Holistic Therapy & Massage/Wrexham..Gail

Retreats. Massage/Biofield Tuning/Sound healing,Reiki,Crystals,Oracle card. mind/body/soul connection In service to humanity.

My purpose is assisting you in raising your vibration, unblocking your heart, Increasing energy & living in alignment with nature..


What Are the 7 Chakras in Your Body...by, Energy Muse

Chakras are energy centers along your spine. There are seven main chakras, known as the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras. They are tied to physical and emotional problems in the body. Analyzing what is happening with your chakras is a powerful way to tune into your mind, body, and spirit.

In order to do this, you should pay close attention to which chakras react when you are in stressful situations. Look closely at things to see if you find any patterns of recurring problems or illness, which could clue you into which of your 7 chakras is out of balance. Read a brief description of each of the seven chakras below. Once you discover which chakras you want to focus your attention on.

What are the 7 Chakras in Your Body?
Based on Ayurvedic teachings and other Eastern traditions such as yoga and Buddhism, the energy body exists alongside the physical body, both requiring a balanced flow of life energy. These energy centers are the 7 chakras, which are swirling wheels of spiritual power that run parallel with the body’s main energy channel. In energy healing, keeping these energetic pathways cleansed and activated is very important for enhancing your physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. When these energy centers are aligned, balanced, and cleansed, it helps you feel energized and centered.

What are Chakras?
Each of the 7 chakras has a vibrational frequency that is associated with a different color. In energy healing, including crystal therapy, the chakras meaning is linked with a particular set of emotional, physical, and spiritual issues. When you pair certain crystals with chakras in the body, the crystalline structure of gemstones works to amplify your healing intentions and restore and rebalance the energy body by removing blockages. Cleansing of the 7 chakras also brings balance to overactive energy while strengthening any weaknesses.

Root Chakra
If your root chakra is weak, you may feel like you are unhappy with your body size or shape. You may feel as if you are out of control of your life and you can’t gain control. If your root chakra is overactive, you might find that you often explode angrily at the smallest things. For root chakra healing, we recommend using red and black crystals, such as Red Garnet, Red Jasper, Smoky Quartz, Black Onyx,and Hematite, to rebalance your root chakra. Once your root chakra is balanced, you will feel more grounded, solid and confident in yourself.

Sacral Chakra
A low energy flow through your sacral chakra will cause a lack of energy and motivation. You may feel extremely lethargic and even depressed, lacking any joyful moments in your life. If your sacral chakra is overactive, you may be feeling a constant frustration, leading to you breaking down in tears too often. To align this chakra center, practice sacral chakra healing. We recommend Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Tiger’s Eye and Sunstone. Once your sacral chakra is back in balance, you will begin to feel excitement, inspiration, and motivation again.

Solar Plexus Chakra
Inactivity of the solar plexus chakra will cause you to feel powerless, especially when you are under pressure. You may often feel butterflies in your stomach, or feel as if you can’t gain control over your life. If your solar plexus chakra is overactive, you will feel the uncontrollable need to control everything about your life; a “control freak.” For solar plexus chakra healing, try using yellow gemstones, such as Citrine, Yellow Jasper, Rutilated Quartz and Pyrite. Once your solar plexus chakra is balanced, you will begin to feel motivated, focused and confident in your decisions.

Heart Chakra
If you find yourself having problems in your relationships or feeling unattached to the people you love, it may indicate that your heart chakra is weak. If your heart chakra is overactive, you may find yourself becoming too attached to things, resulting in you being overly emotional all the time.
To practice heart chakra healing, try meditating with green and pink heart chakra stones, such as Chrysoprase, Aventurine, Rose Quartz or Rhodonite, over your heart to open it up to all types of love. Once your heart chakra becomes realigned, you radiate love of all kinds. Your relationships will begin to strengthen again and you will feel hopeful.

Throat Chakra
A weak throat chakra will make you unable to speak your truth and express yourself. When your throat chakra is overactive, you often speak before you think, resulting in unnecessary arguments and hurtful words. When your throat chakra becomes unbalanced, you will find that you cannot articulate your thoughts clearly, leading to miscommunications and frustration. For throat chakra healing, try meditating with throat chakra stones, like Angelite, Sodalite, Blue Apatite,and Aquamarine, on your throat.

Third Eye Chakra
Located just below the crown chakra in between the eyebrows, the third eye or brow energy center is linked with enhanced intuition and creative inspiration. If you feel a lack of clarity in your life or have trouble seeing the truth in yourself or situations, it’s a sign that you need a third eye chakra cleanse. In crystal therapy, indigo colored gemstones such as Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, and Fluorite reawaken inner wisdom, which opens the door to self-knowledge. After all, to know yourself is the beginning of wisdom.

If you feel you cannot visualize and organize your life very well, then your third eye chakra may be underactive. If your third chakra is overactive, you may experience nightmares each night. You may begin to feel stuck and in an emotional rut, becoming closed off to new ideas. You may also feel as if your intuition is off, and you cannot trust your “gut feelings.” For third eye chakra healing, lay on your back and place your favorite third eye chakra crystals, like Angelite, Amethyst, Fluorite,and Iolite, over your third eye and just relax.

