ASA Tiles 亞細亞瓷磚

Using Italian original machinery, we redefine the pinnacle of tiles with Italian designers. Our products are currently supplied to ever 40 countries.

亞細亞瓷磚(ASA Tiles)作為一家專精於瓷磚的生産和供應商,秉持著對品質的堅持和創新精神,採用意大利頂尖生產技術。我們致力於將產品研發、生產、銷售及服務融為一體,竭誠為顧客呈獻卓越品質的瓷磚和無微不至的體驗。

在不斷追求創新的道路上,我們積極拓展產品範疇,創造多樣化的裝飾選擇,從典雅的水磨石,到現代感十足的人造石輕質水泥組件,以及具有藝術氣息的小瓷磚,每一款產品都是對美學和功能的完美結合。 自1973年開始,亞細亞瓷磚 (ASA Tiles) 一直引領業界。我們已為新鴻基集團、九龍倉集團、恆基集團及等多個大型發展商提供定制方案。產品暢銷至全球超過40個國家。

Since 1973, ASA Tiles remains true to our aspiration, provides decoration solution and intimate experience. Appl

Photos from ASA Tiles 亞細亞瓷磚's post 24/06/2024

【滿名山 The Bloomsway|屯門 Tuen Mun|Job Reference】

單位置於私人住宅區滿名山。滿名山位於屯門青盈路18號,享有寧靜的地理位置和寬敞的居住空間,DUMB Design 運用了我們的暖色和冷色系瓷磚作室內設計,使單位在提供舒適的居住環境之餘亦不失現代感。





The apartment is situated in the Bloomsway, a private residential estate in 18 Tsing Ying Road, Tuen Mun. In addition to its secluded location and spacious residence, DUMB Design elevates the apartment by using both our warm and cool toned tiles to create a stylish apartment interior. Comfy, peaceful, and modern.

We all know how exhausting it feels after a long day of hard work, and a softly coloured living space provides the ideal place for one to take a break from daily hassles. Designed by our exquisite marble tiles, the sight of the foyer’s gentle greyish white already calms you down as you take your first step into the apartment. The living room is laid with timber tiles to construct a classy khaki floor surface. Our light brownish tiles match perfectly with the earthy-coloured furniture, stimulating calm happiness with their warm tones.

As we move our steps to the kitchen, greyish white exquisite marble tiles are again adopted in constructing the countertop, the wall and the floor, lighting up the whole space. Our tiles subtly bring out the cabinets’ soft almond brown with their simple and plain designs, generating a sense of calmness that highly resonates with the theme of the living room.

The guest bathroom’s design takes a playful twist. While the wall and the floor are constructed with tiles of colours similar to the kitchen cabinets’, our leafy green artistic tiles in the feature wall give a refreshing quality to both the bathroom interior and the rest of the apartment. The wall reflects the colour of nature, which aligns with the apartment’s earthy theme and elicits a sense of liveliness.

The master bathroom echos the theme of the apartment. Our creamy white tiles are an excellent addition to the relaxing space. The tiles blend in perfectly with the peachy environment, creating shades of earthy colours. The floor is also laid with the same white tiles, reflecting soft light from the ground and brightening up the room. Besides, our tiles embellish bathroom space while ensuring practicality. With high durability and resistance to moulds, they are bound to provide an attractive and long-lasting outlook to the overall space.

Photos from ASA Tiles 亞細亞瓷磚's post 21/05/2024








Marble Mosaic: The Harmonious Fusion of Nature and Art

Marble mosaic, a decorative material that blends the natural beauty of marble with the creativity of mosaic, offers unique and multifunctional choices for your space. Its rich colors and unique textures, combined with various arrangements, create designs that are both noble and elegant.

Diverse Applications
Suitable for various spaces, marble mosaic enhances any area, whether decorating living room walls or adding style to bathrooms and kitchens. It showcases exceptional visual effects. From traditional rectangular layouts to complex geometrical patterns, each design highlights its unique aesthetic.

Custom Artistic Design
We offer highly customized services, making various shapes and color combinations according to designers' specifications, perfectly integrating into personal or commercial spaces. Each piece of marble mosaic is an artwork, accurately reflecting the designer's creative vision and aesthetic philosophy.

