UPSC preparation with assured qualify IAS preliminary exam 2022

This classes for UPSC aspirants to qualify prelims exam in first attempt. i assured to all students


o Governor whose term has expired may be reappointed in the same state or any other state.
o Finance Commission consists of a chairman and four other members.???????????/
o President = eligible for = re-election to that office.
o Vice-President = eligible for re-election to that office
Not Eligible for 2nd term office to that office (done) Verified
 chairman / member of UPSC is (after having completed his first term):-
 not eligible = reappointment to = that office (i.e., not eligible for = 2nd term).

 chairman / member of a SPSC is (after having completed his first term)
 not eligible = reappointment = to that office (that is, not eligible for = 2nd term).

 Lokayukta = not eligible = reappointment =for 2nd term.
on behalf = ceasing to hold office = No eligible for = appointment ( Verified)
o chairman = UPSC (on ceasing to hold office):-
 not eligible = further employment in the Government of India or a state.
member = UPSC (on ceasing to hold office) = eligible for:-
 appointment as = chairman of = UPSC/ State Public Service Commission.
 but not for = any other employment under =Government of India or a state.

o chairman of a SPSC (on ceasing to hold office):-
 is eligible for appointment as
 chairman / member of the UPSC or
 chairman of any other SPSC,
 but not for any other employment under the Government of India or a state.
member of = SPSC (on ceasing to hold office) is eligible for:- appointment as :-
 chairman or a member of the UPSC or
 as chairman of that SPSC or any other SPSC,
 but not for any other employment under the Government of India or a state.

o Lokpal = Restriction on employment by Chairperson and Members after ceasing to hold office.

o CAG = (ceases to hold his office) = not eligible for = further office :-
 either under the Government of India / any state.

Not eligible for = Reappointment = After their tenure (Verified)
o NHRC ( After their tenure)= chairman & members:-
 not eligible= for further employment under the Central / state government.
 hold office for a term of 5 years / until they attain = age of 70 years.

o SHRC= (After their tenure) = chairman & Members:-
 not eligible= for further employment under the Central / state government.
 hold office for a term of 5 years / until they attain = age of 70 years.
 Note :- Member = eligible for re-appointment for another term of 5 years subject to the age limit of 70 years.

o CVC = (After their tenure) = term = 4 years / attain age = 65 years.
 = not eligible for further employment under = Central / state government.
not eligible for= Reappointment (Verified)
o Chief Information Commissioner / Information Commissioner hold office for a term of 5 years / attain the age of 65 years, whichever is earlier.
 They are not eligible for= reappointment.
Note :- Information Commissioner is eligible for :-
 appointment as = Chief Information Commissioner but cannot hold office for more than a total of 5 years including his term as Information Commissioner.

o State Chief Information Commissioner / State Information Commissioner:-hold office for a term of 5 years or until they attain the age of 65 years, whichever is earlier:-
 not eligible for = reappointment.
Note :- State Information Commissioner:-
 is eligible for appointment as = State Chief Information Commissioner but
 cannot hold office for more than a total of 5 years including his term as = State Information Commissioner.


Organisation with pre definitions

22 april 2022
In ₹� crore, the amount of
donation received by
seven electoral trusts
from corporates and
individuals, with the BJP
bagging more than 82% (₹�212.05
crore) of it, according to poll rights
body Association for Democratic
Reforms (ADR). An electoral trust is a
organisation formed in India
for the orderly receiving of
contributions from corporate entities
and individuals to political parties. It
aims at improving transparency in the
usage of funds for electionrelated

Article 31(1) of the Refugee Convention,
1951, which prohibits any
state from penalising any person
seeking sanctuary for entering the
country illegally provided they
present themselves to authorities
on arrival.