Crown Chakra
An inability to think clearly when you are under stress means that your crown chakra is unbalanced. You may feel like you are going about life without having a specific purpose or path, leaving you feeling lost. For crown chakra healing, try using crown chakra crystals, such as Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Selenite,and Moonstone, to balance and align this chakra center.

Situated at the top of the head, the Crown chakra is the pathway to all other chakras, which is why energy healers typically start with a crown chakra cleanse before any therapeutic session. When the crown chakra is balanced and harmonious, it opens the doorway to spiritual enlightenment. Associated with the color violet, Amethyst crystals are excellent crown chakra activators. In healing layouts, these stones are placed on the forehead to encourage a feeling of transcendence from negative, self-defeating thought.

Photos from Holistic Therapy & Massage/Wrexham..Gail's post 01/03/2024

Our next Wrexham kambo and sound ceremony.

Who's joining us??

Known as "vaccine of the forest" is the warrior medicine. The kambo frog, The phyllomedusa Bicolor apparently has no natural predators, so walks the canopies with complete confidence and trust in it's strength and grace. When one sits with the kambo medicine there is a transference of these qualities imprinted onto the one that receives the medicine. Transfering the strength and confidence. I certainly can vouch for this from personal experience.

Kambo is
Anti parasitic
And is know to be one of the most powerful
Anti inflammatory substances known to man

When applied onto the gates, medicinal peptides load the body activating many bodily systems from the circulatory system to the lymphatic system and everything inbetween. Firing up these system so they are functioning at an elevated and more efficient rate.

Mental clarity are one of the most common side effects from having kambo. With lifting of brain fog and clearing the mind of chatter. Opening a window of opportunity to really make solid changes in your life. But I will say, kambo IS NOT a quick fix or silver bullet. The medicine gives you homework then it's up to you to make them changes permanent.

If your feeling the call to take your own health into your own hands and are looking for an alternative and more natural way then kambo could be exactly what your looking for.

Drop me or Gail Harris if you want to join us

For more info visit



We welcome you to come and join us on Feb 17th for our powerful Kambo & Sound journey.

A day of releasing what no longer serves our body & mind. ☯️
When we make space in our cells ✨️ we allow room for new powerful energies to be welcomed into our lives..

Full power Kambo ceremony followed by a powerful sound healing, calling in those interdimensional frequencies to raise your vibration 🕉..

Nutritious plant based food included before you leave

Nameste 🙏 "I bow to the divine in you".

Send myself or Leighton a message for more information or secure your place ..


Well this is filling super fast. Its bigger & better 🙏. Thankyou to everyone who attended last month, so many of you coming again and bringing your friends along too.. you won't be disappointed ❤️.
Oh and for anyone wondering about the "optional rapé".

What Is Rapé?
Pronounced “ha-peh” or “rapay”, Rapé is a fine, ground-up shamanic s***f.

It contains Nicotiana Rustica, a type of to***co also known as mapacho. It’s different from the to***co used in ci******es, which is Nicotiana Tabacum.

Although it contains to***co, you don’t want to smoke Rapé. Instead, it’s administered into your nose.

You don’t want to smoke it because it also contains other medicinal and sacred plants, including parts from tree bark, leaves, seeds, and various plants. Once collected, the components become pulverized with a pestle, and strained through a mesh.

The result is a fine, light-colored powder. Different combinations of plants provide different uses and effects, and the exact recipe is often kept secret by the shaman.

If you've not booked on and you'd like too still , just give me a message
You can pay the early bird price or pay on the day.. I'd just need to know if you require Cacao (food of the gods)..

Super excited to share with you yet again 💕
Much love Gail ✌️❤️


I can't begin to describe the depth of work I have done within myself to reach this point, I have taken part in many ayahuasca ceremonies (this is my university, it where I go to unlock my gifts 🎁) .. and I have taken many more people who needed this medicine..Last year I travelled to Portugal and did my shamanic facilitation training dieting mystical master plants, fasting, flower baths ,silence days, shamanic dieta , smoke baths and how to use plants as medicine and to help treat anxiety/depression etc.

Now I am more than ready to share the codes I carry within me .. you will know on a deep level if you are called to do work with me, and if you are then believe me there is some pure magic that is ready to be unleashed within you..

I'm so honoured to have learnt from some amazing masters of energy,the nature gods and goddess's and the shamanic ancient ways.. and I'm also honoured to share my passion of healing, the journey I have travelled so far and to also be in a position to share these tools with others is life changing ❤️ not just for myself but for you!

I honour the divine in you, your pure souls, your journeys so far and I wish you all magic in your lives.. and the lives of everyone you touch 🙌.

