
Personal Training packages, group sessions, nutritional plans, body fat analysis! PM for details or
Email: [email protected]


January can be a false start for so many.

The guilt we feel after Christmas and eagerness to dive into a diet, and often the most extreme diet we can think of along with unsustainable amounts of exercise, step goals and restrictions on our lifestyle.


Give yourself a break, take a second and restart with the mindset of keeping it simple, layering things on as you go and learning every day as to what works best for you. Everyone’s diet should be their own but with a few basics that we all share….


Focus on these 4 first, then we can look at the energy balance to get the scales moving too.

Need help or guidance, reach out or call in for a chat and see how we approach these things at DB Fitness.


🔷8 week AM Male and Female training camps🔷

It’s sign up time again for the first instalment of the bootcamp for 2024.

Get yourself in the best shape of your life and join our growing community!!

The next round of the 8 week camp will start on the 15th January and I am now taking names for places!

Details as follows:
🔷Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 6AM

🔷Price €220 for 32 sessions over the 8 weeks!

🔹Nutritional plan included with food I diary analysis and weight monitored throughout!

🔹Members split into groups to help with the flow of the workouts

🔹Free recipe books, welcome pack and other PDF documents to help you along the way for the 8 weeks.

🔹Goals range from getting lean, building muscle or just getting stronger.

🔹Discount on supplements with

🔹All levels catered for so don’t feel like you are too fit or unfit, you get out of it what you put in!!

🔹Inbody scans for €15 for members of the gym.

DM, PM or text me on 0864135222 to book a place!


Photos from DBFitness's post 01/01/2024

The coolest dude ever turns 2!!

Your laugh is the greatest sound of all time. Never stop pal.

Love you more than words can explain!!

Alex ❤️


It’s time for the first Evening Bootcamp of 2024

🔹 Start date Tuesday 2nd January.

🔹2 days a week - Tuesday and Thursday.

🔹Time - 7-8pm

🔹Duration 8 weeks.

🔹Cost €120 for the block. €7.50 per session.

🔹Diet analysis included.

🔹Recipe books.

🔹Educational PDFs to help you find along the way.

🔹Private facility.

🔹Option to add more sessions if requested

🔹Inbody on request for an additional €15 and progress monitored.

DM if interested or to sign up.


A simple post with a simple message!!

It’s Christmas Eve,
The next few days are important. They are there to be enjoyed, to kick back and relax, enjoy time with the kids and loved ones, to eat drink and be merry and not look past the moment we are in….. SO DO THAT!!!

The diet, our goals, the next training session, our NEAT, our sleep quality, fibre intake etc etc etc can all take a back seat and just take it easy, enjoy it as best you can and don’t worry about eating too many chocolates (unless your half dog)

It’s important to enjoy Christmas as much as we can.
It’s not easy for some but focus on the positives, indulge a bit and life will kick on again very soon.

Happy Christmas all and see you in a few days with a few extra pounds of water on board. 👌👌


Another AM Bootcamp wrapped up for another year.

Missing a few this week but the rest of the crew kept up the intensity with training and earned the coffees this morning.

Thanks for the lovely card and gift. 🥰

A great crew who make the early mornings easy!! 💪🏽💪🏽

Anyone interested in joining the community just drop me a message.

Always room for more!! 👍🙌


It was a great pleasure to drop in some much needed food and clothing to today.

The work they do is phenomenal and it’s the time of year where we all need to do our bit where possible to help those in need.

Massive credit to all my gym members for getting involved and digging deep. The response was amazing and to see the whole reception area at the gym filled with donations was great to see.

Well done to all!!❤️


January will be a time of new members in every gym, new goals willl be set and many of us will want to kick into gear and focus on our health and fitness.

One of the key aspects of this will be the training you are doing and the enjoyment of it so you want to continue doing it week in week out, not just for a few weeks in January and then start to fall down.

The first step to success will be to find the gym that suits you.

