Paws Crossed Lebanon

Devoted Pet Rescuer� We can`t do everything ... But we can do something . We all can help by giving the world the love it is asking for .

We make Hand made product and we for sure customize any gift you are asking for, and 70% of the profits will settle our rescues bills. This page will keep you updated on our rescues in Lebanon ...
and will keep you updated how you can help. ( We are not NGO`s)

What are the needs of our rescue: - Medical bills
- Boarding Fee
- Food for our rescues and strays

How can you help you say ?

1- You ca

Photos from Paws Crossed Lebanon's post 16/07/2024

Goodbye Simba💔

Simba left us few days ago, I was devastated by the news, we fought so much for him, gave him every treatment in the book for his case, but unfortunately his body was too fragile 💔

Simba felt love his whole life, he was a well beloved stray cat, & we made sure he felt love & encouragement in his last days to treasure his life❤️

I fight for every life, at every age, they all deserve to be treated like equals and respectfully specially senior cats, they deserve to know love, patience & admiration ❤️

Goodbye beautiful soul❤️ forever treasured❤️

Sorry to talk about it, Simba left us but not his vet bill, 400$ were donated for his bill, but we will need 210$ (i did not close them because I monthly withdraw your donations). If you wish to donate to help us close his bill, links in bio❤️
We thank you❤️


My sleepy cats unbothered by my presence 🥹❤️

We work tirelessly to manage this many cats living in peace with each other, it doesn’t come easy, we still have fights, but we try to make their life at the shelter more like home!

Sometimes I still can’t believe my treasures were one day someone’s trash, but never again, their future is bright, but until they are happily adopted,I try to make their present situation as comfortable as it can be❤️

I couldn’t made this possible without your support, every one of you is making a difference, being in our community, sharing our lives with the world, donating anything you can manage to share with us, sending positivity & love IS MORE THAN WE CAN WE WOULD HAVE HOPED FOR❤️

Thank you for being here❤️

& if you would like to support their monthly expenses we now have Paypal finally after many requests 😍 & we have other ways in the link in our bio❤️

Our shelter is still growing, whenever i find myself with a little extra money I get new additions to the shelter that can make a difference in the cats life like new towers, shelves, beds & other ways to entertain them to keep the peace❤️ we hope soon we will be able to defeat our financial struggles and make room for improvement ❤️

Photos from Paws Crossed Lebanon's post 12/07/2024

Simba 1 week update!

Simba is diagnosed with Calicivirus, which his gum, tongue & respiratory system gets severely infected, which makes him unable to eat or drink!

Now Simba is fighting for his life, literally!

Unfortunately he is not responding well to the treatment, so today we changed his whole treatment! But as he is not eating we need to put a feeding tube, but his body is toooo weak for any kind of anesthesia!

Yesterday we did a blood transfusion (BIG THANKS TO CHACCOUR OUR BLOOD DONOR, we love you for saving his life❤️❤️)

We are hoping with this, it will give his body some energy to fight more & to be able to insert this feeding tube! Because now we are in a loop, where the only way to get better is to eat, but he can’t eat! 💔

Not to forget he is 12 years old, this virus is very deadly to cats his age because they drop their immunity system & their body is too old to fight!

But I am fighting with you mami❤️

Would you help him fight too?? His bill until now is 610$ (& we still have another week at the hospital, so it will be another 600$)
PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME COVER HIS BILL! i cant afford 1,300$ 🥲 so far 300$ were donated to him!

If you can donate link in bio, or contact us to give you other ways🙏🏻

If you can’t donate, share❤️ it is as important as donating 🙏🏻

Photos from Paws Crossed Lebanon's post 01/07/2024


Coco’s eye popped💔

Unfortunately coco went completely blind, & recovering her vision became impossible!

Her growth is very very slow💔

Thankfully coco is fighting, she is eating, drinking & playing normally 🥹

We need you to cover her bill for this week 105$! (Blood test 20$, consultation 40$, food 25$ for dry & 20$ for wet food)

If you wish to donate towards coco, link in bio❤️

We would really appreciate it as we will not be able to afford her food because our debts are over 5,000$ and i cant spare 100$ for her💔 i am devastated😢

Wish her luck❤️❤️

Photos from Paws Crossed Lebanon's post 21/06/2024


Coco is with us now🥹 unfortunately she has Herpesvirus infection, that caused severe infection in her eyes that blinded her!