Unique Beauty
Each piece of marble features unique textures and color variations, making every project involving marble mosaic a unique piece of art, showcasing the incomparable beauty of natural materials.

Marble mosaic isn't just a decorative material; it's an artistic expression that combines the beauty of nature with human creativity, adding limitless possibilities to your living spaces.


Happy Easter from ASA Tiles
Warm wishes for a joyful Easter filled with peace and happiness.

Photos from ASA Tiles 亞細亞瓷磚's post 12/03/2024

【小點角落BITE BY BITE|朗豪坊Langham Place|Job Reference】




BITE BY BITE, a chain restaurant specializing in innovative Hong Kong style snacks and desserts, celebrated the opening of its second branch in 2023. The design of this new location offers not only a feast for the taste buds but also a visual delight. Upon entering, one is immediately enveloped by a vivid yellow hue that radiates happiness and a sense of bliss. In this backdrop, it highlights the enticing nature of the delicious food in the store., inviting visitors to take pictures of their experience.

Compared to the first branch, the new branch ingeniously incorporates more nostalgic elements, creating a chic blend of old and new. The colorful mosaic tiles are not just ornaments but a display of artistry. These tiles, like exquisite paintings, narrate the charm of old Hong Kong.

To complement this unique retro vibe, the interior decoration is dominated by bright yellow, understated gray, and pure white tones. The walls are adorned with bold, bright yellow mosaic tiles, which have been meticulously cut and fitted by the ASA team into small squares perfectly set within the gray terrazzo, each tiny square becoming a captivating space in itself. Such a design is not only aesthetically pleasing but also durable and easy to maintain.Mosaic tiles are not just robust materials; they reflect stories and culture. Every wall, every floor tile, quietly tells the unique story of BITE BY BITE.

Design: Unite Unit

【ASA Tiles I Interview】會計師將千呎屋企變成紡織品博物館 Accountant turns 1,000ft house to textile museum 27/02/2024

【ASA Tiles|Interview】

我們很榮幸地邀請您一同探索聞名遐邇的私人收藏家Chris Hall的珍貴藝術收藏。從悠久的中國紡織品到講述時代故事的手繪瓷磚,這些不僅是藝術品,它們亦是歷史的見證。

🐉 遺世獨立龍袍

🎨 手繪瓷磚的現代傳承

ASA Tiles 瓷磚產品在高溫下燒制,確保不失色彩同時保留耐用性。

We are delighted to invite you to explore the precious art collection of renowned private collector Chris Hall. From time-honored Chinese textiles to hand-painted tiles that tell the story of the times, these artworks are not only pieces of art, but they are also witnesses to history.

🐉 The Unique Dragon Robe
Chris especially showed off a precious dragon robe. Despite being over a hundred years old, it has no trace of time, shining as brilliantly as historical culture.

🎨 The Modern Legacy of Hand-Painted Tiles
We also delve into Chris's collection of over a thousand captivating hand-painted tiles. These unique tiles are the best in decorative elements, each one infused with the creator's dedication to recording different things, and learn about the culture and style of the time. The craftsmanship has not been lost to this day.

ASA Tiles products are fired at high temperatures to ensure color retention and durability.

【ASA Tiles I Interview】會計師將千呎屋企變成紡織品博物館 Accountant turns 1,000ft house to textile museum ASA TILES 亞細亞瓷磚我們很榮幸地邀請您一同探索聞名遐邇的私人收藏家Chris Hall的珍貴藝術收藏。從悠久的中國紡織品到講述時代故事的手繪瓷磚,這些不僅是藝術品,它們亦是歷史的見證。We are delighted to invite you to explore the pre...


Happy Year of the Dragon!

We will resume our services on February 19th.




【「友商有良」計劃嘉許|Partner Employer Award】


We are honored to receive commendation from the Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business for our outstanding participation in the "Partner Employer Award" program. It is profoundly meaningful to promote harmonious collaboration among individuals from various social backgrounds within the same environment and to fulfill our corporate social responsibility. We will continue our dedication to fostering the spirit of social inclusiveness.