Photos from Holistic Therapy & Massage/Wrexham..Gail's post 23/06/2023

I love nothing more than sharing my magic and helping you to find your true self, pain free, confident in your own skin and relaxed. Mind still and ready to magnetise your dreams to you
I love hearing how you feel after leaving me too ❤️🦋..
Let's all stop living in pain (we've made it our comfort zone and our body, mind and soul can't remember how it feels to be free).
A lot of emotions can rise to the surface when you have work done on a cellular basis.. sit with them and be thankful.. because you are changing/expanding your reality✨️ for the better ✨️..

"Hi gail I would just like to say that was far the best experience I've had,my aching body has improved today and I feel so relaxed thank you for helping me I will definitely be recommending you to my freinds you was amazing with me made me feel at home thank you" 😘 # # #


Here is a little information about my
☯️chakra balancing treatment ☯️

Massage alone can help with deep relaxation which is where I make a start, it's a specific energy release down the back/buttocks and back of legs, reflexology on the feet targets specific points/zones which are connected to your internal organs releasing blockages, crystals are super powerful and I work with them intuitively.. all have their own various healing properties and when programmed to do a specific task (even more so). Indiginous plant medicines rapè /sananga will ground you into your body , remove Panama (bad luck) and any stagnant energy causing blockages. Essential oils also work on a cellular level ..
Biofield tuning (using 6 solfeggio frequencies) to heal/transform etc your body again on a cellular level. This part of the treatment is on your energy field.
This is a very powerful treatment that can very quickly transform your life. (3 treatments are usually recommended, giving time in-between to integrate your new energy.)

🕊This should be careful protected and nurtured

Full deep relaxation is guaranteed , your body mind and soul will be connected and at ease. You can then bring your awareness to anything/anyone who alters your state of being.
Do they make you feel good/leave you energised or are you left feeling drained?
I can promise a very calm , clear mind 😌 and physical/mental/emotional healing.

During this process I also help you set a powerful goal through intention.. as if by magic your cells listen to your wish and begin to magnetise your request into your life. Be it your best physical/mental health and wellbeing, the end to a negative situation, the list is endless , what you dream you can achieve 🙏✨️.
I have now added a gong/crystal bowl mini healing at the end of this treatment as it compliments this treatment so well and I'd love to share some more powerful vibrations with you 🦋

Love and transformation into our best selves


Coupe of spaces available tomorrow Wednesday 14th.




Why every woman needs to be beating her drum… It's because:
1. She has the right to create the space to be truly, powerfully authentic – everywhere in her life.
2. Her message is unique and valuable and the world is longing to hear it.
3. She is a goddess, a warrior, a powerful woman.
4. She has had enough of holding herself back.
5. Her voice counts!
6. She has the right to transform her life so that it resonates with her, and to do this with ease and grace.
7. She is worthy of the great love from herself.
8. Her relationships are important and her being clear about her own needs and expressing them in an empowering way means – everyone wins.
9. Taking care of herself first means that she can then truly make a difference with others.
10. She deserves to create the results she wants in all areas of her life.
11. She was born to be full of joy and to feel alive.~

~Leanne Babcock 🙏💖


Massages from £25
Give me a message if you'd like to book 💆‍♀️💆

Who wants a pain free/stress free body ?
Available for bookings..


Who wants a pain free/stress free body ?
Available for bookings..

Photos from Holistic Therapy & Massage/Wrexham..Gail's post 14/02/2022

Tuning the Biofield


Part of my chakra balancing includes 'Tuning the biofield'.
Here's a little information for you 😊

(vibrational sound therapy)

Shift Every Cell In Your Body From​Dis-Ease To Ease!

You’re probably aware that you have an energy field that surrounds and permeates your body, which science refers to as your “biofield”…

But did you know that your biofield has electromagnetic qualities… and that just the right type of sound can have the positive effect of “harmonizing” your “electric body” to help you achieve optimal wellbeing?

Sound-healing therapies are used in medical facilities across the globe to address everything from



Sleep challenges



Digestive issues

Autoimmune disorders

Biofield Tuning is based on the premise that the human biofield - the energy field that surrounds and permeates our bodies - is inextricably connected with our conscious and subconscious mind, including all of our memories.

All physical, mental and emotional disorders can be perceived as "dissonance" in our energy fields.

Biofield Tuning is able to diminish and resolve this dissonance and in doing so, alleviate and even eradicate the corresponding physical, mental and/or emotional symptoms

raise your “electric” vibration for better emotional and physical health
Experience a whole-body “tuning” that can transform the electromagnetic energy in your body from dissonance or “noise” to resonance or a soothing “symphony”.


Spaces this week for Chakra energy balance.
1 hour massage, reflexology, crystal therapy and sound healing with tuning forks
2 hour total. £60
Deep relaxation helping to raise your vibration..

Booking essential Monday-friday

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Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 8pm
Tuesday 8am - 8pm
Wednesday 8am - 8pm
Thursday 7am - 8pm
Friday 8am - 2pm
Saturday 9am - 12pm
Sunday 7pm - 10pm

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