
~ connect to Nature inside out and become your own healer ~ ALL my products are ORGANIC, DAIRY, GLUTEN, SOYA, REFINED SUGAR FREE, with NO ARTIFICIAL ADDITIVES!

I only use high quality ingredients that have been grown in co-operatives/farmers in South America. I like to look at food as MEDICINE and work in HARMONY with PEOPLE and our precious MOTHER EARTH! Let's stay ETHICAL and CONSCIOUS

Photos from Ayurveda.journey's post 08/07/2024

So pleased to see my business cards arrived the other day. Thanks a lot for providing such outstanding environmentally friendly printing practices. Fusing two of my passions for creating Visual Arts and Photography + plant work and guiding and supporting others on their path to wellness with natural tools of Ayurveda and Yoga. Hope that somehow these two passions of mine will be flourishing in a sustainable way 🌱 If you’re experiencing health symptoms and would like to get support with natural, sustainable, holistic approach, you can book an Ayurvedic 1:1 session via e-mail ([email protected]) / DM or comment below👇 More workshops and offerings will be announced soon. May we all be well and happy 🌝 journey | artwork


Photos from Ayurveda.journey's post 07/04/2024

It’s SPRING time! Certainly this time of the year is marked by seeing wild garlic everywhere. As you walk through an ancient woodlands and meadows, the flowering plant smell, catches you with its potency and distinctive sharpness. Very beautiful to witness it’s foliage blowing on a wind. Part of my harvest I’ve incorporated into creating..

🌱 Wild Garlic - Nettle pesto. A sharp and spicy tasting dish that can be used various ways: as a pizza topping, with flatbread, pancakes, pasta or on your favourite slice of bread. An extractive food that has a cleansing nature. Ingredients: • fresh wild garlic leaf + flowers • fresh nettle leaf • toasted walnuts • extra virgin olive oil • mineral/rock salt • cumin powder • sweet paprika powder • black pepper • tahini sauce • lime juice / All blended in one mushy yumminess.

🌱 Seaw**d - buckwheat pancakes. A grain with a hint of water oceanic saltiness that has an augmenting nature, meaning it helps to build our body tissues and adds to our weight. Ingredients: • white buckwheat flour • Irish moss seaw**d • Bladderwrack seaw**d • turmeric powder • water • extra virgin olive oil / All mixed together and left before cooking for the seaw**ds to dehydrate and soften.

🌱 Takra, a probiotic drink made of buttermilk, ghee and digestive spices. One part of warm water to one part of buttermilk. It’s rasa (taste) is sour (amla) and relates to fire and earth elements. It brings us light, heat, sharpness, moist and nourishment. One of six tastes that is refreshing and enlivening to the mind. In small amounts it encourages elimination, stimulates appetite and digestive enzymes production as well as eliminate excess kapha. However, in larger amounts it brings dryness and creates congestion in srotamsi (pranic channels).

Therefor to keep things flowing and in balance, it’s good to practice moderation both in quantities of food portions we consume at one sitting as well as combination of flavours and tastes. Bring yourself into present moment and be aware of how you feel when you eat..

Photos from Ayurveda.journey's post 01/04/2024

💫 This Easter’s cookings are inspired by fusion of Polish culture, celebration of spring season, and Ayurvedic approach of including all 6 tastes, to bring balance of body and mind.

🌾 Polish zurek (fermented rye soup) was inspired by vegan recipe found on - thank you for your share. My first attempt to make it, with few little alternations, and came out very nice. Predominant flavour in this soup comes from fermented rye flour, and it’s SOUR. One of 6 tastes that brings light, oiliness, heat and nourishment. Sour is refreshing, stimulating the mind, enhances appetite, improves digestion and absorption, and strengthens the heart. This flavour in particular is what distinguish Polish kitchen so much from other cultures. Some, on its own can make your face go pretty funny 😆 Though, like any other dish it requires other flavours to be present for balance and optimal nourishment. Keep an eye for my upcoming posted on them..