As per her teeth she is 6 weeks but her size feels barely 4 weeks! She is very under developed!

I held her for few minutes but I felt a fire in her! She game a little hope that she wants to fight!

Now it’s our job to help her fight❤️

She is now at the hospital on IV to give her little body some minerals, we started treatment as per today noon!

Wish her luck 🍀

We appreciate any help we can get for this little girl, share this post or Donate (link in bio)

Thank you for helping me save her in the first place ❤️


Help needed! But unfortunately this time I can’t take her without help!

This kitten with an aggressive eye infection that blinded her!
A kind lady took her in but by tomorrow she has no place for her!

I have a place for her but not the funding💔

It breaks my heart to know i can help but my hands are tied!

This kitten will need approximately 300$ as starter!
- 100$ blood test (FIV, CBC, Chem10)
- 40$ check up at a specialist
- 12$ anti flea
- 20$ taxi
- 40$ per night at the vet (she will need more than 3 nights)

If at least half of the amount needed will get donated that blind girly is ours, but with over 5,000$ worth of debts I really can’t move!

If you can donate (link in bio, if you can’t please share her story ❤️

Barely 1 month old & can’t see, only feel her pain💔

Photos from Paws Crossed Lebanon's post 19/06/2024


We need your help to feed my family ❤️

I have 24 dogs & 55 cats, food monthly is around 1,200$

In 5 days we will be out of food & no money to pay for it💔

Other than the food i have the cat shelter expensive which are around 1,000$ a month

As well we pay boarding for our dogs 1,400$ a month!

This is other than the taxis, & surprise expenses that exceed 1,200$ every month 🥲

So basically our minimum MONTHLY EXPENSES ARE: 4,600$, which is pretty crazy for one human being in this economy to pay for it🥲

So I Desperately need to help to pay for June’s expenses!

Please donate (link in bio) if it doesn’t work for you please contact us❤️

If you can’t donate please share🙏🏻
Help me keep a roof over my family 🙏🏻

Photos from Paws Crossed Lebanon's post 15/06/2024


Cherry finally found her forever home in France, & we found her a last minute flight❤️

We desperately need to gather 330$ in 24h to afford her ride
- 130$ crate
- 30$ micro-ship
- 20$ export permit
- 150$ titer test

Cherry was bought by a filthy rich man who wanted to train her to be a guard dog, after failing to be a good protector & being constantly attacked by his other dogs because she is too friendly, he decided to tie her under one of his company!

They put her food on the floor because she kept on throwing her bowl, her water was green, she had no place to hide from the cold weather and her only home would be filled with water after every rain!

After 1h of negotiations he accepted to give her to me, & I promised her that i will give her the best life ever!

AND NOW SHE HAS THE CHANCE! Can you help me keep my promise & help me afford her flight?

Let’s change her life❤️

Donate towards her flight, link in Bio❤️


Goodbye Chouchou💔

Today was a sad day, Chouchou started doing seizures nonstop, unfortunately her little body couldn’t handle all of this pain.

She didn’t do anything to deserve this, she barely saw the light to be stolen away from this world.
This world can never let your light shine✨

Shine bright in the sky you beautiful angel❤️‍🩹


Where is the toy?

Photos from Paws Crossed Lebanon's post 16/05/2024


This month’s donation are sooo low I barely was able to cover part of the food!

My babies left me, but their bills didn’t close itself unfortunately!

I am in desperate need of any amount you would like to donate to close their bill!

Meshmoush & Karo caught parvo but didnt make it💔

If you wish to donate link in bio, or contact me for different ways to donate! ( we do not have PayPal)

Photos from Paws Crossed Lebanon's post 14/05/2024

Bean 🫘

This girl can have my heart anytime she wants!!

What is this??? She is only 2.5 months & she is the queen of a house of 9 cats, 1 dog & 3 peasants which are us😂

I just wanted to show what love, many weeks of sleepless nights, hard work, hand scratches looks like!

