Dr. Vibhu Bahl - Orthopaedics

Always caring about your health, we are here to help you! Dr. Vibhu Bahl has 17 years of experience in the field of Orthopaedics.

The doctor's qualification is MBBS, M.S(Ortho)

Timeline photos 26/04/2022

Rich in antioxidants, an overripe banana is the best remedy to slow down cell damage and improve the body's immunity. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals, which steal electrons from molecules and damage cells in the process.

Best time to have banana - In the morning along with breakfast cereals
Should you have banana on an empty stomach - No
When to avoid banana - After dinner.

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3et72cN


Timeline photos 25/04/2022

Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease that kills hundreds of thousands of people, mainly children, every year. Malaria's symptoms are caused by parasites and not mosquitoes. Malaria is transmitted when infected mosquitoes bite and inject malaria parasites into their human victim.
Here are some preventive measures you can take to control malaria and stop it from spreading further.
1. Wear full sleeve protective clothing.
2. Spray mosquito repellents.
3. Use a mosquito net at night as mosquitoes get active during the night and pose a higher risk.
4. Keep your home and surroundings clean without junk, waste, or stagnant water.
5. As soon as you find any possible signs of malaria, consult your doctor immediately.

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3et72cN

Timeline photos 21/04/2022

The feet support our entire body. Any misalignment can weaken this support and lead to injuries. Flatfoot bears an impact on overall health. Severe pain, ankles rolling inwards, and leg fatigue can debilitate your leg balance and affect your range of motion. Therefore, before severity strikes, consult an orthopedic to understand appropriate physical therapies, nutrition and exercise, and even the need for orthotic shoe inserts to fight flatfoot problems.

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3fL4g4Z

Timeline photos 20/04/2022

Blazing heat and energy-sapping humidity can spell doom on your health in summer. So make sure you are correctly armed with a nutritious diet to fight off summer meltdown!
Include water-rich fruits in your diet. One of our seasonal favourites is Watermelon. Being a rich source of Vitamin A, it is good for your eyes and immunity. In addition, citrulline plays an important role in the synthesis of nitric oxide, which helps lower blood pressure by relaxing the blood vessels. Potassium aids in crucial heart functions, improves muscle work, and strengthens bones.
Make a salad with fresh sprouts or nuts, or juice it up with a pinch of rock salt; Watermelon can energise you right away with a dash of much needed freshness anytime of the day.

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3et72cN


Your life depends as much on your liver as on your choices. To minimize your chances of liver damage, you should
1. Avoid obesity,
2. Keep a healthy weight,
3. Eat a balanced diet and cut down on high calorie-meals, saturated fat, refined carbohydrates & sugar,
4. Exercise regularly to burn triglycerides and reduce liver fat.
5. Drink plenty of water,
6. Wash your hands after using the bathroom,
7. Limit alcohol,
8. Wear a mask when handling chemicals such as cleaning and aerosol products, insecticides & additives,
9. Practice safe s*x,
10. Consult a doctor immediately if experiencing signs like abdominal pain and swelling, passing dark urine, feeling nauseous & experiencing chronic fatigue.

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3et72cN

Timeline photos 18/04/2022

It deals with the A, B, Cs of Liver Health!
Can you guess?

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3et72cN

Timeline photos 17/04/2022

Excessive bruising, prolonged and heavy menstrual periods (menorrhagia), unexplained nosebleeds, and extended bleeding after minor cuts are signs of Haemophilia, a disorder to form a proper blood clot. Out of the 13 major clotting factors in the body, if anyone is deficient or defective, it can lead to mild, moderate, or severe haemophilic conditions. More than 1,36,000 people have Haemophilia in India, and many suffer because of ignorance. So, let us raise awareness to fight Haemophilia together as a community.

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3et72cN

Timeline photos 13/04/2022

Pregnancy induces a whole lot of changes in the female body. The most significant is musculoskeletal pain, often felt as back pain, pelvic pain, and hip pain. In some instances, pregnant women develop tendinitis and even carpal tunnel syndrome. In addition, as the uterus grows in size, it alters the body's center of gravity and puts pressure on the axial and pelvic systems.

Regular checkups and lifestyle changes can help manage musculoskeletal pain, but surgical intervention may be required in severe cases.

