Kundalini Yoga with Ria

Yoga - Meditation - Retreats - Counseling - Satsang - Spiritual Constellations - Transition Gate work

Ria is a certified Kundalini and Vinyasa Yoga Teacher, Meditation Teacher, Chakra Healer, Tai Massage practitioner and Evolutionary Biologist (PhD). She has practiced conscious techniques since the age of 13 and has studied yoga throughout the world. Ria is now sharing her experience on Ibiza, teaching public and private classes and offering healing sessions, workshops and retreats all over the is


Domani mattina Kundalini Kriya Yoga ore 10

Oggi lezione di Kundalini Kriya yoga presso Il Bettone a Teolo, in questa meravigliosa yurta 💚🌱🧘🏼‍♀️


Oggi lezione di Kundalini Kriya yoga presso Il Bettone a Teolo, in questa meravigliosa yurta 💚🌱🧘🏼‍♀️


La RIVOLUZIONE continua.
Una Scuola spirituale non si manifesta con i soldi ma con il potere del sè. Finché i soldi sono in bolla si manifesta bolla con gli stessi. L’ennesima scuoletta di yoga che cade a un certo punto. Poteva andare diversamente se alcuni/e si muovevano…
Quindi, vanno affrontati gli ostacoli che bloccano il sè e il cammino della manifestazione del sè.
Primo: tema genealogico, potere d’incarnazione, tema dinastico.
Secondo: tema psichiatrico e industria farmaceutica (correlati).
Terzo: piante e animali vanno letteralmente salvati. C’è chi è in carcere ingiustamente in alleanza con i pappagalli. Stessa o simile forza della Maya.

For the “if you’re normal I’m crazy” il cristiano si chiamo Curato e il risvegliato si chiamò Santo (santé) per dire che pazzo era qualcuno/i altri. Cristo lo mise in croce il popolo.
E così, dopo un’altra piccola rivoluzione, mi ritrovo in Psichiatria per l’ennesima volta…

Quindi avanti tutta con Maria, Kali, Einstain e tanti altri. I Maestri sono come me e talvolta lo sono io.

Om Namah Shivaya 🕉️

I Maestri pretendono tanto da alcuni…forza!
Della reputazione FREGATENE, torna a un certo punto e cade per l’opposizione ✌️


Ancora cerchiamo il piccolo Aquis🙏🌟
Dormiva con me tutte le notti.
Un migliore amico unico 🦜
Volava ogni tanto in giardino e tornava la sera.
Ha un anello inamovibile con NUMERO IDENTIFICATIVO CITES. Ho il relativo documento. Se vedete o sapete di un pappagallino conuro avvisatemi.

Photos from Kundalini Yoga with Ria's post 22/05/2024

Siamo un po’ o un po’ tanto Darwiniane oggi io e la Taa. Forse per ritrovare Aquis.
Torni piccolino🦜? Sei cresciuto con noi!
Ha una pettorina azzurra. Se gli è stata tolta il mio numero è 3755564192.

Per la penna 🪶, anche multinazionale e l’accoglienza delle diverse culture e degli autoctoni date le culture. Se pratichi yoga arriveranno gli indiani, non solo umani. Se parli di Taoismo, arriverà il cinese, non solo gli umani. Se esportano la pizza, andranno gli Italiani, non solo gli umani. Se arriva il caffè, arrivano gli Amazzonici. Sveglia. Più c’è giustizia nel movimento su Terra, più c’è giustizia. Meglio la giustizia. Quella ufficiale è stata abbastanza losca.

Om Namah Shivaya 📿

Photos from Kundalini Yoga with Ria's post 12/05/2024

I share with you what has been my spiritual focus in the last month/months. I might been changing it slightly in the next days, but you might want to follow.

Here the main points:
- No spiritual physical practices (as those on the yoga mat for example) with the goal of losing not intelligent structures, such as muscles and even bones structured by regular activities that were imposed by society or structures that have been extremely useful in the past, such as the result of Yoga, Tai chi, dancing, but could bother the newness of the upcoming times. Remember, every practice it is for a specific reason. It is essential to have knowledge about what you are doing.
- A few short walks in nature (15-60 min) paying attention to rhythms, directions, body, breath, breaking usual street patterns if not risky to open up for possibilities, ways and paths for the future.
- Sitting for quite a long time in “sitting eagle” with sustained awareness. It was great to sustain the work with Kundalini Shakti and protect from etheric pregnancies. This knows Durga and martial artists 🥋
- Sleeping in Savasana for deep integration and to protect the spine. It is a great Christian practice too.
- Containment of action, waiting, discernment. It often brought to veil removal and Truth revealed. There is a mudra that can help containment shown in the pictures.
- Talking consciousness to break unconscious silence. It will help deeper silence and meditation in the upcoming future. A few had to be talking Vishnu or consciousness/story teller to sustain change and awakening in places and nature.
- Engagement in a few challenging topics/fights to liberate the self from them. This is for future blossoming 🪷 of self.
- Mainly, only drinks and fruits until evening.
- Really avoid making money in the unconscious world to escape from the prosperity veil/bubble. Also working with spirituality has been difficult for awakening. It will change.
- Deep work on a few spiritual topics.