【ABoutique|銅鑼灣 Causeway Bay|Job Reference】


為提供舒適的購物體驗,OFT Interiors 這次的設計採用了流線弧型概念。選用了多款ASA的水磨石,運用於地板及傢俱擺設。配上弧形的設計,帶出水磨石的多樣性和美感,營造出一個既舒適又柔和的環境,提供一個愜意的購物體驗給顧客。




ABoutique, located in Times Square, specializes in various European and American brands. It is a must-visit place for customers who are pursuing fashion trends, especially as it offers a wide range of fashionable items that are being sold in Hong Kong for the first time.

To provide a comfortable shopping experience, OFT Interiors has adopted a streamlined and curved concept in their design. They have selected multiple ASA terrazzo options for the flooring and furniture arrangements. The curved design highlights the versatility and aesthetics of the terrazzo, creating a cozy and soft environment that offers customers a pleasant shopping experience.

Accessories play an extremely important role in showcasing fashion taste. The designer has specially created a minimalist accessory cabinet that matches the boutique's curved style and placed it in a central location for easy customer selection. This curved accessory cabinet is made of ASA gray terrazzo material, cut and laid to form an arc shape, and enhanced with glass to create a noble atmosphere. It not only serves as a display for accessories but also features two drawers for storage, effectively utilizing the space.

The cashier counter is also custom-made using the same style of terrazzo. Considering that customers may need a place to put their personal belongings during payment, the counter is equipped with an additional shelf, demonstrating the designer's meticulous attention to detail.

To capture the attention of customers who are about to check out, a portion of the space is dedicated to displaying accessories using glass, which also serves as decorative elements for the cashier counter. In addition, the semi-circular counter, with a terrazzo surface, showcases handbags and shoes, allowing customers to easily mix and match. The background shelf on the counter is made of low-key and elegant ASA white terrazzo, which attracts customers' attention regardless of the displayed products.


【Wishing you a joyful 2024!】

Thank you for your unwavering support.

We appreciate your trust and look forward to serving you with excellence.

Here's to a prosperous year ahead!

ASA Tiles Team

Photos from ASA Tiles 亞細亞瓷磚's post 21/12/2023

【Wyndham Social|中環 Central|Job Reference】

在2022年,培新集團創立了Wyndham Social,一個充滿活力的社交場所和共享空間。這個場所位於中環中心地帶,靠近商業區和歷史古蹟,為不同的群體提供了舉辦展覽、活動和藝術交流的機會。這不僅促進了社區的凝聚力,還促進了人脈的交流。

中心區域選用了兩種色調的 ASA Tiles 木紋磚,經過精心的切割和鋪貼,營造出獨特的效果。在溫暖柔和的燈光下,深淺交錯的木紋點綴相互交融,呈現出明顯的對比效果。更能突出了木質材料的質感。此外,中心區域還採用了垂直舖貼方式,營造出延伸感,吸引人目光向內部延伸,使整個空間顯得更加深邃。


為了保持空間感,設計師巧妙地使用了低調而沉實的 ASA Tiles 灰色石紋磚來分隔區域。這種設計使得區域之間沒有隔閡,更容易根據需要劃分位置,舉辦大型分享會、展覽,甚至小型工作坊和小組討論。此外,相較於工字型的鋪貼方式,選擇1/5的鋪貼方式可以避免出現「踢腳」的情況,並且在視覺上更加美觀耐看。

In 2022, Peterson Group established Wyndham Social, a vibrant social hub and shared space. Located in the central area of Central, near the business district and historical landmarks, it provides opportunities for different communities to host exhibitions, events, and art exchanges. This not only fosters community cohesion but also facilitates networking.

Two-tone ASA Tiles wood grain tiles are used in the central area, which are carefully cut and paved to create a unique effect. Under the warm and soft light, the staggered dark and light wood grain embellishments blend with each other, showing an obvious contrasting effect. It can highlight the texture of wooden materials. In addition, vertical paving is used in the central area to create a sense of extension, attracting attention to the interior and making the entire space appear larger.

The designer has created curved workstations with tabletops made of ocean-blue engineered stone, whose patterns resemble flowing water. Behind them are white terrazzo and exquisite window frames, giving the feeling of being on a sunlit beach. In this comfortable environment, you can immerse yourself in your work and relax.

