PT by PT

Dr. Patrice Taylor-Irvine
BSc PT (Hons) DPT (Hons)
Pelvic Health Physiotherapy
Oncology Physiother


“If you could give advice to those who haven’t had cancer, what would it be?”

Photos from PT by PT's post 11/10/2023

Here, Sandi shares the things she reflected on after her diagnosis and what she wishes she knew beforehand.


Let’s hear this week from Sandi! She is an extra special lady to me and you’ll hear why in the video! ⁣⁣
She also benefitted from physiotherapy management after her diagnosis and treatment. ⁣⁣
She shares with us the ups and downs leading to her improved quality of life and what helped her the most!

Sandi Manasseh


Miss Reid shares with us that it was a self-examination that made her aware that she had an abnormality in her breast. ⁣⁣
If she hadn’t consistently checked herself throughout the years to know her normal, she would have never known when it was abnormal. ⁣⁣
Self -check: With the finger pads of your 3 middle fingers, check the entire breast and armpit area, pressing down with light, medium, and firm pressure. ⁣⁣
Check both breasts each month, feeling for any new lumps, thickenings, hardened knots, or any other breast changes.⁣⁣
Report any changes to your doctor immediately! Early detection saves lives!

Photos from PT by PT's post 08/10/2023

Approximately 7% of women with breast cancer are diagnosed before the age of 40.⁣

As Miss Reid mentioned in the latest post, she was diagnosed at 33 years old despite wanting to do a mammogram at an earlier stage. But why is it not recommended before 40? ⁣

Diagnosing breast cancer in younger women (under 40 years old) is more difficult because their breast tissue is generally denser than that of older women.⁣

An ultrasound (or other diagnostic approach) may be a good choice for you if you have breast problems/symptoms and you are under the age of 40 or have other risk factors. Your doctor can certainly guide you with the best options if you have concerns.⁣


There are so many advantages to engaging in a cancer rehab programme with a physical therapist.

A lot of those undergoing treatment believe that afterwards, you have to "live with" the side effects but that is far from true.

These are far too many benefits to pass up on the opportunity for a better quality of life!

Photos from PT by PT's post 03/10/2023

Why does everyone with cancer need oncology rehab? ⁣⁣
There has been extensive research done on cancer rehab services worldwide, and the benefits have actual stats supporting them.⁣⁣
If you knew that you could reduce your risk of getting cancer again by 45%, wouldn't you jump at the opportunity? ⁣⁣
Well, that’s what we are offering. We can also help reduce your mortality rate, as well as the impact of treatment side effects on your quality of life, and we can help you navigate your new normal.


Breast cancer is the most common cancer among Jamaican women.⁣

There have been annual increases in breast cancer mortality rates among younger (35-44) and older (≥ 75 years) Jamaican women.⁣

Early detection is KEY and can be easily achieved with routine screening!⁣


Hear it first hand from our new mummy who attended our birth prep sessions with her partner before her delivery! ⁣

My aim is to help you have as positive birth experience as possible. I use evidenced based techniques to teach you how to best use your body during this period!


When a new baby is on the way, it can get so easy to focus on everything baby needs. But we have to also remember to put time and effort into getting our bodies ready as birthing women. A healthier woman can be a healthier mummy for her newborn.

Our mommas are so happy when booking in for our labour and delivery prep sessions!

These sessions can help to empower you through your birth. They give you tools to manage your discomfort with contractions and teach you how to deliver baby while reducing any damage to your pelvic floor. Implementing these techniques results in lower rates of vaginal tears, need for an episiotomy, pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence after delivery!


We know that pregnant women with back and pelvic pain can go to physiotherapy for pain relief. But what does physiotherapy have to do with labour and delivery? ⁣⁣
During our labour and delivery sessions (that I like to call “birth prep sessions”), we go through a structured series of techniques that assist you to have a positive birth experience filled with support and confidence, which ensures your body is ready to accommodate baby down your birth canal. ⁣⁣
Not only do you learn what to do, but your birth partner is also welcome to all sessions to learn what part they can play as your support before, during, and after baby arrives! ⁣⁣


Erectile dysfunction, which is commonly known as impotence, is the inability to develop or sustain an er****on that is satisfactory for sexual intercourse.⁣⁣
Although prostate cancer is not a cause of erectile dysfunction, side effects from its treatments can contribute to this problem.⁣⁣
Pelvic floor physical therapy employs manual techniques, modalities, exercise programs, diet and activity modifications, and education to help resolve erectile dysfunction.