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3fL4g4Z

Timeline photos 13/04/2022

Morning nausea can happen to anyone besides pregnant women. It's a symptom of poor work-life balance, sleep disorders, alcohol addiction, chronic stress, obesity issues, and dehydration. There is nothing to be alarmed about, though.
For effective remedy, reach out to a specialist and get checked.

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3et72cN

Timeline photos 11/04/2022

Did you know a pregnant woman is at higher risk of delivering a premature baby if she contracts COVID-19? That's why it's vital that expecting mothers and family members stay alert and take extreme care to prevent COVID-19. Avoid social functions and crowded spaces, wear a mask, and sanitise regularly to keep the baby healthy and safe.

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3et72cN

Timeline photos 07/04/2022

With Precaution, Prevention, Practice, & Preparation, we can achieve multiple health goals! Play your part to raise your standards and awareness to protect the collective health of the world community.

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3et72cN

Timeline photos 03/04/2022

Prevention of any disease starts with awareness. Here's a quiz to check yours. So share your answers, and don't forget to tag your friends and family.

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3et72cN


A child with Autism may not make eye contact as frequently as you expect.
They may appear to be uninterested in people.
They may not respond when you speak to them or call their name.
They may display rigid behaviours or unusual routine rituals, such as lining up their toys in a specific way or flipping light switches on and off repetitively.

Don’t ignore the signs of . Talk to a specialist if there is anything that bothers you about your child. Fight Autism by paying attention and raising awareness.

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3et72cN

Timeline photos 02/04/2022

Back pain often goes away; however, people complaining about the pain that won't go away often resort to bed rest.

But medical practitioners have a different opinion on this. According to specialists, absolute bed rest or lack of mobility can stiffen loose muscles and aggravate the situation.

If you are in terrible pain, lying down for a day or two may ease the distress, but prolonged bed rest can cause more damage. Staying active and moderating your daily activities to control your symptoms effectively handles back pain issues.

Recovery is easier when you start moving, even a little bit, because, with bed rest, you can lose about 1% of your muscular strength.

How to treat the pain?
If you want to reduce back pain effectively, consider
- Hot and cold packs,
- Light exercise routine and
- Prescribed medicines from a specialist.

Remember, bed rest is a go-to option for fractures and surgery and cannot cure muscle pain issues.

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3fL4g4Z

Timeline photos 24/02/2022

Vitamin C is an essential vitamin that helps our body absorb iron. Because the body can't produce or retain Vitamin C, it should be included in everyday diet.

However, overdosing on Vitamin C can be harmful. According to standard medicine, the recommended vitamin dose for an adult is 65 - 90 mg per day.

Talk to a nutritionist to regulate vitamin C amounts and avoid overdosing.

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3et72cN

Timeline photos 21/02/2022

If there is swelling and joint pain, one should try cold therapy followed by heat therapy. If there is severe pain without inflammation, heat therapy alone can provide relief.

Cold therapy reduces inflammation and numbs the area, while heat increases blood circulation and helps loosen up the muscles.

For chronic pain or arthritic conditions, a patient can use a combination of either. However, for the best result, consult a doctor.

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3fL4g4Z

Timeline photos 20/02/2022

Gingerol, the main bioactive compound of ginger, makes it one of the healthiest spices with multiple proven health benefits. Gingerol has potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which can cure seasonal cough and cold.

Other Benefits
- Aids better digestion
- Prevents nausea
- Combats soreness and fungal infections
- Can help reduce osteoarthritis symptoms
- Lower blood sugar levels and LDL, and
- Can protect against age-related brain damage.

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3et72cN

Timeline photos 16/02/2022

Rare diseases affect almost 300 million people globally and can be categorised as chronic, progressive and life-threatening. While 72% of rare diseases stem from genetic conditions, other factors that can trigger RD in early childhood are bacterial & viral infections. With 6000 types identified, medical research inclines to believe that rare diseases in most reported cases start in early childhood.

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3et72cN

Timeline photos 15/02/2022

Are you experiencing pain and discomfort because of Bowlegs?

If not treated in time, Bowlegs can exert pressure on joints and lead to swelling, tenderness, and permanent deformity.

