
Local Yoga Classes


I am holding a Day Retreat focused on iRest Yoga Nidra, on Saturday, August 10th from 10 to 5.30 in the lovely . There will be a sharing circle, creating a safe container and community in which to explore the practice. There is something very powerful in being witnessed. I have been in many circles and the gift is always finding compassion for myself and for others in our shared humanity. This is the perfect way to enter practice, with compassion and kindness, openness and acceptance for all that is. On the Retreat Day I will explain the ten step protocol of iRest. Setting Intention, Heartfelt Desire, Creating an Inner Resource, Body Sensing, Breath Sensing, Feelings as Messengers, Thoughts and Beliefs as Messengers, Joy, Witness Consciousness and Pure Awareness. We will take space and time to reflect on what each of these means personally to us so that when we go into a practice, you are ready to roll. There will be Yoga Nidra practices, short gentle somatic practices, shared practices and time for reflection and journalling.
My first foray into meditation was a big dive into the deep end with a ten day silent Vipassana Meditation Retreat in Thailand. I learned so much and I still came away not able to implement the practice in my every day life. In ways it felt austere and dogmatic, and really hard to do, I was lost with it. iRest offers a softness and kindness, a gentle hand that you can hold as you travel the planes of meditative practice. It is easy to learn and accessible to everyone. Being guided in a restful and supported way allows for an effortless dropping into restful being. Here, you can explore and experience the qualities of Awareness. Having moments of Pure Awareness serves to have us want to return again and again. The practical steps and option of guidance offer an easy pathway to track back each time. If you have been curious about meditation and would like to try it out, this is an excellent entry way. If you would like to know more you can check out my website (Link is in the Bio). If you would like to book your mat you can book online, PM me here, or text me at 0857617258. 💚🙏


A day to Restore your Soul through the Gentle Practice of Somatic Movement. A practice that takes us from our dominant mind wild way of being and into a more grounded felt sense of our body where ease naturally arises. This will be held in the beautiful space The Studio, Spillers Lane, July 27th, from 10am to 5.30pm.
For more information you can contact me at 0857617258, or to book online please see


A day to Restore your Soul through the Gentle Practice of Somatic Movement. A practice that takes us from our dominant mind wild way of being and into a more grounded felt sense of our body where ease naturally arises. Moving into Inner Stillness, finding Peace with all that is Within. This will be held in the beautiful space The Studio, Spillers Lane, July 27th, from 10am to 5.30pm.

For more information, or to book online please see You can also book by phone at 0857617258.

Places are Limited, Booking is Essential.


Posting a pic of Baby Poppy.. a beautiful and perfect little demo of Inner Peace and Deep Rest. This is where we track to in a Somatics class. Through our physical body we shed layers of tension, holding, defending, and we find our way back to Deep Peace. It is there all along, just hidden under the clutter of thoughts and worries, the echoes of trauma, the relentless pushing and driving that modern day living fosters, the misalignment with the rhythms of nature, and our true natural state. There is still time to join the last five week series of the summer, starting this coming Monday 24th, at 6.30, in the lovely . You can book online at or text me at 0857617258. There are plenty of Drop In spaces in the Friday class at 11.15, if you feel like some gentle self care and a chance to track your way back to Peace that is already within. Just text me any Friday to book your mat.


Some of the physical benefits of Somatic Movement:

It can restore mobility and ease of movement for every day living in a gentle and easeful practice that is accessible to everyone.

It can ease and relieve chronic pain. Low Back Pain, Neck Pain, Shoulder Pain etc. Sciatica & Fibromyalgia.

It supports the Nervous System to come out of Fight or Flight, moving into the Parasympathetic Nervous System of Rest and Digest. In other words at the end of the practice you will feel deeply relaxed and at ease in yourself. With practice we create a worn pathway that over time you will be able to track through yourself when needed.

Soulful & Emotional Benefits.