🪸 Seaw**d - chickpea hummus. Combination of SALTY, SWEET and ASTRINGENCY. One of my favourite hummuses so far. Made from personally harvested • Irish bladderwrack • chickpeas • Celtic salt • cumin seeds • cyan pepper • sweet paprika • cold pressed olive oil • stock from cooked root vegetables for fermented rye soup • fresh parsley for garnish. Thank you for sharing such wonderful walk with me on Irish coast and helping to find this beautiful seaw**d, that took this recipe to another level.

🌜Third part of today’s cooking was roasted caraway potatoes with chickpeas. It contained • small white potatoes • caraway seeds • Himalayan pink salt • cold pressed olive oil • chickpeas. A SWEET dish, that is grounding and heavy in nature. More on this flavour in another post.

🍀 It was a wonderful time, meeting with friends ,sharing and cooking meals, and taking walks in local parks, Court Hey Park Wetland. Thank you for all the abundance, for all Nature’s gifts that brings nourishment and enjoyment into my life..
journey |


Photos from Ayurveda.journey's post 24/03/2024

Thank you Mother Earth for your nurturing and kind nature, and for all the delicious food we can grow and enjoy. As spring is unfolding there are some nice, local projects to get involved with 🌱 New seeds to be planted 👩‍🌾 Had a great outdoor day connecting with people and getting involved in community growing local food project at Caía Park site with (https://www.facebook.com/incredibleediblewrecsam). If you’re interested in volunteering with us, get in touch via link above 👆
journey | photographs


🌱 Really pleased that I’m gonna be sharing with you ancient healing system of Ayurveda and Yoga to support your well being as we transition into spring season, Kapha season.
🌱 In this workshop we’ll be exploring simple, yet powerful tools of Ayurveda so we can align to ever changing rhythms of Nature with ease and feeling refreshed.
🌱 More details in the link below ⬇️
🌱 With Love 💚 Asia .journey |

Photos from Ayurveda.journey's post 22/01/2024

🌱 Lemongrass, Citronella Grass / Botanical - Cymbopogon citratus / Sanskrit - Bhu Trna, is a tall perennial grass used in cooking and herbal medicine. It has very fresh, lemony aroma with a citrus scent/flavour, where its name comes from. This beautiful herb can be used internally (orally) and externally (topically and infused as aromatherapy). Parts that are used for preparing tea, oil or powder come from its leaves. Ayurvedic properties of lemongrass: Rasa/Taste (bitter, pungent, sour); Guna/Quality (dry, light, sharp/penetrating); Virya/Action (cooling); Vipaka/Post-Digestion (pungent); Dosha reduces VPK = V+ (in excess); Dhatu/Tissue (plasma, blood, muscle, nerve); Srota/Channel (digestive, respiratory, urinary, female reproductive). Ayurvedic action of lemongrass: digestive, promotes appetite, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-fungal, good for eyes, purification of mouth, purgation, promotes the secretion of milk, pacifies cold, subsided vomiting, alleviates fever. Lemon grass raises Agni and clears Ama/metabolic toxins, enhancing the digestion without aggravating Pitta because it is cooling. It regulates Samana Vata (an equalising air that balances inner and outer, upper and lower parts/energies of the body in a process of digestion, so when our minds and emotions are in balance we absorb nutrients in all levels), Apana Vata (downward moving air, which governs the elimination of waste energy, urination, menstruation, parturition and s*x) and eases wind, bloating, abdominal pain and cramps, and worms. Lemongrass relieves period pain from excess Vata or Pitta. It makes a soothing diuretic for cystitis and fluid retention. It reduces Avalambaka Kapha in the lungs ('the water that gives support'; located in the heart and lungs, where it provides lubrication), clears phlegm in coughs and bronchitis, and eases spasms and congestion in asthma. In hot infusions in reduces fevers. Externally oil increases circulation and relives the pain and inflammation of arthritic joints. It may be applies to skin problems like acne or pores and alopecia. Powdered leaves are useful in diarrhoea. Its cleansing and purifying energy makes it beneficial for skin care products..

