Yayasan Usaha Mulia (YUM)

Yayasan Usaha Mulia (YUM) assists the poor and destitute in Indonesia through projects in Community Development, Education and Health for the past 40 years.

For more details please visit: www.yumindonesia.org Yayasan Usaha Mulia (YUM)– Foundation for Noble Work – is a not-for-profit organization that assists the poor and destitute in Indonesia through social welfare projects for more then 40 years.

Photos from Yayasan Usaha Mulia (YUM)'s post 02/07/2024

We are so grateful to have Better Nature Tempeh’s vibrant and compassionate team visit the Stunting Prevention project they support in Cipanas recently!

Since 2023, Better Nature Tempeh has been supporting YUM to prevent stunting in Cipanas (West Java). The partnership has brought about many firsts for us, most notably the first time we provided plant-based nutritious meal packages for pregnant mothers. And the results were marvelous! The pregnant mothers who received the support delivered healthy babies with 0% stunting rate! So, when we heard that they wanted to come to Indonesia and visit, we were more than thrilled to welcome them and take them to the Posyandu to see and experience firsthand the impact of their support.

Thank you once again to everyone at Better Nature Tempeh for the continued support!

Photos from Yayasan Usaha Mulia (YUM)'s post 05/06/2024

Reposted from :

Edukasi MPASI, masak & makan bubur sehat bersama & di Cipanas. Sebetulnya yang menegangkan itu kalau ternyata anak-anak tidak s**a makanannya. Untungnya, anak-anak makan dengan lahap. Selain kandungan gizi perlu dilakukan pencegahan keracunan makanan. Untuk itu, dalam setiap acara PMT ataupun pembagian makanan untuk anak-anak perlu dipastikan:

1. Bahan baku makanan dipastikan dalam keadaan segar/tidak busuk. Makanan dalam kemasan diperhatikan tgl kadaluarsanya. Gunakan kepekaan indra utk mendeteksi penyimpangan warna, rasa, bau & tampilan.

2. Bahan pangan yg dipanen dari dalam tanah harus disikat & dicuci bersih. Bahan yang mengandung protein & lemak tinggi jangan dibiarkan terlalu lama tanpa pendingin.

3. Perhatikan hygiene & sanitasi (penjamah makanan & peralatan yg digunakan).

4. Makanan matang ditutup agar terlindung dari binatang, debu dan asap. Dalam waktu 4 jam jika belum dikonsumsi, masukkan dalam kulkas.

5. Makanan yg dihangatkan kembali perlu diperhatikan agar panas merata keseluruh bagian makanan.

Sistem keamanan pangan telah diatur dengan jelas, bisa liat .bpom .

PMT sering menjadi solusi masalah kekurangan gizi namun perlu ketelitian dalam melaksanakannya.


Since its establishment in 2018, the agroforestry project has been very dear to our hearts. Set in 1,5 hectares of land in Bukit Batu, Central Kalimantan, our team on the ground worked tirelessly to transform what was initially sandy acidic soil land into a lush, green landscape with increased biodiversity which promotes a balanced ecosystem as well as fosters soil fertility.

Today, we are thrilled to announce that 10 smallholder farmers have started on their journey toward sustainable agriculture and increased livelihoods. Our team in Kalimantan is diligently at work providing support in enabling the farmers to learn everything they need to know about sustainable agriculture and agroforestry so that they can implement the agroforestry method on their own land.

Read the full story in our latest blog post:

YUM's Efforts in Indonesia: Building Economic Opportunities - BORGEN 17/04/2024

We’re thrilled to be published in The Borgen Magazine!


Recently, we were given the opportunity to share about the work that we’ve been doing for the past 48 years in Indonesia. It is a privilege to be able to support the communities for the past few decades. It’s also a delight to have the opportunity to shed light on our work, and be in alignment with so many people and organizations who are also in the mission to help people get themselves out of poverty.

The Borgen Magazine is part of The Borgen Project, a nonprofit organization that advocates for global poverty reduction and aims to raise awareness about the importance of addressing issues such as hunger, access to clean water, and education in developing countries.