India, despite
being Japan’s partner in the
IndoPacifi�c =‘Quad’

Germans suff�er from high costs of
heating in winter due to their dependence
on Russian gas, Americans
face a shortage of electric
cars due to unavailability of car
batteries that are dependent on
Russian nickel,

Places in news
22 april 2022
Kiru Hydroelectric
power project, Chenab Valley
Power Projects (P
China’s government announced on April 19 that it
had signed a landmark security pact with the Solomon
Islands, evoking concern from Australia
and the U.S. The agreement is the fi�rst of its kind that
China has agreed with any country, and underlines its
ambitions to play a security role in the Pacifi�c.
media have mentioned ChinaPakistan
patrols in
Kashmir, while reports have suggested
the deployment of security forces in Tajikistan near
the Wakhan corridor that links Afghanistan and Xinjiang.
north Kashmir’s
The Gujarat Anti Terrorist
Squad, in a joint operation
with the Directorate of Revenue
Intelligence, on
Thursday seized nearly
260 kg of he**in worth
₹�1,500 crore at the Kandla
port in Kutch district of
Gujarat, drugs worth
₹�21,000 crore were confi�scated
from containers at
the Mundra port. Mundra Port is the largest private port of India located on the north shores of the Gulf of Kutch near Mundra, Kutch district, Gujarat.

22 april 2022
56In percentage, the increase in
gems and jewellery exports
in 202122
to $39.15 billion
which shows a significant
jump in exports compared to
the previous financial year, according
to the Gem and Jewellery Export
Promotion Council (GJEPC).
On April 14, 2022, the British
Home Secretary, Priti Patel,
signed the U.K. and Rwanda
Migration and Economic Development
Partnership, a Memorandum
of Understanding (MoU)
between the United Kingdom and
Rwanda. Under this MoU, most migrants
who have made their way to
the U.K. via unauthorised routes
on or after January 1, 2022 will fi�nd
themselves redirected to a holding
centre in Rwanda where they will
wait for the Rwandan government
to make decisions on their asylum

22 april 2022
The Wildlife (Protection)
Act, 1972 provides a legal framework for the protection
of various species of
wild animals and plants.

Wildlife (Protection) Amendment
Bill, 2021One of the clauses proposed
by the Ministry was to
have a Standing Committee
of the State Board for Wildlife
(SBWL) to make the
functioning of the body
“more purposive”
Procedure (Identifi�cation)
Act, 2022, that allows police
to forcibly take ‘measurements’
of an arrested
person or convict “requires
consideration”. provisions
of the Act makes it lawful
for the police to forcibly
take ‘measurements’ of
convicts, arrestees, detainees,
undertrials and any
person who may be remotely
connected with an
off�ence without fi�rst establishing
their involvement
or the evidentiary value of
such ‘measurements’. Resistance
to or refusal to allow
the taking of measurements
are also termed an
an off�ence under the Act.
Street Vendors (Protection
of Livelihood and Regulation
of Street Vending) Act,
2014, was enacted to protect
the livelihood of these
poor people.” He termed
the bulldozing exercise “a
violation of the rule of law
despite the order by the Supreme

22 april 2022’
Investigation Agency
was handed over the probe
to look at terror fi�nancing
through drug smuggling.

22 april 2022
Enforcement Directorate
(ED) submitted a complaint
(a chargesheet) in a
special court against Maharashtra
Cabinet Minister
Nawab Malik in a money
laundering case

Organisation :-

22 april 2022

Association for Democratic
Reforms (ADR

Guru Tegh Bahadur

illegally entered
the country from Bangladesh
or are Rohingya fl�eeing
Myanmar was false.

CBI has registered two
cases — on a reference from
the Jammu & Kashmir government
following corruption

Chenab Valley

Cyclone Amphan
struck two years ago.

Gem and Jewellery Export
Promotion Council (GJEPC).
SolicitorGeneral. Bangladeshis’ and ‘Rohingya

UNHCR depot for:- UNHCR (United Nations
High Commissioner for Refugees)
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
o UNHCR works for rights and future for refugees, forcibly displaced communities and stateless people.
 It was created in 1950, during the aftermath of the Second World War, to help millions of Europeans who had fled or lost their homes.
o According to UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), a refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of = persecution, war, or violence.
YuWaah is a multi-stakeholder platform that aims to prepare young people to transition from education and learning => productive work and active citizenship.
o Recently, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports and YuWaah (Generation Unlimited India) together signed on a partnership to empower young people.
o It is being done in collaboration with UN in India (UNICEF, UNDP, UNFPA, UNODC, UNEP, UNHCR and ILO), aims to develop the potential of young people through meaningful engagement and participation in social, civic and community initiatives.