What bowlegs look like?
In a standing posture if the knee faces opposite sides and form an O-shaped curvature then its a Bowleg.

Symotoms of bow legs
- Knee and hip pain
- Reduced hip motion range
- Difficulty in running
- Knee instability

How to diagnose Bowlegs?
To understand the alignment issue of the hips, knee and legs get a full leg X-ray.

Correcting Bowlegs without surgery
If it is not an advanced stage, it is possible to naturally straighten bowlegs with a structured balance-exercise program that strengthen hip adductors, abductors and stretch external rotators.

Another exercise that can help strengthen sheen bone is dorsiflexion.

However, a bowleg correction treatment requires time and consistency. Also, do remember a specialist must supervise all correctional therapy sessions.

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3fL4g4Z

Timeline photos 06/02/2022

Cabbage leaf wrap is more of a home-based remedy use to combat OA pain and inflammation in the knee. The phytonutrients, anthocyanins and glutamine contents of cabbage have anti-inflammatory properties which may help relieve joint pain. But medically, there is still room for research and confirmation. However, wrapping up a cabbage leaf on an inflamed area does not cause any harm.

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3fL4g4Z

Timeline photos 05/02/2022

The brain needs enough creative juice to feel active and perform well. Yawns are signals which indicate brain fatigue. It is also an involuntary response of the body to breathe more air so that oxygen can reach the neurotransmitters and keep the brain from shutting down.

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3et72cN


Commemorating World cancer day with a series of cancer-specific posts to help you all bust myths and check facts on various types of cancer. Stay with us to know in detail. Together we can fight and beat cancer.

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3et72cN

Timeline photos 01/02/2022

Karvol has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, which cleanses mucous and prevents the build-up of bacterial infection. For optimum benefit, inhale steam using Karvol before going to bed for more than 2 minutes at a time. However, it might cause ocular irritation. Therefore it is best to keep your eyes closed.
Repeat it twice a day if possible.

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3et72cN

Timeline photos 29/01/2022

Fruits are one of the healthiest diet choices, but they also have adverse effects on the body if consumed at the wrong time.

It is easier for the body to break down the fruit-sugar contents on an empty stomach. So can you guess the time when it is most beneficial to have your daily dose of nutrients?

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3et72cN

Timeline photos 27/01/2022

While most diseases mentioned here are related to joint pain and limb functions, the odd one is caused by a suppressed nerve! It leads to numbness and mostly muscle spasms.

Can you guess better now?

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3fL4g4Z


Celebrating multi-speciality choices for multiple health needs. We stand by India in good health and joy. Happy Republic Day to each and every one of you.

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3et72cN

Timeline photos 25/01/2022

People who have sporadic eating habits put on weight more quickly than others! Evidence shows that how we eat is equally important as what we eat.
In general, when people enjoy their meal, they can keep off from unhealthy snacking. A little mindfulness about your diet and meal-times can be a stepping stone towards a fitter body and a happy mind,
Next time you sit to eat, keep your phone away and concentrate on your food.

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3et72cN

Timeline photos 20/01/2022

Warm feet in bed send sleep signals to your brain that it’s time for shuteye. While hot water bottles, heat pads and electric blankets are helpful, they may cause overheating and end up interfering with sleep. So wearing cotton or woollen socks is an excellent idea to get ample warmth for keeping your feet warm. However, ensure that you wear socks that are not too tight, and avoid compression socks unless advised by a doctor.

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3et72cN

Timeline photos 17/01/2022

Exposure to bright lights or morning sun can trigger sneezing, which is difficult to control. Medically called photic sneeze reflex, people can find relief by shielding their eyes and faces from sudden exposure to bright light.

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3et72cN

Timeline photos 14/01/2022

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder begins in childhood and may persist in adult days. Seek early consultation to help manage ADHD symptoms better. If ignored, ADHD can intensify and lead to many personality issues like low self-esteem, poor relationships, lack of friends and more. Overall, ADHD can impact the quality of life to a great extent.

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3et72cN

Timeline photos 12/01/2022

Knuckle cracking is harmless, actually, and it has got nothing to do with snapping a bone. The reason behind the pop sound, which can be a little discomforting, is gas bubbles that form in between the finger joints.

