
Reiki ~ Sound ~ Meditation


Attention nature mummas 🌱 Our Mother Nature Circle at Geilston Garden is now starting at 12 noon. We will spend around an hour in circle, beginning with some rhythmic breathing and guided meditation to ground us into our bodies and the magical Autumnal surroundings. We will then explore the beautiful Mother Nature card deck and each person will have some time to share anything that may have surfaced for them. We will very gently return to the threshold of the circle with some free flow, where you will be invited to connect with the elements in a way that best suits you. All mummas are welcome whether you are a new mum, mum to be, grandmother, grieving mother... all of you is welcome! Babies in arms are also welcome (pre crawling)

Photos from Triskele's post 11/04/2024

Motherhood is a journey to say the least. It comes hand in hand with the full spectrum of human emotions and feelings. They say that it takes a village to raise a child but the truth is that it takes a village to raise a Mother. When we raise Mother’s up, the ripple effect is felt for generations and the same can be said about the destruction of a Mother. The sad thing is that in our modern world we have forgotten about the sacredness of Motherhood. The Rites of Passage that should be celebrated throughout Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum. This leaves a lot of mummas floating in the wind, feeling lost and disconnected.
I am one of those mums! What I can say is that nature has played a huge part in guiding me back to wholeness.
When I stopped facilitating circles just before the birth of Oran, I was planting seeds for nature based circles for Mother’s (and their children). I discovered the Mother Nature Project when Oran was a few months old and I knew that this was exactly what I was meant to do. I am one very small step away from accreditation!

Mother Nature Circles offer an intimate, safe and judgment free space for mothers to gather and connect. The deck of cards is absolutely beautiful, and take you on their own journey. Each card offers you a unique opportunity to delve into your inner world and unpack anything that’s in there. Be it rage, tears, joy, grief, laughter…Anything and everything is possible.
What I love most about this concept is that the cards hold the space and lead the circle. Meaning I am literally just there as a guide/gatekeeper.
This will be a very real and raw space where all of you is welcome. We are not the love and light brigade!

Expect song, poetry, intuitive art, ancestral crafts, and lots of beautiful feminine flow.

I am yet to decide on a venue, however, I am open to suggestions as the cards can go absolutely anywhere.

Open to all Mothers in whatever stage of Motherhood you may be ❤️

Photos from Triskele's post 17/07/2022

Full Moon Closing Ceremony
10th September at The Reiki Love Club
7pm till 9ish (maybe later)

Donation based and open to those of you who have been joining these circles regularly (not for newcomers)

Join me for our final Lunar Healing Circle 💗
What a beautiful journey we have been on together over the last year. Words cannot describe how life changing these groups have been for me and I will truly treasure the time we’ve shared in circle forever.
Our closing ceremony is simply a chance for us to come together to weave the final threads of our beautiful healing web. A web that will keep us all connected no matter where life takes us.

Expect breath-work, guided meditation and more ✨

Contact me via messenger to book your space 💗


Upcoming Women’s Lunar Healing circles

July 13th - Fully booked

No other groups in July

Full Moon August 11th 7pm - Fully booked

New Moon August 27th 7pm - 1 space

Final gathering - 10th September Full Moon 💗
Not available to book yet.
This circle will be a closing ceremony for those of you who have been with me on this Lunar Healing journey from the very beginning. How apt to finish on a full moon too! It will be a special night, to mark the end of a beautiful cycle ❤️

All bookings to be made via


A little update ✨


Always ❤️

For anyone who might feel nervous about coming to our circles... I invite you to step out of your comfort zone because in that you will find so much comfort in the beautiful souls that you meet and the energy shared at each circle.

I was sorting through my diary and discovered that there are only 8 groups left before It’s time to nest and prepare for the little one coming! That includes tonight and our fully booked New Moon Circle… it shocked me to say the least 😅

I love holding this space, it truly is such an honour and something I cherish dearly. I am so incredibly grateful to those who support me and make this possible. There are a number of women who show up to mostly every circle and have done for a long time now. You know who you are and you have played a huge part in helping me to build the foundations of something that is incredibly special.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️


6 spaces left for our Womens New Moon Reiki group on 30th May at The Reiki Love Club 💫


Pregnancy Reiki 💫

Reiki offers safe, gentle and non invasive holistic support during pregnancy and can be used at any stage, bringing a number of incredible benefits to both mother & baby. I have been incredibly lucky to work with a number of pregnant women over the last few years and it is something I am really keen to do more of, especially due to the lack of care and support that is out there during pregnancy & the postnatal period.

