Shirley Whing & Fine Voices 榮烜之聲

A platform through which passionate, authentic, confident and talented voices come together to inspire and empower one another.


Summer may be over, but you DON'T have to STOP CHILLING. Come join the friends of HK's 1st Opera and Musical Singing Meet-up, FINE VOICES for A Soul Chill SING!

For a refreshing and hearty hour, WHEN YOU BELIEVE, you'll surely FLY FLY AWAY any stress. Relax INTO THE UNKNOWN through the authentic voice of multi-talented Singer-Actress Choreographer and global empowerment ambassador Athena Lai and Opera-and-movie Vocal coach-pianist and award-winning global speaker-author SHIRLEY WHING at the Pavillion Cafe 良亭雅敍.

Whether you're a seasoned singer or just looking to have some classy fun, this event is for you. Come relax, unwind, and enjoy the music with us.

Space is limited. RSVP now. Ticket for 1 person is $100 and $150 for 2 ppl. See you at Pavilion Cage 旺角煙廠街9號興發商業大廈4樓01室!

(Payment: FPS 96993636
Event details and Inquiries: 68487768)


Photos from Shirley Whing & Fine Voices 榮烜之聲's post 01/08/2024

Heart bursting with pride for and on their incredible Olympic wins! 🥇 Your dedication and talent are an inspiration to us all. ✨

Looking back at my own journey, I'm reminded of the incredible honor of being named ✨ Outstanding Woman of 2020 ✨ by Jessica Magazine Hong Kong. It’s a testament to the power of believing in yourself and surrounding yourself with supportive, successful women. 👭

As the quote goes, "Behind every successful woman is HERSELF." Let's continue to uplift and empower each other. Together, we can achieve extraordinary things! 💪🏼



Vivian Kong
for taking Hong Kong's
1st Paris Olympic GOLD Medal! 🥳🤩🥳🥳🤩


What our amazing clients are saying about us! 😍🌟 From transformative experiences to achieving business dreams, their words inspire us every day. 🌍💪

Ready to join the success stories? Let's create magic together! Drop us a message to get started. 📩✨


A woman is like a tea bag - you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water." - Eleanor Roosevelt 🌟💪

Celebrate the incredible strength and resilience of women. We rise and thrive, no matter the challenges we face! 💜✨


女人就好似一個茶包——「你永遠不知道她有多堅強,直到她進入熱水中。」——艾蓮娜·羅斯福 🌟💪



Real women from around the world, facing challenges, overcoming perfectionism and managing fear head on to achieve breakthrough everyday.




📅日期 : 2024年5月14日(二)
🕦時間 : 20:00 - 22:00
🌎地點 : Zoom
🧜🏼‍♀講者 : Shirley Whing Chow
美國心靈雞湯作者/美國No. 1 成功大師Jack Canfield 入室弟子

🏃🏽‍♀立即報名登記 :

Photos from Shirley Whing & Fine Voices 榮烜之聲's post 07/03/2024
Photos from Shirley Whing & Fine Voices 榮烜之聲's post 20/11/2023

Time flies and as time flew, I haven't kept up with celebrating these talented young ladies' achievements.

Here they are. Excellent jobs, Haily Leung, Tiffany Chum and Christina Au-yeung for being so dedicated and diligent year after year in training, competing and growing your voice, confidence and showmanship.

Shirley W Chow


The divine and powerful Sustainability Crusader Daniela Jeronimo will share how SELF BELIEF helped her reinvent both her business and life while advocating for people and the environment.

Join us here tonight at 9 pm HKT or today at 9 am EDT. Find LINK in the comments below 😘


Divine food for a divine soul. 🥳


小朋友有好多趣味summer camps, 爸媽們,你哋又有冇安排比自己一個獨特嘅放鬆💃🏼🕺🏼拍拖😘機會呢?

做老闆嘅你,有冇為你團隊預定Fun, 獨特又高品味 team-building 活動呢?

Hello Opera in Glass 杯中樂韻
💥 一個養生、養心 又 養腦嘅活動:
享受杯中之樂,飲吓酒、食吓嘢,仲可以 : 開心「美聲」學🎭🎹
由資深國際級歌劇指導Ms. Shirley Whing Chow 用精簡方法,
** 介紹意大利Bel Canto 美聲唱法技巧
** 一齊學習意大利名曲 ”Santa Lucia” 及 簡單 意大利文 發音
🥳提升內啡肽: 改善情緒並減輕壓力和焦慮水平。

大家就千祈唔好錯過,由 ”酒過人生” 及 ”榮烜之聲” 聯合舉辨嘅 “杯中樂韻” 呢個咁獨特又高養分嘅活動喇!

