Institute of Design Knowledge - IDK

Institute of Design Knowledge is a division of HKDC. IDK brings Design Thinking to businesses, public sectors, educators and designers.

We believe Design Thinking is a powerful tool that helps organisations navigate uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity.


Led by David Tring, Denim Head of Magic of Denim Consultancy and Michael Lai, Director of Advance Denim, ‘The Future of Denim: Innovations for Circular Design’ masterclass layouts the sustainability challenges in the denim industry. Join the masterclass to brainstorm the current and near future solutions that can take us from an outdated linear system of ‘take, make, waste’ to a new circular economy.

DATE: 30 Sept 2022
TIME: 16:00 – 18:00 (HKG)
FORMAT: In-person Masterclass
VENUE: Hong Kong Design Institute
Suitable for brand directors, design practitioners, design students and anyone interested in sustainable innovation.
Quotas apply on a first come, first served basis. -ticket


Hong Kong Design Centre (HKDC) is now inviting interested parties to submit proposals for providing design and curatorial services for Design Spectrum's upcoming exhibition “Design for Sustainable Community”, echoing the theme of HKDC’s 20th Anniversary. The exhibition will reflect on the development of the design industry through the years by showcasing local creatives and design power, to encourage the public to co-create a shared vision for a sustainable community.

適逢香港設計中心今年成立二十週年,設計光譜聚焦周年主題「設計‧共創可持續社區」,公開招募策展人/ 策展團隊,構思一個回顧創意業界歷年來的發展、展示本地設計力量的展覽,鼓勵公眾與我們一起展望可持續社區的將來。

【設計光譜2022/23】招募策展人/ 策展團隊
設計光譜自 2019 年進駐灣仔茂蘿街 7 號,致力把好設計帶到社區,提供一個面向公眾的平台讓本地設計師展示他們的作品。在2022年下半年度,設計光譜將進入新里程 — 接觸灣仔以外更多社區,持續推廣設計和設計思維文化,把好設計帶給公眾。
適逢香港設計中心今年成立二十週年,設計光譜聚焦周年主題「設計‧共創可持續社區」,公開招募策展人/ 策展團隊,構思一個回顧創意業界歷年來的發展、展示本地設計力量的展覽,鼓勵公眾與我們一起展望可持續社區的將來。
日期︰2022 年 7 月 25 日(星期一)
時間︰下午 3 時至 4 時正
形式︰Zoom 視訊
截止登記日期及時間︰2022 年 7 月 25 日(星期一)中午 12 時
有意申請者/團隊,請填妥「興趣表達書」並連同所需文件,在 2022 年 8 月 4 日(星期四)下午 1 時前,電郵至香港設計中心[email protected],並於電郵標題註明「[公司名稱] 表達興趣—設計光譜 2022/23 招募策展人/ 策展團隊」。

【Design Spectrum 2022/23】Call for Proposal: Design and Curatorial Services
Housed at 7 Mallory Street, Wan Chai, Design Spectrum serves as a living showcase of works by local designers, promoting the appreciation of good design and bringing communities together since its 2019. Stepping into 2022, it continues to cultivate a flourishing design and design thinking culture with its design exhibitions and by reaching out to communities outside of Wan Chai.
Hong Kong Design Centre (HKDC) is now inviting interested parties to submit proposals for providing design and curatorial services for Design Spectrum's upcoming exhibition “Design for Sustainable Community”, echoing the theme of HKDC’s 20th Anniversary. The exhibition will reflect on the development of the design industry through the years by showcasing local creatives and design power, to encourage the public to co-create a shared vision for a sustainable community.
Briefing Session
Date: 25 July 2022 (Monday)
Time: 3:00pm – 4:00pm
Language: Cantonese
Format: Zoom
Registration deadline: 25 July 2022 (Monday) noon
*Remarks: Each organisation may register 2 representatives for the briefing session. Late registrations will not be accepted.
Interested parties may submit an “Expression of Interest Form”, together with the required supplementary documents to Hong Kong Design Centre at [email protected] with the email subject "[Company Name] EOI – Call for Proposal: Design & Curatorial Services for Design Spectrum 2022/23” on or before 4 Aug 2022 at 1:00pm.
Link to download the related documents:
Lead Sponsor of Design Spectrum: Create Hong Kong of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Design Spectrum’s Disclaimer: The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region provides funding support to the project only, and does not otherwise take part in the project. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in these materials/events (or by members of the project team) are those of the project organisers only and do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau, Create Hong Kong, the CreateSmart Initiative Secretariat or the CreateSmart Initiative Vetting Committee.
【設計光譜展覽及活動資訊 Follow us】


