Dr Mohsina

I am a Time Waver Therapist who currently sells Healy programs for various ailments. Sufi Healing

I have 20 years experience in EAV-Electro Accupuncture by Voll and a Masters degree in Homeopathy, Microcurrent therapy & FSM training for Pain Relief.


the other side of the coin

My first special coin was a golden one
so shiny and sharp fresh from the mint
how I held onto this glowing sun
was it mine just for a stint ?

It glowed at first sight
coyly blushing with defference
yet fearlessly, noticeable and bright
with sparks of luminescence

So soft and slightly orange-yellow
Innocent in its warmth and purity
ductile, malleable and mellow
Bold, noble with surety.

Thankfully enarmoured
with the joy of belonging
a bountiful heart clamoured
with gratitude and longing

As days past by and years
and seasons came and went
Life goes on with all its fears
the joy inside had lost its scent

the other side of the coin
was tarnished and soiled
with no heart to join
what seemed to be forever spoiled

its softness lost with no lustre
was hard with dirt and grit
the intruder and the thruster
forced one to want to quit

Disappointed feelings that run so deep
melancholic Aurum with lost ideals
Bitter rage surrounds and seeps
saved by music with songs that heals

but gold is gold and cannot be sold
it cannot change its elemental core
intrinsic in value, on the rise for sure
we are what we are and its not folklore

Just wash off the dirt and grit once more
sparkling, shining, spritely as before
Turn the coin to see through the door
Noble, regal, purity will step ashore


Beautiful moments


Finding solutions

It is true that they seem to have a problem for every solution. If you are one of them - reflect, unlearn and reprogram yourself. Try it. You won't regret. ~ Gloria* Allure x Alchemy

//📷picturesource Mike Lux Chocron//


This is all our plastic junk dumbed in our oceana

Here, I give you back what is yours.
Signed, the sea 🌊

Follow Earthly Mission for more


Complain like a duck or soar like an Eagle

"I was waiting in line for a ride at the airport. When a cab pulled up, the first thing I noticed was the taxi was polished to a bright shine. Smartly dressed in a white shirt, black tie, and freshly pressed black slacks, the cab driver jumped out and rounded the car to open the back passenger door for me.
He handed me a laminated card and said, 'I'm Wasu, your driver. While I'm loading your bags in the trunk, I'd like you to read my mission statement.'
Taken aback, I read the card. It said, 'Wasu's Mission Statement: To get my customers to their destination in the quickest, safest, and cheapest way possible in a friendly environment.'
This blew me away. Especially when I noticed the inside of the cab matched the outside. Spotlessly clean!
As he slid behind the wheel, Wasu said, 'Would you like a cup of coffee? I have a thermos of regular and one of decaf.'
I said jokingly, 'No, I'd prefer a soft drink.'
Wasu smiled and said, 'No problem. I have a cooler up front with regular and Diet Coke, lassi, water, and orange juice.'
Almost stuttering, I said, 'I'll take a lassi since I’ve never had one before.'
Handing me my drink, Wasu said, 'If you'd like something to read, I have Good Housekeeping magazine, Reader’s Digest, The Bible, and a Travel + Leisure magazine.'
As we were pulling away, Wasu handed me another laminated card, 'These are the stations I get and the music they play, if you'd like to listen to the radio.'
And as if that weren't enough, Wasu told me he had the heater on and asked if the temperature was comfortable for me.
Then he advised me of the best route to my destination for that time of day. He also let me know he'd be happy to chat and tell me about some of the sights or, if I preferred, to leave me with my own thoughts.
'Tell me, Wasu,' I was amazed and asked him, 'have you always served customers like this?'
Wasu smiled into the rear view mirror. 'No, not always. In fact, it's only been in the last two years. My first five years driving, I spent most of my time complaining like all the rest of the cabbies do. Then I heard about power of choice one day.'
'Power of choice is that you can be a duck or an eagle. If you get up in the morning expecting to have a bad day, you'll rarely disappoint yourself. Stop complaining! Don't be a duck. Be an eagle. Ducks quack and complain. Eagles soar above the crowd.'
'That hit me right,' said Wasu. He continued and said, 'It is about me. I was always quacking and complaining, so I decided to change my attitude and become an eagle. I looked around at the other cabs and their drivers. The cabs were dirty, the drivers were unfriendly, and the customers were unhappy. So I decided to make some changes. I put in a few at a time. When my customers responded well, I did more.'
'I take it that has paid off for you,' I said.
'It sure has,' Wasu replied. 'My first year as an eagle, I doubled my income from the previous year. This year, I'll probably quadruple it. My customers call me for appointments on my cell phone or leave a message on it.'
Wasu made a different choice. He decided to stop quacking like ducks and start soaring like eagles. I hope we all decide to soar like an eagle and not quack like a duck."