Reiki benefits include;

* Relief of common discomforts such as exhaustion and nausea
* Supporting the body as it grows and changes
* Enhances the bond between mother and baby
* Naturally reduces stress, anxiety and fear which has a profound impact throughout pregnancy, especially during labour and postnatally
* Better sleep and increased energy
* Hormonal support

The Hartford Hospital in Hartford, Connecticut conducted tests in a clinical setting during pregnancy involving the use of just the simplest form of Reiki. These showed:
* Reduced stress and anxiety during pregnancy by 94%
* Reduced pain by 78%
* Nausea and morning sickness reduced by 80%
* Quality of sleep was improved by 86%

If you would like to know more or have any questions please feel free to get in touch 💗


After what has felt like the longest time off I am delighted to announce that I am finally back open for 1-1 sessions 🧚🏻‍♀️ Reiki Level One courses will be back once I have found my flow again 💫


✨ Upcoming Lunar Healing Circles ✨

Saturday 30th April New Moon - 1 space

Monday 16th May Full Moon - 6 spaces

Monday 30th May New Moon - 8 spaces

All bookings can be made via



April Lunar Healing Circles at The Reiki Love Club

Full Moon - Saturday 16th April - 7pm - 2 spaces left

Book via

I am so excited to continue holding space at this year. Each month on the New Moon & Full Moon I gather with beautiful souls so that I can help them to connect with themselves through guided meditation, breath work & energy healing.
We spend time honouring Grandmother Moon and weaving threads of the ancient ways and ancestral wisdom. Keeping Mother Natutre in the Heart of our circle at all times.

I can’t express how beautiful it is to gather with likeminded souls. Sitting in circle is so incredibly healing and has an impact that is greater than words can describe.

There is nothing I love more than seeing the light behind someone’s eyes as they begin remembering who they are and why they are here. To see people returning to the wild, the wild within us all and the beautiful wilderness around us.

My wish for 2022 is that we all return together, back to our hearts and souls, as we heal the wounds that keep us stuck in fear and division.

Sending so much love to you all ✨❤️✨

Photos from Triskele's post 25/02/2022

I have two spaces left for Reiki Level 1 on April 3rd ❤️


Dear Reiki Students,
Events taking place in Ukraine are in need of Reiki. Russia’s president has declared war on the Ukraine. Therefore, I am calling on all Reiki people all over the world to begin sending Reiki to the situation. Please focus on peace as you say prayers and send Reiki to the people in Ukraine and to the leaders who are involved with the situation there.
Please forward this message to all the Reiki practitioners and teachers you know.
Thank you for your help.
William Lee Rand
The International Center for Reiki Training

Photos from Triskele's post 22/02/2022

I absolutely loved teaching my first Reiki Level One group today ❤️ I have been SO nervous for this day and I feel so incredibly blessed to have shared it with such wonderful beings who made it so easy for me to step into this role ❤️ Forever grateful ✨ Thank you for letting us use your beautiful space 🧚🏻‍♀️


As Healing Fae Remedies continues to evolve I just wanted to share here that I am taking bookings for anyone who would like to learn Reiki. We are taught very early on to rely on external sources for our education, healing, healthcare etc. This is so incredibly disempowering and a huge distraction from the wisdom and healing that starts to flow when we turn our attention inward.

Reiki is a beautiful healing modality, as ancient - if not older - than the Earth herself. The word Reiki literally just means Universal Life Force Energy. It is the energy that gives life to us. It’s the energy that flows through the trees, the rivers, the crystals, the animals and so much more. It is not a spiritual belief nor a religion and most certainly not a cult 😅
Quantum physics now shows how this energy exists and how it can be used to heal ✨

Reiki is divided into three levels. I am currently offering Level One, which brings with it the gift of self healing. It helps to heal the physical body and allows flow in the energetic centres. Each attunement raises your vibration and causes the aura to expand whilst clearing your channels to receive more Ki (energy, chi, prana)

I am offering group courses and 1-1 tuition. I am also offering scholarship spaces for anyone who isn’t in the position to pay. I have just filled my first scholarship space but please don’t hesitate to ask or suggest someone as I will be making a little list.