"Companies rarely die from moving too fast, and they frequently die from moving too slowly."

Timeliness in innovation can make or break a business. Reed Hastings, CEO of Netflix reminds us that often businesses that have been in the game for too long are afraid to hurt their core businesses, as a result, they neglect their audience’s needs in time, and eventually being neglected in return. Successful businesses require foresight and willingness to respond boldly.

創新中包含的合時性(Timeliness),可以成就一股熱潮,亦可摧毀一門生意。Netflix 的行政總裁 Reed Hastings 為此提醒我們,處身行業太久的企業容易因擔心損害核心業務,而忽視觀眾的當前所需,最終反被觀眾放棄。要企業成功,往往需要遠見及大膽回應市場需求的勇氣。

Photos from Act2Change's post 28/06/2022

IDK很榮幸繼續為社聯【第四屆「社創・社區4.0」比賽】擔任培訓伙伴。 Act2Change活動以設計思維與社會創新為社區解難,

📌「社創.社區」-創「深」生活: 公眾展覽
(1) 深水埗大南街186號 合舍
(2) 深水埗大南街202號 Parallel Space





【DTCase】“Architecture is about fulfilling people’s needs. The ceaseless drive to innovate brings ever-better designs. Chinachem Group should have the same spirit, and it’s important to empathise with the people around us,” said Donald Choi, Chinachem Group’s Executive Director and CEO.

Donald believes developers have an essential role in making Hong Kong a liveable city. This is why he and his team have been collaborating with different organisations to understand the needs of diverse communities and generations and their visions for community development.

Watch the previous episode at:
Read the full article at:


Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a neurosurgeon? Perhaps a refugee, or why a child once considered taking their own life. Curated by Clare Patey, she created a series of pop-up exhibitions, A Mile in My Shoes, where there are over 200 pairs of shoes, with audio stories of people from all walks of life.

Housed in a giant shoe box, participants are invited to “walk a mile” in someone else’s shoes, teaching us to be more empathetic towards one another. The exhibition takes the visitors through different aspects of life, from loss and grief, to hope and love. Sharing stories of adversity, courage and humour, allowing us to explore our shared humanity.

你可曾想過,身為一名神經外科醫生是怎樣?成為難民的生活是如何?又為何年紀輕輕的孩童會想去結束生命? 藝術家 Clare Patey 就以「A Mile in My Shoes」為題,策展一系列快閃式展覽,透過超過 200 雙鞋履配合聲音描述,細訴來自各地不同的生命故事。


#設計法則 #設計思維
#設計 #日常設計 #設計知識 #設計教學


Homelessness has been a longstanding problem in Los Angeles, with it becoming a state of emergency in 2015. To combat the problem, the city created Hope of the Valley to help house the homeless. Hope of the Valley took the brief of creating physical homes, and also expanded their scope to include communal space to build the Tiny Homes community, hot meals throughout the day, healthcare, career advice, mental support, and social services with the intention of lifting people from homelessness.

This project serves as a pioneer project that inspires a human-centric approach when supporting those in need. With its core mission to eliminate poverty, hunger and homelessness.