YUM's Efforts in Indonesia: Building Economic Opportunities - BORGEN YUM's efforts in Indonesia aim to address these challenges, focusing on empowering communities and fostering sustainable development. As...


Eid Mubarak to those of you who celebrate!

May this joyous occasion bring peace, happiness, and countless blessings to your lives. Let's cherish the spirit of togetherness and gratitude on this special day.

-From all of us at YUM


Time to boost your impact!

The Little By Little campaign on GlobalGiving is here! This is an incredible opportunity for us to make an even bigger impact together. From 8-12 April when you donate up to $50, GlobalGiving will match your generosity at 50%, allowing your support to go even further in transforming lives and communities.

Whether it's providing education, healthcare, or livelihood opportunities, your generosity and participation in the Little By Little campaign means the world to us. Together, we can create positive change and empower those in need.

So, make sure to donate between today till 12 April to amplify your impact during this special campaign!



Over the years, Boeing has been a steadfast supporter of YUM’s projects through their corporate social responsibility initiatives. This enduring partnership has not only brought about positive transformations, specifically in the area of education, but has also helped to strengthen our community ties.

Through Boeing's support, over 3,800 individuals including students, children, and teachers have directly benefited from various education projects.

Read the full story in our latest blog post:


Earlier this week, students of YUM’s Early Childhood Learning Center celebrated International Read To Me Day!

The students were treated to the joy of storytelling and the magic of shared reading moments. Every year, we celebrate the International Read To Me Day with the hope that the young students will be inspired and grow their love for reading. We all know that not only can we gain knowledge through reading, but reading is one of the key cornerstone of a long, happy and fulfilled life!


Happy International Women's Day!

Today, let’s celebrate the potential, resilience, and strength of young girls. Across YUM’s programs, we believe that by empowering young girls to believe in themselves, nurture their potential and pursue their dreams, they will become women who play crucial role in shaping a better future for their communities and families.

That’s exactly what these brave, young girls have done for themselves! Coming from disadvantaged backgrounds, the young girls in this photo worked hard and graduated from YUM’s Hospitality & Tourism diploma in Kalimantan. And since, they have acquired jobs and are realizing their dreams of earning decent income to support their family. Furthermore, they have become inspiring role models for the young girls in their communities, showing them that it is possible for them to transform their lives no matter the circumstance.

These stories shine a light on the impact on our world when we empower young girls to become tomorrow’s leaders. To everyone reading this, thank you for stepping up for women and girls around the world.

Photos from Yayasan Usaha Mulia (YUM)'s post 16/02/2024

Empowering young minds through the magic of books!

A recent study by the Ministry of Education indicates that more than 30% of schools in Indonesia don’t have libraries. Even if they have a library, around 75% of them do not function optimally in terms of book collections and available supporting facilities [Reading Literacy Activity Index]. But we're changing that narrative!

Driven by the need for accessible reading and educational resources, the Box of Books program is a mobile library system that brings a box filled with diverse books to schools in the area. The project is part of the activities at YUM’s Community Library in Cipanas (West Java).

Thanks to the incredible support from our amazing friends at UWCSEA (grade 2 students), from July to December 2023, we successfully reached three schools nearby our library, enabling more than 700 elementary school students to gain access to quality books!

This year, the rotation began in January, and we're eager to continue this incredible journey of learning and discovery for the young students. Contact us if you’re interested in joining us in spreading the love for reading and education!

Photos from Yayasan Usaha Mulia (YUM)'s post 09/02/2024

Healthy Eating Habits and Balanced Nutrition for youth:

Recently, students of YUM's school sponsorship program participated in an insightful group discussion about healthy eating habits and balanced nutrition. During a 2-hour sharing session, they learned about the importance of a balanced diet, discussed healthy eating habits, and the impact of poor eating habits on their health.

Divided into groups, the students were given time to present their learnings to the whole group. By having the students present their own learnings, we hope that they not only become aware of the importance of healthy eating habits, but also encourage them to embrace teamwork, furthering their public speaking skills, and build their confidence while expressing their ideas and creativity.

Kudos to our sponsored children for their active participation!


Celebrating a Successful Stunting Prevention Program in 2023!