🗓️日期 : AUG 4, 2023 FRIDAY
⏰時間 : 7:00pm
💰 收費 : $500/ head 或 $900 二人同行
📍地點 : 荔枝角道 808 號好運工業中心 912 室
(荔枝角地鐵站 A 出口, 3 分鐘便到達)

🍷🥂餐飲 :

報名 及 查詢 :

#養生 #養腦 #高品味 #暑假活動 #暑假生活 #紅白酒 #意大利名曲
#減輕壓力 #改善認知 #改善肺活量 #增強免疫力 #減輕疲勞


"The hard way is not the only answer!"
"Being strong is not the only answer!"
"Hustling is not the only answer!"

Do you agree? How can we be strong and achieve a lot without paying too big a price?

Tune in and see what Wellness Diva Patience Modevi does to be WELL and Fulfilled everyday.


Who wants to be 'wowed' by one of the finest voices sharing her finest stories?

From Zero to Shero will be featuring a 'wow' story next week. When a woman plays mum, professional, caretaker, entrepreneur director or CEO, she's most definitely a S-HERO.

I am so thrilled and excited to showcase the inspiring April Lam, a powerhouse from Hong Kong whose journeyed many trials and achievements. Please tune in our live stream next Monday, Apr 3rd at 9 p.m. Hong Kong time or 9am EDT/2 pm CET.

Watch with this link:

Photos from Shirley Whing & Fine Voices 榮烜之聲's post 27/03/2023

So excited and grateful 😜🥳🥳🥳🥳! Getting ready for another vocal master class/ workshop trip to Singapore during the week of Apr 17-22! Stay tuned.

Photos from Shirley Whing & Fine Voices 榮烜之聲's post 08/02/2023

Hello 有仔囡 參加校際音樂節或聲樂考試 嘅爹咪/媽咪 ~
* 提升表現力+自信+攞獎機會 🥳
* 得到一級嘅咬字、音樂感、音色及演繹tips
* 就快D報名參加呢個超正嘅「榮昇」聲樂大師班 LEVEL UP Vocal Master Class
* 爭取機會:
1. 現場演出
2. 由國際級聲樂家及資深比賽評判即時評核
5. 與其他表演者觀摩v
🎹如伴奏不能出席,可用mp3 或 聘用大師班伴奏

Solo / Duet 項目: (5-19歲)
Ages 5-6 Boys/Girls (I Had a Rooster) / Ages 7-8 Boys/Girls(Coconut Man)/ Ages 10 Boys/Girls Treble(This Day)/
Age 13 Boys/Girls Treble(The Lark)/ Male Voice Ages 14 (Love You)/ Female Voice Ages 14 (How Soft, Upon the Ev'ning Air)/
Female Voice Ages 16 (The First Violet) / Male Voice Ages 16(The Wanderer)/ Female Duet Ages 14: Evening Prayer 等等

費用:$250-450(參閲Google Form 內容)
時間:2023年2月12/18/19日(星期六/日: 參閲Google Form 內容)
聲樂大師 :
Dr. Dana Zenobi (女高音)
2020 年聲樂教育學獲獎者(美國歌唱教師協會 (NATS)
Joys Abiding 的錄音藝術家:歷史女性作曲家的

Ms. Shirley Whing Chow (女高音)
前歐美著名大學及歌劇/音樂劇院聲樂指導/ 鋼琴伴奏 / 女高音
前葉氏兒童合唱+音樂劇團主任 (11 yrs.)/國際合唱表演團/ 音樂劇監製
美國NMCC國際音樂邀請賽香港總監/比賽評判 / 指揮總監
學生最愛 校際音樂節攞獎名師
星夢傳奇Junior 2 及美國、台灣電影音樂指導

#聲樂大師班 #現場演出 #聲樂考試

Photos from 爸媽.叻's post 05/01/2023


Photos from Shirley Whing & Fine Voices 榮烜之聲's post 15/11/2022

Covid 後,學童少咗好多live 比賽、演出同大師班的經驗? 冇問題!