To maintain a sense of openness, the designer cleverly used low-key and solid ASA Tiles gray stone-patterned bricks to divide the areas. This design eliminates barriers between the zones, making it easier to allocate spaces for large-scale seminars, exhibitions, as well as small workshops and group discussions as needed. Furthermore, opting for a 1/5 installation pattern instead of a herringbone pattern prevents the appearance of not being level and provides a more aesthetically pleasing and durable visual effect.


【Stone Inspired Tiles】

亞細亞瓷磚將於冬季推出一款全新系列瓷磚:Stone Inspired Tiles 。每塊瓷磚經過精心設計,展現天然石材的紋理和色彩變化,同時配以高功能性的防滑度及多種尺寸的選擇,足以滿足鋪貼牆身或地面用途,在不同大小的空間中使用得更加靈活。


This winter, ASA Tiles is proud to present a riveting new product line: Stone Inspired Tiles. Each model, realistically mimicking the many appearances and colours of natural stones, thoroughly reflects our design team’s utmost attention to detail. With multiple original sizes and high slip resistance levels on offer, wall and floor spaces of varying dimensions can accommodate ASA Stone Inspired Tiles with ease and creativity.

Our new Stone Inspired Tiles series demonstrates functional and aesthetic excellence through a perfect combination of the beauty of natural stones and the durability of tiles.

Photos from ASA Tiles 亞細亞瓷磚's post 13/10/2023

【Calle Ocho|銅鑼灣 Causeway Bay|Job Reference】

位於銅鑼灣的Calle Ocho是一間主打西班牙傳統菜式的餐廳,裝修設計靈感來自西班牙的奧地利馬德里街區。餐廳所在的街號是8號,而”Ocho” 在西班牙文中表示「8」,因此以此命名。

藍白彩磚工藝在西班牙歷史悠久,店內外的畫、店舖門牌也用這個傳統手藝裝飾。藝術家Elsa Jeandedieu Studio與ASA協作,藍白彩磚的一部份是由藝術家於約25呎外牆手繪制成壁畫,將銅鑼灣的一角打扮到如西班牙小街一樣,無論是欣賞還是打卡之人都不能錯過。



Calle Ocho, located in Causeway Bay, is a restaurant that specializes in traditional Spanish cuisine. The interior design of the restaurant draws inspiration from Madrid de Los Austrias neighbourhood. The street number of the restaurant is 8, and "Ocho" means "eight" in Spanish, hence the name.

The blue and white tile craftsmanship has a long history in Spain, and it is used to decorate the paintings inside and outside the restaurant, as well as the storefront signs. In collaboration with ASA, artist Elsa Jeandedieu Studio hand-painted a portion of the blue and white tiles on about 25 feet wall. The artist Elsa Jeandedieu Studio collaborated with ASA. Part of the blue and white colored bricks was hand-painted by the artist on the exterior wall of about 25 feet to make a mural, creating a mural that transforms a corner of Causeway Bay into a Spanish-style street. Whether you are appreciating the art or taking photos, it is an unmissable sight.

The other portion of the tiles is hand-painted and fired by our artisan craftsmen. Each tile is individually painted by hand and fired at a temperature of over 1000°C. This process ensures that the hand-painted artwork is perfectly presented and that the tiles maintain their bright colors without fading or aging easily, even in the face of outdoor exposure to sunlight and rain.

The designer has incorporated traditional Spanish architecture and craftsmanship styles, not only showcasing the rich cultural charm of Spain but also creating an ambiance that transports diners to Madrid, where they can enjoy authentic and traditional cuisine. Every corner of the restaurant is filled with the essence of Spain, with elements such as ceramic tiles, ironwork, and wooden decorations. The walls are adorned with musical instruments and photographs, allowing diners to appreciate artwork from any position they are in.