Cyclone Amphan
struck two years ago= Super Cyclonic Storm Amphan was a powerful and catastrophic tropical cyclone that caused widespread damage in Eastern India, specifically in West Bengal and Odisha, and in Bangladesh, in May 2020.


NIA = National
Investigation Agency
was handed over the probe
to look at terror fi�nancing
through drug smuggling.

State Election Commission

commemorative coin and
postage stamp to mark the
400th birth anniversary of
Guru Tegh Bahadur. Guru Tegh Bahadur
was the great hope for
India to save its identity and
stand against Mughal emperor
Aurangzeb’s tyranny.

Guru Gobind Singh’s sons,

Kartarpur Sahib corridor

on International Trade in
Endangered Species of Wild
Fauna and Flora (CITES), to
which India is a signatory.

UPSC preparation with assured qualify IAS preliminary exam 2022 Send a message to learn more.


Tribe the hindu 2022
18 april 2022
The Sarna (tribal) couple.Community weddings for
couples living in under the
dhuku tradition

Organisatio with pre definitions

18 april 2022
University Grants
Commission’s new policy
allowing students in higher
education to pursue two
full time courses

Pradhan Mantri
Yojana (PMJDY) under
which about 50 crore bank accounts have been opened to enable
fi�nancial inclusion and empowerment.

The PMLA was brought in
to prevent parking of
money outside India and to
trace out the layering and
the trail of money. The ED
got its power to investigate
these crimes under Sections
48 and 49 of the Act. Whenever any off�ence is
registered by a local police
station, which has
generated proceeds of crime
over and above ₹�1 crore,
the ED steps in. The ED can
also carry out search
(property) and seizure
(money/documents) if it
suspects money has been
laundered. The Enforcement
Directorate (ED) is in the news now and
often. It goes back to May 1, 1956, when an
‘Enforcement Unit’ was formed in the
Department of Economic Aff�airs, for
handling Exchange Control Laws violations
under the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act
(FERA). The ED today is a multidimensional
organisation investigating economic off�ences
under the Prevention of Money Laundering
Act (PMLA), Fugitive Economic Off�enders
Act, Foreign Exchange Management Act and
FERA. When proceeds of crime (property/money)
are generated, the best way to save that
money is by parking it somewhere, so one is
not answerable to anyone in the country.
Therefore, there was a need to control and
prevent the laundering of money. The PMLA
was brought in for this exact reason in 2002,
but was enacted only in 2005. The objective
was to prevent parking of the money outside
India and to trace out the layering and the
trail of money. So as per the Act, the ED got
its power to investigate under Sections 48
(authorities under act) and 49 (appointment
and powers of authorities and other
offi�cers). If money has been laundered abroad, the
PMLA court (constituted as per the Act) has
the right to send a letter of rogatory under
Section 105 (reciprocal arrangements
regarding processes) of the Code of Criminal
Procedure. The said government can then
share the documents and evidence needed
by the agency. Whenever any off�ence is registered by a local
police station, which has generated proceeds
of crime over and above ₹�1 crore, the
investigating police offi�cer forwards the
details to the ED. Alternately, if the off�ence
comes under the knowledge of the Central agency, they can then call for the First
Information Report (FIR) or the chargesheet
if it has been fi�led directly by police offi�cials.
This will be done to fi�nd out if any
laundering has taken place.

