Hearten Soul Coaching

Hi, I'm Cathrine. I'm a Transformational life coach. I co create:
�Everyday conversations.

One at a time, in groups or 1:1
� Experiences that create transformation inside and out of YOU.


Keeping the faith

I am currently part of a 3 month group program called Money in Action. It’s not a typical turn up, listen in, promise yourself you will take the action and relegate the content to a drawer (literally and metaphorically). It’s action based, with challenges that stretch and grow capability as well as wealth (in the greatest sense of the word). It requires commitment, openness to be really honest with myself and the rest of the group and it’s about so much more than making money. It’s about digging out all those long held sticky beliefs about what money and wealth really are AND what those beliefs mean about how I see myself, others and the world, turning them inside out and choosing what I do about them.

My biggest learning so far is faith.
Having faith in me, challenging the limits of my faith in myself, my business and my purpose and creating new levels of faith I couldn’t imagine in order to create the life and income I want. I am seeing that there is no knight in shining armour coming to save me (and if there was it would be me in the armour and riding the steed!) and that I am fully and deeply responsible for what happens in my life, my heart and my soul.

My faith can be like footprints in the sand that can get washed away at a moment notice never to be seen again or I can see it to be recreated by the next step, newer, slightly different and with a different perspective.

When I surrender my heart mind and inner wisdom to the world I open a circle of wealth where I give as much as I receive. It is truly the gift that keeps on giving.

The space is artfully and beautifully created to allow openness, raw honesty and love for the whole group to change their attitude to themselves, others and the world forever. The group are the most amazing and talented people you could ever meet and their presence is such a gift for me.

My faith in my journey to be The Inside Out coach has never been stronger or more potent.

If you want to hear more about what I’m doing to nail my money mindset once and for all drop me a line and I can share what is changing so powerfully for me.

Photos from Hearten Soul Coaching's post 12/07/2024

Today I spent the day at the Coaching Outdoors Podcast live in person event in the grounds of the beautiful Henley Business School.
A wonderful day to celebrate the amazing outcomes that outdoor coaching creates for coach and clients alike; to hear the results of the latest research that backs up what I see in the coaching space; to share the space with a tribe that are all working towards the same goals and vision and to spend some time in beautiful surroundings.
Lots of new faces and friends made and some meeting in person of those I have met online.

Thank you to those that organised, to those that I talked with and those that I got to hug in person having met virtually before.


When the "To Do" list becomes a "To Be" list…

During a recent conversation we discussed to do lists, how the tasks on there are labelled as easy, fun, hard, difficult, boring. The fun and easy stuff gets done, the hard stuff gets put off and when we start those tasks we confirm that it’s as hard as we thought it was! It becomes a dreaded To Do list.

What would be the consequences if there was no meaning attached to the activities?

Drop the easy, hard, difficult and see the list as just a list. I don’t question cleaning my teeth twice a day, I just do it. It’s neither easy nor hard, it just is.

If I convert the To Do to a To Be list this is where the magic happens....

When I approach each task with the same level of neutrality I can see the priorities with with more ease; when I am in a place of calm, creative and relaxed the tasks just flow, they are no longer hard or easy, they are just part of the path to get to the overall goal and flow creating efficiency, productivity and ultimately more of what I want in life.

You might ask “How do I do this?”, this is not the question. The how comes when I am in flow, I can use Google, ask a friend, seek professional advice, the answer materialises with no effort. This is our wisdom speaking.

The real question is “Who am I being when I show up to the To Do list?"
If it’s coming from that place of dread, it’s going to create the same outcomes as always. When I approach from calm and creative it’s a completely different result. If I consciously create from this place it’s all neutral and just a list.

I want to thank the group that helped me see with so much more clarity yesterday because today the To Be list is awesome and fun.

The list will never go away, it’s always going to be there but how I feel and see it can always change.

Who are you being today?


Life is what makes death meaningful...

When I live my life by a series of deadlines my relationship to time becomes linear. I spend my time rushing to hit the deadline, even when I am early I am rushing to be early. It creates anxiety and a nervous energy and prevents me from being in my truest power. The ultimate deadline is Dead; when I live life as a continuous set of deadlines the toll on me is huge and I am waiting for the next hurdle to hit.