Photos from ASA Tiles 亞細亞瓷磚's post 12/09/2023

感謝Modern Home摩登家庭在最新一期9月號月刊中介紹了我們的 PuriTiles®️ 抗菌系列瓷磚!獨有的Oxy Tech®️ 技術,能夠有效地抑制細菌的繁殖,包括常見的大腸桿菌和金黃色葡萄球菌。


We are thrilled to announce that our PuriTiles®️ Antibacterial series is featured in the latest issue of Modern Home magazine! Thank you for showcasing our product. This series' unique Oxy Tech®️ technology effectively inhibits the growth of bacteria, including common strains such as Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. The PuriTiles®️ Antibacterial series stands out for its exceptional ease of cleaning compared to regular tiles. With just household cleaners for daily maintenance and consistent cleaning habits, you can provide additional protection for your family.

Photos from ASA Tiles 亞細亞瓷磚's post 31/08/2023

【ABoutique+|時代廣場Times Square|Job Reference】


為提供舒適的購物體驗,OFT Interiors 這次的設計採用了流線弧型概念。選用了多款ASA的水磨石,運用於地板及傢俱擺設。配上弧形的設計,帶出水磨石的多樣性和美感,營造出一個既舒適又柔和的環境,提供一個愜意的購物體驗給顧客。





ABoutique+, located in Times Square, specializes in various European and American brands. It is a must-visit place for customers who are pursuing fashion trends, especially as it offers a wide range of fashionable items that are being sold in Hong Kong for the first time.

To provide a comfortable shopping experience, OFT Interiors has adopted a streamlined and curved concept in their design. They have selected multiple ASA terrazzo options for the flooring and furniture arrangements. The curved design highlights the versatility and aesthetics of the terrazzo, creating a cozy and soft environment that offers customers a pleasant shopping experience.

Accessories play an extremely important role in showcasing fashion taste. The designer has specially created a minimalist accessory cabinet that matches the boutique's curved style and placed it in a central location for easy customer selection. This curved accessory cabinet is made of ASA gray terrazzo material, cut and laid to form an arc shape, and enhanced with glass to create a noble atmosphere. It not only serves as a display for accessories but also features two drawers for storage, effectively utilizing the space.

The cashier counter is also custom-made using the same style of terrazzo. Considering that customers may need a place to put their personal belongings during payment, the counter is equipped with an additional shelf, demonstrating the designer's meticulous attention to detail.

To capture the attention of customers who are about to check out, a portion of the space is dedicated to displaying accessories using glass, which also serves as decorative elements for the cashier counter. In addition, the semi-circular counter, with a terrazzo surface, showcases handbags and shoes, allowing customers to easily mix and match. The background shelf on the counter is made of low-key and elegant ASA white terrazzo, which attracts customers' attention regardless of the displayed products.

In addition to furniture, each mirror is carefully designed with curved edges, metal borders, and custom-made terrazzo bases, turning ordinary mirrors into artworks within the store. Mirrors not only allow customers to instantly try on clothes but also contribute to a sense of spaciousness in the store through their reflective effect.

Design & Photo credits: OFT Interiors
#香港室內設計 #時代廣場 #瓷磚 +

Photos from ASA Tiles 亞細亞瓷磚's post 18/08/2023

【貝沙灣 Bel-Air |Job Reference】




Bel-Air is a residential estate located in Pok Fu Lam, Hong Kong, boasting magnificent unobstructed sea views. The designer has infused new life into this one living room and three-bedroom unit through a meticulous redesign. The unit features a predominant milky white color scheme. To address the lack of natural light in the dining area, the designer boldly incorporates brick-red ceramic tiles and orange mirror screens to enhance the lighting. Additionally, ASA gray-toned terrazzo tiles are used to balance the colors of the walls, creating a significantly enhanced sense of space.

In addition to pursuing aesthetics, the designer also considers visual comfort. The kitchen floor is adorned with ASA gray-toned terrazzo, ensuring that the illumination from the ceiling lights does not overly strain the eyes, reducing fatigue.

The bathroom's wall design is kept simple, and a prominent grainy terrazzo floor in a beige tone is chosen to prevent the environment from appearing monotonous.

