World Emunah

World Emunah: empowering lives, building futures and embracing hope, together.

World Emunah is the international arm of Emunah, a leading social action organization caring for some of Israel’s most vulnerable children and families. In this role, World Emunah serves as the liaison and umbrella for dynamic Emunah affiliates in many countries throughout the world. World Emunah is also a prominent member of Israel’s national institutions, including, the World Zionist Organizatio

Photos from World Emunah's post 23/07/2024

This summer has been a roaring success at Emunah Neve Landy Children’s Village - with each day filled with fun activities and surprises for the children. It is so special for the children at our homes to have a summer filled with fun after a year filled with uncertainty and tension. And just like in previous summers, the volunteers from Kol Hanearim bring so much energy and enthusiasm, making every day an adventure!
Over the past couple of weeks, the boys at Neve Landy had a great time going to the pool and water park and even making their own restaurant evening at the home.
They also had a trivia championship evening with ice cream and treats for the winning team.
This week, the Neve Landy boys and Kol Hanearim volunteers also played a lively game of water tag, where they were joined by a visiting family - the Silvers from Toronto - who came to celebrate the Bar Mitzvah of their son Shai with the Neve Landy boys. The Silvers and their friends the Youngers played a fun game of water tag and had dinner together with some of the Bar Mitzvah boys from Neve Landy and then had some beautiful dancing and singing together to celebrate Shai’s bar mitzvah. Everyone had a great time together and it was so nice to see the boys from Neve Landy and the boys from Toronto playing and dancing together in celebration!

Photos from World Emunah's post 19/07/2024

This week Emunah launched the "Rishonot'' network with its first ever conference. Over the course of the year, 60 religious women - all of whom are managers and directors from the public, business and social sectors, participated in Emunah’s Rishonot program. This week, they all came together to participate in the first annual conference for Rishonot at Kibbutz Tzuba, uniting the women in one joint network of expert and senior leaders in their fields.
They deepened their acquaintance, discussed the challenges and the continuation of their mission and initiated partnerships and projects to promote religious women in particular and Israeli society in general.

Among the lecturers at the conference were Dr. Aliza Bloch, Prof. Asher Cohen and more.
Chairman of Emunah Israel, Yifat Sela spoke at the conference as well and said, "Increasing the public presence of religious women will give expression to diverse voices and influence thought, speech and action on the national religious society and on Israeli society as a whole. The combination of traditional values ​​and commitment to home and family, and professional excellence, yields an important ideological voice, which is missing in the public arena. We believe that women will be able to lead a discussion on complex, sometimes even controversial issues, in a way that promotes dialogue and listening."

This conference and the Rishonot program in general are an incredibly important step in promoting religious female leadership throughout Israeli society and we’re all excited to see what these women and the women in upcoming cohorts bring to the table!

Photos: Shira Flabert

Photos from World Emunah's post 17/07/2024

The children of Achuzat Sara are having a blast this summer! In addition to having fun with their friends from Kol Hanearim, all of the kids are enjoying fun camp activities and trips.
Yesterday, these activities included Army Day with “drills” and exercises run by the Achuzat Sara “Army Commanders” - the oldest boys about to enter the army themselves. The girls also enjoyed a spa day complete with facials and manicures.
And on such a hot day, how do we cool off? Emunah Australia Vice President Avital Waller came to visit and treated all of the children and staff to nice cold ice pops.
It’s so great to see all of the children enjoying their summer holidays after a tough year!

Photos from World Emunah's post 15/07/2024

The Head of Operations for World Emunah, Meira Lerner, attended the Aliyah and Diaspora Committee meeting at the Knesset today where the discussion was centered on the rise of antisemitism around the world.

The committee room was packed with representatives of various ministries, Israel's national security office and countless Israeli and global Jewish organizations. The attendants heard from Jewish community members from around the world about what they've experienced over the last year and how the rise in antisemitism has effected their lives.

Though the hate and antisemitism against Jewish communities horrible and only growing stronger, one thing was clear in that meeting - the Jewish world and Israel is united in finding ways to combat it and fight it together.

Photos from World Emunah's post 12/07/2024

The Beit Midrash for religious male and female soldiers, "Safra", has been operating for the past year in the Beit Emunah office in the heart of Tel Aviv. The Beit Midrash is an initiative of the Emunah General Assembly member, Rabbanit Dr. Hanna Friedman, and her partner in the initiative, Rabbi Momi Paluch, son of Evelyn Paluch, a longtime member of the assembly as well. The idea for the Beit Midrash was born out of recognition of the fact that religious soldiers in the Tel Aviv/Central Israel area were coming home from their bases or from wherever they were stationed and wanted to learn or unwind in a way that would inspire them and strengthen their spirit. Often, they could not find many options for doing so in their neighborhoods. Given their tough schedules, it was even harder for them to get to whatever classes and shiurim were available.