Here at DB Fitness our focus is to have a facility and a community that can make everyone feel comfortable and allow them to enjoy coming in to train and succeed with their goals.
It may not suit everyone, but we try our best create a vibe and a tribe that makes it fun, encouraging but with a hard work ethic as the heartbeat of it all.

My advice to everyone reading this is find your tribe, practice due diligence on all the gyms around, send me a message, ask your questions, come see the facility and have a chat and make the decision based on what you feel is the right place for you.

Have a great Christmas and hope to hear from you soon. 🙌

Davey. 👍



As we do every Christmas,
The DB fitness community will make the effort to help those in need.

This year our friends at Waterford Helping the Homeless will be working hard to provide food and warmth for those in need on the streets of our city.

We all know nobody should have to live like this but unfortunately it is the reality so the least we can do is keep them fed and keep them warm and clothed over the winter and Christmas period.

If this is something you’d like to help with yourself please do so and follow the guys on their page

All help would I’m sure be greatly appreciated.


Everyone of us has certain things that we love to do in order to keep us feeling grounded and able to take on the day with a clearer head.

We don’t just love them, we need them.

Training for me is one of those activities that lifts my mood, makes me far more relaxed and much better company for those around me.
I feel far more empowered to take on the daily tasks and every other element of my day benefits from it, none more so that the people around me.

This is why when I’m away for the week I still find the time to get a workout in and try to be balanced with my nutrition.

There are those who scoff at this and think I should just take the week off and “live a little” . What they don’t get is not training would make me enjoy the rest of what I’m doing this week a lot less.

I do it for me and for everyone else. I need it, it’s my crutch, my anchor and it makes me feel much fresher and relaxed.

Whatever this activity may be for you, even if it’s not exercise, do it!!

Don’t apologise for it and if you feel you need to then those in need of an apology don’t understand you.

The ones that know you best will know how important it is.



December is nearly upon us, the Christmas nights are about to kick off and for many of us the notion of weight loss becomes a difficult ask.

However, focusing on getting the balance right and working on maintenance will be a progression for those who usually see the scales rise this time of year.

With a small bit of effort, accountability and consistency this can be easily achieved.

Here’s some facts:

🔹You should enjoy Christmas
🔹You are entitled to eat, drink and be merry without guilt.
🔹You have no resson to cut back your training.
🔹You have no reason to gain weight.

The key to success is to stay active.
Just because your diet isn’t as strict as other months doesn’t make training pointless. ITS MORE IMPORTANT.

Calories are like cash. If you are going to overspend at the weekend, save up during the week.

Lastly, if you want to feel good over Christmas make sure you don’t take the foot off the gas now regarding your gym sessions. Keep working hard and
the mince pies will taste a lot better and January will feel a lot easier. 👌👌💪🏽💪🏽


Your own health trumps everything else!!!!

Your job v your health? HEALTH
Your social life v your health? HEALTH
Your friends v your health? HEALTH
Others opinions v your health? HEALTH
Your kids v your health? HEALTH

The last one may seem a shocker to some of you but how can your children thrive if their parents aren’t healthy?
They need a role model, they need to develop health habits and they need their parents to be there at their worst times to guide them through so your own health will always be top of the list.

Allowing any of the above damage your own health will effectively damage those things in return.

Our job, social life, friends and children all benefit from us at our best and others opinions matter a lot less when we feel good about ourselves.

Make time, even short walks if necessary but make time for you and other areas will thrive too.

Busy life? Not sure how to make it work, reach out to a HEALTH professional and we can show you how to manage it.

Best example:
The Rock!
Busy acting life, owns multiple businesses, devoted dad….. trains all the time and does what it takes.

His focus on his own health is why everything else he does succeeeds.

None of us are the Rock, but his mindset we can all adopt and make it work our own way!!!


🔷8 week AM Male and Female training camps🔷

It’s sign up time again for the next instalment of the bootcamp for 2023.

