Portable Wellness Room ltd

Portable Wellness Room ltd

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Wellness COACH Abhijith
Wellness COACH Abhijith

Experts in soft tissue therapy, we come to you and relax any room – at work or home 💆‍♀️


It's just 42 days until the Olympics and I'm excited for the variety of sports that we'll get to watch.

Over the next few weeks I'm going to be sharing the sports I find most exciting and I'd love to hear yours too...

Photos from Portable Wellness Room ltd's post 07/06/2024

Before and after massage images, it's hard to control your smile after a massage!

It's great to see everyone feel relaxed and happy after receiving one. Great job satisfaction!

Massage is proven to
- help depression
- ⁠ease anxiety
- ⁠relieve physical and emotional stress
- ⁠improve clarity of thought
- ⁠and improve our mood...

Still wondering if you NEED one?

📍 - student wellness day 💚


Due for surgery? If you know when this will be it is a good idea to start pre surgery prep.

This includes prehab, which is:
- exercises to ensure your muscles and bones are strong with ample collagen which will help you repair quicker post surgery
- massage to help ease tension in the muscles and facilitate optimal circulation, again to aid the repair process and maintain healthy tissue
- eating well to promote healing and reduce inflammation in the body. This will help the body respond well, adapt and recover quickly.

Post surgery it is important to get appropriate rest and follow the doctor's advice. Once you've healed, you can start scar massage and muscle massage to help align the scar tissue. It's very important to start moving as soon as advised and do the post op rehab, as this will help restore range of movement and strength.

Even if it's painful, you must work with a rehab specialist to help restore movement thus preventing problems reoccurring. You should also consider lymphatic drainage...
Before surgery if you have excess fluid it will help drain this therefore preparing the body to be at optimal condition for surgery...
After surgery it will help clear waste fluid as a result of surgery and whilst you are less mobile.
The lymphatic system requires movement from us to remove waste therefore some assistance may be required if we are sedentary.

Get in touch to discuss more about your needs and how we can help.


It doesn't matter what you look like - if sculpting is your goal then great - but the message here is... 📢

The vast benefits of exercise and a healthy diet - and we all know what they are by now, proven by science - far outweighs the size of your biceps! 💪

I guarentee if you are regularly exercising and maintaining a healthy diet, consistently, you will look glowing, healthy and happy. That is all you need 💓


Client shout out!
So proud of Emma who is running Milton Keynes Marathon on Monday, her determination and passion for running has seen her overcome many obstacles…

In 2021 she had a C-section with her first baby, and balanced exercise with first time pregnancy really well with an ambition to return to running, when a happy surprise meant a second baby was on the way resulting in a second C-section 18 months later.

FYI, a C-section is major surgery and therefore requires weeks of recuperation (not easy with two under two).

Emma adjusted her priorities and still took part, walking the London Marathon with her Good For Age place and taking things a little slower than she was used to. But she did it with the support of her husband, friends and massage.

I loved hearing of each proud moment when she would say "I wasn't expecting to complete it". But she did.

I admire her patience and smart goal setting because many obstacles can and did arise such as illness, chest infections and even pneumonia; its not easy juggling young children, a lack of sleep and all the many virus's that circulate.

Care has to be taken to look after yourself and Emma never pushed herself above what she and her body felt was right.

Although, her confidence in herself would falter, when ready, she was back out there and surprising herself again with how much better she had done than expected.

With a mix of running and walking intervals her fitness and confidence improved, and she is now set to run this marathon with her head held high!

I am very privaledged to have been there to support her thoughout these important life events and assisting in her return to doing what she loves.

Enjoy the race Emma, I will be there to help your recovery!


Share the peace in your stillness with your friend or loved one.

Two therapists will come equipped to your own home/space and provide a bespoke massage treatment to help you relax.

There is often something special about sharing silence with someone special and you will both benefit from a renewed sense of calm and restoration. Very useful if you are living together, so everyone benefits.

Contact us to check availability and arrange an appointment.


It was great to have the first meet-up with the other members of The Wellness Collective yesterday and discuss our plans to bring health, wealth and happiness to more people. Lots more exciting news to come soon, watch this space…


Now more than ever, financial wellbeing is an important branch of our wellness tree. Neilesh is experienced, knowledgable and importantly, has a personable friendly approach making it easier to understand the complexities of finance! I am really pleased to have him on board to help in our mission of optimising wellness in the community.

