Re-Treat CBD

Re-Treat is an organisation of family and friends split across the UK, California and Oregon. We pro


Featured products.
I thought I’d start doing a talk or two a week in the products until they are gone. I cover here :

the difference between a capsule and an Oil!

Topicals and how they work

Agarikon mushroom and it’s anti viral properties

Enjoy. Excuse me but take me as you find me. It’s a whole level of freedom not giving a f**k what people think 😂😘

Photos from Re-Treat CBD's post 09/01/2022

This automatic bottle and jar labelling machine cost me £509 amd I used it to do one lot of bottles.

I’m selling it for a quick sale £150 collection only

Photos from Re-Treat CBD's post 07/01/2022

My greatest fear in life was to be ostracised from@my children. Probably the reason I never had any until late. Well I find myself exactly that. It’s a tough gig. One where I’ve learned so so much about myself. So much about the inner demons that weremt@slain inly mortally wounded and all it took to pull them to freedom again was this worst fear to be realised. But stronger !! Am I!! Yes I am. Life throws blessings and lessons. Nothing else. Miss this man so so much. Zain Gabriel bennett. I’ve not touched his skin since august. Not smelled his hair. It’ll pass. Just to miss these formative months has been awful. Sunlight is only experienced after darkness or storms and how glorious it is. My kids my soon to be ex wife. I only lived as I knew how.

Ladies Remeber that. Men are living you in the way they were taught and deciphered it the only way they knew how. To live hard is to also fall hard but it’s how we get back up with a dusting off and moving forward with shoulders square and head up. Zain .01 .ella_bennett.xx Liz. What is live. Whatever it is we did and still do our best. An emperor also day for me.

Photos from Re-Treat CBD's post 05/01/2022

Ahh well my new nephew Reggie Richards was born today. He’s so beautiful. Congratulations  to my lol sis Natalia Bennett and Stuart Richards. Hey he also looks a right handful. Liam Bennett he’s coming for you already 😂

So chuffed for you. # # #

Photos from Re-Treat CBD's post 24/12/2021

I would love to add “”forever”” And I thought it was. But alas it wasn’t meant too be. Driven home not by myself. So if you have a family, cherish it this year and every day you can because you just don’t know when the rig will be ripped from under you and life seemingly decimated.

Stay strong I’m told regularly!
I ask, have you ever had your heart utterly broken? I mean really broken, to the point that you frelyour having a heart attack

I am happy. Now !! Each day is very different.

When someone leaves someone DO NOT LEAVE FHAT PERSON IN SILENCE.

It’s the worst thing a human being can go through. It’s so much worse than losing someone to the grave because you watch your life being lived without you.

I see so many posts saying
”ahh why didn’t he talk to someone “ “speak to someone” yet when men do they are told to stop talking like that etc etc. Well, cherish what you’ve got while you have it. You never know what’s around the corner.

Love your family and love those that cherish you.


(Edit: thanks excuse the missing bridge of teeth accident 49 years ago) 😂😂😂

Samantha Thomas Paul and JACOB. thank you so so much for being part of my journey if I take anything off this planet with me it will be the indelible memory and the mark of LOVE you guys put in my heart. Thank you for believing in us and thank you for being my friends. Looking forward to the dinner Sam. You recko I’ve never tasted a dinner like it. Ha. I hope so. Can’t wait. Take care and diolch.


Photos from Re-Treat CBD's post 04/12/2021

Hey guys. I’m having a big sale. Trying to move some surplus stock. I’m offering all products for less than cost to me.
Needs must and Christmas is coming. They would make a great Christmas present to someone and also a great Christmas present for me to be able to get pressies for my kids etc. M@as you all or most of u know, I lost my shop. The website got bugged and doesn’t function properly. If you interested pleas dm me and if you don’t mind share it for me please.

Thx Ade x

Photos from Re-Treat CBD's post 24/11/2021

This was my worst accident. Hit 3 kickers and saw there was one more that had been shut and the barrier had fallen. Too Fast, Couldt bail, all Balls No skills. I apparently , according to mates , came down from 18-20 feet on my head. Loss of memory and any brain cohesion. The hospital in the town below les arcs , we’re amazing. Brain scan and home by 6 pm. Lol.

Someone’s still looking for my brain 😂😂

Scan was inconclusive. 😝

Just reminiscing

Photos from Re-Treat CBD's post 04/11/2021

Friends are for life not just for Christmas. Dualistically volatile. If friends can’t fall out and make up then they are not your friend. Simple. Jodie Lloyd

Fu**in star , we may have our mad moments but Leo’s will be Leo’s babay!!! Ha

Love ya chook x


As some of you know. I’m off to California to live. Need all this gone ASAP as the move just got ramped up last night so will be going shortly. If interested please DM me and we can discuss prices etc.



I will be closing this account in a week.

Is anyone interested in approx £60,000 of CBD and MUSHROOM stock for £10k. No offers.