Photos from PT by PT's post 19/09/2023

Sometimes, a urinary problem is caused by a prostate cancer tumour that is pressing on the urethra.⁣⁣
Other times, it can happen as a side effect of treatment. Prostate cancer treatment can damage the nerves and muscles that control when you urinate.⁣⁣
This can result in increased trips to the toilet, leaking urine, the inability to hold your urine, and frequent night trips to urinate (nocturia).⁣⁣
Whilst these issues can truly impact the quality of life of people with prostate cancer, the necessary treatment and help can be received by seeing a trained pelvic health therapist!


September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.⁣

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer among men.⁣

This month is a time to help others learn about prostate cancer and support those who are affected.⁣

Did you know that pelvic health physiotherapists play a huge role in rehabilitating those with prostate cancer?


Whether you’re having a vaginal delivery or a c-section, we’ve got you covered.⁣⁣⁣
Birth preparation consultations will help you and your partner feel confident going into your labour and delivery process. ⁣⁣⁣
From breathing and pushing techniques to contraction pain management techniques and pelvic floor exercises, you can count on us to help you through this magical moment in your life

Photos from PT by PT's post 02/08/2023

As a new mom, among the scary things you hear about are the tears and how many stitches other moms got after their vaginal delivery! ⁣⁣
Well, here is some useful information about what they are and why they happen.⁣⁣
Tears are usually catagorised in degrees of tears, where a higher number denotes a larger tear. The larger the tear, is the more likely you are to have complications such as pelvic organ prolapse, incontinence, and sexual dysfunction.⁣⁣
If you do tear, then trust that pelvic floor physiotherapy can help to heal your body and assist you in regaining the strength, support, and function of your pelvic floor. ⁣⁣
The best news is that prenatal physiotherapy and labour preparation can help to reduce the risk of tearing and the need for an episiotomy! As a new mom, among the scary things you hear about are the tears and how many stitches other moms got after their vaginal delivery! ⁣⁣
Well, here is some useful information about what they are and why they happen.⁣⁣
Tears are usually catagorised in degrees of tears, where a higher number denotes a larger tear. The larger the tear, is the more likely you are to have complications such as pelvic organ prolapse, incontinence, and sexual dysfunction.⁣⁣
If you do tear, then trust that pelvic floor physiotherapy can help to heal your body and assist you in regaining the strength, support, and function of your pelvic floor. ⁣⁣
The best news is that prenatal physiotherapy and labour preparation can help to reduce the risk of tearing and the need for an episiotomy!


We all know that physiotherapy can be beneficial for sports injuries and lower back pain, along with many more conditions such as osteoarthritis and strokes.⁣⁣⁣
Many don’t associate the necessity of physiotherapy with those who are pregnant. ⁣⁣⁣
There are so many benefits to engaging in physiotherapy from the very start of your pregnancy… And it’s not just helpful with pain!⁣⁣⁣
Physiotherapy during pregnancy can help with:⁣⁣⁣
Incontinence (bladder leakage) ⁣⁣⁣

Pains and strains ⁣⁣⁣

Labour and delivery preparation ⁣⁣⁣

Exercise and strengthening⁣

Plus more.


The difference between Vulvodynia and Vaginismus


Two common ge***al disorders that we treat in clinic are Vaginismus and Vulvodynia. ⁣⁣⁣⁣
Many of you have probably never heard either of these terms before, even though they may describe a lot the symptoms you've been experiencing.⁣⁣⁣⁣
Stay tuned to hear the difference between the two, and feel free to reach out to us if you'd like getting help to manage these symptoms.