現在把握一個孩子同爸媽一齊叻的才能比賽! 期待你和仔囡的精彩演出!

優秀表演者會由大會邀請免費參與實體Winners Showcase演出,爭取在live audience 面前表演和領取證書的經驗。 家長和朋友可憑$100門票參與支持。

🥰 最甜美聲線獎
所有得獎者會獲證書一張,如欲訂購獎杯,額外費用將於 12 月中公佈。

查詢及付款: Whatsapp +852 9699 3636

#親子活動 #親子關係 #朗誦比賽 #中文朗誦比賽 #英文朗誦比賽

#74屆校際朗誦節 #講故仔 #講故事 #親子講故事 #比賽 #比賽資訊

#實體表演 #實體比賽 #香港中小學生 #爸媽叻


Do you live FREE of fears, obstacles, roadblocks and overwhelm? Imagine if you were a marginalized woman and her child.
What skills and secret tools will it take to minimize these life-draining suckers? Imagine being the director of an NGO which helps these women thrive!
Join me and guest Judy Kan, the director of HER Fund (*Her Empowering Resources Fund*) to see how Judy and HER Fund staff are innovating and persisting to advance the welfare of minority and trans women in HONG KONG.
Watch LIVE :
Date: Tonight, Jul 18th, Monday
Time: 9 p.m. HKT
(3 p.m. CEST / 7:30 p.m. IST / 9 a.m. EDT)

#消除暴力 #消除歧視 #消除貧窮 #邊緣社群 #邊緣女性

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college in Hong Kong?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Our Story


Welcome to our page! Shirley Whing & Fine Voices Company Limited is a wholistic coaching hub. We magnify the confidence and exuberance in girls’ and women’s voice so that they can go from feeling invisible to being invincible.

Our story

SWFV founder Shirley Whing Chow deeply cares about the Happiness and Success of children and women. While Shirley has enjoyed 3 dynamic decades of performing and coaching on opera and concert stages across 4 continents, she has also seen the prevalence of anxiety disorders and depression in the children and women she served at work or in her personal life. In fact, as a survivor of chronic illness, PTSD and depression, Shirley has lost her voice twice. As many masters helped her regroup, she is paying it forward with all the tricks she has gathered in her own journey of empowerment.

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I am always grateful, yet hardly ever suprised when clients of any age unleash their highest potential through Law of At...
你是你環境的產物。🧠✨ 想在人生、關係或事業上取得突破?留意你身邊的人的影響力。與那些堅毅、正面、前瞻的人相處,他們的能量和心態會激勵你成長,發揮你的潛力。正如奧運選手在世界級運動員和導師的帶動下進步一樣,你也可以透過加入成功者的社群來提升...
🌟 揭開超級富翁的三個金錢心態!💼💰1️⃣ 在深層意識中,為他人創造高價值。2️⃣ 視金錢為實現豐盛人生的工具,而不是目的地。3️⃣ 培養高情商(情緒智商)。開啟豐盛心態的秘密!🚀#內在聲音 #財富心態 #財務自由 #情緒智商 #成功習慣 ...
Resilience! Hong Kong’s Fencing Goddess Vivian Kong represents the limitless powers of PHYSICAL and EMOTIONAL recovery, ...
🚨 留意你腦裏嗰個「大後」聲!嗰啲負面嘅聲音試圖阻礙你,唔讓你發揮全部潛能。🛑 唔好俾呢啲疑慮同恐懼控制你。要學識靜音內心嘅批評聲,釋放你嘅真正力量!💪✨----------🚨 Watch out for the big "back" vo...
你認為若投資成功最大的關鍵時什麼?----------What do you think are the keys to investment success?
“🌿✨ Health is Wealth ✨🌿⁣ LISTEN TO YOUR BODY by tuning to its cues! ⁣In a world that never stops, carving out ‘Me Time’ ...
Chasing money or slaving for money is not what the ultra rich do.  Follow the L.E.T. mantra:- LOVE what you do to CREATE...
When life throws you a curveball, it's the perfect opportunity to hit it out of the park! 🌟In this video, follow April L...



Rm. L1, 9/F, Summit Bldg. , 30 Man Yue Street, Hung Hom
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 12:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 12:00 - 20:00
Thursday 12:00 - 20:00
Friday 12:00 - 20:00
Saturday 12:00 - 20:00
Sunday 12:00 - 20:00

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