Robyn Donno Biokineticist

A Biokineticist is a specialist in human movement and clinical exercise.

Registered under the Health Professionals Council of South Africa (HPCSA), a biokineticist practices within the health care and medical fields.


Keep an eye out around for Robyn Donno Biokineticist leaflets! And contact us at the clinic if you need any more information 😃😃🔥🔥

Photos from Robyn Donno Biokineticist's post 06/10/2020

A reason to wear green and it’s not for St. Paddy’s Day!

Cerebral palsy is a motor function condition, caused by damage to the outer layer of the brain 🧠. This damage can be caused in the womb, by birth complications or trauma in early stages of life. There are 4 types of CP:
1) Spastic
2) Athetoid
3) Ataxic
4) Mixed

People effected by CP experience difficulty with movement, balance, coordination, hearing, vision and sensations. Symptoms differ between people and are dependent on which area of the brain is affected. Common symptoms include inability to reach or grab, delays in normal motor skills, abnormal tone (stiffness or jelly like limbs), speech abnormalities or the inability to speak, spasticity, abnormal reflexes,
ataxia(uncoordinated movements), low muscle tone, seizures and learning disabilities.

To date there is no cure for CP, but treatment under a multidisciplinary team including speech and audio therapy, physiotherapy, biokinetics, occupational therapy, psychotherapy and social therapy can help improve someone with CP’s independence and quality of life.

So today Paint the town green and create awareness for those with Cerebral Palsy!

Photos from Robyn Donno Biokineticist's post 03/10/2020

Take a step back and put down the pack!

With October 2020 in full swing its time to get some good habits on the go.
In spite of all it’s adverse effects, To***co is one of the most abused substances across the globe.
Smoking regularly 🚬 increases your risk of lung disease, heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, tuberculosis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (including conditions such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis). Certain eye conditions and autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis can be aggravated by the use of to***co products.

Even if you do not directly use to***co products, exposure to second hand smoke can cause the same adverse effects as using the products directly.

Still need some motivation?
2020 is the perfect year to get healthier and more active. Smokers are a high risk population to be adversely effected by covid-19. By taking part in Stoptober you are actively taking steps towards protecting yourself and those you love.

Take a step towards a healthier you and take on the Stoptober challenge today!

Image: Rosemarie Wicks, school of natural health sciences,, 02/10/2020


Know your numbers week 9th - 15th of September.

Do you know your blood pressure? 🤔

Knowing your numbers is of the utmost importance in protecting yourself against health problems that effect your arteries and heart. High blood pressure often doesn’t feel like anything, but puts you at risk of heart attack, stroke, hardening of the arteries, heart failure and kidney disease.

Knowing what your blood pressure is enables you to take action by improving your diet, moving more and making a few lifestyle changes (reducing stress or quit smoking) to keep your numbers where they need to be.

But what do the numbers in my blood pressure mean?

“Normal” blood pressure is 120/80.

The top number is how strong your blood is flowing agains the artery walls, called systolic blood pressure. The bottom number is the pressure in your heart between contractions, diastolic blood pressure. If your top number exceeds 130 you are classified as hypertensive (high blood pressure).

Visit your local GP or contact a biokineticist to help you train safely to take back control over your health.

Sport and physical activity should be part of post-COVID-19 recovery plans, say governments - Olympic News 18/07/2020

Biokinetics means moving towards a happier, healthier you! Contact a biokineticist to help you safely bounce back from Covid. 💪😎👍

Sport and physical activity should be part of post-COVID-19 recovery plans, say governments - Olympic News Recognising the power of sport in advancing society, 118 Member States of the United Nations (UN) have called for all States to include sport and physical activity in their recovery plans post COVID-19 and to integrate sport and physical activity into national strategies for sustainable development.


Yesterday my count down clock went off and finally THERAPY LIVE arrived! A fantastic day of learning and debating new research. The future of health care treatment and rehabilitation is so exciting. I cannot wait to be a part of it! 🤩

Photos from Robyn Donno Biokineticist's post 19/06/2020

Who you gonna call.... myth busters!!!

I’m sure we have all heard the phrase muscle memory thrown around at one point or another. The idea that after the body has done something for an extended period of time, even if the person stops training long enough for the adaptive physical changes to revert back to normal, the muscles “remember” the training and are able to get back to their conditioned state with less training then before. For example a person runs for years in their youth. As an adult they find themselves entrusted with much more responsibility, leaving their training in the back seat. Years later their responsibilities are more manageable and once again training becomes a priority. They are able to get back to where they were a lot quicker due to muscle memory.
Sound great doesn’t it. However, how much of this is fact and what is fiction?
According to studies conducted between 2016 to 2020. There is some truth behind this statement.

