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Meet Mandeep kaur, a 26 year old working professional from Chandigarh reached out to us through our Instagram handle in July. She was amazed by the transformations but as usually scared of thinking what if it doesn’t work? what if it was fake? What if I wouldn’t be able to follow? What if I had to starve myself. She had a conversation with me and I assured to refund her money back if she finds it difficult to follow or if she is not able to get results. Everyone in the family tried to suggest some diet or supplements but she choosed us and we started our journey at 80 kgs. She not only lost 9 kgs but mostly extra fat in just 8 weeks. Although she has came so far, she doesn’t want to stop until her target is achieved.
Mandeep you are an example for many of us.💕
I am glad that I was able to help you in this amazing journey of yours.😍
Cheers to your transformation.❤️


Papaya (also called papaw or pawpaw) is a fruit native to the tropical regions of the world. The fruits are famous for their vibrant color, soft texture and sweet taste. The benefits of eating papaya add to their popularity.

1. Immunity Booster
Papayas contains more than 200% of your daily dose of Vitamin C. It is beneficial for keeping several diseases at bay, including scurvy. Vitamin C is essential in creating collagen, which in turn helps in connecting bodily tissues.
2. Papaya Aids Weight Loss
Papaya aids in weight loss because it is low in calories and a good source of fiber along with low GI. The fiber content that is present in papayas keeps you feeling full for a long time, thus, reducing cravings.
3. Papaya Helps in Diabetes
Papaya benefits include being immensely helpful for people suffering from diabetes, as the fruit is low in GI and high in fiber, thus preventing blood sugar from rising in diabetics.According to a study, papaya has a hypoglycemic effect on the body. Flavonoids are natural antioxidants found in the fruit that may aid with blood sugar regulation.
4. Papaya Helps Ease Digestion
Papaya contains papain, an enzyme powerful enough to tenderise the meat and prevent stomach symptoms, including it in your diet can aid with digestive issues. The high fibre and water content aids digestion, increases intestinal motility softens and regularises bowel movements.
5. Papaya Improves Eyesight
The fruit is rich in vitamin A, which helps your eyesight tremendously. In addition, Zeaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant important in human vision, is found in papaya flesh. By filtering out UV light, it protects retinal cells from injury, especially age-related macular degeneration, while also preventing blindness.
6. Papaya Prevents Wrinkles and Signs of Ageing
Papaya benefits you by making you look younger. With the fruit being an excellent source of Vitamin C, it helps build collagen in your body, resulting in your tissues binding together.
7. Lowers cholesterol
Papayas are rich in fiber, antioxidants and Vitamin C, which help in the prevention of increased cholesterol in your arteries.


Anxiety is one of the most common mental health conditions, affecting approximately 7.6% of the global population.In many cases, medication is often required as a main course of treatment. Additionally, there are some foods you can eat that may help support brain function and lower the severity of your symptoms, mostly due to their brain-boosting properties.
Salmon: It contains nutrients that promote brain health, including vitamin D and the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). This may also support your brain’s ability to adapt to changes, allowing you to better handle stressors that trigger anxiety.
Chamomile: It contains both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which may help lower inflammation associated with anxiety. chamomile is believed to help regulate neurotransmitters related to mood such as serotonin, dopamine, and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) .
Dark chocolate: It contains flavonols, such as epicatechin and catechin, which are plant compounds that act as antioxidants. In particular, flavonols may increase blood flow to the brain and enhance cell-signaling pathways These effects may allow you to adjust better to the stressful situations.
Avocado: It contains vitamin B6, which helps the body to make neurotransmitters. One of these neurotransmitters is serotonin, which influences our mood. Deficiency of B vitamins have been linked to increased anxiety in some people.
Strawberries: The reason why people love strawberries is because they produce a chemical called serotonin into your brain. This is a chemical that is responsible for releasing happiness and the brain detects this happiness.
Broccoli: It’s a great source of Vitamin C and has been shown to help people to manage stress and anxiety by lowering the stress hormone cortisol. Vit C also plays a role in supporting the adrenal gland; something which takes a hammering when we’re stressed or anxious.


Sukhpreet kaur, a professional singer from Nasik, Maharastra joined our program a month ago. She is suffering from pcos and anxiety. Her lifestyle was a mess, She used to have her lunch straight at 12 pm and then followed by snacks. She has lost only 4 kgs of weight with alot of cheat meals but she seems almost unrecognisable because of the tremendous inch loss. She has concerts back to back at late night mostly and is not able to keep up with fancy meals so I planned a diet which can be cooked and carried easily. Its been a month only and feels like completely different person and I can’t get enough of her transformation. Still a long way to go.