洛杉磯的露宿問題已經存在多時,更於2015年進入緊急狀態。為了盡快解決此問題,當地創立了「Hope of the Valley」,以幫助安置無家者。Hope of the Valley 著手興建實體居住地之餘,亦將服務範圍擴大,包括提供名為 Tiny Homes 的社區公共空間、全日新鮮熱食、醫療保健、職業諮詢、精神支援及社會服務等,希望能為無家者提升各方面的狀況。


#創意 #創新 #設計思維 Hope Ofthe Valley


"Empathy is seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another, and feeling with the heart of another."

What comes to mind when we hear the word “empathy” Would it be to walk a mile in another’s shoes or hear the unspoken words? Dr. Alfred Adler teaches us that it’s all of the above and more. When it comes to design thinking, when we can exhibit empathy in our designs, they have the ability to help and touch the users in ways we never thought possible.

談到「同理心」一詞,你會想起甚麼?是要設身處地想像對方的辛勞?還是要聽得出對方話裡的弦外之聲?著名心理治療師 Alfred Adler 博士就讓我們明白,同理心並不止於此。就設計思維而言,在我們能以設計展現同理心的瞬間,產品就有能力以我們意想不到的方式幫助、甚至觸動有需要的用家。


My Animal Buddy is a programme created by the Singapore Zoo that teaches children essential life skills while deepening their love for wildlife. The idea came when COVID-19 hit, and children weren’t able to visit the zoo as frequently as they wished. The zoo immediately saw the need do something about this problem.

Using a design thinking approach, Singapore Zoo created My Animal Buddy with their most popular guests in mind - children. In digitizing zoo visits, this encouraged children to stay connected to wildlife and zoo animals, while learning from animal experts, such as zoo keepers, vets and trainers. Children also have access to a virtual buddy cam so they can check-in on their new friend, allowing their friendship to grow.

新加坡動物園最近推出「My Animal Buddy」企劃,旨在教導孩子們一些生活技能,同時讓他們 更熱愛野生動物。這個項目構想誕生於 COVID-19 肆虐之時,小孩們無法如願經常到訪動物園,促使動物園急切研究解決辦法。

透過運用設計思維方式,新加坡動物園以他們最喜愛的客人——兒童作為對象,成功開發「My Animal Buddy」。小朋友能參觀數碼化的動物園,鼓勵他們與野生及動物園中的動物保持聯繫,同時亦有機會向動物園管理員、獸醫和培訓師等專家學習動物相關的知識。孩子們還可以透過用虛擬「buddy」鏡頭,隨時探訪他們的新動物朋友,建立人與動物之間獨特的友誼。

#創意 #創新 #設計思維 .sg


Materials company Ananas Anam, set up in 2013, has developed Piñatex, and among the first to come out with an animal-friendly alternative to leather made from pineapple waste. which would otherwise be burned or left to rot.

The material uses fibres derived from pineapple leaves makes a flexible yet durable material. Using this approach, Piñatex created a highly responsible product with low environment impact. Their material can be used for clothes, footwear or furniture, attracting International fashion brands to incorporate this into their products.

成立於2013年的物料公司 Ananas Anam,成功利用菠蘿廢料研發出 Piñatex。作為其原材料的菠蘿葉,來自菲律賓一個種植園,本來只有被焚燒或等待腐爛的末路,如今卻成為首批皮革的動物友好代替品之一。


#設計法則 #設計思維
#設計 #日常設計 #設計知識 #設計教學

Photos from 設計光譜 Design Spectrum's post 02/06/2022



Divergence 遊戲工具讓你和創意玩家伙伴經歷一個合作與競爭兼備的創新歷程,由發掘角色的行為模式開始,經過快速思考與原型製作的刺激回合,完成一系列以用家為本的匯報過程,極速體驗設計思維之旅。一起參與,把你的小想法轉化成大創意吧!

*每位完成工作坊的參加者可獲得 Divergence 遊戲工具一份。

2022.06.11 (六) / 下午2:30 – 4:30
2022.06.12 (日) / 下午2:30 – 4:30
名額:20 (須預先登記,先到先得)

【Dream Big Think Small】IDK Design Thinking Workshop: Big Ideas, Small Beginnings

Are you looking for your next big idea for work and for life, but has no clue about how to start it? This workshop will introduce Divergence, a new game kit designed to unleash your imagination and help you grasp the design thinking process through a friendly round of gameplay.