1 week until it all@goes in the bin

Photos from Re-Treat CBD's post 18/10/2021

Vintage boards. Getting rid as I can’t carry them@where im@going. DM if interested.

1983 Tony Hawk

1988 Jeff Kendal pumpkin edifition

DM if interested. Also other bits to go. Watches etc.


The god your looking for is crucified right on the back of your head. Can any of u see the. Ac of your head. Nope. will tear down the veil they talk about


Dog fancies a walk so we came to see some more dogs



Early hours skate. Lovely and peaceful


Well. A very different birthday this year. The mourning has passed. Into acceptance now. F**k I love my kids. Sonnice. They invited me to the beach for a party and we have Zain Gabriel Bennett and my beautiful first born crazy girl and my elegant daughter .ella_bennett.xx
So eleoquent wand so so wise. All of them.

Also wanna give a big shout out to my beautiful snazzy friend. And I mean friend. you been class for me this week girl. So much wisdom from such young lady 😉 love you girt and love you all. It’s been tough bit I’m climbing out. The next chapter will be exciting for me

Married at 24
Divorced at 48
Sounds like I’m gonna die at 72
Haha. The universe has plans. F**k depression. It was useful to go through it Butt the price is the knowledge of yourself. Tough place to be. You can pull through if your reading this , I have and I’m sure I’ll have to do it Again sometime.
Th is is the best birthday of my life.


Case FIRMLY rested. It’s coming back in a couple months. Guess what they’ll call it? 😂

Very soon influenza will become a bu****it conspiracy theory like the immune system is becoming. Your tonsils. All these things . I’d say at least 95 % of the 7 BILLION humans on the planet have no clue what the TONSILS do. It’s laughable that we aren’t taught this in school. Or boys aren’t taught that if they ej*****te more than once a week they lose all TESTOSTERONE AND ZINC and flood oestrogen , yes Bois, wanking more than once a week. Your a f**kin woman inside. If you abstain 6 days you increase zinc and testosterone by 40-46% , yes you’ll become a man at last. You’ll smell@like a man. Pheromones dick Ed. Sort your chemistry out and turn the s**t off eh. 🍆 💦 😉


**ked ***ic ****it

Photos from Re-Treat CBD's post 28/07/2021

Who says you have to be a conventional parent.

I’ll tell you who. The fu**in establishment. Passed down to us the people through the box in your house that needs Satan’s horns on top of it.

Tell A Vision 📺 Take your mind back.

When your told your unpredictable and paranoid and resistant, by sheep, then now this my friends.


So be the black sheep. Be different. Just don’t be S**T!

When you have a LOVE inside you like I do for this utterly breathtaking trillion cell cluster
Who chose to be with me in Themis time space continuum, Then only you or I know what that is like. I would lay my neck balls legs arms in the block for my children. Their health and their future. Don vaccinate your kids. You’ll thank me later. I promise. If not. Take my fu**in head I say. # # #

Pure love

Throw me to the wolves And I’ll come back leading the pack

Awoooo!!! 🐺

Photos from Re-Treat CBD's post 27/07/2021

I AM eternally grateful

I AM healing

Thank you pachamama , thank you to the earth that yields Herself to us. If only we’d yield ourselves to Her?

The morning rises with healing in His wings. We have all we need in this moment.

I am lost for words to describe what really happened this weekend with the supernaturally gifted people that took REAL CARE of me

When you hear the cliche


Well Peter my brother , born again, truly born again.

Now The Real Work Begins………💙

🇮🇪 ❤️

💙Ayaini I Truly Love You 💙


Hey guys. We have loads of beautiful baby boys clothes free to anyone that wants them. They are amazing quality. Mini Boden etc etc.

Zain would love to give them to a fellow traveler haha. So please dm me. We have so much and it’ll keep coming. Enough to bring 4 babies into the world. People really blessed us when he was born. We didn’t buy a thing. 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍


Gonna be open today at 11.15 as family matters have got in the way of me arriving on time sorry.


We stock everyone of these here. All our powders are activated mycelium. There are so many benefits to using mushrooms safely. A very very small % are psychedelic and people assume because we sell cannabis medicine we are serving psychedelics (I wish 😎🍄) but we are not. We also hold and others. Check our website or call the shop on 01792 460901
Our hours are funky at the moment but we are in and out as demand rises and falls. Get your immune boosted for this winter especially if you’ve worn a mask all summer and avaoided outdoors as much as healthy has told you to do. Immunity is key to overcoming most viral issues. Nothing ventured nothing gained.


I have no clue anymore and no idea what the people employed by the people think they are actually doing. Anyway enough about the circus and it’s clowns.

WE ARE OPEN. We were told that we were not ESSENTIAL during the last lockdown and were told if we didn’t close we would never trade again. Bastards. Anyway we were told that if we put a COFFEE take away I. We can operate in a lockdown as COFFEE IS ESSENTIAL (taxation?? )

So we are open after investing all our finances as a family into it so let’s see what happens this time because the “AUTHORITIES” that be evidently are feckin clueless.