You are held and guided through your own body experience in slowing down. When we slow down we can feel what is. Without judgement or agenda, we learn to be with ourselves and all of our emotional content, without needing to squash it, hide it, or change it. We open to what is and we become true to ourselves.

We remember what it is to live in our body’s. We recognize the Wisdom of our Body and all of the signals it sends us. We learn its language and become fluent in its intuitive guidance. We restore the power it is to live in our Body, from the Truth of it’s experience.

We start to notice our relationship to ourself, the dominance or otherwise of our Inner Critic. Held and guided we learn to cultivate kindness and compassion for ourselves in our Humanity. We learn to trust ourselves, to choose care and nurturing over criticism and judgment. Our own.

If this sounds like Medicine for you, I have a five week series starting in The Studio, Spillers Lane, Clonakilty next week. Or follow me for future offerings.


One of the most empowering benefits of embodied practice is learning to live from the truth of your body’s signals and messages. I woke up a few days ago, the day planned ahead from the night before, but something in my body said ‘No’ to that plan. It took a while to process, as my rational mind wanted to stick to the plan, it was after all nourishing and enjoyable for me, (being a student in another teachers Yoga Class). But over time I have learned to trust the wisdom and knowing of my body. I attended to the sensation of ‘No’ in my body and gave myself time to process what that meant. Something else more important to my heart was calling me, and so I answered that call instead. Informed by my bodily experience I followed my truth and followed my heart. This is the real gold of an embodied practice, learning to listen to and to trust your own inner experience as your own guiding light. I have some morning and evening courses starting Mid May in Gentle Somatic Yoga in the beautiful Soul Space, The Studio, Clonakilty. It could be the beginning of a beautiful relationship with your body, with yourself, learning to trust your Own Wisdom, to trust the Intelligence of your Body. It is alway with us, we have just forgotten to tune in. Come and tune in with me as your guide. For information on the classes see


Summer Five week series in Somatic Movement, on Mondays @ 6.30pm, starts May 13th & on Fridays @ 11.15am starts May 17th. (The Monday series will exclude the June Bank Holiday Monday) For more information or to book online see (Link in the bio.) Or you can PM me here (), or contact Trish at 085 7617258 to reserve your mat. €65 for the five week course. Drop In is €15 if there is space available. Booking is essential. If you need to know anything more please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Creating an Inner Resource. This is one of the steps in iRest. Finding a safe space within, a place where we can return to and resource ourselves from, when we feel overwrought and overwhelmed. It is a useful safe base as we travel further into the realm of our inner landscape, as well as being a useful tool in our toolbox when we meet the challenges of life and the difficulties of being human.

In the practice we create this Inner Sanctuary, using our imagination, and the real life resource of the beauty of Nature and the places we have been in our lives. We bring to mind a place where we love to be, somewhere that naturally brings us Joy and Contentment. We use our senses in this imaginational realm to bring this to life. Sight, Sound, Taste, Touch and Smell. Immersing ourselves in this Inner Sanctuary we can connect to feelings of well-being, ease, and contentment.

These feelings are always available to us, we simply forge a pathway, learning how to tap into them when we are challenged. In stressful situations when we need to find ease, in scary situations when we need to feel safe and steady, and in dark times when we need to connect to Joy. Connecting to these feelings offers us something beyond ourselves, a connection to Grace, to Love. Well that is one way of describing it. It is beyond my descriptions.

The practice offers us a pathway to rest into the Healing Balm of Pure Awareness.

If you would like to dip in and experience a sense of what I am describing here, I have a four week introductory course in iRest Yoga Nidra. Starting on Monday 8th of April, 12 to 1pm in The Studio, Spillers Lane, Clonakilty. For more information you can visit my website, link is in my bio.


iRest Meditation Introductory Course

It is a really simple and supported way in which to begin to explore Meditation. In the early days of my journeying with Meditation I jumped into the deep end by starting with a ten day silent retreat in Vipassana Meditation. It was a very austere regimen, and afterwards I still didn’t really understand the heart of Meditation, or how to implement a practice in my own life. Many years later, thanks to my teachers Charlie and Marianne, I began to learn a new approach, a softer and kinder openness to my own humanity, to allow myself to be just as I am, to welcome my experience just as it is. Training in iRest was like bringing everything I had learned into a form and structure. I love to share it, to guide people with gentleness and kindness, into the healing space of Pure Awareness.

