Advanced Institute of Neuro-Myo-Fascial Biomechanics
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Neuro Myofascial Posturology The Mézières Method is a rehabilitative technique created by french physiotherapist Françoise Mézières in 1947.
The "Musculoskeletal Biomechanics: Diagnosis and Treatment -the Mezieres Method -" is a scientific technique based on physio-mathematical concepts applied to the musculoskeletal system. It is an individual rehabilitative technique with a systemic postural approach which determines functional recovery through body symmetry restoration. The Method individuates the cause of the symptoms in mechanical
New on-line course
Musculoskeletal Biomechanics: Diagnosis and Treatment - The Mézières Method -
The online course offers the same theoretical and practical topics as the in-person course. It is structured with 18 videos, with a total duration of about 32 hours, that learners can view at any time, even multiple times, for up to 12 months. The videos offer both theoretical content accompanied by images and practical demonstrations. The instructors are Dr. Laura Manni and Dr. Mauro Lastrico, physiotherapists trained directly in Paris by Françoise Mézières, starting in 1988.
Their production was entrusted to a professional film crew, Clipper Media SAS, to ensure the best quality and usability of the videos. We thank them for their help and expertise in filming and dubbing.
After the course, a qualifying certificate will be issued by AIFiMM (Italian Association of Physiotherapists for the Study and Development of the Mézières Method - Higher Institute of Neuro-Myofascial Biomechanics). AIFiMM is recognized by the Italian Ministry of Health as a provider of CPD professional update training for healthcare practitioners.
Dedicated to physiotherapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, and doctors, this training complements Françoise Mézières' rehabilitation program with current posturology knowledge.
The cost of the course is 1,220 euros Tax incl.
This course represents an invaluable opportunity for manual therapists to learn how to effectively apply Mézières' method and its innovative techniques to posture-related musculoskeletal issues. This training aims to provide students with the necessary theoretical and practical tools for interpreting postural disorders and identifying suitable strategies for their resolution. The key aspect of this course is the practical application of the methodology, which focuses on the recovery of the physiological functionalities of the neuro-myofascial system, allowing for an adequate approach and appropriate problem-solving strategies.
per informazioni
AIFiMM Associazione Italiana Fisioterapisti
per lo studio e lo sviluppo del Metodo Mezieres
Posturologia Neuro-Mio-Viscero-Occluso-Fasciale
Fondata a Genova nel 1996, AIFiMM è la prima scuola di formazione Mezieres costituitasi in Italia.
CARATTERISTICA della formazione Mezieres AIFiMM è al contempo sia il rispetto dei fondamenti teorico-pratici del Metodo Mézières che l’attualizzazione della Metodica Mézières secondo criteri scientifici e biomeccanici, superando così l’empirismo che la caratterizzò nei primi decenni.
E’ stata quindi modificata la didattica originale privilegiandone una a maggior contenuto scientifico, senza modificare le tecniche e le posture ideate da Françoise Mézières.
Queste ultime sono state arricchite dalle conoscenze sviluppatesi nel tempo in posturologia.
I corsi sul Metodo Mezieres AIFiMM rispettano il monte ore previsto dalla stessa Françoise Mezieres.
I DOCENTI AIFiMM per il Metodo Mézières, dott. Mauro Lastrico e dott.ssa Laura Manni, fisioterapisti, nel 1988 hanno iniziato il loro percorso formativo presso il Centre Mézières a Noisy sur l’Ecole - Parigi, aventi come docente la stessa Françoise Mézières. Formazione conclusasi nel 1991 anno della morte di F. Mezieres.
Hanno quindi potuto conoscere gli ultimi sviluppi del pensiero di Françoise Mézières sia sul piano teorico che su quello pratico.
La formazione AIFiMM al Metodo Mézières nasce dunque dalle più aggiornate idee di Françoise Mézières. Il Metodo è comunque in continua evoluzione e si avvale sia delle ricerche scientifiche che delle esperienze cliniche dei professionisti accreditati che lo applicano pur nel rispetto delle specifiche metodologiche delineate da F. Mezieres.
