Lingnan University

Lingnan University (Official) Lingnan University is the only liberal arts university in Hong Kong.

It aims to instil a sense of civic duty in our students and to cultivate skills, competences and sensibilities that enable graduates to pursue their goals in a rapidly changing environment. Lingnan graduates will have breadth and depth of vision, the desire and capacity for public service, an awareness of the complexities that characterise enduring human dilemmas, and, accordingly, maturity of jud


【嶺大瓷器裝飾工作坊 體驗陶瓷製作的樂趣 🎨】

早前嶺大舉辦「傳統陶藝之旅:瓷器裝飾工作坊」,讓公眾有機會親自體驗陶瓷藝術的創作,一眾參加者即場發揮創意,打造獨一無二的作品!😍 立即去片,重溫當日的精彩片段。


【Experiential learning: porcelain artistry at Lingnan's workshop 🎨】

Lingnan University recently organised a porcelain decoration workshop, allowing participants to experience the creative process and craft unique works. Relive the highlights through our captivating video! 😍

The Chamber of Young Snow Art Exhibition Hall is also exhibiting about 30 Chinese paintings and ceramics dating from the Song Dynasty to the 20th century. Immerse yourself in this rich cultural heritage, and you can even book a guided tour.

Book your free visit now:

#嶺南大學 #嶺大 #博雅教育 #少雪齋藝術展覽館 #藝術 #少雪齋 #青花瓷 #陶瓷


【長者之友 - 嶺大政策研究院獲社署表彰為三星級關愛長者機構🌟】



【Friends of the elderly- Lingnan University Institute of Policy Studies recognised by SWD as Three-Star Caring Institution🌟】

Lingnan University's Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) has been honoured with the Three-Star certificate for the "Care for the Elderly. We all Care" initiative by Social Welfare Department, acknowledging its contributions to elderly services, eldercare, and social education collaboration. IPS has partnered with elderly service units in Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing to educate seniors and caregivers about gerontechnology. Together, we are making ageing in place a reality! 🏡

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#嶺南大學 #嶺大 #博雅教育 #政策研究院

Photos from Alumni Relations Team, Lingnan University's post 24/07/2024

【嶺大五環 — 多國交流!既讀萬卷書📚,也行萬里路👣】

榮獲QS五星+級認證的嶺南大學致力於營造國際化的學習文化,讓同學們走出comfort zone,有機會親身前往遍布50+國家或地區、270+伙伴院校進行交流,大學亦設立多項獎學金及資助,讓你放心把exchange放入U-life wishlist!即去片看看三年級生Bryce (翻譯系)、Kristina (工商管理)分享海外交流體驗。

未出發先興奮?即看 探索你的「世一」交流國度!

【5 LINGNAN RINGS – Multi-national exchanges! Learn tons📚 and travel far👣】

A QS 5 Stars+ university, Lingnan spares no effort in creating an international learning culture. We encourage students to step out of their comfort zones and provide opportunities for them to engage in exchanges with 270+ partner institutions in 50+ countries or regions. With a variety of scholarships and financial support, why don’t just put “exchange” into your wishlist for university life? Watch the video featuring third-year students Bryce (Translation) and Kristina (Business Administration) as they share their experiences of studying abroad.

Planning your trip already? Explore our exchange destinations at:

#嶺南大學 #嶺大 #博雅教育 #大學聯招 #大學收生 #升學

Photos from Lingnan University's post 19/07/2024

【嶺大創科人才獲邀出席2024創新科技獎項嘉許禮🎊 】


【Lingnan attends the "2024 Innovation and Technology Awards Ceremony"🎊】

Congratulations! Lingnan’s design projects, PureAura (portable mini energy-saving air purifier) and Impressionz (3D printed stamp), have won a remarkable 13 awards this year. 🏆

Prof Raymond Chan Hon-fu, Vice-President (Academics) cm Provost, Prof Albert Ko, Director of the Entrepreneurship Initiative, and Mr Adrian Lo, Product Design Lead, were honored to attend the "2024 Innovation and Technology Awards Presentation Ceremony" at the Hong Kong Government Headquarters in Tamar, hosted by the Innovation and Technology Commission. This recognition is a testament to Lingnan University's excellence in innovation and technology.

