Kuwa Mwenyewe Mentorship

Kuwa Mwenyewe is a Mentorship Model that seeks to enable every member of the society to Kuwa Wenyewe.

Kuwa Mwenyewe Foundation conducts Mentorship and Community Empowerment programs for the purposes of realizing Education for all and alleviation of Poverty. The Kuwa Mwenyewe Mentorship model employs a leadership and problem solving approach tailored for personal development of individuals in tranforming attitudes and developing the right character traits in children and youth and also in solving c


Sangiey Trained Teacher and Field Research professional
Towards realization of education for every child in East Pokot


Bonfire Experience
Towards realization of education for every child in East Pokot

Photos from Kuwa Mwenyewe Mentorship's post 11/03/2023

Unforgettable Hiking experience to Embossos
towards realization of education for every child in East Pokot


Juen Pochot and Adenosine Gerly
Two Graduates
Now Employed
Two Role Models their brothers and sisters look up to
Two Breadwinners
Two now assisting their parents educate their siblings
Two products of
More concerted efforts Towards realization of education for every child in East Pokot


The Farm becomes a marketplace 🤗
Irrigation for Food Security
towards realization of education for every child in East Pokot


Shine na Kamrio (I'm A Mentor) T-Shirt
Support towards realization of education for every child in East Pokot


Alternative Livelihoods will surely not only be an antidote towards ending banditry but will also build empower communities economically, improve food security and access to healthy fresh foods, eliminate hunger and foster more enrollment of children in marginalized areas to school to access education.

All concerted efforts towards the realization of education for every child in East Pokot, should be encouraged, pursued and appreciated, as these too will help bring an end to insecurity in the North Rift.


Today on
Murathe Ngigi Celebrated Poet, and Photographer
Towards realization of education for every child in East Pokot.


To own who you are you have to understand who you truly are.
towards realization of education for every child in East Pokot


International Women's Day is meant to celebrate the great milestones and achievements of our women.

Meet today's Face of youthful women leadership in Tiaty, East Pokot

Here's Juen Pochot

First Girl from Akoret to attain University Education
She is currently making efforts to ensure all her siblings are educated, has become a helper to her parents and through her efforts, there's more progress towards realization of education for every child in East Pokot.


Women In Action
Women Mentoring
Towards realization of education for every child in East Pokot.


Woman, Engineer, Mentor
All in one
Faith Muthoni Shining in a red Kamrio (I'm A Mentor) T-Shirt
Happy International Women's Day
towards realization of education for every child in East Pokot


To our Women Mentors
May your commitments bear fruits
May your resilience reward you
May your strength to love continue to thrive
May God's Grace and Blessings be upon you
Happy International Women's Day


Be A Mentor too 🤗
Shine na Kamrio (I'm A Mentor) T-shirt
Support towards realization of education for every child in East Pokot.

Photos from Kuwa Mwenyewe Mentorship's post 06/03/2023

Hare, Wall or Bow and Arrow?
The moments of fun mentoring


Ng'ara nayo, Chukua Selfie
Shine na Kamrio (I'm a Mentor) T-Shirt
Towards realization of education for every child in East Pokot


Chukua Selfie nayo 🤗
Shine na Kamrio (I'm A Mentor) T-Shirt
Support the efforts towards realization of education for every child in East Pokot.

Photos from Kuwa Mwenyewe Mentorship's post 05/03/2023

Shine na Kamrio T-Shirt
Towards realization of education for every child in East Pokot 🤗


Philippians 4:8

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.


is a model Kuwa Mwenyewe Mentorship program advancing efforts towards realization of education for every child in East Pokot.

We do this through to Kamrio and Kongor Villages every school holiday mentoring the school going children to stay the course in school, succeed and become good role models to their siblings and inspire their parents to encourage the community to continue to embrace and support their children's education.


Bonfires experience offer us special platforms for story telling and cultural exchange between Mentors and their mentees.

Towards realization of education for every child in East Pokot missions.


Food security is key to ensuring kids pursue education free from hunger pangs.
Towards realization of education for every child in East Pokot


Be A Mentor too
Support towards realization of education for every child in East Pokot.
Shine na Kamrio (I'm A Mentor) T-Shirt


Let this be a new beginning to you
May Blossom as it springs
Happy New Month 🤗


Get yourself one
Kamrio (I'm A Mentor) T-shirt
Shine For East Pokot
Towards realization of education for every child in East Pokot


Towards realization of education for every child in East Pokot
The Pioneers

THE PIONEERS OF KAMRIO “There once was” shall forever remain in the tongues of the pioneers, tales they’ll tell of Kamrio village in East Pokot before Kamrio Primary School did its first KCPE. The path …


The journey to begins with Self Discovery and Awareness. The Pokot child being empowered to understand self and his/her surrounding, to be able to dream and work towards a better Pokot for self, kin and the community

towards realization of education for every child in East Pokot


When you educate, you strengthen the mind, and when you strengthen the mind, you empower an individual with will power and resilience.

