Pioneer HK Limited

Pioneer香港官方Facebook專頁,為您提供Pioneer汽車音響、TAD Hi-Fi 音響產品及Pioneer DJ專業器材的資訊


不如一齊睇下知名 DJ / Producer Steve Angello 講下關於佢最鐘意嘅DJ器材同埋技術啦!
We hear from globally renowned DJ / Producer Steve Angello on his favourite gear and techniques.

Find out how he blends DJing with live performance on our blog, The Bridge:


We asked promoters from across the globe what they're looking for when they book new DJs. Their responses offer an in-depth guide on how to land your next gig.

Read the story on our blog, The Bridge:


記得我哋早前提過 TAD-GE1 同 TAD-C1000 喺 Stereo Sound Grand Prix2023 得獎嘅報導嗎? Stereo Sound 2024 Winter No.229 終於出版, 內文都有評論家對呢兩款型號嘅睇法。

メディア掲載情報【Stereo Sound 2024 Winter No.229にTAD製品が掲載されました】

先日発売された「Stereo Sound 2024 Winter No.229」にTAD製品の記事が掲載されました。今回は先日こちらのFacebookでも紹介させていただいたStereo Sound Grand Prix2023が誌面にて発表されました。

Stereo Sound 2024 Winter No.229に関してはこちら

Stereo Sound Grand Prix 2023受賞に関する記事はこちら



株式会社テクニカル オーディオ デバイセズ ラボラトリーズ

Photos from Pioneer HK Limited's post 13/12/2023


2023 年12 月 22 日 冬至   上午8時半 ~ 下午 3 時半
2024年 1 月 2 日  公司假期 休息
2024年 1 月 3 日       照常營業

不便之處 敬請見諒
【Office & Service Center】Winter Solstice, Christmas & New Year Arrangement
Please be informed that there will be Special Arrangement during the dates below.

Special Office Hour
22nd December, 2023  08:30am to 3:30pm
2nd January, 2024    Company Holiday (Office Closed)
3rd January, 2024    Resume to normal working hours.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
We wish you a Merry Christmas
And Happy New Year!~


為咗慶祝 Beatport 20周年, 倫敦方面依家有 Live BPXX LDN + LA 2023, 大家千祈唔好錯過啦!


DDJ-200 正式支援 rekordbox iOS / Android 版本啦!
News for owners of our DDJ-200 smart DJ controller 🎚 We’ve updated our DJ app, rekordbox for iOS/Android, to enable seamless Bluetooth®/MD connectivity with your product.

Supporting the DDJ-200 as well as the DDJ-FLX4, the rekordbox app offers the freedom to DJ anytime, anywhere, using your smartphone. You can also DJ with ease on your iPad or Android tablet after installing the app.

Download for iOS:

Download for Android:


依家連 rekordbox 都提供雲端儲存服務啦!只需加少少錢就可以擁有埋呢個咁方便嘅服務 (1TB Dropbox 雲端儲存)!rekordbox FREE / CORE / CREATIVE 嘅計劃都可以購買呢個附加計劃, 而 PROFESSIONAL 嘅用家本身就已經包含 5TB 嘅雲端儲存。
New Cloud Option service launched for rekordbox.

Our DJ application rekordbox now offers the option to add a generous amount of cloud storage (1TB of capacity) at an affordable price. The Cloud Option service also enables you to take advantage of the popular cloud-related functions from the higher-level plans.

This option is powered by Dropbox and is available whether you use the Free, Core or Creative plan to enhance your DJ music library management experience.

Using the Cloud Library Sync feature, you can synchronize your cloud-based music library with multiple devices, syncing tracks and a host of data including playlist information, Hot Cues, loops and tag information. You could use your smartphone to prepare tracks on the go, then switch to PC/Mac and your updated library will be ready to use after syncing.

With the CloudDirectPlay feature, you can play tracks stored in the cloud directly on your DJ equipment. And the Collection Auto Upload feature enables you to automatically back up your music library effortlessly, so you’ll always be prepared for problems such as devices being lost or damaged.

Discover more:


繼上次有關於 MacOS Sonoma 嘅兼容度測試之後, iPad OS 17 同 iOS 17 嘅兼容度測試亦都已經完成, 大家可以 click 入去下面條 link 睇下相關資訊啦!
We’ve finished researching the compatibility of our mobile apps with Apple’s latest mobile operating systems: iPad OS 17 and iOS 17.

You can check out the results on our website now:

iOS news:

iPadOS news:


SVM-1000: 已經係十幾二十年前嘅型號, 想當年佢同 DVJ-X1 / 1000 都算係開咗業界先河, 除咗 DJing, 仲有 VJing!
想一齊探究下呢個歷史, click 入去下面條 link 就有相關文章啦!
With the help of two leading AV DJs, we look back on the small run of products that attempted an ambitious evolution of DJing that never quite materialised.