#嶺南大學 #嶺大 #博雅教育 #創新科技獎項嘉許禮

Photos from Lingnan University's post 19/07/2024




【From Sham Shui Po to Shau Kei Wan! Lingnan University's air purifiers continue to be distributed to residents in need🤗】

Last week, Lingnan Entrepreneurship Initiative was in action again, joined hands with Caritas Women Development Project, to distribute 430 PureAura air purifiers to residents living in poorly ventilated areas with compromised air quality in Shau Kei Wan. The distribution event was generously supported by the Centaline Charity Fund Limited (CCF). Mr Wong Wai-hung, Addy, MH, JP, Chairman of CCF and Ms Melody So, Director of CCF, also participated in the event. Mr Addy Wong strongly recommended the PureAura for its high practicality in improving people’s lives. 🌟

During the event, Prof Albert Ko, Director of Entrepreneurship Initiative and Director of Office of Service-Learning at Lingnan University, and Mr Adrian Lo, Product Design Lead, introduced the low-cost, high-efficiency air purifiers developed by the Lingnan Entrepreneurship Initiative team. The participating residents also had the opportunity to assemble the air purifiers themselves. Learn more about the campaign:

#嶺南大學 #嶺大 #博雅教育 #空氣淨化機 #空氣清新機 #中原慈善基金有限公司



考慮到 AI在數據分析方面的可能性及其開放的資訊網絡,經濟學系導師及博士生聶聰與合作伙伴將ChatGPT引入統計軟體Stata,旨在彌合統計分析和新興AI技術之間的差距, 減輕研究人員工作量,從而縮短研究時間。📶


【Lingnan’s AI transformation in research🌐】

Nie Cong, a tutor and PhD student of the Department of Economics, having thought about the possibilities of AI in terms of data analysis and its open network of information, saw an opportunity to address the need for AI transformation research through the statistical software Stata. With collaborators, she successfully embedded ChatGPT in the programme to bridge the gap between statistical analysis and burgeoning AI technology, which will lighten researchers’ workload and shorten academic learning time.📶

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#嶺南大學 #嶺大 #博雅教育 #嶺大研究 #人工智慧 #人工智能

Photos from Lingnan University's post 17/07/2024





【Support students in financial need with monthly donations 💪】

Lingnan University is committed to supporting students from diverse backgrounds and addressing the financial needs of students from less privileged families, helping them participate in internships, exchange programmes, and other development initiatives. 🌱

We sincerely invite you to join us in this mission! Regardless of the amount, your regular monthly donations can make a significant impact and open doors to valuable experiences for our students during their time at Lingnan.

You will receive acknowledgments and Lingnan University souvenirs as a token of our gratitude for your support. For more details, please visit:

#嶺南大學 #嶺大 #博雅教育


【📢 嶺大科研專家王沛欣教授加入香港工程科學院青年分部🎉】



【📢 Lingnan scientist Prof Paulina Wong elected member of HKAES Young Member Section🎉】

Congratulations to Prof Paulina Wong Pui-yun, Head and Associate Professor of the Science Unit at Lingnan, on becoming one of the seven new members of Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (HKAES)’s Young Member Section (YMS) 2024! Prof Wong will continue advancing engineering and science development in Hong Kong to foster the growth of I&T industry of the country. 👏

Prof Wong’s research covers urban sensing, mobile geospatial technologies, environmental consciousness, education for sustainability, as well as smart city development. She spearheaded the development of a real-time GeoAI Platform for controlling mosquito-borne diseases, aiding Hong Kong in predicting mosquito infestations and managing such diseases through big data analysis.

#嶺南大學 #嶺大 #博雅教育 #科學 #香港工程科學院


【放榜不用慌 嶺大在你旁❤️】


【Release of DSE results: Lingnan has your back ❤️】

DSE results are about to be released - feeling the nerves yet? Don’t worry, Lingnan has got your back! Regardless of the outcomes, and no matter if you’re feeling anxiety, sadness, or anger, we are here to cheer for you with joy: Be proud of yourself for how hard you’ve worked. All the best and may your A1 dreams come true!✨

#嶺南大學 #嶺大 #博雅教育 #放榜


【嶺大五環 — 多向課程!助你釋放無限潛能✨】


緊貼時代步伐🧑‍💻!本年度我們為新生推出嶄新的「生成式AI」必修課,更免費提供 ChatGPT、GPT 4.0 和 GPT 4.0 Turbo工具予全校師生使用,令教與學體驗「升呢」。 🥰