As we embark on a new year, we’re thrilled to share with you some of the successes of YUM's Stunting Prevention Program In both West Java and Central Kalimantan in 2023.

In 2023, we were able to support a total of 449 pregnant women, welcomed 293 healthy babies into the world, and provided training to 114 women volunteer health workers across 15 Posyandu in 17 villages. These numbers represent more than just statistics; they signify real lives affected and futures transformed.

Read the full story in our latest blog post now!



Closing the chapter with a heart full of gratitude and a spirit ready for new adventures!

This photo was taken on the graduation day for students of YUM’s Hospitality and Tourism diploma in Central Kalimantan. The end of the year (and the beginning of a new one) precisely reflects their journey—as they graduated from their 12-month program this year, they will embark on new adventures in the coming year, working in the industry.

Let's celebrate the memories, embrace the lessons, and look forward to a new year of positive transformations and incredible opportunities for everyone.

Photos from Yayasan Usaha Mulia (YUM)'s post 25/12/2023

Sending happiness and good vibes to all who celebrate Christmas!

May your Christmas with family be filled with joy, love and gratitude.

On this occasion, we will be taking a short break for the holidays.

YUM’s office will be closed from 25 December 2023 and we’ll be back on 2 January 2024.

Merry Christmas for those of you who celebrte, and happy holidays!

-from all of us at YUM


To the women who nurture, inspire, and uplift us all, Happy Mother's Day!

Every year, YUM works with hundreds of mothers and recognize their crucial role in developing a strong and healthy community.

From mothers-to-be to brave mothers who step up every day to make a difference, today, let’s honor and celebrate their heartfelt dedication and commitment.

Let’s do something to make mothers smile today! :)

Photos from Yayasan Usaha Mulia (YUM)'s post 21/12/2023

This truly is the season of giving!

Recently, we were privileged to collaborate with Oliver Indonesia for their employee engagement activities at YUM’s Community Center in Cipanas, West Java.

Our passionate and enthusiastic friends from Oliver Indonesia conducted storytelling sessions for early childhood learning students as well as job-readiness workshop for one of our partner schools, SMK 1 Sinar Parahyangan, a vocational high school where some of our sponsored students go to.

On top of these activities, YUM received a generous donation as well as computers, laptops, and books which will have a lasting impact on the educational opportunities and resources available to our community.

We are deeply grateful for the partnership of Oliver Indonesia. It is through collaborations like these that we are able to work together to create a brighter future for the community we serve.


Nowadays, it is not enough for graduates to have a high school diploma, or even a degree. The competition in acquiring employment is increasingly demanding—fresh graduates are faced with job opportunities that require them to instantly have the skills for the job.

Since July 2023, The Canadian Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) has supported various job readiness skills such as English, Computer, Hospitality & Tourism, Financial Literacy and Job Seeking Skills at YUM’s Vocational Training Center (VTC) in Central Kalimantan. Currently, close to 80% of the students are girls from families living in the sub-district of Bukit Batu.

Read the full story on our latest blog post: https://lght.ly/cii2n17


We’re part of the World Bank’s Community Connections Campaign!

The Community Connections Campaign (CCC) is the World Bank Group’s annual workplace giving program. Through the CCC, employees of the World Bank Group can make donations to a list of participating organizations and have their gifts doubled by the World Bank Group. The CCC supports over 400 nonprofit organizations working to solve the problems of income inequality and poverty around the world.

We’re grateful and thrilled at the same time. It’s a privilege to be chosen out of so many wonderful causes and organizations around the world. From Indonesia, YUM is selected to be the recipient of the funds raised through the CCC, alongside the Food Bank of Indonesia.


Over the past 10 years, global law firm Linklaters (represented by Widyawan & Partners in Indonesia) has supported Yayasan Usaha Mulia (YUM) in many ways, bringing transformations to the community that YUM serves in Bukit Batu, Central Kalimantan.

The continued support and commitment of Linklaters has played a crucial role in the success of YUM's education initiatives particularly the Community Library, through support in its renovations, its daily operational costs, aid during the Covid-19 pandemic, and most recently, the launch of Kidspreneurship, an innovative program aimed at inspiring young minds towards entrepreneurship.

Read the full story on our latest blog post!

