
EATOPIA: A sensory exploration of Taiwan
at the inaugural London Design Biennale

EATOPIA is a series of immersive and conceptually led culinary performances taking place at the inaugural London Design Biennale this September. The events will explore the richness of Taiwan’s mixed cultural heritage through a diverse presentation of contemporary Taiwanese cuisine, design and architecture. Curated by architect Rain Wu and designer Shikai Tseng in collaboration with chef Chung-Ho


Hi friends from Eatopia, hope you are all well :)

If you remember the stone menu made of beautiful green marble from Taiwan? It's was sponsored by Taiwan Stone and Resource Industry R&D Center (SRDC).

This year, SRDC collaborate with one of the curators of Eatopia - (ShiKai Tseng), planed the 2nd edition of Hualien International Stone Workshop. They invited 15 brands & designers from Taiwan to East Taiwan and work with 6 different manufacturer to create their latest pieces.

The workshop will be hosted from 20-25 July, and the first exhibition will be opened in the end of Oct. in Taipei.

If you like stone & marble, or maybe you have fall in love with Taiwan, please follow their fan page or instagram, you will definitely be amazed by Taiwan again!

website -
instagram -

研石造物 Hualien International Stone Workshop 研石造物 - 花蓮國際石材設計工作坊,是由花蓮石材暨資源研究發展中心與充滿理想的年輕組織 Blancor 於2016年所創辦,邀請台灣設計師走進花蓮石材加工廠聚落,以及義大利大理石產品設計師 Moreno Ratti 擔任設計導師與技術指導,期望為台灣石業創造一個互利共生的良好環境。2017年迄今,邀集台灣居家生活品牌、 設計師品牌以及花蓮石材加工廠,期望以市場與產業面為著力點,建立一個健全的商業循環,拓展台灣石業實業的可能性。

Photos from Eatopia's post 29/10/2016

感謝這兩天來修龍的香港朋友們!在修龍Eatopia這個活動當中,我們以食物作為媒介,讓觀眾能跟著主持人Jimmy的故事,走過台灣的歷史以及面臨的議題,最後以「和而不同」這道食物詮釋台灣的烏托邦!這次香港的巡迴展,我們也重新設計了空間,以香港常見的竹棚和工程蚊網,包覆著我們的活動 - 一場文化融合的進行式,期待每一次我們拆掉如繭一般的外殼後,都是羽化成長後的美麗姿態!
Thanks for all our old and new friends in HongKong who had visited Eatopia in past two days. Eatopia is a food design performance, telling Taiwan's stories through 5 well designed and curated dishes. We also built a new venue specific for HongKong, with the mesh and bamboos, the common material that be used everywhere in HK construction site. It's not only present what our team's perception of HK, but also link the idea of under construction with Taiwan's culture developing states.
Today ( 30th Oct. Sunday) is the last day of Eatopia in HK, don't miss this great opportunity to experience Taiwan!
Book the Tickets:…
Event Documentary in London 雙語廣播~
感謝這兩天來修龍的香港朋友們!在修龍Eatopia這個活動當中,我們以食物作為媒介,讓觀眾能跟著主持人Jimmy的故事,走過台灣的歷史以及面臨的議題,最後以「和而不同」這道食物詮釋台灣的烏托邦!這次香港的巡迴展,我們也重新設計了空間,以香港常見的竹棚和工程蚊網,包覆著我們的活動 - 一場文化融合的進行式,期待每一次我們拆掉如繭一般的外殼後,都是羽化成長後的美麗姿態!
Thanks for all our old and new friends in HongKong who had visited Eatopia in past two days. Eatopia is a food design performance, telling Taiwan's stories through 5 well designed and curated dishes. We also built a new venue specific for HongKong, with the mesh and bamboos, the common material that be used everywhere in HK construction site. It's not only present what our team's perception of HK, but also link the idea of under construction with Taiwan's culture developing states.
Today ( 30th Oct. Sunday) is the last day of Eatopia in HK, don't miss this great opportunity to experience Taiwan!
Book the Tickets:…
Event Documentary in London

Timeline photos 29/10/2016


小子 生日快樂

Photos from Eatopia's post 27/10/2016

修龍 香港 展場施工中
感謝帥氣竹編師傅 超哥與他的團隊 一同將香港築棚傳統轉化帶入修龍展場中,一場建築力學與工程學運用在物件上的實驗之美。

Eatopia HK under the construction
We play with HongKong's traditional building technique - bamboo scaffolding in our dinning space. An experiment of transforming space into object.