Read the story on our blog, The Bridge:


有關於 MacOS Sonoma 嘅兼容度測試已經完成, 如果想知你部機係咪已經通過測試, 就 click 入去下面條連結 check 下啦!
如果見到 “Verification complete”, 咁就即係冇問題啦!
Important news for our software and hardware users: we’ve completed compatibility checks with MacOS Sonoma.

To see the results for your device, visit:

If you see “Verification complete”, you’re good to go.

Thank you for your patience.

The Pioneer DJ Team.


【Pioneer DJ x Bandai Miniature Collection】
見到呢個真係不得之了, 呢套喺日本推出嘅袖珍版 collection, 我諗都係大家已經擁有或者好想擁有嘅一個系列, 包括 CDJ-3000 / DJM-A9 / PLX-1000 / VM-50!而且 CDJ-3000 Jog Dail panel 仲可以發光!
小編行過好幾個商場都未見過呢部扭蛋機, 如果見過嘅你可以留言, 等大家都可以一 "扭" 心頭好!

Photos from TAD Laboratories's post 24/11/2023

繼上次 Phile Web 舉辦嘅 獲獎後, TAD-GE1 同 TAD-C1000 亦喺 Stereo Sound 舉辦嘅 2023 Stereo Sound Grand Prix 奪獎!TAD 自 2018 年起已經連續 6 年有產品奪得呢項殊榮!

Photos from TAD Laboratories's post 24/11/2023

TAD-GE1 同 TAD-C1000 喺維也納 Finest Audio Show 嘅展出 !

TAD Laboratories


Kevin Grainger and Cass Irvine of Wired Masters are the favourite mixing and mastering engineers for some of the world’s biggest dance and pop artists. We visited their incredible studios to hear their story and learn about their craft.

Read the story on our blog, The Bridge:


今日我哋精選咗 7 位 DJ 喺處理佢哋嘅 social media 都好有一手, 一齊睇吓佢哋用咩方法可以令到成件事咁精彩啦!
As a DJ, social media can be difficult to navigate. So we've analysed some of the best in the game for inspiration, drawing lessons that can be applied to your own social media.

Get the advice on our blog, The Bridge:


咁人頭湧湧嘅? 喺 2023 Tokyo international Audio Show 入面 TAD間房經常想搵個位都難!因為大家都好想親身體驗 TAD 一眾產品, 當然唔少得幾款最新型號, TAD-GE1 Evolution One 座地喇叭同埋前級 TAD-C1000-S啦!

TAD Laboratories
株式会社 テクニカル オーディオ デバイセズ ラボラトリーズ

Tokyo International Audio Show Day 1.
A lot of visitors are coming to TAD room and enjoying TAD sound!

Photos from Lee388 Hi Fi 發燒專頁's post 06/11/2023

2023 Tokyo international Audio Show (TIAS) 11月3日正式開幕, TAD今次當然亦會展出最新及布嘅型號, 當然唔少得觸目嘅 TAD-GE1 Evolution One 座地喇叭啦!
亦都多謝 Lee388 Hi Fi 發燒專頁 為香港嘅 Hi-Fi 發燒友作第一手嘅報導。


TAD 產品好榮幸得到由 Phile Web 舉辦嘅 多樣獎項:包括 嘅 TAD-GE1, 以及 嘅 TAD-D700 及 TAD-C1000-S。

呢3個獎項簡直為聽日開始嘅 Tokyo International Audio Show 2023 起咗個完美嘅開場!如果呢幾日會去 TIAS 嘅你, 記得唔好錯過 TAD 嘅攤位啦!

株式会社 テクニカル オーディオ デバイセズ ラボラトリーズ 株式会社テクニカル オーディオ デバイセズ ラボラトリーズ 日本国内の公式Facebookページです

Photos from Pioneer DJ's post 31/10/2023

上星期同大家分享過 ADE Festival 2023 嘅 live stream 影片, 今日就同大家分享返其他精華!



PRO DJ LINK Bridge 已正式兼容燈光控制軟件 ChamSys MagicQ!想知多啲就唔好錯過我哋下面條 link 啦!
Exciting news for our PRO DJ LINK Bridge app: the software is now certified as compatible with ChamSys MagicQ to deliver highly accurate lighting control based on information from our professional DJ equipment.

PRO DJ LINK Bridge is an application that enables you to synchronize our professional DJ setups with equipment which controls lighting, video displays, and pyrotechnics. The MagicQ lighting control software is widely used at large concerts and clubs around the world.