Photos from Ayurveda.journey's post 16/01/2024

Winter walks in local woodlands; a tree seems like a botanical drawing of intertwined textures and shapes and pretty saturated with earthly colours.. Connecting to plants and trees through direct experience of feelings and bodily sensations, as they come and as they go.. 🌲
Photography by

Photos from Ayurveda.journey's post 11/01/2024

Connecting to the element of water, 4th of five great elements (Pancha Mahabhutas). It comes from either, air and fire and contains aspects of the other three elements within it. Either provides water the space to exists within. Air provides ability to move and flow. Air creates friction and generates heat of fire, that moves in a fluidic/flowing way. As fire becomes denser, it cools and takes greater form, that is water.
It is the five sense organs that enable us to experience the outer world. The tongue is a vehicle through which rasa tanmatra, taste manifests. The tongue is the sense organ of water. It’s through the tongue that we taste the world around us. The tongue only work when water or saliva is present, so any water imbalance will cause disturbance in our taste. The organ of action that corresponds with water and tongue is urethra (pen*s/vagina).
Water is flowing motion which gives cohesiveness and holds everything together. It’s qualities are: cool, stable, heavy, moist, smooth, gross, flowing, dull, cloudy, and soft. It’s vital to take in the qualities of water when feeling ungrounded, dehydrated, rough, immobile, irritable, vulnerable, or harsh. Spending time outside in nature sitting by water helps to purify the senses and increase Sattva, love, harmony and balance within us.
Kapha dosha contains both water and earth. Most of the protective and healing aspects of the kapha dosha are due to water as water is foundation for support of earth’s stable and heavy qualities in the body. An increase of the qualities of water will result in weight gain and sluggishness. Primordial home for kapha dosha is stomach. If the qualities of water increase, they overflow from the stomach into circulation and flood the tissue of the body, weakening the digestive capacity. When kapha is deficient it manifests in dehydration, dry stools, mucus membranes, eyes and skin. When in balance we are stable, grounded, kind, loving, peaceful and giving, have good lubrication, have excellent strength, and good endurance and longevity.
Sweet taste is the main source of water. Cooked whole grains, oils and nuts support healthy water element in the body 💦 .journey

Photos from Ayurveda.journey's post 11/12/2023

[en] Wonderful times of wreath making, using costal flora. Thanks to Kathryn who shared with me this craft of decoration making. Had a lot of fun connecting to the land and sharing those magical moments of nature art making🌲✨🌿
[pl] Wspaniałe czasy tworzenia wieńców z nadmorskich roślin. Dzięki dla Kathryn, która podzieliła się ze mną tym rzemiosłem dekoracyjnym. Świetnie się bawiłem łącząc się z tutejsza ziemia i dzieląc magicznymi momentami tworzenia art-natury 🌲✨🌿

Photography / Fotografía

Photos from Ayurveda.journey's post 11/12/2023
Photos from Ayurveda.journey's post 29/11/2023