〖 Exhibition Information 〗

13:00 . 15:00 . 17:00 . 19:00
Saturday Sunday
29th 30th October 2016

Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Centre
Suite 4907, 49/F Central Plaza,18 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Performance Language : English

Tickets Available :
Film :

#EatopiaHK #Eatopia #Eataipei #FoodDesign #Bambooscaffolding #築棚實驗 #食物展演 #香港台灣月 #光華中心

Eatopia London Design Biennale 2016 21/10/2016



Layout Design by Billy Chou

Eatopia London Design Biennale 2016 21/10/2016

photo by Atelier YenAn

EATAIPEI:用食物品嘗臺北的好滋味 11/10/2016

In this weekend, we are also going to share the story of our last project - Eataipei, the guests will have chance to experience to create your own fruit lollipops with liquid nitrogen!

you could have a quick peek what's Eataipei about through our fantastic film and event documentary here!

book your seat before it's too late!


修龍 Eatopia | A culinary exploration of Taiwan’s Cultural Collisions 09/10/2016


After the success in 1st edition of London Design Biennale, Eatopia had been invited to HongKong for Taiwan Culture Festival. We will build a new temporary theatre space and present our food design performance in Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Centre from 28 (Fri) to 30 (Sun) Oct. 2016. If you miss our show in London, please do make your time and come to experience the culinary journey of Taiwan's history collisions.

Book your tickets before mid night of 16th Oct and get the 20% off discount with special code -


See you in HongKong !!

修龍 Eatopia | A culinary exploration of Taiwan’s Cultural Collisions Eatopia is a series of immersive and conceptually led culinary performances taking place at the Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Centre in HongKong from 28-30th October. The events will explore historical incidents of Taiwanese cultural integration between different ethnic and cultural groups by of...

Timeline photos 29/09/2016


主題:台灣設計師週 讀設計系列講座「文化成癮者的設計烏托邦 - Eatopia用食物設計與世界修龍」
講座時間:9/29 (Tue) 下午19:00-20:00
主講:曾熙凱 倫敦設計雙年展 台灣館策展人
活動通 Accupass馬上心動報名連結:

#台灣設計師週 #twdw

【 讀設計限定.免費系列講座 】

文化成癮者的設計烏托邦 – Eatopia用食物設計與世界「修龍」

旅英獨立設計師 曾熙凱與Eatopia團隊於九月前進第一屆倫敦設計雙年展,以台灣族群、文化融合、在地食材入菜,設計出五道以台灣三百年歷史為序的食物設計展演,結合故事情境,讓觀眾能從視覺、嗅覺、聽覺、味覺多重層面感受台灣文化。這次我們將邀請台灣館策展人 曾熙凱帶領大家一同前進倫敦設計雙年展現場,認識「修龍」不為人知的策展過程,聽聽受到東方文化與西方冒險精神雙向薰陶下的他,如何展現細膩情感及大膽的實驗性格,藉由多種由文化意象組成的食物構造體,與一段一段故事中看見族群融合的過去以及未來,邀你一起來探尋自我文化中最耐人尋味的島嶼記憶。

講座時間:9/29 (Tue) 下午19:00-20:00
主講:曾熙凱 倫敦設計雙年展 台灣館策展人
活動通 Accupass馬上心動報名連結:

#台灣設計師週 #twdw

伦敦设计双年展 用设计实现乌托邦 26/09/2016

Thanks for NTD 新唐人電視台
for such complete report and interview! Although the food design performance had already finished, but the exhibition will be continued until 27th this month, make sure you don't miss this wonderful show be for it finish!

#公眾外交 #修龍

伦敦设计双年展 用设计实现乌托邦 首次登上国际舞台的伦敦设计双年展,更是让设计节的展览层次,由城市规模提高到了国家馆尺度,吸引了37个国家和地区的设计师参展。


Eatopia served its last Food Design Performance on Sunday, after a 12-day run at the London Design Biennale. Thanks to all who have visited us, volunteers who have helped us, Somerset House & London Design Biennale for hosting us & Cxcity 從我到我們 our organiser who have supported us.

