On Your Mark Design Laboratory Ltd.

On Your Mark Design Laboratory (OYM) is an award winning Hong Kong-based experimental creative labor The further we go, the more we know what we really want.

We are going on a long journey, a journey without a final destination. We have seen things that we have never seen; we have learnt things that we have never learnt; we have bought many souvenirs and put them into our suitcase. We are taking this suitcase with us all along the journey and seeking the route for tomorrow. What we have seen, what we have learnt and what we have bought are going to be

Photos from M+, WestK's post 20/05/2024
Photos from On Your Mark Design Laboratory Ltd.'s post 24/02/2024

Dark Side of Hong Kong《闇閱》只此一家的香港故事。日落之後,那些「不見得光」的香港黑暗面(Dark Side)便會悄然而起,那些擁有市井、科幻、殘酷、浪漫等不同元素的故事便會活躍於深宵中,無聲卻璀璨。翻開《闇閱》一書,作者會帶你探討香港的靈(凶案、猛鬼熱點)、玄(問米、碟仙)、黃(鹹書、鹹片)及黑(色情事業、黑社會)等等的香港普及文化。就讓我們以一夥充滿好奇又謙卑坦然的心,一起探討香港人Dark Side生活面貌,瞭解真正的香港。

Many thanks to HK Design Master and for this meaningful publication to kick of 2024 the year of dragon!

Dark Side of Hong Kong
designed by

#闇閱 #香港故事 #香港設計 #香港印刷 #近利紙行 #李永銓


Special thanks to and , and wish everyone a ❤️🥰 and prosperous year of 🐉



龍年 #準備好 祝各位🐉龍精虎猛!一切都好!

Photos from On Your Mark Design Laboratory Ltd.'s post 17/01/2024

New work is coming to town~
Thanks to J&S Printing!


Photos from On Your Mark Design Laboratory Ltd.'s post 24/11/2023

Thanks to 香港小童群益會 The Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong, , , , and OYM team’s effort to make this meaningful project happened.

2 Platinum Awards (Illustration / Character)
1 Gold Award (Printed Publications)


Total 3 top tier awards received for the BGCA ‘An Adventure to Discover the Magic Stone’ 《尋找魔法石頭之旅》S.E.N. Children Illustration Book project in 2023 (Communication Design Category)

Creative Director: Leo P. H. Chan
Art Director: Bowie Choi
Paper Artist: Alison Chan
Book Design: On Your Mark Design Laboratory
Illustration: Pica Pica Gallery
Character Design: Bowie Choi
Photography: Leo P. H. Chan / Miyuki Oshima
Gaffer: Miyuki Oshima

Special thanks to:
Paper Sponsor: 友邦洋紙
Printing Sponsor: J&S Printing Co. Ltd.


Thanks to 香港小童群益會 The Boys' & Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong, Pica Pica Gallery, Bowie Choi, and OYM team’s effort to make this meaningful project happened.

2 Platinum Awards (Illustration / Character)
1 Gold Award (Printed Publications)


Total 3 top tier awards received for the BGCA ‘An Adventure to Discover the Magic Stone’ 《尋找魔法石頭之旅》S.E.N. Children Illustration Book project in London Design Awards 2023 (Communication Design Category)

Creative Director: Leo P. H. Chan
Art Director: Bowie Choi
Paper Artist: Alison Chan
Book Design: On Your Mark Design Laboratory
Illustration: Pica Pica Gallery
Character Design: Bowie Choi
Photography: Leo P. H. Chan / Miyuki Oshima
Gaffer: Miyuki Oshima

Special thanks to:
Paper Sponsor: Polytrade 友邦洋紙
Printing Sponsor: J&S Printing Co. Ltd.

Photos from On Your Mark Design Laboratory Ltd.'s post 01/11/2023


Photos from On Your Mark Design Laboratory Ltd.'s post 01/11/2023

Sculpture Art Chick is coming to town 🐣

Special thx to for technical knowledge exchange.

Photos from On Your Mark Design Laboratory Ltd.'s post 28/10/2023

Handcrafted paper art for Paris luxury jewellery and watch house CNY window 10 years ago in Hong Kong.

Photos from On Your Mark Design Laboratory Ltd.'s post 28/10/2023

Handcrafted paper art for Paris luxury jewellery and watch house CNY window 10 years ago in Hong Kong.

