Slow & Low

Integrating our lifestyles and values into our way of cooking - Slow & Low makes it otterly delicious

Photos from Slow & Low's post 31/12/2023

Dec Archives ✨

2023 是特別的一年 🦦 頭11個月證實了朋友真的沒有騙我們(常笑說 Slow & Low 是考驗友情的 project ,之後再解話),最後一個月雖說是休息其實是還清所有飯局債,終於有機會到訪口袋餐廳,聽了會令人充滿力量的RB Concert。原來下午可以坐低喝杯咖啡吃件蛋糕真的很開心,晚上宅在家好好吃飯、聞下聖誕松樹香、煲劇到凌晨,亦多謝客人邀請我們出席派對。當然也有正經事,實地考察了心儀的店舖,探索了不同的可能性,開始儲存起一些畫面。



交帶好所有工作後就立刻飛走了,想放假的慾望太強烈 ✈️

再訪最喜愛早餐店之一,食回憶、食味道 ,亦是這裏令我們曾經笑說如果有天在香港做間早餐店也不錯,想不到十年後我們真的踏進了這領域。

這句「你自由了」來得擲地有聲,不用較鬧鐘睡到自然醒真的很爽,也隱隱地加持着我們選擇繼續做好Slow & Low的信念 🦦 各位放心,我們已經初步計劃好第一步了。



這一年是有趣新奇的體驗,自由的小鳥突然要每天恆常早起回到廚房,每天工時超過11小時,是最難適應亦都是最辛苦。我們的本業與飲食完全無關,每一件事都要從頭學習,不停衝擊comfort zone,感謝大家之餘亦想多謝自己有堅持下去。

Slow & Low 是無心插柳的 project ,只是本着一起做就會做到的心態去嘗試做好一件事。想向各餐飲同業說聲加油,因為我們知道真的真的不容易!

Taking a break is for accomplishing a longer journey, bear with us 🦦


衷心感激各位這一年來的支持,特別是最近一個月有很多留言和私信,甚至特意前來廚房鼓勵我們,我們全部都收到 ❤️

這個IG不會就此荒廢的,會分享一下Slow & Low 的趣事直到我們休息夠了再計劃好歸來。

說了再見,就會再見 🦦

Photos from Slow & Low's post 27/11/2023

今天應該是一年來最遲離開廚房的一天,23:23終於完成所有準備工作,特此紀錄一下 🌛

上午先炒好料頭製作醬汁,下午各牛牛部位送到便立即改肉、分件、入櫃風乾,晚上繼續準備其他食材。最後三天仍然希望可以提供一個較完整的menu,但因應情況而定可能有些售完就不會再補上了,如果未能滿足你們的選擇,我們先說聲抱歉 🦦

See you all sooooon !


根據科學研究,氣味是最能夠具體地與我們的情感連結,喚起最準確的記憶。臨別推出我們的番茄燒肉丼,就是想好吃到你不會忘記 ♥︎


每天限量供應,希望吃到的你可以享受到打開就衝出來的香氣,一啖接一啖的滿足。我們約好,以後就以蕃茄燒肉丼來相認 🦦

📍 旺角餐廳自取 及 外送

🇭🇰 其他地區外送

Photos from Slow & Low's post 16/11/2023

不知道大家有沒有留意到叉燒最近失了蹤?因為我們選用的西班牙黑豚肉的豬腩部位一直缺貨,曾經嘗試使用其他部位代替但口感不太一樣,不夠好吃就索性 off the menu。

不想浪費食材,那便好好自肥。早前難得找到淡路島的極味洋蔥,一次過用了3kg來煮成一個超鮮甜的洋蔥出汁,加少許白味噌,將黑豚肉燉煮成豚角煮,成為了我們近期最喜愛的強力充電crew meal。最後大直路我們依然出盡力推出新品,元気を出せ!