A big well done to the team for all the hard work, and extra special mentions go to our host Jimmy Chunhao Weng who have managed to keep the stories so lively day after day, and our chef Raymond Fang for dusting magic onto our plates.

Thank you all, and till next time!


謝謝所有的訪客、 媒體、貴賓、志工以及團隊中每一位夥伴,有你們才有今天的修龍,謝謝所有喜愛Eatopia的朋友也謝謝每一份建議與分享,你們的聲音,我們都聽到了!


謝謝我們辛苦的修龍團隊,以及展演前準備到結束都沒有一天休息無可取代的主持人Jimmy Chunhao Weng &展場大廚 Raymond Fang

Event Documentary | Yen-An Chen YenAn Chen Illustration

Video Link |


Remember to vote for us!


**Last day today**
Taiwan Pavilion will be giving a TALK about the ideas behind our organiser CxCity and Eatopia, come join us!

Taiwan: Public Diplomacy through Cultural Exchange

(45min talk, 15min Q&A)

The Screening Room, Somerset House

(£8 for the talk, LDB tickets not required)

Eugene Chang, cxcity, administrating body of Taiwan Pavilion at LDB
Rain Wu, Shikai Tseng, curators of Eatopia, Taiwan Pavilion at LDB

A new wave of civilian-initiated artistic projects aim to improve public diplomacy between Taiwan and countries across the globe through cultural exchange. This ‘bottom up’ approach employed by artists, architects and designers reflects recent civilian movements and demonstrations in Taiwan.
In this talk, ideas behind and in between the two recent ‘Taiwan Pavilions’: Eatopia at London Design Biennale 2016 and One Pavilion To Go (OPTOGO) at Milan Expo 2015 will be presented and discussed.

Taiwan Pavilion at Milan Expo 2015 was a civilian initiated project which was was entirely crowd funded. Comparing to other exhibitions at Milan Expo, Taiwan took a guerilla approach: presenting movable exhibitions on bicycles around the streets of Milan.

Eatopia presents five conceptual dishes to guide the audience through a narrated journey of Taiwan’s past, present and future. The dishes serve as a reminder that cultural collision and fusion have been and will continue to be powerful forces that propel the country towards a united yet diverse utopia.

Somerset House Exhibitions on Ticketmaster UK

Eatopia: A culinary exploration of Taiwan 16/09/2016

** Final 3 Days**
Eatopia teams up with The Culture Trip at 1pm BST (16/09) for a LIVE culinary performance on Periscope at Somerset House. Keep eye on eatopia's Facebook and Twitter for updates!

** 倒數三天**
今天(9/16)台灣時間晚上8點/英國時間下午1點,修龍eatopia 將會跟 The Culture Trip 合作,於Periscope 線上直播食物設計互動式展演,沒有機會到英國倫敦現場的不要錯過!

LImited tickets are available

Eatopia: A culinary exploration of Taiwan Eatopia: A culinary exploration of Taiwan at the inaugural London Design Biennale Please note that ...

兩岸作品亮相倫敦設計雙年展演繹「烏托邦」 - BBC 中文网 13/09/2016

Thanks BBC Chinese published a beautiful article of London Design Biennale and highlight Eatopia. Last five days of Eatopia Food Performance, we welcome everyone come to join us and speak to us anytime if you are interested.


Ticket available :


兩岸作品亮相倫敦設計雙年展演繹「烏托邦」 - BBC 中文网 大陸和台灣作品參與首屆倫敦設計雙年展。中文網專訪雙年展總監和作品主創人。

倫敦設計雙年展台灣館吃出設計烏托邦 13/09/2016

HongKong media "MingWeekly"posted a complete introduction of our food design performance, have a peek before you coming the show in somerset house, the last day of the food performance is 18th of Sept., book your ticket before it's too late :)


倫敦設計雙年展台灣館吃出設計烏托邦 呼應首屆倫敦設計雙年展主題「Utopia by Design設計烏托邦」,台灣策展團隊Eatopia提出「修龍–臺灣文化進化論」,希望以食物展演設計與空間互動裝置,「修龍(相撞)」出新的族群文化融合型態,開啟臺灣文化的未來想像。

Behind the biennale 13/09/2016

LS:N global posted a very nice interview of London design biennale, one of the curator - Rain Wu had a very clear introduction of Eatopia in the video :)

Behind the biennale London Design Biennale 2016 – As the London Design Biennale opened for the first time, LS:N Global headed over to chat with its director Christopher Turner and some of the participating curators.