Emunah jumped at the opportunity to facilitate this unique Beit Midrash, where religious men and women, serving their country, could come together to learn in comfort from teachers who will challenge them and inspire them.

In the merit of these soldiers, may we see all of our soldiers and hostages come home soon - safe and sound!

Wishing you all a peaceful Shabbat!


Watch the latest video in our What is Emunah video series!

In this week's video, World Emunah President, Tema Klausner, shares her perspective on Emunah’s role in the Zionist movement and National Institutions and the love of Israel within Emunah.

Make sure to watch, like and share!

Photos from World Emunah's post 07/07/2024

Last Thursday, the Emunah Appleman College graduating class presented their final projects in an impressive exhibition at the Museum of the Underground Prisoners in Jerusalem.
After a complex and difficult year, the girls channeled their emotions into their art, letting their creativity take flight.
Walking through the exhibition, you can see how the events of this year touched each and every one of the students and their feelings show up in their art in such interesting and beautiful ways.
Among the presenters were Temima Swirsky - who made aliyah with her family as a child. She created moving portraits of friends that she lost since October 7th and connected them to objects that hold special meaning to her and remind her of those friends.
Another student, Taher Giber, used autumn leaves in her project to illustrate the balance and cycle of life and death, in an attempt to remind herself and others that the end is not absolute.
This is a beautiful exhibition of art, creativity and meaning and we are sure that the graduates will go on to continue creating extraordinary works of art that inspire us all!


Yesterday, Tema Klausner, the President of World Emunah and Meira Lerner, Head of Operations for World Emunah, went to visit the Sarah Ronson Counseling Center of Sderot. While there, they heard from Tami Beck, the director of the center, about the incredible and often times life saving therapy that she and her staff are providing to the citizens of Sderot and the surrounding areas.

The people that come to be treated at the Sderot counseling center have gone through some of the most traumatic and difficult experiences that one can imagine and Tami and her staff are dedicated to helping see their patients through that.

The staff of the center themselves live in the South as well and many of them also experienced trauma on and since October 7th and are still 100% dedicated to helping others heal.

The Sarah Ronson Counseling Center of Sderot is an inspiration to us all.

World Emunah World Emunah: empowering lives, building futures and embracing hope, together.


Join Emunah Jerusalem for a special lunch taking place next Wednesday! All proceeds will benefit the new music therapy room in Emunah Neve Landy Children's Home in memory of Eliad Ohayon.

Eliad was a counselor in Neve Landy and was much loved by the boys.
He was a happy, accommodating, tolerant, honest and straightforward person, sociable, curious and thrill-loving. He loved to play the guitar, drums, kahon (a type of drum) and piano, travel in Israel and abroad, and basketball. For him every person was a partner and a friend.
Eliad fell together with his father, Moshe, on October 7, 2023, bravely defending his hometown of Ofakim from Hamas.

May the music room built in his memory, be a blessing and comfort to all those who knew and loved him.

Please call or sign up at this link to register to attend this uplifting lunch!

Photos from World Emunah's post 02/07/2024

One thing we try to teach all of the children of Emunah is that no matter what we receive, we should always be ready to contribute as well. That is exactly what the girls of Alma Emunah High School in Jerusalem did this week! The girls held a fair as part of their "Creating Out" initiative for the families of their community and the school’s neighborhood.

The students manned stations filled with creative activities and managed book exchange booths. There was also a corner filled with big, hands-on wooden games and puzzles.
The theater teacher from Alma Emunah, Avigayil, led an exciting story hour accompanied by fun costumes.

It is an inspiration to see students and teachers come together, even during summer vacation, to create such a fun day and experience for their community. Well done!

Photos from World Emunah's post 30/06/2024

Summer is time for graduations and that goes for our residential childen's homes it's no different!
On Thursday, Emunah Achuzat Sara had a beautiful event celebrating the graduation of 16 of the children from the home!
For the first time, both girls and boys graduated, making this an extraordinary moment for Achuzat Sara and all of the children present.
The graduates were joined by their families, the rest of the Achuzat Sara children, their counselors and staff as they took the stage to share how much their years at the home meant to them, what their plans for the future are and all they've learnt and lessons they will bring with them in every step of their lives.
Beautiful moving speeches were given by Director of Achuzat Sara, Yair Solomon, Emunah Israel Chairwoman Yifat Sela, Chair of Achuzat Sara Dina Hahn and of course the graduates themselves.