Here are a few words from Neil about himself and why he's joining TWC:

"I believe that now more than ever people need to seek out experts to help them achieve a better life. I love the concept of this group, in bringing together like-minded individuals, who can share ideas on how to help others with their well-being. I would like to think that I can add some value to the group through my experiences with many clients from all walks of life and my approach to understanding their needs first. I have run workshops and seminars in the past and have run a client event where I have talked about the importance of financial planning and wealth management."

Since 2005 I have been taking my clients on a journey to achieve financial independence. At the core of this is understanding what financial well-being means to them. On this journey, I advise clients on protecting themselves and their loved ones and making their money grow so that they feel more secure and can achieve the financial independence they seek.

When I am not helping clients, I like nothing more than creating memories with my family and friends and being involved in coaching youth football."


Did you know that we are trained in massage for cancer? Massage is safe for those having treatment, as well as afterwards.

However, it is important that your therapist is trained in cancer awareness as there are differences to the care and treatment we will give.

If you are having cancer treatment, aside from the direct possible side effects from chemo or radiation therapy, there are often secondary niggles that just add to your discomfort, including: back ache from long bouts of sitting or lying, peripheral nerve symptoms (hand and feet pins and needles) numbness, dryness and cold, tight muscles in the legs, calf muscles and neck.

Massage can help with all of these, enabling you to you feel more comfortable and help with rest and recovery.

Lastly, one beautifully rewarding treatment benefit is the gentle, soothing touch alongside a lot of medicalised treatment and tests. We underestimate the need and power of a caring touch, and we really pride ourselves on working with each client to care and soothe.

We can work on surgery scars, improve movement or simply calm the body and mind. Give your body the treatment it truly deserves and us the privilege to provide it.


🏃‍♀️ It's a month until London Marathon, the perfect time for a good massage to ensure you're body is ready! 🏃🏼‍♂️

Or treat yourself to one of our Race Prep Packages, which is suitable for all levels and abilities.

We recommend at least 2-3 sessions before your race, so after session 1 the therapist will recommend a suitable plan.

These sessions are designed to help you recover from training sessions, ease tension and assess/treat injury. Use 1 session after your race to speed up recovery.


It has been a great pleasure to treat this client for 10 years, so far... long may it continue.

At age 75, as well as working full time as a builder, he also plays squash 2 times a week and Korf ball seasonally - which he has roped me into for two seasons (it’s a great game, check it out!)

He also does Karate, and discovered 2 years ago and religiously partakes with great results, and more recently has become a member of his first gym!

Here he has discovered the wonder of gym classes and now enjoys a double - body combat and pilates and the newbie, body pump and yoga!

I’ve been seeing him 2 to 4 times a month with exception of the pandemic times and holidays (usually skiing ones - also twice a year for him).

Last night I asked for this photo to celebrate our 10 years and he said "You made this body" - its so nice to receive messages of how well his body has responded to the sessions, enabling him to continue with all the above weekly activities.

You are never too old to start something new - just make sure you have a great masseuse to look after your body!

Photos from Portable Wellness Room ltd's post 14/03/2024

This year is my 15th qualified year (!) and what a great journey it's been!

I feel like I am evolving and learning all the time, but I also feel the benefit of experience. Why does experience matter?

A lot of clients will make comments like "your hands are magic", "I didn't know I was sore there". There is an intuition that we clinicians can't explain and it can't be taught. Practice makes perfect is an accurate phrase.

With 1000's of massages under my belt I can confidently say; I have another intuitive sense that exists within an experienced massage therapist.

Our knoweldge of the human anatomy, injuries (sports massage) and soft tissue anatomy help us to assess, treat and improve your body all with the power of touch!

It is worth seeking an experienced therapist particulalrly if you have more complex needs, medical conditions, injuries or to support you through pregnancy or your post natal journey.

Of course there are many intuitive beginners out there who can offer you a great value massage. When you find a good therapist hang on to them!

Enjoy 15% when you book a massage in July to celebrate this bench mark.

Photos from Portable Wellness Room ltd's post 06/03/2024

We were asked to provide massages at the day retreat for mothers, which included a full catalogue of wellness treats – astrology readings, two yoga sessions, massages (by us!), and all topped off with a soothing soundbath session (of which I had the pleasure of joining, and it was truly amazing.)

We provided 15 minute massages, which many thought wouldn't be long enough, but the feedback was great and we were able to help many with long term back pain, post natal pain and postural aches.

Seeing the right person who can hit the right spots needs no time at all!

The day was fabulous and we look forward to the next retreat.

Let us know if you have a special occasion that a massage would work at!


Since meeting Camellia at college in our psychology A level class I have seen her passion and drive in this area excel and it is a pleasure to know her 15+ years later as a well respected Dr of Pschology.