Dal 1996 ad oggi sono stati effettuati circa 130 corsi di formazione con oltre 3000 fisioterapisti formati. I docenti AIFiMM possono quindi vantare un’importante esperienza nella formazione maturata negli anni.
Durante il corso i partecipanti acquisiranno la capacità di eseguire:
• esame posturale statico e dinamico
• valutazione funzionale biomeccanica del rachide e di tutte le articolazioni di movimento
• valutazione funzionale differenziale tra le alterazioni posturali di origine mio-fasciale e quelle provenienti da altre strutture.
Inoltre acquisiranno la capacità di intervenire terapeuticamente, tramite le posture Mézières, sulle problematiche posturali di origine mio-fasciale distinte in:
• VERTEBRALI (scoliosi, iperlordosi, dorso curvo, compressione dei dischi intervertebrali, radicolopatie, sciatalgie, cervico-brachialgie, ecc.)
• ARTICOLARI (artrosi, conflitto scapolo-omerale, coxartrosi, ecc.)
• MUSCOLARI (lombalgia, torcicollo, mialgie, ecc.)
• DISMORFICHE (locking o sub-lussazione temporo-mandibolare, ginocchia vare/valghe, piede piatto/cavo, alluce valgo, ecc.).
Oltre ai Crediti ECM viene rilasciato attestato Mezieres AIFiMM, abilitante all'utilizzo della Metodica Mezieres, riconosciuto nei Paesi della Comunità Europea.
L'attestato Mezieres AIFiMM fornisce punteggio nei concorsi pubblici.
Inoltre i corsisti che lo desiderano potranno comparire nell’ ”albo” degli operatori Mezieres presente sul sito AIFiMM. Pagina utilizzata dalle persone che ricercano un operatore Mezieres nella propria zona (è la pagina del sito AIFiMM con il numero maggiore di visitatori).
Per informazioni, programma, iscrizioni e pre-iscrizioni:
What the Mézières Method is about
The Mézières Method is a rehabilitative technique created by French physiotherapist Françoise Mézières in 1947.
The Mèzières Method is a scientific technique based on physic-mathematical concepts applied to the musculoskeletal system.
It is an individual rehabilitative technique with a systemic postural approach which determines functional recovery through body symmetry restoration.
The Mèzières Method individuates the cause of the symptoms in mechanical articulatory movements. Mézières studies believe that when mechanical movement conflicts are not congenital or contracted, they are caused by asymmetric shortening of the muscles.
It operates on joints through muscle strength re-education. This re-education occurs through the reduction of the opposing strength of the myofascial system (stiffness, shortening, increase of the basal tone).
The Mézières Method operates both in an analytic and systemic way: analytically in recalibrating the myofascial strengths that generate mechanical intra-articular conflict causing the symptoms, and systemically in recalibrating the myofascial factors which alter the correct postural asset.
Neuro Myofascial Posturology
The Mézières Method
The Mézières Method: Françoise Mézières' statements and their scientific support
Mézières Method general objectives
Body symmetry loss: physiologic and functional causes
A priori and a posteriori analgesic reflex
Physiology of the cortical and subcortical centres
Mézières Method specific objectives
Isometric and isotonic concentration
Muscular movements, the agonistic-antagonistic pair
Muscular shortening
Taking action on the neurovegetative system
Morphological comparison and referential morphological form
The golden ratio
The anatomo-physiological partitioning in superior and inferior blocks
Muscular chains according to the Mézières Method: definition and physiology
The four muscular chains: the posterior chain, the anterior neck chain, the brachial muscle chain and the anterior internal muscular chain
Superior and inferior blocks; elements characterizing the muscular chains
differential evaluation and treatment of the musculoskeletal system which are divided in:
spinal (scoliosis, hyperlordosis, round back, intervertebral disk compressions, radiculopathy, sciatica, cervical brachialgia, etc.)
joint problems (arthritis, glenohumeral joint problems, coxarthrosis, etc.)
muscular (low back pain, wryneck, myalgia etc.)
dysmorphic (locking and temporomandibular subluxation, varus and valgus knee, valgus hallux, flat and club foot, etc.)
specific objectives
acquisition of the skills to carry out:
Static and dynamic objective examination of the patient
Collection of the anamnesis
Morphological examination of the patient and its comparison with the referential morphological type form.