# ghizaahat


Commonly thought to be a vegetable, cucumber is actually a fruit.
- Good for Hydration & Detoxification:
Cucumbers are 96% water. Consuming cucumbers, adds to the daily requirement of water by the body, thus keeping us hydrated. This is helpful, especially during summers when we tend to get dehydrated easily. Cucumber also acts as a coolant, providing us relief from the summer heat.
Detox water made using cucumber and mint, effectively eliminates toxins from the body, improves hydration and thus results in innumerable health benefits.
- Regulates Blood Pressure:
Cucumbers are a good source of potassium, magnesium and dietary fibre. These nutrients are known to lower blood pressure, thus reducing the risk of heart diseases.
- Good for Digestion:
Cucumbers act as a coolant for our stomach. The soluble fibre in cucumbers helps in slowing our digestion.
Also, the high content of water in cucumber makes our stools soft, prevents constipation and keeps our bowel movements regular.
- Reduces Blood Sugar:
Cucumbers are known to reduce blood sugar levels, thus being helpful in the management and prevention of diabetes mellitus.
- Helpful in Weight Loss:
Cucumbers contain 96% of water and are low in calories. There are only 15.5 calories in 100 g of cucumber.
The high water and low-calorie content of cucumbers help in reducing weight.
- Better Skin:
Cucumbers are great beauty enhancers. They show amazing effects on the skin.
The application of cucumber juice on the skin makes it soft and glowy. Anti-inflammatory effects of cucumber naturally lighten our skin and reduce tanning.It also reduces wrinkles and fine lines.


Are you worrying about your skin getting acne and breakouts?
Maintaining healthy skin is not an easy task. No matter how many products you use, your skin will glow only if you are healthy from within. That’s why getting the right amount of nutrients through your food is a must.


Inderpal kaur, a 41 years old restaurant owner from Sternberg, Germany join us in last year December. She was suffering from Thyroid, Cholesterol and was worried about not getting her menstrual cycles on time. 🙁
Since she has to run a restaurant along with her husband, it was tough for her to cook fancy items so we kept her diet really simple and easy to make. She lost 14 kgs in 18 weeks and regulated her cycles. Her cholesterol levels went down and thyroid reversed now.😁
She is super happy and on aholiday to India these days and doesn’t wanted to be on a specific but definitely maintaining her weight by just keeping up with a healthy lifestyle. She is eager to join as again soon as she is back from her vacations. We are so proud of her journey to a healthy and happy lifestyle. 😍


Milk has been enjoyed throughout the world for thousands of years. A glass of milk is often considered as a whole meal, due to the fact that it contains seven essential nutrients. We’re sure your mother and grandmothers narrated lists of the health benefits glass milk possesses while forcing you to empty yours. And we’re here to tell you that the wise women of your life were right. It’s time to consider cutting back on those cups of coffee and maybe replacing them with just plain ole milk.
If you don’t like milk straight-up, any of its byproducts like buttermilk and yogurt also exhibit similar health benefits. So keep on reading, because after knowing about the goodness milk possesses, you’re never going to skip out on it.
-Milk Maintains Bone Density
Milk is an excellent source of calcium and phosphorus which are necessary for the development and maintenance of strong, healthy bones and teeth. These reduce the risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures later in life.
-Milk Promotes Muscle Growth
The major proteins in milk are casein and whey. Both help in building lean muscle mass and reducing body fat.
-Milk Contains B Vitamins
Milk is rich in vitamin B12, riboflavin (vitamin B2) and niacin (vitamin B3) which aid the conversion of food into energy. Vitamin B12 is also needed for the formation of red blood cells and the normal functioning of the central nervous system.
-Milk Is Often Fortified with Other Nutrients
Other nutrients including vitamins A and D are usually added to milk. Vitamin A is key for good vision and boosts the immune system, while vitamin D improves the body’s ability to absorb calcium.
-Milk May Protect Against Chronic Diseases


When a child refuses to eat, the first thing many parents do is label the child a picky eater.If children's nutrition is a sore topic in your household, you're not alone. Many parents worry about what their children eat — and don't eat. However, most kids get plenty of variety and nutrition in their diets over the course of a week. Until your child's food preferences mature, consider these tips for preventing mealtime battles.
Respect your child's appetite — or lack of one.
-Stick to the routine.
-Be patient with new foods.
-Make it fun
-Be creative.
-Minimize distractions.
-Give healthy snacks.
-Give food in small portions but often.