My future self has no such relationship to time. In MY future, I am not running against the clock. I am using the clock to create freedom in being here now. In the present. Life is where I want to be, living it, being full of it and spending it doing the things I love. When I approach life from this place I am more present, have more energy and less agitated.

Who does this benefit? Me, you, the dog, anyone and everyone I come into contact with...(especially other road users or standing in the supermarket queue!)

How does this happen? By surrendering and seeing this moment as the opportunity to "BE IN" my life rather than rushing past the moment to get to the next deadline... Yes, even when stuck in traffic!!! How can I create this time to be good for me and live life rather than be beholden to place I am trying to get to?...Singing along loudly to Spotify playlists is a good option at this point!

Ever felt agitated or anxious to be somewhere, to do something? That feeling of constantly running to keep up?
What if you could change your relationship to time? What would the impact be for you?

Thank you coach Rajni for helping me see this so very clearly.

Photos from Hearten Soul Coaching's post 26/05/2024

The river is a reflection of life…

Yesterday we took a fleet of paddles for a first run out of the season. It was a beautiful day and a family affair to experience the joys of being on the water.

As I think back (and feel how much I used my arms and shoulders!) I can see the mirror 🪞 of life in the river and its flow.

As I paddled I saw slowness in the flow, the comfort of the paddle strokes through the water and the gliding of the board along the water. This is my comfort zone, no effort, just staying where it’s nice and easy, it could also reflect where I am enjoying the moment and creating harmony in life.

Where the junctions of the tributaries met the flow increased and I only needed to guide the board as I travelled along at a faster speed. This could reflect my life when I’m sped up and rushing about like a headless chicken. It could also reflect when I am in flow, when life is at its best and I’m really enjoying what I’m doing. Or it could be the passage of time when I’m having fun and it zips by in a flash

On the return journey the wind and the flow are against me, I have to work hard, dig deep and paddle harder to stop myself from going backwards and being pulled by the current. Life has felt like this a lot for me, the grind of the everyday, the relentless exhaustion of eat, sleep, rest and repeat and the feeling of going nowhere. Resilience is pushed and depleted over time until the reserves are running on fumes. It’s also the times when I’ve been working hard, challenging myself and overcoming the hurdles and creating an achievement I didn’t know possible. I can see it as hard work, or I can enjoy the challenge and stretch!

Soon enough it’s back into slower flow and a clarity and enjoyment can flow again and take a moment to rest and recharge and feel the pleasant burn in the muscles where they have had a good workout.

If life is a river, where are you right now?
What are you creating it to be?
What would you like it to be?


What’s your weather today?


Sometimes our internal weather doesn’t reflect what’s going on around us?

What’s your weather today?


So today Pippa and I were very excited to host the second (of many) Inside Out event.

7 amazing humans who came into the wonderful space at Lightwater Country Park to reflect, unwind, give themselves permission to let all their existing beliefs go and share their version of an extraordinary life

I loved each and every second and I cannot wait until the next one.

Huge thanks to RHL Business Vision for the awesome printed books.

Photos from Hearten Soul Coaching's post 23/04/2024

Testimonial Tuesday...

I love what I do and wholeheartedly believe I create value for all those I work with.

The icing on the cake is when they share openly what has changed for them.

For this, I am truly humbled and grateful...


Testimonial Tuesday

I recently ran my first outdoor experience and it was so much fun.

The energy, the enthusiasm, the creativity and the insights were incredible and I cannot wait to do it all over again on 1st May. (A few spaces still available if you are free)

If you’re even slightly curious just ask and let’s create an Inside Out experience for you too.

Photos from Hearten Soul Coaching's post 06/04/2024

Inside out Starts here!

6 wonderful humans on a journey to transformation.

A day to slow down, reflect, transform and see possibilities.

I am so excited.


Self care isn't self love…

I shared this image exactly 3 years ago today and I want to update it.

My good friend and peer Alex ZeroPlus Manzi shared this explanation recently and I will credit him directly for this as it’s brilliant…

“Self care isn't self love…

Self care is:
• Going for massages
• Solo dates
• Eating well
• Nourishing your soul

Self love is:
• Dropping judgements of yourself
• Being at peace with your past
• Loving yourself through the tough times

Self love should be your goal

Self care is the expression of it”

Alex Zeroplus Manzi

Where are you with self love right now?