【5 LINGNAN RINGS – Multi-disciplinary programmes! Unlock your infinite potential✨】

Discover the endless possibilities at Lingnan University with our 18 multi-disciplinary undergraduate programmes across arts, business, social sciences, data science, and more. Embark your journey in our unique and comprehensive curriculum integrating arts, humanities, and sciences. 🌟

Be AI teens 🧑‍💻! We are excited to launch the new Generative AI core course for new students. What’s more: free access to ChatGPT, GPT 4.0, and GPT 4.0 Turbo for all faculty and students to level up their teaching and learning experience.🥰

🔎Check out our programme details at:

#嶺南大學 #嶺大 #博雅教育 #大學聯招 #大學收生 #升學



恭喜得獎同學!🥳 四名嶺大本科生及兩名嶺大持續進修學院學生憑著優異成績、積極參與社會服務,以及致力於大灣區探索機會,成為本年度滙豐獎學金得主。獎學金將支持他們升學及拓展事業,並鼓勵他們發揮潛能,貢獻社會。


【 Lingnan University students awarded HSBC Scholarships ✨】

Congratulations to our outstanding students! 🥳Four Lingnan University undergraduates and two students from the Lingnan Institute of Further Education have been awarded the HSBC Scholarship this year. These students stood out with their excellent academic performance, active participation in community service, and their dedication to exploring opportunities in the Greater Bay Area. These scholarships will support the recipients' studies and career development and encourage them to unleash their full potential and contribute to society.

We wish them continued success in their academic and personal pursuits.

#嶺南大學 #嶺大 #博雅教育 #嶺南人 #獎學金 #滙豐獎學金

Photos from Lingnan University's post 10/07/2024




【Lingnan is family – an exchange programme visiting Lingnan College of Sun Yat-sen University 🤝】

The annual exchange between Lingnan University and Lingnan College of Sun Yat-sen University (LCSYSU) took place recently. Around 40 members of Lingnan’s sports teams and staff participated in events like the 3-point shooting contest, basketball match, and fencing for the Lingnan Board of Trustees' Cup 🏀🤺. They also attended a gala dinner, fostering friendship with the LCSYSU Board of Trustees and Lingnan alumni.

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#嶺南大學 #嶺大 #博雅教育 #運動

Lingnan to help promote mainland’s liberal arts education 09/07/2024

【Lingnan to help promote mainland’s liberal arts education】
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【Riding the digital wave】
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Lingnan to help promote mainland’s liberal arts education Lingnan University will organize more visits to universities on the Chinese mainland to strengthen cooperation and spread the concept of liberal arts education, thereby contributing to the nation's diversification of education.

Photos from Lingnan University's post 09/07/2024

【🎥嶺大畢業生設計暑期影視實習工作坊 專家傳授實戰經驗】



【🎥 Summer workshop on film and television designed by Lingnan graduates: A sharing of hands-on experience by specialists】

The summer workshop on film and television, designed by Lingnan graduates, invited many specialists in content creation, photography, videomaking, and AI tools to serve as tutors. Its primary objective was to enhance students' competence in cultural transmission. 💪🌟

The workshop offered a diverse range of content, including the Python Beginner Course led by Dr Maciej Kurzynski, a postdoctoral fellow of the Advanced Institute for Global Chinese Studies. Another notable session focused on video editing was conducted by Mr Qin Yalei, the winner of Macau International Micro-Film Festival.

#嶺南大學 #嶺大 #博雅教育




As the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games approach, we interviewed Lingnan's outstanding athlete Yuen Wing-ki (Animation and Digital Arts, Year 1). 🏓 Despite suffering from Osteogenesis Imperfecta and facing various physical challenges since childhood, she has never given up on pursuing her dreams. As a member of the Hong Kong para table tennis team, this girl proudly won two bronze medals at the 2023 IWAS World Games. 🥉

''Having goals is crucial; otherwise, you'll drift aimlessly.'' Want to know how Wing-ki overcame the immense difficulties and persisted with her dreams? ❤️Read the full interview here:

#嶺南大學 #嶺大 #博雅教育 #嶺南人 #輪椅乒乓球 #乒乓球 #運動 #世界運動會 #袁泳琪


嶺大門前的「滄海遺珠」?💎|《The Lingnan University Magazine》

唔講你唔知!💡嶺大正門與巴士站附近的「混凝土基座」,原來是英軍軍營邊界遺址?😮😮 當中的曲折故事,有請協理副校長(大學拓展及對外事務)及歷史系教授劉智鵬教授,與大家娓娓道來:

《The Lingnan University Magazine》

#嶺南大學 #嶺大 #博雅教育 #歷史

Photos from Lingnan University's post 05/07/2024

【攜手共建中港兩地活力養老新藍圖 🤝】



【A vibrant aging blueprint for the Greater Bay Area🤝】

To explore innovative aging development models in Hong Kong and mainland China, The Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies (APIAS) of Lingnan University and the China-Asia Economic Development Association’s Elderly Service Industry Committee (CAEIC) held a successful exchange meeting on 26 June. The event brought together nearly 30 industry leaders from academia, industry, and research, fostering mutual trust and strategic deployment in the aging industry between Hong Kong and mainland China.

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#嶺南大學 #嶺大 #博雅教育 #嶺大亞太老年學研究中心 #中國亞洲經濟發展協會養老產業委員





【Record funding achievement for Lingnan in the 2024/25 RGC Funding Exercise 🎉】

Congratulations to our brilliant researchers! We are thrilled to announce our remarkable success in the latest Research Grants Council (RGC) funding round for the General Research Fund (GRF), Early Career Scheme (ECS), and Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme (HSSPFS). 💡We have received a total of HK$24.4 million in grants for 39 projects, marking the highest funding amount in our history and a notable 17 percent increase from last year's HK$20.8 million. Notably, seven of these projects will receive funding exceeding or nearing HK$1 million.


#嶺南大學 #嶺大 #博雅教育

Photos from Lingnan University's post 04/07/2024

【嶺大學生赴大灣區企業實習 充實自我🚄】

衝出香港!這個暑假49位嶺大學生分別參加「明日之星:東莞精英實習計劃 2024」、「嶺南大學大灣區暑期實習計劃2024」以及「『藝航廣州,創意揚帆』香港大學生內地實習計劃 2024」,到東莞、寶安及廣州三地多所企業進行實習及考察,擴闊視野。⭐


【Lingnan students join Greater Bay Area internships🚄】

This summer, 49 Lingnan students are participating in exciting internship programmes at various companies in Dongguan, Bao’an, and Guangzhou to broaden their horizons. ⭐

Through the "Future Stars: Greater Bay Area Dongguan Internship Programme 2024", the "Lingnan University Greater Bay Area Summer Internship Programme 2024", and the "Sailing with Creativity in Guangzhou: Hong Kong University Student Internship Program in Mainland China 2024-25", students are deepening their understanding of the latest development of GBA and gaining valuable workplace experience.

#嶺南大學 #嶺大 #博雅教育 #實習 #暑期實習 #大灣區


【嶺大與北大首辦創新創業訓練營暨STEM競賽 推動綠色智能技術🌱】

恭喜「可持續的綠色建築」團隊的同學🎊,於嶺南大學與北京大學元培學院首次合辦的「嶺南 - 元培STEM暑期學苑」STEM競賽獲得冠軍!得獎方案以嶺大校園新建築作為綠色建築設計的藍圖,回應香港實現碳中和目標和可持續發展的願景。




【Promoting ‘Smart Green Technology’ in the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Camp-cum-STEM Competition hosted by Lingnan and PKU 🌱】

Congratulations 🎊! The project "Sustainable Green Building" team won the championship in the first Lingnan-Yuanpei STEM Summer Academy, organised by Lingnan University and Yuanpei College of Peking University (PKU), Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Camp-cum-STEM Competition. The winning project uses Lingnan's new building as a benchmark for designing a green building that aligns with Hong Kong's carbon neutrality goal and sustainable development vision.