Her work with children as an Educational Psychologist has become increasingly important and in demand in recent years and her care and empathy within her role sets her apart.

It is a pleasure to have Camellia join The Wellness Collective as it will only ehance our power to help within the community.

A bit from Camellia:
“Working as a holistic Educational Psychologist, I am excited to connect with a range of professionals who appreciate the power of the interplay between the physical, psychological and spiritual energies that exist within us all.”

Dr Camellia Kojouri is a fully qualified HCPC registered practitioner psychologist and has over 15 years of experience in the fields of mental health and education. Her doctoral level training and professional experience mean that she has an extensive understanding of child development.

She applies psychology to remove barriers to learning for children and young people and to promote positive outcomes for them.

Camellia works directly with children and young people, their parents/ carers and their supporting professionals to promote outcomes, particularly but not exclusively within educational settings. She also delivers training within schools on a wide range of topics that span across cognition and learning and social-emotional development.

Camellia has a particular interest in the area of neurodiversity. She wishes for improved wellbeing across all of society and is looking forward to joining a dynamic group of professionals with similar aspirations.


Mother's Day can be a celebration or a time to reflect, not only on this day but a reminder to treat one or all special females in our lives. So here's a reminder to appreciate your special lady.

Treat her with a massage gift card - we can take care of looking after her, providing the most appropriate treatment for optimising wellness. We come to you/them equipped with all we need to create a tranquil, relaxing space. Our therapists are highly trained and can work with pregnancy, post natal, oncology, medical conditions, back pain, chronic pain and many more.

Plus, enjoy 10% off with code MAMA10.


I’m excited to introduce and welcome the next member of TWC. Rey’s energy, positivity and zest for life as well as encouragement of people’s fitness, will bring a whole new dimension to The Collective.

His community projects and personal goals are simply awe-inspiring and I can’t wait to see what we can all do together!

A bit from Rey:
"I am passionate about making a positive impact in my community and globally so when I received my invitation to join the TWC I was excited. As a collective of health and well being professionals we can make a great impact, influence and inspire."

Rey is a L3 Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Coach and UKA Run Leader. He has led fitness activities in London, Europe and the Caribbean. He focuses on making his classes fun, inclusive and engaging and coaches people to empower them and build their confidence.

A passionate runner with over a decade of running experience. He is the Captain of ASICS London Run Club and has led group runs in England and Europe.


Whether you are running your first marathon or are a seasoned pro, you probably have a marathon plan to follow, if not, then it is a good idea to get one.

Planning is an important part of injury prevention as you need to plan rest/recovery as well as allowing yourself enough time to build volume.

Rushing your training last minute is a big injury risk. Secondly, start your plan as early as possible so you can build a good foundation.

Do not run before you can walk! Use this literally and if you are a beginner start with walk/runs. Build your foundation with a few key strength exercises as well, this is really important to support your body and loading running causes. This will help you to run with better technique, and technique is anothe rinjury risk.

"Running isn't risky, running incorrectly is the hazard!" Get help from a running technique coach if you are unsure, or getting recurring injury/pain when you run. Getting your starting prep right will help you stay injury free.

For individual advice or advice for your running club, contact us at [email protected] or send a DM 📧


Introducing the latest member of TWC – Adrian, a Cognitive Hypnotherapist.

It was great meeting Adrian, who works locally to me, as I feel his expertise and passion for mental health will be great for the local community and beyond. We share many of the same ideas, and coming from different backgrounds this is exciting as we provide a different branch to the wellness tree, sharing the same goals. I look forward to some exciting collaborations and projects with Adrian. Watch out for workshops and retreats!

Here's a bit from Adrian about why he wanted to join us:
"I think this collective will be useful because it may provide an opportunity to create a team of credible practitioners to whom I can confidently refer my clients when appropriate. I would also like to collaborate with similar-minded therapists and host events/workshops/retreats that can educate and destigmatize any shame about seeking help for mental health.

Often the people who need to be helped are those who either can’t afford to pay for service or are unaware that help is available. Because of this, I hope by collaborating with other professionals that we can use any financial recompense from hosting corporate events to offset the cost of hosting free events in schools/colleges/hospitals/prisons or any other support work.

I am also interested in perhaps hosting a group for young men to better explore and express their emotions, especially in light of current trends of young men avoiding emotional maturity by indulging in toxic masculinity and misogyny. We all benefit societywide when relationships are based on mutual care and love, as opposed to exploitation, fear, or toxic co-dependence.