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Credit: Summer Grace Vanni



The power of nature!


Nature's handing out

Nature is amazing…


Glass bottom boat


Rare Albino Turtle
1 in 16 years


Turtle Island sanctuary


Guava galore


So little finger banana


Guess what fruit us this?


Fruits of Bali
Food as medicine series
White passion fruit
Sweetest tastiest
Nutritious and high in Vit C
It's flowers are used for insomnia


Love this love FSM, piece of cake



Medical Mom Warriors Group Crystal Griffith Interviews a group of caregivers and professionals on various tools and modalities available to improve one's health and that of their beloved children. Please register on the website and answer the questions in order to get access to these incredible health support


In my my training of EAV- Voll testing with my first Mentor Dr Nadia Grigarova from Sofia, Bulgaria. We always looked for pathogens as a link to their current ailments. This gave me an excellent grounding in microbiology. This method taught me how pathogens can deplete our bodies of as essential minerals and vitamins such as zinc or Vitamin C or B because the parasites thrive on those. For example if you have Candida or any fungal infection. Stop Vit B supplements since they thrive on them. Bakers Yeast is rich in Vit B so guess what beer and malt, or bread will increase the fungus. Parasites deplete zinc, children with parasites show white spots on their nails, a sign that zinc is short in the body. Chlamydia and mycoplasma suck up all the Vit B in your body so people with Chlamydia need to stop bread and take more Vit B. This is another approach about understanding how to balance our bodies. Change the terrain and that will be the trigger for our physical bodies to take care of itself.


Healy is a registered medical device that uses microcurrent and/pemph coil to support wellness and chronic disease. It has been developed by Marcus Schmieke owner of Timewaver. This technology has been introduced worldwide with some very beautiful and amazing success stories including my very own story. For those who know me from forever always know of the asthmatic condition I have been challenged with most of my life. Steroids was my friend and lifesaver still comes in handy sometimes. Yes I was the biggest drug addict and we'll known in our local Lenmed Clinic when it just opened around 40 years ago. My life was saved many times much to the exasperation of my Physicians Dr Dhanjee and late Dr Haroun Tayob and local GP Dr Zeenat Waja who I am very grateful for. My stubborn nature in believing that there is cure for every disease led me to seek Knowledge to various parts of the world and met many famous Physicians like the great homeopath George Vithoulkas in Alonissos when I was studying homeopathy. Nadia Grigarova from Sofia, Bulgaria where I learned EAV- Electro acupuncture by Voll, and about nutrition.Nuno Nina in Lisbon whose 140000 frequency programs are designed to charge our cell membrane potential to optimal level. and Carol McMakin from USA in Badnauheim Germany. Who helped me reduce the fibrosis in my lungs using Frequency Specific Microcurrent. The world of frequencies and sound treatment has given me back a life of enthusiasm, passion and desire to help as many people as possible. It doesn't end the quest of knowledge has led me to Dr Laurie Chaikin a delightful person totally dedicated in treating eye conditions such as Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Retinopathy and Tricky Glaucoma with amazing amazing results. Welcome to the World of Frequencies is The World of Hope!!!


Hi My name is Mohsina
I have studied homeopthy and medicine with a Master's in Trauma and Post Traumtic Stress Disorder. I am also a Timewaver Frequency Therapist and have designed hundreds of successful custom made expert programs amongst them the Pre Vac and Post Vac Support, The Trio- chemical Detox, Heavy Metal Detox and Pre and Post Surgery detox for chronic cases. These are obstacles to cure and often hamper our recovery to good health. I have now created a new program for Long Haul Covid -(LHC- 22) after meeting several in house clients who suffered tremendously through post Covid recovery. Symptoms such as lethargy, lost of energy, black out, cannot get through the day were rampant. I used databases for the Epstein Barr Virus, Parasites and other to help resolve the issues. My favourites are PTSS- Post Traumatic Stressful Syndrome, Insomnia, and Allergy eczema and Sinus. Others that have worked are digestive disorders, Pathogens such as Chlamydia, Clostridyium difficult, strep and Staph and Hernia ones. With a database of over 140000 frequencies there are so many possibilities. My Healy Resonance has over 120 fixed programs including the Deep Cycle, Gold Cycle, Meridians and Bio Energetic Programs and Expert Programs. We also have a possibility to makeup special customised programs from an enormous database of the Timewaver Frequency at a cost between 50 Euros to 80 Euros per program depending on the time and research spent on developing the programs. I usually do a zoom consultation to get the finer details of your problem so I can fine tune your personal custom made program.

