CoACH ETN is an Innovative Training Network supported by the European Commission through the #642557 MSCA grant.


Summer season is quickly approaching to an end, but it was a very eventful time for our CoACH project. Over the last few months, we gained 8 (!!) new PhD graduates among our ESRs!!

Please welcome the new Doctors:
- Haka Espinado
- Francesca Ciraldo
- Alessia Masini
- Katarzyna Placha
- Cristian Marro Bellot
- Hassan Javed Warraich
- Gianmarco Taveri
- Matteo Cavasin

Our researchers worked very hard over these years toward this crucial goal for their careers. They successfully carried out their experimental activities and published their results in highly recognised peer-reviewed journals! If you like to find out more, here it is. Is all !!

Now they are ready for their next career move. We are sure they will make the difference anywhere they are headed to and wish them all the best!! Go !!


Dr Matteo Cavasin graduated at Politecnico di Torino


We are pleased to announce that last week our ESR Pablo Lopez Iscoa successfully defended his doctoral thesis at the Politecnico di Torino, under the academic supervision of Prof Daniel Milanese and Prof Laeticia Petit.

His innovative work focused on the design, processing and characterization of optical glass fibres and coatings for healthcare industries performed in collaboration with nLIGHT, Diafir, Gruppo Colorobbia and Université de Rennes 1. We wish him all the best for his future!

¡Felicidades por tu graduación!


We are glad to announce that our ESR Francesco Gucci successfully defended his doctoral thesis at the Queen Mary University of London entitled 'Current Assisted Sintering of Thermoelectric Materials'. During his years as PhD candidate, he worked at Nanoforce Technology Ltd. under the supervision of Micheal J. Reece
Congratulations Dr Gucci, we wish you all the best for your future!


We are pleased to announce that Bhuvanesh Srinivasan successfully defended his doctoral thesis at the Université de Rennes I entitled 'Novel Chalcogenide based glasses, ceramics and polycrystalline materials for thermoelectric application'.

Congratulations Dr Bhuvanesh Srinivasan, we wish you all the best for your future!


CoACH Industrial Workshop | 3 ottobre 2018

If you couldn't attend our exciting workshop on , you can watch the 3-min pitch presentations the Politecnico's and our PhD students delivered. From sensors to amazing technologies, all of them showed what is the potential of material to positively impact our lives.

Check these out!
3rd Oct:
4th Oct:

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Marie Curie Alumni Association EU Science & Innovation Politecnico di Torino


Final full-consortium CoACH meeting and Industrial workshop on .
Thank you to all the partners, supervisors and students who attended and made this successful gathering the proper conclusion of a fruitful training program.


Presentazione del ciclo di conferenze: "Prepararsi al Futuro"

Riparte il ciclo di conferenze "Preparasi al Futuro" presso il Politecnico di Torino. Verranno affrontati temi di grande , dalla politica all'economia sostenibile:

Si comincia giovedì 11 ottobre: "IL METODO DELLA SCIENZA - Sapere quello che si sa e non
sapere quello che non si sa" con Piero Angela e "Il metodo scientifico visto dall’interno", testimonianza di Anna Ceresole.

Potete anche seguire gli incontri via streaming sul sito:

Venti lezioni magistrali in dieci incontri con scienziati, politici ed esperti in vari settori dal titolo “Prepararsi al Futuro” Link all'articolo: https://p...


Our Industrial workshop on advanced materials was a success! Positive participation from both academia and industry. A great networking opportunity! Let's stay connected!!


CoACH ETN's cover photo


Congratulations to Prof. Boccaccini for his 20 years anniversary as a member of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3). He is Head of the Institute of Biomaterials University of Erlangen - Nuremberg, one of the lead partners and beneficiaries of our consortium.