Just send love for this queen❤️❤️❤️

Bean story:
Beand had 3 siblings that i rescued when they were only 1 day old! Their mother birthed them in someone’s garage, bit the man moved them & their mother didn’t recognize them anymore!
Only she survived, she was loved and nurtured till she became the bundle of joy she is now❤️


Mechmouch & Karo💔🌈

I want to say I am sorry, sorry I couldn’t save you, I promise I did everything I can, but how did happen, how can you slip away!

Both of my babies died from Parvo, a virus that stealing my family away from me! It stole so many, how can it be this out of control with all of my efforts!

My heart is ripping apart!

I am sorry babies, both of you were young & didn’t deserve this much agony!

I love you both❤️

Mechmouch I didn’t get to know you but I am sure you were gonna be soo smart & funny!

Karo, I knew you were so smart & funny & I didn’t get the chance to show your amazing personality to the world!

Goodbye my loves❤️


Pray for Mechmouch🙏🏻

Today he suddenly collapsed, after more tests it showed his blood cells started to crash, low temperature, diarrhea is getting worse which shows Parvo Symptoms!

I am beyond devastated for this little guy, his life didn’t even start for this much misery 💔


If you wish to donate for his treatment (Link in Bio) we would appreciate it, it is a very expensive treatment💔

I hope you make it, you look like a very special boy❤️

Photos from Paws Crossed Lebanon's post 07/05/2024

Jeddo, the saddest cat alive💔

Jeddo is 12 years old! He was dumped by his family with no remorse!

A kind lady saved him, but unfortunately she was gonna put him back on the street because she couldn’t afford him anymore!

I couldn’t let this happen! Jeddo will join our shelter tomorrow morning, will be checked by our vets, & he will be safe till the end of his days❤️

How can you dump your senior child? After sharing with you their whole life! SHAME!

Jeddo reminded me a lot of our late Fetta who was dumped at 19 years old, her space will be filled❤️

We need your help, unfortunately we technically can’t afford to have him, but I hope you guys will help by donating any amount to help him❤️

To donate towards his case, link in bio ( we do not have Paypal)

We are happy to welcome Jeddo❤️


Goodbye Loz💔🌈

I am sorry I wasn’t able to save you my love, your body was too weak!

Unfortunately her body was getting better, but she wasn’t still vaccinated by her ex-owners at 9 years of age!

Loz caught Parvo and passed this morning after a 2 week fight with her body!

I only blame her owners! What would she take from you to keep 3 more years! You are the soul reason Loz was fighting for her life! I only hope it happens to you what you did to her💔

I was planning a good life for you, but you get to protect me instead of me protecting you❤️‍🩹

Photos from Paws Crossed Lebanon's post 22/04/2024


We need 3,000$ for our cat & dog shelter

I have 28 dogs and 48 cats!
1 of our dogs Ric his food is 100$
26 dogs eat average 30$ a bag = 780$
1 of them eats 20$

Cat food we need 9 bags a month approx 400$
Special diet food 45$
Litter we need 100$

On top of this we have our dog monthly boarding:
16 dogs 45$ = 720$
6 dogs 50$ = 300$
2 dogs 250$
TOTAL OF: 1,270$

In addition, summer is here & the fleas are everywhere, we need an additional 300$ for nexgard for our dogs🙏🏻
Yes these numbers are crazy, these excludes our monthly vet bills, taxis, showers, & many surprise accidents.

I really need any support i can get to close these huge bills🙏🏻

If you can’t donate sharee❤️
Any amount counts ❤️

For your generous donation Link in Bio🙏🏻
Or in the highlight other ways❤️
We do not have paypal!



After 10 months, she finally found her home❤️

Hazel was dumped in Karantina, one of the most overcrowded & polluted regions in Lebanon, a kind man sent me her pictures & i fell in love. Do you even see her beauty??

All i need is a travel angel to take her with her to France, there will be someone to help you with her in Beirut, & someone waiting for her in France, all you need to do is admit her at the airport!

Please SHAREE, help me change her life forever ❤️

She will have a big brother & a family that hikes a lot!

Airline Transavia is our favorite option ❤️


My name is Sandra, & I am obsessed with cats!

But the question is, did you see my new accessory?