Jak zadbac o równowagę Vaty w tym sezonie?
Sezon Vaty trwa od jesieni do połowy zimy, możemy wiec już poczuć sezonowe zmiany zimna, suchości i lekkości. Te cechy, gdy są w nadmiarze, mogą przejawiać się zbyt dużym ruchem, nadwrażliwością fizyczna i emocjonalna, uczuciem leku, bezsennością, zapominaniem, sztywnymi mięśniami, slabym krążeniem, zimnym ciele, zaparciami i wzdęciami.
Aby uspokoić Vate, możemy skupić się na wprowadzeniu przeciwnych jakości do naszej diety i stylu życia, jak:
* gotowane, ciepłe posilki - słodkie warzywa korzeniowe, ryż, cieple gulasze i rozgrzewające przyprawy
* praktyka regularnej Abhyangi - nakładanie ciepłego oleju na ciało jest bardzo pielęgnujące i uspokajające dla Vaty
* regularny harmonogram - lekka natura Vaty, aby byc uziemiona i spokojna wymaga regularnego harmonogramu dnia
* rób jedną rzecz na raz - gdy twoja uwaga jest podzielona, ruch wewnętrzny i zewnętrzny wzrasta, powodując nadmiar Vaty
* cichy czas - jednym z oznak braku równowagi Vaty jest zbyt dużo mówienia, więc znajdź czas aby zatrzymać się, czy to poprzez medytację, cichy spacer w naturze, rysowanie czy pisanie dziennika
* wolniejszy rytm asan - asany w szybkim tempie z krótkimi trzymaniami i muzyką mogą powodować nadmierną stymulację; znajdź spokojną i cicha praktykę, która pozwoli Ci utrzymać pozycje przez ok. 20-25 oddechów
* ciepłe warstwy - gdy na zewnątrz jest chłodniej, pozostan przykryty ciepłymi i ciężkimi warstwami, aby ukoić zimną Vatę (szczególnie ważne, aby mieć głowę i kark zakryte gdy jest sie na zewnatrz)
🌲 Życzę Wam ugruntowanej i zrownoważonej Vaty w tym sezonie 🌀
Z miłością 🤍.journey

Photos from Ayurveda.journey's post 28/11/2023

How to keep Vata balanced this season?
As we are in Vata season ❄️, which goes through autumn and mid - winter, we can feel the seasonal changes of cold, dry and light being present. Those qualities when in excess, can manifest in too much movement (overactivity), physical and emotional hypersensitivity, feelings of anxiety, sleeplessness, forgetfulness, dehydration, stiff muscles, poor circulation, cold body, constipation, gas and bloating.
To calm Vata we can focus on bringing the opposite qualities into our diet and lifestyle choices:
* cooked, warm, moist foods - roasted sweet root vegetables, rice, warming stews and spices
* practice of regular Abhyanga, - applying warm oil to your body is very nurturing and calming for Vata
* regular schedule - light nature of Vata needs regular schedule to stay grounded, so to keep Vata calm keep your daily eating, working and sleeping schedule regular
* do one thing at a time - when your attention is split, internal and external movement increases, causing excess Vata
* silent times - one of the signs of Vata imbalance is talking too much, so find time in a day to pause, whether through meditation, silent nature walk, drawing, or journaling
* slower paste asanas - fast - paced asanas with short holds and music can cause overstimulation; find a peaceful, quite practice that allows you to hold posses for approx. 20-25 breaths
* heavy and warm layers - as it’s chiller outside, stay covered with warm and heavy layers to soothe cold Vata (especially important to cover head and back of your neck while being outside)
🌲 Stay grounded and warm this season..
With Love .journey


[en] 🍂 Celebrating life I create, plant based nourishment for the body and mind. Been very grateful for the abundance from Mother Earth, that grounds our experince on this Planet. Through Ayurvedic Health Advisor Training, AHA Hale P**e Ayurveda and Yoga I discover more and more how simple living creates more peace. Working with the elements and their qualities, allows us to create harmony with the constantly changing environmental axes around us. As we are In Vata season now, we can feel the energies around us of dryness, lightness, and coldness so to bring balance to our bodies and minds, we present opposite qualities, like wet, heavy, and warm. Cooking meals with sweet, root vegetables and adding warming spices like cloves, cinnamon or ginger can support us in this process. This balancing 60:40 meal contains of: • buckwheat flatbreads with Dulse seaw**d and goat cheese • cilantro and pine nuts pesto • celery root with cinnamon, cumin seeds and ginger • steamed cavalo nero leaf • avocado • topped with sunflower seeds •

I'm curious how do you warm up your bodies on those cooler days?