📍 旺角餐廳自取 及 外送

🇭🇰 其他地區外送




大家吃的不只是味道,還有時間和心血啊 🦦

📍 旺角餐廳自取 及 外送

🇭🇰 其他地區外送



選址又應該在哪裡呢?參考我們的外送經驗,中上環 / 啟德 / 沙田 是最多人叫餐的地區。

剩下18天,開始有很多閉店安排要處理。每天都有客人朋友來支持我們說一定要再回來 🥺;同時也有行家供應商說市況真的很差。


我們仍然很樂在其中,想做就會找到方法繼續做,只是未有細節 🦦

Photos from Slow & Low's post 07/11/2023

終於,新品來了 - 澳洲冰鮮黑安格斯MB2+ 牛臂蓋肉 🦦

牛牛臀部上蓋的部份,肉質鮮嫩柔軟,帶有獨特濃厚的風味,被一層牛脂覆蓋,又名 Picanha a.k.a Queen of Steak !


📍 旺角餐廳自取 及 外送

🇭🇰 其他地區外送

FINALLY, new item is in - Australian Black Angus MB2+ Rump Cap 🦦

Rested on the top of the rump, this special cut is also known as Picanha a.k.a. Queen of Steak! Meat is soft and tender that holds amble amount of unique flavours.

The rump cap is seared by its own layer of fat. The crust is full of buttery aroma plus abundant beefy flavour. For those who likes trying new cuts and bit heavier taste, give it a try!

📍 Delivery & Pick Up in Mongkok

🇭🇰 Extended Delivery

Photos from Slow & Low's post 06/11/2023

半價自取 | 50% OFF on PICKUP ORDERS !

由 11月 6 - 12 日,Deliveroo自取訂單可享半價優惠! 丼飯 $44 起 ,向右查看找新品 🦦

溫馨提示 : 每張訂單上限減$50, 分開訂單可能會更抵!

From 6 to 12 Nov, enjoy 50% off on pick up orders on Deliveroo ! Rice bowl set starting from $44, swipe left to find out our new menu items 🦦

Tips : max. $50 discount for each order, you may want to separate orders to enjoy the most!

📍 旺角餐廳自取 及 外送

🇭🇰 其他地區外送


點解 Ottie 拎住兩碗飯嘅?

A. Ottie係大人了,想食就全部都食!
B. 又健康又好食,早又食夜又食!
C. 嚟緊會有優惠,好抵食!

聽日話你知 🦦

Why is Ottie having two bowls?

A. Adults can have whatever they like and there she is!

B. Healthy and delicious - never enough to have one for lunch and one for dinner.

C. There is great deal upcoming to have more bowls!

Stay tuned 🦦


點解 Ottie 拎住兩碗飯嘅?

A. Ottie係大人了,想食就全部都食!
B. 又健康又好食,早又食夜又食!
C. 嚟緊會有優惠,好抵食!

聽日話你知 🦦

Why Ottie is having two bowls?

A. Adults can have whatever they like and there she is!

B. Healthy and delicious - never enough to have one for lunch and one for dinner.

C. There is great deal upcoming to have more bowls!

Stay tuned 🦦

Photos from Slow & Low's post 04/11/2023

Party food that captivates your senses : Slow-cooked USDA Prime Bone-in Short Rib 🦦

The meaty flavour is just another level with bones! Full of collagen from the softened tendon and cartilages after slow-cooked for 6 hours. The prime grade marbling adds a captivating buttery taste to the meat - it will certainly be loved by everyone!

Each piece weighs approximately 3kg, suitable for a gathering of 8-10 people. Please order 3 days in advance.

睇得又食得的 party food :慢焗原件帶骨牛小排 🦦

帶骨的原件肉,肉味更加濃厚;而且連接骨頭的筋膜位置都得以保留,6小時慢焗後變得柔軟,滿滿的骨膠原。選用Prime Grade的美國牛小排,中間的油花滋潤柔軟的肉質,大人小朋友老友記都會喜歡。


Photos from Slow & Low's post 02/11/2023


圖二:完全融入風格 🦦


11月1日,正式踏入 Slow & Low 的最後一個月。自從公佈我們會休業後,很多朋友顧客都關心我們的去向,但我們還未有很明確的決定,目前每天還是處於很忙碌的狀態,只是想好好營業到最後一天。