Fahoum was rescued in September with a huge hold in his face, keep in Mind that he is EXTREMELY feral!
But we managed to give him his whole treatment!

Fahoum now is healthy, vaccinated, neutered, & living his life at the shelter❤️

Thanks to you guyz for helping me pay for his treatment ❤️
We still need only the 60$ for his neutering surgery ❤️

Our work unfortunately isn’t free nor cheap!
We always appreciate any donation you send to our shelter❤️

Forever grateful ❤️

If you would like to Donate towards our rescues you can via link in our bio or you contact us to guide you threw other ways❤️

(We do not have Paypal unfortunately)

Photos from Paws Crossed Lebanon's post 14/03/2024


Are you coming to Lebanon From Cyprus!?

Festok Has FIP, which is a deadly disease, his treatment here is 2,000$
Last slide is 200$ only for 5 days😅😱

I am so overwhelmed with bills, i am literally crying everyday and I can’t anymore, please i need a human to bring me the treatment, it will cost then 300 Euros instead of 2,000$

PLEASE SHARE, because I will have to stop the treatment next week & it will be a danger to his life🙏🏻

Festok story:
Festok was born in a home with his siblings, the man adopted their family 6 years ago, but after a while Festok started meowing to go mate, so the guy kept him outdoors in the day and “as he told me” he sleeps at night in the house.
3 years ago, Festok disappeared for 20 days and came back with a smashed hand! The guy decided he doesn’t want to do anything but to clean his hand with betadine!

Fast forward to yesterday, Festik is now 6 years old, with a wound that is 3 years old, half of his life he lived in complete pain!


I don’t have anymore money from his surgery because i had to pay them for his expensive treatment 😭


Photos from Paws Crossed Lebanon's post 08/03/2024


We need 1290$ for our cat & dog shelter

I have 28 dogs and 48 cats!
Few of our dogs eat now food for 55$ & 60$
26 dogs eat average 30$ a bag = 780$
Additional special food 115$

Cat food we need 6-7 bags a months approx 210$
Kitten food 50$
Special food 45$
Litter we need 90$

On top of this we have our dog monthly boarding:
18 dogs 30$ = 540$
5 dogs 50$ = 250$
2 dogs 250$
TOTAL OF: 1,040$

Please help me get food by mid March🙏🏻

This months I have no money for food nor Boarding 💔

If you can’t donate sharee❤️
Any amount counts ❤️

For your generous donation Link in Bio🙏🏻
Or in the highlight other ways❤️

Photos from Paws Crossed Lebanon's post 04/03/2024


I appreciate you so much❤️ you made me the person I am today.
All of these cats & dogs wouldn’t be saved if maybe I adopted another dog!

You made it so easy for me, tolerating my weird behavior, my lack of emotions when I am depressed, your zoomies when I am happy, you were so patient with all of these fosters I got and all of these 9 cats even tho you prefer to be an only child, but I know you know our house will be the only one accepting there difference!

I appreciate you & I couldn’t Love anyone like you❤️

You are now 8 years & a half, how did the time pass??
How can I ever live without you?
No dog will ever replace you❤️

To the moon and back, your love will be eternal ❤️❤️


Run Free Pirate🌈

I am sorry to announce that Pirate left us💔
Even tho he got better, but the surgery was very essential to do it the Soonest, as he wasn’t breathing well anymore!

But my boy couldn’t handle it💔

We knew from the start his body was getting stronger but it looked like mentally he was stronger than his body💔

The shelter, our family was waiting for you, but heaven wanted you❤️

You were loved by your community and whoever did this to you I hope he will feel more pain that he put you threw.

We love you Pirate❤️🌈


Goodbye Oliver💔

Tonight oliver left us!
No it wasn’t any medical problems!
It was shelter overcrowding!

You think that I don’t take your dogs because I am not mean? Or get frustrated because I don’t answer you 100 messages nagging me to take your dogs (home or rescue) ?

The life of a shelter is not the best, it’s NOT THE SAFEST!!!

There are always alpha males, or the submissive ones, the one that knows no boundaries, the shy one, the aggressive one, the strong personality….

It gets tooo overwhelming for them! Eventho he was with the same pack for over 5 months but this doesn’t illuminate the probability of an attack !