With the Divergence game kit, you and your creative team will be guided through a collaborative yet competitive experience of the design thinking journey, from the deep dive into the behaviours and needs of a character, to the quick-fire nature of rapid prototyping and the strong emphasis on user-centricity in elevator pitches. Join us and learn how to quickly turn small ideas into big ideas!

*Each participant will receive a set of brand new Divergence game kit upon completion of the workshop.

Date & Time:
2022.06.11 (Sat) / 2:30pm – 4:30pm
2022.06.12 (Sun) / 2:30pm – 4:30pm
Venue: 3/F Lobby Area, 7 Mallory Street, Wan Chai
Instructor: Institute of Design Knowledge
No. of Participants: 20 (Pre-registration is required, first-come-first-served)
Target: Professionals, educators, university students or anyone interested in design thinking
Age: 16+
Language: Cantonese
Fee: Free of Charge
Registration Link:

Institute of Design Knowledge 27/05/2022

Institute of Design Knowledge(IDK) created a Design Thinking toolkit to introduce users to design thinking, kick starting their design thinking process. The guidebook is the first introduction for users, providing step-by-step processes for inspiration, while the prompt cards will help spark innovative ideas as a team. The videos and worksheets will assist users to embark on their very first design thinking journey. Through the thoughtfully curated IDK Design Thinking toolkit, users have been able to better gage what design thinking is about and incorporate the concepts into all areas of their lives.

IDK recently developed new worksheets and posters to enrich the toolkit. Download your copy now!

設計知識學院(IDK)研創的設計思維工具套裝,旨在向用家介紹何謂「設計思維」,進而協肋他們嘗試運用設計思維。指南作為工具套裝的主軸,逐步解構啟發靈感的過程,而提示卡則協助團隊共同激發創新意念,最後,再以一系列短片及工作表,帶領用家首次踏上設計思維之旅。透過此精心策劃的 IDK 設計思維工具套裝,用家能更透徹了解設計思維的意義,並將箇中概念融入生活不同領域。


Institute of Design Knowledge Institute of Design Knowledge brings Design Thinking to businesses, public sectors, educators and designers. We believe Design Thinking is a powerful tool that helps organisations navigate uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity.


"People ignore designs that ignore people"

Designs that captures an audience are the ones that have been designed based on real needs and desires of real people, using a human-centric approach. Good designs often starts with people’s needs, right to the final product.



【DTCase】「與其說編程是一門技能,我們反而認為它當今世代必學的語言和思維,對人類永續發展尤其重要。因此,Preface 希望培養當代人的科技素養,包括要了解數碼編程的最新發展和局限,明白善用科技對人類世界的裨益,以至是道德規範。」Preface 教育總監 Alfred 說。

Preface 推動編程教育背後緣於想要促進人類迎接數碼未來的使命,因此團隊近年亦積極與不同的機構合作,舉辦駭客松(Hackathon)、工作坊、編程比賽等活動,讓下一代從學習與實踐中了解科技可如何改變世界,一起擁抱未來。


【DTCase】“Coding is not just a skill, but it’s a language and a mindset that this generation must acquire and is really important for sustainability. Therefore, at Preface, we want to groom people with technological literacy, including understanding the latest developments and limitations of coding and how making the best use of technology, within ethical boundaries, can help the world, ” said Alfred Tse, Director of Education at Preface.

The mission of Preface is to help people embrace a digital future. They have been collaborating with different organisations and organising a range of activities, such as Hackathon, workshops, and coding competitions, through which the new generation can learn about how technology can reshape the world and the future.