每天的日程都排滿,下午時份我們都會輪流小休,即使是15分鐘也好,都要放空一下吃喜歡的味道、看賞心悅目的事,補充元氣再繼續。(今天是台式醬油冬菇 和 井藤総美的陶器)

想煮健康好吃的食物,大概是因為我們都明白在忙碌的生活中,好味道是有種療癒的神奇功效。希望 Slow & Low 的食物也能夠為你們打打氣 🦦

📍 旺角餐廳自取 及 外送

🇭🇰 其他地區外送


Our kind of comfort food 🤤

• Crust outside :
torched seared with Japanese Jojoen yakiniku sauce for a char-grilled aroma

• Soft inside :
stage sous vide to keep meat tender and moisturized

• Buttery texture :
M9 marbling that melts in your mouth

You just can't miss this - Australian M9 Sher Waygu Outside Skirt 🦦

📍 旺角餐廳自取 及 外送

🇭🇰 其他地區外送

Photos from Slow & Low's post 14/10/2023

這不是投訴,這是感謝文 🦦

最近的call time越來越早,要將提神咖啡換成深焙的a smoker's morning。回到廚房便要開始忙東忙西 - 雞胸要放水箱、牛小排要出爐、要炒料頭製作薯仔沙律等等等等。有時候一朝準備的數量也不足以供應午餐時段,午後再來另一波的準備工作,直至晚餐時段過後才真正停下來。

餐廳開業初期曾經說笑:「邊個話做飲食業辛苦?我地就要改變呢樣嘢!」後來才發覺我們錯了,真係好辛苦 😂 不過也是因為大家才開始發現原來早上的日光和天空都不一樣,附近的放養小貓會出來晨運撒嬌。很忙很累但也很樂在其中。

悄悄地告訴大家,我們決定了現時旺角的廚房不會續租,意味著不久之後我們也會跟大家說再見。雖然如此我們仍然有很多想推出的菜式和商討中的合作, 謝謝大家我們會堅持做到最後一天 🦦

This is not a complaint, this is a thank you note 🦦

Recently, we have changed the morning coffee to the dark-roasted "a smoker's morning" to start an early day at Slow & Low - putting the chicken breast into the water bath, having the short rib freshly out of the oven and getting the Japanese Potato Salad ready for the day etc. Sometimes the morning preparation is not even enough for the lunch period. After that we have to start a second-round preparation for dinner time. Till then, we call it a super tiring busy day.

At the very beginning we joked that "Who said working at a restaurant was tough? We are going to change that!". Okay we admitted that we were too naive! We have been sooooo busy and exhausted, but still we enjoy! Thank you everyone so that we realized the morning sunbeam and sky are beautiful, and we meet the adorable kitten every morning!

We also have an update for ya'll : we decided not to continue our tenancy at the current Mongkok kitchen, meaning that we will say goodbye soon. Even though our time is short, we still want to introduce new items into the menu and also have some promo plans in progress. Till the end of our stay, we will make it otterly delicious!


You may call it icecream in chicken flavour 🍦🤭

Check out our sister brand specialising in our signature sous vide chicken breast - Fitness Chicken powered by Slow & Low. You may find the vacuum packs there!

Oreder Now :
🍦Fitness Chicken by Slow & Low

📍 Pickup And Delivery in Mongkok

🇭🇰 Extended Delivery

我們的招牌慢煮水嫩雞胸,又名雞肉味雪糕🍦🤭 有興趣訂購真空即食包的可以查看我們的另一品牌 - 雪糕雞胸專門店。


📍 旺角餐廳自取 及 外送

🇭🇰 其他地區外送

Photos from Slow & Low's post 25/09/2023

Wohooooo 🎉 finally they are adopted! We just sent them to the new forever home today.