Get yourself in the best shape of your life and join our growing community!!

The next round of the 8 week camp will start on the 13th November and I am now taking names for places!

Details as follows:
🔷Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 6AM

🔷Price €220 for 32 sessions over the 8 weeks!

🔹Nutritional plan included with food diary analysis and weight monitored throughout!

🔹Members split into groups to help with the flow of the workouts

🔹Free recipe books, welcome pack and other PDF documents to help you along the way for the 8 weeks.

🔹Goals range from getting lean, building muscle or just getting stronger.

🔹Discount on supplements with

🔹All levels catered for so don't feel like you are too fit or unfit, you get out of it what you put in!!

🔹Inbody scans for €15 for members of the gym.

DM, PM or text me on 0864135222 to book a place!



🔹It’s time for the next Evening Bootcamp🔹

Starting date Tuesday 31st October.

🔹2 days a week - Tuesday and Thursday.

🔹Time - 7-8pm

🔹Duration 8 weeks.

🔹Cost €120 for the block. €7.50 per session.

🔹Diet analysis included.

🔹Recipe books.

🔹Educational PDFs to help you find along the way.

🔹Private facility.

🔹Option to add more sessions if requested

🔹Inbody on request for an additional €15 and progress monitored.

DM if interested or to sign up.

Photos from DBFitness's post 20/10/2023

Incredibly late getting around to this post but here’s a massive appreciation post from a phenomenal client and person

When Natalie started with me she never had a problem training well. Her struggles lay with her ability to eat correctly and stay consistent. She was young, she still is, but she was younger with a more erratic lifestyle , low self esteem and like many people in their 20s, an inconsistent mindset towards training and nutrition.

However, one thing she always had was toughness.

So we set about harnessing that along with education on how to structure her food and working out what her “why” was when it comes to training. What were her goals, how important were they to her and how hard is she willing to work.

The end result, not only a life changing transformation but the confidence to do a photoshoot at the end of it all.


She was disciplined all along, now she’s free. Free to make her own choices with food coming from a more educated place and free to express herself and be more confident in her own mind and body.

She worked her ass off, didn’t want the quick fix, trusted the process and it was worth it.

Now time for some muscle building.

Proud coach 🙌🙌👏🏻👏🏻


Character, Mindset and Personality.

3 things that we possess that others can’t take away from us.

If you want to be a success, focus more on improving these 3 areas of who you are and everything you do will feel easier and more achievable.

✅Character - When the going gets tough at any time, be it a set in the gym, a tough day at the office or an event that knocks you back, it’s your character that will either pull you through or make you crumble.

✅Mindset - You’ve been trying to stick to the plan with your diet and training but by Wednesday things have turned. Come Thursday morning you either learn from what went wrong and improve or you let it derail your efforts and you give up for the rest of the week or even longer. Your mindset should be that of “Win or learn, no such thing as fail” rather than “I can’t do this”.

✅ Personality - To wake everyday with a smile and an optimistic view. Have others around you get a lift from who you are and how you just keep going and always look to be your best self. Your personality is a combination of your character and your mindset. These shape who you are and who you become as you grow.

I could sit here and tell you the best way to structure your diet, give you a training program guaranteed to get you a great physique and list out the best supplements but if ur character, mindset and personality all need to be worked on, the process will need patience and some failures along the way.

Never give up, don’t fear failure, just learn and keep going until you win.

Photos from DBFitness's post 30/09/2023

Happy Birthday to the most incredible little “lady” I know.

You amaze me more every day but please stop growing up so fast and always be daddy’s little girl.

Love you!!! ❤️❤️


🔷8 week AM Male and Female training camps🔷

It’s sign up time again for the next instalment of the bootcamp for 2023.

Get yourself in the best shape of your life and join our growing community!!

The next round of the 8 week camp will start on the 18th Sept and I am now taking names for places!