What diff�erentiates the probe between
the local police and offi�cers of the ED?
Consider the following scenario: If a theft
has been committed in a nationalised bank,
the local police station will fi�rst investigate
the crime. If it is learnt that the founder of
the bank took all the money and kept it in
his house, without being spent or used, then
the crime is only theft and the ED won’t
interfere because the amount has already
been seized. But if the amount which has
been stolen is used after four years to
purchase some properties, then the
money is brought back in the
market; or if the money is given to someone
else to buy properties in diff�erent parts of
the country, then there is ‘laundering’ of
money and the ED will need to step in and
look into the layering and attachment of
properties to recover the money.
Under Section 50 of the PMLA, the ED
can also directly carry out search and
seizure without calling the person for
questioning. If jewellery costing ₹�1 crore is stolen,
police offi�cers will investigate the theft. The
ED, however, will attach assets of the
accused to recover the amount of ₹�1 crore. The ED carries out search (property) and
seizure (money/documents) after it has
decided that the money has been laundered,
under Section 16 (power of survey) and
Section 17 (search and seizure) of the PMLA.
On the basis of that, the authorities will
decide if arrest is needed as per Section 19
(power of arrest).
Under Section 50 (powers of authorities
regarding summons, production of
documents and to give evidence etc), the ED
can also directly carry out search and
seizure without calling the person for
questioning. It is not necessary to summon
the person fi�rst and then start with the
search and seizure.
If the person is arrested, the ED gets 60
days to fi�le the prosecution complaint
(chargesheet) as the punishment under
PMLA doesn't go beyond seven years. If no
one is arrested and only the property is
attached, then the prosecution complaint
along with attachment order is to be
submitted before the adjudicating authority
within 60 days.
The PMLA being relatively new, can the
ED investigate cases of money
laundering retrospectively? If an illgotten
property is acquired before
the year 2005 (when the law was brought in)
and disposed off�, then there is no case under
PMLA. But if proceeds of the crime were
possessed before 2005, kept in cold storage,
and used after 2005 by buying properties,
the colour of the money is still black and the
person is liable to be prosecuted under
PMLA. Under Section 3 (off�ence of money
laundering) a person shall be guilty of the
off�ence of moneylaundering,
if such person
is found to have directly or indirectly
attempted to indulge or knowingly assist a
party involved in one or more of the
following activities — concealment;
possession; acquisition; use; or projecting as
untainted property; or claiming as untainted
property in any manner.
we had great scientists such as
Baudhayana, Aryabhata, Brahmagupta,
Bhaskaracharya, Mahaviracharya,
Varahamihira, Kanada,
Susruta, Charaka, Patanjali,= etc.
who made pioneering contributions
in various fi�elds of knowledge

Patanjali, also called Gonardiya, or Gonikaputra, author or one of the authors of two great Hindu classics:
 Yoga-sutras: It’s a categorization of Yogic thought arranged in four volumes with the titles “Psychic Power,” “Practice of Yoga,” “Samadhi” (state of profound contemplation of the Absolute), and “Kaivalya” (separateness); and
 The Mahabhashya (“Great Commentary”): It is both a defense of the grammarian Panini against his chief critic and detractor Katyayana and a refutation of some of Panini’s aphorism

Sushruta, or Suśruta was an ancient Indian physician and surgeon known today as India's “Father of Surgery” and “Father of Plastic Surgery” or "father of brain surgery" for inventing and developing surgical procedures.
• The Charaka samhita and the Sushruta samhita by Charaka and Susruta were the most important works of medicine. Their conclusions are presented in the Ashtanga Sangraha by Vagbhatta I. he other two scholars Charaka and Susruta (during ) Gupta age.
Mahaviracharya : :wrote :- Ganit Sara Sangraha
There is an elaborate description of mathematics in Jain literature (500 B.C -100 B.C). Jain gurus knew how to solve quadratic equations. They have also described fractions, algebraic equations, series, set theory, logarithms and exponents in a very interesting manner. Jain Guru Mahaviracharya wrote Ganit Sara Sangraha in 850A.D., which is the first textbook on arithmetic in present day form. The current method of solving Least common Multiple (LCM) of given numbers was also described by him. Thus, long before John Napier introduced it to the world, it was already known to Indians.

Mahāvīra (or Mahaviracharya, "Mahavira the Teacher") was a 9th-century Jain mathematician possibly born in kundalpur, in India. He separated astrology from mathematics. emphasis in much of his text is on developing the techniques necessary to solve algebraic problems.