Timeline photos 13/09/2016

Our supportive administration body 公民外交計劃 optogo Cxcity 從我到我們 kindly organized this list of media exposures, hope one day we could also travel to each of them and spare the Taiwan stories in rest of the world!

我們的好朋友兼主辦單位 optogo/cxcity 幫我們整理了一些外媒的報導,希望修龍eatopia 未來也能到這些國家講述台灣的故事!

【 修龍 📢 好讚|國際媒體報導 】




▾ 德國 《form》➝

▾ 倫敦 《LS:N》➝

▾ 土耳其 《XOXO》➝

▾ 紐約《SURFACE》➝

▾ 倫敦 《HOT DINNER》➝
今年倫敦設計雙年展中,有三個展館是跟食物媒材有關,台灣館就是其中之一,而文章首圖也用了Eatopia的第五道食物裝置 -《合而不同》。

▾ 英國文化協會(British Council)➝


圖片來源:British Council



Eatopia 13/09/2016

Thanks to Domus Magazine gave us such a complete exposure on their website!


Eatopia At the London Design Biennale, Taiwan expresses its mixed cultural heritage by with an immersive and interactive installation where food combines with architecture and design.

Photos from Eatopia's post 10/09/2016

Today's tickets- all SOLD OUT !

Thanks for everyone who joined our sittings today, we had a wonderful time with you! With this unique performance, I hope that you have got to know Taiwan a bit more and we look forward to seeing you again in the near future!

Tickets avaliable here:
This ticket does NOT include London Design Biennale's General entrance ticket, please book separately on

Eatopia at London Design Biennale 08/09/2016

Eatopia: A culinary exploration of Taiwan at the inaugural London Design Biennale
Eatopia is a series of immersive and conceptually led culinary performances taking place at the inaugural London Design Biennale from 7-18th September.

The events will explore historical incidents of Taiwanese cultural integration between different ethnic and cultural groups.

Taiwan has received waves of migrants since the beginning of its written history. Together, these people of distinctive cultural backgrounds witnessed the island’s historical milestones: colonisation, martial law administration and democratisation. Centuries of cultural collision and fusion have shaped Taiwan into a multi-faceted country, but its historical complexity often leads to discussions on what constitutes the Taiwanese identity and which culture best represents Taiwan.

Curated by architect Rain Wu and designer Shikai Tseng in collaboration with chef Chung-Ho Tsai, Research & Development Chef at the renowned Taiwanese fine dining restaurant Pasadena, with supports from architectural designer Lydia Chang, Eatopia responds to the Biennale’s Utopia by Design theme by presenting an imagined future through a culinary journey. Reflecting on the history of Taiwan, the dishes serve as a reminder that cultural collision and fusion have been and will continue to be powerful forces that propel the country towards a united yet diverse utopia.

An experimental tasting menu of five dishes will guide the audience on a narrated journey through the installation’s themes. Each session (pre-book only) lasts for approximately 45 minutes.

Eatopia is an exhibition organised by cxcity and will tour Hong Kong and Taipei in October 2016.


Taiwan Pavilion at London Design Biennale

▦ Somerset House, The Strand, London WC2R 1LA
▦ Interactive Exhibition: 7th - 27th Sep
▦ Food Design Experience: 7th - 11st, 13th -18th Sep (pre-book only)
▦ The ticket for The Food Design Experience does NOT included the London Design Biennale's ticket. Please book the same day exhibition ticket on their website
▦ Visit our website for more details on the event, the curation and the food design.
▦ Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates and behind the scenes!





第五道「和而不同」,將一到四道菜放入玻璃器皿中,再倒入奶油為基底的湯,將所有的元素融合在一起。「和而不同」描述融合後的台灣未來想像, 連結國外種族文化融合的事件,擁抱不同族群,以台灣自身的故事拋磚引玉去思考如何走向文化融合,回應修龍文化融合,碰撞後所誕生出的新文化,呈現未來豐富多元的和諧環境。


【2016倫敦設計雙年展台灣館 展覽資訊】
展覽日期 2016/9/7-9/27
展覽地點 Somerset House, London
倫敦設計雙年展入場票價 £15
食物展演體驗票價 £10 (本票價不含Somerset House門票,需事先預約,購票請點
Instagram eatopia_tw
Twitter eatopia_tw
Photos by 陳彥安 Yen-An Chen

Projects Not to Miss at the London Design Biennale 08/09/2016

We are proudly sharing this with you all, friends and families supporting and helping us! Taiwan pavilion had been chosen as top 5 countries in whole London Design Biennale!