Prof. Boccaccini celebrates 20 years of membership of the UK Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3)

Prof. Boccaccini joined the London based Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) (► in 1998. At the time Boccaccini was research associate at Ilmenau University of Technology ( ► ). After moving to Imperial College London, Department of Materials (► (2000), he was elevated to Fellow of IOM3 in 2004. Prof. Boccaccini has been very active as IOM3 member/fellow, particularly serving in the Council of the London Materials Society (LMS) (►, the London chapter of IOM3, since 2002. Prof. Boccaccini was Chair of LMS Council in 2005-2006 (► Boccaccini has received several awards of IOM3, including the Verulam Medal and Prize (2003), the Ivor Jenkins Medal (2010) and the Pfeil Award (2016). Prof. Boccaccini said: "I am very proud of my long association with IOM3, specially my Fellowship and participation in the LMS. The Institute has been very important during different stages in my career, obviously very relevant during my 10 years at Imperial College London, but also later, since I moved to Erlangen".


EU Science Hub - Joint Research Centre

"It will change your view of nature and the world."

"It's all about man's impact on nature" 🌍
J Henry Fair Photography

Visit the exhibition ARTEFACTS at Museum für Naturkunde Berlin!UW86VG


European Commission

Did you know? The European Union's Natura 2000 is the largest network of protected areas in the world, offering a safe home to Europe's wildlife! 🐻

Enjoy this short film shot in one of them - the Triglav National Park in Slovenia 🇸🇮!

What is your favourite place to go to when you want to be in nature?


Did you miss anything from our first day of Industrial workshop?? No worries, you can review the day highlights here:

And keep following us on Twitter:

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions EU Science & Innovation


We kicked off our 2-day Industrial Workshop on . Don't miss keynotes on groundbreaking technologies on , and tech! You find us in the Sala Consiglio di Facoltà at Politecnico di Torino.


Last week our ESR Cristian Marro attended the "26th International conference on Optical Fibres sensors" ( ,, taking place in Lausanne, Switzerland. In this occasion, he presented his work about "Optical Glass Fibre Sensor for early degradation detection in Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymers". Cristian is focusing on an innovative and cost-effective system to detect chemical species when those pe*****te composite materials, potentially inducing not desirable material degradation. If you are interested in his work, you can find out more at:

We are sure he made a good impression with his novel results while engaging with experts in the field. Well done, and best of luck for his final months of !!

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions EU Science & Innovation


Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

Do you know what is the Marie Curie Alumni Association? Wonder what stands for? Listen here!!

We're LIVE from Science is Wonderful with Esther Volz from the Marie Curie Alumni Association. Tune in! 😊


We are happy to announce that on Monday our ESR Min Yu successfully defended her PhD thesis "Processing and properties of Carbon-Ceramic Composites" at the Queen Mary University of London. During these years she was supervised by Prof Micheal J. Reece at Nanoforce Technology Ltd. Her innovative PhD research was funded by the CoACH ETN project, a European Training Network within the framework.

Congratulations Min, we wish you all the best for your future!


Min Yu's PhD Viva Our Early Stage Researcher Min Yu successfully defended her PhD thesis "Processing and properties of Carbon-Ceramic Composites". During these years she was supervised by Prof Micheal J. Reece at Nanoforce Technology Ltd.


EU Science & Innovation

EU is committed to implementing the most updated scientific findings in our present and future , to make sure they are sound for the ongoing global . This is possible thanks to the EU Science Hub - Joint Research Centre. Find out more!

EU Science & Innovation

Scientific knowledge plays a crucial role in addressing global 🌍 challenges such as climate change, demographic changes, or economic crises.

The EU Science Hub - Joint Research Centre creates, manages and makes sense of knowledge and develops innovative tools for EU policymakers


The "Advanced Materials for High Growth Industries" workshop will take place at DISAT department on 3rd & 4th October


On the 3rd & 4th October, the "Advanced Materials for High Growth Industries” Industrial Workshop will take place at the DISAT dept. of Politecnico di Torino.
It is dedicated to companies that are introducing to and to researchers who are interested in developing solutions for applied research.

Are you a student from and can't wait to present the brilliant results of your research in front of a panel of international academic and industrial experts?? Try your best in a 3-min Pitch presentation and a Poster session. You can win the Best Poster Award!
Submit your 100-word abstract at:
Deadline on 20th September.