Onward and upward.

Photos from Re-Treat CBD's post 06/10/2020

So this is the farm we work with in Oregon. It’s owned and run by my close friend James Neale, botanical genius doesn’t quite cut it. This is our crop of UK legal CBG. His words are “it’s the best looking cannabis I have ever grown” the trichimes are off the chart and just look at those pistols. But if that’s not enough then take in that backdrop. Sometimes Elk come visit us at the fence. Also the school bust is for the overflow of travelling workers to stay at whilst working the farm.
This place is my bliss. To feel the silence and beauty is easy. I have never felt more at home than here in Williams Oregon.

We have over 1/2 a ton available this year and will be offering samples to prospective Uk and European stockists alike. Please DM if you are interested.
CBG is the parent cannabinoid to both THC and CBD so whilst cbg prcursers into these cannabinoids , by growing in this pattern we are able to retain the genesis of both CBD and THC and add to that the CBG we have a product that is changing lives. That’s the feedback. We went through 16oz in a couple of short weeks and people really love it. A ya way enough of that. Just look at those wonderful medicinal beauties. Cannot wait 😬

Photos from Re-Treat CBD's post 23/09/2020

We are open still. Plus, we Should be through the upcoming lockdown that seems to be inevitable. The police told us if we sold coffee we will be classed as essential but medicinal CBD and medicinal mushrooms aren’t quite enough to have the prominence over a nice latte. So adapted we did. Let’s hope the family investment pays off during this weird weird time. Love you guys, thanks for all your super support over time. That’s what it’s all about. Creating a new world together, hopefully, somehow without money as we know it. One ☝️ lives in hope 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚

Photos from Re-Treat CBD's post 15/08/2020

23 years married to this ultra woman. What we did was met, married and then proceeded to allow each other use life itself to find each other in the eternal sense, to “actually” find out what it is to be a spiritual being having an human experience and to know that when we are gone ⚰️ we are already there with each other!! Over and over until.…

But I love her and fancy the fu**in ass off her more than the day I set eyes on her. To have the three marvellous children we have is just wordless.

When I walked into rehab a ju**ie, 26 years ago, with only a 40 inch pair of jeans to my name a pair of shoes and only a jumper, I was asked what I wanted out of life and my answer was “ just a normal life with a beautiful family well I’ve had one slam dunked but f**k me notmal, 😂😂😂😂 I’ll now go out with my boots on fire screaming again again ……

Life’s a fu**in trip people. It can be looked at as bad normal or exhilarating. Your choice. I see it as all of the above 🙏🏽💚 oh and I’m 47 in the same day. 70 💚 70 💚 70


Photos from Re-Treat CBD's post 07/08/2020

Coffee machine READY!!

Cannabis gladiators READY!!
Mushroom gladiators READY!!

We will be stocking plus stunning homemade Eadible treats. Did I say I was a fine dining chef for 13 years……

Let’s av it!!!

@ Swansea City Centre

Photos from Re-Treat CBD's post 01/08/2020

🔥🔥🔥TRUTH 🔥 🔥🔥

Photos from Re-Treat CBD's post 31/07/2020

Now we are open, we are so pleased to have some of the amazing prints here and will be getting some more to show.
We have coffee coming soon and also some nolew products dropping out the sky anytime now. New oils, V**e carts and Eadible delights.

Cheeky commute on the Harley. First time out for 8 months. Beautiful. I actually forgot about the plandemic for a min. 😂🙌

Things ain’t the busiest and if we were reliant on footfall we’d be in trouble but we aren’t and are loving being a centre where folk can come, chill, have a chat and not always purchase. It’s cool. These products without any form of therapy and decisive action are only touching the surface. Talk is good. So pop in say hello, check us out and support local wherever you can. 💚💚

🇬🇧 @ Swansea, United Kingdom

Photos from Re-Treat CBD's post 26/07/2020

Fully open as of midday tomorrow , Monday 27th. We will be stock taking and cleaning down until then.

Very excited to be back doing what I love. Seeing people heal

🇬🇧 @ Swansea, United Kingdom

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Videos (show all)

Featured products. I thought I’d start doing a talk or two a week in the products until they are gone. I cover here :the...
(Edit: thanks excuse the missing bridge of teeth accident 49 years ago) 😂😂😂Samantha Thomas Paul and JACOB. thank you so ...
As some of you know. I’m off to California to live. Need all this gone ASAP as the move just got ramped up last night so...
Dog fancies a walk so we came to see some more dogs #governmentcorruption #fuckthepolice
Early hours skate. Lovely and peaceful #mikemcgill #powelperalta #tonyhawk #oldfella #oldskool #skaterdad
Well. A very different birthday this year. The mourning has passed. Into acceptance now. Fuck I love my kids. Sonnice. T...



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