Musculoskeletal connections
Alteration of the musculoskeletal connections throughout different postures
Therapeutic breathing according to the Mézières Method
Superior block exercises
Corrective action in supine Mézières posture to fix: inclination and rotation of the head, TM joint, cervical and thoracic vertebra, shoulders, thorax, hips, superior limbs, lordosis, kyphosis and scoliosis.
Corrective actions, aggravating actions and positionings
Massage according to the Mézières Method
Inferior block exercises
Exercises for the whole body
Corrective action in Mézières postures with elevated lower limbs, generally adjusting the body and specifically the feet
Corrective action in Mézières sitting posture, generally adjusting the body and specifically the feet
Additional Mézières postures: therapeutic indications and peculiarities
Corrective exercises for orthopaedic, vertebral, muscular, and dysmorphic pathologies.
Therapeutic choices
Treatment on the basis of an objective examination, symptomatology and protection mechanisms of adaptation.
Progression from basic techniques to complex techniques (therapeutic taxonomy)
Introduction to the basic concepts. The scientific Method
Physic and linear mathematics
Physic laws of elastic deformations and effects on muscular fibre
Application of the vectorial subdivision on the direction of forces through the muscular fibres.
Analysis of the operating muscles: strength counterbalance
Static equilibrium: weight, gravity and anti-gravity
Strength transmissions
Non-linear mathematics and physics:
Characteristics of the complex systems
Functional units
Postural examination according to the Mézières Method
The physiological anatomo-morphologic-functional model.
Objective and static functional examination on the sagittal plane from standing and supine position for postural alterations of myofascial nature depending on the skull, hyoid bone, vertebral column and hips.
Objective and static functional examination on the coronal plane from standing and supine position for postural alterations of muscular nature depending on the skull, hyoid bone, cervical, dorsal and lumbar vertebral column, the scapulo-vertebral, scapulo-costal and scapulo-humeral ligaments, thorax, elbow, wrist, hand and hips.
Musculoskeletal physiological relations in supine position after induced passive positioning – inclination and rotation of the skull, abduction, elevation of the superior limbs, lateral shifting of the inferior limbs – and active movements made by the patient.
Functional evaluation of the TM joint:
Connection between posture and craniomandibular disorders
Functional differential evaluation between mandibular posture alterations analysed by a physiotherapist/osteopath/chiropractor and a gnathologist
Physiotherapist/osteopath/chiropractor and gnathologist cooperatrion
Dynamic objective examination of spontaneous movements of the patient and of the musculoskeletal structure after passive movements. This highlights functional and non functional physiologic strategies.
Functional observation and evaluation of muscular subluxations of the scapulocostal, sternoclavicular and scapulohumeral joints.
Functional observation and evaluation of axial alterations on the hip and knee joint on a myofascial basis.
Functional observation and evaluation of muscular axial alterations of the tibiotarsal joint, of the medial and anterior arch of the foot, of the hallux and toes.
Therapeutic treatment through Mézières postures
Treatment on the sagittal plane through specific therapeutic muscular exercises of the skull, hyoid bone, cervical lordosis, dorsal kyphosis, lumbar lordosis and hips.
Objective and subjective district and systemic examination of the therapeutic results.
Types of local and systemic effects of each therapeutic manoeuvre.
Treatment of the coronal plane through specific therapeutic exercises for muscular postural alterations of the skull, hyoid bone, cervical, dorsal and lumbar spine, scapulo and vertebral joints, scapulocostal joint, scapolohumeral joint, thorax, elbow, wrist, hand and hip.