Last weekend I was part of an extraordinary event called The Lamron Intensive

(Lamron = Normal spelled backwards)

During the weekend I saw so clearly how my own fears are not only created by me and the language I feed myself with but have been holding me back from creating the life I am destined to live.

To start with I felt ashamed to not have seen it as clearly before, but in the conversations about dropping social conventions I created a new narrative that called me to drop those and play all out.

When I saw this in myself I saw where it was playing in the conversations I was having with others too. We water the plants of shame, fear and regret liberally whilst neglecting the plants of love and kindness.

This week I have been bolder than ever, I have created myself in a way that is more powerful and liberating than I have ever been before. I am feeding the seeds of a new truth and it’s so much more fun.

I am so grateful for the wake up call and I cannot wait to see the plants that grow from this place.

The poem by the late Irish poet and philosopher, John O Donohue speaks to how I am creating myself to be.

What plants are you watering in your mind/ language/ life?
Where are these holding you back?
Who do you need to create yourself to be to play all out and live life to the fullest?


My Extraordinary Life…..

This weekend I attended The Lamron Intensive 2024 led by the wonderful Sachin Sharma and shared the space with 17 awesome humans.

The space was held such that i could really explore and challenge my own ideas of social norms and expectations.

We watched cartoons and I saw the gold in how holding onto my mind created personality addictions shape how I see ourselves, others and the world around me. The implications of hanging on to these land deeply in my health, wealth, relationships and every other aspect of my life.

When I see the implications of how this thinking holds me back I can never live into the world I want to create for myself nor create the impact I know I can have in the world.

By exposing the social etiquette, the “I am just”, the “should” and “need” to of my thinking it laid open the opportunity to write the movie script of “My extraordinary life”

If you want to know what that movie looks like, hit me up with a DM and I would be happy to share it with you.

If you want to create the movie script of your own extraordinary life ask me how I can help because, believe me, it’s worth the time and effort to do it.

For those already signed up to the Inside Out program you are in for an absolute treat on our first group day. I cannot wait to get started X # # #


Meet me, and my introduction to coaching that I have been trialing at my networking sessions.

For an even bigger impact ask about going outdoors...


Last week I had the absolute privilege of spending time having a conversation with the wonderful Allen Ruddock talking about the benefits of outdoor coaching and how we can both incorporate this more in our businesses.

Being outdoors + coaching = Amplified impact

Have a listen and share your thoughts below.

There are still spaces available on the Inside Out program so DM or call me if you want to find out more.


Photos from Hearten Soul Coaching's post 12/03/2024

There is no such thing as bad weather, only the wrong clothes.

This is certainly true of this morning’s walk, the dog was not impressed with the rain, nor the bath that followed!!

As I was squelching through the mud and rain ☔️ I saw how clearly weather can give me a different perspective on what’s running through my mind

I could choose to see the rain as tears of sadness or joy, bringing new life as it feeds the environment, or as raining down problems on my life; I could notice the change in smell and temperature from when I walk in drier conditions, I could see the rain as a reflection of what’s going through my mind and whether my outlook on life is as productive/ powerful as it could be depending on my mood.

Weather brings an opportunity to experience a different view of the world and for me to bring this into a coaching conversation and see what emerges.

So, next time you feel reluctant to get your walking shoes because it’s raining on I invite you to see if it’s the weather that’s the problem or if you are wearing the wrong clothes….


Come and join Allen Ruddock and myself for a LinkedIn interview this Thursday at 4pm


As someone who feels like a square peg in a round hole, doing more of the same and trying to fit in isn't sustainable. (FYI, I have felt like this for most of my life)

Finding the shape that fits, the tribe that goes with it, and feeling truly fulfilled and content is.

Through gentle inquiry, exploration using conversation and reflection I can help you find your unique shape without the angst of doing it alone.

Does this resonate? Fancy a conversation? DM, call or connect with me to see if I can help.


If you are feeling like you are missing out on something in life then this might just be for you…


There is one space left for the group starting on 19th March.

Please reach out if you are even slightly interested.

My most recent review is below so don't just take my word for how much value this can add to you and your business....