Endorsed by the The American Ceramic Society - Italian Chapter

EU Science & Innovation


The world's first superconducting wind turbine will be installed this year off the coast of Denmark, demonstrating a breakthrough application of technology that could create new markets for wind energy, thanks to lighter, cheaper and more powerful generators!pW73tg



Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

Wanna join a graduate program that will allow you to develop your research skills in a highly international and intersectoral environment? Wanna step beyond your university lab walls?? So check out the oncoming open positions for new ITNs! Stay tuned!!

The Innovative Training Networks (ITN) aim to train a new generation of creative, entrepreneurial and innovative early-stage researchers.
Next call: 13.09.2018-15.01.2019


Good news for perspective fellows!!

Horizon Europe is the European Commission's proposal for the next EU research & innovation programme (2021-2027) with a proposed of €100 billion.

It will drive scientific excellence through the European Research Council and Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions

🇪🇺 European Research Council Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions European Commission



This week our ESR Min Yu, a research associate at Nanoforce, a spin-off from Queen Mary University of London, attended the 20th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM 2018) where she gave a talk on the -reinforced silicon with lamellar structures prepared by the phase transfer method.

To read more about her research, you can check out her paper:

or visit our website:


Congratulations to Nicoletta Toniolo, our first ESR to graduate in record time!! Last Friday she successfully defended her PhD thesis "Novel geopolymers incorporating silicate waste”. Her research work was performed under the supervision of Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini (Institute of Biomaterials University of Erlangen - Nuremberg) in collaboration with Prof. Enrico Bernardo (Università degli Studi di Padova), Prof. Ivo Dlouhy (IPM, Brno, Czech Republic) and the industrial partner Sasil Srl (Italy).
Prof. Boccaccini highlighted the outstanding research work carried out by Nicoletta, who effectively established the laboratory in the Institute, which has opened new opportunities for experimental research projects in this exciting and relevant research field.

Well done Nicoletta, and best of luck for your future career!!


Nicoletta Toniolo's PhD graduation Nicoletta successfully defended her PhD thesis titled "Novel geopolymers incorporating silicate waste”. She has been supervised by Prof. Bocaccini, Bernardo and Dlouhy.


ESR Nicoletta Toniolo successfully defended her PhD thesis. She is the first to graduate within the CoACH project!


This week our ESRs Matteo Cavasin and Silviu Ivan are attending the "6th International Conference on Integrity-Reliability-Failure" (IRF2018), organised by the Universities of Porto and Toronto.
They presented their last experimental results about the ageing of materials when exposed to marine environment. Their work is carried out at the Element Materials Technology labs in Hitchin (UK), trying to deepen the understanding of the performance evolution of such materials when exposed to this harsh environment.

Would you like to find out about our research projects on innovative materials technology?
Get in touch on our socials or visit:

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

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We are CoACH, we forge innovators

CoACH ETN is a European consortium that provides career development and training opportunities for researchers who are in their first 4 years of research career (known as Early Stage Researchers) in both the public and private sectors. Politecnico di Torino coordinates the CoACH project, funded by the European Commission through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Innovative Training Networks (MSCA-ITNs) within the #H2020 framework. CoACH ETN (Advanced glasses, Composites And Ceramics for High growth Industries European Training Network) is an multi-disciplinary and inter-sectorial programme as it includes 5 academic partners (Politecnico di Torino, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Université de Rennes 1, Università degli Studi di Padova, Institute of Physics of Materials - IPM) and 10 private companies (Element Materials Technology, Colorobbia Consulting s.r.l., Nanoforce Technology Ltd., European Thermodynamics, nLIGHT Corporation, SASIL S.p.A., Diafir, Idp Bruxelles, Bactiguard, Sunfire GmbH) , based in seven different European countries.

CoACH ETN is promoting international excellence in research on advanced #glass, #ceramic and #composite material science and technology, modelling, design, characterization and commercialization of advanced glass, ceramic and composite material based products. The 15 recruited PhD candidates benefit from direct access to state-of-the-art research equipment and expertise thanks to the facilities provided by our partners. They have been trained in creative, independent problem solving under time and resource constraints typical of a scientific and technical working environment, in continuous contact with the industrial world. The CoACH ETN program provides training-through-research in:

  • #Bioglasses and composites for #HEALTH care industries
  • Video (vedi tutte)

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