Objective and subjective district and systemic examination of the therapeutic results.
Treatment of subluxations and TMJ lockings.
Objective and subjective district and systemic examination of the therapeutic results.
Observation and functional evaluation of muscular subluxation treatments of the scapulocostal, sternoclavicular and scapulohumeral joint.
Objective and subjective district and systemic examination of the therapeutic results.
Treatment through specific exercises for muscular axial and postural alterations on the hip and knee joint.
Objective and subjective district and systemic examination of the therapeutic results.
Treatment through specific therapeutic exercises for muscular axial and posture alterations on the tibiotarsal joint, the medial and anterior arch of the foot, hallux and toes.
Objective and subjective district and systemic examination of the therapeutic results.
Treatment of the specific pathologies of the locomotive apparatus.
Therapeutic guide lines: from an objective examination to the individuation of primary objectives and suitable measures.
Patient medical chart: medical history collection, and use of cameras and other instruments for objectification and verification of the results.
Training for
Neuro Myofascial Posturology
The Mezieres Method
This course represents an invaluable opportunity for manual therapists to learn how to effectively apply Mezieres’ method innovative techniques on posture related musculoskeletal issues.
Dedicated to physiotherapists, osteopaths, chiropractors and doctors, this training complements Françoise Mezieres’ rehabilitation program with the current posturology knowledge.
The purpose of this training is to provide students with the necessary theoretical and practical tools for the interpretation of postural disorders, identifying the suitable strategies for their solution.
The key aspect of this course is the practical application of the methodology which concentrates on the recovery of the physiological functionalities of the neuro-myofascial system, allowing for an adequate approach and appropriate problem solving strategies.
The course will be taught with simultaneous translation from Italian to English.
Location: London
On completion of this course you will be able to carry out the following analysis:
static and dynamic postural examination
functional and biomechanical evaluation of the spine and of the articulations of movement.
differential functional evaluation between muscular/postural alterations and those originating from other structures.
And to therapeutically intervene on muscular postural issues such as:
spinal (scoliosis, hyperlordosis, round back, intervertebral disk compressions, radiculopathy, sciatica, cervical brachialgia, etc.)
joint problems (osteoarthritis, glenohumeral joint problems, coxarthrosis, etc.)
muscular (low back pain, wryneck, myalgia etc.)
dysmorphic (locking and TMJ subluxation, varus and valgus knee, valgus hallux, flat and club foot, etc.)
The teacher of the course is Mauro Lastrico. He graduated in physiotherapy in 1984 from Genova University, Italy. In 1988 and 89 he specialised in the Mézières Method at the Centre Mézières, Noisy sur l’Ecole, Paris, France. From 1984 to date he has been a freelance physiotherapist and since 1995, a teacher of the Mézières Method. Since 2002 he is responsible for the method’s training in Italy and founded AIFiMM (The Italian Association of Physiotherapists for the Mezieres Method).
AIFiMM is recognised by the Italian Ministry of Health as a provider of CPD professional update training for healthcare practitioners.
Since 2011 he is a Professor at Pisa Medicine University, teaching Clinical Posturology to Post-Graduate students.
A valid CPD certificate for the equivalent of 115 hours will be issued to each participant.
We suggest reviewing the musculoskeletal anatomy before the course.
All participants must hold an undergraduate training in physiotherapy, osteopathy, chiropractic or medicine and must be registered with the relative regulatory body.
We advise participants to have professional liability insurance to cover them for the techniques covered on the course. We reserve the right to ask for proof of this to ensure eligibility.
For any participant that is or maybe pregnant when attending any of our courses with a practical component we advise they email us to let us know.
Neuro Myofascial Posturology - The Mezieres Method - Marco Physio Neuro Myofascial Posturology - The Mezieres Method. A great opportunity for manual therapists to learn a clinically effective treatment for postural issues.
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