It is a very healing and transformative practice and its offers a simple step by step approach that anyone can learn.

I have a Four Week Introductory Course Starting on April 8th, Monday 12pm to 1, in the beautiful Soul Space

If you have ever wondered what meditation feels like, if it would benefit you, or if it might be something you could incorporate into your life, this is the course for you.

It is €50 for a four week course, €15 for 'Drop In'. You can message me here, contact me at 0857617258, or book online/see more information at

Photos from Earthsoulyoga's post 22/03/2024

Hi Folks, I am starting a new Five Week Series of Gentle Somatic Yoga Classes in the beautiful Soul Space The Studio, Spillers Lane, Clonakilty on Friday mornings at 11.15, starting March 29th.

This practice offers such a gentle and nourishing movement into ease.

It is a nurturing class for all ages and abilities and for anyone who needs a slow and gentle practice. It is particularly helpful for those who suffer chronic pain, fibromyalgia, anxiety, lack of mobility, or anyone who would like to experience a slow mindful movement that will bring your whole being into a deeply restful state.

These classes will help you to move with ease, helping you to reclaim your mobility and rebalance your posture. Most beautifully of all, it will release unconscious tension in your body, slow the busyness of your mind, settle your nervous system, and return your whole being into a state of deep ease.

It is €65 for the five week course, or €15 for 'Drop In' if there is space available. Booking is essential. You can contact me at 0857617258, or book online at, or message me here. Or if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.


Gentle Somatic Yoga Series will start again on March 29th, Friday Morning at 11.15, at The Studio, Spillers Lane, Clonakilty.

This is a really useful and beneficial class for anyone who needs a very gentle movement practice, due to age, health related conditions, or chronic pain, or for anyone who would simply prefer a more easeful practice.

I begin all classes with a body scan. Lying on our back we will sense and feel how our body is meeting the ground. We also take notice of our breath, our emotional and mental quality. This will serve us throughout the practice as we check in to notice what has changed, sensing and feeling the response of our being as we consciously release chronic tension and holding in our muscles.

We stay on the ground for most, if not all of the practice. All of the movements are slow, mindful and easy. We pay deep attention to the sensations of our muscles, sensing and feeling them contract on one side of the movement, and sensing their sliding, gliding and lengthening on the other side of the movement. In between every movement I will invite you to return to a resting position and experience a moment of melt. This is where we drop all effort and focus, we invite our bodies to completely let go, melting into the support of the ground. This serves to reinforce the message that you are safe and you are supported. Your nervous system assimilates and integrates this experience leading you into the parasympathetic state of rest and digest.

At the end we will settle in to sweet comfort as I guide you into relaxation and restful awareness.

You can expect to feel deeply settled and relaxed with an open sense of awareness while centred in your own being.

To book you can contact me here, or at 0857617258, or you can book online at

Yoga with Trish - Earth Soul Yoga 26/02/2024

New five week term starts this Wednesday 28th February, in Bandon Town Hall 6.30 to 7.45. €65 for the Five Week Term, €15 for 'Drop In' if there is space. You can book online on Or contact me at 085 761 7258

Yoga with Trish - Earth Soul Yoga Yoga, Somatic Movement, Therapy, Healing, One to One, Peace, Inner Work, Bandon, Schools, Special Needs, iRest Meditation, Classes


New five week term starts this Wednesday in Bandon Town Hall 6.30 to 7.45. There are four mats available. You can book the term for €65, or Drop In for €15 a class. If you’re not sure if it is your cup of tea, why don’t you try a Drop In… you won’t know unless you try : ) You can book online on Or contact me at 0857617258.