Bhaskaracharya = Born: 1114, Vijayapura wrote about arithmetic, geometry, algebra and calculus. Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz are given credit for being the first to introduce calculus, but Bhaskaracharya had written about it 500 years earlier.
Aryabhata or Aryabhata I was an Indian mathematician and astronomer of the classical age of Indian mathematics and Indian astronomy. He flourished in the Gupta Era and produced works such as the Āryabhaṭīya and the Arya-siddhanta.
• Mathematician Aryabhata was the first person to create a symbol for zero and it was through his efforts that mathematical operations like addition and subtraction started using the digit, zero.
• The concept of zero and its integration into the place-value system also enabled one to write numbers, no matter how large, by using only ten symbols.
• Genius mathematician and astronomer Aryabhata wrote Surya Siddhanta which covered several aspects of geometry, trigonometry and cosmology.

Brahmagupta in Brahmasputa Siddhantika makes a mention of zero.
Brahmagupta lived in seventh century Ujjain and wrote several books on mathematics and astronomy. India was the source of the number system, now called the Arabic numerals because the Arabs took it everywhere. This number system is a feat of genius. It enables all numbers to be expressed with just ten symbols—the numbers 1 through 9 and the symbol for zero.
• Brahmagupta was the first to discuss zero as a number and established the basic mathematical rules for it.
• Brahmagupta (c. 598 – c. 668 CE) was an Indian mathematician and astronomer. He is the author of two early works on mathematics and astronomy: the Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta

 Baudhyana - Approximation of the square root of 2 and the statement of a version of the Pythagorean Theorem. Baudhayana (800 BC - 740 BC) is said to be the original Mathematician behind the Pythagoras theorem.
 Katyayana - Varttika, Vyakarana, later Sulba Sutras वर्तिका, व्याकरण, बाद में सुलबा सूत्र
# # # # # # # #
 Pingala - Matrameru, binary numeral system, arithmetical triangle
 Aryabhata - Aryabhaṭiya, Arya-siddhanta
Varahamihira - Pancha-Siddhāntikā, Brihat-Samhita, Brihat Jataka पंच-सिद्धांतिका, बृहत-संहिता, बृहत जातक☹during gupta time)
• Varahamihira wrote Brihatsamhita बृहतसंहिता and also contributed to the fields of astronomy and astrology.
• Varahamihira composed Pancha Siddhantika, the five astronomical systems. He was also a great authority on astrology. His work Brihadsamhita is a great work in Sanskrit literature.
• It deals with a variety of subjects like astronomy, astrology, geography, architecture, weather, animals, marriage and omens. His Brihadjataka is considered to be a standard work on astrology.
• Varahamihira and Aryabhatta were = major astronomers during gupta.

Baudhayana :- सल्वास्तुत्र Sulvastutra by Baudhayana बौधायन mentions about ‘Pi’. This further helped in calculations of angles in triangles.
• The four major Sulva Sutras, which are mathematically the most significant, are those composed by Baudhayana, Manava, Apastamba आपस्तम्ब and Katyayana. Out of them the oldest belongs to Baudhayana and dates back to 600BC. They discuss the cases of the Pythagorean Theorem and Pythagorean triples.
• Vararuchi, Baudhayana, Ishwar Krishna and Bhartrihari contributed to both Sanskrit and Prakrit linguistics, philosophy and science.= वररुचि, बौधायन, ईश्वर कृष्ण और भर्तृहरि.