Really excited to share this medicine ❤️ Forever grateful to those who have supported me on this journey ❤️

Photos from Triskele's post 02/02/2022

Last night I brought my passion for story telling into our circle and it made my heart sing ❤️ I get totally lost in telling stories and taking people on journeys ✨ When I became a mother I had to let go of my dream job. It took me all over Scotland sharing the history and folklore of our land and visiting the most beautiful places. Last night felt like I was back behind the wheel, only much more significant this time. Guiding people inward, back to the soul ❤️ Swipe to see the most precious mama & daughter duo. So incredible to have little ones joining us ❤️


My course manuals are here!
Almost ready to welcome my first lot of beautiful students in February 😭❤️
And a wee poem I wrote honouring the space in between ✨

A new season is beginning
I am weaving my way in between worlds
Immersed in the belly of these fertile grounds
I watch new life bloom from tiny seeds planted in times of blinding darkness
In awe of the woman who stands behind me
I claim back the fragments of my soul that were lost along the way
Echoes of the girl I once was sting like splinters to the hand
Only to remind me of how far I have come
I watch new life bloom from the wounded parts of me that fell repeatedly to the ground
Like autumn leaves returning to the Earth
See how they become fertile soil again
How they birth tree again
Teaching me how to birth me, again 🌱


Remember who you are ✨


I am so excited to continue holding space at this year. Each month on the New Moon & Full Moon I gather with beautiful souls so that I can help them to connect with themselves through guided meditation, breath work & energy healing.
We spend time honouring Grandmother Moon and weaving threads of the ancient ways and ancestral wisdom. Keeping Mother Natutre in the Heart of our circle at all times.

I can’t express how beautiful it is to gather with likeminded souls. Sitting in circle is so incredibly healing and has an impact that is greater than words can describe.

There is nothing I love more than seeing the light behind someone’s eyes as they begin remembering who they are and why they are here. To see people returning to the wild, the wild within us all and the beautiful wilderness around us.

My wish for 2022 is that we all return together, back to our hearts and souls, as we heal the wounds that keep us stuck in fear and division.

Sending so much love to you all ✨❤️✨

Photos from Triskele's post 26/12/2021

Seek out the sacred and remind the Earth that her sacred paths are being cleared and kept well ✨❤️✨

Photos from Triskele's post 22/12/2021

I’ve been making some magic 🤭❤️



I don’t quite have the words to express how grateful I am for the support that you have all shown me this year.
It felt absolutely crazy but oh so right to birth this dream of mine during a global pandemic. A dream that I wrote about when I was 18 years old, after a vision came to me of a beautiful healing space for people in recovery from all manner of things.
The number of souls around me (myself included) being ignored by the system and crying out for help, lit a fire inside me that could no longer be ignored and I am so happy that I finally listened to that calling.
I have witnessed true miracles over the last year. I’ve seen so many beautiful souls who have taken control of their health, pulled themselves out of the darkest places and gone on the most incredible healing journeys.
I’ve witnessed people crack right open in front of me as they connected with their souls for the first time in a long time, releasing layers and layers of pain and trauma, finally seeing and believing in the light that they are.
Next year is looking unpredictable for everyone but I promise that I will remain in service no matter what. My wheels will keep spinning, we will all keep weaving our magic and I plan to birth new and extremely exciting projects.

I wish you all a magic filled festive period and I can’t wait to see you all again in the New Year.
Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

I love you all ❤️

Photos from Triskele's post 05/12/2021


I’ve had a few questions recently regarding the meaning behind the name Healing Fae and the question always excites me because it sparks conversation about our wonderful folklore. Fae is one of the names for the Fae Folk or Faeries. They were known for their ability to heal, amongst many magical powers. They are human like, with an angelic presence about them and also carry the ability to shape shift. Despite being peaceful, kindhearted beings, the Fae are notorious for their trickery and mischief. They are guardians of the land and are fiercely protective of her inhabitants, known for cursing anyone who brings harm to Sacred Sites or Trees. I have always been intrigued by the Fae and I was extremely passionate about telling the tales and visiting these Sacred Sites when I guided tours around the Highlands. Sometimes I even drove the bus in a Faerie dress that I made 😆
During one of the tours I was given the name Highland Faerie, which eventually became and Healing Fae Remedies! So that’s the story behind the name. We are currently making plans to start doing tours again in 2022, something that excites me beyond words!