I work in North London and internationally online. Cognitive Hypnotherapy is an evidence-based approach that complements the client's creativity, intelligence and uniqueness. I have been in constant training since 2016, and have written for Happiful Magazine and produced video content for the Hypnotherapy Directory, helping to educate the public about how working with the unconscious mind can help alleviate all manner of mental health issues. I specialise in treating anxiety and depression.

-Continued in bio


Not just for Valentine's day - but a reminder to always show your loved ones that you care. Enjoy a treatment together with our couples option.

Book two therapists and enjoy your massage together in the comfort of your own home. We will provide all the calm and tranquility.

Contact us to arrange your appointment and enjoy 10% off with code MAMA10 ♥️


Next up is Create Yoga

Anne is a great teacher and I have had the pleasure of attending her classes and Ibiza retreat! Her huge smile and calming approach are ideal to ensure you reap the benefits of yoga!

Here's a bit more from Anne...
"I was very excited to receive my invitation to join TWC. I love the idea of creating a community and supporting local businesses which promote health and wellbeing."

Anne is a Yoga Alliance 200 hour qualified teacher and has been practicing yoga for over 20 years, continuing through both of her pregnancies. She graduated with Yoga London 5 years ago and has been teaching from the start.

With experience teaching vinyasa flow, Ashtanga, Hatha yoga, Yin yoga, yoga Nidra, power yoga and restorative yoga, she teaches seven regular classes weekly, alongside 1-1 sessions.

She has also taught on various yoga retreats in Ibiza and Tenerife and is hosting her own retreat this April in The Peak District. During her time teaching she has cultivated her own unique teaching style, inspired by the many wonderful yoga teachers she’s met on her yoga journey.

Her hope is to bring the many benefits of yoga to everyone.


Introducing the first member of The Wellness Collective .

I love both working with Emily and receiving her massages! Her energy and passion for our job and people is infectious. I can't wait for the future projects we have up our sleeves.

Here’s a bit more from Emily:

"I joined TWC to engage with like minded professionals, benefiting from social interactions, idea sharing, and knowledge exchange. This community, I believe, will not only foster personal growth but also facilitate networking across disciplines, enabling valuable cross-referrals for my clients."

Emily Claire is a caring and knowledgeable therapist who has practiced massage in a variety of contexts. She is intrigued by the connection between mind, body and soul and describes herself as a spiritual person. Emily seeks to combine the luxury of a spa with the effectiveness of dedicated massage practice, padded with brilliant client care, to create the perfect massage experience.


In the cold weather and shorter days it is hard to stay active at the best of times, but especially when pregnant, but it is important to try and stay active throughout maternity, at different levels unique to you, so please consult a professional and get doctor/midwife support.

Here are some great ways to stay active:
🏡 tackle indoor tasks - do one small task a day that has been on your list for years, such as clearing out a cupboard or sorting your wardrobe. This is also a great way to "nest" and make space for all the baby stuff!

☀️ Make the most of winter sunshine, wrap up warm and get outside. Walking is great for your glutes, posture and a fab form of exercise

🤰 Join a local pregnancy yoga or pilates class, this is great for specific strength and labour prep as well as a social community with fellow mums/mum-to-be's.

These are only tips to get you started but remember that as well as getting valuable rest and looking after yourself, keep moving gently to help ease anxious minds and support your body through this time.


Introducing The Wellness Collective, a group of experts linked together with a shared view of optimising wellness for all.

Members are from a variety of disciplines within the health and wellness sector, working together to support our community of clients the best we can.

We’re a trusted group of experts and we all believe in what we do, love our role improving wellness and have come together because we have a passion for our industry and helping people. Together we’re stronger and can help more people.

Want to join us?
If you’d like to join us and build trust with fellow members, enjoy cross referrals to provide people with a rounded wellness approach then let us know.

You’ll get:
- Treatment swaps with other group members to ensure your own wellness
- ⁠Continued professional development with colleagues, broadening your knowledge with regular workshop and presentation evenings
- ⁠Improve your social well being and industry knowledge with regular catch ups

We take onboarding seriously, so as to ensure we all share the same beliefs and passions, as well as ensuring the expertise of each member. Therefore to become a member you will need;
- Professional qualifications
- ⁠Insurance to practice
- ⁠Minimum 5 years full time experience
- ⁠Be self-employed, freelance or be a small limited company

Here’s to helping each other, to help many others! ♲


When you first discover you’re pregnant, particularly for the first time, it can be very scary as well as exciting. Now, there’s more than just yourself to think about and protect – your baby is in its crucial stages of development.