Five week series of Gentle Somatic Yoga classes starting in the lovely . This Friday 9th 11.15am to 12.15 and on Monday 12th 6.30pm to 7.30. €65 for the five week series or €15 for Drop In if there is space available. Somatics is a very slow, gentle and safe practice for every body. We move with deep attention to our internal experience of muscles contracting and extending in subtle movements. With moments of melt, softening and letting go, our body recognizes that we are safe, in this moment, supporting our nervous system in moving from ‘fight or flight’ into a restful state of ‘rest and digest’.
After a practice you will feel deeply settled and relaxed, grounded in your own being. As we return again and again to the practice we create a well worn pathway to this more relaxed way of being, cultivating its accessibility in our everyday living experience. If you’d like to book a mat, you can PM me here, book online at, or contact me at 0857617258. Thanks 🙏🏼 Trish

Gentle Somatic Yoga for Happy Hips 03/02/2024

Hey Folks. I had to extend the start date for my Friday Morning Gentle Somatic Yoga Classes in The Studio, Spillers Lane, Clonakilty. It is now starting on Friday, February 9th, 11.15 to 12.15.

It occurred to me that some of you may not know what is Gentle Somatic Yoga. What the practice looks like? Who does it suit? etc. So first off I have included a link for one of my classes on YouTube, Gentle Somatic Yoga for Happy Hips. You can dip in somewhere in the middle and watch a few minutes to get a feel for the practice. Or if you like you can take the whole class in the comfort of your own home.

This class is suitable for any one with
Chronic pain
Low back pain
Neck & shoulder pain
Mobility Issues
& Anyone who would prefer a slow and gentle practice that will help them to regain mobility and comfort in their body.

I have had many students with chronic pain issues down through the years and they often tell me they find huge relief through the practice, and for some symptoms disappeared entirely

It is very slow, gentle and safe, a lot of it is practiced lying down on the ground, on your back, belly or side. It is based on Somatic principles founded by Thomas Hanna. We all hold tension in our bodies when we are stressed. Sometimes the holding can become habitual and this can cause postural changes and dysfunctional movement patterns.

Through this Body Practice we can re-member those parts of us that have gone into an unconscious holding pattern and rewire our system to restore balance. In the practice we actively contract muscles, and then we consciously release them. In between each set of movements we take a Moment of Melt, simply deeply resting. This teaches our Nervous System that we are safe, and over the duration of the practice it moves from 'fight or flight' into a deep state of 'rest and digest'. The conscious movement helps us to create new neural networks between the brain and muscle, fostering healthy and balanced movement patterns.

After a practice you will feel deeply settled and relaxed, grounded in your own being. As we return again and again to the practice we create a well worn pathway to this more relaxed way of being, cultivating it's accessibility in our everyday living experience.

Here is the link to a sample class on YouTube.

There are 3 spaces left in the Monday evening class, (starting on February 12th), and there are 7 spaces left in the Friday morning class, (starting on February 9th). You can contact me at 085 761 7258, or you can book online, or check out my website for more information.

Also if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me. Thank you 🙏

Gentle Somatic Yoga for Happy Hips This class will help you to find ease in moving your hips whilst releasing chronically held muscles. This can have the added benefit of alleviating low back ...