Photos from Triskele's post 30/11/2021

The Rose Line love quest continues 💗 Energy gathers everywhere, our land, our homes, our bodies… literally everywhere. When we allow energy to gather for too long, it can become stuck and stagnant, like a body of water that has lost it’s flow. I take my role on this Earth very seriously. I know deep in my soul that I, along with so many others, am here to help bring back flow, whether that’s to a human, an animal or a place. We all have a purpose here. It’s about time we listened to the calling of our soul, taking our attention away from screens and fear based bu****it and instead turning toward each other, toward our hearts and toward the light. I know it’s ironic as I type this on a screen but it seems to be one of the only ways to get through to people these days. I bow to every single one of you who make a conscious effort to clean up this mess we are in and I have so much faith & hope. I love you all ✨🌹✨


Currently writing up course manuals for Reiki and I feel like it’s really really important to incorporate the history of our own Celtic lineage too. I actually feel myself more connected to the healing ways of our own lands. I do absolutely love Reiki of course, but I feel that over time, my services will start to transform, as I unlock the teachings here. Here is a little snippet that I wanted to share from my upcoming course ✨

Scotland is a magical country. We, the people, are guardians of some of the most ancient land in the world, coupled with some of the oldest documented history in the world too. But the thing that excites me most, is the history that isn’t documented, the secret wisdom that was shared only by mouth amongst our ancestors. I love to get lost in our vast wilderness; it is where I feel most at peace and connected. I find comfort in knowing that the natural world around us is an energetic library, storing remnants of the footprints and memories of all the souls who have walked these lands before us.
Our ancestors worked harmoniously with the elements and the natural world rewarded their efforts. They worked hard on the land and community was at the heart of all of this.
Have you ever heard of Highland Hospitality? For centuries this was a tradition strictly adhered to in the Scottish Highlands. It meant that you would provide food and shelter to anyone who came to your home, no questions asked, be it friend or foe.
We can learn so much from the old ways and traditions. The new ways aren’t working, and it is evident that the way in which this society is living, is not only extremely destructive to our souls, but also destructive to Mother Earth too.
I encourage you to connect with your lineage.
Pay your respects to the land of your ancestors. Connect with the ancient trees that continue to stand tall against the destruction.

✨ Turn on your Light. Open your Heart. Stand in your Power. ✨


Little gifts of Light ✨ Gift vouchers now available ✨ 23/11/2021

✨❤️✨ Healing Fae Remedies Book Now “A healer does not heal you. A healer is someone who holds space for you while you awaken your inner healer, so that you may heal yourself.” — Maryam Hasnaa About Reiki Reiki is an ancient healing practice, using energy to activate your body’s natural healing pr...

Photos from Triskele's post 22/11/2021

Alba whispers to me as I walk her lands
Treading gently, with no expectation, just open eyes and heart
She leads the way with her rainbow compass and gifts of light
Birthing love hearts from stone, cloud and sacred well
She is not only my home, she is my mother, my temple too
Resurrecting me more times than I could count
Her Earth soothing
Her Air breathing life into broken wings
Her Fire burning wild within my soul
Her Water gifting memories of lifetimes passed
Her Spirit, oh her Spirit
Hear her call, she invites you in, she has secrets for those who listen

Photos from Triskele's post 20/11/2021

Last night was so beautiful ❤️ These groups are incredibly heart opening 💗 I’m so grateful to everyone who supports us 🌹

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Videos (show all)

Sing your heart to all dark matter ✨ Listen with earphones for best quality ❤️
These words poured out of me this morning 💕May this reach anyone who needs to hear the message 💗
There is a way that nature speaks, that land speaks. Most of the time we are simply not patient enough, quiet enough, to...
The most magical place 💖🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
Earth Day Every Day 💖




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