Are you also tired of fad diets, the kind, which makes you gain double the weight you lost as soon as you stop being on diet. Here is a tip.💫
Always go for a healthy lifestyle rather than something you are sure cannot be survived for long.😇
Harneet Kaur, a software engineer from Delhi started her diet plan with us in march this year. She was tired of experimenting with different diet plans and wanted a permanent fix. We planned home cooked diets according to her busy schedule and made a point to change her lifestyle by incorporating some healthy habits. Her metabolism and sleep cycle were badly messed up. She religiously followed her diet plan with a 30 min walk daily and managed to lose 12 kgs in 3 months. Her sleep cycle got better and on top of everything, she is glowing and getting a lot of compliments. The journey to be the healthiest version of herself is still on.


Are you struggling to beat this scorching heat just like us. 🌞
The answer is easy. 🍋
When life gives you lemons, make a lemonade and drink it too.
Lemon is a storehouse of vitamin C also enriched with Vitamin B6, copper, potassium, magnesium, zinc, flavonoids, antioxidants and phosphorus. It is low in calories and fat. Vitamin C present in the lemon also helps in the process of iron absorption in the body. some of the benefits are listed.
-Supports heart health.
-Help to boost immunity.
-Improves digestion.
-Helps to control weight.
-Beneficial for skin.
-Kidney Stone Prevention.
-Keeps Hypertension in Check.


Making saunf water is very easy and best for your health. You won't even have to switch on the stove to make this drink. You only need two ingredients, saunf seeds and water. Take 1-2 teaspoons of saunf and add it to a glass of water (100-200ml). Mix it well and let it sit overnight, make sure it is covered. Next morning, saunf water is ready! Drink it first thing in the morning, feel fresh through out the day.

Call for Diet Consultation: +91 90566-79778


Meet our happy client: Jasdeep Kaur from Phagwara she reduced 67 - 63 in just 4 weeks, she is a homemaker and was having postpartum weight, with the help of our diet there is a loss in the fat percentage which is replaced by muscles. The sleep cycle has been improved

Get your customised meal plan from us today and bring change in your lifestyle

Call for Diet Consultation: +91 90566-79778


- Just one medium slice of watermelon gives you contains 9-11% of the vitamin A you need each day. This nutrient is one of the keys to keeping your eyes healthy.

- Juicy watermelon is 92% water, so it’s a simple way to help stay hydrated.

- Watermelon seeds are full of nutrients

- Easy to digest

- The L-arginine supplement that watermelon has is crucial for regulating glucose metabolism and insulin by the body.

- Watermelon contains electrolytes that can prevent heat strokes.

Call for Diet Consultation: +91 90566-79778



Gut health refers to the balance of microorganisms that live in the digestive tract. Looking after the health of the gut and maintaining the right balance of these microorganisms is vital for physical and mental health, immunity, and more.
Many microbes are beneficial for human health, and some are even essential. Others can be harmful, especially when they multiply. Here are 6 tips for better Gut health:

Call for Diet Consultation: +91 90566-79778


Weight loss in itself is a huge challenge for new mothers who witness this sudden change in their bodies. Something similar happened with Supreet from Delhi, who realised that she had gained a lot of inches after her pregnancy. She is determined to lose more and maintain a healthy lifestyle which is most important. She is journaling her fitness journey too. I am so proud of her!! 🤩👏
Inch Loss: 3-4inches
The highest weight recorded: 64.8 kgs
Weight lost: 4.8 kgs
Current weight: 60 kgs
Duration of lose weight: 7 weeks
Gastric issues: Constipation-Acidity-Bloating
No starving. No fad diets. ❌
I believe to live a healthy life, one should not have to empty the pockets. And this is exactly why I have put together years of my training & knowledge to device something which is affordable, time saving, and which DIRECTLY ADDRESSES your goals! ❣️
Nothing is out of reach! You could wake up each day and see a new version of yourself in the mirror. It's amazing what you can do with your body when you commit to positive change with your mind. Begin your transformation TODAY. What are you waiting for? ❤️

Call for Diet Consultation: +91 90566-79778


Dont forget to add the pumpkin seeds in your daily diet routine in the right quantity.