The myobuclear domain theory supports that progressive repetitive training over a long period of time develops muscular nuclei, which stay in the muscle long after atrophy (decrease in muscle size/ muscle wasting) has occurred. These nuclei may help the muscle get stronger at a more rapid rate then before.

Still sounding pretty good.... BUT as with every all research there are a few limitations to consider.

1. Only studies on rats show evidence of muscle memory. Evidence acquired from human subjects both support and deny the ability of the muscle to retain nuclei. Commonly deducing that muscular changes are not permanent enough to make an impact.
2. Age plays a huge role. If too old you may be unable to gain nuclei in the muscle or, if already gained, you may be unable to access the retained nuclei.
3. Improvements in ability to train could be attributed to practice making the exercise easier to do.

Final deduction: waaay more research is required to determine if muscle memory is an adaptive response, by gaining muscular nuclei through long term repetitive training which is not lost after muscular atrophy has occurred.

In 2020 this myth is still on the fence. Neither confirmed or denied. For now ultimately you can decide. We will just have to see what 2021 brings 😎👍.


So wonderful to see this champ sitting up all on his own 😎👍! Mandy Pinheiro what an amazing achievement 🤩. Can’t wait to see what’s next 🤗.


Such fantastic progress 🤩

A new test identified 11 children with a rare metabolic disease who may benefit from a nutritional supplement that could dramatically improve their lives. Read about the latest research from genetics expert Hudson Freeze and scientists at the Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa: Genetics in Medicine National Organization for Rare Disorders, Inc. (NORD)


Got myself all booked up for the 26th of June! Can’t wait to be part of an incredible learning experience 🤩.



Thanks for keeping us in the know BASA 😎👍

Today is International Day of action for women's health. Physical activity directly affects women's reproductive health, such as menstrual cyclicity, ovulation & fertility. Further improvements include a decrease in abdominal fat, blood glucose, blood lipids and insulin resistance. Ladies, find a Bio to help you access these benefits for your health.

Photos from Robyn Donno Biokineticist's post 27/05/2020

Today I wear my jeans with pride for 27/05 Cystic Fibrosis genes day! 👖 Cystic fibrosis is a congenital (present at birth) condition caused by a damaged recessive gene. This fault causes a disruption to salt and water transport throughout the body, creating a viscous mucus that coats your organs. Organs most commonly effected are the lungs and digestive system. People with CF suffer from common chest infections, coughing and wheezing, difficulty breathing, digestive disruption, the inability to put on weight and for men infertility. People with CF also carry specific infections that can only be spread between those who are effected by the condition. Meaning CFers can’t spend time with other CFers as they will make each other sick.
There is no cure for CF, but medications such as antibiotics and enzymes, physiotherapy and biokinetics treatment can help manage this condition. If the condition progresses to the point that lung function is too severely compromised a lung transplant will be necessary.

Those with CF take on numerous challenges and obstacles everyday So jump into those jeans and support the cause. Share this post, make a post of your own or snap a pic of you in your best denims to create awareness today for Cystic Fibrosis today!


Last year I had the pleasure of working with a true little fighter, Miracle Marco, who suffers from a rare genetic disease knows as ALG13-CDG.
A disorders of N-linked glycosylation (a process that occurs at a cellular level) which is present at birth and variations in the gene ALG13 (Xq23). This alteration of genes causes microcephaly (inhibition of brain development causing many physical and cognitive problems), hepatomegaly (an enlarged liver) , limb swelling, uncontrollable seizures, high risk of infections and bleeding tendency.

Today the 16th of May we wear green to create awareness for those who suffer from CDG! “Awareness is the first step to diagnosis. Diagnosis is the first step towards a cure.”-unknown

Chat to your friends about CDG, make your own post, share this post or post a pic of you in green to spread the word. Together we can make a difference 😎👍

Photos from Robyn Donno Biokineticist's post 12/05/2020

“I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took any excuse.” Florence Nightingale.

Today not only marks Florence Nightingale’s birthday, but also the *International awareness day for chronic immunological and neurological diseases* (CIND)

Today was chosen as the lady of the lamp was believed to have suffered from Myalgic Encephalomyelitis herself.