While the RTE Act allows 25%
reservation for weaker section
students, “The RTE Act provides reservation
for only preprimary
level to Class 1. He added that the two
provisions under the RTE
Act and Haryana Education
Act could coexist,
citing a
provision by the Delhi government
that allows 25% reservation
for weaker section
students from Class 212
private schools on government
land, while the RTE Act
helps with the admission to
and Class 1.
What is the National Cyber Security
Conceptualised by the Data Security
Council of India (DSCI), the 22page
report focuses on 21 areas to ensure a safe, secure, trusted, resilient, and
vibrant cyberspace for India. There should be
robust monitoring and mapping of the
supply chain of the Integrated circuits
(ICT) and electronics products. Product
testing and certifi�cation needs to be
scaled up, and the country’s
semiconductor design capabilities must
be leveraged globally. Critical information infrastructure
protection: The supervisory control and
data acquisition (SCADA) security should
be integrated with enterprise payments: There should be
mapping and modelling of devices and
platform deployed, transacting entities,
payment fl�ows, interfaces and data
exchange as well as threat research and
sharing of threat intelligence. report lists
the following recommendations: Budgetary provisions: A minimum
allocation of 0.25% of the annual budget,
which can be raised up to 1% has been
recommended to be set aside for cyber
security. In terms of separate ministries
and agencies, 1520%
of the IT/technology
expenditure should be earmarked for
cybersecurity. The report
suggests investing in modernisation and
digitisation of ICTs, setting up a short and
long term agenda for cyber security via
programs and providing
investments in deeptech
cyber security
innovation. national framework
should be devised in collaboration with
institutions like the National Skill
Development Corporation (NSDC) and
ISEA (Information Security Education
and Awareness) to provide global
professional certifi�cations in security. DSCI further recommends creating a
‘cyber security services’ with cadre
chosen from the Indian Engineering
cyber security: Statelevel
cybersecurity policies and guidelines for
security architecture, operations, and
governance need to be developed. setting up exclusive courts to deal with
cybercrimes and remove backlog of
cybercrimes by increasing centres
providing opinion related to digital
evidence under section 79A of the IT act.
section 79A of the IT act =

Fifteen signatures of Iridium
satellite phones, used by the
allied forces in Afghanistan,
and WiFienabled
thermal imagery devices
that help terrorists to
escape security cordons
have been found in the militancyhit
Kashmir Valley, offi�cials
said here on Sunday. the use of Iridium and
Thuraya satellite phones and
infrastructure, and in 2012
completely banned them the
under the provisions of the
Indian Telegraph Act.

The National Technical Research Organisation is a technical intelligence Agency under the National Security Advisor in the Prime Minister's Office, India. It was set up in 2004. It has the same “norms of conduct” as the Intelligence Bureau and the Research and Analysis Wing. acts as a super-feeder agency for providing technical intelligence to other agencies on internal and external security. organisation does hi-tech surveillance jobs, including satellite monitoring, terrestrial monitoring, internet monitoring, considered vital for the national security apparatus. NTRO has been one of the most proactive members of US NSA-led 10-member counter-terrorism platform called SIGINT Seniors Pacific (SSPAC) for the last 10 years, a recent tranche of classified documents recently released by whistleblower Edward Snowden to a website suggests. The agency specializes in multipile disciplines, which include remote sensing, SIGINT, data gathering and processing, cyber security, geospatial information gathering, cryptology, strategic hardware and software development and strategic monitoring.[11]
The National Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Centre, an agency under the control of National Technical Research Organisation, has been created to monitor, intercept and assess threats to crucial infrastructure and other vital installations from intelligence gathered using sensors and platforms which include satellites, underwater buoys, drones, VSAT-terminal locators and fiber-optic cable nodal tap points.
It also includes National Institute of Cryptology Research and Development (NICRD), which is first of its kind in Asia.

India Meteorological Department (IMD) has
forecast a ‘normal’ monsoon for this year, or 99%
of the Long Period Average (LPA) of 87 cm.
A normal
monsoon forecast this year is also predicated on the absence
of an El Niño, a warming of the Central Pacifi�c
linked to the drying up of monsoon rains. another ocean parameter called the Indian Ocean Dipole,
the positive phase of which is associated with
good rains, has also been forecast to be ‘neutral’ or unhelpful
for the monsoon.

About Long Period Average (LPA)
• It is the average of rainfall received over a 50-year period between 1951 and 2001, which is around 89 cm of rainfall.
• This is kept as a benchmark while forecasting the quantitative rainfall for the monsoon season every year.
Categories of the rainfall
• IMD maintains 5 rainfall distribution categories on an all-India scale:
o Excess: If the rainfall is more than 110 % of this LPA.
o Above Normal: If the rainfall is between 104 and 110 % of this LPA.
o Normal: If the rainfall is between 96 and 104 % of this LPA.
o Below Normal: If the rainfall is between 90 and 96 % of this LPA.
o Deficient: If the rainfall is less than 90 % of this LPA.