Design: PplusP Creations Limited

#香港樓盤 #香港室內設計 #家居裝修 #家裝 #瓷磚 #貝沙灣 #薄扶林 -Air

Photos from ASA Tiles 亞細亞瓷磚's post 08/08/2023

【Hana Sakazuki 花盃日本料理|銅鑼灣 Causeway Bay|Job Reference】



設計師從ASA 石紋磚系列選用深灰色瓷磚作為地磚,與同一空間內的其他設計元素形成強烈的對比,在豪華和舒適之間作出平衡。


Having served countless patrons high quality Japanese dishes for almost two decades, Hana Sakazuki strives for excellence not only in the kitchen but also in the dining areas to offer a visual feast on top of a culinary one.

An extraordinary lighting centrepiece, with incredible linear and shape irregularities, in the VIP room immediately draws our attention. Inspiration is drawn from the intricate architecture of traditional Japanese Noh theatre. Here, surrounded also by vintage, majestic style wallpapers, the chef takes centre stage serving only the best culinary creations.

Here the designer opted for dark grey ASA Stone-Inspired Tiles for the flooring, creating a striking juxtaposition with the other design elements in the room and retaining a level of balance between opulence and coziness. The thoughtfulness of this design choice cannot be overstated, and is felt throughout the entire dining area.

ASA Exquisite Marble Tiles, handpicked by the design team, with subtle yet natural patterns perfectly complement the overall relaxed vibe and practical functionality of the restrooms. Different materials are put together as pieces of an intricate puzzle. Marble veins, going into all directions, form the base on which this maze of a wall is built. Coupled with the circle shaped mirror, the designer stretched our imagination while deploying all significant features of ASA Exquisite Marble Tiles.

Design and photo credits to: Greyscale




Louis's dedication and perseverance have made a spectacular splash in his career. Today, we are super proud of his achievement. Let’s all give a big cheer for Louis Koo! 💪💪

#古天樂 #亞洲影壇非凡貢獻大獎 #品牌代言人 #優質瓷磚

Photo source: 新浪娛樂1905電影網官博

Photos from Emperor Cinemas 英皇戲院's post 22/07/2023

【大圍圍方英皇戲院Plus+|瓷磚和水磨石|Job Reference】





Emperor Cinemas Plus+ in Tai Wai grandly opens today. Spanning two floors, the entire venue features our tiles and terrazzo, making every corner a perfect spot for photo ops!

The soft lighting enhances the elegance and comfort of the space, immersing you in a world akin to cinema. Every design detail exhibits exquisite taste that captures your attention.

This cinema, akin to a work of art, is a must-visit for movie enthusiasts and design lovers alike. While enjoying a movie, you can also appreciate the creativity and dedication of the designers. The artistic ambience of the space inspires and enchants every visitor.

#大圍 #圍方 #大圍終於有戲院 + #瓷磚 #水磨石


【Shake Shack|IFC Central|Job Reference】
IFC Shake Shack近期進行了裝修,選用了我們定制的綠色啞面瓷磚作為牆面裝飾,營造出別樹一幟的獨特風格。 運用品牌特有的清新綠色水磨石作為桌面, 再應用漸變白色小瓷磚於圓弧檯腳, 讓裝修設計富有活力,配以色彩繽紛的手繪壁畫,為食客營造歡樂的氣氛。
The Shake Shack at IFC Mall has recently undergone a refurbishment, featuring our bespoke matte green ceramic tiles as wall adornments, creating a distinct and unique aesthetic. Incorporating the brand's signature fresh green terrazzo for table surfaces, and utilizing gradient white tiles for the curved table bases, the design exudes a lively ambiance. Complemented by vibrant, hand-painted murals, a joyful atmosphere is cultivated for diners.

Stunning video by Timmy Lo Photography

#瓷磚 #獨特風格 #手繪壁畫 #水磨石


【Season's Greetings】

打造綠色建築 · 支持可持續發展 Building Green Architecture · Supporting Sustainable Development

ASA 環保水磨石系列透過循環再用建築廢料、用過的打火機、廢棄的陶瓷等物料生產。


ASA EcoTerra Collection products are manufactured by recycling construction waste, used lighters, and discarded ceramics.

This series of terrazzo not only reduces reliance on natural resources, but also makes good use of otherwise useless construction waste. Additionally, the design and colours of EcoTerra can meet the needs of modern architecture and interior design, contributing to sustainable development while diversifying design choices.