With Love, Asia Ayurveda.journey
Photography ∆JN∆ SP∆CE


[pl] 🍂 Świętując życie, tworze zdrowe, roślinne pożywienie dla ciała i umysłu. Z duża wdzięcznością za obfitość jaka daje nam Mama Ziemia, pozwalając doświadczać życia na tej planecie. Podczas szkolenia Ajurvedyjskiego, AHA w coraz bardziej odkrywam, jak proste życie przynosi mi więcej spokoju. Praca z elementami i ich jakościami, pozwala na tworzenie harmonii z ciagle zmieniającym sie środowiskiem wokol nas. Ponieważ jesteśmy teraz w sezonie Vaty, możemy poczuć, jak energie suchości, lekkości i zimna są obecne wokół nas, wiec aby przywrócić równowagę naszym ciałom i umysłom, potrzebujemy przynosić przeciwne jakości, takie jak mokrość, ciężkość i ciepło. Jedna z praktyk wspierającą ten proces jest gotowanie posiłków ze słodkimi warzywami korzeniowymi i dodawanie rozgrzewających przypraw, takich jak goździki, cynamon lub imbir. Ten równoważący posiłek 60:40 zawiera: • płaski chleb gryczany z wodorostami Dulse i kozim serem • pesto z kolendry i orzeszków z sosny • korzeń selera z cynamonem, nasionami kminku i imbirem
• liść cavalo nero na parze • awokado • zwieńczone nasionami słonecznika •

Jestem ciekawa jak Wy rozgrzewacie swoje ciałka w te chłodniejsze dni?

Z Miloscia, Asia .journey


Yarroway, a herb will save the day 01/11/2023

[en] One of Nature’s powerful allies in our pursuit of well-being is Yarrow plant 🌱
[pl] Jednym z potężnych sprzymierzencow Natury w dążeniu do dobrego samopoczucia jest krwawnik pospolity 🌱

Yarroway, a herb will save the day Our profound connection to the natural world has not only sustained us throughout history but has also provided an abundant source of healing. Among nature’s countless gifts, Yarrow, scientifically known as Achillea millefolium, stands out as a remarkable medicinal herb. This unassuming wild plant...

Photos from Ayurveda.journey's post 17/10/2023

[en] Very common plant in woodlands, waste grounds and hedgerows that I keep seeing is Hawthorne tree (Crataegus monogyna). The edible parts of this shrub are young leaves (nutty, slightly bitter), berries (astringent) also known as ‘haws’ and five - petaled white/pink flowers. As we entered Autumn/Vata season, pollinated flowers turned into orange/deep red berries, hanging in clusters, ready for harvest. Foraging season appears between March and November. HB contain high quantities of flavonoid antioxidants. Both berries and leaves are thought to be good for blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease and circulatory disorders. Once dried, hawthorn berries can be made into tea and/or powdered and added into soups, souses, and smoothies, for support of our immunity in colder seasons 🌿
I’m offering ORGANIC, WHOLE DRIED HAWTHORN BERRIES in various sizes in resealable bags. If you’re interested, get in touch via comment, or DM for more info 🌿
[pl] Bardzo powszechną rośliną w lasach, na pustkowiach i żywopłotach, którą często spotykam podczas spacerów, jest drzewo Glogu (Crataegus monogyna). Jadalne części tego krzewu to młode liście (orzechowe, lekko gorzkie), jagody (ściągające) znane również jako ‘ piły ’ i pięcio- płatkowe białe / czasami różowe kwiaty. Weszliśmy w pore jesienna/ sezon Vaty i zapylone kwiaty zamieniły się w pomarańczowe / głęboko czerwone jagody, wiszące w gromadach, gotowe do zbioru. Sezon zbieradztwa ma miejsce między marcem a listopadem. Jagody głogu zawierają duże ilości przeciwutleniaczy flawonoidowych. Uważa się, że zarówno jagody, jak i liście są dobre dla ciśnienia krwi, wysokiego poziomu cholesterolu, chorób serca i zaburzeń krążenia. Po wysuszeniu jagody głogu można przekształcić w herbatę i / lub sproszkować i dodać do zup, sosów i koktajli, aby wesprzeć naszą odporność w chłodniejszych porach roku.
Oferuje ORGANICZNE, CAŁE SUSZONE JAGODY GŁOGU w różnych rozmiarach w torebkach wielokrotnego użytku. Jeśli jesteś zainteresowany, daj znać w komentarzu lub napisz do mnie wiadomość 🌿

Photos and Video
Text .journey

How to Heal Your Hormones Naturally and Feel Fabulous 24/09/2023

How to Heal Your Hormones Naturally and Feel Fabulous You deserve to live your life to the fullest.