For more diet related information please connect with us

Call for Diet Consultation: +91 90566-79778


Reducing cravings to boosting metabolism and lowering blood pressure, protein has an impressive job profile. Make sure to add up protein according to your body type
Follow our page for more information
Call for Diet Consultation: +91 90566-79778


Congratulation Varun For losing 12 Kgs in just 9 weeks. Proud of your progress and determination.You followed the plans and we're always committed to making a change.

I am always delighted to see people making progress and enjoying their weight loss journey.

𝗜 𝗮𝗺 𝗮𝗹𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝗲𝗰𝘀𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗺𝘆 𝗰𝗹𝗶𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀 𝗹𝗼𝘀𝗲 𝘄𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁. 𝗟𝗼𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘄𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁, 𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗳𝗼𝗼𝗱𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝗲𝗻𝗷𝗼𝘆 𝗴𝘂𝗶𝗹𝘁 𝗳𝗿𝗲𝗲. 𝗡𝗼 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘃𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻. 𝗡𝗼 𝗳𝗮𝗱 𝗱𝗶𝗲𝘁𝘀. 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗴𝗿𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗼𝗻 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝘄𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗹𝗼𝘀𝘀!!

Client Story

Varun, a 17-year-old boy from Barnala who is just in 12th class had high cholesterol levels a couple of months before and most of the time fast food was on his plate, due to which he felt constipated and bloated all the time, We planned his diet according to his requirements and busy schedule as he has to flex between tuition and school most of the times he was able to reduce 12kg in 9 weeks without any exercise. We planned only healthy meals which were easy to cook.

DM me to begin your TRANSFORMATION TODAY!!

Call for Diet Consultation: +91 90566-79778
Facebook: https:/


Dt Suman
May we all create a peaceful place for our future generations.
Happy Mahavir Jayanti!
Call for Diet Consultation: +91 90566-79778


Consumption of coconut water is considered good for health. Coconut water is said to be a storehouse of nutrients. You should always go for coconut water after workout

Follow our page for more information
Call for Diet Consultation: +91 90566-79778


Oatmeal: Packed with vitamins and minerals that play an essential role in how your body creates energy.

Beans: Excellent sources of magnesium, iron, folic acid, protein, carbs and fibre.

Sweet Potatoes: Packed with complex carbs and fibre, a natural form of candy

Eggs: Low-calorie and an excellent source of protein, best for those who crave a lot throughout the day
call for DietConsultation: +91 90566-79778


Neetu sharma from Panipat lost 10 kgs in 9 weeks despite having a C-section deliver . She is a housewife and lactating mother

The things which we have taken care of while making a diet is
- Cholesterol was high and it is controlled
- Uric acid was high and we have taken care of that
- Vitamin D rich things are added
- B12 level was low and diet suggested accordingly
Call for Diet Consultation: +91 90566-79778


What Ghee???
But 😶
What if i put on weight??🤔
Will it be healthy for me 😕
Don't know??😞😔
Let us tell you😄😄
•Ghee is a good source of energy as it contains medium and short - chain fatty acid of which lauric acid is a potent antimicrobial and antifungal substance.
•Ghee is full of omega-3 fatty acids,which are good fats and are essential for improving the brain and heart health.
•Ghee is one of the highest quality food sources of butyric acid,which makes it an ideal pick to support the health of the intestinal walls.
•Taking 1 or 2 teaspoonfuls of ghee in a cup of hot milk at bedtime is an effective but gentle means of relieving constipation.
•Ghee is in fact a much safer bet to invest in for heart health as compared to any other oil.
•Ghee has been staple part of many beauty care rituals. It's vital fatty acids act as a nourishing agent that can do wonders to infuse life in your dull skin.
•Ghee is an integral part of Indian winters.Ghee helps you keep warm from within.


Not able to get your stomach clear🥺🥺
Unable to do anything😞😕😞
Now No need to worry...🤗
We have a solution to your problem😊😊
Tips for Constipation
•Sparkling water is found to be more effective than regular tap water for natural constipation relief.
•Fiber intake increases the bulk and consistency of bowel movement.
•Various research studies have reported that exercise could help improve the symptoms of constipation.
•Eating alot of deep fried foods may slow your digestion and contribute to constipation therefore it is recommended to take little fat in constipation.
•Pro-biotic includes Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus which helps in prevention of chronic constipation.
•The hot water in ginger tea helps stimulate digestion and it offers instant constipation relief.
•There are some medicines with heavy salts which causes constipation therefore it is advised to check your medicine before taking it.