Our 7-month fostering mission has been completed. From the beginning we were so stressed about taking care of them who got cat flu, and then worried about no one adopting them. Now it's all set, and finally we can spare more time on preparing new menu. We have been studying and tasting different brands and cuts of beef lately. Hopefully we can launch some new items soon 🦦

Bear Bear & Bella, may you both always be healthy and happy ♥︎

狂賀 🎉 兩位貓店長妹妹終於找到領養家庭,例休的星期一送她們到新家!

七個月的暫托任務終於完成,一開始接手時就患上貓瘟擔心會照顧不好,後來擔心無人願意領養她們。現在可以放下心頭大石,亦騰出多點時間準備新餐單。最近已經開始研究、嘗試各農場品牌及一些不同的部位,希望不日推出 🦦

Bear Bear & Bella, 要做個健康快樂又聽話又窩心的主子,知道嗎?



The extended delivery service has been live for almost a month! It feels like we were back to the beginning when we first started the restaurant that we need to adjust every procedure to improve efficiency and shorten delivery time.

After receiving an order, we first check the address and match it with the most suitable delivery method before immediately contacting a courier. We then start preparing to ensure a seamless transition when courier arrives so that food can be delivered in the best state. Long-distance delivery inevitably cools down the food so we use insulated thermal bags for transportation, hoping to keep the food nice and warm.

Thank you for choosing our extended delivery service. It's our great pleasure to go beyond Mongkok. We look forward to meeting everyone in more areas 🦦

📍 Pickup and Delivery in Mongkok

🇭🇰 Extended Delivery



感謝大家讓我們能夠衝出旺角,期待在更多地區與大家見面 🦦

📍 旺角區自取及送遞

🇭🇰 外區送遞


We are just a takeaway restaurant. Our connection with customers is just an order ticket and we can only interact through text. Over the past nine months, luckily we have gained many regular customers.
We try to remember the preferences of each.

" _ _ is early today! "
" _ _ is having crispy pan-fried egg again."
"Give exta sauce, _ _ likes it."
"Oh, _ _ is back from Japan.”

Hope you can feel that - we give the same attentiveness into food and people ♥︎

📍 Pickup and Delivery in Mongkok

🇭🇰 Extended Delivery


「今日 _ _ 咁早食飯嘅?」
「_ _ 又食燶邊蛋啦!」
「俾多個汁_ _ ,佢鍾意食!」
「咦 _ _ 去完旅行返嚟啦喎!」

希望你們感受到 - 我們對食物、對人都一樣用心 ♥︎

📍 旺角餐廳自取 及 外送

🇭🇰 其他地區外送


What a month to have experienced such severe weather of no.10 Typhoon signal and black rainstorm warning, wish you all are safe and sound ♥︎

We are good despite the delayed arrival of food ingredients, causing us difficulty in preparing our menu and maintaining normal operation. Due to the bad weather condition, couriering and delivery service were longer than usual as well. We felt sorry about closing our door early and rejecting your orders 😭

We sincerely apologize if we have caused any inconvenience and thank you very much for your patience and understanding 🦦 We are gradually back to normal track and wish to see you soon!

📍 Pick-up & Delivery in Mongkok

🇭🇰 Extended Delivery

Photos from Slow & Low's post 05/09/2023

Spent the typhoon weekend savoring a prime graded picanha steak, simple deliciousness ✨

Picanha was once in our menu at the very beginning but we removed it later on due to its less popularity. We personally love it very much because it's one of the most flavorful cuts that located on the top of rump that surrounded by a fat cap - juicy, tender and beefy. Can you imagine that melting buttery flavour when we sear the steak? 🤤 Do you want us to bring it back?


我們其實非常喜歡Picanha,它是其中一個最有風味的部份,位於牛pat pat的上蓋位置,被一層脂肪包裹着,肉質鮮美,肉味香濃。你應該不難想像煎封時候飄出的爆香牛油味道?如果我們重新推出Picanha,你說好不好?🤤


Due to super typhoon Saola, many of the food ingredients had been delayed in delivery and we needed time to process them. Finally, we will open later at 5pm 🕔

See ya all later 🦦

📍 Pick-up and delivery in Mongkok

🇭🇰 Extended Delivery

Photos from Slow & Low's post 31/08/2023

Everyone has different tastes. For the same meat, some may find it too bland while others may find it too salty. We once had a hard time by this so we kept testing plentiful salts in various coarseness and for different marinating durations. Eventually we chose the Dead Sea kosher salt which performs the best. It is gentle and stable, and also effectively enhances the sweetness of the beef.