"I have been working with Cathrine as part of a small business group. She has completely changed my mindset and given me the confidence to increase my pricing and make positive changes. I would highly recommend her."

🌟 Join the HeartenSoul Business Challenge Club! 🌟

Are you a small business owner seeking a supportive community to navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship? Look no further!

🤝 Who is this for?
Tailored for small business owners to spend time out in a safe, non-judgmental space to share and learn from like-minded individuals facing similar challenges.

📆 What's Included:
🚀 Small groups (max 4 people) meeting monthly for 3 deeply transformative months (90 minutes each).
🔄 Stable groups throughout the program, the content is shaped by the participants for the participants.
🌐 Monthly cross-group Zoom calls to share progress and celebrate achievements.
🎙️ Expertly facilitated conversations by a professional coach to maximize every meeting.

💼 Your Commitment:
🗓️ Attend every session.
💬 Co-create an open and honest discussion space.
🧠 Show up with an open mind, ready to learn from yourself and others.

🚀 This Programme is Your Space To:
🗣️ Have deeper conversations about your business and overcome obstacles.
🤝 Create a support network, connecting with individuals facing similar challenges.

🌐 Don't Miss Out:
If you're ready for a transformative journey, secure your spot now!

🗓️ Upcoming Groups:
February Group: Starting on 14/02/2024
March Group: Starting on 19/03/2024

Contact me for more information and be part of a community that understands your entrepreneurial journey. Let's thrive together! 💪


We all want something for free…

For my birthday I received a WishStick, a beautiful piece of glass art to share my hopes and dreams to. It reminded me that the freedom I have always craved does not come easily.

Freedom is never free, freedom comes from seeing a possibility, creating the action and from stepping into the discomfort to take an action that enables the possibility to come true.

Freedom only ever comes from standing on the edge of discomfort.

The land of discomfort is where true freedom lies. Unless I am prepared to stand in discomfort, sit with it, see it for what it really is I will never be free. In order to be free I have to embrace the discomfort.

When I look at the people who are living a life of how I perceive freedom, it’s taken, sacrifice, hard work, and commitment to do or make decisions that most people wouldn’t.

I forget that, despite the freedom that shows on the outside, the work that has been put in on the inside and below the surface has been immense.

Freedom for me has been creating a life that is in balance with my mind and heart, one that does not require me to compromise my values and beliefs. It’s been hard won, it’s taken significant investment in me, time and energy to get this far. It’s still work in progress, but it’s moving forward. It took me years to step into the discomfort and make some of the decisions I have made. My own fear and thinking held me back.

What is freedom to you?
What will it take for you to get there?
How can I help you get there?

My wishstick is a symbol that freedom comes when the wishes become action and reality.


A wonderful Omni Business Development Network Guildford meeting this morning exploring and sharing their superpowers and how these show up in life and business.

So wonderful to see the whole room fully engaged and enjoying themselves in this conversation.

Thank you for the last minute opportunity/ challenge John Omni Gower


Just like the frog returns to its place of birth we often unconsciously return to our old habits and patterns.

When I choose to see I have a choice in letting these go I can go swim in a whole new pond of possibilities and create new opportunities and growth.

This week I am stepping out of the comfort zone pond of playing safe and into the wilderness of radical possibilities for me and those in my network.

Photo courtesy of my resident frog who returns every year to bring new froglets into the world.


For the days, hours minutes moments you are feeling “meh”….

See the comments for the link


Let’s go Inside Out….

I am on a journey, and I want you to come along with me.

Starting Saturday 6th April for 3 months we will create a unique and beautiful experience based in nature. The experience completes on Saturday 13th July.

I have been called to create an experience that speaks to the inner self and reconnect with the outside world around us.

Reconnecting with myself through the power of being outdoors has been pivotal in my healing and self love journey over the last 2 years and I know this will create transformation in those that choose to invest their time and commitment in this with me.

This experience includes one to one coaching, plus group support to share the journey, bespoke resources to deepen the learning and value. And a unique view of the world that you have never seen before.

One space is taken and only 7 remain. Will you be one of them?

Ask me for details of the Inside Out Experience.


There is one space available for the next Hearten Soul Coaching business club starting on 14th February

If you want to take your business to the next level this is a fantastic and affordable opportunity to do so with amazing fellow humans who will share in your success.