CIND include:

-Fibromyalgia (a condition in which patients experience great pain which extends throughout their bodies).

-Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (prolonged bouts of debilitating fatigue).

-Gulf War Syndrome (common to those who served in the Gulf War. Individuals suffer from unexplainable joint pain, digestion problems, sleep disorders, dizziness, respiratory conditions, memory inhibition, headaches and fatigue).

-Multiple Chemical Sensitivity MCS/ Idiopathic environmental intolerance IEI (exposure to small amounts of common pollutants and chemicals in your surroundings causing headaches, fatigue, vertigo, nausea, digestive issues, respiratory problems, mental impairment and mood alterations).

Many suffer from these condition in silence, due to the misunderstood nature of these diseases. It’s a common misconception that these conditions are fictitious as there is no physical evidence of harm to the body, but only medically unexplained symptoms. Just because you can not see them, it doesn’t mean they are not there.

Medication, regular exercise (a program designed according to your condition) and lifestyle changes can help you manage CIND.

Education is key to helping those who suffer in silence from CIND. Share this post, tell a friend or make your own post on your story to create awareness. Let’s remove the stigma!


Get up off your seat
and move those feet.
Mow the lawn
and fight that yawn.
Make sure you keep moving this lock down so you don’t end up like this little guy 💪😎👍. Check out our postural tips to help prevent lower back pain 👌.

Photos from Robyn Donno Biokineticist's post 06/05/2020

Just a few shots of my beautiful running route 🤩! Not difficult to get out and about with a scenery like this 💪😎👍. Keep on the go to fight those lock down blues. Don’t fall into that isolation rut.

Photos from Robyn Donno Biokineticist's post 27/04/2020

Such a fantastic and fun initiative to raise money for the NHS and other international health care systems 😎👍Thanks for the nomination🏃🏼‍♀️. The challenge is to run 5km, donate £5/R5 and nominate 5 people. Give it’s a go:de.abreu (50km cycle) .moodley

Regular exercise could protect against COVID, UVa researcher says 19/04/2020

Stay moving to stay healthy 💪😎👍🍏

Regular exercise could protect against COVID, UVa researcher says A walk a day may keep the coronavirus away, or at least keep it from killing you.


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A few stretches and exercises to help correct poor posture 😎👍
* Neck stretches (with a Pilates ball.)
* Chin tucks
* Posterior shoulder capsule stretch
* Wall pec stretch
* Resistance band rows.
* Swiss ball Y, T, W’s
* Reverse dead bugs

Give them a try 👍!

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A few stretches and exercises to help correct poor posture 😎👍

* Neck stretches (with a Pilates ball.)
* Chin tucks
* Posterior shoulder capsule stretch
* Wall pec stretch
* Resistance band rows.
* Swiss ball Y, T, W’s
* Reverse dead bugs

Give them a try 👍!

Check out Robyn Donno Biokineticist

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You’ll see I talk a lot about ‘scapula setting/shoulder setting’. This is a very important correction technique. I’ve included a short slow motion video on scapula setting to show you just how it’s done.

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Photos from Robyn Donno Biokineticist's post 17/04/2020

Weather we find ourselves locked in doors or stuck in the office, no one is a stranger to sitting for extended periods of time. Whilst sitting may be cushy for the tooshy, unless sitting correctly, it reaps havoc on the body.

Poor posture can cause:

* Pain in your back, neck and shoulders.
* Poor circulation.
* Rounded shoulders.
* A hunched back.
* A forward head posture.
* Digestive problems.
* Arthritis and joint damage.
* Fatigue.
* Headaches/migraines.

Check out these few examples of common postural mistakes and how to correct them. You’ll also find some quick and easy steps to make your office space more ergonomically suited.

*ergonomics is the study of efficiency in the work environment.

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Photos from Robyn Donno Biokineticist's post 11/04/2020

I know we are all feeling a little stressed, anxious and overwhelmed by all the uncertainty at this time. It can be very demotivating and you may find yourself falling into a bit of a rut. A fantastic way to beat the quarantine slump is to get up and going. Not that motivated? Try a video call workout session with your friends 🤩👍. It’s a great way to keep in contact and super motivating to take on workouts as a team. 💪😎👍🍏 Give it a try and get back into the swing of things!