Ria and the Masters

Photos from Kundalini Yoga with Ria's post 09/05/2024

You are attracting,
All the greatness and the opportunities you deserve,
All the challenges and evil you are able to defeat,
All the unconsciousness you have generated.

Be strong if you are walking the path of Truth 🙏📿🪶

Ria and the Masters

Photos from Kundalini Yoga with Ria's post 24/04/2024

Per la penna 🪶 🦜

O salvano l’Amazzonia o per favore si accolgano i rifugiati🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🌟
La Gazza mi da ragione
E non è ladra, lo dice il Gazzettino
Ma se lo è Robin, può essere che sia anche Ladra 🦊 e ha ragione, si riprende il Suo

Anima L Power


At these times…
It is a great skill to be still or in partial stillness with the body. For body practices it is still better to wait.
It is a great skill to move something energetically and being able to wait and discern on what was moved. Observe what comes in the form of thoughts, movements around you, food perception weather, plants, and animals.

Sustain awakened awareness.
Newness will come.


Photos from Kundalini Yoga with Ria's post 09/04/2024

Short update from me..

As you remove illusions and reveal truth you might perceive calls given new and extremely different laws and paradigms. The usual life and the “normal” might bring to a certain kind of anxiety that brings change and shifts into the newness.
There has been an enormous veil on Silence, making it very challenging to meditate and do sadhana. Sadhana has been to be perceptive and talk, talk and talk consciousness and veil removal codes/mantras to remove veil on Silence. There has been a topic with peaceful modalities and politeness. Fake politeness was bothering and a few had to shake that veil out.
Almost overall yoga is still under veil, mostly under a variety of fake spiritual business. Sadhana has been to escape from it through stillness or elemental work. In presence we shifted. Opened eyes.
There are still veils and concepts on most spiritual content, both traditions, new age and fusions. It has been not easy for many to discern the paths of truth.
I’ve been trying to teach kriyas and yoga in different ways. Canceled for now as they block awakening of under veil but I keep working on it. I made it to offer spiritual counseling to a few. This has been working until now for those who are on the path, shaking out the old or willing to shift.

This from me at time of Transition
Be careful not to submit to unconscious authorities for whatever realm of life. Be humble with knowledgeable ones. Be steady if you face fake.

Love and revolution
Ria 🧝‍♀️🔮🌟

Photos from Kundalini Yoga with Ria's post 25/03/2024

Taa🐕 chiedeva la precedenza…con poco traffico, andavamo in giro in libertà. Taa discerneva i segnali e metteva alla prova i passanti. “Mi rispetti, umano?”

Prestate sempre attenzione agli animali. Stanno svolgendo un ruolo essenziale nel processo di risveglio della nostra Terra 🌍 e delle nostre stelle 🌟

In onore a tutti i cani a testa in su e a testa in giù,
Om Krishna 🙏


Ci sarà lezione di yoga domenica 17 e 24 marzo a Padova dalle 10 alle 11.15 di mattina. Scrivimi un messaggio privato se vuoi partecipare.

Photos from Kundalini Yoga with Ria's post 10/03/2024

Ciao a tutti 🌱✨
Sarò a Padova per un po’. Sto offrendo “counseling spirituale” in presenza e online su appuntamento. Quasi sicuramente farò qualche lezione pubblica di “yoga canalizzato”, significa percepito nel momento presente. Sto cercando di manifestare le lezioni fuori dalla Maya. Non è sempre facile in questi tempi…vi farò sapere.
Scrivetemi in privato se siete interessati.
La mia missione per aprire una Scuola Spirituale continua…✨

Sat Nam
Namaste 🙏

Ria 🧝‍♀️

Photos from Kundalini Yoga with Ria's post 03/03/2024

Risolvi Maya fino a quando ti curi e ti risvegli e manifesti il tuo cammino.
Risolvi Maya altrimenti sarebbe già spianato
Risolvi Maya
e, e, e ….


Ci sono palazzi sacri qui e là
Distrutti e con costruzioni sopra decenti o meno
C’è potere di risveglio in questi luoghi
Qui e lì
Vai e stai
Per un po’ o per un caffè ☕️ se è stato lì abbastanza (la pianta sacra sa di rete e connessioni internazionali) perché risveglia e cura
Il tè è ancora in preda al velo

Sivasukinu Bavantu

Ria 🧝‍♀️

Photos from Kundalini Yoga with Ria's post 24/02/2024

Back on the road.
Hostel welcoming
If sandals
Incense or shoes 👠
Purple the color
Asturia the call

If they veil it than we go to???? Somewhere else almost for sure. Because there is awakening.
If they don’t veil it we probably go with the awakened ones.