🌟 Join the HeartenSoul Business Challenge Club! 🌟

Are you a small business owner seeking a supportive community to navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship? Look no further!

🤝 Who is this for?
Tailored for small business owners to spend time out in a safe, non-judgmental space to share and learn from like-minded individuals facing similar challenges.

📆 What's Included:
🚀 Small groups (max 4 people) meeting monthly for 3 deeply transformative months (90 minutes each).
🔄 Stable groups throughout the program, the content is shaped by the participants for the participants.
🌐 Monthly cross-group Zoom calls to share progress and celebrate achievements.
🎙️ Expertly facilitated conversations by a professional coach to maximize every meeting.

💼 Your Commitment:
🗓️ Attend every session.
💬 Co-create an open and honest discussion space.
🧠 Show up with an open mind, ready to learn from yourself and others.

🚀 This Programme is Your Space To:
🗣️ Have deeper conversations about your business and overcome obstacles.
🤝 Create a support network, connecting with individuals facing similar challenges.

🌐 Don't Miss Out:
If you're ready for a transformative journey, secure your spot now!

🗓️ Upcoming Groups:
February Group: Starting on 14/02/2024
March Group: Starting on 19/03/2024

Contact me for more information and be part of a community that understands your entrepreneurial journey. Let's thrive together! 💪


Today I built a gate, the reasons why I built my gate are not so important right now, but here is what I wanted to share about the experience:

I am resourceful and creative always- Cement covered shutter planks behind the shed were re-purposed and cut to size and I dug out a whole load of screws from inside the shed. Some nifty work with the angle grinder sandpaper thingy and a mini chainsaw and look what emerged!

Patience is a virtue- This was not a job to be done quickly, cement is sticky and does not want to be removed regardless of how quickly I wanted to get it done. My mini chainsaw cuts left something to desired at times and needed a helping hand with a good old fashioned saw. It's better to enjoy the process than get frustrated!

One step at a time: The DIY and experts afficionados's will balk at the lack of planning, choice of tools and mess, but with a rough idea of what I needed to create in mind I took it one step at a time to see what was taking form.

The end result isn't as important as the journey- It was so good to use my brain, problem solve and make something from nothing. If nothing else behind the shed is clearer than it used to be, and I have a fully functional gate to now put to work. It might not be as beautiful as a shop bought one but it is definitely rustic and hand crafted!

I am a master at experiments and taking action- I can try anything I want to, I can create from nothing and I can have fun doing so, it may not work out as I expect but that's OK. I can see that I am infinitely capable and I do not need all the answers in order to give something a go.

I am perfectly imperfect- Getting quiet, having some faith in me and not letting my stories, habits and beliefs get in the way of the outcome allowed me to have some fun and create something unique.

What do you hear in my story of making a gate? What will you be making today and what would you like to experience from it?


My journey over the last few weeks has been very powerful in encouraging the innermost version of me to emerge; as well as learning and thinking about the practical side around coaching outside.

Tapping into the power of being outdoors and reflecting on how it aligns with who I really am.

Ask me about my experience, I would love to share what I have learned and help you unlock that for yourself…

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Videos (show all)

The river is a reflection of life…Yesterday we took a fleet of paddles for a first run out of the season. It was a beaut...
Sometimes our internal weather doesn’t reflect what’s going on around us?What’s your weather today?
Testimonial TuesdayI recently ran my first outdoor experience and it was so much fun. The energy, the enthusiasm, the cr...
Meet me, and my introduction to coaching that I have been trialing at my networking sessions.For an even bigger impact a...
Come and join Allen Ruddock and myself for a LinkedIn interview this Thursday at 4pm
For the days, hours minutes moments you are feeling “meh”….See the comments for the link
Let’s go Inside Out….I am on a journey, and I want you to come along with me.Starting Saturday 6th April for 3 months we...
My journey over the last few weeks has been very powerful in encouraging the innermost version of me to emerge; as well ...
Love networking with amazing people and the support I get from them all
Thoughts are like cloudsThey just come and go…#thinking #thinkingdifferently  #clouds #cloud #weather #personaldevelopem...
Off to my first networking event with How DOES she do it life
The one where she fell off…I have tried to paddle board quite a few times, my problem is that I don’t have a great centr...




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