Photos from Yayasan Usaha Mulia (YUM)'s post 20/11/2023

Impactful volunteering: an interview with Philip Thomas

When volunteers come into our lives, they bring not just their skills but their hearts and passion. One such extraordinary volunteer is Phil, lovingly known as “Pak Phil”. Through the Australian Volunteers Program (AVP), he became an integral part of our family during his remarkable five-month journey with YUM.

At the end of Pak Phil’s assignment period, we asked him a series of questions about the different experiences he’s had while volunteering with YUM.

Read the full interview in our latest blog post: https://lght.ly/4kgfo49


In the wake of the 5.6 magnitude earthquake that shook West Java, Indonesia, on November 21, 2022, our team on the ground swiftly mobilized to aid the affected communities. The epicenter of the earthquake, located 10 km south-west of Cianjur Regency, severely impacted the region, and a 30-days state of emergency was declared.

By the end of 2022, the devastating impact of the earthquake severely impacted thousands of families. In the following months, over 100,000 people lived in makeshift shelters, enduring the challenges of the rainy season.

For over 45 years, we have been working in Cipanas, located within the Cianjur Regency. Among the sub-districts where YUM is active, three of them—the sub-district of Cipanas, Sukaresmi and Pacet—have been greatly impacted by the earthquake. YUM’s community center and project office is located in Sukaresmi.

From on-the-ground assessments, to distribution of relief packages to families, to trauma healing for children, to school support and repairs, discover the full story of how we were able to support the communities from the moment of the crisis, up to the following 10-months period of December 2022 to September 2023 by reading our latest blog post.


Our heartfelt gratitude goes to each and every single one of you—individuals, organizations, and companies—who have made your contribution and enabled us to deliver your support to thousands of families affected by the earthquake.

Photos from Yayasan Usaha Mulia (YUM)'s post 03/11/2023

Recently, we had the privilege of hosting a group of dedicated lecturers and students from Bina Nusantara University, who ventured into the communities in Cipanas (West Java) for, not one, but TWO days of activities! This visit was part of their community service initiative, and it left a lasting mark on both the local communities and our team at Yayasan Usaha Mulia (YUM).

Tax training, family financial planning, and lessons on teen financial management and literacy were just a few of the invaluable topics explored. These knowledge-sharing sessions will empower the local community and prepare the youth for success.

Our heartfelt thank you to Bina Nusantara University and Teach For Indonesia for making this happen and supporting the communities with essential knowledge and skills for the future!

Read the full story on our latest blog post.

Photos from Yayasan Usaha Mulia (YUM)'s post 12/10/2023

Authorities have declared a state of emergency in Central Kalimantan due to severe air pollution from forest and land fires. The situation is dire with flight schedules delayed, and school hours being reduced due to the haze. At several spots, the fire has reached the Trans-Kalimantan roadside making land travel challenging, and unsafe.

On October 4th, the PM 2.5 level went up to 400, which is considered downright dangerous. This affects everyone in Central Kalimantan, including our beneficiaries and staff.

The situation is affecting not only human health but also the wildlife and the environment. Let's raise awareness and address this critical issue.

image: AFP photo via theborneopost


When we all come together, little actions have a big impact!

This week only, join us for the campaign. When you give up to $50, GlobalGiving will match your generosity at 50%! That means, if you give $50, we’ll receive $75 :)

Your support will help towards our work with women community leaders, targeting mothers who will implement stunting prevention measures and reaching community members through the educational campaign.

Give today: https://lght.ly/l2nj10n

Photos from Yayasan Usaha Mulia (YUM)'s post 14/09/2023

Positive change is possible when we all come together.
REPOST from Domingo Club:

An exciting collaboration. We created the Domingo fermenter necklace just over a year ago, with the aim of revealing a fantastic natural process by inviting the wearer to transfer their energy to a mycelial network. We use it by making tempeh, a fermentation process originally from Indonesia that combines plants and mushrooms to create delicious plant proteins.

For several months now, we have been working with The Indonesian Tempe Movement to create a local version of the necklace for Indonesians, so that they can proudly wear and promote their cultural heritage, for a plant-based future that is nutritious, affordable and delicious. Part of the profits are donated to YUM, an association fighting malnutrition in Indonesia.

