦


I like to start & end my yoga classes with a thought to contemplate

It’s a way of taking yoga off the mat and into our day, connecting with our spiritual/emotional self as well as our physical one

Today let’s embrace our own imperfections and consider the idea that even if things aren’t going to plan, if everything’s a bit chaotic and going a bit pear-shaped (perhaps we ourselves have gone a bit pear-shaped! - more cake anyone?) we can still find happiness

What is making you smile today?

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Back from our hols - Northumbria you have been beautiful ❤️
𝗕𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻 𝗮 𝗰𝗼𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗲 𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸? ⁣⁣Join me in trying this simple but effective pose as a coffee or lunch break ⁣⁣Sit at your ...
A mini practice - just 4 minutesDo in your lunchtime (or any time)No fuss, no yoga gear neededEnjoy a bit of a stretch o...
A tip for you - how to make Downward Facing Dog feel more comfortable using 2 yoga blocks or books to extend your armsBe...
Fuss-free (not fuzz-free as the caption suggests!) yoga stretch for our long back muscles ⁣⁣= supported half downward fa...
Mini StretchTake just a minute to make a difference to your shoulders & side bodyLet me know if you give it a whirl Ann
𝗕𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻 𝗮 𝗰𝗼𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗲 𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸? ⁣⁣Join me in trying this simple but effective pose as a coffee or lunch break ⁣⁣Sit at your ...
A mini practice - just 4 minutesDo in your lunchtime (or any time)No fuss, no yoga gear neededEnjoy a bit of a stretch o...
A tip for you - how to make Downward Facing Dog feel more comfortable using 2 yoga blocks or books to extend your armsBe...
Free Yin Yoga Taster Classes
Free Yoga Nidra Sessions this week
Thoughtful Thursday





4 Hall Close

Other Yoga & Pilates in Sleaford (show all)
The British Wheel of Yoga The British Wheel of Yoga
25 Jermyn Street

Three local organisations have come together in a unique collaboration to offer people FREE yoga classes.

Jo Yoga UK Jo Yoga UK
Sleaford, NG347QQ

I empower women & children to live their best life, connect to themselves and find joy through Yoga💚

British Wheel of Yoga Training British Wheel of Yoga Training
25 Jermyn Street
Sleaford, NG347RU

British Wheel of Yoga Training offers Ofqual-regulated, Level 4 yoga teacher training qualifications

Anna Fornal Yoga Anna Fornal Yoga
Sleaford, NG340SU

Safe and accessible Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga & Yoga Nidra classes, Yoga Events, Corporate &1:2:1 sessions

Titanium Therapies and Fitness Titanium Therapies and Fitness
Quarrington Park
Sleaford, NG34

Swedish and Sport Specific & Trauma Massage Therapist *PT & Yoga instructor and Retreat organiser

The Happy Yogi The Happy Yogi

Online yoga classes for all ages and abilities.