Hey Folks. I had to extend the start date for my Friday Morning Gentle Somatic Yoga Classes in The Studio, Spillers Lane, Clonakilty. It is now starting on Friday, February 9th, 11.15 to 12.15. It occurred to me that some of you may not know what is Gentle Somatic Yoga. What the practice looks like? Who does it suit? etc. So first off I have included a link for one of my classes on YouTube, Gentle Somatic YOga for Happy Hips. You can dip in somewhere in the middle and watch a few minutes to get a feel for and an idea of what the practice is. Or if you like you can take the whole class in the comfort of your own home. The class is suitable for any one with a chronic pain, fibromyalgia, sciatica, low back pain, neck pain etc. (I have had many students with chronic pain issues down through the years and they often report back finding relief through the practice, and for some symptoms disappeared entirely). Or for anyone with a condition that impacts their energy and so they would prefer a slower and gentler practice. It is also helpful for anyone with anxiety, as it teaches you to down regulate your nervous system. It is a very slow, gentle and safe practice. A lot of it is practiced lying down on the ground, on your back, belly or side. It is based on Somatic principles founded by Thomas Hanna. We all hold tension in our bodies when we are stressed. Sometimes the holding can become habitual and this can cause postural changes and patterns, such as slouched shoulders, a hiked hip, a rotation of the spine, or lordosis of the spine. In the long run these postural imbalances can cause pain. Not only that, but they have an impact on our experience of ourselves and how we relate to the world. If you just try deliberately slouching your shoulders and collapsing your chest for a few moments and tune in to your inner attitude as you stand in this way and notice how you feel. Then find the ground with your feet, stand tall and relaxed in your bones, back of the neck long, eyes gazing forward and breathe for a few moments and notice the changes in your inner attitude and experience. The body is an expression of our unconscious. Through this Body Practice we can re-member those parts of us that have gone into an unconscious holding pattern, giving them an embodied experience of releasing and relaxing. Hanna devised a system whereby we actively contract muscles, and then consciously we release them. In between each set of movements we take a moment of melt. Simply deeply resting. This teaches our nervous system that we are safe, and over the duration of the practice our nervous system drops down from 'fight or flight' into a deep state of 'rest and digest'. The conscious movement helps us to create new neural networks between the brain and muscle, fostering healthy and balanced movement patterns. In all, after a practice you will feel deeply settled and relaxed, grounded in your own being. As we return again and again to the practice we create a well worn pathway to this more relaxed way of being, cultivating it's accessibility in our everyday living experience. Of course we also find more comfort and ease in our everyday movement. There are 3 spaces left in the Monday evening class, (starting on February 12th), and there are 8 spaces left in the Friday morning class, (starting on February 9th). You can contact me at 085 761 7258, or you can book online at Here is the link to a sample class on YouTube.

Also if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me. Thank you 🙏


There are two spaces still available in my regular Deepening Your Yoga Class, in Bandon Town Hall, Wednesday evenings 6.30 to 7.45. €15 to book your mat for a Drop In, or €52 for the remaining four weeks. Please contact me at 085 761 7258.


Hey folks. Sadly I had to let go of my Bandon Gentle Somatic Yoga Class. I'm afraid the conditions were too cold for such a slow and gentle practice. But as we let things go it makes space for something new and I am really delighted to have found a beautiful cozy and soulful space, The Studio, Spillers Lane, Clonakilty. I am offering a five week series on Monday evenings 6.30 to 7.30, and Friday mornings 11.15 to 12.15. These will start in early February, Friday 2nd and Monday 12th. The investment is €65, or €15 For Drop In, if it is available. Space is limited so booking is essential. You can book online at, or text me at 085 761 7258


I have had to change plans and for now I am only running my usual Wednesday Yoga class. Beginners are welcome. I will offer variations so that the practice is accessible to everyone. You can book online at, or if you prefer you can text or WhatsApp me at 085 761 7258. This five week series starts next Wednesday 17th of January. Investment is €65, Drop in, if available, is €15. Places are limited so booking is essential.


Winter Soul Space will include Hatha & Restorative Yoga, Somatic Movement, Breathwork, Chanting and will finish with a long Yoga Nidra. The retreat will offer you space, reflection, rest and restoration. Space and time to let what is not important fall away, to remember and hold what is in our Heart, to soothe and nourish our Soul. For more information see, or you can contact me at 085 761 7258.