Photos from Robyn Donno Biokineticist's post 07/04/2020

Today, among the promotion of a healthy and balanced lifestyle, we give credit where it is due and say our greatest thank you to our nurses and midwives 👩‍⚕️🤰. Throughout all this uncertainty one thing is for sure, the role of these health care practitioners is vital to our health care systems success. Thank you to our nurse’s and midwives for enduring long shifts, for looking after our loved ones, for treating their patients with respect and delivering top quality care.
Thank you for being part of our front line against the covid 19 virus.



After weeks of bed rest and fighting covid 19, patients will be severely deconditioned. Biokineticist’s can help to help get people back to their best health and ability. By getting the body back to its maximum potential people will be stronger, healthier, have boosted immunity and can return to their daily lives and activities comfortably. We as health care practitioners must do our part. We are all in this together.


Balance refers to a persons ability to control their body when their centre of gravity is displaced. Basically balance is how well you recover from being thrown off your upright position.
Good balance decreases an individuals risk of injury and enhances their performance. Good balance allows you to move more efficiently. This means:
1. More difficult tasks become easier. Weather it’s hanging up the washing or doing a hand stand
2. Being able to move more easily means you can do things a lot quicker. Athletes can run/cycle/swim faster or you can get through all your household tasks in half the time.
3. Athletes can recover from a misstep easily which means these mistakes won’t cost them or their team. (Eg: athletes recovering faster from a fumble so their opposition doesn’t score a goal.)
4. People can control their bodies well making them less likely to experience an injury.

Benefits of balance drills:
1. Balancing drills recruit muscles from your entire body not only the limb on which you are weight bearing.
2. Balancing drills help focus the mind and encourage cognitive development.
3. Balancing drills aid in developing tendon strength and integrity, helping stabilize joints.
4. Balance drills help people with spatial awareness (proprioception).

So don’t forget to incorporate some balancing drills into your next training session.

Below you will find some easy and more challenging balancing exercises. Give them a shot and put your balance to the test 😎👍.

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Balance refers to a persons ability to control their body when their centre of gravity is displaced. Basically balance is how well you recover from being thrown off your upright position.
Good balance decreases an individuals risk of injury and enhances their performance. Good balance allows you to move more efficiently. This means:
1. More difficult tasks become easier. Weather it’s hanging up the washing or doing a hand stand
2. Being able to move more easily means you can do things a lot quicker. Athletes can run/cycle/swim faster or you can get through all your household tasks in half the time.
3. Athletes can recover from a misstep easily which means these mistakes won’t cost them or their team. (Eg: athletes recovering faster from a fumble so their opposition doesn’t score a goal.)
4. People can control their bodies well making them less likely to experience an injury.

Benefits of balance drills:
1. Balancing drills recruit muscles from your entire body not only the limb on which you are weight bearing.
2. Balancing drills help focus the mind and encourage cognitive development.
3. Balancing drills aid in developing tendon strength and integrity, helping stabilize joints.
4. Balance drills help people with spatial awareness (proprioception).

So don’t forget to incorporate some balancing drills into your next training session.

Below you will find some easy and more challenging balancing exercises. Give them a shot and put your balance to the test 😎👍.

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Photos from Robyn Donno Biokineticist's post 31/03/2020

Balance refers to a persons ability to control their body when their centre of gravity is displaced. Basically balance is how well you recover from being thrown off your upright position.
Good balance decreases an individuals risk of injury and enhances their performance. Good balance allows you to move more efficiently. This means:
1. More difficult tasks become easier. Weather it’s hanging up the washing or doing a hand stand
2. Being able to move more easily means you can do things a lot quicker. Athletes can run/cycle/swim faster or you can get through all your household tasks in half the time.
3. Athletes can recover from a misstep easily which means these mistakes won’t cost them or their team. (Eg: athletes recovering faster from a fumble so their opposition doesn’t score a goal.)
4. People can control their bodies well making them less likely to experience an injury.

Benefits of balance drills:
1. Balancing drills recruit muscles from your entire body not only the limb on which you are weight bearing.
2. Balancing drills help focus the mind and encourage cognitive development.
3. Balancing drills aid in developing tendon strength and integrity, helping stabilize joints.
4. Balance drills help people with spatial awareness (proprioception).

So don’t forget to incorporate some balancing drills into your next training session.

Below you will find some easy and more challenging balancing exercises. Give them a shot and put your balance to the test 😎👍.

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Scapula setting




Opening Hours

Monday 7am - 8pm
Tuesday 7am - 8pm
Wednesday 7am - 8pm
Thursday 7am - 8pm
Friday 7am - 8pm

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