Learn more here 👉


今日同大家分享嘅係上星期 (18 - 22號) 喺阿姆斯特丹舉行嘅 ADE Festival 2023, Beatport 亦都有部份有 livestreams, 大家千祈唔好錯過當中嘅精彩片段!

Photos from Pioneer HK Limited's post 24/10/2023

其實 Pioneer DJ 嘅產品除咗喺唔同嘅室內同室外嘅活動見到佢之外, 其實佢哋都可以好好咁融入家中。其實用 PLX 系列喺屋企聽下黑膠, 都係一個唔錯嘅選擇!


如果大家仲記得, 之前 Lee388 Hi Fi 發燒專頁 已經測試過 TAD-M700S Reference 系列嘅立體聲後級。而今年抵港嘅 TAD-D700 CD / SACD 播放機, 好高興 LEE388 亦再一次作出一個詳細嘅評測, 等大家可以再多多了解 TAD 匠人級製作嘅精粹。

TAD-D700 CD/SACD Player 有片睇啦!

Photos from 株式会社 テクニカル オーディオ デバイセズ ラボラトリーズ's post 13/10/2023

2023 Tokyo International Audio Show 已經密鑼緊鼓, 唔夠一個月就會開始啦!TAD 當然會有先行情報同大家分享啦。當中仲會出現即將發售嘅新型號 TAD-GE1, 大家千祈唔好錯過啦!

Photos from Pioneer HK Limited's post 12/10/2023

我哋都曾經分享過好多喺唔同國家高海拔嘅地域打碟, 今次我哋移師至室內, 亦都一樣咁「高」!你又喺邊度打過你嘅 sub-120bpm set 呢? 可以喺留言度同大家分享!
Panoramic sounds. The OPUS-QUAD seems to get the highest elevation venues! Does your DJ calendar include a more chilled playlist venue? 🎶 Let us know where you play your sub-120bpm sets below! ⬇️


今日同大家分享同 Wayne "Rabbit" Sargeant - 一位首屈一指嘅音響工程師, 講關於 DJ 點樣可以得心應手咁去處理一套系統, 千祈唔好錯過啦!
Are you getting the best possible sound at your gigs? We speak to Wayne “Rabbit” Sargeant, whose clients include Calvin Harris, Swedish House Mafia, Dizzee Rascal and fabric, about how DJs can optimally handle a system.

With more than 30 years of experience, Wayne is someone who is definitely worth listening to when it comes to sound.

Read the story on our blog, The Bridge:


CDJ-3000 最新韌體版本 (ver. 3.11) 正式更新啦!
今次主要更新加入即時分析雲端上樂曲資料, 包括 BPM 及 waveform (波形) 等資料, 呢個分析甚至包括埋已兼容嘅串流服務。可以做到呢個分析全賴於 AlphaTheta 嘅樂曲資料庫。
而 CDJ-3000 嘅 rekordbox 用家經更新後就可以用呢個 Cloud Analysis 功能啦!
如果要更新韌體3.11版本, click入去下面條link啦!
New CDJ-3000 firmware update (ver. 3.11) brings Cloud Analysis to instantly acquire BPM and waveform information, even for tracks from compatible streaming services ✨

When loading a track on a CDJ-3000 connected to the internet, the BPM, beatgrid, and waveform can be instantly acquired from AlphaTheta's track information database and used for your performance.

This enables rapid and accurate beat matching and mixing using Beat Sync and quantize, removing the need for song analysis by the CDJ-3000.

Cloud Analysis is available to all rekordbox users.

Other improvements in this update include:

✅ Support for Information Jump which lets you quickly navigate to tracks with the same BPM, key, or other categories of loaded tracks.

✅ Support for Rating Edit to edit track ratings.

✅ Support for Link Info to check the detailed info of the track loaded on each player connect to the PRO DJ LINK network.

CDJ-3000 users can download firmware ver. 3.11 here:


今日想同大家分享下 finger drumming 嘅那些事, 有興趣就 click 入去下面條 link 睇睇啦!
This highly engaging performance technique, embraced by DJs and drummers alike, is increasingly gaining attention. We look at the past, present and future of finger drumming, and offer advice for those looking to get involved.

Read the story on our blog, The Bridge:


With the DDJ-REV5 can split two Performance Pad modes to use simultaneously for each deck e.g Hot Cue assigned to the top pads and Sampler to the bottom 4. Other modes include Roll and Saved Loop.

Discover more:

Photos from Lee388 Hi Fi 發燒專頁's post 22/09/2023

Lee388 Hi Fi 發燒專頁 TAD社長 樽谷 慎二 先生的專訪
期待已久唔單單只係形容對新產品嘅渴求, 當小編知道 TAD社長會嚟香港同將會接受香港媒體專訪嘅時候, 就已經好期待呢個訪問嘅內容。相信大家對 TAD 呢個品牌一定唔會陌生, 但 TAD 聞名已久嘅匠人精神究竟係咩? TAD 對音色要求嘅原點? 好多好多嘅問題身為音響發燒友嘅您都一定好想知道。

多謝 Lee388 今次嘅專訪, 令大家更加認識 TAD, 急不及待想睇呢個專訪嘅您就 click 入佢哋嘅專頁, 慢慢品嚐!