We are so proud of these graduates and look forward to seeing all they accomplish in the future!

Photos from World Emunah's post 26/06/2024

Emunah is a place where second chances and success thrive. Sometimes, all you need is someone to believe in you. A therapist, a counselor, a friend. And sometimes, a teacher.

At Ulpanat Emunah Technology - Beit Weinstein, girls are given the chance to flourish and succeed every day, in no small part thanks to teachers who are there to support and believe in them. Teachers like Chedva Ozeri, a homeroom teacher and coordinator for the fashion design major at the high school. Chedva is so invested in her students that she makes sure to be there for each and every one of them, no matter the challenges they might be going through.
One student came to Beit Weinstein after having been in and out of several schools, after a year in which she did not study in a routine format. Chedva recognized a great talent in her - she was an amazing illustrator, and a creative, out of the box thinker.

Even though this student had a hard time persevering through the difficulty, Chedva realized that with her talent, she just needed to find a way to reach out. She created a connection with her student and opened communication with her so that her student would trust her and know that someone was there for her and believed in her. She started coming to class and worked hard and turned her life around. She eventually graduated from high school with good grades, a matriculation certificate and is now in the process of getting a degree in interior design.

This is what success in second chances looks like. When someone has Emunah - faith in you, you can achieve anything!


Emunah Elisheva High School is proud to announce their debate team won first place in the Haifa District High School debate competition!
During the competition, the team presented their firm position on the issue:
'In favor of free and non-selective immigration to the Land of Israel'.
They researched the period of immigration in the 1950s and acknowledged the discrimination and deprivation that existed in the transit camps among North African immigrants in contrast with the more elite groups who arrived in previous immigrations.

They learned to stand on a stage, present an argument, speak eloquently, use body language and more. They gave a performance full of charisma, and conquered the stage.
We are so proud of this future generation of leaders and influencers!

A special thank you goes to Ronit Gordon, a professional development coordinator and coordinator of the literature major and member of the administration at Emunah Elisheva. Ronit led the initiative to include Emunah Elisheva in Haifa’s debate competition and led the girls through the process.

Congratulations to the team and to their incredible teacher!


This week, the Head of Operations for World Emunah, Meira Lerner, spoke in the Knesset's Aliyah and Diaspora Committee discussion dedicated to the memorial of Jews around the world who were killed due to acts of antisemitism. Recently, Israel passed a law that will ensure that all Jews killed due to acts of antisemitism - Jews killed simply for being Jews - will be recognized during state ceremonies on Yom Hazikaron/Israel's Memorial Day for fallen soldiers and victims of terror.

This step is an incredibly important and timely one, bridging and strengthening the connections between the global Jewish community and recognizing that we are all responsible for each other.

Watch Meira's remarks here...

May we all know only peace and come together for only good things in the future.

Shabbat Shalom!

Photos from World Emunah's post 20/06/2024

Off to the races!
This week Emunah Neve Landy Children’s Village held their annual race with joy and fun had by all!🎊🎊
This year the race was dedicated in memory of Eliad Ohion.
Eliad was a beloved and dedicated counselor at Neve Landy.
On Simchat Torah, Eliad and his father - residents of Ofakim, heard the sound of gunshots and immediately jumped to help the residents of their city escape from the Hamas terrorists and in the process they bravely met their death as heroes...

So what did the Neve Landy children do to honor their counselor Eliad?
For two months the children trained for the race with great excitement.🏃🏃
The village was decorated for the race, complete with smoothie stands and other snack bars that gave out muesli and other healthy treats. 🍍
Of course no race is complete without a podium, medals and trophies for the winners🏆
And lots of memories of Eliad.
What a beautiful way to honor this hero and to have the children get excited about health and exercise!
Well done to the race winners and to all the children who took part and of course, to the staff of Emunah Neve Landy!


Emunah is so many things to so many people - a home, a safe haven, a sisterhood, a force of nature and goodwill. But what is Emunah to each of us individually? And why do we care so much about this wonderful organization that we are all connected
to in some form or other?

To answer those questions, we at World Emunah have launched our new mini-video series, “What is Emunah” where we will be diving into what we feel makes Emunah so special!

Watch our first video and hear Tema Klausner, President of World Emunah’s thoughts on why Emunah symbolizes *family* for so many.