Recently, a good friend reminded us that if a steakhouse could provide salt and pepper, why don't we provide additional condiments upon request for those who wish to have extra flavours. This is a brilliant insight for us so we found another type of Himalayan mineral salt.

Himalayan mineral salt comes from rocks in the foothills of Himalayas in Pakistan. Besides sodium, it contains many different minerals which can add natural flavors and enhance the taste. Using it as a dipping salt can also provide an interesting texture with a grainy sensation!

If a small gesture can once again captivate your taste buds, we are more than happy to do so. From today onwards, you can request Himalayan mineral salt alongside 🦦

Order Now :
📍 Pick-up and Delivery in Mongkok

🇭🇰 Extended Delivery





📍 旺角餐廳自取 及 外送

🇭🇰 其他地區外送

Photos from Slow & Low's post 29/08/2023

Farewell 👋 Saying goodbye to our restaurant manager, Sum Sum, that finally she found a permanent home with a loving family ♥︎ She is adopted!

On the day we brought Sum Sum to her new home, it seemed that her sisters knew they might not see each other anymore and give their final hugs and kisses. What a touching scene in front of us that made the past six months we spent fostering them very much worthwhile. They have filled our busy days with laughters and silliness.

The sisters, Bear Bear and Bella, are still waiting for a permanent home that would welcome them to become part of the family. If you are interested, please contact 毛守救援 . Little from us could bring a big change to them! Respect lives and leave no stray behind.

心心 ♥︎ 我們的貓店長要離職了!雖然滿滿的不捨,但更加開心終於找到一個願意照顧她一生一世的家庭。


兩位妹妹,Bear Bear & Bella, 仍然等待有緣人,如果你有興趣領養的話,可以聯絡 毛守救援- 領養部 。每人小小的付出就能夠改變她們的生命,希望大家都可以多點關注流浪動物,尊重生命,讓愛終止流浪。

Photos from Slow & Low's post 25/08/2023

今個夏日, 與 推出兩款清爽限定套餐,人氣招牌慢煮系列配搭最受歡迎的有汽茶飲,為你帶來全新的滋味體驗!

套餐一 :
慢煮水嫩雞胸親子丼 配 有汽香茅綠茶 (無糖)


招牌慢煮封門柳 配 有汽香水檸檬鐵觀音



📍 旺角餐廳自取 及 外送

🇭🇰 其他地區外送 (會員免運費)

The signature sou vide series from and the most popular sparkling tea drinks from - together we proudly present our collaborative tasting menu.

Pairing 1 : High Protein Meal x Sparkling Lemongrass Green Tea (sugar-free)

High protein, low fat & rich in antioxidants - refreshing Sparkling Lemongrass Green Tea paired with juicy sou vide hormone-free chicken breast Oyakodon. The fragrance of Dragon Well tea hinted by the Thai lemongrass helps contributing to the invigorating taste of the tender meat. We carefully selected high-quality ingredients and processed them with no sugar or additional seasonings, making the combination a genuine guilt-free meal.

Pairing 2 : House Specialty Set x Lemon Iron Buddha Sparkling Tea

The combination that captivates your taste buds and senses! Made with whole leaf and reallocally-farmed lemon juice, the floral scent and sweetness of the Lemon Iron Buddha Sparkling tea can enhance the freshness of the prime graded beef and boost the unique meaty aroma. The bubbles of the tea can also balance the richness, creating a harmonious taste.

Firm on unqiness and freshness, and keen on exploring and evolving. This summer, we invite you to savor the goodness and sip the refreshment! Check out and order via below :

📍 Delivery & Pick-up in Mongkok

🇭🇰 Extended Delivery by Deliveroo
(FREE delivery for members)

Photos from Slow & Low's post 24/08/2023

衝出旺角 | Hello Hong Kong 🦦

Hey fwends, we've got you covered! Now you can order through our extended delivery service via Deliveroo, plus members you can enjoy FREE delivery!