We will keep showing the Taiwan spirit to the world! #修龍

Projects Not to Miss at the London Design Biennale The inaugural event's theme, Utopia By Design, celebrates the 500th anniversary of the publication of Thomas More’s novel

Timeline photos 04/09/2016

Facebook: Eatopia

Taiwan Pavilion at London Design Biennale
Somerset House, The Strand, London WC2R 1LA

Exhibition opens 7th - 27th Sep
Food Design Experience 7th - 11st, 13th -18th Sep (pre-book only)


展場|Somerset House Taiwan Pavilion Room 26
地址|Strand, London WC2R 1LA
時間|9/7 (三) - 9/27 (二)
食物展演|9/6 (二) - 9/18 (日)

Timeline photos 04/09/2016

Eatopia ticket is ON SALE N.O.W
Taiwan Pavilion at London Design Biennale
Somerset House, The Strand, London WC2R 1LA
Exhibition opens 7th - 27th Sep
Food Design Experience 7th - 11th, 13th -18th Sep (pre-book only)


修龍 倫敦場 售票連結 :

#todaystickets #londondesignbiennale


我們終於重回國際雙年展國家館 !



修龍 Eatopia Movie Credits

Curator | ShiKai Tseng , Rain Wu
Director | YUEN HSIEH
Producer | Lee Spinkee
Producer Manager | Wei Wei Zeng
Project Manager , Co-Curator | Lydia Chang
Photographer | Huang Jun Tuan 黃 俊團
Art Director | Paul Gong
Set Dressing | Lydia Chang and TianJia Hsieh
Stylist | JOHN YUYI
Lead Lighting| Hsieh sung-Ming
Lighting Assistant | Sun chu-Wei , Peng China-yuan , Chen Wei-hair , Jimmy Huang
Lead hair | Ting Shih Flux Réel Hair Boutique
Hair | Wei LiRen Flux Reel Gino
Hair Assistant | An Ting Hsiao and Zhang Kai Xun
Makeup Artist |Hungyi Lu 小美
Makeup Assistance | 魯亞芝 and Kazuki Ichinose
Indigenous Taiwanese | Cheng Yi Tsai , Hong Jyun Jhu, Shl Yi Lin , Yi Zhen Lin , Mei Lian Lin
Fujian and Hakka | Kiwi 李函 , Chih Jung Lin
Taiwanese Locals | Wei Lun Kao , Hsuan Ju Cheng
Chinese and Japanese | 陳御 Yu Chen , Jian Wei Lan , Yu Wei Chang , Xginju San , Xin Ru shen , Yen Ting Chen
New Residents | Chun-yao Able KO , He Shun Lin
Behind The Scene Photographer | 低俗連載 teizokurensai
Behind The Scene Videographer | Sophi Zou
Color Grading | 時間軸 TimeLine Studio
Editor | Yuen Hsieh
Visual | 廖俊裕 Godkidlla
Animation | Annlin Chao and Mick Lin
Music | 李英宏 aka DJ Didilong

#修龍 #公眾外交
#utopia #烏托邦 #台灣的烏托邦

「修龍」「相撞」,台灣公眾外交生猛進擊倫敦設計雙年展 - The News Lens 關鍵評論網 25/08/2016

感謝 The News Lens 關鍵評論網用心撰文報導【修龍】


TIME|2016 09 07 - 27

「修龍」「相撞」,台灣公眾外交生猛進擊倫敦設計雙年展 - The News Lens 關鍵評論網 2016年倫敦設計雙年展臺灣館將是臺灣自2003年被國際政治力介入退出威尼斯藝術雙年展主展館後,首次再度以國家館進入雙年展主展區,「修龍」取自閩南語「相撞」的諧音,象徵臺灣豐富多元的樣貌正來自於不同族群的碰撞及累積而成的底蘊。