Looking for something raw and healthy???
Tired of eating daily winter food ????😒😒
Are you too feeling tasteless after having cold,flue in this winter..🥶🤧🤒
No worries...😌😌
We've got you covered🤗🤗
Benefits of Beetroot 😍😍
•Beetroot contains nitrates, which increases blood flow and lowering blood pressure.
•As per the reports a glass of Beetroot juice or raw beetroot improve muscle power in patients with heart failure.
•Beetroot is low in calories yet high in valuable vitamins and minerals.
•Presence of nitrates in beetroot may enhance atheletic performance.
•Beetroot contain pigments called betalains,which possess a number of anti-inflammatory properties.
•Beetroot are one of the richest sources of glutamine, an amino acid essential to the health and maintenance of our gut.
•Beetroot have several nutritional properties that could make them a great addition to a balanced diet.


Bored with your daily sickness😒🤧😒
Tired of watching yourself in the mirror😕😕
Getting low with your energy??😕
Irritated with Thyroid, diabetes, insomnia, kidney stones etc.
Why are you still waiting ??
Enroll yourself Now🤗

Puneet Mishra,38yrs old from Bangalore reached out to us with out of control HbA1c level.
Concerns :
•Kidney stone.
•Weight gain.
Puneet reached out to us enrolled in our disease management program and took this step towards his weight loss journey.
What did he get in this disease management program -
•Homemade food diet.
•Alot of cheat meals.
•Good inch loss.
•Great weight loss.
•HbA1c level control.
•Fit body.😊😊
Yes, this is what Ghizaahat provides. What else do you want?



Obesity disturbing you???
Checking out your weight on a daily basis ???
samjh nai aa rha kya kre😒🤔😒
No Worries 😊
We are still here to tell you 😌😌
Tips for Weight Loss🤗🤗
•Quality sleep is an important part of a healthy weight loss plan.
•Regulary eating a healthy breakfast helps your metabolism get better.
•People who take time to chew slowly have better digestion and feel fuller.
•Processed foods contain a lot of extra and empty calories that don't do you any good.
•Physical activity helps you control your weight by using excess calories that would otherwise be stored as fat.
•The weight loss effect from eliminating liquid calories is stronger than the weight loss effect of eliminating solid food calories
•Eating smaller frequent meals is more successful for weightloss than eating three regular meals.its a way to ensure you eat leasser calories,sugary foods and fatty foods per day.



When it comes to diet and seafood😌😌
It's all about fishy weekend😍😍
But do you know how beneficial is fish for you🤔🤔
Benefits of eating fish
•Fish improves sleep quality.
•Omega 3 present in fish protects your body from diseases and your vision in old age.
•Consumption of fish can lower risk of asthma in children.
•Vitamin D reduce the risk of autoimmune diseases.
•It can help lower symptoms of depression.
•It helps fight Acne.
•Its helpful in Alleviating Rheumatoid Arthritis.
•It helps lower Cholesterol.
•It decreases risk of heart failure.
•It lowers risk of cancer.
•Protein present in produce collagen and elastin.


Fav cloths packed in almirah???
Doesn't fit you anymore😬😬
Still waiting "Patli ho jau phir pehnungi/pehnuga"😂😂
What are you waiting for.....🤔🤔
Go grab your slot now....🏃‍♀🏃🏃‍♀
Our clients are already wearing their favs.....💃🕺💃

Karamjeet Kaur, a 42 yr old Nurse working at PGI from Chandigarh, Was suffering from fatty liver, GERD, and fibroids. Tired of trying so many things for her weight loss, she heard about us from a friend and instantly joined our diseases management program. We customized her diet according to her taste and body needs and till now she has lost 9 kgs defeating her health concerns with “ghar ka khana”. Her sleep got better and her life long pigmentation is fading just like her worries.

Dm to start your journey towards fitness now😊😊

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#weightlossjourney #fatloss #weightloss #transformation #weightlosstransformation
Keep the fuss to a minimum and stick with the basics.#weightlosstransformation #transformation #workout #homeworkout #he...
"Starting the day mindfully with a breakfast that fuels both body and mind."...............#breakfast  #poha  #ragi  #id...
Sanjeet from Birmingham, UK reached us when he was 121 kgs. He loves to relish food but his increasing weight was now co...
Benefits of eating fish
Avoid Packed Food
The human body is blessed with multiple senses. It would be wonderful if we use those senses in the most acceptable way ...






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