Photos from On Your Mark Design Laboratory Ltd.'s post 24/10/2023

Our CD spoke at HKU SPACE Design seminar yesterday in creating Animated Posters that align with the latest trends in the Graphic Design category.

Thank you for the invitation.


Our CD Leo P. H. Chan (MHKDA) spoke at HKU SPACE Design seminar yesterday in creating Animated Posters that align with the latest trends in the Graphic Design category.

Thank you for the invitation.

4 cross-disciplinary guest speakers (Mandy Tsang@eMotionLab, Tim Kwong@DesignTooMuch, Bowie Choi@Pica Pica Gallery, Leo Chan@On Your Mark Design Laboratory), who offered a seminar in Motion Graphics and Illustration Design for our HD Visual Communication and Diploma in Communication Design and Practice students on the Public Holiday yesterday.

Photos from On Your Mark Design Laboratory Ltd.'s post 24/02/2023



想入行或者想自我增值都可以嚟聽㗎🧐 免費㗎❗️

2月26日 (星期日) 下午3:00至5:30





#設計潮流 #設計觸覺 #設計行情 #免費講座 #開放日 #創意產業 #入行須知 #自我增值 #持續進修


Photos from On Your Mark Design Laboratory Ltd.'s post 24/02/2023

Dear design friends, our Creative Director and Brand Consultant Leo P. H. Chan, will have a talk and panel discussion (in Cantonese) with other creative practitioners on coming Sunday afternoon.

Feel free to register and invite your peers to join if they want to know about how to build and shift around in design career😉😎🤟





2月26日 (星期日) 下午3:00至5:30





#設計潮流 #設計觸覺 #設計行情 #免費講座 #開放日 #創意產業 #入行須知 #自我增值 #持續進修


JOIN US | HKOP 09/12/2022

JOIN US | HKOP Founded in 2000, Hong Kong Open Printshop is Hong Kong’s first non-profit open printshop run by artists. In 2012, Hong Kong Open Printshop registered as a charitable organization. Our aim is to promote visual art with an emphasis on image making, and give back to the community by providing art pro...


11.18(Fri) & 11.19(Sat)

今次《地・空・演》於 新視野藝術節,電子音樂家兼多媒體藝術家 Choi Sai Ho 蔡世豪 帶來新曲加精選,由地球玩到上太空!除了夥拍新媒體藝術家林志輝、技術總監葉文華,他亦會表演與漫畫家江記及其得獎動畫《離騷幻覺》班底合作的《離幻時代》和《一場幻覺》。不知「This is Hong Kong Punk」動畫碰上「This is Sai-ho’s Techno」會在《地・空・演》撞出怎樣的迷離幻覺?

Title typeset & key visual designed by On Your Mark Design Laboratory Ltd.

#蔡世豪 #地空演



【 Drop a line / 《地.空.演》蔡世豪 】

自八歲起接受小提琴訓練,及後更考獲演奏級資格,蔡世豪在偶然機會下,看到傳奇英國電子音樂組合 The Chemical Brothers 的演出,自此便一發不可收拾,醉心鑽研電子音樂創作,並成為全職多媒體藝術家。早在 2009 年便被香港 Time Out 雜誌選為 The Best of Hong Kong Indie 第一位;2011年入選 CNNGO 十大最佳香港音樂單位;2016 年憑作品《撞》,獲得德國 Visual Music Award – Visual Music Live Contest 榮譽獎;而作品《Signals》更獲西班牙 Sónar 前衛電子音樂節挑選,發射至系外行星 GJ273b。


談到創作靈感,世豪認為,最重要是來自對事物的觀察,但並沒有特定來源及模式,日常在街上走路時也可以「一觸即發」,跳出固有框架,從多元角度去思考。」世豪的電子音樂及影像素來以節奏明快及調子澎湃見稱,如果要用三個字來形容他自己及作品的風格:「那就是 hybrid、energetic、爆炸性,我相信這也是香港本身的特色。」

夥拍新媒體藝術家林志輝、技術總監葉文華,除此亦會與漫畫家江記及其得獎動畫《離騷幻覺》班底合作,演奏出《離幻時代》和《一場幻覺》。當「This is Hong Kong Punk!」動畫碰上「This is Sai-ho’s Techno!」,又會在《地.空.演》撞出怎樣的迷離幻覺?

最後,世豪跟我們分享了他的音樂 playlist,拉隊上太空前做足熱身:

日期:18-19/11 (五 - 六) 8pm
票價:$320 (不設劃位)

Voice of Contemporary _______ .