Watch the previous episode at:
Read the full article at:



【DTCase】未來世界與科技密不可分,而教育也不例外。近年,全球教育界都在積極探討如何活用科技改善教學,並推動科技教育,教育下一代迎接數碼未來。今集的兩位主角,科技教育機構 Preface的創辦人及行政總裁盧炳棠(Tommie)跟教育總監謝世杰博士(Alfred)則認為編程教育將是未來的學習大趨勢,並活用人工智能技術推出教育平台,嘗試實現以人為本的編程教學。

「我們為何要教育,是因為我們希望有未來,我們辦科技教育,就是要讓大家看得見未來、看得見希望,相信科技真的能改變世界,並擁抱設計思維的創新精神。」Tommie 說。

一讀 Tommie 與 Alfred 的分享:

【DTCase】Technology is shaping the world’s future, as well as education. Educators around the world have not just been using technology to change traditional ways of teaching but also pushing technology education. In this episode, Tommie Lo, founder and CEO, and Alfred Tse, education director of Preface, an institute that teaches coding through its original platform and programmes, will shed light on how coding and AI are shaping learning.

“Education is about giving people hope. For us, technology education can let people see the future and hope. We want them to believe in technology, believe in how it can change the world, and embrace the innovative spirit underpinned by Design Thinking,” Tommie said.

Read Tommie and Alfred’s sharing here:



When we hear the word “human-centred design”, does that include the full range of humans? Do we include diversity as part of the design process? During the design process, many designers will use their own abilities and experience as a baseline for their designs, without truly consulting a more diverse audience. Microsoft created an Inclusive Design toolkit to help shift our mindset about inclusive practices, offering a step-by-step guide. Microsoft’s toolkit states that inclusive is our way to design, the tools and methods that are used, and how we can improve on existing designs. This enables us to design based on the full range of human diversity, focusing hugely on the underserved communities.

The Inclusive Design toolkit can be accessed via this link


在設計過程中,不少設計師都以個人能力及經驗作基礎,自然未有真正考慮更多元化的受眾所需。Microsoft 為此研創出 Inclusive Design(包容性設計)工具套裝,提供指南手冊,逐步協助設計師針對實踐包容性而改變思維方式。Microsoft 的工具套裝明言,包容性既是重要的設計方針,亦是可應用的的工具和法門,更可以改進現有設計,讓我們能針對更全面的人類多樣性進行設計,加強關注總被忽視的社群。

請透過以下連結取得 Inclusive Design 工具套裝:


In Germany, they introduced the Pfand system that encourages recycling, while helping those in need. Pfand stands for “deposit” in German, and it refers to the can or bottle recycling system there. When you buy drinks in bottles or cans, you will be required to pay a deposit on top of the product price. When returned, you will be refunded the deposit and the bottle gets recycled.

Using this system allows whoever needs the money to work for it, many of these are pensioners or people in precarious living conditions. They can make ends meet by going around the city to find cans and bottles. When they return it to the recycling facilities, they will be reimbursed with money. Almost all supermarkets have reversible vending machines, making it convenient for anyone, successfully resulting in only 1-3% of bottles and cans not returned. The empathetic design of Pfand creates a system that helps both the homeless and the environment.

德國特別引入 Pfand 系統,期望在鼓勵環保回收鋁罐及玻璃樽的同時,亦能協助有需要的人士。Pfand 的名字在德語中有「按金」的意思,而這按金,正是指在購買瓶裝或罐裝飲品時,消費者需要在產品價格上額外支付的小額金錢,並可以在回收時獲得退還。

這個系統就猶如為急需金錢的人帶來工作機會,當中不少是需要領取援助金或生活條件不穩定的人士。他們只需要四出在城巿尋找被丟棄的鋁罐及玻璃樽,並將它們放入回收裝置中,他們就能應數量獲得相對的按金,以維持生計。由於這些自動回收裝置遍佈幾乎所有超市,方便任何人使用,成功提升回收率至只剩 1-3% 不被回收。一個設置能同時照顧無家者及城巿環境,正正就是Pfand 充滿同理心的設計意念。

#創意 #創新 #設計思維


After two years of working from home, employees have been accustomed to working from the comfort of their own homes. The tech giant, Google is experimenting with new workspaces as employees come back to the office, making the place they spend a majority of their time more efficient, enjoyable and productive.