As many people will tell you, it is really important to stay calm, happy, relaxed and stress-free, but yep, that’s easier said than done. One way you can achieve this is to educate yourself on the harmful things to avoid, although this is ever-changing there are a few highly recommended top tips to be aware of…

Read more on our blog 🤰


Many of us have made a New Year’s Resolution which include the start of a new fitness journey or exercise regime.

This is great! But unfortunately it is all too common to rush into our new ventures unprepared and get injured, cutting good intentions short.

Keep your Resolutions alive, with our top tips on how to prevent injury.

1 - Check your mobility and work on it

Mobility is the quality of your active movement, different from flexibility as this refers to the range of your passive movement.

You may be able to pull your leg into a deep stretch, but can you actively reach this range when moving.

The discrepancies between the two can lead to injury as you apply force to a stiff joint such as throwing a ball or running and jumping, your muscles may experience a tightening up or pull as they are resistant to the movement being asked of them.

Many of us are unaware just how stiff and immobile our bodies are…until we take part in a new activity. Our bodies have been so used to our normal routine we need to get to know our limitations and work on them to prepare for the activity ahead.

This includes a decent warm up, by now this is something we are all aware we should be doing but how many of us do one and do you know what to do?

A good warm up should raise your heart rate a little but not too much, this gets the heart pumping extra blood to the muscles which will soon require it. Your warm up should also prepare your body for the movements it is about to perform. For example if running, perform some slow leg cycles to loosen the hips and warm up the glutes. The warm up should also be used to activate any weaker muscles, this is where a professional can help to assess these key areas, for example, an office worker may have tight, weak or inactive glutes (buttock muscles) from sitting all day, and so will need to activate (switch on) these muscles with specific exercises before running. Failing to do so may lead to technique imbalances and risk to hips, hamstrings, knees and more!

2 - Know your limits

What you could do 10 years ago sadly is not the same today. But it doesn't mean you can't get there, just take it step by step...
(Read more on our blog)

Photos from Portable Wellness Room ltd's post 14/12/2023

The gift that keeps on giving...

Buy any amount and the recipient can redeem against any service - relaxing, medical, maternity, sports or anything else we offer.

Follow the link in bio for more info and to buy 💆

Photos from Portable Wellness Room ltd's post 12/12/2023

A lovely, clean, relaxed environment - our new location in the Carter Chemist in Norwood is just perfect. Come in and chill out!

Photos from Portable Wellness Room ltd's post 10/12/2023

Free gift with every gift card purchased!

Making your gift even better!!

Photos from Portable Wellness Room ltd's post 09/12/2023

The Christmas gift everyone wants, a lovely, relaxing massage!

Buy any amount and the recipient can redeem against any service - relaxing, medical, maternity, sports or anything else we offer - link in bio ♥️


Carter Chemist Consulting Rooms
112-114 High St, Northwood HA6 1BJ

📑 Bookings only
7️⃣ days a week availability
💚 Expert therapists
🙏🏼 Tranquil space

Send us a message to enquire and book 💆‍♀️

Want your practice to be the top-listed Clinic in Wales?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Most of us will have woken up with a stiff neck at some point in our lives. Prevent prolonged pain by moving and stretch...
👍🏼Enjoy a massage any time, in any space. Give yourself as little as a quick 10 minute break for massage, stretching, mo...
Hamstring stretch- can tighten with prolonged sitting or sporting activities - important to stretch as tightness can imp...
Simple Stretch - got a stiff neck in the morning?Try this...#stiffneck #neckstretch #neckpain #neckmassage #neckpainreli...
Marathon Season is here so I wanted to bring you some tips and advice, not just from myself but also from two runners wh...
Well done to everyone who ran the London Marathon yesterday, I always find it hugely inspiring and emotional!So many gre...
Simple Stretch #1 - RSI Prevention, for the farm, wrist and digits. Benefits: Mobilise the wrist to help circulation of ...
Well done @besmartgetfit for completing the 1st part of your BOS-DON challenge!Boston Finisher! 🦄Now it is time to rest ...
Great catching up with Rey @besmartgetfit to help him prepare for his big events, @bostonmarathon followed 6 days later ...
We were asked to provide massages at the Mama Glow day retreat for mothers, which included a full catalogue of wellness ...
As many are starting marathon training, a big part is staying injury-free. So here’s my first tip, STRETCH!There are no ...
So thoughtful of my client to have given me this gift. It was a pleasure to help them through the last few months of hea...



We Travel To You

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 8pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 8pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 12pm - 5pm

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