▍Instagram 同步更新

Photo credit: Leo Chan @ On Your Mark, Choi Sai-ho & Jason Lam Chi-fai

#蔡世豪 #地空演
#新視野藝術節 #特約內容
New Vision Arts Festival
Choi Sai Ho 蔡世豪


11.18(Fri) & 11.19(Sat)

今次《地・空・演》於 新視野藝術節,電子音樂家兼多媒體藝術家 蔡世豪帶來新曲加精選,由地球玩到上太空!除了夥拍新媒體藝術家林志輝、技術總監葉文華,他亦會表演與漫畫家江記及其得獎動畫《離騷幻覺》班底合作的《離幻時代》和《一場幻覺》。不知「This is Hong Kong Punk」動畫碰上「This is Sai-ho’s Techno」會在《地・空・演》撞出怎樣的迷離幻覺?

Title typeset & key visual designed by

#蔡世豪 #地空演




從城市景觀、大數據、文學、動漫,到太空宇宙,電子音樂家兼多媒體藝術家蔡世豪擅長從不同題材擷取靈感、發揮無邊想像,拉闊作品的維度。視聽作品包括《撞》,獲 2016 德國 Visual Music Award – Visual Music Live Contest 榮譽獎;《寒夜・電車廠》 #,演繹也斯詩作,入圍 2018 英國流明獎(流動影像);《Critical Era》,譜寫氣候變化;音樂《Signals》,獲西班牙 Sónar 前衛電子音樂節挑選發射至系外行星 GJ273b。

今次《地・空・演》,蔡世豪帶來新曲加精選,由地球玩到上太空!除了夥拍新媒體藝術家林志輝、技術總監葉文華,他亦會表演與漫畫家江記及其得獎動畫《離騷幻覺》班底合作的《離幻時代》和《一場幻覺》。不知「This is Hong Kong Punk」動畫碰上「This is Sai-ho’s Techno」會在《地・空・演》撞出怎樣的迷離幻覺?

Title typeset & key visual designed by

#蔡世豪 #地空演

18 & 19 Nov
星期五六 8pm



#蔡世豪 #地空演

18 & 19 Nov
星期五六 8pm


designed by


#蔡世豪 #地空演

designed by


【deTour 2022 徵集創意工作坊計劃書!】

deTour 2022 創意工作坊正式開始徵集計劃書!今屆deTour主題為「設計共同」,工作坊正正是一種可以令參與度大大提升的媒介,最適合初次接觸設計的公眾參與。如果你想發揮自己的創作本能,策劃各種創意工作坊,與公眾一起探索設計的可能性,千萬不要錯過這個機會呀!!

提提你,每份成功入圍的計劃書將會獲得每節最多港幣2,500元的資助!心動不如行動,即刻提交你的計劃書,與我們一起打造一個由公眾共同參與設計的deTour 2022啦!


【deTour 2022's Open Call for Creative Workshops Proposals! 】
deTour 2022 Creative Workshop is now open for proposals! Themed "Design as One", this year deTour hopes to bring "participants" closer together, and workshops are the perfect medium for the public to engage with design! Grasp the chance to curate creative workshops and explore the possibilities of designing with the public now!

Each successful applicant will be offered a sponsorship of up to HKD2,500 per session to conduct the workshops during deTour 2022!

What are you waiting for? Submit your proposal now and join us at deTour 2022!

Submission period: Now till 14 September 2022 18:00
↳Details: https://detour.hk/main/tc/news/detour-2022-open-call-for-creative-workshops-proposal/

deTour 2022
日期 Date|2022.11.18 - 12.4
地點 Venue|PMQ 元創方
主要贊助單位 Lead Sponsor|香港特別行政區「創意香港」Create Hong Kong of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

​ #設計共同
#集體設計 #公眾参與 #社區連結 #社會議題 #生活需要 #可持續性 #數據轉化

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Videos (show all)

Our CD Leo P. H. Chan (MHKDA) spoke at HKU SPACE Design seminar yesterday in creating Animated Posters that align with t...
感謝 Hong Kong Federation of Design and Creative Industries 香港設計及創意產業總會 邀請及信任,為 2021 Zhuhai Design Week #珠海國際設計周 城市印象 - #香...
Global Youth Leaders Summit 2018



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未來唯一持久的優勢是 有能力比你的競爭對手學習得更快!