Photos from Ayurveda.journey's post 10/09/2023

[en]🍃Ayurveda is a natural system of health and healing. As a holistic system of medicine it doesn't focus on disease or pathology but maintains that all life must be supported by energy in balance. It recognizes the intelligent principle present in both the universe and the body. Health is the harmonious function of the whole individual. No system can work in isolation. Therefore, the goal is not to treat or suppress symptoms, but to restore balance by eliminating the cause of imbalance. When one is in a state of balance, the body, mind and spirit work together and there is a sense of wellbeing. When the root cause of imbalance is removed symptoms disappear. Ayurveda is a holistic science based in nature that uses the principles of prevention, recovery and longevity. Patience and self-responsibility in the process are important elements, as only then deep and lasting changes may come about 🌳

[pl] 🍃Ajurweda to naturalny system zdrowia i leczenia. Jako całościowy system medycyny nie koncentruje się na chorobach ani patologii, ale utrzymuje, że całe życie musi być wspierane przez energię w równowadze. Rozpoznaje inteligentną zasadę obecną zarówno we wszechświecie, jak i w ciele. Zdrowie jest harmonijną funkcją całej osoby. Żaden system nie może działać w izolacji. Dlatego celem nie jest leczenie ani tłumienie objawów, ale przywrócenie równowagi poprzez wyeliminowanie przyczyny braku równowagi. Kiedy ktoś jest w stanie równowagi, ciało, umysł i duch współpracują ze sobą i odczuwa się dobre samopoczucie. Po usunięciu pierwotnej przyczyny braku równowagi objawy znikają. Ayurveda to holistyczna nauka oparta na naturze, która wykorzystuje zasady zapobiegania, odzyskiwania i długowieczności. Cierpliwość i odpowiedzialność za proces są ważnymi elementami, ponieważ tylko wtedy mogą nastąpić głębokie i trwałe zmiany 🌳

Text inspired from my AHA training / Text zainspirowany materiałem z kursu AHA

Photography / Fotografia

Photos from Ayurveda.journey's post 07/08/2023

[en] As we move deeper into summer, foraging exploration continues with these versatile plants 🌱 (accompanied with our four legged furry friends 🙃)

☘️ Pineaple w**d / Wild chamomile (Matricaria discoidea) - belongs to chamomile family with similar calming effect on our nervous system; good for making teas and refreshing drinks like cordial and ice lollies.

☘️ Common plantain / Broadleaf plantain (Plantago major) - perennial plant that belongs to plantain family; the leaves are picked throughout the flowering season and used fresh or dried to make juice, delicious pesto or obtain extract.

☘️ Stinging nettle seeds (Urtica dioica) harvested from female plant are considered to be adaptogenic and supportive to adrenal glands and endocrine system; full of minerals and vitamins including iron and vitamin C, with surprising find that 22% of Nettle is protein.

☘️ Blackberries / Brambles (Rubus fruticosus) thank to astringent (constricting) action of leaves are known as a herbal remedy to aid digestive ailments such as diarrhoea, dysentery gastroenteritis as well as fever, inflammation, cystitis, gout, vaginal discharge, flu and colds.