Oliver was found with multiple bite wounds on a pool of his blood, he broke my heart !

He deserved the world, but the world never cared to foster a shelter mixed dog!
Or even they preferr to adopt their pure breed dogs!

Oliver stayed 2 years at the shelter waiting to be saved, but apparently heaven was his only way out❤️

I am sorry mami, you deserved better 💔

I love you❤️ heaven is filled with my babies, and I can’t wait to see you all again❤️

Photos from Paws Crossed Lebanon's post 06/02/2024

We need your help with Cherry🍒🙏🏻

We need to raise fund towards her rescue🙏🏻
Her first bill:”spaying + Hernia & blood test) is 355$
Second bill will be for vaccinations 55$
We have taxis 100$ (from vet back twice + to go to the boarding)
Nexgard: 16$
Boarding 80$
Food 30$

Her rescue will cost around 700$

She would’ve lived a life on a chain her whole life if I didn’t take her, all is left is her bills and hopefully soon she will find a home!

Would you donate towards her case??

To donate you can via the link in our bio or contact us to inform you about other ways❤️

Help me help Cherry❤️

Photos from Paws Crossed Lebanon's post 18/01/2024

Hello guyz❤️

We need approx 1000$ for our cat & dog shelter

I have 27 dogs and 46 cats!
Few of our dogs eat now food for 55$ & 60$
25 dogs eat average 30$ a bag = 750$
Additional special food 115$

Cat food we need 4-5 bags a months for 120-140$ a month
Kitten food 50$
Litter we need 90$

On top of this we have our dog monthly boarding:
17 dogs 30$ = 510$
5 dogs 50$ = 250$
1 dog 150$
TOTAL OF: 910$

Please help me get food by tomorrow. (I thought i had the money but unfortunately we had many surprises)

I have 300$ out of 1,055$ for the food.
I have nothing for the boarding 💔

If you can’t donate sharee❤️
Any amount counts ❤️

For your generous donation Link in Bio🙏🏻
Or in the highlight other ways❤️

Photos from Paws Crossed Lebanon's post 17/01/2024


Mac was run over by a car that left his hand with multiple bone fractures! (Graphic content in the last slide)

Thankfully his condition is not critical but he is in A LOT of pain! But this surgery will help him recover!

The estimate of this surgery is 800$, not including boarding (strict rest), meds, vitamins, x-rays, check ups, daily bandage change.

We are looking approximately 1,200$ in order to mac to walk painfree again!
I only have 400$, we need still need 800$

Can you be his angel? Any amount will help❤️

Mac is only 1 year old!💔

To donate link in bio❤️
We have other options please contact us to guide you threw them!

If you can’t donate please share, help me help this innocent baby❤️

Photos from Paws Crossed Lebanon's post 27/12/2023


Ric has a genetic case called “Protein losing nephropathy”, which is an autoimmune case!

Ric has a long way of Recovery!
He will need daily meds and every 2 weeks blood tests!

I am doing my part providing everything, bUt I can’t foster him!

I need your help🙏🏻 his bill is over 800$
But now I NEED A FOSTER HOME! (Paid or free)

A calm home, not more than 1 dog.
Cats preferred not, bit he is okey with them!

Please HELP ME SAVE HIS LIFE! Open your home for him!

If you can’t foster please share💙

If you wish to donate to his case it will be so appreciated!
His case is very critical and his debts are piling up❤️

Photos from Paws Crossed Lebanon's post 20/12/2023

Laury💙 my angel 🌈

I took this picture him and I just realized how the light was ready to take him in, take him to heaven where he will be pain free, he would bs able to run, jump and have all the treats in the world 💔

He is an angel, I am forever grateful that I got to rescue you, and I got to love you, kiss you, hug you, care for you, just the idea of you makes me feel so lucky❤️

This picture just proves your pure heart, this life was so hard in you, you were barely 1.5 years old.
I am glad i gave you an amazing 4 months❤️

Run free my angel, kiss my babies for me, and please come visit me in my dreams, I can’t wait to see you again❤️❤️

We all love you❤️
I didn’t get to tell you that you had such an amazing support for your online fans❤️
People prayed for you, wished you luck and funded your recovery!

You were sooooo loved❤️

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