Details as follows:
🔷Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 6AM

🔷Price €220 for 32 sessions over the 8 weeks!

🔹Nutritional plan included with food diary analysis and weight monitored throughout!

🔹Members split into groups to help with the flow of the workouts

🔹Free recipe books, welcome pack and other PDF documents to help you along the way for the 8 weeks.

🔹Goals range from getting lean, building muscle or just getting stronger.

🔹Discount on supplements with

🔹All levels catered for so don't feel like you are too fit or unfit, you get out of it what you put in!!

🔹Inbody scans for €15 for members of the gym.

DM, PM or text me on 0864135222 to book a place!


DBFitness Personal Training packages, group sessions, nutritional plans, body fat analysis! PM for details or

Photos from DBFitness's post 08/09/2023

Accountability at DB Fitness!!

The main reason people sign up for gyms like our own here at DB Fitness is to increase accountability and ensure they are doing the right things and learn how to get the best from their efforts.

1: Logsheets for training

2: Weekly check in form

3: Diet plans to work on and educate themselves on efficient nutrition.

4: Inbody scans. Whilst not exact, these scans can give you consistent feedback every month to see if the changes you make are yielding the results you are looking for.

These are just a few ways we keep check on how our clients are doing every week or month.

It can be as strict or as loose as you want but the main thing is to know we are always here to help and guide. This can be just an informal chat on the gym floor but once it makes a difference it’s all good.

If this is what you need, reach out. DM or fill in an enquiry form in the link in Bio and let’s get to work.

4 day AM Bootcamp
2 day PM Bootcamp
Semi personal package (most popular)


🔹It’s time for the next Evening Bootcamp🔹

Starting date Tuesday 5th September .

🔹2 days a week - Tuesday and Thursday.

🔹Time - 7-8pm

🔹Duration 8 weeks.

🔹Cost €120 for the block. €7.50 per session.

🔹Diet analysis included.

🔹Recipe books.

🔹Educational PDFs to help you find along the way.

🔹Private facility.

🔹Option to add more sessions if requested

🔹Inbody on request for an additional €15 and progress monitored.

DM if interested or to sign up.


🔷8 week AM Male and Female training camps🔷

It’s sign up time again for the next instalment of the bootcamp for 2023.

Get yourself in the best shape of your life and join our growing community!!

The next round of the 8 week camp will start on the 24th July and I am now taking names for places!

Details as follows:
🔷Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 6AM

🔷Price €220 for 32 sessions over the 8 weeks!

🔹Nutritional plan included with food diary analysis and weight monitored throughout!

🔹Members split into groups to help with the flow of the workouts

🔹Free recipe books, welcome pack and other PDF documents to help you along the way for the 8 weeks.

🔹Goals range from getting lean, building muscle or just getting stronger.

🔹Discount on supplements with

🔹All levels catered for so don't feel like you are too fit or unfit, you get out of it what you put in!!

🔹Inbody scans for €15 for members of the gym.

DM, PM or text me on 0864135222 to book a place!



🔹It’s time for the next Evening Bootcamp🔹

Starting date Tuesday 11th July.

🔹2 days a week - Tuesday and Thursday.

🔹Time - 7-8pm

🔹Duration 8 weeks.

🔹Cost €120 for the block. €7.50 per session.

🔹Diet analysis included.

🔹Recipe books.

🔹Educational PDFs to help you find along the way.

🔹Private facility.

🔹Option to add more sessions if requested

🔹Inbody on request for an additional €15 and progress monitored.

DM if interested or to sign up.


Inbody scans now available at our gym.

Members €15

Non members €25.

Must be booked in advance.

Quickly measure weight, fat mass, muscle mass, and body water levels.
No dunking. No pinching. No discomfort. Simply stand on the device and hold the hand electrodes.



There is now a limited amount of semi personal training slots available.

To enquire or set up a consult or gym viewing just get in touch.