Thirty students from both universities formed five teams to compete on various innovative and entrepreneurial smart green technological projects. They have attended online and offline seminars, lectures, and immersive workshops over the past two months held by experienced business people and top scientists to design imaginative and enterprising projects for the STEM competition, explore new ideas, and enhance sustainable development practices. ✨

Our highlight video of the event is now ready for you to enjoy! 🎥🥳

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#嶺南大學 #嶺大 #博雅教育 #北京大學 #元培學院 #可持續發展

Photos from Lingnan University's post 03/07/2024


嶺大校長及韋基球數據科學講座教授秦泗釗教授到印尼峇里島參與由泰晤士高等教育主辦的年度教育盛事 ——「數字大學亞洲會議2024」。會議於7月1日至3日舉辦,今年的焦點在於推動教育機構轉型,因此秦校長以「重塑AI時代下的高等教育」為題發表主題演講,探討在生成式AI時代下如何提升學生慎思明辨的能力。💡



【President S. Joe Qin of Lingnan University shares insights at Digital Universities Asia 2024 in Indonesia✈️】

Prof S. Joe Qin, President and Wai Kee Kau Chair Professor of Data Science of Lingnan University participated in the Times Higher Education’s Digital Universities Asia 2024 conference, held from 1 to 3 July in Bali, Indonesia.

This year, the conference focused on transforming academic institutions into more accessible and inclusive environments. President Qin delivered a keynote address titled "Reimagining Higher Education in the Age of AI, delving into the profound impact of the digital revolution on higher education. 💡

Additionally, Lingnan University co-hosted a roundtable discussion with the conference organiser, titled “Building a Future-Ready Institution: Leveraging Technology to Transform Higher Education”. This session brought together university leaders to explore the strategies, opportunities, and challenges of using technology to drive digital transformation in higher education.

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#嶺南大學 #嶺大 #博雅教育 #數字大學亞洲會議2024 #泰晤士高等教育

Photos from Lingnan University's post 02/07/2024



【When creativity meets street scenes 🌆 art exhibition curated by MACAH students🎨】

Curated by 14 talented students from the Digital Arts and Creative Industries Department and the Master of Arts in Curating and Art History programme, the vibrant art exhibition "Unfold City X Beyond Fonts Beyond Signboards X C-Lab", took place at Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre from 22 to 30 June. It featured the works of 18 remarkable artists from Hong Kong and Mainland China, including the renowned graffiti artist and plumber Yim Chiu-tong with his masterpiece "The.Plumber.King”. Through a contemporary art perspective, the exhibition aimed to invite the audience to explore the visual culture of Hong Kong's street scenes in a profound way. ✨Details:

#嶺南大學 #嶺大 #博雅教育 #香港 #藝術 #藝術展覽 #數碼藝術及創意產業系 #賽馬會創意藝術中心


【嶺大舉行升旗禮 慶祝香港特別行政區成立27周年】



【Lingnan University’s national flag-raising ceremony for the 27th anniversary of the HKSAR】

Lingnan University held a flag-raising ceremony to celebrate the 27th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).

The ceremony started at 10:30am on 1 July on campus. It was attended by Dr Ronald Tam Kwok-wai, Council member of Lingnan University; Prof Lau Chi-pang, Acting President; Prof Li Donghui, Associate Vice-President (Student Affairs), senior management, staff and students.

#嶺南大學 #嶺大 #博雅教育 #升旗禮

Photos from Lingnan University's post 28/06/2024


嶺南大學校長及韋基球數據科學講座教授秦泗釗教授於6月25日出席在大連舉辦的世界經濟論壇第十五屆新領軍年會(2024年夏季達沃斯論壇),並受邀在主題為「未來人才:數智 」的分論壇上發言並提出觀點。 💡

隨後,秦校長更與大連理工大學朱方偉副校長會面,雙方就學生交換交流、博士生聯合培養以及科研合作等方面進行交流探討,期望進一步深化兩校合作關係。 🤝


【Lingnan President S. Joe Qin attends 2024 Dalian Summer Davos 🌐】

Prof S. Joe Qin, President and Wai Kee Kau Chair Professor of Data Science of Lingnan University, attended the 15th Annual Meeting of the New Champions (the 2024 Summer Davos) in Dalian on 25 June. He was invited to deliver a speech and share his views at a sub-forum themed "Future Talents: Higher Education Powered by Digital Intelligence". 💡

Following the forum, President Qin met Prof Zhu Fangwei, Vice President of Dalian University of Technology, to discuss student exchange programmes, joint doctoral training, and research cooperation to further deepen the cooperative relationship between the two universities. 🤝

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#嶺南大學 #嶺大 #博雅教育

Photos from Lingnan University's post 28/06/2024

【國際商學榮譽學會嶺南大學分會入會典禮 表揚優秀學生👍🏻】

恭喜一眾商學院同學!🎊 國際商學榮譽學會 (BGS) 嶺南大學分會早前舉辦入會典禮,表彰過百名傑出的商學院本科生、碩士生及博士生,並讓他們日後有機會與各地商業精英交流,拓展人脈網絡。🌟