Happy, Safe and Sustainable harvesting! 🌝 .journey


[EN] Connecting to wildly harvested stinging nettles (Urtica dioica) and horsetail (Equisetum) to create a natural hair tonic. As I’ve been experiencing extensive hair loss, I came upon these ancient, native plants that are packed with wide variety of nutrients and act as antioxidant inside our bodies. Stinging nettle is one of the oldest recorded remedies used for treating and preventing hair loss. This is primarily due to high amount of sulphur and silica, which improve hair health by strengthening the hair shaft. Silicon content present in horsetail gives it a texture that is useful for cleaning, improves hair growth, reduces dandruff and boosts scalp circulation. Both can be used internally as a tea and topically.. 🌱
[PL] Łącze się z dziko zebrana pokrzywa zwyczajna i skrzypem polnym aby stworzyć naturalny tonik (wcierka) do włosów. Podczas ostatnio doświadczanych nadmiernie wypadających włosów, natknęłam się na prastare, rodzinne rośliny, o szerokim wachlarzu odrzywczym i działające jako antyutleniacze. Pokrzywa jest jednym z najstarszych, zarejestrowanych środków leczniczych zapobiegających wypadaniu włosom. Jest to głównie spowodowane duża ilością siarki i krzemionki, surowców, które poprawiaja zdrowie włosa poprzez wzmacnianie struktury trzonu włosa. Krzem obecny w skrzypie polnym nadaje mu teksture, która pomocna jest w czyszczeniu, wspomaga porost włosa, redukuje łupież oraz zwiększa krążenie skory głowy. Rośliny te mogą być spożywane jako herbaty, a także miejscowo na skore 🌱 .journey

Photos from Ayurveda.journey's post 11/04/2023

[EN] Celebrating this year’s Easter, Rebirth time by creating and sharing with friends an Ayurvedic almond walnut date cake. Pure enjoyment for our senses, made of organic plant based ingredients and loving attendance. Eating what we love, is a good opportunity to PAUSE, take few deep breaths, soft out belly’s and smile to ourselves inside so we can peacefully connect with the consciousness of plants that support our healthy and vibrant living 🌱
Ingredients: •dry dates •ground almonds •whole walnut pieces •ground brown linseeds •raw cacao •true cinnamon •turmeric powder •ginger powder •rock salt •oat milk •sesame oil •avocado •dry rose flowers 🌹
[PL] Świętowanie w tym roku Wielkanocy, Świat Odrodzenia kreując i dzieląc sie z przyjaciółmi Auyrvedyjskim migdałowo orzechowo daktylowym ciastem. Czysta przyjemność dla naszych zmysłów, stworzona z organicznych roślinnych produktów i kochającej obecności. Spożywanie posiłku, które kochamy jest znakomita okazja na zatrzymanie się, wzięciu kilku głębokich oddechów, zmiękczenia naszych brzuchów i wewnętrznego uśmiechu do nas samych, abyśmy w spokojny sposób mogli połączyć się ze świadomością roślin, które wspierają nasze tętniące, zdrowe życie 🌱
Składniki: •suszone daktyle •zmielone migdały •cały orzech włoski •zmielone brązowe siemię lniane •surowe kakao •prawdziwy cynamon •kurkuma proszek •imbir proszek •sol kamienna •mleko owsiane •olej sezamowy •awokado •suszone kwiaty róży 🌹 journey

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Our Story

I like to look at food as medicine.. Focusing on wholesome, plant based diet can help us to find balance in our lives. Maintaining and promoting self-care, and well being benefits everyone around us and deeper - our precious Mother Earth. We are Nature, and by following her patterns and eating seasonally we develop nurturing, peaceful and harmonious relationships with ourselves, our environment and our food. By eating micronutrient dense, high vibrational foods, we’ll keep ourselves nourished and energised for the day. Beside our body care, there are also physical activities and our thoughts that directly correlate to how we digest food and absorb nutrients. Therefore keeping our bodies moving and cultivating right, positive mindset is the foundation to our physical, emotional and mental health. Practising GRATITUDE each day can completely shift our perspective on how we perceive the world around us.. and so with many thanks and love for Nature, I’d like to share my journey of self discovery by connecting with the healing energies of plants and fungi..

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[en] Very common plant in woodlands, waste grounds and hedgerows that I keep seeing is Hawthorne tree (Crataegus monogyn...




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