The employee-centric designs entail features that blend office and home-office, such as kitchens, couches and flexible furniture that can be easily converted into rooms for in-person or video conference meetings. Putting the employee’s physical and mental health at the forefront, Google incorporates innovative features such as balloon walls that can create some separation from other team members, outdoor space for teams to meet and work, and more.

經歷長達兩年 work from home 生活,不少人都已經習慣舒適地在家中工作。科技界巨頭 Google 趁著員工陸續回歸辦公室,開始試行新的工作間體驗,讓員工能更有效率、更愉快、更積極地於每日逗留最長時間的地方工作。

以員工為本的設計,代表著要融合辦公室與家居工作間的特點,例如要配備廚房、梳化及靈活可變的家具,這些家具更可以輕鬆地轉換成面談或視像會議的房間。Google 更特別採納多項創新功能,例如可以隨時增加同事間私隱度的氣球牆、讓團隊用以聚會及工作的戶外空間等等,以求將員工的身心健康放在首位。

#設計法則 #設計思維
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夢是甚麼?「夢」好像沒有用途,但實際有其作用。 留在腦海裏的夢境往往帶來靈感,並啟發我們用創意解決問題,若能加上想像和遠見,夢想就有機會實現,並為我們的生活帶來意義。
設計光譜即將於5月推出全新主題設計展覽「大夢細想」與公眾一同探討夢與設計微妙的關聯。而在展覽開始前,4月份將推出一系列線上活動,包括由策展人梁展邦Michael 與不同設計師進行網上直播分享會、利用廢物升級再造成鐘的環保工作坊及運用紙材物料摺成有趣植物的工作坊,讓大家率先感受設計與夢想的連繫!記得緊貼我們的最新消息!
【Dream Big Think Small】NEW Themed Design Exhibition is hitting the road!
What is a dream? Without a purpose as it may seem, it is actually more than just an imaginary adventure. For those that stay after waking up, they could be our inspirations and it can even be a creative solution. If we take a bit more imagination and vision to make it happen, which gives meaning to what we do.
Design Spectrum will present “Dream Big Think Small” – a new thematic exhibition to explore the relationship between dream and design! Before the official launches in May, we have also prepared a series of online activities for you to experience in this month, including Curator Michael Leung x designers' live sharings on Instagram, upcycling electric bell workshop and creative paper-making workshop. Stay tuned!

夢是甚麼?「夢」好像沒有用途,但實際有其作用。 留在腦海裏的夢境往往帶來靈感,並啟發我們用創意解決問題,若能加上想像和遠見,夢想就有機會實現,並為我們的生活帶來意義。
設計光譜即將於5月推出全新主題設計展覽「大夢細想」與公眾一同探討夢與設計微妙的關聯。而在展覽開始前,4月份將推出一系列線上活動,包括由策展人梁展邦Michael 與不同設計師進行網上直播分享會、利用廢物升級再造成鐘的環保工作坊及運用紙材物料摺成有趣植物的工作坊,讓大家率先感受設計與夢想的連繫!記得緊貼我們的最新消息!
【Dream Big Think Small】NEW Themed Design Exhibition is hitting the road!
What is a dream? Without a purpose as it may seem, it is actually more than just an imaginary adventure. For those that stay after waking up, they could be our inspirations and it can even be a creative solution. If we take a bit more imagination and vision to make it happen, which gives meaning to what we do.
Design Spectrum will present “Dream Big Think Small” – a new thematic exhibition to explore the relationship between dream and design! Before the official launches in May, we have also prepared a series of online activities for you to experience in this month, including Curator Michael Leung x designers' live sharings on Instagram, upcycling electric bell workshop and creative paper-making workshop. Stay tuned!
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#設計光譜 #茂蘿街7號 #香港設計中心 #大夢細想


“When everything is connected to everything else, for better or worse, everything matters.”

In the world of design, everything we create matters. What we create has a connection to the rest of the world. Nothing stands by itself, every object is a link in an endless chain. When designing a product, it will ultimately affect the users, whether it is for better or for worse, thus it is vital to consider the users during the entire designing process.