We get it, dealing with issues with your ge***als and sexual life can be stressful.⁣

But you shouldn't feel any shame in it! Ge***al disorders and sexual dysfunction can happen commonly due to lifestyle, disease, genetics, injury, surgery or trauma.⁣

You are entitled to want sexual health and ge***al wellness and we want that for you as well!⁣

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy can assist in numerous sexual dysfunction conditions and help to improve your quality of life.

Photos from PT by PT's post 12/05/2023

Almost all the time, patients tell me that, when they started noticing they were leaking urine, they started doing Kegels as much as they could since their pelvic floor muscles were “loose” or “weak”.⁣

After I educate and treat them, they realize that it probably wasn’t the best idea. ⁣

Kegels can be a great tool! However, when the pelvic floor is already in a constant state of contraction, then it’s probably not the thing that will help it relax, right? ⁣

Tight muscles can cause too much tension in the pelvic floor, which increases the pressure on the bladder. This increase in pressure can then lead to urge incontinence/overactive bladder.⁣

Overactive bladder (OAB) can be described as the sudden urge to urinate, followed by involuntary total voiding of the bladder or bladder leakage.⁣

Does this sound like something you’ve been experiencing? Get it checked out and treated now!

Photos from PT by PT's post 10/05/2023

When you have weak pelvic floor muscles, you may wonder what that looks like for the bladder. Well, here are a few things that can look out for:⁣⁣
• A urine scent on underwear from a leaky bladder⁣
•Not being able to hold your p*e in time to get to the toilet⁣⁣
•Leaking p*e when coughing, sneezing, laughing, or exercising⁣⁣
If you think this could be you, don’t wait to get it checked out!

Photos from PT by PT's post 09/05/2023

I ask my patients all the time, “Do you have normal bladder habits?” and they almost always say yes.⁣⁣
Then, when I ask some more specific questions, they come to the realisation that they have had some sort of bladder dysfunction for a long time, which they considered normal. ⁣⁣
Here are a few things to look out for to know if your bladder habits are healthy


Clogged ducts & lactation mastitis: What’s the difference? ⁣

A clogged duct is an obstruction of milk flow in a portion of the breast, either at the ni**le or further back in the ductal system. It can feel like a lump (or several lumps) within the breast and may or may not be tender to touch.⁣

Mastitis is inflammation of tissue that can sometimes result in an infection. It presents with breast pain, swelling, warmth, and redness. If the infection occurs you may also have joint pain, fever, and chills. ⁣

If you let your clogged milk duct go untreated, it can turn into mastitis very quickly (in a matter of hours).⁣

Mastitis can also occur if bacteria enter the milk duct through a crack in the ni**le due to poor latching or pumping techniques, which can lead to infection. ⁣

Here are some tips to avoid these from happening to you! ⁣

1. See a lactation or pumping consultant early after baby is born to ensure you have the proper techniques, positions, tools, and sizes.⁣
2. If you were unable to avoid the clogged duct, get it treated early to avoid it progressing to mastitis.⁣
3. See your physician the moment you start to develop flu-like symptoms (with or without the fever).⁣
4. The prophylactic supplementation of the mother with a specific probiotic during pregnancy and lactation has also been shown to reduce the risk of mothers developing mastitis. Speak to your healthcare provider about your options!


In short, the answer is YES!⁣

Are you planning to nurse your baby? If so, that’s great for you & baby! ⁣

But what happens when breastfeeding doesn’t go according to plan? What happens if you have difficulty feeding, have an overproduction of milk, or even wear the wrong bra for too long and develop mastitis? ⁣

Mastitis is a condition that affects 20–25% of women in Western countries and usually affects women 2–3 weeks postpartum. However, mastitis can occur at any stage postpartum if you’re breastfeeding, whether by nursing or by pumping! ⁣

Lactation mastitis can come on VERY quickly. It is an infection within the breast that comes on from the build up of milk leading to clogged ducts. It presents as a hot, tender, swollen breast or armpit area along with flu-like symptoms such as joint pain & fever. ⁣

Although medications can fix the infection, they don’t get rid of the clog. Thus, mastitis recurrence is quite common, affecting 20–35% of the women who initially develop it. ⁣

However, specialized physical therapy can help by treating the area with specific techniques and tools, as well as assist in preventing it altogether in the first place through patient education, as many who suffer from mastitis don’t know why it happens or how to address it.