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3fL4g4Z


Nasal strips are wonderful to rectify mild snoring. They are spring-like bands that lift the nasal passage opening them wider to improve airflow. But for severe snorers, nasal strips may not be the ideal solution. Talk to your doctor to evaluate a more permanent cure in case of problematic snoring.

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3et72cN

Timeline photos 08/01/2022

Scoliosis can be reversed if caused due to nonstructural reasons. However, it is impossible to cure structural scoliosis or severe curvature of the spine.

Scoliosis is caused mainly by Cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, birth defects, infections, tumours or down syndrome.

Consult a doctor if you frequently experience muscle spasms or have appendicitis related inflammation.

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3fL4g4Z

Timeline photos 07/01/2022

Fat is the most important source of energy in the body. The body requires fat to regulate reproductory and steroid hormones, boost healthy brain functions and help dissolve Vitamins like A, D, E & K. Fat also insulates the organs and makes up for calorie deficiency.
So how much fat do you think the adult body requires every day?

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3et72cN

Timeline photos 06/01/2022

Coronaviruses have huge genomes with more than a dozen of virus-encoded proteins, which is why they mutate radically, and the chance of contamination remains high.
Booster vaccine can counter the mutated keep everyone safe from severe health afflictions.

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3et72cN

Timeline photos 02/01/2022

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease, whereas Gout is an inflammatory disorder.

Understanding the difference
When it comes to treating the underlying disease, doctors focus their efforts on treating the cause. RA treatment may include drugs that suppress the immune system and prevent it from attacking the nerves and tissues. Gout treatment usually includes medications that prevent the buildup of uric acid crystals.

Treatment for RA
Methotrexate is generally recommended for RA. This drug has lower toxicity, is easy to administer and is an inexpensive option to treat RA. However, RA patients might require hip or joint bone replacements in severe cases.

Treatment for Gout
In gout, a variety of combined drugs may be required. For example, to check uric acid production, Allopurinol can be suggested. Alongside, pain relief or inflammation-reducing medicines like Colchicine can be taken.

However, treatment will vary depending on the patient's overall health condition, which is why the patient should keep away from NSAIDs and over-the-counter drugs.

The need for proper medical consultation
Rheumatoid Arthritis and Gout diagnosis require a proper evaluation of family history, chronic health conditions, and more. Therefore consulting a specialist is essential.

Also, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Gout has similar symptoms for pain and tenderness. Before opting for medication, get appropriately diagnosed because the wrong medicines can cause various severe health complications that can affect other organs of the body.
Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3fL4g4Z

Timeline photos 01/01/2022

Cheers to new beginnings, a new turnaround from the clutches of a COVID-19 ridden world! Start your new year in the best possible way, with precautions.
Stay careful, Live healthily.

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3et72cN


Timeline photos 30/12/2021

Booster vaccine doses strengthen immunity and protect people from severe COVID-19 health impacts.
Though still not mandated, it may be a good idea to get the booster shot. Consult your doctor to understand more about COVID-19 related information.

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3et72cN

Timeline photos 26/12/2021

The road to recovery from IT Band Syndrome requires attention to what exercises are allowed and what's not. Doing the wrong workouts can harm the connective tissues, causing further muscle damage and painful sprains.

Here's a list of activities to cut down upon:
1. Running
2. Cycling
3. Squats
4. Lunges

Before you start your activities, ensure to incorporate regular warm-up and stretching, also strategise a pain-relief system like anti-inflammatory medications, ice compress and massage. Most importantly, find a balance between rest, exercise and daily life activities.

Exhausting the muscle strength of the thighs can lead to several complications. To avoid such issues, consult an immediately.

Book a doctor consultation at: https://bit.ly/3fL4g4Z

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World Liver Day
World Autism Day
World Cancer Day
Republic Day
Healthy Heart
Diabetes Care
Children's Day
World Antibiotics Awareness Week
Diwali 2021




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Opening Hours

Monday 11am - 1pm
6pm - 8pm
Tuesday 11am - 1pm
6pm - 8pm
Wednesday 11am - 1pm
6pm - 8pm
Thursday 11am - 1pm
6pm - 8pm
Friday 11am - 1pm
6pm - 8pm
Saturday 11am - 1pm
6pm - 8pm

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