2016 倫敦設計雙年展 台灣館 行前記者會 25/08/2016

Exhibition Advisor | Min Su
Curator | Shikai Tseng, Rain Wu
Project Manager, Co-Curator | Lydia Chang
Project Assistant | Chuan Lu
Host | Jimmy Weng
Food Design | Chung-Ho Tsai
Executive Chef | Po-Yen Fang
Visual Design | Godkidlla
Layout Design | Billy Chou
Installation Design | Zhao-Wei Liu, Ping-Shiuan Wang
Product Design | Laurance Liu
Space Design | Eugene Chang
Space Design Team | Yu-Ting Wang, Szu-Yun Wang, Shu-Yi Li, Xin-Ying Chen, Sheng-Ju Chen, Jessy Yang
Lighting Design | Friðþjófur Þorsteinsson
Photography | Yen-An Chen
Textiles Advisor | Ching Fiona Chen, Ji-Jing Lai
History Advisor | Chung-Lin Zhong
Editor | Jennifer Wong
PR Advisor | Doris Hu
PR (Taiwan) | Lagi Chen
PR (UK)| OCTOBER Comms、Wen-Shin Yang

Special Thanks | Kuan-Hua Chou, Hsi-Wen Yang, Yao-Ching Tseng, Chen-Hao Chang, Bundy Chang, Yvette Lai, Melody Chen, Pei-Chin Lin, Chao-Heng Yang, Hao-Wen Lin, Wan Tseng, Chi-Chih Chang, Richard Wang, William Chang, Yen-Chen Chang, Eve Lin, Shin-Lan Hsu, Yu-Ting Wang, Yu-Yao Yang, Ying-Yu Wei, Ting-Yu Liu, Pi-Jung Ko, Amanda Teng, Yueh-Ting Chiu, Wen-Shin Yang, Bran Cheng, Yuan-Chen Chiu, Monica Lee

Film Director | YUEN HSIEH
Producer | Spinkee Lee
Producer Manager | Wei-Wei zeng
Photographer | Jun-Tuan Huang
Art Director | Paul Gong
Set Dresser | Lydia Chang, Tian-Jia Hsieh
Stylist | JOHN YUYI
Lead Lighting | Sung-Ming Hsieh
Lighting Assistant | Chu-Wei Sun, China-Yuan Peng, Wei-Hair Chen, Jimmy Huang
Lead Hair Stylist | Ting Shih Flux Réel Hair Boutique
Hair Team | LiRen Wei (Flux Reel), An-Ting Hsiao, Kai-Xun Zhang
Makeup Artist | Hungyi Lu
Makeup Assistant | Meg Lu, Kaz
Behind The Scene Photographer | Yuji Fann Fann
Behind The Scene Videographer | Sophi Zou
Color Grading | Timeline Studio
Animation | Ann's Looping Dictionary 說圖解字, Mick Lin
Music | 李英宏 aka DJ Didilong



TIME|2016 09 07 - 27

We will be back to Taiwan soon.

Exhibition Advisor | Su Min
Curator | Shikai Tseng , Rain Wu
Project Manager, Co-Curator | Lydia Chang
Director | YUEN HSIEH
Producer | Lee Spinkee
Producer manager | Wei Wei zeng
Photographer | Jun Tuan Huang
Art Director | Paul Gong
Set Dressing | Lydia Chang, TianJia Hsieh
Stylist | John Yu YI
Lead Lighting| Hsieh sung-Ming
Lighting Assistant | Sun chu-Wei,Peng China-yuan,Chen Wei-hair,Jimmy Huang
Lead hair | Ting Shih @ Flux Flux Réel Hair Boutique
Hair | LiRen Wei @ Flux Reel
Hair assistant | Hsiao an-ting and Zhang Kai Xun
Makeup Artist | Hungyi Lu
Makeup Assistance | Meg Lu ,Kaz
Visual |Gokidlla
Animation |Annlin Chao
Music | Ying Hung Lee

#公眾外交 #修龍
#utopia #烏托邦 #台灣的烏托邦

Timeline photos 21/08/2016

即將在倫敦設計雙年展展出的台灣館《修龍 - Eatopia》首支預告片明晚十點正式上線,由謝宇恩 YUEN HSIEH執導,陣容強大,敬請期待!!


#公眾外交 #修龍
#2016臺北世界設計之都 #顏社 #李英宏

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Videos (show all)

《修龍》倫敦設計雙年展 展演紀錄 | Eatopia at London Design Biennale Taiwan Pa...
修龍|倫敦設計雙年展 預告片 / Eatopia | London Design Biennale Teaser


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