亦都要多謝 阿二無綫電 借出地方, 見到咁多 TAD 產品真係令人垂涎欲滴!如果想親身試聽 TAD 器材, 記得要去佢哋喺友誠商業大廈13樓嘅試聽房啦。


TAD 社長 樽谷 慎二 先生到訪香港, 亦都好高興 Lee388 Hi Fi 發燒專頁 同社長做咗個訪問, 更談及不少製作器材和喇叭的理念, 想知多啲就要留意 Lee388 嘅專頁啦!
TAD Laboratories
株式会社 テクニカル オーディオ デバイセズ ラボラトリーズ

TAD 社長樽谷慎二先生來到香港,當然不可錯過跟他見面,了解更多他們製作器材和喇叭的理念!至於詳細內容記得留意Lee388發燒專頁!

TAD Laboratories


PLX-CRSS12 嘅 MAGVEL CLAMP 可以俾你調校黑膠碟所感受到嘅 "重量", 重或輕全由你決定!
MAGVEL CLAMP 更可以獨立購買, 唔好彩唔見咗定係想 keep 多一個都冇問題!
The PLX-CRSS12 features a MAGVEL CLAMP allowing you to change how “heavy” or “light” the record feels via a rotation dial on the top.

Additional clamps are available to buy if you want to take your own set on the road, or if you need to replace a clamp that’s been lost. You can store the MAGVEL CLAMP neatly in a dedicated area on top of the deck.

Discover more:


DDJ-REV5 嘅設計就好似 PLX 唱盤 + DJM-S 混音系列咁, 喜歡 scratch 嘅你一定都鐘意呢個設計!
The DDJ-REV5 offers a scratch-style layout for open-format freedom.

The long tempo sliders on the DDJ-REV5 run horizontally above the deck sections while the Performance Pads and Lever FX are placed in the mixer section for dynamic performances, emulating the PLX Series deck + DJM-S Series mixer setups loved by open-format DJs around the world. Thanks to the proximity of the pads, levers and faders, you can fuse scratching with pad play and effects.

Discover more:


Wow! Pioneer DJ 總共收咗差唔多 400 個貼士俾新加入DJ行列嘅你!快啲 click 入去睇下咁多意思嘅概要啦!
You gave us almost 400 tips for new DJs! Check the article for a summary of the advice:


PLX-CRSS12 唔單止功能上出色, 成部機嘅設計都為咗更加好嘅音質同穩定度而作出改良, 包括電源, 機身強化, 甚至 RCA 端子, 務求令你有更好嘅體驗
Let your audience enjoy your music the way it was intended to be heard. The PLX-CRSS12 has been carefully built to improve on the sound quality of the PLX-1000 professional DJ turntable, which is highly acclaimed for its accurate sound reproduction.

A switching power supply is used to eliminate transformer power supply vibration and flux leakage, and unwanted noise is suppressed, resulting in high-resolution sound quality.

From an optimized chassis structure with vibration damping materials to RCA terminals made of machined-gold-plated parts, the PLX-CRSS12 gives analog records the platform they need to shine.

Discover more:

Photos from Pioneer HK Limited's post 02/09/2023

當日本嘅美學遇上北歐風嘅設計, 究竟會迸發出咩火花呢? 新一系列嘅家具配上 Pioneer DJ 嘅產品, 合襯度簡直爆錶呀!
想睇 Bolia 最新一季嘅 Collection, 就唔好錯過下面條 link 啦!
Japanese aesthetics meet Scandinavian design. We’ve loved collaborating with to help bring to life their new range of furniture designed for DJ products.

🔗 Discover the full collection at

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Videos (show all)

The Bridge – We studied DJs who are social media masters: Here’s what we learned
Feature Detail – Combo Pad Mode
Feature Led Video – MAGVEL CLAMP
PLX-CRSS12 - High Quality Sound
PLX-CRSS12 - OLED Display
The Bridge – Repost “What Advice Would You Offer To New DJs?”
DDJ-REV5 - Piano Play
DDJ-REV5 - Walk Through Video
PLX-CRSSS12 - Tone-arm-free DVS Control
PLX-CRSS12 - Walk Through Video
Clash For The Love Of It - Jossy Mitsu
CDJ-3000 StreamingDirectPlay / Beatport Streaming



5/F. , 909 Cheung Sha Wan Road
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00

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