Check out the areas that we currently cover, or simply click the link below and enter your detailed address . We'll see you around ♥︎

現在透過Deliveroo也可以下單送餐至更多地區,Plus會員更可享有免運費優惠! 立即查看我們的送餐範圍,或可點擊以下連結輸入地址查閱,See you soon!

📍 Delivery & Pick-up in Mongkok

🇭🇰 Extended Delivery by Deliveroo

Photos from Slow & Low's post 03/08/2023

Unlike another you've tasted - introducing our popular Japanese-style pork belly cha siu 🐽

We carefully selected the spanish pork belly which is hormone-free. They are slow-cooked for 24 hours to make sure our secret sauce is totally absorbed and marinated into the meat. Before we serve, we torch-sear to wake up the beautiful marbling and add a caramelized crust to enhance the overall taste and texture. We just want to make sure every bite is a delight 🦦

Haven't tried yet? Order via below -

📍 Mongkok

🇭🇰 HK wide delivery is now live!

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Videos (show all)

Just had a quick trip to Japan for kitchenware and food ingredients stock up, and of course had a yakinuku night at one ...
開 爐 大 吉 🍊We’re back! And we hope all of you have had an awesome and restful break over the new year holidays.As we conti...



2/F, 126 SOY Street, MONGKOK
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 11:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 11:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 11:00 - 21:00
Thursday 11:00 - 21:00
Friday 11:00 - 21:00

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Great American Food, Fresh Salad Bar, Quality Service

Steak ART Steak ART
Steak ART (北角), 北角渣華道123號北角匯二期地下G17號舖
Hong Kong, 0000

Steak House in North Point, Hong Kong

La Parrilla Steakhouse La Parrilla Steakhouse
1 F, Carfield Commercial Building, 75-77 Wyndham Street
Hong Kong, 852

� Open 7 Days A Week � A Taste Of Bar-B-Q � Steaks & Chops � Different Is Delicious

泰利斯餐廳 Thales Kitchen 泰利斯餐廳 Thales Kitchen
Hong Kong

每個日常都能感受悠閑愜意的餐飲體驗。餐廳裝修雅致舒適,供應價格親民的正統扒房美食。我們著重每道菜的細節位,由選料、配搭、調味到擺盤,一一為你用心料理。 招牌菜:火焰德國鹹豬手、威靈頓三文魚、開心果焗羊架

New York Cut Hong Kong New York Cut Hong Kong
2F, H Queen's, 80 Queens Road Central
Hong Kong

The only way humans have ever figured out of getting somewhere is to leave something behind.

神-火山石牛扒專門店 神-火山石牛扒專門店
Hong Kong, 852

元朗店: 元朗教育路103號 大埔店: 大埔太和中心10號鋪 Tel: 92428924

KILO Steakhouse KILO Steakhouse
Hong Kong, 852

American steakhouse curated by Maestro Chef Umberto Bombana. Helmed by acclaimed Chef Nate Green.

FRITES Kwun Tong FRITES Kwun Tong
Shop No 3, 1/F The Quayside 77 Hoi Bun Road Kwun Tong
Hong Kong

Official page: Locations: Central | Wanchai | Causeway Bay | North Point | Quarry Bay | Kwun Tong | Tseung Kwan O | Tai Kok Tsui

The Hunter The Hunter
Shop 11, Ground Floor, The Commercial Accommodation, Alto Residences, Tseung Kwan O
Hong Kong

Contemporary surf & turf menu at the Tseung Kwan O’s waterfront front neighbourhood

The Steak Room HK The Steak Room HK
1/F, FWD House 1881 Main Building, 2A Canton Road
Hong Kong

Farm to fork, enjoy the finest selection of steaks with a personalized finish . 由農場至餐具?

The Steak House - Regent Hong Kong The Steak House - Regent Hong Kong
18 Salisbury Road
Hong Kong