How you hold your baby and the chair you use while breastfeeding are extremely important! ⁣⁣
When my new moms come to me, I have a large number of them complaining about neck & mid-back pain. ⁣⁣
My first questions are:⁣⁣
1) What position do you breastfeed in?⁣
2) Where are you sitting for your nursing sessions?⁣
Often times, moms will say that they are sitting anywhere (including their beds), without any back support, and hunched forwards to bring their breasts as close to baby as possible, while they gaze down delicately at them. ⁣⁣
Both these situations (and others that are similar) can cause strain to the upper and mid-back muscles by placing a significant amount of load on the upper to mid-back as you hold your baby to your body and look down at them.⁣⁣
These positions place the muscles in your back in a stretched state. Additionally, if you have no back support from a complementary nursing chair, then this load can cause fatigue of the muscles in the mid-back, which can cause them to spasm or become tight, subsequently causing pain.⁣⁣
If you are unsure of the correct positions to use for feeding and are experiencing pain, then book in and let’s see how I can help you!


Your C-section scar can be managed by a physical therapist! ⁣

Scar management can help reduce the appearance, redness, thickness and sensitivity of your scar. ⁣

There are various techniques that can be used like massage, taping, or stretching, to decrease scar tissue adhesions and formations so you can restore normal functional mobility and appearance.


What’s an adhesion, you ask? ⁣

Abdominal adhesions are bands of scar-like tissue that form inside your abdomen, which can happen after any major abdominal surgery like a C-section. ⁣

These bands can form between two or more organs or between organs and the abdominal wall, which can lead to obstruction of organ function and movement.⁣

Many clinical studies showed that, regardless of the surgical method used, adhesions were a frequent occurrence after Caesarean deliveries.⁣

While adhesions develop after any kind of pelvic or abdominal surgery, people who have had prior c-sections are even more at risk.⁣

Abdominal adhesions can lead to:⁣

⚪️Bowel obstruction ⁣
⚪️Bladder injury ⁣
⚪️Difficulty with performing subsequent C-section⁣
⚪️Adhesion-related pain ⁣

Adhesions can be managed surgically and conservatively. Some surgical options have a high recurrence of more adhesions, with the laparoscopic approach proving to be the better surgical option.⁣

Conservatively, physiotherapy at the beginning of your post-op/postpartum phase is an optimal way to treat and manage your adhesions to reduce any further complications that can arise from your caesarean scar.


Scar numbness is the loss of feeling/sensation near the incision. ⁣⁣
This is a common post-op side-effect that many women experience after a C-Section.⁣⁣
I get asked many times: "Why is this happening?"⁣⁣
It's because small nerves in the area of your incision are sometimes damaged by stretching, pulling, or being severed during surgery. ⁣⁣
These nerves control your ability to feel sensation like touch, pain, or even hot and cold!⁣⁣
It can take nerves time to regrow, but sensation usually returns within several months. There are a few cases where sensation never returns, and brain readaptation occurs to normalise this new reality.


It’s true

Having a vaginal delivery does increase the risk for pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence issues when compared to those who did a cesarean. ⁣

However, having a cesarean doesn’t mean you have no risk at all. This is is a common misconception and can lead to the under diagnosing of these issues postpartum in our C-section ladies.

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The difference between Vulvodynia and Vaginismus
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Let’s dive right into part 2! ⁣⁣We have a short discussion touching on some of what physical therapy can do in the post ...
Breast Cancer Awareness Month is over but CANCER REHAB awareness doesn’t ever stop. ⁣⁣Listen to part 1 of our 3 part ser...



2 Seymour Avenue, Seymour Park, Unit 29

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 16:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 16:15
Thursday 08:00 - 16:00
Friday 08:00 - 16:00

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