Thanks to Driando, Vania and Ruben for this great collaboration, and long live tempeh!
Image 1: A pregnant mother holding tempe made during the workshop by Tempe Movement
Image 2: Driando, co-founder of Tempe Movement Indonesia and Better Nature Tempeh, wearing the fermenter necklace

Image and text courtesy of Domingo Club and Driando



Next week, we're counting on your support to help us raise $3,500 to scale up our project empowering women in Central Kalimantan to help prevent stunting. From Sept. 18-22, when you give up to $50, GlobalGiving will match your generosity at 50%! That means, if you give $50, we’ll receive $75 :)

A little about the project you will be helping: In 2021, YUM began to tackle the prevalent issue of stunting in Indonesia where over 6 million children are declared as stunted. In Central Kalimantan, YUM works with 25 women community leaders in 6 villages. YUM recognised the crucial role of supporting these women to spread knowledge on the risk of stunting among families, especially those currently with pregnant mothers.

Check out our project page at GlobalGiving: https://lght.ly/52cd0om

Help us spread the word: share this information with your family and friends to let them know that little acts of kindness can make a big impact!

Photos from Yayasan Usaha Mulia (YUM)'s post 01/09/2023

Our Community Library in Bukit Batu (Central Kalimantan) just got more exciting! Presenting "Kidspreneurship" – a program that is designed to engage 6th graders and train their problem solving skills, improve their self-confidence, inspire them to be innovative & creative, and encourage their growth mindset.

Read the full story on our latest blog post!

Photos from Yayasan Usaha Mulia (YUM)'s post 26/08/2023

All smiles at YUM’s Community Library in Central Kalimantan during the Creativity & Fun Day!

One of our highly anticipated annual event jut took place, and it's not just the library members who were thrilled – parents and YUM staff as well! This year's theme, "Indonesia's Diversity," resonates perfectly with our country's Independence Day in the same month.

Leading up to the big day, a total of 203 participants engaged in various contests such as coloring and puzzle-solving. During the Creativity & Fun Day, the highlight was the captivating poetry recital competition featuring 3 young participants. It was a heartwarming moment when these contestants took the stage as part of our talented library members' performance.

Adding to the magic, our English club members enchanted the audience with their singing prowess, while the Dance Club members dazzled with two mesmerizing traditional Dayak dance performances.

The buzz kept growing as our staff, Board Members and invited guests proudly announced the winners and presented the prizes. A special guest, Mrs. Windy, a representative from Widyawan & Partners partnering with Linklaters, joined us in selecting and rewarding the champions. Our heartfelt gratitude to Widyawan & Partners and Linklaters who have generously supported YUM's Community Library for a decade, making this event even more significant.

With more than 150 attendees, including enthusiastic teachers and supportive parents, the day was filled with spirited games, including tug-of-war and a cracker-eating contest – smiles and laughter all around!


Dear friends and partners,

We are pleased to announce that the YUM 2022 Annual Report is now available on our website, both in English and in Bahasa Indonesia. We were blessed with generous donations that were vital in the running of various projects that supported more than 22,000 people. Discover the impact we've made together and explore the milestones, successes, and challenges that shaped the year 2022.

Head on to our website now to read the full Annual Report.

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Videos (show all)

A day in the life of...... Muti, YUM's Sponsorship Program Officer in Cipanas, West Java
Traditional Dance lessons now available again at our Cipanas Community Library!Earlier this month, members of our librar...
One of the challenges YUM has in reaching pregnant women and mothers with toddlers in our working area of Cipanas, is th...
The Joys and Sorrows of Learning from Home in #ruralindonesia
Posyandu Lansia YUM
DON'T MISS IT !Yuk rayakan kepedulian & cinta kita terhadap dunia 🌸 Flora & 🐹 Fauna di event @flona2018jktAjak teman & k...
Flona 2018
Carpentry Training
YUM SHOP - Central Kalimantan
Yoga Workshop


Wisma Subud No. 20, Jalan RS Fatmawati Kav. 52

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 05:00
Thursday 09:00 - 05:00
Friday 09:00 - 05:00

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