Support Towards realization of education for every child in East Pokot.

Photos from Kuwa Mwenyewe Mentorship's post 21/02/2023

Support the Missions towards realization of education for every child in East Pokot.

Photos from Kuwa Mwenyewe Mentorship's post 21/02/2023

The Mentors' journey to Kamrio aboard
Towards realization of education for every child in East Pokot


The Son of Long'elech recently got appointed by TSC as a teacher for Junior Secondary School having graduated last year with a Bachelor's degree in Education from Laikipia University

Read the full story of Aden 👇


Towards realization of education for every child in East Pokot


To means you own who you are and to own who you are you must have a good understanding of yourself to be aware of your surroundings, your needs and desires as an individual, your abilities, strengths and weaknesses which can then help you figure out what you need to do and how to get to where you need to be...

towards realization of education for every child in East Pokot.


Mathew 25:37-40

37 Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?

38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you?

39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’


Compassion births Passion, the fuel to Mentor 😊 towards the realization of education for every child in East Pokot


The Joy in winning boosts morale; this is why fun games and sports are helpful in mentoring. Such activities can be modelled to carry lessons that simplify concepts to enable the young to relate with the lesson and understand better.


Mentorship is about pointing the young to the right direction that your mentees get to freely and willingly choose to follow.

Advancing efforts towards realization of education for every child in East Pokot...


Every child desires greatness, they just don't always know the greatness that lies within them. The role of Mentors is to help the young discover and understand themselves better, to be more self aware of their passions, their abilities and what they need to grow.


One of the memorable moments we keep sharing as Mentors is coming together every once in a while to visit one of us; to share in their joy, celebrate each other's life progresses and milestones. And God keeps filling up our cup till it pours, our joy complete 🤗

Mentor Fridah Keitany visit

Photos from Kuwa Mwenyewe Mentorship's post 10/02/2023

Installation > Commissioning and Prayer > The Harvest > Revenue generation

Who'd ever thought this small project would help the Kamrio community survive the 2017 harsh drought?

Well, not only does this initiative help solve the problem of food, it helps empower the farmers generate revenue through food crop farming sustainably.

The farmers are women and youth, parents who are ever pressed with the educational needs of their children; what better way to encourage economic growth and independence of the community to enable them meet basic school needs for their children than such an initiative?

Help us build a Mentorship Center for the provision of training and support of such initiatives


Small Gains they may be, most important thing is, there's progress towards realization of education for every child in East Pokot

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Our Story

Kuwa Mwenyewe is a Mentorship Model that seeks to enable every member of the society to Kuwa Wenyewe, that is to Become Owners: a people who truly own who they are; what they have, their talents, gifts and professional knowledge and skills; what they do with what they have; and the impact in shaping the society to enhance and actualize synergy towards sustainable growth and development.

The Core Mission of Kuwa Mwenyewe Mentorship is to Disciple WENYEWE, a people who truly own who they are; what they have, their talents, gifts and professional knowledge and skills; what they do with what they have; and the impact in shaping the society.

WENYEWE are Warriors' Epitome Nourishing the Young Entrepreneurally With Edutainment and for this reason Kuwa Mwenyewe Mentorship employs a Leadership and Problem Solving approach tailored for personal development of individuals in changing mindsets to develop the right attitudes and developing the right character traits in children and youth and also in solving community problems through community empowerment.

The Objective of Kuwa Mwenyewe Mentorship is to grow the Awareness and Understanding of the concept of Kuwa Mwenyewe; to demonstrate How to Kuwa Mwenyewe and; to Raise and Nurture Wenyewe, people who truly own their own society by owning who they are, their talents, arts, skills and professional knowledge, utilizing them to impact positively in their own societies to enhance and actualize synergy towards sustainable growth and development.

The idea of Kuwa Mwenyewe is that we own who we are, what we have, what we do, and our environment. As such we own ourselves by being self aware, with a continuous growth in understanding of self and owning our talents, arts, gifts and skills and professional knowledge by utilizing them to impact positively in our society to enhance and actualize synergy towards sustainable growth and development.

Videos (show all)

Bonfire Experience#KongorMentorship Towards realization of education for every child in East Pokot
#KamrioMentorship is a model Kuwa Mwenyewe Mentorship program advancing efforts towards realization of education for eve...
Mathew 25:37-40 37 Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and gi...
Tuesday 10th January, 2023 #KongorMentorshipHow this year begun#KuwaMwenyewe
Mentors Journeying back from Kamrio to Chemolingot after #KamrioMentorship and #KongorMentorship Missions.The efforts co...
The long journey on foot #KongorMentorship#KamrioMentorship #KuwaMwenyewe
AGC Kamurio Youth, Kamrio Mentorship
#KuwaMwenyeweYou are our Heroes Mentors...#HappyMashujaaDay#BeAMentor too




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