Will get this message a few
At one point


There were veils on Shiva and veils of Shiva. There still are a few. Some work was done and more will be done by the Masters and the Awakened Ones.

You might perceive as real your eternity and that, if death, new life will come.
Life oscillations are just oscillations.
Then, you might perceive stronger and sharper calls to let go of small tasks and roles based on collective stuck believes and social functioning, and take more consistent steps towards awakening. You might perceive highest calls to complete higher spiritual tasks for your eternal self and the global awakening.
A few are shaking the vibes for a few systems to fall and for Consciousness to win.

Shiva is cutting wrongness, the Sacred Cow is offering some warmer and comforting vibes for you to keep up, Cobra whispers the newness…

Om Shiva Om 🕉️

Ria 🧘‍♀️

Photos from Kundalini Yoga with Ria's post 18/02/2024

If you play volleyball who becomes better with volleyball? You.
If you cook who improves cooking? You.
If you are loyal who will be and look loyal? You.
If you do an idiot job for money who will look like an idiot for money? You.

Then, whatever you are vibrating you are structuring yourself, you are mastering yourself. Or not.

Be wise at these times. Choose well who you are being and becoming with your actions.

It will makes an enormous difference at certain time point in the upcoming future. A few are still on track but at gates for awakening possibilities if right choice.


Photos from Kundalini Yoga with Ria's post 16/02/2024

This is the awakened message for today:

We are in times of revolution. Be steady on the path of awakening.
Yoga must be the time of the practice and the overall life. There’s no yogic awakening without an awakened life path. Your chakras, nadis and bodies are structured by all that you do.

Remove all veil/illusions of authority. They tend to be based on money and positions of power, not given the path of self. Stay free or liberate your path from it. Trust authorities based on path of self. See beyond money and titles. Unfortunately, it is very rare that money and titles correspond to path of self. So you must see beyond that. Trust and honor authorities given self and try to build up yours. It could be your path to Guru.

If you are working and you wouldn’t do what you are doing if not payed you are most probably acting under veil. So your role in this world is different. Try to align to it. If role, money it is given path, then the Masters are with you.

Money that moves not in alignment with individual’s roles it is a big betrayal. It is often a bubble of possibilities. I mean, that what corresponds to it often doesn’t have value for awakening. Build up power to manifest also in different ways. Money can be a part but escape from illusions of awakened manifestations out of awakened path. It is better to align in this case and focus on conscious awakening and self awakening/mastery.

It oscillates if you structure more awakened power with practices for self mastery (sadhana) and/or awakened actions; I mean actions and roles that are very needed in totality at these times. Clarity about these actions and roles requires that you developed consciousness above the collective.

There is often a microcosm that corresponds to the macrocosm or a fractal of it. It allows small actions to have big impact on totality. Make it and may it be the awakened revolution.

You structure yourself with every vibration. Structure Truth. The more the knowledge the clearer the path …


Photos from Kundalini Yoga with Ria's post 05/02/2024

✨Yoga path✨

If you are walking THE PATH OF YOGA know that nadis, chakras, etheric and physical bodies and all that is consciousness related to Yoga awakens through a long multi-lifetime path which encompasses life, diets, routines, relationships, places, overall conscious arts and Veil removal from all that is Self. Then you are awakening in Yoga. Yoga is an art or it is all ✨
To get into a position and saying that you are doing an Asana you must be walking this path of mastering and most probably be at a certain level of this path. It is a SACRED PATH of beauty, mysteries and possibly a few challenegs given the stuck collective.

Break through for Truth 🧘‍♀️✨ and Walk the Newness,



Photos from Kundalini Yoga with Ria's post 01/02/2024

The path of manifestation is happening given different principles than some times ago, a part is still discernible given our regular neurons. That might change too… in this text too. There were also believes about what is newness and what is change and what is spiritual.

Mysteries unfolding for those gates ✨🧝‍♀️
(Get the message 👆)

Photos from Kundalini Yoga with Ria's post 31/01/2024

Best friends reminder
Remember best friends

A Shiva Shakti topic jugaad guray namay
Naad 🎵 encompassed 🪬🎼🧝‍♀️☯️🕉️🪯✨🧘‍♀️

Photos from Kundalini Yoga with Ria's post 30/01/2024


given the new paradigms


Photos from Kundalini Yoga with Ria's post 19/01/2024

Walk the path to find yourself
It is the highest path
Get to shake the world for it
Conscious shaking of a few is birthing the new world
It might be unusual or out of the comfort zone for many
Be steady, be real, be you

The reality that you are it is a wide reality
Unconsciousness is what covers it
Discerniment and knowledge of what is consciousness is the key 🔑 to reveal yourself to yourself, to understand what’s real and what’s fake in this world, and to get ready for what will happen in the upcoming times. Change might be the 🚪✨🧘‍♀️…

Hari Om 🕉️


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