An Artist is Born

Mandy Broder, from the United Kingdom, came to Israel for a seemingly normal gap year where she studied at Midreshet Moriah. After an amazing year of learning and exploring Israel she felt that one year in Israel wasn’t enough. She decided to stay in Israel and make aliyah. Mandy felt an incredibly strong connection to her homeland and a pull to fulfil her destiny, along with that of all Jews to be in Eretz Yisrael.

In choosing her next steps, she knew she wanted to go to college and get a degree but she was looking for the place that would be just right for her. She had always felt that she was an artist in her soul and being a religious girl she naturally chose Michlelet Emunah Appleman College of Arts and Technology. Needless to say, it was the best decision and best experience of her life!

Despite being the only girl in the school who was not born in Israel, everyone there was warm and friendly. Mandy learned about different styles of art and graphic design and upon graduation, received the degree that she worked so hard for. Mandy was such a stand out student that one of her teachers even offered her a job after graduation which she accepted!

After a time, Mandy realized that what really made her happy was working with her hands. She and her husband, now living in Gush Etzion, opened The Workshop, where they create Judaica carved from wood. They run workshops for groups, couples and families of all ages.

Mandy is a true model of success and testament to the wonderful opportunities that can come from following your dreams - those of aliyah and those of being the artist you want to be!

We at Emunah are thankful to be able to be a part of the journey.

Pictured: Mandy Broder at The Workshop with World Emunah President, Tema Klausner


Last week, right between the holidays of Yom Yerushalayim and Shavuot, a group of children from Neve Michael Children's Village made their way to Jerusalem, for a very special tour of the Old City and to celebrate their Bar and Bat Mitzvah's at the Kotel.

It was a beautiful experience that connected the children with their roots, and brought new meaning to the idea of what it means to be a Ben or Bat Mitzvah and a part of Am Yisrael.

Mazal tov! We know you'll make us all proud!

Photos from World Emunah's post 11/06/2024

Chag Shavuot Sameach from Emunah!!!

On this special holiday, one that celebrates and symbolizes "Emunah" - Faith - faith in God, faith in ourselves, faith in the women in our lives, we are proud to share special messages from Tema Klausner, President of World Emunah and Yifat Sela, Chairman of Emunah Israel.

May we all have a beautiful chag and a year full of Emunah!


World Emunah is overcome with joy and welcomes the return of the four hostages: Noa Argamani, Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Kozlov and Shlomi Ziv who were rescued in a heroic operation by the Israeli security forces yesterday.
Our hearts go out to the family of hero, Arnon Zamora hy”d, who fell in battle during the rescue. We mourn with you over his loss. Our children will grow up on the story of his heroism, his commitment to mutual responsibility and his special personality.
We will continue to pray and wish for the return of the 120 hostages still held captive by Hamas, for the recovery of all those who are wounded, for comfort for all the families whose hearts are missing and hurting, and for the entire nation of Israel.
May we have only more good news.
Together we will win!


Wishing everyone a cool and peaceful Shabbat from the children of Emunah!


Today we celebrate Yom Yerushalayim - the 57th anniversary of the reunification of our capital, Jerusalem, and our miraculous victory in the Six Day War. It is a celebration of bravery, of unity, and of the bond between our people and our land. Just like then, we are in a war where our soldiers are displaying their strength and bravery. And we are praying for reunification - of the hostages with their families. May they come home swiftly and safely.

Photos from World Emunah's post 04/06/2024

This week, World Emunah President Tema Klausner and the Head of the French Desk for World Emunah, Noemie Azagoury, are visiting communities in France to speak about Israel, the war and the amazing impact that Emunah has had towards the war effort and so much more.

The women of Strasbourg hosted a Babka Bake attended by over 150 where Hafrashat Challah was taken with a special prayer said for soldiers, the hostages, the wounded and all of Am Yisrael.

Tema also spoke at an intimate dinner with the leadership of Boulogne- Billancourt about the incredible work the Emunah does to ensure women's representation in all areas of decision making and society in Israel.

Tema and Noemie also visited a school in Paris where they spoke with the boys of the school about the Emunah children's homes, and what it's like for boys and girls living in Israel during war and the boys at the school wrote letters to the boys at Neve Landy Children's Village.

This is just a taste of the wonderful work World Emunah is doing this week in France, and all over the world - bringing a bit of Israel and an injection of Zionism to communities near and far.


Incredible news for the women of Israel!

Following Emunah's appeal, the Minister of Religion will appoint 10 women to the selection committee for the nominations for the Chief Rabbinate.
Last night the Chairwoman of the Emunah Israel, Yifat Sela, appealed to Minister of Religion Malchieli to appoint 10 women to the selection committee by virtue of his authority to appoint 10 representatives who will take part in the vote to nominate the chief rabbis and the chief rabbinical council.