For new mothers who opt to nourish their new born babies with breastmilk, it could be inconvenient, uncomfortable and often lack of privacy in public areas. Though the electric breast pump was first invented in 1990, but up until a few years ago, mothers have found very few fundamental improvements. Willow partnered with IDEO to make a change to the traditional breast pump.

Willow’s team designed this product after dozens of in-person interviews with mothers, ranging from first-time to experienced pumpers. With the new insights about mothers’ routines and challenges, they built over 60 prototypes to create a breast pump that could fit seamlessly into a mothers’ lives. Their final product is an all-in-one, wearable breast pump that eliminates all the cords and the mess of bottles, that fits snuggly inside a bra. The mobile yet discreet model allows women to breastfeed while carrying on with their busy lives.

一直以來,選擇以母乳餵哺初生嬰兒,對許多新手媽媽來說既不方便、亦不舒服,被迫在公眾場所餵哺更讓她們私隱盡失。即使電動泵奶器其實早在 1990 年推出,但時至今日,媽媽們仍未能感受到在基礎功能上有過任何改良,為此,Willow 與創新設計公司 IDEO 合作,希望為傳統泵奶器帶來美好的變化。

Willow 團隊在設計這款新產品之前,邀請了多位母親進行數十次面談,當中既有哺乳新手,亦有經驗豐富的泵奶器用家。透過她們分享母親的日常習慣及必需面臨的挑戰,團隊帶著嶄新的見解創造超過 60 個改良版模型,務求全新的泵奶器能無縫融入母親們的生活中。


#設計法則 #設計思維
#設計 #日常設計 #設計知識 #設計教學


Wearing a hearing aid isn’t just about how people hear, it’s how people are perceived when wearing them. Facett is a modular hearing aid co-designed with hearing aid users. The design of this hearing aid provides increased ease of use, using magnets so that people with dexterity issues could easily recharge the device, upgradability options, and just as importantly, aesthetic appeal.

While designing Facett, the engineers used a human-centred approach by engaging users and researchers who have experience fitting out hearing aids, with the aim to understand the user experience of the device, making it a true empathetic design.

Facett 是一款組裝式助聽器,在產品開發階段,Facett 便特意邀請助聽器用家共同研發,以充分了解用戶多方面的需求。設計師深信助聽器並不止為了讓用家能聽到聲音,更需要顧及佩戴者的感受。其產品的嶄新設計大大提升易用度,利用磁力方便手部靈活度有障礙的用家輕鬆為裝置充電,更提供各式升級選項。而同樣重要的,還有其充滿時尚美感的外型。

設計 Facett 的過程中,工程師貼心選擇以人為本的方向,更讓需要使用助聽器的用家及研究人員參與其中,希望瞭解他們使用裝置時的實際體驗,處處展現對用家的同理心。

#創意 #創新 #設計思維 Blamey Saunders hears

Photos from 設計光譜 Design Spectrum's post 21/03/2022

【給快樂的設計】IDK設計思維工作坊: 街牌實驗室 (線上活動)
日期:2022.4.2 (星期六)
時間:10:30am – 12:30pm
形式: Zoom
導師:Milk Design & KENNIFSTUDIO
【Delightful Design】IDK Design Thinking Workshop: Signage Lab (Online Workshop)
Have you ever imaged how a better community life like? If the premise is to build better community life, what interesting signage will appear?
The signages exist because of our living, and there is a sequential relationship between the two. The function of it is to restrict and managing our living. In Signage design Lab, participants will experience what design thinking is and think more about what better community life is. Starting with the DEFINITION process and ending with the TESTING process, we will lead you to use the signage on the street as a medium to design better community life.
Date: 2022.4.2 (Saturday)
Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm
Format: Zoom
Instructor: Milk Design & KENNIFSTUDIO
Target Participant: General public
Age: 18+
No. of participants: 15
Language: Cantonese
Fee: Free of charge

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