Since Healy has been so successful I have a few extras that are available for sale. Anyone interested in purchasing a Healy Resonance or 2 they will be entitled to 12 free standard Healy custom programs worth 500 Euros. I look forward to hearing from you
Love and Gratitude
Dr Mohsina


Assalamu alaikum and Peace to one and all. It's been a while since I posted. I hope everyone is enjoying the festive season even if we don't officially celebrate Christmas we all get caught up in the happy mood. A lovely diversion to the Media. Human nature is such that they will congregate to celebrate and people have spontaneously done that this year. It's the end of the year according to our Gregorian Calendar. We use this as a timeline to see our progress and set new goals for the New Year. 2022 looks promising and exciting for Frequencies and Microcurrent Therapy is becoming more and more popular and we are getting more feedback on results
This gives us hope. One of my clients in Australia is thinking of opening up a farm to help war veterans and people from the police force or firefighters who suffer from PTSD/ PTSS. These clients would love on the farm is tha

They would live on the farm for 2-3 months and be involved in the work of farm live. Left brain is filled with worry and anxiety. Right brain is connected with work and creativity. So by engaging with one's hands physically you would be able to stop the chatter and fears of our Left brain. Microcurrent Therapy would be used in conjunction with this method. I think it's a brilliant idea and am very excited to see this model work and be implemented in other parts of the world. Have a wonderful New Year and wishing all to be safe and I don't mean just about the virus. Safe driving and in every other way. Much Love and Gratitude
Dr Mohsina


We are on this Earth to become shiny stars by overcoming our challenges, our sufferings, our difficulties, our traumas and our illnesses. Sometime the night can be really dark and we stumble and fear and lose our way grappling for a beam of light to help us on our journey. Every human that does an iota of good is spreading that ray of light like a star that he or she is. A mother to her child, a teacher, a friend, a stranger that gives a helping hand, a healer or a doctor who intends to do goodness. We might fail a million times and certainly cannot remove all the pain but making a difference in one life is like that star that gives hope to go on another night and another day. Know that Your suffering of pain or disillusionment is a polishing of your soul and higher consciousness because you shine brighter and open a path more wider for others by giving off your light of Hope.


I am starting a daily challenge of posting something on FB, which I confess to be very neglectful. Thanks to Kevin Whitcher who is a constant support and motivation in my work arena I hope this exercise will be useful and hopeful for those who are pressured by our daily health issues no matter how small or large it may appear.

Healy Testimonials from Malaysia

Thank you for the feedback.

Assalamualaikum Dr Mohsina,

My name is ???? I have purchased 3 of your therapist programs - Mold, Eczema+allergy+sinus and also After Vacc program (2 of which are for my son's health condition).

His eczema has improved a lot, alhamdulillah. The rashes on his fingers and ring worms on his ankles are completely gone now biidhnillah.


Colouring in brings some joy in the cold, wet and damp melancholic weather of the Padania Po Valley. Some solutions to combat seasonal activated disorder SAD


Miasms is a word first used 300 years ago by Samuel Hahnemann who was the father of homeopathy to describe what we would call today genetic weakness. He divided Miasms in 3 descriptions: 1)Psora, 2)Sycosis and 3)Syphilis.

1) Psora also known as "The itch" which is usually for a strong constitution with usually pure lineage and this Miasm or genetic weakness is usually skin problems. The skin is the largest organ of the body and the most superficial. It is rich in capillaries so blood vessels, nerves which can discriminate between light touch (so sensory) to pressure and pain. Most of pains are usually felt on the skin in various forms. It is a covering and a protection to our internal organs but at the same time maintains an ideal temperature by contracting or dilating blood vessels, by sweating and the fine fine and not so fine hair follicles determine many things from aerating the body, hair follicles lift and allows air to past through and cools the body. It also is responsible for getting rid of toxins, sebaceous glands oil our skin and protects it from dehydration. So Hahnemann used many homeopathic remedies for Psora like Psorinum and Sulphur. Some Remedies are known as tri miasmatic and cover all 3 Miasms. Sulphur, is also tri miasmatic.This just means they have a vast spectrum of uses like a broadband antibiotics. What I really wanted to say is that I have collated a new set of Miasmatic programs for Healy which I found in the Gold Frequencies of Nuno Nina. Clearing up Miasms is like clearing up obstacles to cure, similar to The TRIO, which removes obstacles of a chemical and synthetic nature. This removes obstacles to cure of a generic nature