Package details:

🔹 Tailored program
🔹Diet and check ins included
🔹Inbody scan available on request
🔹Blood pressure monitoring if requested
🔹Coaching at every session
🔹Recipe books provided to keep food interesting.
🔹Consistent education
🔹WhatsApp group for booking sessions and other educational information
🔹Personally available on WhatsApp when needed.

Message for any other details or if you’d like to join.


🔷8 week AM Male and Female training camps🔷

It’s sign up time again for the next instalment of the bootcamp for 2023.

Get yourself in the best shape of your life and join our growing community!!

The next round of the 8 week camp will start on the 29th May and I am now taking names for places!

Details as follows:
🔷Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 6AM

🔷Price €220 for 32 sessions over the 8 weeks!

🔹Nutritional plan included with food diary analysis and weight monitored throughout!

🔹Members split into groups to help with the flow of the workouts

🔹Free recipe books, welcome pack and other PDF documents to help you along the way for the 8 weeks.

🔹Goals range from getting lean, building muscle or just getting stronger.

🔹Discount on supplements with

🔹All levels catered for so don't feel like you are too fit or unfit, you get out of it what you put in!!

DM, PM or text me on 0864135222 to book a place!


🔹It’s time for the next Evening Bootcamp🔹

Starting date Tuesday 16th May.

🔹2 days a week - Tuesday and Thursday.

🔹Time - 7-8pm

🔹Duration 8 weeks.

🔹Cost €120 for the block. €7.50 per session.

🔹Diet analysis included.

🔹Recipe books.

🔹Educational PDFs to help you find along the way.

🔹Private facility.

🔹Option to add more sessions if requested

DM if interested or to sign up.


Meet Erica!!

Today is her wedding day. She has a been a client for a while now and always enjoyed to train and work hard during her sessions. This was never an issue. The inconsistencies lay with her nutrition but there’s nothing like a wedding dress to spark change. 😂👌

Since before Christmas she tidied up her eating habits without being super strict and just stayed consistent and disciplined when needed.

Zero drastic measures, no weekly check ins even, just chats on the gym floor to keep accountability there and guidance when and where it was needed.

To do all this while working as a doctor is testament to her work ethic.

Recipe for success, education, accountability and I’ll say the word again….. CONSISTENCY!!

5% talent, 95% consistency!!

Write that down!!! Good talk 👍😎

Enjoy the day you deserve it!!!


Give me chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!

Just enough, not too much! 👌👌


🔷8 week AM Male and Female training camps🔷

It’s sign up time again for the next instalment of the bootcamp for 2023.

Get yourself in the best shape of your life and join our growing community!!

The next round of the 8 week camp will start on the 3rd April and I am now taking names for places!

Details as follows:
🔷Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 6AM

🔷Price €220 for 32 sessions over the 8 weeks!

🔹Nutritional plan included with food diary analysis and weight monitored throughout!

🔹Members split into groups to help with the flow of the workouts

🔹Free recipe books, welcome pack and other PDF documents to help you along the way for the 8 weeks.

🔹Goals range from getting lean, building muscle or just getting stronger.

🔹Discount on supplements with

🔹All levels catered for so don't feel like you are too fit or unfit, you get out of it what you put in!!

DM, PM or text me on 0864135222 to book a place!


🔹It’s time for the next Evening Bootcamp🔹

Starting date Tuesday 21st March 2023.

🔹2 days a week - Tuesday and Thursday.

🔹Time - 7-8pm

🔹Duration 8 weeks.

🔹Cost €120 for the block. €7.50 per session.

🔹Diet analysis included.

🔹Recipe books.

🔹Educational PDFs to help you along the way.

🔹Private facility.

🔹Option to add more sessions if requested

DM if interested or to sign up.

Want your business to be the top-listed Gym/sports Facility in Waterford?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Little breakdown of Bootcamp! Any questions just reach out 👌
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