NPS gives
for contributions up to ₹�50,000
under Section 80CCD (1B) of
the Incometax
Act, 1961, over
and above the benefi�ts for specifi�ed
investments of up to ₹�1.5
lakh under Section 80C. Under the NPS, your ongoing
contributions are invested in a
fund option of your choice
ranging from pure debt to pure
equity. You can switch at will,
literally, the charges and costs
of the system are low and you
can open an NPS account and
contribute and manage it including
switching service providers
and fund options online. Independent of this, you have a
plethora of options for creating
your own pension by buying an
insurance policy directly. The
annuity policy, which I referred
to above, gives you an annuity,
or a periodic pension, against a
payment of premium.
Section 27 in Arms Act
Punishment for using arms, etc. --(1) Whoever uses any arms or ammunition गोलाबारूद in contravention of section 5 shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than three years but which may extend to seven years and shall also be liable to fine.
Section 5 in Arms Act. 5. Licence for manufacture, sale, etc., of arms and ammunition.— 8 [. (1) ] No person shall—. (a) 9 [use, manufacture], sell.

What is UN WFP? World Food Programme (WFP) :-
food assistance branch of the United Nations and the world’s largest humanitarian organization addressing hunger and promoting food security.
Born in 1961, the WFP strives to eradicate hunger and malnutrition, with the ultimate goal in mind of eliminating the need for food aid itself.
It is a member of the United Nations Development Group and part of its Executive Committee.
• WFP food aid is also directed to :-
o fight micronutrient deficiencies,
o reduce child mortality,
o improve maternal health, and
o combat disease, including HIV and AIDS.
The objectives of the World Food Programme are:
1. Save lives and protect livelihoods in emergencies.
2. Support food security and nutrition and (re)build livelihoods in fragile settings and following emergencies.
3. Reduce risk and enable people, communities and countries to meet their own food and nutrition needs.
4. Reduce = under-nutrition and break = inter-generational cycle of hunger.
5. Zero Hunger in 2030.
Public Provident Fund (PPF)
o was introduced in India in 1968 with the
o objective to mobilise small savings in the form of investment, coupled with a return on it. It can also be called a savings-cum-tax savings investment vehicle that enables one to build a retirement corpus while saving on annual taxes. Anyone looking for a safe investment option to save taxes and earn guaranteed returns should open a PPF account.
o The interest earned and the returns = not taxable under Income Tax.
A PPF account can be opened with either a Post Office or with any nationalised bank like the State Bank of India or Punjab National Bank, etc. These days, even certain private banks like ICICI, HDFC and Axis Bank among others are authorized to provide this facility

18 april 2022
BRICS meet likely in June, India to attend China-hosted event.

india signed an agreement with the United Nation’s World Food Programme (WFP) for the distribution of 50,000 MT of wheat that it has committed to sending Afghanistan as part of a humanitarian assistance.

in Arms Act
Section 27 :-Punishment for using arms, etc. --(1) Whoever uses any arms or ammunition in contravention of section 5 shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than three years but which may extend to seven years and shall also be liable to fine.

Section 5 in Arms Act. 5. Licence for manufacture, sale, etc., of arms and ammunition.— [. (1) ] No person shall—. (a) [use, manufacture], sell.

Environment the hindu 2022

18 april 2022
Hills in Giridih and Palamau
Tiger Reserve

Organisation :-

18 april 2022

Bharat initiative (a vision
of selfreliance)
of the Prime

Judge retirement, (WHO),
Palamau Tiger Reserve
National Green Tribunal
facing 42% of all ransomware attacks, Data Security Council of India (DSCI),

Iridium satellite phones,
UN Charter
World Food Programme
(WFP) on the distribution of wheat to Afghanistan.

objectives of the World Food Programme = Zero Hunger in 2030.


If your time frame is long then consider
investing about 50% of your salary in equity
index funds such as Nifty 50, Nifty 500 and Nifty Midcap 150.
Invest the remaining 50% in traditional
options such as PPF, EPF and FDs. You can
slowly increase exposure to equity index

Zoological Survey of India (ZSI),


Pradhan Mantri
Yojana (PMJDY) under

National Pension Scheme

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