2) Sycosis is the second Miasm that Hahnemann spoke about. This is due to the gonorhea taint in the body. According to Hahnemann STDS- sexuality transmitted disease creates a host of disease symptoms in the subsequent generations. Almost karmic influence according to other cultures. Whichever way you look at it is not so important. The result of a Sycosis Miasm or genetic trait would be great suspiciousness, jealousy, envy, tumors, growths and warts of various sizes and degree's. Circulation problems, hemorrhage, venomous characters and poisons. So snake Remedies like Lachesis, Medhorinnum, Naja, Thuja, Sulfur, cantharis,Causticum all fall in this category. Traditional vaccination and their side effects would go under Sycosis Miasm and sometimes they overlap into the other.

3) Syphilis or Syphilitic Miasm came up due the rise of Syphillis disease in the late 1700 to early 1800 of the Sailors who spread this disease far and wide. The result of this genetic taint was deformaty, destruction putrefaction, degeneration, breaking down of tissue. Strength and form to a slow and painful death. All Degenerate diseases are of Syphilitic in nature so autoimmune diseases, diabetes, Cancers and Aids in their last stages are all Syphilitics examples. C19 in its nature would be in this category possibly. Tubercular Miasm is an overlap of Psora + Sycosis and Cancer Miasm is Sycosis+ Syphillis. All homeopaths look at miasms in order to find a complete cure.


This is Dr Nuno Nina from Lisboa, also one of my personal doctors and teacher. I spent a week doing treatments in his amazing clinic in the winter of February 2018 for my very very bad lungs at the time. My dream is to have a clinic just like Nuno,Insha Allah. He loves talking about the "Terrain", changing the terrain, or the environment. In discussing his famous Gold Cycle which all Healy Users have, he mentioned Pure- several times and I will summarize it.

1) This is the first program to start your frequency journey with in changing the terrain from a sick body to a healthier body.
2) Pure helps to prepare the body for significant change which is the foundation of treatment. He repeated several times it is the foundation of everything.
3) He also said good food and nutrition and supplements are essential for frequencies to do anything. It is the bases.
4) Water- good quality water free of heavy metals. It is the transporter of frequencies.
5) Time to heal- We need to listen to our bodies, be aware of the moon cycles and suns which is seasons. We have lost touch.
6) The question was if there is any one program from his cycle what would you choose. His answer was Pure to be done once a week for 1 year to see significant results.
Nuno was honest and I agree going for 1 week to Lisboa didn't give me a magic cure in that one week. What it did do was make me aware, increase me in my knowledge, raised my energy little by little that I could sustain a full day. It is true, that seasonal cycles affect your health. Winter with cold wet and damp is the worst for my health. I managed 2 winters away from Europe. I am very interested to see how I do this year. This is my acid test. My mind is much better then in 2018 winter so we will see. Another thing I learned today was about the waning moon 🌒 and the waxing 🌒 and the full moon. Actually those who know about sunnah cupping know that the days of the week like Monday and Thursday after Fajr and Asr are the times for wet cupping. After full moon like 17, 19 and 21. I stand to be corrected on the details. It makes absolute sense since the Oceans are influenced by the moon with their tides and so are we since our bodies are made up of 70 % water. Nuno said something about not running anti inflammatory programs during the waxing phase. Please whoever is watching the above video. welcome to join in the discussio anyone... And Relax program should be rubbed on the waning phase since we really need to alert and active on the waxing phase. This is fascinating subject and needs more thought.


This is an amazing story. Really worth the watch and something I believe needs a serious reflection. Water is subject that deeply resonates with me. It is sacred with many secrets.

Allah has declared water as the basis and origin of life as reflected by the Holy Quran " We made from water every living thing... ( Surah 21, verse 30 ).


Love and Gratitude

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Video (vedi tutte)

Beautiful moments
Frequencies are our new hope
Cascade Saint Benoit
The Power of water.


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