【Best in class acknowledged at Beta Gamma Sigma (BGS) Lingnan University Chapter Induction Ceremony👍🏻】

Congratulations to all the new BGS members! 🎊 The induction ceremony was held recently to celebrate and honor the top-performing students in the Faculty of Business. More than a hundred outstanding business undergraduates, Master’s, and PhD students were inaugurated into the Beta Gamma Sigma honor society. The ceremony marked their elite status, integrating them into a global network of professional excellence and leadership. 🌟

One of the members of the BGS, year 4 student To Ka-wai (major in Marketing and minor in Finance), said, "As a business student, being a member of the BGS Lingnan University Chapter is a prestigious opportunity. It offers numerous educational and professional benefits that can greatly assist me in the business world. I anticipate that joining the Chapter will enhance my personal network and provide ongoing support throughout my career."

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#嶺南大學 #嶺大 #博雅教育 #國際商學榮譽學會

Photos from Lingnan University's post 26/06/2024

【香港青年工商界羽毛球賽 嶺大勇奪兩獎!🏸】


嶺南大學及香港中華總商會青年委員會於6月22日合辦香港青年工商界羽毛球賽,共慶回歸27周年。賽事共有15 個團體參加,角逐金盃及金碟賽殊榮。嶺大同學於比賽中表現出色,分別在男子雙打及男女子混合雙打比賽中榮獲金盃亞軍及季軍,為嶺大爭光!⭐

【Team shines at Hong Kong Youth Corporate Badminton Tournament🏸】

Huge congratulations to our Lingnan superstars! 👏🥳

A Hong Kong Youth Corporate Badminton Tournament organised by Lingnan University and the Youth Executive Committee of The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong to celebrate the 27th Anniversary of Hong Kong’s return was held on 22 June.

Fifteen corporations took part in the tournament for the Gold Cup and Gold Plate. Lingnan students did very well in the group matches and knockout rounds, were runners-up in the Men’s Doubles and took third place in the Mixed Doubles. ⭐

#嶺南大學 #嶺大 #博雅教育 #香港青年工商界羽毛球賽 #羽毛球


【合生教育慷慨捐贈一億港元 與嶺大攜手培育數碼人才⭐】




【The Hopson Education Charitable Funds donates HK$100 million to cultivate digital talents with Lingnan University⭐】

Lingnan University recently held an agreement signing ceremony to mark the donation of HK$100 million by the Hopson Education Charitable Funds Limited towards establishing a university development fund and supporting Lingnan University to cultivate research-oriented talents.

Prof S. Joe Qin, President and Wai Kee Kau Chair Professor of Data Science of Lingnan University, and Prof Tang Tao, Director of the Hopson Education Charitable Funds, signed the agreement on behalf of both parties. Mr Andrew Yao Cho-fai, Council Chairman of Lingnan University, and Mr Zhu Ziyang, Executive Director from Hopson Education Charitable Funds, witnessed the signing ceremony. Lingnan University and the Hopson Education Charitable Funds will further combine their strengths and resources to provide students with an enriched educational environment, cultivating more talents with innovative mindsets and leadership abilities. 🌱

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#嶺南大學 #嶺大 #博雅教育 #合生教育慈善基金有限公司

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Our Story

Founded in Guangzhou in 1888 and re-established in Hong Kong in 1967, Lingnan has the longest history among all local tertiary institutions. Our vision is to be a leading Asian liberal arts university with international recognition, distinguished by outstanding teaching, learning, scholarship and community engagement. We are committed to providing quality whole-person education by combining the best of Chinese and Western liberal arts traditions; nurturing students to achieve all-round excellence and imbuing them with our core values; and encourage faculty and students to contribute to society through original research and knowledge transfer.

In 2015, Lingnan University was also named as one of the top 10 liberal arts college in Asia by Forbes. In 2020, we have come in 2nd worldwide for “Quality Education” in the Times Higher Education University Impact Rankings 2020. We are dedicated to building an international campus and actively establishing strategic collaborations with prominent universities worldwide.

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Fong Sum Wood Library, Lingnan University, 8 Castle Peak Road, Tuen Mun, N. T
Hong Kong

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