Emunah will continue to be at the forefront of the fight for women's representation and ensuring that women will always have a seat at the table.

Photos from World Emunah's post 02/06/2024

On Thursday night, the Emunah Appleman College unveiled a new exhibit at the “Villa” gallery at the college, honoring the work of artist, and former Emunah College professor, Meir Eshel.
Eshel is the famous designer of countless Israeli stamps, medals, coins and of course - the bills with faces of Israeli leaders that so many of us have in our wallets.
Walking through the exhibit is like taking a walk through Zionist history, noting the stamps designed in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Yad Vashem and the 50th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem, and so much more. The emotion felt when taking in the last stamp designed by Eshel - one commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, just weeks before October 7th - washes over you.
This exhibit is a beautiful and purposeful one, reminding us all that our history does not only exist in books, or need to be observed at a tourist site - but we all carry a little bit of it with us wherever we are.
Fun fact: Meir Eshel, a former Emunah college professor designed the bills for the Israeli shekel in the 90’s. But did you know that the last round of designs for the new Israeli shekel, unveiled in the 2010’s was designed by an Emunah college graduate? Osnat Eshel (not related to Meir Eshel) designed the latest round of Israeli shekel bills, two of which featured women - Leah Goldberg and Rachel the Poet.


Shabbat Shalom from the children of World Emunah!


Last night the boys of Emunah Neve Landy Children's Village celebrated the Bar Mitzvah of 9 of their boys!

The celebration was a beautiful event that brought together the whole center, some of the boys families, and even Yeshiva boys from the Neve Shmuel Yeshiva in Gush Etzion who danced and sang with tons of energy.

We were so grateful to have Emunah Canada President, Aryella Weisz join the festivities in person, along with Emunah Israel Chairwoman Yifat Sela and World Emunah President, Tema Klausner.

Mazal Tov to the new Bnei Mitzvah!

Home - World Emunah 24/05/2024

Wishing you a restful and peaceful Shabbat Shalom from all at World Emunah.

Home - World Emunah Emunah provides life changing services to help the most vulnerable members of Israeli society to break the cycle of distress.

Home - World Emunah 17/05/2024

Shabbat Shalom from World Emunah in Israel!

Home - World Emunah Emunah provides life changing services to help the most vulnerable members of Israeli society to break the cycle of distress.


Happy Yom HaAtzmaut!

Israel is 3,000 years old and 76 years young today!

Happy Independence Day from all at World

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Believing in Israel’s Future

World Emunah is the international arm of Emunah, a leading social action organization caring for some of Israel’s most vulnerable children and families. In this role, World Emunah serves as the liaison and umbrella organization for dynamic Emunah affiliates in many countries throughout the world.

World Emunah, with offices in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, is run by a small but dedicated team of professionals. Policy decisions and general oversight is the role of World Emunah's Executive Board, under the leadership of our president.

World Emunah’s Mission:

To encourage, motivate and support Emunah affiliate organizations in their resource development and fund raising endeavours for Emunah projects in Israel.

To actively pursue and develop fundraising opportunities in Israel and overseas, on behalf of Emunah projects in Israel.

To liaise between our Emunah affiliates, donors and other interested parties, with regard to ongoing projects and needs, providing information, updates, photographs, documentation and additional requirements.

Videos (show all)

Watch the latest video in our What is Emunah video series!In this week's video, World Emunah President, Tema Klausner, s...
This week, the Head of Operations for World Emunah, Meira Lerner, spoke in the Knesset's Aliyah and Diaspora Committee d...
What is Emunah - Family
Anyone else feeling anxious these days? Here we have Ruti Meiri, the Director of Emunah's Therapeutic Centers, offering ...
World Emunah, together with all of Israel, calls for the immediate return of all those who were taken hostage on October...
Emunah has twelve counselling centers across Israel providing vital emotional and psychological to the citizens of Israe...
Happy Chanukah to you and your family! 🥰🥳🕯
Emunah Afula's dedicated music teacher, Lily Shatkin has raised a generation of children to love music and play the pian...
We are celebrating the Jewish Ethiopian festival of Sigd at an Emunah Day Care Center in Netanya. At Emunah, we recogniz...
A Slam Dunk for Teens from America and Israel! 😄With over 10,000 young athletes coming to Israel for the 21st World Macc...
Hi! We’re the Kol HaNearim Madrichot working here at Emunah Achuzat Sara Children’s Home- we have taken over Facebook an...


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