New course of classes starting this week. There are 2 places available in Gentle Somatic Yoga, and 1 space left in Yoga. I’m also going to leave one floating drop in space in each class. Gentle Somatic Yoga starts Tuesday eve at 6.30 and Yoga starts Wednesday eve at 6.30. Both classes are 75 minutes, in Bandon Town Hall. €60 investment for the course. €15 for a drop in. Pm me here, or contact me at 0857618258 if you would like to book your mat. If you’d like any more information on any of the above please see my website Thank you if you have read this far 💚🙏🏼


4 places available in Gentle Somatic Yoga starting tomorrow eve, 6.30, Bandon Town Hall.
3 places available in Yoga starting Wednesday eve, 6.30, Bandon Town Hall.
If places stay open ‘Drop In’ is available at €15 per class. Text me at 0857617258 to book.
‘Drop in’ is a nice way to check out if it’s your cup of tea or not!


Hey Folks,
Classes are starting again. September often feels like new beginnings, and so in each class I will offer the basic foundations of breath and movement, and how we can use them to settle our nervous system, to move and breathe more freely, not only in the practice, but in all aspects of our lives. We practice on the mat, but essentially this practice pours out into our lived experience so that we are freer and easier in our own skin. Forging and wearing a pathway to inner stillness and peace, so we can find it easily when we most need it. For veteran yogis, you will know, you cannot beat the basics : ) Contact me at 085 761 7258 to book your mat.


I'm offering another five week course, in Yoga & Gentle Somatic Yoga. There are some spaces available. If you'd like to book a mat please contact me at 085 761 7258 or you can PM me here.


"One day you will realize that happiness is not what your house looks like, but how you love the people within its walls. Happiness is not finding success by a certain time, but finding something you love so much time itself seems to disappear. Happiness is not thinking you have earned the world's approval, but waking up each day and feeling so at peace within your own skin, quietly anticipating the day ahead, unconcerned with how you are perceived. Happiness is not having the best of everything, but the ability to make the best of anything. Happiness is knowing you did what you could with what you were given. Happiness is not something that comes to us when every problem is solved and all things are perfectly in place, but in the shining silver linings that remind us the light of day is always there, if we slow down enough to notice."

Brianna Wiest
Photo by Xacobe Casal Flickr


5 Week course in Yoga classes in Bandon Town Hall starts next Wednesday evening 6.30 to 7.45. There are five places left in this course. Contact me via the WhatsApp button if you would like to book your mat. 🙏


Hey folks.
I am back after a long hiatus. I am offering a course of
Spring Classes in Kilmacsimon Community Centre, starting on January 31st for Gentle Somatic Yoga, and starting on February 1st for Hatha Yoga. For more information on these classes please check out
My newsletter includes more news about what I was doing, the trainings I have undertaken, and the plans for my work and offerings in the future. If you would like to be privy to those details please do sign up for my newsletter at the end of the homepage. I do hope to see some familiar faces, and of course some new. Together we will carve a sacred space where we can shed the layers of stress and allow ourselves to drop into our inherent wholeness and wellbeing.
Please share this with anyone who may be interested. The classes are limited to ten places each, so it may be best to book early if you want to be sure of a place. You can contact me at 0857617258, or message me here. I look forward to sharing the Wisdom of Yoga and practicing in Community with you again.


A wonderful teacher. May he dance lightly into Infinite Love.

In loving memory of a great teacher.
Thank you Thich Nhat Hanh 🙏🏼💗


I meant to add this sooner. This is for students or low waged folk who would like to avail of the courses. (If you are unwaged and would like to do these classss please contact me). A shout out to the teens I have taught down through the years... I would love to see ye there ☺️ So if you’re thinking of it.. do take the leap. Here’s the link

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Videos (show all)

This is helpful if you suffer from Back Pain. I made a fifteen minute video, showcasing  Constructive Rest position, a l...
Slow Mindful Movement.  Integrating Body, Mind & Spirit, to Remember our inherent Wholeness. Wholeness already Here, Now...
Free Taster Online Classes.  Just click on the link at the appointed time. Arriving a few minutes early is always good t...




Factory Lane, Bandon

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