Photos from ASA Tiles 亞細亞瓷磚's post 25/03/2023

【La Viña|銅鑼灣 Causeway Bay|Job Reference】

感受瓷磚藝術之美 Discover the Beauty of Tile Artistic Cutting

La Viña 最新的分店位於銅鑼灣世貿中心,設計重心是延伸整個店面的藝術切割瓷磚。設計師精心運用四種不同的粉色系瓷磚,拼貼成品牌商標,凸顯獨特的優雅風格。


La Viña 採用柔和的燈光,讓整個空間更加溫馨和舒適,仿佛置身於家中。每一張弧形設計的座位和餐桌都分佈得恰到好處,讓客人坐得舒適,可以放鬆心情享受美食。所有設計細節都展示了精緻的品味,讓人目不暇給。


At the latest branch of La Viña, nestled in the bustling World Trade Centre at Causeway Bay, an immaculate space awaits. Artistic cutting tiles, crafted with the utmost care and precision, are a marvel to behold. The designer's choice to combine four distinct shades of pink tiles to reflect the brand’s logo on the floor filled the cafe with a captivating and unique style that exudes an irresistible aura of charisma and elegance.

The gentle and subtle hues of the tiles create an ambiance of unparalleled comfort and relaxation. Each piece of artistic cutting tiles radiate vitality and creativity, imbuing the entire space with infinite inspiration and beauty that reflect the designer's impeccable artistic visions.

La Viña's clever use of soft lighting throughout instills a sense of warmth and comfort reminiscent of the coziness of home. Thoughtfully spaced curved seats and tables invite guests to recline and unwind while enjoying their meal in complete comfort. Every design detail is polished with exquisite taste and sophistication for customers to discover and relish.

With such refined elements La Viña offers a perfect backdrop for capturing unforgettable memories. This artistic atmosphere is bound to leave an indelible impression of timeless elegance and boundless inspiration that will linger long after the visit.

Photo credits: Unite Unit

Photos from ASA Tiles 亞細亞瓷磚's post 01/02/2023

【Shikigiku 四季菊|中環 Central|Job Reference】

以高水準天婦羅著名的四季菊日本餐廳位於 ifc 的分店近日完成翻新,繼續為顧客提供頂級日式餐飲體驗。餐牌上的精緻美食琳瑯滿目,包括刺身、壽司、鐵板燒、及懷石料理, 全部採用最新鮮及有益的食材,更享有迷人的維港景色作為伴碟。

除了精美的日本美食,ifc 四季菊的室內設計亦充分體現日本文化。梁志天設計集團的設計團隊受到日本傳統「風呂敷」啟發,採用自然簡樸的原木色佈置整個餐廳。

設計師挑選了 ASA 木紋磚系列產品,配以精心的藝術加工,設計出仿如日式「編織結繩」(組紐くみひも)圖案。瀰漫著典雅的日式美學,令盤上的美食昇華到另一境界。

Renowned for its world-class tempura, Shikigiku Japanese Restaurant offers an opulent Japanese dining experience at their newly furnished location at ifc. Their remarkable repertoire includes authentic sashimi, sushi, teppanyaki, and kaiseki made only from the freshest and most nutritious ingredients. Each dish at Shikigiku, ifc is perfectly paired with the stunning views of Victoria Harbour.

Apart from serving exquisite Japanese food, Shikigiku, ifc also celebrates Japanese culture with their interior design. The design team at Steve Leung Design Group, inspired by the traditional Japanese “Furoshiki” art style, decorated the restaurant mostly with simple and natural wood tones.

A truly unique flooring was created from combining two products from our Timber Tiles collection. After going through a meticulous Artistic Processing procedure, the tiles pattern resemble a traditional Japanese knot (組紐くみひも). The love for Japanese elegance is not only reflected on the plates but on the floors, bringing the dining experience to a whole new level.

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Showroom: 303, 3/F, IHome Centre, 369 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai. (WhatsApp: 96866482)
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 09:30 - 18:30
Tuesday 09:30 - 18:30
Wednesday 09:30 - 18:30
Thursday 09:30 - 18:30
Friday 09:30 - 18:30
Saturday 10:00 - 19:30
Sunday 10:00 - 18:30

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